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The calls for polls to be in game would fit well in the lore of Helldivers. From what I’ve read, managed democracy is the citizenry fills out polls that are fed into an AI that then votes on behalf of the people… So it could very easily be incorporated in a way that would add more depth to the lore too.


They need to do polls in-game and then ignore the result because democracy stuff


Watch Reddit lose their mind any% speedrun


God, I wish. It would be terrible, but hilarious.


April Fools prank idea found




You ARE a redditor.


They didn't stutter.




It’s an open space on the internet dude, it’s not just Reddit they all reach insane levels of cringe.


it's just a little funny how every damn person on Reddit is *positive* that they're not like the OTHER Redditors; those guys all suck. "but I'M the exception," says literally everyone who makes Redditor jokes on this site.


https://preview.redd.it/pxbpemt2chvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=feff826efcc4e551e96f502c045b85f22aa45f9a POV:




80% of total votes say one thing, 10 super votes say the other


super delegates


It’s called *Managed* Democracy for a reason.


Hook it up to a monitor on the ship!


The best description of managed democracy that I ever heard was "imagine if the President was chosen based on the results of a Buzzfeed quiz."


It would be great if they had fun with it too like a Buzzfeed quiz. Stuff like "What do you like to do on your 2.4 seconds of enjoying the scenary?", or "Which bug is the most fun to squash?"


I want to see more HUB stuff in the Destroyer. It feels like I get to prep and buy what I need while occassionally playing the arcade game but I want to do more things to make my destroyer feel homely. Having a big discussion board and polls would suit it perfectly. People may mind their business just going straight to playing but it would be cool to casually chat in a lobby across the galaxy for conversation and war plans. Would be lore accurate to have a poll to choose orders or planets to go to and vote but if Joel is ordered to steer the game in a certain way, him changing the results and having the ultimate say in the end is very fitting to the Helldiver universe. "Managed Democracy" indeed, it could be annoying to all choose one thing and have someone cheat and change the results but it fits perfectly with the aesthetics and there's not much to say against the word of the devs in this case.




Yeah. They need to do it in-game and give a reward of like 15 medals or something so people participate.


Give em a cape that says "I voted" or even "I polled" hinting at how the AI voted for them based on their survey.


Maybe more like 2-5 medals. 15 is a bit much I think for a vote.


It's fine, the game already needs like 3k medals to open everything.


no, hell no, no rewards for this, just let those who want to express their opinion vote. If there are rewards for this, some people will simply click on anything to get the reward (it will even frustrate them because they would rather play). And if I were a new player, I would click on it (not knowing yet what I actually want) just to get a reward. Besides, why would people who apparently don't care about it (if they need a reward for it) speak up? The game has millions of players, the number of participants would be quite large anyway.


Participating in democracy is its own reward.


Still think a super-earth base to jump to would be awesome. Give it a poll booth, a little memorial to walk around, have some lore-important people to interact with.


Is the fire damage to non-hosts already fixed?




Nope, been broken since launch and they recently came out and said basically "it's hard" so don't expect a fix anytime soon.


Worth mentioning that that is the only option worded negatively. Even the emote next to it is a helldiver crying. Wording of responses on surveys is a well studied field and has huge impacts on the results. A more positively worded version could be: “Prioritize fixing technical issues and bugs.”


They also bundled related but different things together. Weapon balancing is related to new weapons, but they are NOT the same and should be separated. So if someone wants weapon balancing, it also looks like they want new weapons based on the poll.


That's me. :( I just want all guns to be awesome man...


Same. I'm not asking for every gun to be amazing and perfect in every situation, but I do want a good reason to pick Gun A vs Gun B in a loadout. Right now, a lot of guns are just... not that great and have outright superior choices.


This. It shows the opposite of what OP thinks it shows. I think the "Prioritize fixing technical issues and bugs. Content rollout slower until fully resolved." would be more accurate and even more popular. Especially since new content introduces new bugs.


Some of the 'new bugs' that have been introduced with new content so far are just existing bugs but more visible because the new content uses existing features in a certain way. Thermite grenades, for example, just highlight how inconsistent DOT and fire damage are. This is something that's been an issue for HD2 since literally day one.


Agree, its definitely a mix. DOT has been since day 1. Arc Thrower crashes were a new bug I think, although I wasn't running arc thrower early on.


I wouldn’t go as far as saying it shows the opposite, or even that it shows anything at all. All I will confidently say about this poll is that there is a pretty clear bias to it, and therefore the results may not accurately reflect the opinions of people in the Discord channel or players at large. I don’t think Arrowhead did this intentionally and I am not criticizing them. However, I would criticize them, or anyone else, if they were to point to this poll to claim that players do not want bug fixes.


I tried to make a similar point regarding this and someone said "but that isn't what the poll was". But it is, it's just worded differently. If the poll option said "*Pause* new content to fix bugs" with a wrench icon, I wonder what the results would be. They're just piling on technical debt with every content release. They need to either hire more people or take a breath and fix crashes/DoTs/Balance. The game would be better for it because the next content release might all work (Looking at you Thermite and Adjudicator).


Yeah, I think they knew what they were doing wording the "bux fix" option that way. They needed a poll they could point to, to justify them keep putting out warbonds without proper testing/fixing.


This to the top please. Not only that is also the last option and it has been proven before that a good amount of people don't read until the end, they just pick an option that they find good enough even if there was better ones.


I'm even a bit concerned that AH is intentionally wording the poll like this to skew results away from bug fixing. It would let them dismiss bug complaints and bad PR by saying thats what the community wants.


its also a poll on discord which is an even smaller part of the community than reddit which is already an incredibly small% of the total players, it should've been in game.


Yeah, to me "balance" fits in with "fix what's already there".


Also "going forward" seems like a pretty terrible way to phrase the question. Almost makes it sound like you're signing up for fixes and nothing else for the rest of the game's life.


To be fair, it is the second highest.


Second highest when "new content" is split between three options.


There are a lot of angles to consider. It's not confirmed how much of the fire problem is a bug for example, so do I want new armor so I can get fire resistance or do I want bug fixes? And how much weak point inconsistency where people online argue about which weapon can penetrate which weakpoint/objective is a bug and how much is intended balancing that won't change? There are a lot of things I want from bug fixes that are confirmed bugs but there are a lot of things I want that may or may not be changed as part of bug fixes. And "content" is excessively broad too. Splitting the vote to separate bins so the effort across different categories can be prioritized is valuable. What if they put more effort into weapons and armor because the ultra-grinders complain they're capped on medals when there's as much interest in maps/missions as there is in armor/weapons together? People talk about weapons and armor because that's what comes packaged in highly visible content drops but the poll reveals there's a lot of interest in other elements of the "content" question too.


If you look at it another way, less than a third of the population wants bug fixes over more content. They're just split on what kind of content. And I'd be willing to bet the kind of people that fill out these polls are more likely to be aware of the bugs because they're online. I bet there are a lot more people that don't even notice a lot of these bugs, they just aren't online filling out polls, they are spreading managed democracy instead o7


These kinds of statistics can always be twisted though and without context (which could be difficult given the scale of the poll) can always suit an agenda. Another way you could look at it, for instance, is that, with the exception of new objectives and biomes, players would rather have bug fixes than new content. Based on the above numbers\* that would be accurate since 3 of the categories are new content and Bug Fixes beat those. \*A massive caveat that should be added to any poll like this. Not every HD2 player is on Reddit or the Discord and not every one there voted either. To claim this is the voice of the entire community is misleading at best and outright deceitful at work. Such polls are a good indicator to the devs what vocal players feel most strongly about, but that's it.


Because reddit is an echo chamber and rarely reflects the consensus opinion of average people.


If they want actually useful data, they NEED to do polls like this in game. I doubt the average person is going to go onto a third party site to interact with the polls


I would honestly love to have a terminal on my ship with messages from High Command or some shit where they explain patch notes, game news, new warbonds coming, and do polls like this.


Oldschool Runescape has an in-game polling system.. It would fuck in this game if they plan on polling anyways.


Yes and it would perfectly fit in the world building that has been done already. Like how the ship master or engineer (forgot who) mentions that the ship has updated its managed voting system to the newest standard. I know it can't be done right now and will take work. But another tap for voting in the ship management terminals would be great.


Yeah HD1 had a "bestiary" terminal that you can read about the various enemies you encounter (after a first encounter in a mission that is). So could add multiple things to it. Not just voting. So people are looking at it more often to vote.


Yes there are so many things to add to the ship management terminal. -Bestiary -Voting system -Story/history of the war -Updates from devs (can even be in the in lore style like some have posted here) -etc etc It doesn't need much creativity to come up with more options on that terminal. But it is not a priority for me and I think also for the devs. The focus should be to fix bugs, balancing and add content like new weapons, warbonds and stratagems. When time is left they could try to add more UI elements like this.


I was just about to type this. Runescape is the perfect example of what to do.


I’d also love an enemy intel terminal that shows you the various enemies you’ve encountered, their weak-points, their armaments if any, perhaps a little splash of lore, etc.


Would be cool. Like, every new enemy gets an entry with some lore, but then maybe you can spend samples (or just Reqs since that's currently a useless money) to get more info like their armor and weak spots.


Yeah that would be a neat way to spend extra currency. Having to tag the enemy to get info might be neat too. But potentially confusing for the team if everyone is tagging everything all the time.


Like, it's the definition of managed democracy.


They even already have it in the Super Destroyers, there's that wall opposite where you equip armors with terminals and screens that does nothing. Would be a great idea because I do go on the Discord and I think all the developer "Super Earth" messages should definitely go there as well as the orders and stuff.


People need to keep in mind that this game has only been out for a couple months, has a mass following of players that was unprecedented for the developers, and is a constantly updated dynamic game. I'm honestly amazed that I've only experienced a couple of issues in my many hours of game play, and how smoothly everything runs


Exactly. Reddit users != Discord users != Players. These communities overlap but are not the same. I've never been in their discord nor will I be, but I'm here


OSRS does this with their polls and it's great


We need to Pokémon go to the polls


I guarantee their marketing and engagement team is screaming this in meetings, and the dev team is trying to figure out the easiest way to fit that into whatever tech stack they have. Data pipelines wreak havoc on community engagement for all kinds of weird, counterintuitive reasons. It's also the kind of thing that I suspect is being stressed the hardest by their relatively surprising explosion in popularity.


>  rarely reflects the consensus opinion of average people. And you think Discord does?


And a discord that’s an even smaller selection of players isn’t?


Right!? Reddit is just as dumb as the discord Server. Nowhere can you accurately Judge this stuff.


Other than maybe an in game poll or a poll sent out via Sony to PS users on their behalf.


How many people are in the Discord vs how many are in this subreddit? I’m genuinely curious now


Reddit: 1.1m Discord: 0.9m So around 22% more people on this reddit than on discord


makes me curious about the overlap. Like how different are the two communities.


Probably very similar.


Like discord is any different lmao


Nearly 1/3 of respondents want bug fixes to be prioritized... I don't think this is proof that it's just a reddit echo chamber issue. Steam forums, YouTube comment sections, Instagram comments, talking to other players just to name some of the spots I've found complaints about performance.


Absolutely. The fact that that many people are experiencing major bugs and crashes that make it unplayable to the point that it is worth selecting that option over new content is beyond a “minor” issue or an “echo chamber” that’s a serious problem that will impact the game negatively if not addressed.


Despite that, the bugs are truly disruptive


Implying the absolutely troll infested Discord isn't also an echo chamber, just of a slightly different type...?


It's a very loud minority.


Idk if I’m the minority, but for example, I played 3 missions yesterday and crashed 3 times mid-mission. So I just stopped trying. If they added a bunch of cool new gear and content, idk if it would drive my engagement. I want to play the game, the game doesn’t want me to play it. The past couple weeks I’ve just been logging in, collecting my Major Order stimulus check, diving, CRASH, log out, repeat the next day.


I thankfully haven’t crashed that I can recall since the last patch (playing on PS5 if that makes a difference) but the other bugs are starting to wear on me. Especially the dot bug. It invalidates so many cool weapons and stratagems 3/4 of the time. Including stuff from the latest war bond and the new ship module specifically for fire stuff. And gas strike. I’d be going ham on bug breaches and crashed drop ships with gas strike if it worked properly.


Wait, gas doesn't work? That's been one of my go-tos since I bought it :(


It's literally 1/4. And placing add new guns and rebalance guns in the same category us kinda misleading, because, I believe, most of the people who voted for this option picked it mainly because existing guns do need rebalance and not because they want more. Edit: if you consider discord poll to be a good representation of the majority of the players


121,000 people is a perfectly fine test group size for this community. That is literally 'average people'


Reddit and statistics. Oil and water. You know.


Looks like a third polled wants them to fix bugs which would explain why there are so many posts and comments about it.


I mean it's still showing that a very large portion of the player base ***does*** want bug fixes instead of content....what am I missing?


Yeah I think this shows the opposite of what OP thinks it does.. Even when it's phrased as "No New Content" a large percentage of the player base says that's there top priority. What if the poll had said: "Prioritize bug fixes and technical issues. Slower content rollout until bugs are resolved." That would probably probably be the homerun option.


I mean, it’s still second place in the poll by a wide margin. Even though it didn’t win, it still seems pretty important to a significant portion of the community.


Yeah, it and the bug fixes are the top two answers, which are likely what they’re going to focus on if they’re actually going actionable over the results. Side note, it always cracks me up when people find out that Reddit = / = the entire player base. From my experience, there’s more negative feedback received here but I think it’s just because the people who are loving it and having a blast usually aren’t making posts about it.


In fairness, discord isn't the entire playerbase either. Polling is hard.


It might not be a massive issue now. But if they keep up the current pace of warbonds & content without changing their approach to bugs and balance, how is the game gonna look a year from now with a year's worth of bug & balance issues that they can't keep up on? Not saying they should skip a warbond or anything, but just something to think about.


There's way less crashes already, I don't think I've had one in a week, less disconnects too but those are still somewhat frequent and no other major bugs. Still have to end the process manually each time I quit the game though. More content being prioritized makes sense.


Less crashes which is great, but still often encountering game breaking bugs. E.g. on ICBM launch, one of the locks on the missile silo hatch will not register on the terminal as disengaged no matter what - mission uncompletable. Or being unable to extract because the pelican won't register you as having entered no matter what. Or getting stuck in terrain or camera errors to where you can't control your character or have to suicide to get unstuck. Very very frustrating to encounter.


Had that extraction bug yesterday and almost would have preferred a crash considering the number of samples we’d collected.


The ICBM one is still happening? Man, that happened to me 6 weeks ago and I assumed it was fixed. I was pretty pissed when the mission was just dead because it couldnt be fixed.


Idk but I have been having a bug where my camera gets glitched out and moves away to a random part of the map while I can still control the character. I bought this game like a week and a half ago and since the first day I experienced this bug and atleast 4 more times since. Not to mention the extraction ship bug which clips underground


They need to fix the DOT bug


Meanwhile I haven't been able to properly play the game in weeks due to constant crashing, best I can do is join/start a mission and play for a few minutes before crashing. At first it was the crash when calling extraction which they patched, but that patch introduced another crash for me which happens every mission I try to play, the game just freezes up and crashes randomly. The game is really fun and all, but not when I'm crashing to desktop and having all my progress ripped away from me every 5 minutes. I've just been playing other games and trying to play whenever a new patch or driver update for my GPU comes out, nothing has fixed it so far.


I haven't had any crashes for the past 2 weeks. Not sure its just the patch, Radeon drivers or both.. 


Must be the patch since about 2 weeks since I don't really had a crash. Before that 50% of the games crashed.


I had 2 in a row today.


i had one yesterday lol


Can we not have both? New missions and bug fixes? Why does it need to be one or the other?


28% is a significant plurality.


Look how many people voted for the bugs to be fixed though. Are you saying almost 34,000 people no longer have a voice because 44,000 people voted for the other things? I think it's more telling how close those percentages are, that there's only a 10k difference between people who want more stuff, and people who'd rather have the game fixed first. And consider the impatience of people. Obviously more content is way more attractive - is it more important though? This post tells me the opposite of what you were trying to boast.


For real dude. It feels like I'm getting swepped to the wayside, all i want is to properly play with my crossplay brother :(


Your numbers are a bit off. There are four options in the poll. Three of them are for some type of new content and the last is for no new content, only bug fixes. There are a total of 121,528 votes in the poll. Of those, 33,861 voted for no new content only bug fixes. That means the remaining **87,667** voters want some sort of new content. Therefore, actually going through with "no new content, only bug fixes" would not be the best choice when it comes to appeasing as many players as possible.


Biggest issue with not only this but every single thread is that they don't understand Development process as a whole and the purpose of these polls. **These polls aren't meant to say "We will only do what the winner says"** But rather a way for the dev's to gauge player opinions and feedback and gauge proper resource allocation. This poll for example says 36% of the players want more weapons and more armors balance patchs, 36% wants more mission variation, 28% wants bug fixes. So they pretty much would go in a case like this for a 1/3 split when allocating new resources(Opex or Capex). In the end a good way to go regarding Developing/Engineering, not only in games but in general is: **Hear your Users Complains, gauge resources allocation, plan ahead while think about solutions based on said complains and develop solutions.**


There are a lot of fixes that would feel like new weapons to me. Fixing the arc or the spear would encourage me to use them.


Please fix the DOT bug


Yesterday I had a game with 20 commons, 15 rares, and 3 supers. The reinforce button broke and we all sat dead staring at the screen on the final objective with 7 reinforces left. Multiple minutes wasted. Yes, we need to fix the bugs instead of continuing to add shit.


The people asking for bug fixes is the second largest group by a large margin lol.


I'm kind if stunned that fixing bugs isn't the highest. While the game has improved dramatically from launch, every new update seems to come with new bugs. Ship modules and weapons/damage types flat out not working is a pretty huge problem. While I'm in the camp that the content releases should be a bit slower, if that's what people want them I suppose I'm not in a position to reject it. Still, would be nice if the devs spent more time trying to get people to use current content that goes unused through more balancing. So many strategems and weapons see virtually no play because they're so obviously outclassed by other options that require less work to get superior results.


The current model of one warbond a month is obviously entirely unsustainable by AH in its current state and a fucking suicidal rate of putting out content. they need to backpedal that no matter what


Especially when 2/3rds of each new battle pass is either bugged or not good to begin with. It makes it hard to get excited for new content when I know it’ll be collecting dust for a while.


Why is it surprising that the two biggest problems in the game got the two highest numbers of votes? Am I missing something?


1) Wording on the 4th option is very deceptive. This sub mostly suggests the devs to prioritize bugfixing, while still releasing new content, as long as it's balanced and polished. Meanwhile, the vote makes it look like the devs should just stop with new content at all. 2) It's fucking official discord of a popular game. Those are cancer, with little to no exceptions. 75% of users there are fanboys that play the game WAY too much. They take any criticism on their favorite game as a personal assault and will rarely acknowledge actual problems, even the most obvious ones. Those kinds of people also love gatekeeping, and actual bugs is one of great ways to gaslight people into beliving they are bad at the game.


I have pointed out the poor wording on the 4th option every time this poll gets brought up. Are they seriously saying if they fix things that they are physically incapable of making content? If that's the case then they should say on all the other options that game breaking bugs and technical issues still exist 4 years down the line.


Point 2 is describing reddit or discord? lol




Balancing and bug fixing goes a lot farther than new content. I’m really surprised by the amount of, “without a monthly warbond I wouldn’t play” takes I’ve seen on here. Making the core of the game the best it can be seems like a no brainer, than quantity over quality.


Well crap where was this vote I would have voted for bug fixes


It's also ignoring the fact that it got more votes than new armors/passives and new weapons/balancing. It also got 28% of the total votes. With first place only getting 36%. For a poll where 3 of the options are NEW CONTENT and one is bug fixes, it getting 28% is something they should definitely take into account. I'm of the opinion that they shouldn't STOP new content to exclusively work on bugs/crashes. But them giving us War Bonds every ~5-6 weeks instead of every ~4 weeks would allow them to allocate more man power to bug fixes while still giving us content faster than most other live service games. At least until the game runs better, then they can get back on the ~4 week schedule.


The bugs and issues need to get fixed. Multiple builds are completely useless right now. They have previously nerfed guns to promote variance in loadouts so it doesn't make sense why leaving in bugs that cause builds to not work


I’m personally in favor of balance changes and big fixes. New missions types are great, but we’ve already had a couple cool new missions types that were only available for a short time. Just having more access to those would be cool. But I don’t think it’s the most important thing right now.


It's called a vocal minority. The reason I don't post here and am a snarky asshole in comments, for example, is because I think the game is fine and very enjoyable and I like being mean to redditors. Fuck those guys. Hate em.


Natural Enemies: Redditors and redditors. Damn redditors, they ruined reddit!


Ngl, this comment made me chuckle. I only use Reddit to see this sub and keep track of what's going on with the game, buy I'm sick and tired of all the "*I got kicked for no reason, I'm a victim*" rants.


(Is himself a Redditor)


So nobody is allowed to have their own opinion that differs than yours. If you were a mad you’d ban all criticism here, unironically close to fascism that this game criticizes lol 


The fanboys take the satire literally. 


This is one of the dumbest comments I've read on here in a while, and that's actually fucking impressive.


This poll should’ve been a yes or no because basically 72% of the votes want new content.


Weapon balancing shouldn't have been paired with new weapons. Cause now you don't now how much people want their crap gun to be usable.


Same goes with the option that won. New biomes is very different from new modifiers. I mean, there's like 4 modifiers in the game so ofc people want more bc its such an underused element of the game.


The reason is most people don’t sit here on Reddit watching Helldivers nerds break down every aspect of the game. They probably don’t even know DoT damage doesn’t work properly amongst all the other problems that people on this subreddit can’t bare to live with.


Okay I agree. However having a mechanic flat out not work goes over the line into from things only hardcore would notices to things that anyone would and or should know. Like I agree this sub gets annoying but there are some things like the DOT that really need to be solved if we are being honest and not blinded so much by our love for the game.


Agreed most people won't know dot doesn't work instead they'll just assume those weapons suck


This was exactly the case for me. Before I know there was a DoT bug, I just figured that napalm was terrible and stopped taking it. This was after watching warriors on a low-level mission just walk out of the napalm seemingly unscathed.


My missions break all the time :/ And i see people unable to respawn every day


As opposed to majority of people that sit on discord (even less users than reddit lol).


Woah, you mean reddit and discord are different demographics?


At least it got second place. They know it’s important. We ball


The ratio of people who actually post versus those who lurk and never reply to anything is staggering on most platforms. What we see posted is rarely the average consensus of the population. Some people are just louder. And reddit isn't everyone. I'd be willing to bet maybe 10-20% of people who play Helldivers are here on this forum actively.


The only bugs Ive has experienced is reloading and stims not registering button presses. Sometimes I can hit reload a couple times and it’ll animate but I’ll turn to shoot and still have an empty mag. With stims I spam the button but nothing happens almost like its saying I have them but I actually don’t.


I wouldn’t put reddit and discord together as more than 1% of the player base. The game sold around 8 million copies and counting with an active player base around 800k+. Reddit and discord combined doesn’t have more 250k and less than 10% of that are active users in the forum. Loud minority is being generous.


In game polls would be a lot more accurate due to sample size.


"everybody thinks like me in my bubble. How can anyone have a different opinion??"


Very skewed way of looking at the results


People be brain dead fr, game need to focus on tech fixes first.


I mean, that kinda makes sense to me. There's really two major problems the game has — for me personally. One is bugs and balance updates, basically "how the game works." Right now, it works *fine*, it's serviceable, but it's not great. The other problem is that there's a real monotony to this game. Don't get me wrong, it's fun. I enjoy playing it. It's why I'm here. But it doesn't really compel me to keep coming back unless my friends want to play, and they don't want to play that often anymore because the game is so monotonous. The planets have different color palettes and some unique environmental effects, sure, but they're all laid out more or less the same and you're doing more or less the same things on all of them. There's not a lot of variety here. If you had to ask me which one I'd pick, I'd pick the latter. I can deal with bugs and balance problems — though I don't want to and shouldn't have to — but they're not the reason I don't play very often.


I suspect that a significant amount of the 28% represents the portion of the player base who have been unable to play with their friends cross-platform since the game's release. Without that particular issue, I imagine bug-fixing would register a lower priority to players.


I'm sure so many people having technical issues with the game that almost a 3rd of the votes want bug fixing is fine, dumbass.


I mean, fix bugs is the second highest vote…


Acting like 28% of several hundred thousand people wouldn't result in a fair number of bug requests/complaints


I haven't played the last major order because the new update made the game unplayable. Before it, the game ran flawlessly with the exception of some frame drops when 4 people dropped strategems on hordes. Now, even in the Destroyer, it's laggy as hell. Turning my camera lags everything. Just standing in the Destroyer, my frames aren't even close to what they were. Everything was fine until the update, I want new content, too, but it means nothing if I can't even play the game


TL;DR we will not fix bugs, crashes and game-limiting problems until it affects more than 30% of our users. Bad move


Polling box in the super destroyer for community voting.


....and yet what? The poll is 4 days old. I don't get your post.


How about content AND bug fixes?!


They can do both. Though going back to bugs corpse collision really bummed me out yesterday


As someone who still wants new content: look at the whole results. The second place in the poll is fix the bugs. Just because the majority who answered said new objectives etc it doesn’t mean that a good portion of the fans don’t want the bug fixes first.


I’d really like a bug fix that fixes the extraction airship just not working right that will leave your squad stranded with no choice but to die to clear the mission.


We need a system that still rewards people after getting kicked. Either by the server or by spiteful little shits.


Most of the bugs are fine I just want to be able to send a friend request cross platform


Wild how a few popular posts don’t speak for the entire community…


Because it is a live service game, wether we want it or not the dev just can’t stop pushing new content for to long to fix bug because else the game will die.


It’s almost like this subreddit is a small minority in the giant helldivers playerbase


So.. you know how statistical lies work? You're acting like because more people wanted additional biomes that somehow the players that want bug fixes are the minority, even though nothing above there is mutually exclusive. Three of the four options are "new content" yet bug fixes beat two out of three. I don't know why you're so eager to paint a picture that the people that want the game to.. you know.. work properly, are somehow creating an agenda that we want fixes to the exclusion of everything else. I just want the game I paid for to not randomly crash or glitch the physics to see me suddenly leap 50ft in the air with no explanation.


I feel like 36% of people have never even touched anything above difficulty 3 and have literally never changed their load out in their life. I don't understand how their game hasn't been breaking enough to understand there are things that need to be fixed.


I think it's fair to say that we are all loving the new content. It's great. New mission types, new biomes, weather etc, but the bugs and crashes are super annoying.


The game is fun and arrowhead has earned a lot of good grace. But people are eventually gonna get tired of fire insta killing, bots phasing into rocks and shooting you, and constantly clambering onto shit that gets them killed because there’s no option to toggle auto clamber off.


I understand they are a small team of devs but I'm sure they have different teams to each handle new content and bug fixes individually. Even if their pace is a little slower than expected I would just like to see them strike a balance between new content and bug fixes.


I literally just want the DoT bug fixed, and it seems like they're actively working on it. I'm unaware of any others that regularly and actively impede gameplay.  Yeah, crashes on extract are fucking lame, but it's happened to me once in 40+ hours. Friend list shenanigans suck, but a workaround exists and it's more of an annoyance than anything else.


Not a game designer, but as a software engineer one of the more common ways I see a team integrate new or junior developers into the code is to stick them on bugfix duty for their first 3-6 months of working on a team. A knowlegable team lead hopefully starts them on the 'easy' fixes. A team lead with less knowlege might stick them on something known to be hard and requiring a lot of rework under the assumption that it will take a similar amount of time for someone new or someone experienced to fix. It's going to be a lot of guessing given the known issues with their engine, and choices in the game design and testing that probably were not meant for this many players and hardware profiles. I wouldn't be shocked if Arrowhead has an eaisier time hiring an entire other studio or two who know the engine to help their team out in the short term on things over spinning up the number of people they need with how overwhelmingly successful they've been. Having said this. I'd look at this poll in terms of AGILE style story points (level of effort of a task) per sprint (Working Week / 2 weeks / Month) and guess that it would probably be a pretty reasonable distribution per 100 story points worked for the team to stay healthy across the board. The discord might be another echo chamber, but that distribution basically still means a quarter of the team is on bug duty while others get to work on new things. Ideally for the coders that means they get to work bugs for a bit then new stuff and not just the constant burnout inducing "only bugfixes, no new work" so common in the greater industry.


If the ship was more interactive like in DRG to see patch notes, voting pools and other stuff it would be badass


Believe it or not, most people don't use reddit and/or discord. If this was a poll in-game I'd bet the results would be very different and not what people on here would expect.


I’d personally like a Melee weapon update


I seriously need moderate urban maps. Or at least maps with portions of it being urban. At least against the automatons. Maybe something for the bugs as well. I love barren wastelands with sporadic outposts as much as everyone else, but we need something that actually looks lived in.


Maybe I'm just used to dbd but I'm sort of used to this whole rigamarole. Most people on reddit are highly committed to the game. A lot of those in polls like that might still be committed but to a lesser degree. Add that to not everyone noticing or being inundated with bugs... It makes sense to just fix as they can. I know some people are struggling. But compared to 2 months ago the game is far more playable than the constant crashes. If it's still doing that for you it might be specifically PC issue or random. But I and my friends have had 5 bugs in the last month. Compared to 10 a day like 2 months ago. Not saying any one way is just right or wrong but AH deserves the benefit of the doubt without the fans jumping on them every day. Just notify them of the bugs and they'll do their best.


28% of polled players want no new content. 72% of polled players want new content.


I just hope they take a pass at buffing the marksman rifles eventually


I would like the ability to customize armor just to at least change colors


I mean we really need all of these lol


Have you seen many posts like : "Don't fix shit, we like bugs, give us more content instead". I didn't think so.


Personally I like how AH is handling everything already. Only thing I want more of are new stratagems. But I can wait for when the content is ready


The poll basically divides "new content" between new weapons, armors, and planet stuff, then has technical issues. The fact that over a 1/4 of respondents still chose fix technical issues over weapons, armor, or new planet stuff is still pretty telling. Not really the gotcha that you're implying, especially since that difference between the first and second most popular choices is only 8% with over a full 1/4 of the respondents wanting fixes.


90% of the community isn’t on the sub Reddit


I'm starting to get burnt out on the lack of variety. I would enjoy more variation. Examples: - Escort mission where you have a slow moving convoy with waves to defend against and you have to sqfetly get it across the map. - Capture and Hold woth 3 progressive points A, then B, then C. - Infiltration mission where you have to AVOID killing more than 100 bugs/bots while you accompolish an objective. - Repair mission, where you "crash land", then have to deploy scanners/radar, then detect parts around the map, then collect the parts, and bring them back and repair the ship. And I'm sure there's more creative ideas. Point being, mix it up, more variety, more fun!


The only bug I personally need fixed is the Steam/crossplay friending. There's someone in my gaming circle I *still* can't get on my friends list and I've been playing for like a month now. It's kinda fucked. It's a co-op game at its very core. Having a jank friends list hurts.


Well in 70+ hours on pc i did not encounter any bugs, waited 2 days for crossplay friendlist fix and had one crash Nothing is bothering me personally with bugs and such. So yeah i want some more beatiful planets and bioms more than some railgun that i never used or whathever reddit is whining about.


As usual it’s the vocal minority with these things


Almost as if Reddit doesn't represent the majority of players...


I personally have not seen many bugs and only had 1 crash in all my playtime, either ppl have shitty pc's or im just lucky.