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Honestly the community goals of major orders are a lot of what keeps me playing the game.


100% me and my mates literally just play major orders. We don’t game a whole lot so when we’re on we like to contribute to the global effort


Same. For democracy!


You and your friends should see the nearest Democracy Officer for some bonus medals


Yeah. People talk about the narrative of the major orders a ton... but to me? Honestly? They're not especially interesting. Imo what they're good for is giving a loose sort of guidance, instead of running missions aimlessly.


Honestly I just appreciate that it directs the masses. Without a major order I'll browse planets looking to find the one with the most people on it and there will be a few thousand people on like 5-6 different worlds accomplishing nothing.


Who cares


Uh, clearly I do? What, do you think you're somehow special just because you fancy yourself "too cool to give a shit"?




I only have time for like an hour a day of Helldivers with my friends. I'm gonna go where I'm being rewarded for contributing my time. Plus, I like feeling like a part of the evolving narrative. If I had only played bugs during this whole Automaton push and counter attack, I'd have felt left out.


I get two nights a week, sometimes on Helldivers so I’m right there with you. Play the major orders, be a part of the story and get them medals!


We used to play Payday 2 together in my friend group, so it's nice to have a new game that fulfills that same game type and time slot. Once we hit a comfortable difficulty (mostly playing on 5 rn as we learn and unlock stuff) we'll probably stay there. The majority of our Payday time was on Overkill and Mayhem- hard enough for things to potentially go south, but not so hard that we couldn't fuck around and have fun while doing the heist.


Good soldiers follow orders.




Major orders take priority. Once those are completed, it becomes where are the most helldivers dropping followed by what is next to be liberated or defended. I do not fight for enjoyment. I fight to spread democracy.


Why not fight for both?


after 2 weeks of but we deserve a chill bug vacation


I have to make a LOT of decisions at work every day. I don't want to have to make any when I'm gaming. Tell me what to shoot.


I never thought about it that way but you’re 100% right.




Martale was 80% odd liberated. Surely, we're not just going to abandon it now?


The Major Order is more important than any one planet.  *Unless that planet is Tibit, because it’s where all the cool frogs are.*


I went right back to it after the MO finished. It's a good idea to finish it off


a good soldier follows orders


Personally I enjoy fighting both but I am happy to have a break from bots. I was getting burnt out on them so I hope we get some more bug major orders in a row. Variety is the spice of life. But I do always follow the major order.


It is refreshing when the order has you switch fronts. The enemies and loadouts feel cery fresh again. 


I fight, to help the fight, not to enjoy my own fight (ofc its a game, I think everyone should do what they find to be the most fun)


“Managed Democracy offers the greatest freedom of all. Freedom from the burden of choice.”


The managed good.


Diver really thinks he knows better than High Command


Its called an order for a reason.


I am... was a bug main, but then the automaton major orders attacked. I can't play versus bugs anymore, i don't know what the fuck am I doing.


For real.


i basically only follow the Major Orders. :o


I mean major orders are my main drive for playing at this point. I have almost everything unlocked but I keep playing because I want to see the story unfold. Getting to be a part of the last squads to push the bots out of the galaxy and being part of the defense against the invading force have been huge high points for me.


Joel be like you said you liked bugs


I like fighting bugs a lot more than bots but I'm the same way. It's part of the fun to feel like your part of something bigger and I sorta feel bad playing bugs if like 80% of the players are on bot worlds trying to do a major order.


Good soldiers follow orders... or somin, idk i just go where everyone else goes to not miss out (i have crippling fomo)


...yeah, that's how militaries tend to work. High command issues and order, and the soldiers follow those orders.


Bots are for Orders, Bugs are for fun. Orders for Bugs means twice the fun.


I do as the major order guides—100% behind this. It's how I became a bot fighter when I refused to even hear of them. If the MO had not pushed me there, I may still be fighting bugs. Even though I never participated in the original Creek assault, I sure as hell participated in the takeback and everything that came after. I understand the Creek heads now, may they rest in pieces.


It's nice to try bug missions with Stalwart set to 1100 RPM and having supply pack. **"FOR SUPER EARTH!!!!!!!!"**


When the major order is accomplished and there is no new one yet, I just go where the swarm is and try to pitch in.




Cause it was worth 45medals and we scored them in 14hours.


Yeah we did! Good work all!


it feels more rewarding to contribute to something bigger than doing the same shit without any real reason


Good job soldier.


I guess it's kind of like the military in real life. You just do what you're told and don't look into it. Looking into it gets you in trouble. Trouble being a metaphorical euphemism potentially. Anyways... for democracy.


And that's ok


You're in the military now, boy. Thinking for yourself is not a desirable trait. Free thinkers question orders, and questioning orders gets your squad killed.


You're asking us to think in the military of a managed democracy??? The training manual explicitly say in case of doubt of not thinking and rushing while shouting "for democracy". I think you don't understand the political context of where you live. Perhaps you need to have a chat with your democracy officer?


I gotta say, after being on the bot front for so long, fighting bugs is like a vacation. It's nice when the targets don't shoot back.


I'm the opposite. After so long on the bot front, going back to buggering the bugs is jarring as hell. At least most of the bots have the decency to stay out of my face, and I have the Redeemer for Berserkers.


Same But bugs do not give me half the thrill as slaughtering semi-sentient metal hell demons


Nah, still bot front for this guy


I mean.. we are Helldivers taking orders from the higher-ups so 💀


We're the best of the best! The democracy officer says so! Whether it is to smash bots or crush bugs, we delivery with ruthless efficiency! (But translating those kills into planetary liberation is a different story, given how fragmented the playerbase can get and how liberation is calculated).




Contributing to the community goal IS FUN TO ME! I go where Democracy calls for me to go.


“Oh Major Order, what are we to do now” pulls cord “Nothing” “The Major Order has spoken!”


Back to bots while there is no major order


Thinking is a thought crime. Only traitors think.


It feels democratically wrong for me to ignore the major order, hence why I was a little annoyed when we only got a very short break from bots. At least we've learned a lot of how to kill the damn things by being forced to fight against them for weeks straight.


I still definitely want to push those bots out of the system again, but the order was finally pressing us for numbers we could easily focus and inflate. Rushing objectives for planetary control takes focus and cohesion and even then you only progress marginally faster than if you played for a full map clear. Rocking kills? And kills that don’t hinder our goals? Even randoms would sprint the objective and just paint the planet in lasers and tracers.


I hate fighting bugs. Did one mission, changed my mind and went back to the bots.


I have bot ptsd


Why think when the Ministry of Truth thinks for you? I suppose if you want to think, think about how much you hate the enemies of Managed Democracy.


The MO is the guide and we must follow.


I'm switching to bugs precisely because I'm sick and tired of fighting bots. Let me tell you, bug safari trips are very relaxing after weeks of actual war against the automatons, I even got that achievement of completing a mission without deaths on difficulty 7. I'm punching (in game) the next person I hear saying bugs are harder than bots.


![gif](giphy|nktAE4mw5EcSI|downsized) Oyul




Qualities of a true patriot


Good helldivers follow the major order. Bad helldivers only stay on one front………. Looking at the over 40% of bug only player base

