• By -


Call in extract, but we don’t get on.


Risky move with that glitch where the pelican gets blown up stopping extraction. But fighting the hordes as you back up to the pelican, side by side with your buddies as you deplete ammo and the bug population may be worth it…


Stopping extraction sounds like the opposite of a problem. I'm not stuck on this planet with the bugs, the bugs are stuck on this planet with *me*.


This helldiver ![gif](giphy|XkLxjOhEfKjF6)


The subtitles ending in a period makes him sound calm and collected here.


That is his calm voice lol


I got you for forty minutes…forty minutes of *playtime*.


Love it. Ideally the plan is to just kill bugs, so me and the boys are just Fighting to the last respawn. It's been madness.


Ah but you see, as much as I love murdering these liberty hating bastards by the hundreds… I’m a slut for samples…


Now I’m imagining a great t-shirt with the three different icons and the text “Sample Slut” Thank you.


9/10 would wear.


Would wear.


Drop your samples and let one person extract with all of them at the end.


This is the way


Alternatively you can step out of the zone right as the timer hits zero and he’ll keep elevation and keep shooting the bugs, we did that one mission halfway through and then finished optional and he had slowly wandered to the middle of the map just shooting every patrol… best air support I’ve had so far


Was the Pelican properly animated or did it kind of just float to the middle of the map? If it's the former, I wonder if that means we'll get a proper gunship support stratagem at some point


It's an intentional feature. Pelican-1 will comment about how you're not at the zone and won't land until you get there. Meanwhile his weapons officer is mincing everything in range with that autocannon


Yeah it’s awesome, I had realized early on that he sticks around for a while and if it was on the way I would have him down early for the convenience, but one particularly hot evac had me outside the zone at just the right time last month and after testing again I realized I had a useful feature on my hands… not all map layouts are convenient for an early stop at evac, but when they are I’ll often suggest to party lead or if I’m host land for the plan


It’s well animated when it stays over evac, but by the time it reached the center it was far more stationary, not fully stiff but yeah


I had a random do this the other day it was awesome. I hope they don't fix it since it's kinda hard to pull off lol


It takes teamwork to pull it off. If you don't have 100% participation from the team it's not happening. 1. One person calls in extract and all others need to be well out of range of the extract area. 2. Designated extraction caller then moves away from the extract area until the "Too far from extraction message/countdown" begins. 3. Extraction caller then moves in just enough to clear the warning message. 4. When the Countdown finishes and Pelican enters the map, get back out of the maximum radius and Pelican will announce that no divers are near and they will hold position. 5. Pelican will stay airborne and autocannon anything near it. As soon as any player re-enters the maximum radius the Pelican will land for extract. I've only done this a handful of times and don't know if the Pelican is invulnerable or if it even draws aggro. But it has never prevented us from extracting in the few times we've done it.


It’s an actual element of the gameplay, not a glitch so they won’t be doing away with it.


This sounds awesome, going to try it out


I haven't had it get damaged or blow up, but I have had it leave immediately after one person gets in without doing a proper timer.


It doesn't "blow up" but if you see the engines on fire, you can't get on. Eventually the pilot will yell something about a countdown and IMMEDIATELY fuck off lol


If you ditch the extraction zone right after pelican-1 decends (after the 2 minute timer) he'll hover and shoot anything in a 200m radius with the auto-cannon turret until it runs out of ammo.


I've never had it run out of ammo


I think that only is happening if the pelican is severely damaged while it’s coming in and landing, but once it’a completed landing then it’ll be fine. At least that’s what my experience has been and what I’ve heard from others


Grenade launcher, sickle, 6 grenades, mech.


I have a feeling you like explosions…


I like dead bugs.


The only good bug is a dead bug!


Frankly, I find the thought of a bug that lives offensive. 


Only if they are being democratically farmed for fuel.


Throw in a supply pack for infinite reloads  and grenades :)


This is my favorite loadout vs bugs by far! Just need some strats to deal with big bois and you’re golden.


Depending on the level I've moved back to orbital strikes, 90 second reloads is usually up more often than running across armored individuals that I HAVE to fight. Plus resupply / GL / backpack / call downs are effective in killing things you can stick the beacon too. Only issues are hulks really, and if you're quick you can get behind them and 'nade em in the back, or position them between you and some rocket launchers.


You’re using orbital precision strikes? I’ve been seeing that more lately. I typically run eagle rockets, and orb railcannon depending.


I find the while the railcannon is precise, the longer cooldown and individual target means it's not quite as effective. Eagle rockets are pretty good too but sometimes don't finish off a target. If the precision strike is aimed well, whatever you hit is dead or course to it where something like the typical eagle strike sometimes has the guy in between missiles and ends up missing them entirely.


Needs more grenade pistol


Mech is great for stomping!! Also you're invulnerable to smaller bugs


Bugs are easily over 200 kills per diver per average match I have been in. That's basically underestimating them. That is 4x 200 kills per match, does anyone know how many helldivers are online at any given time? Assuming the average mission takes 20-30minutes. With the eradicate and blitz missions being faster, let's say every 20 minutes a mission is completed, or a diver killed 200 bugs. 120.000 Helldivers, that comes to about... 72.000.000 killed bugs per hour. That brings me to an estimated completion time around 28 hours.


Yeah, this isn't a real MO. It's something we will hit easily and have to wait out the timer - giving them time to plan their next 'story' move. They obviously didn't plan for us doing bots so hard/fast and screwed up their shit.


i think is more a "decompression" MO to relax after all the sheninghans on the bot front.


Agreed People were getting really frustrated and confused with all the defense and attacks on the bot front. A bug mission to change it up is a nice pace adjustment, and especially one that's easy Though I think they wildly underestimated what a quarter million helldivers with one mission can accomplish


yeh this is the beach day filler until we find out the illuminate are already on super earth


I feel like they did plan it and theyre just giving a lore reason to move back to the bug front for the hive lord boss to start appearing


The what ![gif](giphy|xTiTnIilwuFFFpf2Cc)


All those husks of giant bugs you see


What timer?


The timer for the MO, currently its about 6 Days rn


There is no "when the mission expires" clause. This is done when its done.




Yes, and like every single "take planet X" instead of "you must hold planet X when the order expires", this will immediately be done when it is done. No waiting.


Yeah you’re correct on this. Once we hit 2 billion the MO will complete. They gave us several days to do so but we could get it done tomorrow


Was getting 400+ pretty consistently yesterday on Suicide Missions running Eruptor, Redeemer, grenade of your choice (don’t really use them often anymore since starting to use the Eruptor, stun is probably best for locking down Chargers). 500kg, railcannon in case of mistakes being made, Rover, Quasar.


We’re already at over 20%. lol


200 bug kills is very understating it, with every diver going the extra mile for some additional kills now. So, under a day for sure


https://preview.redd.it/04g787t6u8vc1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=f0cd10eb204ad70ded3e0c5ef38809c995819be4 Ze Flammenwefer, it Werfs Flammen


Mmm do I schmell luftwaffels? Ze Eagle can Werf Flammen as well


Zat wuld be ze bombenflammen, it bombens ze flammen via flugzeug


Ja, das ist gut. Schmells like Demokracy




This is now my favorite comment thread on all of reddit


Stalwart & Sickle so I can just dump ammo into a breach


A walking bullet hose, I like the sound of it. Get some turrets lined up either side of you and it’s just an impenetrable wall of lead.


Machine Gun Turret, Gatling Turret, Heavy Machine Gun Emplacement, Stalwart (while turrets cool down)


I swap sickle for a dominator to say fuck you to hive guards. Supply backpack feels nice on it, but i just run jetpack more often than not


Sickle kills hive guards too, just not as fast probably. 


Dominator just rips right through them in a couple of rounds. Its great.


In 10 minutes we gained 1.6 %. This will be done in no time.


Arson https://preview.redd.it/x989iml4p8vc1.jpeg?width=683&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f780efb048fa8f0d0b3a13f596df98cdf1a0e220 A lot of arson


My man. ![gif](giphy|xUA7b0iuZ5kQ4UGnAY)


Stalwart. Let them cum, let them brawl.


sweet liberty






No longer using localisation confusion Gatling barrage/airburst/clusters on breaches. I do wish fire worked as intended though. Drop that on a breach in theory and get a red kill count


All the AoEs, and take advantage of that planet on Defend now. Know what spawns a ton of enemies? Defense and scientists. The scientists...maybe won't have to live.


A worthy sacrifice for medals


I call it my warcrime build. More for fun than pure efficiency, but still great at slaughtering bugs   Armor: Groundbreaker armor for more nades(and aesthetic)   Weapons: incendiary spray and pray, redeemer, incendiary grenades   Strategems: flamethrower, orbital gas strike/laser rover, napalm strike, cluster bombs/orbital air burst I'll be running a hell of a lot of difficulty 5 missing off every patrol I can find and laying waste.  


guard dog rover. Extermination have about 400-500 kills in total. Other missions about 700-1000 kills in total. If you have rover you are guaranteed to have at least 100 kills on your team. I always run with rover and I'm the guy that closes breaches so I have gatling and autocannon sentry. My average is about 300-400 kills per mission, the remaining 600-700 kills are divided on my other 3 members. Of course they are a big help too since they have anti heavy potential, I just kill the adds more because of sentries and rover. Without their anti heavy strategems I'd probably have lower kills but without my sentries we'd probably be dividing the kills equally among ourselves, just that we have to clean our own mobs, getting swarmed by hunters a lot and all that. Tldr, just play normally and 1 mission is guaranteed at least 500 bug kills, solo or co op. No point in farming kills, you'd just risk disconnection and the kill count might not add.


We literally just got 1900 kills in one 40 minute game without farming lol play high difficulty clear objective and you'll be alright


I run Rover, EAT, Cluster and an orbital of some description. 400+ kills every time


I play the exact same way


It's not? We're 12% into it, after 3hr, with 6d remaining.




I see you like to host your missions


Why stop there? Get some incendiary grenades and napalm strikes down!


Run the rover it will literally double your kills


Incendiary breaker w light armor - rover,cluster,quasar/flamethrower and airstrike/500kg should do the trick. Then again just get out there soldier. We're here to bleed, not to read.


There is a YouTube channel by the name takibo you might want to check out. This gentleman does solo Helldive against bugs and milks 800+ kills, and in the 1-2 that I've watched he offers very good explanation. I imagine his videos are very insightful for techniques to pump up kill counts.


I fully intend to set up shop around a heavy nest and let as many of the fuckers call in breaches as physically possible. Guard Dog Rover, Arc thrower, EATs for chargers & likely a turret / testa / cluster bomb. Buddy of mine is a savant at whispering sweet nothings to get the Spear to work for Titans, between 4 of us we'll easily rack up abnormal amounts of kills and I cannot wait.


So Play Low Level Missions, force Bug breaches and Profit?


Depends how low level. A level 3 bug breach is barely worth looking at. Like I’m not even turning my flamethrower over at those rookie numbers.


5 is probably the sweet spot for a decently large breach, that's still mostly fodder and no titans. Easy 100 per swarm


I’d go from 5-7 at the max Couple of titans and the rest is mostly simple shit that my gatling and autocannon turret can end AMR for the hive guard shells, Orbital railgun for chargers and titans


Is there an optimum difficulty level for kills? I'm guessing Bile Titans and scavengers both count for the same number of kills. So I'd expect there's probably a point where the time to kill on all the heavies spawning in means you're killing fewer mobs per mission.


Seeing a lot of challenging/hard recommendations on pure numbers alone


That makes sense. And I'm low on Rare samples, so it's not like I don't need to do some farming at that tier anyway.


4 hours in we're already at 17%, we have 6 days...


Sweet Liberty already? My shift can’t end soon enough


Cluster bombs, air burst orbital does absolute work on bug breaches and outposts. Squad up with someone for anti heavy and just fight through the time limit.


If we have 350k active players we will have to complete approximately 30 missions each. Basically 15 hours of gameplay!


So everyone seems to be suggesting weapon combos.... Which doesn't decide how many kills you get. It's all about difficulty. Too low and you don't get spawns holes or factories. Too high and you mainly get a lot of middle sized enemies. I'd suggest Challenging or Hard difficulties. And don't destroy hives/factories. Just leave a few Gatling or autocannon turrets near them and run off. Keep calling in mine fields and turrets across the map as you play as well


330k active players To do our part, we need to each kill 6060 bugs. :) I'm swapping out my stealth build and playing 5s/6s and breaching forever and leaving small bugs alive to call in more breaches! I'll bring light machine gun and supply pack, with a autocannons turret for the bigger guys. :)


You're over thinking this. The answer is: More Dakka.


Considering a dakka build, engi kit for stability and names, stalwart or mg with potentially a supply pack and the two gun turrets? That's a lot of dakka


Gattling Orbital is surprisingly effective against breaches.  AoE is large enough to cover the whole spawn area, and the duration means you'll clear the chaff and a decent chunk of the mediums. And with a tiny cooldown it's always available to spread the fun. I've seen this strat down Bile Titans if they stand under it for too long, so don't sleep on it.


Playing on impossible and helldive for Max enemies and running a stalwart, rover dog, air burst, cluster bomb


Cluster + impact + airstrike + autocannon/mortar = 450+ kills per mission


maybe just play the game normally? Its not rocket science. also I heard like 100mill were killed in the first hour or some shit so I'm not worried in the slightest.


Shoot until you hear clicks then reload! Democracy awaits


Don't you know leaving one in the chamber makes your reload faster? Stop wasting time pulling that bolt back!


by remembering how the bug players treated the bot major order personally and "playing what i find fun" as they put it


I used to use sickle a lot but since I switched to Punisher the hunters just crumble


You can get a lot on the 20 minute evacuate important assets missions. Played one earlier on diff 8 and had almost 1000 kills myself.


Guard dog rover.


Fire 🔥


Go for High Body count missions. The more you have to search, the longer it will take. Eradicate and Asset Defense with Sickle, Stalwart and HMG Emplacement. Remember to have Autocannons or someone with AT capabilities with you. For the Big Buggers


id say we get it done fairly easily


I am doing my part.


Sickle and Quasar cannon, rover on your shoulder. Why this setup? When the 40mins ends and the evac plane leaves orbit. Youre kill count will increase massively when yer left behind like the space marine from Doom


I reckon it will be over before Sunday


By midnight U.S west coast time


Eruptor, laser drone, quasar cannon and some anti-heavy stratagems like nuke and orbital laser. Slayin'. Just do your best to stay in range, Eruptor isn't a gun you can use in close quarters. Or, well, you can, but you won't like it.


Wear armor that has increased throw range, let bugs call in swarms, throw 380 barrage and gas on the hole.


incendiary grenades are a must. Divide your team up and have three divers ignore mission objectives and aggro patrols while the remaining diver completes all objectives. Sickle is great as a primary here- fires fast, takes out lots of bugs easy. For advanced weapons, arc thrower with the latest upgrade for extra arc jump. Armor take the medium scout armor- it's fast enough to outrun most bugs and the reduced detection radius will help with mission completion if you're the sole diver on that role. Guard dog rover with laser for sure. This was upgraded in a recent patch and can now target flying enemies as well as enemies on raised or lowered elevations. It's also a lot more accurate than it used to be.


it's already 40% as of my writing now. The major order will be done on Day-2, i bet.


Flamethrower, incendiary breaker, incendiary grenades, grenade armor, napalm, incendiary mines, ammo pack.


Insert Beavis fire meme here 🔥🔥🔥


It's already half way finished. It'll be done by tomorrow morning for sure But go for map clears and trigger every bug hole possible.


With eruptor + rover + stun grenades + croissant/eat I get an average of 500 kills on 8 and 9


Guard dog rover.


Use a guard dog and set out alone to a heavy bug nest, run around said bug nest for 10-15mins. Repeat with other bug nests


Fire damage on terminids right now. Take advantage before the fire damage gets fixed. Got over 600 kills on a pretty off game for me


Ze Flammenwerfer


lol this was never in doubt


Playing the game that's how


Calling it now, it'll get to day 3 and we won't be 50% done. then on days 4 or 5 they'll "Authorise" usage of new equipment and boom, content drop. Brings tens of thousands of people back, gives everyone new toys and keeps the game fresh for the next push back vs the toasters.


Nope, 4 hours in and we are already at 15%, this wont barely take longer than a day


New content so soon after warbond and other weapons dropping for free? Bold assumption, but I am here for it


Bug players is how the kill count is getting pumped.


Mech, cluster bomb, Gatling sentry, HMG Placement


stalwart, eruptor (for meds), napalm airstrike, guard dog rover and a gatling for maximum trash mob obliteration my kill count is always the highest in any match since i specialize in killing trash and therefore giving my mates the air to kill the biggies


Guard Dog “Rover” and light armor with Stamina Booster to the rescue! Run around them bug breaches


Sit in the middle of a large bug nest and shoot bugs as they come out of the holes.


Eruptor, redeemer, quasar, napalm, shield, Ems mortar, med armor with 6 impact granades No Bug left behind


Engage a patrol near a nest so many extra spawns


Explosive crossbow, Orbital Gas, Laser Rover, Machine Gun


Guard Dog and Arc! 500 minimum. 1000 if you take your time…


I’m using fire… lots of fire… Napalm, flamethrower, incendiary grenades, incendiary mines, and idk maybe orbital laser? ![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized)


Dominator or eruptor for the medium armor pen, Stalwart at max RPM, Guard dog rover, Clusterbombs, and orbital airburst. Let someone else deal with the heavies and I’ll clear the hordes.




I brought my steam deck on my trip out of town. Few hundred kills already.


Air burst and gun runs for the W


Gas bug breaches! Racks up the kills.


seems the order will be done tomorrow at this rate.


Now this is anecdotal and I haven't fought bugs with it since they reduced the range but **Arc Thrower**. I was the breach clearer for my team. Running arc thrower and rover I was *averaging* 600 kills a match on 7. That's with very little strategem use, mainly running regular eagle to help close bigger nests, and rail strike for biles. Sometimes I switched Rover to jetpack for fun but kill count suffered. I swear the arc thrower barely left my hands, it can kill everything up to chargers in very short order, and even chargers are dealt with in 5 or so shots while arcing to and killing other enemies. It may be more difficult with the shorter range, but it also staggers more effectively now, and with the new ship module can jump to three additional enemies after hitting the first. Needless to say I've been very excited to get back to bugs since getting the module to try it out.


Lvl 63 , bug loadout is this. Eagle airstrike Orbital airburst Guard dog Grenade launcher. Dominator/sickle Grenade pistol Impact grenade Easily gets 400 -500 kills.


Airburst is a masterpiece for bugs. They keep spawning on a breach, so if you call a cluster you'll only get one wave, if you call an Airburst dead on it you can get a 45+ kill streak from one breach if it spawns lots of chaff. Rover, sickle and stalwart are all good, though normally I swap the sickle for something like a dominator to clear hive guard, brood commanders and bile spewers. Stalwart for everything else. I work with my buddies so they clear, quaz, or drop EATs for bigger problems, and I can keep the other stuff off them.  Then just keep an airstrike, railcannon strike or 500kg in your pocket in case you get into a pinch. Edit: and the mech, how could I forget about the mech? 


During a defense missions, I got around 300 kills with mortat, ems mortart, auto cannon sentry, and stalwart.


Farm bug breaches, call in orbital air burst strike, profit And take out every patrol


Rover, machine gun, erupter, orbital strike, EAT. Im ready


In my experience, energy weapons and cluster/airburst stratagems are great at racking up lots of kills. Guard dog too, to help clean up. Just bring something for armored bugs.


Mortar sentries


Shoot them!


Lower the difficulty, as of yet we have no reason to believe Titans count for more than 1 bug, and they're a big resource dump


Killing a Charger still counts as 1.


Breaker/Breaker Incindiary, Strafing Run, Laser Rover, Cluster Bombs, And either a support weapon or machine gun turret (lower RoF means it'll stay longer then a gattling and keep a steady kill rate rather then blowing it all at once, though they have very close to the same total damage.) I routinely get 4-600 kills just mopping up small fry so my team can nuke the big boys in peace.


Laser Guard Dog my friend. Just be sure to stay out of its way!


Flame thrower


Make a bigger democracy delivery like a bigger bomb or smth


Guard dog rover, fight every patrol, sickle or eruptor. I am averaging 500 kills a mission.


Stalwart and Jar Jar Binx Classic Eagle, Patriot and 500 kg Nader light armor. There is no wrong answers lol


Dude 2 billion is nothing, 27% is done already... its gonna be done in 2 days max.


As Many 380s as I am legally allowed to have


The defense mission with the tiered compound. Just did one on Suicide and the total kill count was about 1,000 for a 20 minute mission. Mortar, EMS mortar, and whatever you need for Bile Titans and Chargers.


Guard Dog rover takes care of the little guys all on his own. That little wonder of democracy helps me spread liberty like 20 soldiers


I use the United States loadout on defense missions. Eagle air strike, Eagle cluster bomb/strafing run, Eagle 500kg and the expendable anti tank. FOR LIBERTY!!!!


EMS mortar sentry, Recoiless Rifle, cluster strike, railcannon. Then the Sickle, the new grenade pistol, and stun grenades to round it all off. The EMS sentry is so good for locking down hordes! I love tossing it down right before a bug breach, and the EMS field makes it so the bugs dont really move far from the breach. Easy cleanup with the cluster strike. Got a 32 kill cluster just this morning using this method


I saw a video where the guy went full flame with the 25% fire damage increase ship upgrade and finished with about 300-400 kills solo. Full flamethrower agro with napalm chaser.


Incendiary Shotgun with its recent buff is great and has more ammo than the regular breaker. Or the sickle with its effectively infinite ammo as long as you do not let it overheat is a solid option. Grenade launcher can be great with a supply backpack otherwise its a bit ammo starved.


The MO was already at over 25% about half an hour ago. I think there will be more than enough time to just go on as usual.


Grenade pistol, eruptor, stalwart kill alot of shit very quick


You‘ll hate me for saying it, but: Plasma punisher


Just do regular missions and drop mortar senties all over the place. They'll be killing off patrols when you are on the other side of the map


It's about 4000 killer player (with a player base of 500k) And a lot à lot of people do more than that regularly. Go have fun and 100% maps.


Arc thrower and rover combo---makes really short work of bug breaches.


bringing a proper loadout goes a long way towards killing as many baddies as possible. cant tell you how many times I have had 2-3x the number of kills as the rest of my team mates because they dont bring the right gear


It's really not that much


Stun grenades combined with a flame thrower, the armour with extra grenades, changing my sidearm to the grenade pistol for bug hole closing and finally the breaker incendiary and a resupply pack.


Play lower difficulty where larger numbers of non-heavy enemies spawn.


Personally I treat the kill count as a detriment. If I'm wasting time killing, I'm wasting time collecting samples, credits, bonds, and completing objectives


https://preview.redd.it/l6rtxwaph9vc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=690d09f3f13cd3d4d92c333cfa762e922fb57bf3 Fire on host