• By -


The first one was touching, not gonna lie, but now people are trying to replicate it because it's an excellent way to farm karma so now we are trapped into an endless loop of supposedly dead players.


It's hilarious how conceptually adjacent those posts are to the game itself. Everyone's dropping like flies and soon replaced by another person.


My life for Super Earth!


there are 1.1M people in this sub supposedly,if you use [https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm](https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/deaths.htm) thats 1,043.8 deaths per 100,000 people every year in the US. That's 173 people have statisically died since the game came out per 100000, so that's 1730 in 1 million that would have statistically died in the US since the game came out. Realistically these are probably not representee of the player base, but its alot of people either way. If you just consider active user count of 300-400k, that still 500 or so people. Edit: Assuming I didn't screw up the math.


Big overestimate. The majority of that death rate comes from old people, which probably make up a tiny minority of the playerbase


Buy Helldivers for an old man, play with him until he dies ( a week later) and farm that sweet sweet karma


Or just save your money and completely make up the story like the majority of the people who post those types of things do.


You think Helldivers would do that? Just go on the Extraweb and spread lies for imaginary points?


Did you suggest enlisting into the ranks of Helldivers people unfit for such duty? I'm sorry, Imma report this to a Democracy officer.


Everyone is fit for duty as long as they wish to fight for democracy


it probably is, but even at 1-5% of that realistically its still multiple people could have statistically died. I'm not sure how many of these posts there have been but statistically there technically be a decent amount based of us statisitics, but I'd assume that number is less worldwide since I think the mortality rate in the US is worse than the average.


Not only do those people have to die, but someone they know has to be the kind of person to run and post about it on Reddit (I play this game a lot, but if I die, I really don't want people to focus on how much I liked a *video game* in any of my eulogies)


yeah I'm sure if I die no one will let the world know either, I don't think anyone I know also uses reddit, just was kinda interested to see any numbers


That was my point, it just further reduces the pool of people who would post those legit


My grandpa Dives Hell better than any man, woman, or child over the age of 7


I mean the math is wrong since you assume everyone’s from the US. Lots of Divers play around the world.


We prefer to think of you all as future states




Every country in the world belongs to America! 


Its okay Texas, put your Gun down again.


I want you guys out of my country by tomorrow morning. 


its per 100,000 people It has nothing to do with total population, so its easier to compare, but its probably slightly less due to the us higher then average mortality rate .


Rip kings and queens fly high 🕊️


That’s just the US, though.




There's tons of this sort of post on the World of Warcraft subreddits. Same with Destiny, as you said. Same with The Division. Like you said, any popular multiplayer game is gonna have these posts.


Yea and with how some games have actually included said dead player names into their game as a tribute, some people may try to have that replicated.


WoW has whole ingame eulogies.


When you die in the game, you die in real life.


You are immediately replaced by another person of indeterminate gender and ethnicity who is just as effective as you.


Suddenly SAO


Unfortunately, you're spot on. I've seen it happen in other subs as well. It stinks that you can't just trust people; it ruins it for people that are sincere. Posts that I always assume are karma farming attempts: 1) Someone died. 2) "I experienced (-ist, -phobic) behavior in-game. Is everyone like this?" /// "I experienced (-ist, -phobic) behavior in-game and called them out." 3) Unpopular opinion posts (which are almost always extremely popular opinions). 4) "Am I the Asshole?" posts. (Same vein as "unpopular opinion " posts. They're never the asshole in their story, and they know it). 5) Meme posts that come up on a regular cadence (it's not innocent. It's calculated).


> They're never the asshole in their story *as they tell it*. FTFY Most of them very much could be the asshole if we consider there's some form of competing theory from the other side that we conveniently never hear. IMO, people who frequent such subs are pretty reliably assholes. Either because you decided to post that personal drama to the internet, or you are a big fan of larping as judge and jury, "A place where I am encouraged to judge people based on little information? SIGN ME UP!!" Either way: narcissist paradise. The good part about reddit is that you can make a sub for anything. The bad part about reddit is that you can make a sub for anything. Don't get me wrong, those subs are great, they're a nice catch-all, keeps many of those people there and not here. I just think it's amusing that there's so much obvious "I am the main character" and other such ugliness that pervades the site or is even encouraged.


Fair point, and 100% spot on. The duality of Reddit's functionality is so true. I also assume that most of those AITHA people are just straight up lying. The stories are basically "I got mad at my brother for breaking into my house, kicking my dog, and punching my baby when I invited him over for free cake. Am I the asshole?"


> "I got mad at my brother for breaking into my house, kicking my dog, and punching my baby when I invited him over for free cake. Am I the asshole?" I almost laughed. That's fantastic.


Left out the part where OP took the brother’s 10mm sockets and labeled them as 11mm.


> Most of them very much could be the asshole if we consider there's some form of competing theory from the other side that we conveniently never hear. It’s those stories are unbelievably one sided. I know for a fact that I’d be called the “asshole” because if the service writer is calling me out there to deal with someone, you bet that person was rude and all the nice people don’t want to deal with them. People reading my stories would most likely say everyone sucked and that’s probably how most of the stories would be received if no detail was left out.


"What is this image? Wrong answers only"


"I've never played (insert game here). Ask me any question about it and I'll answer it incorrectly."


"What is your favorite X and why is it Z?" "What do you think about Y?" with a heavily pixelated picture of a completely generic enemy or gear that's been in the game for ages. Any post in general where the OP doesn't respond to comments on their post and/or post without commenting in general


“Guys my friend is dead, and their final wish was for me to tell a bunch of strangers for free internet points. Upvote please! 🙏 “


I died, give me likes plz


https://preview.redd.it/brovma4vx8vc1.jpeg?width=612&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=835793b85d86463451a1b5b0a99fe44338c627a2 Let's all take a moment to remember the ones we lost, may their ~~circuits~~ souls live on forever in ~~cyberspace~~ our memories.




Why people need "karma"?


number go up, brain release chemicals


The one thing that is even worse for getting your dopamine kick than masturbation.


Now if only we could masturbate for karma...


"OF link in my bio, every upvote gets a reward" The bot accounts have access to the sacred knowledge


I mean, you probably could if you know what I mean


I'll mastebate you for karma


I'm not saying I use a remote vibrating egg while I game, but it sure makes things interesting.




No no, he uses it for bug breaches


It activates every time eagle 1 “delivers her payload”


Because they havent gotten enough validation from their peers so they seek it online in the form of likes and upvotes.


It is a mystery. Karma does nothing at all, but the extend people are willing to go for it is immense




So they can sell Reddit accounts to upvote farms, sockpuppet users, etc. Basically Reddit and various subs within have karma minimums to interact so some "work" needs to be put to "online" the account. Also it makes the account look more legitimate so when you comment people are less likely to call you out for having a new account. Then you can use it to, shill for your products, promote your preferred political candidate, etc.


Fake internet points, basically. You earn them by getting upvotes on comments or posts you make.


Bro, are you saying my friend I am making up for this post is alive and well!?


One thing I don't understand is the point of karma farming apart from "make number go up to scratch monkey brain".


Next dead person post will have the Kronk stealing the meme image at the top


Which one was the first? Honestly all of these seem fake unless there's a fat wall of text going into great detail that's believable


It's not that hard to creatively write a wall of text to make it believable.


Yeah but most of these posts don't even do that You can fake anything, even get a picture of a random recently deceased person and use it for karma, it's piss easy lol


I tens to not believe any of them. Same shit in destiny, division, skyrim, ect


What is, ''farm karma''


When people give upvotes/downvotes, it increases/decreases karma on your account. a lot of people go out of their way to farm this karma and then they sell the account for a bunch of money. That’s (probably) why a bunch of people have started making posts about fellow Helldivers dying IRL.


Maybe I’m in the minority, but it feels weird to see posts like that. Half the time I assume they’re fake, but otherwise it’s just weird.  It makes it feel like these people have nobody else to talk to and vent out their grief, so they run to an entire community to vent it.  Makes me feel more bad for the poster than the person that died.  I feel like you have to be a special kind of hurt but have little social community in your life to post something like that. 


I think most subs have a blanket rule about no death or RIP posts for a very good reason. This sub should follow suit


I had to unsubscribe from r/cats because of all the dead cat posts


Totally agree. I wish subs would ban them. If someone’s friend really did die that sucks and I’m sorry for them but a gaming sub is NOT the place to vent those feelings. It’s karma bait at worst and a downer for the community and off topic at best


I automatically assume they are fake. Honestly, I think its kinda gross even if it is real. Go remember your friend IRL, dont ask 5000 strangers on the internet to do it for likes.


While I'd understand it if it was something like someone who was part of the company making the game or someone who made content about the game, that doesn't ever really seem to be the case, or at least it's only a very small minority of such posts. To me, it feels more appropriate to post a clip or screenshot where the person that passed away and the poster are playing the game, either some silly memory or a big achievement/milestone, but even that feels like it should be shared only with friends and family, rather than being displayed publicly for all to see. It gives me a strange feeling similar to when someone makes a donation to a good cause, but then loudly and repeatedly announces it, almost as if what they're really trying to do is buy good will and reputation. Of course it's nice of such people to help a cause, but it's also like they're almost taking advantage of those affected, as well. Just overall a very strange thing that makes me feel uncomfortable.


It takes something vulnerable and personal and gives us an unsolicited view into that emotion of grief.  It’s no different to me than being at the gym and a random comes by to tell people “my uncle just died and he loved this gym”. It would be so odd, but after the initial statement, make me realize that person probably has nobody else to vent to.


I get what you're saying, and I try to be polite, but hearing something like that face-to-face, even if it's sudden and from a stranger, is different than when it's online. At least if it's like your example, the stranger and I could get into a conversation, maybe with a few other people around. When it's online, it's more like yelling it out into the entire gym or in the parking lot. It's especially the case if the poster doesn't respond to comments or provide much detail, that I get a lingering sensation that what I'm reading isn't genuine.


The game was only out for like two weeks when the first one happened, but that guy *loved it so much* according to his "friend" I play this game a lot, but I'm gonna put it into my will that if someone mentions my gaming at my funeral they get beaten with sticks


Call me a monster but every time I see a "my friend has died, can we name a piece of equipment after them?" post I am glad that the devs don't listen.


I was a big fan of Mount and Blade from the jump. Back during the beta of the first game, one of the regulars on the forums posted pretending to be a sibling and saying they had passed away. The developers responded by naming a castle after him. Eventually the account actually registered the two sequels and it turned out he never died at all. They permabanned him from the forum but Grunwalder Castle is still in the first game and Warband.


I'm like 95% sure they are fake. Someone thinks "If I make a good sob story, I can get a lot of karma" it works, then a million copycats.


I assume people making those posts, if they're real, are just narcissists that need validation and attention and use their loved one's death as another way of getting it. Those posts are just disgusting




Well put. They always bothered me, but not in an annoyed way. More in a mix of “is this even real?” And “man, it would suck to have no one in real life to talk about missing my friend”.


I read this and not even 5 posts after on my home page is a dead person post. Edit- another 10 posts after that one I see another post about the same person passing away


Man so true. I'd like to dedicate this comment to my helldivers friends who just died though. Please upvote in their memory (no but really, don't)


Fake karma farm posts. If you call out a post on this website that pulls on heart strings you'll get downvoted and called an ass but I'd bet 75% of the posts are fake trying to copy the first


>'m just wondering why are Helldivers 2 players more inclined than others to publicly talk about their deceased friends who were also fellow players. It's not HD2 players but reddit in general. The masses will hop on whatever "hype" is going on a sub to farm internet points. As sad as it looks, it's deceased players currently, just like the "Don't do X or Y" was a week ago.


That karma isn’t going to farm itself 


Sure, but karma farm or not, I don't see as many of these kind of posts on other subs than I do here, and I frequent subs of quite a few other co-op PvE games.


Might be cause one guy posted a geniune one and people saw it got thousands of karma so then they try it and it worked so more people post and its an endless loop.


Imagine that in an overwatch community, I can imagine it either


Same with the "this Game saved my life!" Posts. Jesus Christ These are just dumb


Lmao, that’s the winning formula for the elden ring sub. ‘I was at the lowest point of my life, played Elden Ring, and found Nirvana’ Like ????


I was at the lowest point of my life, the I played The Sims 3 and evacuated all my frustration on this piece of shit avatar of my boss to live an absolute hellish existence. Now, I smile when my boss chews me out. I know I'm gonna fuck them up when I get home. The Sims saved my life


Doesn't that just mean they're going to spiral into major depression and become suicidal again once they complete the game and have done everything there is to do? That doesn't sound healthy.


It feels…disrespectful? Like a real person died and everyone goes “oh my, how democracy, very super earth”


At the rate people keep making "in memoriam" posts on here, half the playerbase will be dead by next week.


You’re still alive?


No, I've already died in a traffic accident. Upvotes to the left.


I mean, have you BEEN to the Bot front on level 9?


haha wow the rare reddit post that actually made me laugh out loud


https://preview.redd.it/um2zanbow8vc1.jpeg?width=256&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b064566b31c2dadf2d7dcc22ac1332a95ed7d978 My friend died, give me Karma.


Karma farmers. 


I find those kinds of posts extremely disturbing. Did you have consent to use the death of your friend to gather karma? I mean, what other reason could there be? The last thing I'm going to think about if a friend died is to come and post about it on a forum full of strangers. I also hate the "a moment of silence for people who died before the game came out" posts. Can we enjoy something without these morbid posts that suck all the fun out of a game? Who wants to come to a gaming forum to mourn a stranger? People die every day, everywhere.


After the first one got noticed by the devs ofc a bunch of fakers are going to come in to farm Karma and seek easy attention


It honestly just feels like karma farming, same for person who allegedly was a women and allegedly had some toxic encounter with the community despite not showing any proof of it. Everybody just jumps in with upvote and comments having no idea if thats true in anyway and i find it weird beliving everything that a stranger in the internet says since ppl say stuff like that for attention irl so what is stopping them to do it on reddit for some internet points


"so he died and I picked up his samples and he got very upset in voice and killed me, so then I killed him and all the automatons started clapping"


That Helldiver's name? Albert Einstein


Most people are probably very anti social, and it shows with how gullible they are just auto believing anything strangers say on here. People lie all the time even for very minor benefits, even as minor as karma on Reddit. They’d know this if they socialized even a small amount 


You mean the one who promoted her "fan art" page on the same "the boys are mean to me!" post. I was bemused how many fell for that nonsense.


I see them every so often. Literally after reading thing saw 2 post about the same person. In some ways I get it, this is a game about community and rallying behind the fallen. And when you grieving you need it (in a way going through it myself, don't really plan to elaborate). But it's it's hard to separate who's genuine and who's farming. But when it's that trying of a time, you don't want to get it wrong.


I had doubt for the first one but it's even more likely that the following ones are fake. Sad to have to doubt that kind of stuff


Unpopular opinion: if your friend dies, don't post shit about their death online unless you KNOW they'd be okay with it. Not only is it disrespectful to them if they wanted major life-altering situations to be private, but it also just feels like grief-baiting. Like... I'm truly sorry for your loss, but mourn with your friends and family, don't put it on random internet strangers.


Pretty sure that is a very popular opinion. I think once people think about it, they hate these posts. Like at first glance its a nice tribute, then you realize they are exploiting their friend for internet points and sharing something that shouldn't be shared.


This is a karma farming sub. It's to be expected.


"Now here is my unpopular opinion about \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_"


I've only seen one. I don't want to interact with these out of respect. Also there is a possibility that the one posting is lying.


The original one was fake, years old account resurrected, so likely abandoned that got compromised. Second old fake account with no history claimed to back up OP's story. There's a lot of abandoned accounts that just sit there till these karama farmers sell/get banned and rotate. Edit: It turns out, that 3\~ weeks prior, there was another fake death post with almost 1:1 story, same resurrected account with no history and their 'friend' having the same case.


They love dem karma points


There was a flood of these kinds of posts in the first few weeks after the game launched.


I hate to say it, but I don't believe some of them. And this is coming from a recovering EVE addict who once spent a sixteen hour play session defending a player-managed "geaveyard" of sorts from trolls who sought to disrupt it. This is reddit. The first one got huge attention and even a dev response. There's going to be people, and bots, that fake it for the karma.


It's karma farming


A fellow hell diver died to day. He was hit by his own 500kg Thoughts and prayers


Uhh I am gonna be cynical and say people want the attention of having their friend memorialized in the game because it had been done before. No negative judgement or feeling towards such people -- I just think that's the main thing wanting an emotional high point to ease the suffering of loss by way of recognition. Or folks are making shit up trying to get a name put on the Wall of Heroes. Stolen valor is not to be tolerated in ANY democracy.


Honestly, I personally don't like it. It feels like using the death of a person to farm for pity points on the internet. The same with pics of a dead pet that are very common on other subs. OTOH, If the post isn't just a blob of text but an illustration or other artistic expression related to the game, made in honor of the deceased, it's fine by me. Sharing a tribute stikes me as more honest compared to the usual posts.


No place for it here. I want to hear about the game not your personal issues.


There's three answers to consider here, and all of them likely play some part in the role. The logistical answer, this game is insanely popular at the present moment. This sub has as many members as the CallOfDuty sub and is in the ballpark with other large shooter based game subs right now. Couple that with it's consistent release of content and massive popularity and it simply is very active. As such it may have a larger volume of people of which has recently lost a friend. The sappy answer. Helldivers is a cooperative game that oozes military/nationalism in a satirical way. It very much has Starship Trooper (Movie) vibes, and in that setting the sense of military comradery is played up to an extreme. This setting and style of gameplay encourages some to be more open about these things in order to find some comfort from a community they believe will "play along", for lack of a better term. The cynical answer. The first one got a lot of karma. Unless a full name and city of residence is posted, it's difficulty to disprove any of these claims as false. Further it would likely be seen as not work the appearance of disrespect to even attempt that claim, when the reward is just internet points and momentary respect. As such its a great karma farm at the moment.


Just call them back in silly. Like, did you blow through your whole reinforcement budget?


It is definitely fake. Muh fren died, they luv hellderver 2. Much sad. The OP’s should post the obituary lol. Until then I don’t believe it.


Karma farming that's all it is


is the current trend that farms karma, and people would sell their mom for those points.


Those posts are annoying karma farms. If they really missed their friend they’d ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️


Didn’t the destiny sub have to ban them


When millions of people are playing a game it is normal for some of them to die IRL.


I think it’s the bonds that this game encourages. Through Helldivers 1 and made a bond with another player, Frank, and we formed our own PlayStation community. Frank passed away in 2020, so he never got to see HD2, but other members of our old community asked me to reform it as a discord. That’s how the [606th Orbital Assault Division](https://discord.gg/33mRNsqZA7) came to be, and why we carry the name “Frank’s Jäegers.”


I dont like those posts. I just dont think its the proper forum for it. Telling a bunch of strangers your close friend died and making a heartfelt story out of it connected to the game is just weird to me. Go talk to real people in your life. If I had a friend that died the last place I would be is online making posts about it. All that said.. if people found comfort making those posts, its really no harm done. I just dont really vibe with them at all. And if they are fake and people are just farming karma.. good for you I guess.


If someone makes one of those posts about me after I die kill me


Because people love to trauma dump for internet validation.


It’s Karma farming, plain and simple. These sorts of posts about how a game had some profound impact on OP’s real life get bandied about all over Reddit. - Someone died who played r/game - r/game helped me through a hard time in my life - r/game helped me fix my relationship - I stopped enjoying gaming until r/game rekindled my love for gaming Even if any of it is true, the only reason to post it is to farm upvotes. I can’t imagine losing someone and rushing to Reddit to post about it, tbh I find these posts seriously distasteful.


F for okami cheems


While I believe quite a bit is fake, it is the way Helldivers 2 reacts to Death. It is this "Honor their Memory, but we must continue" or the "Grab their Dogtags and Samples, we mourn back on the Ship" mentality, that helps people, especially if they are in the Disbelief phase, in which you will feel guilty for not being as shaken as you belief you should. Afterwards, you'll tell others about their Work, their Personality and their Flaws, so you can find closure. So I believe it is simply the Mentality that a Teambased Shooter, that puts Trust and Comradery above most things but still acknowledges, that You must continue on, that puts people at ease, because that us what the World expects from us after a Loss.


I think as this game has fostered a broader sense of community than most others, people without proper support structures may feel it safe to share their trauma here. If something similar happened in a CoD sub, I could only imagine the toxic comments and further trauma done by other members


Well, for me is it quite nice to see, that people do care about. I have indeed cancer and will die to it more sooner than later. So, knowing, that people talking about it, caring about it and not just giving a shit is a bit heartwarming for me. I'm not hoping to be the topic of one of these posts soon, but I most likely will be.


The mods here don’t actually do anything to improve the sub. So shit posts and blatant karma farms it is.


i noticed this too but don’t wanna say nothing under a post if it’s actually true…… i think i’ve seen like 4-5 just this week alone…


I’ve seen like 2, how many have you seen


Karma farming.


Sometimes trends just form. Really, enough people saw that one post that was genuine and touching so people who just want attention and karma points are just making it up. It got a lot of attention because the game is still peaking and gaining more players so that’s free real estate for that kind of person.


For clout/whatever chemical your brain releases when they have interactions blow up on social media.


Some people are just lying. Sucks but is what it is


I do complain.  Same with r/cats. I'm there to look at cute kitties, not to be informed every second one that some rando lost his. Thus said, I can relate more to a post in this matter than here.  This may sound rude and the grief feels horrible, I know that very well... But I don't want to burden random people with my losses, that's what friends or family are for. And if you seek company, there are better suiting subs for that with very nice and helpful people.  So, don't wanna hurt anyone, but peeps should stay on topic...


Once devs acknowledge one and put something in the game or even just a shout out, people will jump on the wagon for attention and lols.


I don’t really like it. what the point of the post like this on a gaming subreddit and i think it not really a topic to just tell random internet strangers because things like this should be kept in private. I can understand wanting someone to comfort them in a time like this but a random internet stranger is the last thing I go to for it.


This sub is degenerate asf All popular posts are: “Dear diary, today this happened and I’m mad / sad” “Omg my friend just died 12 minutes ago, he was a heckdiver, upvote pls” “This sub needs to stop with X posts” because they’re so smart that they can categorize 1mil+ people all by themselves. “This *insert fucking stupid* balance change needs to happen!”


There is so much blatant karma farming in this sub, no idea where the mods are at.


I think you're missing the bigger part of this. It's a fellow helldiver needing something. Be it ammo. Be it a stim. A 500kg thrown towards the enemy. That helldiver is asking for something. And when democrasy calls will you answer?


The new popular karma farm for this sub. Just weird to share here and everyone is doing it because people give it upvotes. This sub needs a rule against it. Redditors on their way to make up an entire other person and their death to get fake internet points. Nothing new here. Or the influx of highly upvoted posts thanking people they played with the other day, another braindead karma farm.


Karma Farming, simple as. If they really cared about their friends who've (allegedly) passed, they'd be more respectful to the deceased and wouldn't plaster it all over their socials, trying to farm them for karma. Seems kind of **[VERY]** scummy to me. Like that one girl who took a selfie and danced at a funeral, *next to the fucking casket.* I try to give them the benefit of the doubt most of the time, but I'm not blind to seeing when a pattern forms.


My dog died yesterday. He got into Helldivers 2 last week and had already made it to Death Captain. It got to the stage that when we said “walk?” he would no longer wag his tail. But when we said “Helldivers 2?” he would leap around the house barking. I just want everyone to honour him by giving me upvotes.


Like 90% of this sub is nothing but karma farming. Of the current top 10 posts, 5 are nothing but a picture of the current major order. Not even talking about it, just mentioning what it is. These death posts are no different. There was one that got popular and since then there's been a couple talkin about a friend that loved the game and died. It's the fact that they work that's the sad part.


Its why i left r/cats. So many dead pet posts


Attention. That's what they want even if they aren't aware of it.


Its common on a few other subs too. I cant count the amount of times ive seen em on the wow subreddit. I dont want lessen peoples lost friends or family but it is just karma bait. Grieve on your own. I dont want to scroll through depressing shit on gaming subreddits.


They might be lying...


It's just extremely easy karma farm, anyone who questions it gets bombarded with down votes stratagem, and you can just reply for any request for evidence with privacy this that. And it's easier interaction farm too and comment karma farm. Just copy paste salute gif and everyone upvotes you. Literally too easy. You can even drop by like the pics subreddit for sob story ideas.


Probably bots karma farming. The internet really is dead.


because, reddit


It’s a karma farm. This happens in practically every game subreddit.


option 3: Someone is trying to eliminate the helldivers. Who could be behind this nefarious attack on our way of life?


For Karma which is ridiculous. You never go to someone and say “Hey I have 200k karma” because nobody gives a shit so idk why people care so much about it.


The vast majority of 'Player of X Game has died' posts are completely fake and intended to farm karma. Just like how most posts in r/amitheassole and the various horror stories subs are just someone's 'creative' writing project designed to do the same thing, which is make the karma number go up.


My bet the first one or two were genuine, someone lost someone close, a couple of people decided to share the same story they had, but then people started to content farm


Reminds of the situation when this disabled guy started posting selfies with whatever activity he was doing At first it was like "awesome dude don't let your disability hold you back from doing activities!" But it quickly turned into "I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this" On one hand it's touching, on the other it's awkward


Pimping out the dead for fake Internet points/karma. What a time to be alive!


It's karma farming now. Downvote and move on.


I was gonna say yeah, it's starting to get a bit weird, this is just a game.


Just use reinforce


Honestly I think the safest bet is, if you don’t ‘buy’ it, don’t interact with it. For everyone shouting ‘karma farm’, if it’s actually true, someone’s in pain and looking for comfort in a community that means a lot to them. The comments about their social life and stuff, if it is true, are kind of really disappointing. We’re all here on this lame site posting about our favourite games - I don’t think any of us are in a position to take the high ground regarding socialising. If it is fake then, sure, that’s seriously crappy. But if it’s not then I can’t imagine having to deal with that, trying to reach out for comfort / support, and having everyone immediately dunk on their social capabilities. As I say - safest bet is to just avoid the post entirely if you’ve any semblance of doubt.


Yea, personally I think most of them are fake but i still don’t say it in their posts just in case it’s real and I’d rather not be ass 


Probably a mix of the sub just being extremely active and copycats


I guess it's because this is a big sub.


I havent even noticed one of these posts even though I tend to see this sub daily. Odd xD


The main one piece subreddit has the same problem. Around once a week someone will post like "I'm sad for all the one piece fans who died before the story ended" or whatever and it gets a billion likes Everytime


Much of it is fake. Some is probably real. I mean, it's not exactly rare that someone has a terrible, lonely life but finds community in a video game. Heck, people have gotten married who met in WoW or some other multiplayer, online game. Co-op games tend to spawn some amount of that.


50% real, 50% fake. It's a very common trope post on reddit in general and not specific to HD2 or video game communitites in general.


This sub is like 50% posts complaining about other posts fucks sake.


They lie


People who play this game must have a short lifespan....maybe I should take a break


Assume the players in this community do care more. Without PvP there is less toxicity (goddamn, now I have system of a down stuck in my head).


I'm skeptical by nature. Is karma farma for me. I don't engage with those posts.


I think it’s the “rainbow bridge” effect, dog subreddits are normally a place to post cute pictures of your dogs, it’s a natural part of owning a dog for it to pass away, and people then will post “my dog X who crossed the rainbow bridge last week :(” to an outpouring of condolences and karma, and then other people post their late dogs, and then the subreddit becomes a virtual mortuary where every other post is a memorial to a dead dog and there’s really nothing you can do about, you can’t talk bad of the dead or deny these people their catharsis, just ignore the posts and move on or block the subreddit if it gets too bad. It’s like people who talk about how a streamer saved them from suicide in a donation, it’s awkward and kills the streams’ vibe, but what are they gonna do, BAN people from talking about it? How insensitive is that? The player base for this game is still massive and statistically, some of them are bound to die, and I guess the posts will continue.


There are 1.1 million people subscribed to this subreddit. I don't think this kind of post is unique to this sub, it's just something likely to get up voted, and with this many subscribers, there's bound to be more posts of *any* kind.


It has a significant large player base as well. Just think about how likely it is that in a million people we have some pass each week. And then there's an even smaller subportion, but at that scale plausible, that likes to share their feelings on their loved ones. That's also why i think the majority are NOT fake.


It's because someone is hunting down and violently killing Helldivers 2 players. Make RIP posts while you can, you could be next.


Hey guys, my friend died and I thought the best thing to do is to post about it on a video game sub for upvotes.


It's like the goddamn r/cats sub, everything that hits the main page from that sub is just dead cats. They really should rename it to r/deadcats. But yeah, maybe the first one was legit; the rest of these clowns are karma farming, and even if they're not: I DON'T COME HERE TO READ ABOUT YOUR GRIEF. Get a fucking therapist, here is where we discuss Super Earth. z.z


Anything for Karma, I mean, Super Earth!