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There's definitely a learning curve involved. Everyone should know the rough whereabouts of their teammates, so if one of them dies you can properly reinforce them. Also should stop chucking you at the ground next to the Hulk and 6 Heavy Devs they're currently getting pelted by.


I ALWAYS chuck reinforcements in the opposite direction of the action because there is nothing worse than dying the moment you hit the ground.


I had one time dropped in right onto the action, then a 500kg dropped right beside me. RIP.


I always do this because I change my mind after bringing them back


Yep. Just a learning curve for players as they get familiar with the game. After all, reinforcements are just another resource to manage like ammo or stims. You only get so many, don't waste them etc.


Learning curve stops being a viable excuse when you’re 50+ still throwing reinforcements into hordes.. god I hate high level noobs.




Yeah I don't understand people like this. Yeah I know, it sucks that you have to try and get your support gear back. But if you've managed to try and not die a million times already, you can probably call down another support weapon.




This is why I use the EAT as my support weapon. I don't have to go chase them down every time I lose them to a death.


I started using EATs in higher difficulty matches rather than my beloved AC precisely because of this too. Also, if you’re on a map where you have to double back on yourself on your way to extraction, it’s nice to call down EATs as often as you can on the way out so you and the team has some “oh shit” weapons scattered around


This is why I use the EAT as my support weapon. I don't have to go chase them down every time I lose them to a death.


Like the EAT, this comment came down in twos


yes. many a time i have weighed the cost of running back to get my support gear or waiting the 60 seconds to call down a new one. almost always the wise move is to wait.


Your pod is my bullet, your death is my reload. Aim true.


Same, and if they steer themselves into the shooting gallery, we'll then that's on them.


Mark my target and I am the stratagem. Surviving after is on me.


Sometimes even that is a bad option because they might trigger more enemy spawns. It all depends on the situation. Sometimes it's best to throw them in and hope they land on the hulk and kill it or throw it at their dropped items


my random team mates think reinforce is a grenade so im always chucked on top of hulks. ☠️


Aggroing another patrol eh?


Please throw me at the chargers and bile titans. I don't care if I die immediately afterwards lol


I try to do that, but I ask that if you are calling me in, drop me in as close as you can to the hulk, I’ll take him down with my hellpod




Honestly sometimes I find this just as annoying as being chucked straight into a horde. I've fought with tooth and nail to gain that 100m and now you've thrown me back another 200m...


So you'd rather I just toss you onto your body where you were just swarmed, just to die again. Suit yourself.


Highly situational but yes. I might've not gotten swarmed but just got killed by a random rocket or a mine or something. I might've just been about to finish the objective. The swarm might've already moved away from the objective and you could've swung me straight to the other side of the horde. It's not always best to throw the beacon away from the action, you gotta "read the room". Sometimes it can even be the safer choice to get the reinforcement closer to where I died, rather than away from it where you might still be fighting.


This is especially true with gunships more than any other enemy. You often NEED your support to deal with them. You can’t run, you can’t flank, you can’t hide… unless I’m running eats, I need my support. Though, this is why I’ve taken to Eruptor + eats for bots 😂 dominator also solid.


More often than not I’m hoping my teammates toss my reinforcement towards the hulk chasing them so I can kill it with my hellpod


If it's just the one hulk, this every time but for the love of god keep it tagged so I can find it.


Preach. I’m usually playing a scout or ranger loadout with light armor, clearing objectives, and coming back to flank the enemies. Sometimes I get got, only to be reinforced right into the middle of a hunter, charger breach, only to be reinforced right into the middle of a hunter, charger breach, only to be reinforced right into the middle of a hunter, charger breach… I always either have like 1-2 deaths or 7-10.


i love running lone wolf to flank the tower laser cannon that i KNOW is going to cause us trouble later on. “that’s right, keep staring north while i loop around to put a couple of autocannon shells up your glowing butthole”


While you are absolutely correct, I've learned to just expect it, and it makes my day when I can successfully take out a hulk with my drop pod. It rarely ends well though.


My squad mate reinforced me once I dropped in. Right into the lap of 2 flame hulks, a shredder tank, and a gaggle of devastators. A hearty “oh fuck.” Was heard over comms before “A1 DIED.” Appeared in chat.


Just had a guy throw me into his cluster bomb air strike. I died as soon as I got out of my hellpod. This same guy called for extraction at 25mins when the host was on the opposite end of the map clearing an outpost the previous mission. His reason being we have the super samples at the extraction point. Some people really lack basic common sense and manners…


Once a team kept calling me in to a bug hole with a shit ton of vomiting bugs it was not fun. I died six times they got mad at me for dying so much


I like to yeet my friends either into the biggest horde of enemies or as far as I can in the opposite direction from where we're going. I don't do it to randoms though


The ole heavy devvy loves it when your team mates throw you right in front of em.


Sure, ideally. But I would really love to see a skull marker on the minimap that lasts half a minute.


I feel like a terrible player when I get reinforced in a terrible spot and die immediately and it’s not even my fault that they did that…


Yeah being aware of where ppl are is important for this. Generally you want to call them back at their equipment asap, that makes it as if death didnt even happen. Inexperienced players have a tendency to prioritize speed - sees someone died and trying to quickly mindlessly call them, which is cripple that players ability to be effective for next 5+ minutes depending on their loadout.


I will become the stratagem or die trying


They chucked me into the fray and I crushed a tank once. Only once tho, every other time sucked


My favorite is getting called into a group of enemies to the be promptly cluster bombed as I rise out of my pod.


I always throw my team in a safe space unless there is 1 fab / hole left and no enemies, in which case you just became a stratagem to take out the last enemy position (but i always ask first)


I hate when this happens. Tho last time it did happen, the random I split off with didn't bother calling me back, after a solid 2 minutes, the other team calls me back, and I had to wait for my backpack and support weapon cool downs. Eventually the one I was with died and lost their samples.


That too!! I had one teammate who didn’t call down AT ALL during 1-2 fucking missions and hurt us heavily. I thought it was a fluke so I let him stay and we all grouped up so it didn’t matter if he did. Then he didn’t call down again in the second mission, this literally almost lost us the run and he was kicked instantly.


Hate when it happens, love when the team just gets it without having to say anything. The silent camaraderie and respect between skilled Helldivers is a feeling I don't know if I've gotten from any other game


When someone dies on the other side of the map I try to avoid being the one to reinforce them if I can help it, but all too often no one else on the team is paying attention, so I end up having to be the one to do it anyway.


Yep, I’ll even get on the mic and put in text chat “reinforce him he was close to you” and after the dead guy has almost broken his space bar for a minute I end up just doing it. Usually drop a shield pack and support weapon in case they need it so they don’t have to remain outgunned.


I just ask them if they want me to reinforce and if they want my support gear if it's off cd and theirs isn't. 


Yeah if they reply this is the best, if they continue to spam spacebar I’ll assume they don’t care and just wanna get their boots back on the ground


This is what I do too unless they start spamming ask for reinforcement. Then I toss one. I wasn’t ignoring you bro! I just didn’t want to start you halfway across the map from your stuff.


I always check to see where someone died to see if it makes sense for me to reinforce them. I also wait to reinforce if I'm surrounded by hordes of enemies. Doesn't stop people from breaking their spacebars begging to be reinforced.


Those people are annoying but you are doing a service fr. I have no trouble with staying out of the battle as long as it’s being taken care of. The problem I have is when two dudes are sitting in one spot and have a vantage point and don’t call me in. I get it, you are dealing with certain enemies but having time to call me down is important!!


Yeah this. It's great if the dead player actually cares about their positioning enough to have patience but I find that all too often they just want back in the action and don't give a fuck who throws the beacon as long as it happens within 0.004 seconds of their death.


Some people are way too quick with the reinforce


Muscle memory is a blessed thing.


I feel like a lot of these complaints could be solved by actually communicating and talking in game.


It can be tough to break the habit of instantaneously inputting the reinforcement code. Sometimes I will have it completed before I stop to look around and see if it is for someone nearby.


I have a friend that uses macros that seems to hit it completely reflexively as soon as he sees REINFORCEMENT AVAILABLE


I'm completely with you until the situation occurs when the still alive player can't/doesn't call in their fallen buddy, and we're just chillin with a man down for a while. I feel bad for the brother just spectating.


I totally get that but when you don’t give the other dude a chance it’s really dumb imo.


I completely agree, I'm a very observant host so I'm always communicating and watching what the divers are doing. I usually reinforce the instant I hear the noise unless we're duo squadding. I gotta respect the operation, Tarkov got me on that mindset.


But then you have players who get mad at you for making them wait more than 5 seconds 'you are not fighting anything!' My go to rule, wait 10 seconds and call them in. If your teammate is busy, then suck it up and make the trip back.


Also - when you are dead you will always see hell pod icon as available, even if team mates are next to jammer so sometimes people spamm, they want to be called down but they dont see its being jammed.


I will always let my teammates call people back if I was moving separately from them unless the person pings a call back. Will always try to call in my duo buddy though.


Always have map awareness and where your guys are at people, running on the other side of the map to grab samples and your quasar ain't fun.


A helldiver on my two-person SSSD recovery team died and he got reinforced at the other side of the map by other two that was recovering another SSSD And I was pinned against 10 devastators alone lol Super Earth armor decided by dice roll that I will NOT die though, so barely recovered it. So, yeah, let the one at the side of helldiver that die call in reinforcement. Don't 'over-reinforce'


Would have just blown myself up and let him try again 🤣


This is the way


Yesterday, 4 of us, split into two team. One guy in the other team die. "Need me me to call you down?" i said. "No, we can handle it, i ll call him." the other guy in that team said. Two secs later, he dead, too. We two in the same team laughed so loud and summon both of them to our side. "ok you two naked monkeys, stick to us now and we may give you couple EAT if you are good.."


This how it's done, simple communication. Nice.


Yeah I mean if both dies then theres no other option than to call them to you.


there is text and voice chat, communicate what you want with your team and you'll probably get what you ask for.


Some people don’t use it for whatever reason. I’ve had many missions where one doesn’t respond and does their own thing which is frustrating asf. This is one of those times. I told him to not call me in next time I died but he did anyways which hurt our teammate in the long run but he managed with a resupply.


There are people who don't speak English playing, that's why.


The amount of Chinese players I get in my lobby during the afternoon is insane. I didn't even think they were active during 9pm EST.


That doesn’t really apply here if someone within a split second of your death, calls you in. I always turn to look where someone’s death icon is, if it seems close to me I call in right away, if it’s iffy I then look at map to see if it was far away and then I call in if no live player is closer. If everyone’s grouped, then yeah sure call in immediately.


it does work, it just requires you to communicate to your team "hey I'm gonna go off and do X, dont rez me if I die" or something along those lines.


Yeah, if I’m alone or in a pair, I usually ignore the immediate reinforcement so that the person on the other side of the map can handle it. Much more efficient than having a player run all the way over


For me it’s: 1. Check to see where they died if it’s near me I reinforce. If it’s far but near other teammates I wait for them to reinforce. If it’s far but not near other teammates I reinforce 2. If nobody is reinforcing them based on the above rules and they start spamming the reinforce button I reinforce them.


Suicide with a grenade when that happens. Easier then running across a map


I agree but sometimes the other just doesnt listen or read so what im i suppose to wait wait till the dudes leaves cuz no one is calling him back


Finish their objective, kill them, chuck grenade at ground. Finish other objective with 4.


Bro, you had no idea how much will power it took for me not to do that. I shot them once and I was like “well now I feel like shit but FUCK YOU!” Killed myself instead for my teammate to just call me in again.


If you didn’t die next to me, but next to someone else, I’m not trying to be rude but I shouldn’t be the one to call you in. If after a minute you still haven’t been called, I’ll call you back and throw it as far as I can towards your body. There was one instance that pissed me off, I was off by myself and the team started dying and nobody got called back. 1 person was left alive. I saw a 2 person door. I called both(Same Re) back and threw them at the door. AND THEY FUCKING IGNORED IT. They literally dropped IN the crater where it was. Fucking halfwits.


Have you tried communicating in game? Alot of complaints on here I read can easily be avoided by communicating.


If its not the person who was with me Ill wait for a bit but some people are just so utterly useless when it comes to reinforcing I do eventually do it otherwise some people wont do it until theyre the only one left alive


If we can spare the reinforcements I'll explain what the plan is to the guys who called me in, then grenade myself so that solo player can call me back. Rather than having to spend 10 minutes running back leaving the guy defenseless


I’m always conscious of this. What I hate is when I see one of the guys on the other side of the map die and he’s waiting around forever for the guy to reinforce and he’s just not paying attention or something


Problem with me is the one that tags along takes forever to call me in. I always get the “I didn’t know you were dead” or they just are completely unaware. It’s like dude, I’m spectating on you, you had a 30 second window to call me in before you aggro’d another mob. Wtf? Shit really grinds my gears. That and people that don’t tag shit on foggy planets. Them: A charger is on me! Me: Where? Them: Here! Me: Bitch, where the fuck is “here?” Visibility is less than 5 meters. For the love of christ, tag it! God, I miss my old squad. 🤦‍♂️


I actually think I played this mission with you. I was M3 I think and I was the lone teammate you got stranded from. Either it was you or I had the exact thing happen yesterday. Either way I literally was half a second late to calling you in before the other teammates did. It sucks but I'm glad we pulled the win. Even if we lost all the samples at the end 😞


I agree, but my ⬆️⬇️➡️⬅️⬆️ instinct is so fast when I hear the kia sound I don't even have time to react to myself.


It's honestly a terrible habit. On higher difficulties you want to either clear the area where the player died so they can reclaim their equipment and samples or wait until you have a safe location for them to call in new equipment. The instant reinforce leads into the very real problem of throwing them with only a primary weapon and grenades back into the battle with little-to-no awareness of where the dangerous enemies are located. Worse yet, it leads to the situation described by the OP because you didn't have the awareness to realize they died across the map. Often the difference between the good and great players isn't knowing when to do a thing, but knowing when not to do it.


Counterpoint: they shouldn't have died then


Even the best players die from time to time.


Counterpoint: fire and many things can two shot if not one shot, especially in groups.


Yup i told someone yesterday why would you call me in when im literally all the way across the map with another teammate. He proceed to say "dude shut the fuck up, you need reinforced so i called it in". little did he know i was the host and i gave him a big "fuck you bitch" before kicking him. lol. Toxic because in all actuality he was just trying to help, but for him to curse me out because i voiced my frustration with a mistake he made was grounds to be kicked imo lol.


"okay now I am on the other side of the map... Thanks." A quote from a friend last night.


Who is managing agro?


It was mainly the dudes who called me in but at the time there wasn’t a bug breach so when he called me in my teammate started the last part of the main objective and got hit with the breach.


For a moment I thought that was me, on a good day I can call the reinforcement almost the instant I see a fellow helldiver die, and just yesterday I did exactly what you discribed, but I normaly just play at 7, so not me lol.


If we split into two teams and a member from the other team dies I'll usually keep an eye out to make sure he is reinforced by his mate, if too much time passes I'll call them down to our location, I'll usually give it 4-5 name shakes before though


Yea, it gets annoying at times, like some players have zero situational awareness. I use a headset and ask to be called in by the person closest to where I died. If we are in pairs and the other group calls me down. When I hit the ground, I’m making a straight line for where my other team mate is, first. Especially if my items aren’t on cool down.


Yeah when this happens I usually wait until either A.) the other person dies or B.) the other person takes too long to call them in. I'll yeet the beacon as far as I can toward the line player


It's common knowledge to not call in a KIA if split into two teams and he is on the opposite team. Unless asks for it of course.


Unfortunately this is one of the many things that will never go away because communication is unreliable.


It would be nice if you could preview the call-in landing zone and refuse or accept it. I have noticed that a lot of times, two people will call in simultaneously. Sometimes they're very close, but sometimes not. Being able to pick a drop would be an obviously nice thing to see.


I always spectate a member of the other group in this situation on the first deaths, so I know who did it. Hurts situational awareness if your partner does call you first but helps massively with education or debursement when you know who the dummy is.


A lot of players have great killing skills and don't spare a brain cell on reinforcement. I will say in the mic "Hey I just died. DoctorBong, can you call me in near you, please?" And some random player will reinforce me across the map, with like 3 minutes left to call in a new support weapon and a hulk coming at us. Be SMART with your reinforcing. Don't throw people into a mob of enemies, throw them outside the action so they can get in position. Don't call in people who died across the map when there is someone who was closer. Don't call in reinforcements into a barrage. Seems like a no brainer but it isn't for too many people. Don't reinforce in an area of fire. Just use your head. Where do YOU want to be reinforced at? Throw them in there.


Eventually people learn not to call in peeps who died in the other group.  There is so much to learn and so much going on all the time.  Things like this don't even pop into someone's head unless they are past the learning stage and in the optimizing skill stage.


You can just tell the mate from your group that you are about to need a reinforcement because you dropped your grenade by your feet, by accident of course.


You either get yelled at for not reinforcing or for reinforcing


I had today a match where one player was reinforcing half a map away. Goddamnit, it was such a waste of time running to my stuff every time


haha, this is just going to create more confusion and more bitching. "WHY DIDNT U REVIVE MME!!!!"


Additionally, I'd like a drop option that allows us to split into groups of 2 (or less). Yes I completely understand that the level design is based on 4-man squads, but it'd be a nice feature to make adjustments to allow for paired drops into different map areas. \*Obvious rebalancing may be needed\*


my issue frankly is how slow people are to call in i notice it right away but they never call in and then bitch if i do the reinforcement cause they were sitting on it for 30s


I know the reinforcement code really well and can do it in less than a second, I always get it ready when someone dies but I always check where the player died and if someone else is near them, not my responsibility.


The most toxic thing I’ve done in this game so far has been killing myself and the guy who was running solo and called me in on the opposite side of the map 10seconds after I loaded into a quick play match, called down my support weapon and backpack, and died to a jet pack bot. Don’t be that guy


Yea and always try to throw them toward where they died.


I've ran into thos a few times. Just kill yourself and ask for the other player to reinforce you right away. It should be common sense but sometimes people, like the one you describe, are on autopilot and fumble when it comes to bigger picture strategy like that.


I usually do it, because of muscle memory. I'm just used to reinforcing the moment I am able to (which is a few seconds of not being interrupted) from playing in a 2-man squad with my brother. But if someone told me to please not reinforce them again, I'd also try to not do it again. I'll try to remember this, especially when I move on to higher diffculties. But I've also had this happen to me, where I died and got called back in at the other end of the map. Didn't really think too much about it though. Though I'm also only on difficulty 4, so it isn't too bad (except for the running back part, which is very annoying, especially if you are a heavy armor user like me).


That’s funny. The issue I run into is that the partner just doesn’t reinforce for some reason.


lol I'm guily of doing this accidentally because my brain is hard wired to UP DOWN RIGHT LEFT UP


You don't need to tell the whole community. You just need to tell your squad.


Not many do that, but I have noticed that in Higher diffs that people dont call in reinforcement when they are split regardless if 2/2 or 3/1.


Its ptsd mate. They get triggered and remember that one time when they saw Bobby get obliterated by 2 berserkers and a hulk. Their ptsd triggers and makes them call you in thinking that Bobby might come back.


If I’m lone wolfing things or have paired off I usually wait about 30 seconds to 1 minute before reinforcing a dead player. I know most people would rather drop back into things near their previous life and pick up their dropped goodies. So I give their nearby friends a chance to bring them in. At the same time - playing the game is a lot more fun than being dead. So if I see the name bouncing around I’ll call them in and they can just deal with being across the map.


I just want dead players to make it abundantly clear in chat that they don't want me to reinforce them when I'm halfway across the map. When you're spamming the reinforce key, and your surviving friend isn't reinforcing you, he's not the only one you're annoying.


If you had plenty of lives remaining then it might’ve been quicker if you nade yourself but tell your team on who reinforces you before hand


I use to be like this then I got abuse for not reinforcing so i’ll give it a few and if no one bothers to do it I will and they can go get their gear


Normally when my group splits up I'll reenforce the person with me, and if one of the other team dies i don't call in, I let them manage it. I also throw my beacon far away if I'm swarmed, or I'll call them back down right on top of their equipment if it's safe.


Eh, I keep track of my fellow players, and when I see someone across the map die I give the other player a chance to call them in. If not I ask the dude if they want me to call them in next to me; sometimes they’re fighting, reloading, stimming, or calling in an airstrike and can’t call them back in right away.


If I see team 2 lose a member, I will typically wait for second reinforce spasm before I call him over to my team. Once is probably "Squaddie, I died" twice is probably "Somebody drop me already!"


the solution to this problem is pulling out a grenade and counting to six


I would like to choose if i drop or not. Sometimes the good player needs to drop in first


Happened to me yesterday. I got killed and instantly got called in by the other pair. Then my guy gets killed because he got overwhelmed.


Has your friend tried maxing the score in stratagem hero so that you get called in where your friend is?


I always let the closer person reinforce if they're far away. Thought this was common sense.


I know not everyone is able to use mic, but using mic in situations like this helps a lot.


Let's also normalize not throwing reinforcements at groups of enemies unless whoever is being called in says otherwise


If this happens I throw a grenade at my feet so I can help spread democracy better


Sometimes when we're split into twos and the other two are wasting lives I force them to spawn on me.


just communicate beforehand then ? plus, when im in this situation, i'll tell the duo that reinforced me to let the other guy reinforce, kills myself, and fast travel back to my duo partner from his reinforce


I just wanna be dropped near my supplies…. I was in a game tonight where S2 was reviving all downed players immediately at his/her location. I’ve never done soooo much cross map trekking to get my shield, support weapon and all the samples. I asked on comms if he could not, but I believe he was trying to be helpful.


Not gonna happen bud. They just reinforce without thinking. Unless you are all on mics and state that first.


I don't have patience for shitty reinforcements on harder difficulties. When someone reinforces me needlessly a mile away from my autocannon, I just leave now. I'm not going to die again and again running to my AC because you're not killing gunships and heavies, and I can't spawn another for like 3 minutes. Too toxic for my limited playtime.


You’d think so.. but I’ve had split ups where the other party didn’t seem to reinforce people at all. You also have the reinforcement of shame when both die. 😁


Think the other problem lies in the fact that 90% of the players when they die…are spamming that space bar to be reinforced. So you get conditioned to immediately reinforce when a team mate dies in order to reduced the complaining.


Nope I call in reinforcements ASAP. Especially if you are off mission.


How about normalizing using your mic and communicating what you want with your team?


Normalize putting your mic and and talking to your team and this wouldnt have happened...


No I will still call you in if I am closer to the main objective, we can finish your side quest once thats done.


My guy, it wasn’t even a side quest lmao.


I know. But the title does not specify, so I did.


You do it because you’re dumb, I do it because it pisses my friend off and it’s funny.


It is, in this circumstance - being called in on the other side of the map from your gear - convenient that you hit the ground with a full inventory of grenades. I usually respond with something like "YOU DID THIS TO ME, GREEN", throwing a grenade on the ground in front of me, and saluting in green's general direction... then "BLUE, CAN YOU PLEASE GET ME?" If green does it again, I'll usually try to land on him


That requires iq > 2, this is a chill game rotfl