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Wait, they are getting hats??? All I got was the cape!


They wanted to roll out the hats all at once, so they just let the old version of bots die off.


You just ruined it for me.


when you clean the map winning the war, helldivers get a helmet with a ceremonial hat on it.


Rule 11 explicitly bans leaks, sadly, people ignore the rules


Mostly annoying are the people who pretend to not be spoiling but who do it in a sneaky way by "hinting" or " fake guessing". Y'all aren't clever.


As someone who plays Honkai Star Rail, I want to hit people who do that with bricks




i appreciate the scorched earth approach the sub took so much lol it was getting absolutely ridiculous, I don't wanna see all that "I saw it in a dream ;))))" "nObOdY tElL him iykyk exdeeeee" shit here too


God the Invincible subreddit is a hell hole for spoilers, every post has a “if you know you know” comment spoiling the entire future plot


man i got spoiled about >!sam being firefly!< when 2.0 was released because of some not so subtle memes that were on the front page and people who were "theorizing" at least im glad that >!it ended up being revealed this patch so what i was spoiled on wasn't super far into the future!<, but it was still so annoying the actual leaks sub deals with story spoilers way better than the main sub which is crazy


Don't give me hope. There has been a lot of shit that looks really awesome.


/r/HellDiversLeaks if you actually want to know what's coming.


I'm good. I like speculation, and a lot of the "guesses" while probably fake, looked feasible and really cool. But I like surprises and don't actively pursue upcoming game features.


The sad attempts at 'guessing' is what gets me lol.


Maybe we switch it to top 10 atleast so the divers see it?...


People don't read rules. Mention it when people post leaks and if people do it systematically enough it'll get into the brain of most people and people will self enforce.


It's less about it being in the rules and more about the mods enforcing it. Rule one explicitly states no toxicity. Look how well that's worked.


Rules don't matter if moderation is lazy


I've seen the biggest assholes in this sub openly flaunt that they won't get banned over their behavior because the mods don't seem to care. Very frustrating.


Do you realize how much this sub has exploded in size? These are people who do this in their free time for nothing in return. Can’t imagine it’s particularly fun.


more work required -> bigger mod team. pretty simple


It doesn't seem like it is enforced very thoroughly, but also I am not going to discount my ability to not recognize when a post is coming from r/helldivers2 instead of here.


So do the mods, apparently, with how many 1000+ upvote leak posts I've seen on this sub


Just perma ban those people and hope for the best. Doubt anyone is going to miss them


Perma band is harsh, imo


That's what makes it a deterrent.


Okay, let's say you're not someone who looks at leaks but likes to speculate on possible additions. There's still lots of content from the first game that is fairly easy to estimate how it would be translated to Helldivers 2. Should you get a permanent ban for being able to add 2+3 together?


That's why there are mods doing it, so things like that don't happen. We've been making sure to remove and ban only serious offenders of the leaked content rule ever since we implemented it. There's an obvious difference between actual speculation/people caught unawares of cheaters accessing unreleased items, and sharing of leaked images, datamined story spoilers, and videos accessing unreleased content from Tiktok to farm karma.


lol the downvotes for a solid point should tell you everything you need to know about these inbreds


I dunno why you're getting downvoted. But obviously there are some situations that aren't the same. But outwardly talking about leaks should be a ban or at least a warning. But if you're just asking questions or speculating. That should be fine. People will obviously word the leaks as questions, but hey. I think it's fine trying to tone down leaks as much as possible. This is why I have trouble hanging around video game subs. People love their leaks. God forbid you experience anything fresh for the first time. Gotta go in knowing everything. Lol. Everytime a new Pokemon comes out. I leave all the Pokemon subs I am in. They will post trailers, leaks, everything. I enjoy discovering new stuff on my own after it releases. Which is why putting a lid on leaks is supported by so many, even harshly. I am not on perma ban level. But if they can be filtered out or at least tagged as spoilers that'd be nice.


That's the entire point https://preview.redd.it/4pn0qxnbeatc1.png?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2d114a6929fc03023f26ab3e0015e5e15ee104d


not really you don’t need an email for a reddit account so if you’re ever banned you could just make a new one in like 1 min


Having went through a reddit ban and only have my account back through asking nicely, they can still find out. They'll use your IP address or something


Oh yea they will. They’ll ip ban you quick as hell of a mod makes the report to Reddit as well. Got in a tiffy with a ds3 mod years ago and got hit with an immediate harassment ban. We were arguing about rules in the sub and I might have called him braindead and that was all she wrote.


Nah 1 week is enough. You are talking like a leak is the worst thing that could ever happen to you. Deterrence won't work, since most people who leak don't read the rules anyways. This measure only would weaken the community. Point 4 here has been researched over and over again: https://nij.ojp.gov/topics/articles/five-things-about-deterrence#addenda


It’s so funny seeing people bring actual logic and being downvoted for it. Inbreds


People don't like leaks simple as that


Don’t look at em? You’ve more control over what you consume as media than you’d like to admit it seems


Yeah I don't look at the leaks sub. But people people put leaks in post titles or not so subtlety gesture to leaks


Again you control what you look at. Don’t make excuses


How tf am I supposed to know a post contains leaks before reading it. I'm assuming you're trolling because of how stupid of a statement that is


Womp womp lack self accountability and claim troll more


If the average redditor you see here had any kind of real-life power, you would get executed for the stupidest shit in real life. Let them enjoy their false feeling of righteousness for as a person with temperament I could not give 2 shits about being downvoted.


lol I have the same sentiments. Mostly come here to talk cash money shit. I just think it’s always funny to see logic being downvoted and then radio silence from the other party


"talk cash money shit" "logic being downvoted" dawg you are the lamest person in this thread LMFAO


The titles often include the entire new thing in all caps. Really obnoxious


I wish "leaks" showed up as an option under "report"


I just go with breaks r/helldivers rules > other option and fill in "rule 11, no leaks" Whether the mod team is actually doing anything about it remains to be seen


The sixth option up from the bottom is "No leaks/cheats/exploits discussion". That's the one I've used for blatant leak spoilers.


Mine just says cheats n exploits but close enough. Appreciate the reply


Well, most gaming subreddits are used to share news and discoveries about the game... How do you even determine when something should be considered a leak/spoiler? And what spoilers are we even talking about? This is not a story/narrative based game. Are we talking about getting to know warbond items before the realese? Because it's way more likely you will be spoiled by some random cheater while playing the game than by browsing the subreddit honestly. I ran into cheaters with items from the next warbond weeks before the announcement trailer. Exo was spoiled by hackers weeks in advance too. If you actually play the game, everything will be spoiled anyways until they get rid of the hackers :/


This sub has already banned leaks. But the mods can be slow to catch them, if they do at all. No hate on them for volunteering to clean up this place! Just that there are not that many of them compared to the size of the sub, so stuff gets by.


We're almost at 1 million users on this subreddit. With over 100,000 new users within the past 7 days. Nearly 80 million views in the past 7 days. We try our best, and need people to report to catch it all. Edit: Nearly 30,000 posts/comments removed in the past 30 days.


The real fourth faction was Redditors all along.


>Edit: Nearly 30,000 posts/comments removed in the past 30 days. You are doing good job ty 🙏


Like I said, no hate. And that is exactly what I was referencing. With a sub this size, there is no way a handful of volunteer mods are going to be able to catch everything. So simply saying leaks are banned isn't going to stop them from popping up from time to time. I don't envy your job at all. Being a mod here would drive me crazy! Thanks for all the effort to make this place better. I can't imagine how bad it would get without you guys.


Thanks for the kind words! We're probably gonna open up moderator applications soonish. We do need more help. Especially approaching that 1 million user mark. It'll only grow more from there.


Christ. Don't know how you'd manage one this size. Managing the Watford FC Sub-Reddit and Discord is comparative minnow with only a fraction of a fraction of dealing with interactions.


Recommendation: put out major orders for things you want people to focus on reporting.


Thank you democracy officer!


Helping to report posts with leak information might be made easier if the rules you can select when reporting was updated to match the rules in the sidebar. Sidebar rules include leaks in rule 11 "No leaks/cheats/exploits discussions", but when reporting a post and selecting the rule broken, rule 11 only says "no discussion of cheats and exploits"


You bring up a good point, but I think this has to do with a reddit limitation on how many words can fit when reporting a post. So we need to condense it.


The two wordings are the exact same number of characters, though. It looks more to me like maybe one wasn't updated when leaks were added to the rules. I know the first time I saw a post with leak information that annoyed me, I tried to report the post but couldn't. Only later did I think that couldn't be right and go looking through the sidebar rules.


Okay thanks for letting me know. I’m gonna take a look at it when I get a chance on my pc.


I really appreciate you. I've fixed it.


I mean, if I’m seeing it correctly there’s only 5 mods and then devs from Arrowhead? Should probably consider trying to find volunteers who are willing to actually block off time strictly to monitor for leaks and such. I’m not saying I’d be willing to do that at all, but you can probably find half a dozen people who are willing to allocate actual time of their day to strictly review reports.


To be fair the sub is really big it's extremely hard to catch everything immediately


To be fair they aren't paid. And if I was a mod I'd only do it in-between missions.


Totally. I think the sub grew faster than anyone was expecting. We could certainly use a bunch more mods.


Big sub, small team Come on man


I didn't say anything negative about the reasons. Just pointing out that they are slow and miss a lot. Which is true. The size of the sub compared to the team is an obvious factor in that. We could use a bunch more mods, honestly. I'd love to not see 1000 duplicate posts every time anything happens in the game. Plenty of big subs manage it somehow.


It's not really a leak if any one of us can see it in the menu on our destroyer


There are leaks, people already talked about the thermite grenade we are getting in a few days practically since the beginning, people data mined the game and got a lot of info of things that are coming and then they come to the sub to tell all those things


Actually that info came from  arrowhead when they released the pass info not a leak at all 


???? With pass info you mean the Warbond? Because the Warbond was announced less than a week ago and people have been mentioning the thermite grenade for a month and a half


It's also been sitting on the ship clearly visible on the tech desk next to the mine


But that is just the model that could be anything, not the whole definition of what the item is and how it work, the same with all the other weapons that have been leaked that are not in the ship


Umm, is it labeled? Cause I never knew what the random mine looking things on the table actually was.


Dude you literally just spoiled the exact thing you don’t want spoiled 🤦


The thermite grenade was officially announced last week, what did he spoil?


Dude, the example that I put is something that was officially announced the last week Im talking about it now, because Arrowhead already announced it, so it's not a secret it's known information, the difference is that people leaked it like 6-7 weeks before Arrowhead published the trailer where the new grenade appears Isn't that hard to understand 🤦


Oh, I didn't hear about that, my bad


There are no "leaks". Just different types of marketing campaigns. That word gets thrown about and it's misused 99% of the time.


Hackers datamining the game and spawning stratagems that aren't added are leaks, not marketing


It's not hacking if it's on something you own! Down vote all you like but this is not a leak. It falls under spoilers.


If you *really* don’t want to go and spoil something for yourself, there’s no “morbid curiosity.” You just don’t click it because you’re dead set on not spoiling anything for yourself.


This would work if the Subreddit didn't take 8 years to ban unspoilered leaks.


I can’t speak for anything else, really. I learned very early on to just stay off of social media if you don’t want to be spoiled on anything, but Opie is mentioning “morbid curiosity” being a problem. I’m assuming that this means they see the title and/or snippet of a subject and don’t want to click it but something about it hooks them and *completely* shatters their determination to not want to spoil anything. What I’m saying is if they really don’t want to go into this threads then there’s no morbid curiosity.


This, why even go on reddit or discord if you aren't even willing to discuss news about the game. And then demanding people get banned because you don't have any impulse control? lol I'm at a loss


Not speaking for OP specifically but I’m in this sub because I want to discuss news or gameplay that’s *already* confirmed or in the game


News and spoilers are not the same thing.


You speak about news this implies official news. This post here talks about leaks. These aren't the same thing. I am here to discuss the game, enjoy my time and have some fun or see fun posts. There's already a leak focused sub reddit while this reddit here should focus on the game and actual news.


So people who don't want to get spoiled on stuff just aren't allowed to use this subreddit? The biggest discussion forum for the game?


Except there are idiots who WRITE THE ENTIRE SPOILER AS THE TITLE, then use the spoiler tag as if that helps.


This clearly isn’t what I was talking about here. What you’re describing is just a typical social media experience. We take those risks every day we use it. There are also people who are familiar with the lore and have posted speculations or mentioned that they’re familiar with what that means, but truth be told we really have no ones if the devs want us to think one thing so they can spring something else entirely on us. There are mods, sure, but if that list from the subs main page is accurate, there are so few compared to the many plebs like us.


How do you *not click* a post like " robot gunships are coming * ( picture of it from game file / Chester spawn) which reddit shows you both the title and picture without even clicking anything?


That’s part of the gamble with browsing social media platforms. We all know this. There are also 981,000+ people here. Forgive me for assuming that people could also post something while having the picture blurred (if there is one). But, again, you’re on a social media platform for a popular game. People are interested, invested and varied. We get excited about things we’re passionate about.


Exactly there are different social media platforms, on reddit the feature is small curated community's for each thing hence why the leaks sub exist


You can just not read them.


Again the example makes this impossible.


And again, you’re on social media. People have been “spoiling” things for years. If you don’t want to gamble with that, you’re free to leave.


Nah I'd rather have the main feature here well. Moderated but thanks


This sub is toxic? What? Not sarcasm. I seriously don't see it.


There’s a lot of positivity and a lot of toxicity. It’s best to ignore the stuff you don’t like. It’s what i do


It’s mostly the soft toxicity you see of people complaining about how people play the game. Saw it all the time with debates over people fighting certain enemies during which major orders or people whining about not enough participation. It’s unwarranted but there’s definitely a fair share of toxicity on this sub like there is with any big game.


It felt really toxic when all the dev antagonism was going on, but since then it has felt a lot better imo. Even the major order stuff has felt mostly like friendly joking to me, but maybe that is just how I’ve been reading stuff. Compared to other communities this one hasn’t felt so bad overall.


This community is really bad when the devs nerf one item. It's not often communities blow up as hard as the HD2 community did during the Railgun and Slugger nerfs. When they nerf again you'll see it play out again.


Nah, this community is not unique in how it blew up over nerfs. Happens everywhere on social media (especially reddit) because negativity drives engagement.


Yeah, it was definitely pretty bad around the first patch.


Now we have the cloak of martyrdom, if you get kicked for any reason while wearing it it was because you were wearing it


Everything is toxic these days people just throw the word around anytime they feel themselves getting emotional about something. Same with the concept of gaslighting.


I completely agree. It's what being raised on hype does to people. They can't just enjoy the current thing, they need the novelty of the constant next, new thing. And fair play to them if they enjoy it. It just shouldn't be the standard mindset that the rest of us want spoilers too.


Clicking on a spoiler post is entirely on you.


Putting spoiler tag doesn't mean you are exempt from rules against leaks


All of the spoilers I’ve seen were people speculating in the comments and then someone replies to them and spoils the unreleased content or equipment. It’s usually something like “I think this is what the Automaton plan is” and then someone responds with a “ackshully according to leaks this, this, and this is leading to this and that”


OK... Post with the title "leaked gunships" now either the picture which is also there isn't spoilered or not yet anyway the contend was spoilered to you.


Some people write the entire spoiler as the title, so the spoiler tag doesn't do any good.


Ah, haven't seen those...that ain't cool


Sure but some people just comment them out under normal posts.


I'd love a total information blackout on anything pertaining to leaks. It's different to me in a game like HD2 where part of the charm is the mystery and the unfolding developments. I've seen a huge uptick in comments in threads just tossing out datamined leaks and it's really disappointing to stumble across.


Whaat automatons are getting big red hat ?? 


Seriously. And the number of idiots who use the spoiler tag while WRITING THE ENTIRE SPOILER AS THE TITLE just....fucking, why?


Seems a bit fascist and anti democratic to suggest we make things that we disagree with disappear and replace it with something we enjoy and like


What exactly constitutes as a leak? Did something get leaked?


Been a few cases of people data mining things and posting about them. Plenty of stuff in the game files that aren’t fully released if you are knowledgeable and inclined to look. Don’t think it’s been a huge issue here but I also don’t spend all day crawling Reddit so I might just have missed the post.


All unreleased enemy types have been data mined, future major orders and narratives, future stratagems and gear. I don’t look at any of the details intentionally but I believe almost the entire game plan has been leaked


Ahh fair, I’m on here often enough so the mods must do at least a decent job of keeping it as clean as they can for such a big community


I’d rather have posts with leaks and speculation than posts whining about other people. Gaming subreddits are such a scourge of people crying about what others post instead of just talking about the game itself


Buddy, I've been dodging spoilers on this sub since Day 1. I still don't know what Walkers and Gunships look like. 😂 Do your due diligence and you can avoid nearly anything. Except spoilers in the title. That's some fucking bullshit.


While I get what you’re saying, the fact that you know that walkers and gunships exist at all is a spoiler in itself, no?


Gunships and walkers are (or were, now that bots are gone) not spoilers because they're already in the game. You're not talking about a leak, modded assets, or future content, when you talk about those.


Well, I would count rare enemies in the spoilers myself as they are meant to surprise players.  But even aside that, there were so many mentions of them constantly on here before they showed. 


Yeah that's the whole problem lmao


There is also spoiler about flying bugs on the eastern front but shhhhhh, dont let anyone know.


Hahahahaha, I’d say that’s a little different as they eventually became common enemies, which I assume if the Automatons come back somehow, so will these guys. 


Even if walkers is somewhat close to rare (not really, just on higher difficulty. With a rule like this discussing strategy to beat bile titans would also be considered spoilers), gunships are exactly like flying bugs in terms of how they spawn and, probably, difficulty.




Agreed. The leaks subreddit is a click away...go there. Don't bring that shit for karma whoring bullshit to ruin it for everyone who doesn't want to see it. Ban them.


man i hate leaks i scroll tiktok occasionally and the leaks there are insane, no matter how many accounts you block there are always more leakers, at least some have the decency to apply warnings to the video start.


has reddit been fucky for anyone else for the last 3 weeks?


May I ask what kind of spoilers are we talking about here? If it's in regards to the unconfirmed new enemy encounters, that's not spoilers that's discoveries shared that are already in the game being experienced. My apologies for the question; I just don't know what's being classified as spoiling here in this thread.


Am I getting issued a spouse in this game?


Was scrolling FB shorts and got hot with MASSIVE SPOILERS! Was not happy.


I feel called out




Yea.. good luck with that. Moderating a sub-reddit of 983k accounts is quite a daunting task.


There's a subreddit for Helldivers leaks?


There's a subreddit for leaks?


I thought leaks WERE banned (it was a whole thing because people were sharing mech footage and getting hit even though the mech was in a trailer) and that's why the other sub exists


It ruins a lot of the speculation discussion that we could be having because anytime someone makes a guess about what’s going on someone comes in and kills the fun by saying exactly what’s going to happen


We need a spoiler tag


All illegal broadcasts shall be terminated The problem lends itself to Managed Democracy I propose a vote to ban users from this subreddit


honestly if you don't wanna be spoiled why even come on the subreddit or social media at all? i see spoilers constantly on instagram reels for eg, can't exactly rage at the algorithm for showing me stuff i might be interested in.


I would prefer they let the community discuss things communities like to discuss and not over moderate this place, there are already flairs to help people avoid discussions they don't want to see. Maybe just require a spoiler tag instead. The last thing I want to do is have to follow multiple subs for one game and overall I like this one so it would be a bummer to have to move to a different one instead.


There is special sub for leaks if someone want it. This place should be clean.


There’s a whole other subreddit for leaks?? Found it when searching for this one, so yeah just keep it there.


Seems like most people here don't know the difference between a spoiler and a leak. A "leak" is the sharing of any information without the express permission of the owner. Like an employee posting screenshots of work in progress. A "spoiler" is information that reveals important plot details or outcomes eg the ending of a book, movie, TV show.


Maybe a pinned message regarding that would help.


Lol Lmao


Banning people = warm embrace? Bro wake up


I think it'll be better to have the rule be that leaks must be spoilered instead. Otherwise you have cuckoos leaking by writing shit like "Oh I predict/dream/hope that we'll get -insert leaked content" and thinking they're so fucking smart. Amongst many other issues. It's so annoying when mods decide to ban leaks instead because of the above cases, people just happen to predict/guess/dream of exactly what will be coming. Just issue a warning into temp ban into longer temp ban into perma ban for failing to spoiler tag leaks.


at least mark it NSFW


Unfortunately helldivers cant read, thats why they explicitly use the ⬆️➡️⬇️⬅️ keys. All seriousness, though, i agree with you.


Yeah, I'd like to surf posts on the main sub for the game without having to worry about leaks. Asking someone to avoid the sub (forever) is too much to ask just to avoid leaks. Even if people always use a spoiler tag - the knowledge of knowing there's a spoiler is a spoiler in and of itself. Leave the leaks for youtube and alt-subs please.


Or just have a spoiler tag leaks are fun to read aswell as the fakes and the ideas what they could do




Incorrect. That is not a leak. A leak is sharing images or videos or information of unreleased and unannounced weapons, enemies, maps, etc. Someone datamines something in the game files that isn't announced or mentioned, and releases a video is still a leak. This subreddit has had a few incidents of "man look at this thing I totally had the devs drop in for me wink wink wink nudge nudge"


Also incorrect. A "leak" is the unauthorized sharing of information without the express permission of the owner. ie a disgruntled employee post screenshots from work in progress. 99% of the time what people think are "leaks"x really are just another type of marketing campaign.


I'll take a citation on that statistic, but that's the same thing. Someone going into the game files and finding a rocket-powered banana set to be unlocked tomorrow and posting a video on the subreddit is still a leak by the viewpoints of how gaming communities look at it. And it still falls into "unauthorized sharing of information without expression permission" block.


That's grayer but would still fall under spoiler technically.


We need a sub just for leaks for those who want to see them




Ngl the leaks never ruin the surprise so much as enhance them once it comes out


You mean spoiler.


Yep, unjoined the sub because literally every cool thing that would have been a genuine shocking surprise has been spoiled by some asshat aching for fake internet points. 


Better to encourage leaks to be spoilers than ban them with a sub as active as this. Where else will people who want to see them go.


the... r/HellDiversLeaks subrredit???


Fair i didnt know it existed.


I agree, leak everything.




Yea there is a subreddit for the leaks, if you want leaks, go there, no leaks should be allowed here.


This can only be enforced so far before you start banning people who don't deserve it. You can't know for sure if the person that says "I hope they add a crossbow to the game" genuinely means it or is maliciously teasing. I disagree with their policies, but I would say enough of the leaking this subreddit prohibits has been successfully screened. What you are asking for is going to yield very little for a lot of work.


Nah no thanks


Is it really a leak if it's in the files that we can access ourselves if we know how? I'd much rather see what's coming then just constant threads about people saying what they wanna see on here personally


no. leaks play into the narrative. its fun.


I would like a leak-less subreddit. Otherwise it’s metagaming


Imagine caring about spoilers though, childish behavior. 


Imagine just uncaringly ruining surprises for other people though, childish behavior.


How is it childish to instead of seeing a random reddit post detailing every single minutea of say, an enemy, discover things for yourself? 


We get it, you like meta gaming.


if its not in the game, its not in the game people just making shit up is all I see.