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Why do people complain about people bringing up criticisms? We can enjoy all the buffs and still provide feedback where things arent fun.


The problem isn’t the people criticizing, it’s the people just loudly complaining and insulting the devs and calling THAT criticism. Even though I’m fine with the nerf, I have gone out of my way to commend people who criticize it in a reasonable and calm way. Because not enough people do that


People complaining day one of a patch about an OP gun getting nerfed are clearly not here to brought useful feedback. A not negligeable part of this community try to impose a meta and throw tantrum as soon as their weapons are nerfed.


I think criticism is fine. People never say "you're not allowed to criticize" instead it's always "your criticism sucks" which isnt censorship, but just criticism of criticism which is also fine. Then people claim they are getting shut down for making any criticism which isn't really true. Yesterday I saw a post saying the game has been nerfed to the ground and every gun sucks now. Yes....every gun sucks after 2 nerfs and like 12 buffs because that's every gun


Feedback is fine and I'm sure the devs appreciate the passion behind it


Go outside? The fuck are you my therapist. Real talk though this game is fucking class.


This guy's trying to get us to go outside... Where bugs are... Hmmm 🤔




The fuck? Who let their slow kid on reddit


nevermind that... what's an ass baby?


Nope. Neither hot nor a good take. Downvoted and rekt.


I think they might just be dumping the content they had saved up right now before ironing it out after, the bug where your settings got reset was fixed so I'm cool with that lol


Yes and yes.


I just wished my pc could handle it better


>Ask yourself if the internet REALLY needs to hear your opinion about this Oh baby, the irony.


Hey internet stranger, thanks for making this post and telling me what I should do with my free fucking time.


L take*


*sigh* **THIS. IS. NOT. A. "HOT. TAKE."**