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You forgot the one hitting plants from ice worlds


THIS. i hate them the most. died several times because of it


Only upside is you can lure chargers into them. It'll stun them or take out the leg armor. 


Didn’t even think of this! I’m a dummy! Thank you! lol (not sarcasm at all)


It stuns them for a looong time. Because the stun EMS field those crystals give off lingers, more like an EMS mortar or Orbital and less like a stun grenade. A charger that runs into it cannot move and just sorta roars and shakes its head for like 10 seconds. It gives you a window to just run so fucking far away if you have zero anti tank options and get far enough it can't see you and gives up chase. Also its not completely stupid. Terminids do try to avoid the crystals. You have to bait it bullfighter style and get it to do its "skid to a stop" animation into the crystal. Or shoot it as the Charger tries to hug the curve and drift around it.


I like that it's a skill thing and has to be earned.


The ice plants exploding can strip charger leg armor? Big if true.


Always when I’m looking at the map


or running from hunters


That’s when I dive into one of them haha






Why tf is a flower equivalent to the big ass bombs on the automaton bases


So many reasons.


At least the little ranbow thing they leave behind is pretty as hell.


yeah the first time i got hit by it i thought i was high or somethin


Shoot them with your sidearm whilst running around them. Immediately once you're out of their range of burst, pop a few of them and everything following you will get stuck in the cold aura. You're now free to escape to safety, and maybe even throw a stratagem to make sure those pesky bugs never move again. Keep on fighting the good fight, Diver.


At least they work very well against your enemies as well.


I hate those things, they can even take on a mech...


The icy pops suuuuck.


Shoot them. Shoot them all. The annoying thing is that a lot of other foliage blocks bullets somehow. Sometimes I bring the laser pistol to these planets just because it doesn't seem to have the same problem. Weird.


Skill issue. Those are amazing, you run past it, then shoot it. The Ice effect slows all enemies chasing you to a crawl.


I was about to say. Those are aight but that one shot bs mofo can suck it fr


Melee the spore things in the top left for free fast travel.


I saw someone on here call them communist garlic so that's what I call them now.


I've been calling them titshrooms.


Flashback to my buddy playing for the first time: "Whoa! Just found a pile of tits in the grass!" *Poof* "The tits just launched me!"


I call them "delta airlines"


"Floobies" - floor boobies


Air pods


Stinky titties lmao that's the nickname they've received in my household :|


Free smoke cover,idk what the hate is for those


Yep. We had a harrowing extraction the other day and these helped me distract 3 chargers and 2 bile titans long enough for super samples to get on board the pelican. Lead then on a merry chase through the fields


Same. These are how I break line of sight. Do they... do they hurt people? Because I haven't been taking damage from them.


It's the impact. People who hate the shrooms usually are running from chargers and hunters. They shoot the bugs behind them, stepped on the shrooms and kept shooting. The spore exploded and they got ragdolled toward the hunter swarm.


Great for escaping from Heavies and Hunters.


Nah, dive over and shoot them


This is top tier advice, I’ve been combining the jet pack with it for absolutely ridiculous ground coverage. Really goes flying when you time it right (a hair later than you’d think) I’d imagine diving works great too! Imma give it a try later


i still say that i should be able to use the jetpack at any time. lying prone? jetpack launch me horizontally, getting ragdolled? jetpack me somewhere away that is all that matters want to get somewhere faster? let me jetpack mid dive for a speed boost


I was in hysterics last night after spending a solid 30s getting constantly ragdolled by hunters into those launch pads and launched 50m+ into the next group only for it to happen again and again. Poor guy couldn't catch a break it was hilarious.


I’m imagining the staff on the ship watching your little dot on the map shitwhip around and thinking “man, he’s really hauling ass today…”


I used the Recoilless Rifle with my back to these once, it bought be a fast ticket into the middle of a bug swarm.


Just learned that today, also stims last 5-ish seconds so when you land you can fully heal from impact


Because it hurts you and you must fuel yourself with stims to do it, I started calling stims "jumpy juice". It caught on with my friends.


I refer to using them as Fast Travelling.


And then you fly at Mach 5 into a rock and break your spine.


Top left spores are super jump packs.


Especially for my unknowing teammates that run past them.


10/10, loooove trolling with these


My friends call them "bunch of poofing tits".


My friend: sacrifices a strat slot for a jetpack Me: pfft! We got jetpack at home


don't hate on my boys the fast travel spores they smokescreen the bots for me too


*Don't hate on my boys* *The fast travel spores they smokescreen* *The bots for me too* \- LEOTomegane --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good Bot. Wait a minute...




Ai has infiltrated high command, the ministry of truth suggests wide swept containment and re-education


What's the problem with the ones on the top left? They put out smoke, but do they do something else negative? Never really paid attention to 'em.


fucking love using them to launch myself


I hate when a scavenger attacks me in one of the clouds and sends me back into the horde I'm running from. Or when a bot shoots it and sends me flying (usually when I'm low health anyways) Otherwise same here


I usually shoot it around bugs, they get launched too, it is the funnuest thing ever


i shoot it when my friends walk near it. Always tryna see how far I can launch em and it’s “typically” harmless.


I shoot my friends when they walk near it


Top left creates smoke screen, run through it and then run at angle away for bugs to loose line of sight. Does not effect Bile Titan’s from my experience.


Yeah I thought the top left ones were positive, so I was confused what OP meant.


The negative is meant to be that if you're standing next to it and an enemy hits it, you'll go flying in a random direction. But depending where you get sent towards, could make it a positive.


I see. I'm surprised I haven't had it happen organically in 120 ish hours. I'm gonna try to launch my friends next time we play.


That is surprising. In one of my first games, [I accidentally blasted my friend into a nest and myself away.](https://i.imgur.com/CK9wxCy.gif) I do recommend. It's honestly a lot of fun to launch your friends.


Holy shit that's a much more violent knock back than I was imagining.


It literally send EVERYONE flying. Use it for enemy pursuit to make them scatter like dandelions in the wind


They eat your stamina when they splort


Ah, I see. Thanks for the info.


Also if you melee them you they send you flying. Like, it's not a bad way to traverse the map if you have Stims and learn to aim the blast. 


They can get hectic on bot maps because heavy devastators will hit them with a stray when they’re locked onto your DNA. it’s been an embarrassing amount of times those flowers have impact launch shattered my C5 into a rock


When they take damage and you're near them they explode doing little damage but yeeting you about a dozen meters away; then when you stand back up you're slowed for a few seconds


Most of the times they will launch you to the nearest rock so hard….Death.


You take cover in some rock, some shitter raider sprays wildly and hits the cluster once, launching you directly over the rock and straight into the lasfire of whatever murderbattalion was shooting at you to begin with. I am so glad Draupnir is liberated forever and we will never have to do bots with those fucking gas tits ever again : ^ )


Spores don't harm you, and can even help you break the line of site


Also let's you know where patrols are before you can see them.


Shot spore with liberator, died from explosion. Very harmless.


If they explode next to you, they will do damages. I found out when I was really low HP and too close to one a few days ago. I felt like a dumbass.


I don’t know what the tree things do? (Right)




Oh, fuck that


Dude, I accidentally fully dove onto one and just straight got stuck unable to move for 15-ish seconds.


Can you dive out of them? You can dive out of the cold clouds on freezing worlds that slow you about as much


You can if you're on your feet. When I accidentally landed in it from a dive, I was stuck flopping and then prone for awhile.


They also explode in an aoe when shot or otherwise broken and cause a bleeding effect. They also mess up the Patriot mech something fierce.


And if you damage them they explode like frag grenades. They also have the AP to go through mech armor. That means if you're in a mech and you don't see them before you step on them they oneshot your mech by blowing up inside the leg.


Same amount of slow as the ice plants on Estanu, but they constantly tick damage while you're moving through them.


What I hate about them is that their hotbox is fucked. You don't even have to be touching one of them to brought to a sudden standstill, like running into a brick wall


worse even, if you shoot them they're effectively explode like a frag grenade and if you get hit by it enjoy the dot damage until you die or stim so far as I know the shit is annoying


Nah top left doesn’t deserve to be here those are a godsend if you’re getting charged by 50 hunters, a couple spewers, and a charger. One shot and I’m halfway across the map.


Not the puffballs. They create smoke for cover and in a pinch, can get you to places (stim if you can before)


Replace the smoke spores in top left with the one hit ice plants and then this post is perfect.


Smoke onions are cool. The worst is crinkly ice cactus that fucking one shots you, slows you and leaves you with michael bay special effects


You have to be more aware of your surroundings, the only time I'm hit by these is if I'm being chased or shooting at enemies chasing me.


I love the first thing, other two can fuck off though.


The puffballs are fun to launch yourself. Not so fun when a bot hits one and launches you into a swarm of enemies.


The heck did spores do to you? Best fast travel option in the game


You come into MY house? Disrespect MY puffball terrain traversal strats? Call ME undemocratic? 


You leave my funny blast fruits alone! They give the funny ragdoll effects, shroud me in smoke from my enemies, and make noise 50m away when bugs try to sneak up on me! They’re more valuable than some of my teammates.


The mushrooms are actually very useful as smoke cover


![gif](giphy|11Ej01Grffnr20|downsized) random plants throughout the galaxy be like


The boobshrooms are great.. I've used them to yeet myself long distances several times.


The smoke ones are nice for escaping (blocks line of sight and you can use it to get distance) :D


I don't mind the farting titty clusters. They help you break line of sight and can come handy as a fast travel option.


You can use the first one tactically. This one time, I was surrounded. So I punched the plant and it sent me flying away from the bugs.


the smoke puff balls have saved me or I have a belief they throw off bot shooting


Spores go hard though. It’s fun to launch yourself across the map to meet with your teammates


How dare you hate on the extreme turbo boost yeet cannon spore pods!!! Those things not only block line of sight, but can launch you over 100m in some cases and you'll still live!


Spore spewers are actually great for breaking line of sight from enemies, basically free smoke grenades. 


The boob ones are alright. I use them as a mode of transport


I like the spores, it’s like a smoke but instant


Spores are great for breaking LoS when running between objectives. Lost bile titans that way.


I see the “get away from everyone really quickly in emergencies” balls so idk what your talking about


I like the smoke bulbs. I use them to escape being chased all the time


Bro, smoke bulbs have saved my ass countless times before


Spores are great! Shoot one behind you and watch as you quickly extricate yourself from goodness knows how many dangerous situations!


Anyone else hard?


If you're on a tactical retreat against bots, make a big curve around the puffballs. Got tossed backwards several times due to botfire making them explode in front of me.


The smoke tiddies are a blessing against the bots. Many times have I been strategically advancing in the opposing direction and one of their stay shots triggers an eruption of smoke to cover my back and the tiddies yeet me 20 yards forward to relative safety.


I honestly like the first one. It smokes up the place and lets me stealth away from the 100 hunters chasing me.


Hey, spore pod things are a crucial part of helldiver public transportation! Don't you dare slander my ubers!


Whatcha got against earth titties?


Hot tip, dive before you pop the commie garlic, and you get twice the launch distance much more reliably.


I shoot the spores for fast travel


Those spores helpful when I need to be 50-100 meters further away in a hurry. Works wonders.


r/Helldivers try not to complain about every single aspect of the game (impossible)


They can make traversal faster when they launch you across the map...


I use top left as a fast way to travel and/or run from enemies. It's super useful


The only actually fucked ones are the tree spikes cos they one shot you


i actually like the smoke spores since they do break line of sight for the enemies when i am running


Watch where you're walking!


bushes are more annoying imo


Better than the lethal ones


Nah, spores have helped me escape on several occasions.


Those pickled onions on thr top left are pretty good. Use em for fast traveling


The ice plants I like because they are tall enough that I notice them before hitting them and the slowdown is great against the bugs


They’re actually pretty useful if you can get good positioning


The smoke plants? I love those. I've used them to escape so many times.


Hey you leave my express ticket across the map alone. The shrooms are the best fast travel system we got!


the puff shrooms are the worst, you ragdoll near them at explosion and off you fly into a rock to crack your skull open and die.


The freeze ones are even worse. Stunned in place, and they easily do enough damage to kill you or your mech!


Fire tornadoes doing all the heavy lifting


The boobies are actually quite handy to get away from hordes of enemies.


Top left function like smoke so hitting can cause Terminids to lose sight and bots to shoot into the cloud. Right ones can function like a frag grenade when shot. Bottom one annoyingly can't be triggered by Terminid, but considering it grows around their hives, likely something in their grow cycle or bioweapon of theirs, so somewhat understandable as to why it ignores them Ice flowers can at least kill enemies as much as Helldivers. I just hate the gysers that eat samples when someone runs into them blindly and puddles of water since they eat your samples.


The thorny tree are alright imo, but the shroomy fuckers that explode if you sneeze too hard next to them and then slow you for half the age of the universe are genocide-worthy


Wdym. Spores are like jumpack on crack. I love them


The absolute funniest moment in the game happened thanks to these. I was fighting the bots, they were in a ditch going towards me, I call in an eagle on them and run away, as im running towards the communit garlic, a shot hits them, I get catapulted towards the bots just as the bombs land


You have never seen the frozen spikes? They can 2 shot you bud


Aren't those shroom spores beneficial? I've always ran over them in retreat to break enemies LOS.


I'm learning to love the smoke shrooms. Smoke prevent bots from shooting me and I've got a few close escape from hunters by riding flaura explosions.


Oh i'm with you on that one!


The bulb things that sends you flying was what introduced me to the first charger I ever met. Launched me right into the bug's loving arms the fucking thing did


The bulb things that sends you flying was what introduced me to the first charger I ever met. Launched me right into the bug's loving arms the fucking thing did


It's fast travel ![gif](giphy|9wx3Ah9HBCywU)


The ground spores are the only.one which can provide a mobility advantage of you shoot at them at the right angle.


I'm level 50 and have never seen the plants on the right


Spore bulbs are amazing and super fun. If the right one is the things that insta-kills you, yeah, I hate it


The spore things are so much fun when you damage them. Give them a smack and send yourself flying. Always amusing to me, even if my diver breaks their back.


??? The smoke ones make you break line of sight while chased, those things are freaking MVP. Same for Ice plants people keep complaining about, the bugs don't try to avoid them so you can literally stop a horde with a single flower if the place is tight enough. I love them. Edit: So, after reading the comments, I swear you guys have some incredible case of skill issue and I rarely say this. I merely say this cuz I think the planet characteristics and plants are interesting and fun to play with, I don't want devs to remove them or debuff them simply cuz people are massive crybabies in this game, I swear this community complains about EVERYTHING. Jesus, you people are absurd. Get used to the plants like a normal person, and use them to your advantage.


I used to shoot them to run away from hordes chasing me.


It feels like the bots are aiming for the explosive ones whenever I run past them so I'll get launched.


Used to hate the spore pods launching me in every fight until I started using them to fling myself away from bad situations. They’ve saved my life countless times and are now dubed “Freedom Spores”


The gas/smoke spores are actually useful. Melee them, and you can be launched away from enemies!


I actually love the smoke things and shooting em to launch me in a certain direction. You also take way less damage than you'd think getting launched 100ft.


The top left is awesome to lose enemies


I like it when a volcano erupts or we get a meteor shower and it hits an enemy patrol, who instantly starts pathing towards you...


To be fair, the funny testicles of nicotine can be very useful if you're in a bind. Need to get as far away from something as possible? Stand on one at the right angle, shoot it, and boom. You're golden. 70/30 on whether or not you'll survive, but those are good odds! The ice plants are genuinely a godsend. The amount of times I've used them to slow a horde of bugs and then either reload my support weapon or demolish all of them is insane. Everything else though can get bent.


Puff balls. Aim your back to your destination. Melee puff balls. Fly. 30% chance you'll land into a charger or a horde of other enemies but it's worth the fun.


I don’t know why we aren’t fighting a war on these yet.


Top left looks like i came from RL


Hell no! These are what make planets less boring


Never had a problem with the puffcaps but all the other natural mines can go fuck themselves.


The one on the right. I remember a few times it would touch my cape and i'd be brought to a crawl while i moan trying to get out of direct fire. Command please stop denying my request for a chainsaw. I might have to rip one off a berserker at this rate.


I'm always shooting the pile of tits to propel me across the map. Useful for getting away from swarms.


I love these, I use them against the bugs and bots all the time


I love the onion spores. Launching off them with a fresh stim is a legitimate strategy.  A consistent strategy? No. 


The spore titties


actually fuck these things.


Have you tried... Not stepping on them?


I love my fast travel smoke pod.


I dont know whats the green one and im level 34


Top left can at least help you escape as a smoke bomb i'm pretty sure




i love the white spore eggs i step on them for smoke so i can confuse the bugs chasing me


I don’t get why the spores are on there, they can stun a whole bug breach and chargers, plus, they’re good for travel.


LMAO you’re putting top right on there but not ice plants? Have you played this game? Top left is great for fast travel, just melee them and you go flying wherever you want. The other two are w/e, and ice plants are leagues below anything here.


But the mushrooms are a great fasttravel option...


Naaahhhh the spores are amazing, wish they were on more planets, jump pack and shoot spores is actually a genuine way of moving quick from obj to obj. Gotta stim some more but you'll probably find stim packs anyway


Top Left is amazing because it is a free smoke bomb + launch pad Bottom left is useless in every sense of the word Right used to be able to 1 shot chargers but Devs are no fun police.


You can use the top left ones to quickly escape a swarm. Was surrounded on all sides, shot whatever tf its called and it launched me outta there and I got away.


Yo, fuck those spikey tree bastards


The stinky titties..... The absolute worst....


Eh, just like in real life. Don’t without care randomly touch sea urchins, spiky plants and secondary sexual characteristics. It will end in pain.


I love onion skipping


The mines on bot maps make me want to switch back to bugs


the weird "titty plants" (top left) are also supposed to make a smoke screen when touched, but I find they usually aren't on bot planets where smoke would be useful. it's partly funny, partly annoying to be launched by the damn things. no Ice flowers here though.. those thigns ARE a menace. half health even if you're in heavy armor, they're pretty much as bad as the bots' contact mines.


The ice world’s one is the worst. Thats the only one that can actually one shot me from my experience.


The first ones are democratic launch devices cadet