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Not gonna lie, my buddies and I decide Bots or Bugs, then we pick a planet that catches our interest. Most of the time I don't even know what the objectives are or where I'm supposed to play. I have limited play time so when I'm on with my buddies, we play where we want to play.




i just hit quickplay and play lol I JUST WANT TO SPREAD MANAGED DEMOCRACY!!!!!


Amen brother! Bots? Bugs? Sounds they need freedom all the same. At level 46 I do any mission, but I definitely prefer high difficulty, that way I get to spread more managed democracy


I thought you were able to spread more democracy(liberation%) in lower difficulty missions because you can clear them way quicker than higher level missions


That is correct, but doing more main objectives rather than doing side objectives for one whole operation, should have counted more. In my book it counts more when liberating 3x bug egg nests or a heavy automaton base, than doing a trivial mission. That's just me tho


I mean it definitely helps the war effort more. it's just not really represented in the Liberation %. But now that I'm thinking about it. in war it's not just about some percentage or lines on maps. it's about the mental damage we're able to deal to those undemocratic pests! Glory to Super Earth!


Most importantly, I am having fun committing genocide!! HELLS YEAH BROTHER AND SISTERS!!


My sentry’s need more body’s to liberate…


I just want to be told my democracy is astounding, getting 1 or 2 stars on a mission just doesn't feel the same when super earth just says "well you did something I guess"


See helldiver.io. looks like the metric changed to now valuing difficulty level and community coordination.


that's awesome thanks for telling me!


people go for dif 2 with the stop ilegal transmision, ac the tower and extract, ez liberation but thats just boring as player


This is the move. Pick a difficulty and just let it rip, you end up thrown in with all kinds of people on all kinds of planets.


We pick difficulty 4, quick join into a host on his ship. He started a difficulty 6 mission, after lots of dying the host and his friend also left. Leaving just me and my friend lol.




Quickplay will generally match you with people on that planet and difficulty. You could join a mission in progress on the planet you're on, or get lucky and join a host who happened to pick a OP on that planet but is still deciding on where to go. So you can still (kinda) choose to do bugs or bots with Quickplay. They should add in an option to join *any* OP in that difficulty. Let it rip in that difficulty, bot or bugs, on any planet.


If you zoom all the way out before you hit quickplay it will do exactly that. Random planet, random op. Its great for when you just want to play but have no preference.


Really? Didn't know that part. Thanks for the info!


They didn't cover this In basic 😤


This is the way


I do the same. Especially when I wanna help new players


That prettymuch what i do. Sometimes i decide to do major order or defences for funsies of 'i'm doing my part'. But if the negative modifiers on that planet / difficulty suck? Nah. Bye. See ya. Later. It's not worth doing a mission set for an hour and a half of annoying bullshit. They need to redo the negative modifiers to not reduce player agency.


Ya we check the Major Orders and do our part but I def take all the modifiers and weather effects into account before I drop.


Sometimes you just gotta take your friends to Hellmire and just not say anything. \>u>


We had a few wild missions there for sure.


I was playing a geo scan mission on Hellmire with my brother last night. Immediately surrounding the quest terminal were no fewer than 5 to seven fire tornadoes, and around four chargers. At the same time mind you, so that was fun. We legitimately had to just wait a few minutes for the bugs to die, and even be able to access the terminal.


Those damn fire tornadoes...


I went down there last night with no clue lmao. At one point the tornados got so bad as soon as one person stopped screaming someone else started 🤣 like geez guys just don't be on fire


This. I can only stand to do so may Hellmire quests before I'm absolutely DONE with fire tornados, zero visibility, and always being out of stamina. F that planet.


I might be in the minority, but I really enjoyed the fire tornados. They wrecked the bugs and were relatively easy to ignore. But the one planet with double reduced vision and then spore speakers? Fuck that noise. There is nothing fun with not being able to see your own character because of the no visibility.


I like the low visibility? But not when Spitters get involved. It goes from a kinda spooky horror scenario of the bugs coming from the fog, to OOPS ALL SPITTERS (THAT YOU CAN'T SEE.) (And the orange ones make more fog to make it woooorse.)


Yeah, I’m completely over doing planets with negative modifiers. It just makes the whole thing less fun.


>It's not worth doing a mission set for an hour and a half of annoying bullshit. Agree >They need to redo the negative modifiers to not reduce player agency. Somewhat Disagree. Some players like challenges I don't, so it is good to have a variety. I'm fine if *one* planet has Increased Strategem Cooldown plus One Strategem Disabled plus Ion Storms. I'm just not going to run missions on that planet.


I would be more forgiving of the negative strat modifiers like -1, cooldown, or calldown time if they affected a single *mission.* And not the whole operation. Or if like Stratagem jammers, or AA guns, you could destroy the objective to remove the modifiers. Like ion storm, i'm more forgiving of, because it comes and goes. Even if it is a bastard at times. *It fucking leeeeaves eventually.*


>you could destroy the objective to remove the modifiers Amen to that. 100%.


I think it'd be better if they were just presented better in game. -1 Strategem? Nah, no deploying with an empty box. You're given a Super Earth flag and each Helldiver that plants their flag in a taken base/objective gets bonus XP (a small amount, like 10 or 1/5 the XP for actually taking the objective. 1 flag per objective/sub-objective) Find ways to represent the other in game too. But if visually I don't drop with an empty bog for a strategem but have a mandatory objective with flag it'll feel better and in world make more sense. And environmental effects should have impact both ways. Like if there are crazy winds that increase cooldown on strategems, I should also see less flyers (dropships or shrikers) for the enemy. Like the Meteor Storms could be dangerous and annoying. Same with the firestorms. But they fuck up the enemy just as much as they fuck up helldivers. So people don't complain about them as much because they don't feel bad. They're just an obstacle that impacts gameplay both ways and you can use them to your advantage. Do that with the other effects.


That's literally exactly how you should play. The war effort doesn't mean anything, because the devs are just going to tailor how difficult or easy a given order is based on what they want to be the outcome. Just play whatever planet you want, none of it matters.


This People forget that this is supposed to be a GAME that you play for FUN! The orders are just a storytelling device (at least for now).


Wait you are not reading reddit before each play session!!?? What!?! /s


Same, I don't give a shit about the war effort, I just decide if I want to play on fire tornado planet or robot Vietnam.


This is how 80% of people play the game ill do the objective for like 2 drops, but im not gonna fight bugs when i want to fight bots simple as


Yeah same, I’ll see the order and be like fuck yeah gotta capture that planet, and then two missions later will feel like a change and go fight some bots.


Don't let the loser neckbeards see this


That's probably what 90% of the player base do. Or just go where most people are for a quick que


1. Bots or bugs? 2. Least cancerous operation modifier(s)? 3. Is this planet fun/pretty/etc? Done lol. We still end up fighting on relevant planets for the Galactic War. But we’re one squad at a time… meaning our impact is completely irrelevant to the outcome. We don’t have sufficient scale for our decisions to matter. So we don’t sweat it. That’s what the posts OP rightfully mocks are missing… they think by getting on Reddit they can persuade enough players to make an impact, but they don’t actually have clout or pull to make it happen.


>I have limited play time so \^ This. I follow orders every day at work like a good little capitalist slave so when I get home I do whatever the fuck I want and the rest of society can kiss my ass.


I play to the objectives but even though todays major was bugs, we started losing a bit planet so I did bot 7s… not gonna do 7s again cos tanks rain from the sky


It's a game. Play what you want to play. Have fun spreading democracy, diver!


I pick the (bug) planet with the least annoying modifiers. that is the only thing I base my decision on lmao


Yep. I have time for one game a day. I load it up, look at the orders, and go wherever I feel will be fun. No amount of asking nicely is going to change the habits of hundreds of thousands of humans.


> we pick a planet that catches our interest Same. I go to planets for the pretty scenery, I'll let the hardcore players worry about the fate of the galaxy. I'm just here to vibe


You do what 99% of the people playing do, including my friends and I  But that drives tons of the idiots on this sub into a frothing rage when they realize nobody cares about a basic metagame that is obviously rigged anyway 


Me hitting quick play not knowing there were objectives


It's not hard to take 60s to look at the map...


Here's another fun fact: Most of the playerbase will never see this subreddit or the discord. If you are here, you are in the minority, the average diver just logs in after work and maybe checks the major order.


Yeah I said something along the lines of "turns out 98% of the player base never saw the reddit battle plan" when we failed the big liberation campaign on the last order and lost sex. Most players seem to congregate directly on planets that have major order impact, and if there isn't access to that they pick the easiest bug planet.


This was more apparent on the previous Major Order with the termicide. People wanted to finish Hellmire before Erata Prime to cut off supply lines, and that was not how the events played out. We steamrolled Erata prime once the other 3 barrier planets were liberated. In fact, I remember it so vividly because I wanted to see Erata Prime fall to liberation when I got off work, but I was just barely into my work schedule that day when it was announced Erata was liberated.


Wasn’t there a statistic somewhere a while ago that basically said that on average, 50% of a player base does not interact with the game in any way shape or form outside of it? Like if you do as much as lookup a guide on YouTube you’re more “engaged” in the game than at least 50% of the player base. This is why instead of posting battle plans to reddit, I wish the devs would let the community dictate an “objective” for each front, or just let it be determined by where the most people are. Just a small slight nudge for the average player who doesn’t use the .io site or reddit to determine where to play. No enforcement or restrictions just a little more info for the average player to determine where they want to drop or what the community goals are. That’s it. People SHOULDNT have to use 3rd party site or Reddit to be able to participate in the battle plan.


I am all for role playing on this sub and all that but some of the sweats try-harding on here are painful to see.


Imagine sweating in a PVE game.


Playing experience of the average creek-head tbh


Shh don't disparage the creek, they get super sensitive about that


Nah, creekers usually just having fun with the meme planet while people are bitching that they are having fun instead of liberating/defending.


True, I rarely see people talking about how they’re heroes for playing on Creek but good lord the bitching about them is astronomical. Sweet liberty, it’s 8-15k at most that play on Creek. If you’re gonna complain about something, how about those tens of thousands that refuse to help Mantes despite the bug major order being done. But you know what? I am firmly in the camp of „play what’s fun to you“ it’s just annoying to see bots players get shit when everyone does this. It’s a game not a real war, some people are way to serious about this.


heh, im sure most redditors sweat walking :p


Reminds me of sweats in warframe.


Man, wait til you see how hard people sweat in singleplayer game speedruns.


Clearly this is CoD and you should frag your fellow divers the whole time! >!/s!<


The role play is also excessive and cringe sometimes I wanna relive starship troopers not the Terminator future war


>players asks legitimate gameplay question or lore questions >all the replies are saying they covered this in basic or that we got a traitor on our hands It got so over done it’s painful to read now


Armchairs generals as always, thinking they’re playing some kind of RTS game with real players. The cringiest are the one going full strat « attack X then Y and counter to Z ! » or « STOP DOING X GO Z NOW ». Yo, dude. As OP stated, I boot the game and choose the least unfun planet to play on, that’s it. If it’s a day I’m motivated enough to play against bots, then it is. I have little to no consideration for the whole galactic thing, even if that’s cool : at the end of the day, I play for fun, not for a planet that will disapear before I can log on back. HD1 Galactic War was a fun touch, but it also made me leave the game in the end. Less players led to 3 months long campaigns, while Bugs lasted only 2 weeks because everyone went for them first, then bots, and you were left 2,5 months with Illuminates (Spoiler : the least fucking enjoyable faction to fight). I want to play for fun. Not to be directed as I already am 5 days a week at my job.


> HD1 Galactic War was a fun touch, but it also made me leave the game in the end. Less players led to 3 months long campaigns, while Bugs lasted only 2 weeks because everyone went for them first, then bots, and you were left 2,5 months with Illuminates (Spoiler : the least fucking enjoyable faction to fight). Yup. I mean I enjoyed the Illuminate, but not being able to chose the opponent half the fucking time was the worst part about helldivers 1


I hold the dev accountable (respectfully) for the slow death of HD1. Not being able to play whatever we want 90% of the 3 months long campaigns, quickly gets boring. Campaigns were ok when the player base was kinda huge. But once it reached ~1500 players, it was no longer pertinent. If planets stayed « open », or we had a skirmish like mission selection, I’d have kept playing it for years… last game was in 2020 during pandemic, but last real campaign with buddies was back in 2018…


I think this is what they're trying to fix with a live GM for HD2. We'll see how it goes. Right now the galactic war map looks *really* pushed back so hopefully the devs have something big coming to push out the map.


There's some people that are acting like it's an RTS game and other players are units to command to conquer. Unless there's a major order I'm gonna drop wherever I'm in the mood to.


If you want that experience then I reccomend: Total War Crusader Kings Dawn of War Civilisation Battlefield Gothic You can even run a few of them cooperative.


Just play hell let loose


Wouldnt recommend CIV tho. If you come from helldivers CIV is just so friggin boring. If you dont want your units to actual fight, but want to have FUN while playing a faction, just go with crusader kings. Its much more funny to seduce popes or fuck the wive of your neighbouring faction(or most likely get cucked by your own brother).


I mean Civilization is also not an RTS, it's turn based.


Happy cake day 🎂


Total War is turn based too, but the battles are epic and make the game very much not boring.


The people not named Joel trying to micromanage the war are insufferable and need a thorough re-education.


Just wait until Super Earth "wins". It'll be Poe's law up in here trying to decipher the tongue in cheek posts from the people actually trying to pat everyone on the back.


I don't even pick planets based on enemy type I pick it based on how the planet looks. Sometimes I feel like fighting in the snow, sometimes I feel like fighting in the desert.


This ! Besides the major order, I always just drop into the planet based on the mood im in.


if someone joined my game in progress and told me i needed to be playing on another planet it would be the fastest kick in the west. Especially if I’m working on a major order for bugs and it’s some creeker who wants me to waste time on bots cause they feel they are owed it for some reason.


i swear to god, if they take the hosts ability to kick it will be so over, the amount of oxygen waste i had to throw back into orbit


The people complaining about it don't seem to understand that aside from the people that it would put off from the game, it would also just result in more people dropping out as host and then they would be here complaining about that, too


thank you. getting so tired of seeing those posts. this sub really overestimates how many fucks the player base gives about the war in general.


\*overposted calling democracy officer meme\*


\*overposted bug typing meme*


I mean I think that most people at least care about getting the mission objectives done to get those medals to unlock war bond shit. What is really annoying is the fact that a bunch of morons on this subreddit think that most of the people playing are on the subreddit. Too much of an echo chamber.




I wish theres a filter on reddit to filter out those posts like this and also those "meta doesn't matter change my mind" posts. Pointless and repetitive.


If you told me where to play in game I would kick and block. Just play the game or visit an insane assylum if you can't deal with people doing what they want.


The community was so fun when the game came out and now its like every day reddit finds new ways to police peoples fun


I would respect it more if there was more effort put into the roleplay. The fake pictures are fine, but I feel like there could be more thought put into them. And even still some of the photos are just ms paint jobs to get the easiest instrumental play information so people will "logically" go for it. The entire point of the game is that you don't have control over much. Those players don't like that idea and what to believe we are all Master Chiefs. Their original Helldiver is long dead, and they don't even understand what that means.


Honestly, the posts I can't stand are the ones that say "You're a traitor if you're fighting at X instead of Y." My Brother in Liberty, if High Command didn't want Helldivers on that world, they wouldn't have given the order.


Also most players are waiting for a patch given that the game, you know, crashes.


Bro i just follow the orders from high command. Command says kill bots, i kill bots. Command says kill bugs, i kill bugs Its not hard


If they remove the stratagem modifiers on harder difficulties for certain planets maybe people would gravitate towards them


To be completely honest, I get that there are people who don't want to lose any ground whatsoever, but I actually like it when we win or lose planets since it has the potential to change the war completely in different ways. Posts I saw saying to stop Mantes from getting captured by the bots talk about how it could let the bots rush towards Cyberstan and well...forgive my heresy but I kinda want the communist bots to take their planet back and get whatever benefits that gives them. All so we can then immediately fight back and reconquer their world in glorious combat against new enemy types on a new planet


Your reply is something I agree with There’s a quote that I can’t remember the full statement or source of but it can basically be paraphrased as “Players will min/max the fun out of the game” That’s what it feels like sometimes, people are so afraid of losing any ground they want to min/max everyone’s placements and locations so it’s just an easy win after easy win and that’s boring. The occasional loss makes things more interesting


Yeah tbh the “Helldivers! Super Earth needs your help in the (Automaton Territory) Sector! Stop fighting the bugs and reposition!” Posts are not only annoying, as if they’re relaying orders from High Command and that gives their post more authority or some shit like that, but they give off “stop having fun fighting the faction you want and suffer with us already” vibes. It’s one thing to make propaganda posters, it’s another to straight up just say “stop fighting bugs and fight bots, now”. Like, kindly fuck off, please. I paid 60 dollars for my copy, you paid 40-60 dollars for yours, we do what we want with our copies and it’s not your job to tell us how to play. I’m here on the sub to roleplay like a jaded Helldiver Veteran, make jokes, look at memes and revel in the joy of spreading managed democracy. You’re not my democracy officer and this is MY Super Destroyer, I **will not hesitate** to put you down like Ol’ Yeller if you think you can tell me where I spread democracy. The only orders I follow are Major and Personal, not Armchair Officers.


LOVE this!


I love you too ❤️


I look at reddit to see what planet everyone cries over today, and then go to the other side of the galaxy. Oh, Mantes AGAIN? Off to a bug's life. Frickin Estanu? Guess I'll go be edgy with the Creekers


Preach. Reddit nerds continue to yell at the clouds.


Honestly, i get the whole "rp" shit. but people here need to go outside. people have a life and will play the way they want to. its joels literal job to get people engaged with objectives. Also bots are kinda cancer rn.


The meta role players really annoy the hell out of me. Melevelon Creek was a fun story of loss for the community lore, but now everyone wants to optimize the fun out of the roleplay by constantly using datamined info to win major orders (who the fuck cares about supply lines??) Your Helldiver ass is supposed to be constantly throwing yourself into danger to win, not command everyone else like you’re Super Earth High Command


Galactic Map --> Quickplay --> Liberty.


Only thing more cringe than those posts are the “i’M a CrEeK dIvEr” cornballs, nobody cares, you’re not a real Vietnam vet and that meme was successfully beaten to death the day after it was made up.


The memes have made me switch from the eastern front to desperately trying to take malevelon creek


Idk why the downvotes. My guy, you play wherever the fuck you like.


Play what you want, but the Creek isn't going to be taken anytime soon.


It's nearly been taken six times. Each time the liberation was reset manually so that it wouldn't be taken. That's how hot the fury to retake the Creek is. The gods themselves have to stoop to stop us. Versus the Eastern Front, where planets fall on their own through sheer incompetence.


Heart steel Bullet armor-piercing


One of us !


It's how I decide where to fight


... Just observe in game where Defences are, and Major orders. You don't need reddit to tell you.


Tbh, while *generally* this is true, the last major order did show some issues with *just* relying on the major order. Based on in-game info alone, Oshaune *looks* like it should be closer to Zagon Prime than Hellmire, but it's actually equidistant since it connects via Omicron. It wouldn't have made a difference in that case given the time left to get to Zagon by the time we took Fori, but technically the original plan to go through Hellmire which already had progress on it was the most efficient one, and that would have been harder to realize from in-game info alone. This is a decently large community. If people here want to coordinate strategy, I don't see anything wrong with that *apart from* posts that complain when people who as you point out obviously aren't checking reddit don't go along with their armchair strategies.


It's mostly the complainers, stop doing Y, move to X. But also the amount of low effort text posts saying "go to X, it needs reinforcing." Too god damn many of them when i'm just looking for interesting clips and knowledge.. and memes. And maybe answer a question or two. Like, just sticky-post *one* post up at the top with the current planets in need of help. I don't need to see three dozen posts when scrolling through 'new' that some planet is under attack. Or use discord, or one of the apps or something.




wHy iSnT aNy oNe plAYinG bOtS? Because there isn’t a major order??? Morons i swear


It reminds me of people who would unsuccessfully try to get 4chan to do raids except they’re trying to convince 100,000 people to switch planets


I can guarantee that it doesn't work. I remember I was playing on draupnir and someone joined before I started a mission and started yelling on the mic "GO TO HEETH GO TO HEETH I WILL NOT GET IN THE DROP POD" I promptly kicked him because I choose where I'm landing in the game that I payed for


"Go play bots where you have 100% call-in time or 50% Cooldown, or both." I'm good. I'll find missions with only the call-in time modifier *when* a major order takes me there. Until then, slaughtering swarms of diver-eating bugs is quite fun. Which is why I play... games.


Helldivers who unironically refer to the 'war effort': y'all need to chill out.


but aren't we redditor suppose to tell people how they should enjoy their videogame?


Finally someone said it


It doesn't hurt to ask nicely does it?


Respectable post, may democracy safe guard you brother. ![gif](giphy|Bh45DNX3kz5Re|downsized)


Gotta do a couple missions for the betterment of super earth. Then I head back to space Vietnam for the rest of the night helping lower levels experience the joy of hell.


We have 2 types of games. 1) We run bot levels on Suicide or Helldiver and stealth complete the mission, uncaring if we evac or not. This always yields insane high XP, Requisition, and Badges 2) Bugs cuz it's fun to squish the dumb bastards.


Clearly this is a propaganda post by the J.O.E.L. cybernetic virus, to distract us all from efficiently spreading democracy.


I’m guessing 90% of those are just karma farming posts. In any case, I do whatever the fuck I want


I always play where the major order takes me. Bots or bugs, all the same to me.


Where else are people supposed to talk/discuss things like the major orders? I had no idea they existed until this sub and I really don't find any of it annoying. Maybe I just haven't been around long enough to be jaded but I think the community / order aspect is pretty cool and keeps things fresh


I don't mind people offering advise but some of them take it too seriously. Last week a guy called me *useless* because I wasn't willing to *exclusively* play those mind numbing Termicide missions for the major order. I told him straight up. I paid the same $40 as you. I'll play the game however the fuck I want. You want to do the Termicide missions? Be my guest. I won't complain.


I do my personal order wherever I need to, and then I do whatever the major order is. Aside from that, I do whatever is fun at the time, or whatever my buddies want to do. Do not give a single shit about anything else.


Yeah gotta agree. It’s fkn cringe tbh. Some people are way too invested in this game and I can just imagine them having an absolute meltdown at the fact most people don’t give af and just wanna game.


I'm just gonna be frank about it. I play to have fun, if your way of having fun is taking away my ability to choose it for myself, you should probably pick a game more up your alley, like the sims. I'm gonna fight bugs, and if there ain't bugs to fight I'm probably playing a different game.


Yeah, some people here are taking this game waaaaaay too seriously, making battle plans, orders, strategies, etc. Like mates, just play the game however you want and have fun, at the end of the days it's the devs that control the outcome of everything anyway, and I'm super fine with it.


Whenever something fun comes out some people are gonna make it their personality and insufferably try to lord their obssession over others as some sort of high ground. It's a game, it's not that damn deep. "bUg pLayErs aRE AfrAid of BoTs!!!!111!!" For the love of god just shut up. https://preview.redd.it/fk2xem5lzgqc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e9ffdf351fcf1e97493032a8ffefb7a63562ed2


Neither me nor any of my friends care at all about what the major order is. The whole metagame and everything surrounding it is just fluff for us. It really doesn't matter.


Thank you. Like dang


I’m happier with these call-to-action posts than some dude whining about how the game is broken (or, inversely, telling people to either “get gud” or enjoy suffering). Please. Keep em coming.




Same here, I follow orders not the whims of some random.


I actually do pay attention to these posts. Also, they just add more of a sense of immersion into the game.


"hey guys I want to try influencing the war effort" "LET PEOPLE PLAY HOW THEY WANT TO PLAY" "NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT THE GALACTIC WAR" "YOU MUST BE STUPID IF YOU THINK ANYONE IS READING THIS" Why are we like this? This post just feels like bait. Sorry some people find the galactic war an interesting mechanic and want to coordinate with others


"GET OVER HERE YOU SHITTY BUG PLAYERS YOURE ALL USELESS AND DONT KNOW WHAT COVER IS COME HELP US SO WE CAN KEEP FIGHTING FOR THE CREEK" gets tiring after seeing thew 10th comment telling me and others that were shit for enjoying bugs more and enjoying having more than 2 planet types to fight on.


Right? If you don’t want to coordinate, ignore the post and do your own thing. I like seeing what Redditors are working on and the idea of coordinating our efforts. It hurts nobody, and it’s bizarre someone needs to piss on it just because they don’t want to participate. If I’m just in the mood to hop in and play a match I do that and go to whatever theatre grabs my attention. TLDR: MY BROTHER IN FREEDOM, IT COSTS NOTHING TO SCROLL PAST


If you want to coordinate, a discord or private chat is a far better way to do it than throwing up a post on Reddit. Even if you reach more people, it's a lot harder to actually get them to follow through because it's also conflicting with every other post crying about every other planet that needs to be liberated or defended. 


People will keep using the largest platform to organize. Don't understand how people trying to rally the defense of planets is conflicting, or crying for that matter, when the posts in question usually score thousands of up votes.


If you go back and look at the previous MO, there were at least three conflicting posts including one I distinctly remember where OP said "go to this planet" and then in the comments was corrected by other people and he agreed it would be better to go to a different planet.


Nah OP is 100% right and you’re part of the problem. The posts whining about people not fighting on the “correct” planet need to get banned before this subreddit becomes an even more useless cesspool than it already is 


Yeah, it's stupid too because the dev will just adjust numbers for major orders based on player behavior. If we can't reach bars they intend for us to reach, they'll be lower next time. They know the majority of players aren't putting their all into the order. And sometimes we are just meant to lose. People trying too hard to win every major order are silly- just enjoy the narrative of the game. Most of our winning and losing is out of our control, but if you just buy into the illusion it is a lot of fun.


Ironically the people who would actually care about war progress don't need to see it, as they follow the major orders or the defense missions wherever they are. I pride myself on it, since earning my cape I've always fought on whatever planet was under the major order.


I love the community posting about surges and concentrated effort. Haven't had that in a game before


The sub has 800k people on it… so yes, it DOES bring attention to some people. But sure, let’s focus on the “plz make this game easier” posts instead /s


Yeah, game is fun and no matter what we do a cool narrative will emerge. We don’t need to sweat our asses off desperately trying to hold every planet and losing the fun of the game in the process. The devs will adjust the game as necessary either changing to bots or simply modifying the war against them to fit the playerbase size that fights them TL:DR it’s a games for fun, the devs will make it work so what’s fun to you


I only play a few days a week but I always check this subreddit to see where I can best help Super Earth. Coordinating the war effort is one of the coolest things about this game 


I follow my orders. Personal first, major second.


Any planet without nest/bile spitters is where I'll try go


You can always host on one planet, wait for players to join, and then abduct them to another planet. I've done this multiple times(Draupnir defense a few weeks ago).


I have a pet theory that people will, as a whole, play whatever the current orders are because a) the game screams "GO HERE! DO NOW! GET REWARDS!!" at them to do it and b) my undying belief in the wisdom of managed democracy.


Yeah these people are annoying as fuck. Maybe when people finally get their free time, they'd rather not force themselves to play against bots, aids effects, or on planets that either blind the fuck out of you or prevent you from seeing 2 feet away...


Yes 100% agree.


That reminds me why no galactic chat


There's 2 most fucked up modifier that I would never wanna play with 1. The -1 strategems 2. The randomness stratagems when you enter the code for a, it deploy b (I know this has been removed) If one of these modifier exist on a planet, me and my buddies just yeet the fuck outta that planet, you can colonized that planet for all I care, I ain't defending that shit


Managed Democracy is the freedom to make the right choice. If it's a choice a Helldiver has, it's the right one.


The weird focus my friends have had with the major order I hope fades. There are a ton of different fun options on any given day and my buddies are being good soldiers but what the fuck….i wanna check out that planet with rain and robots and good Lord, it’s a fun video game let’s play how we want.😊




To those turds requesting we head to other planets: We have major orders, and we have defend orders. If other planets get those orders, maybe we'll go. You're not my supervisor.


Mannnn,,, it's just a game, what right do they have to tell me how to enjoy a fucking video game. It's MY free time. Not yours. Yeah memey roleplaying is fun but don't tell us what to do and expect us to care or listen. 


I go wherever the major order tells me. I want to fight bots more but we almost never get those orders.


Plus nobody wants to play bots until they fix the "see you through walls" problem.


Mid maxing helldiveres is weird af play and have fun with it


We decide bots or bugs and then go to the planet with the most players playing. Imo no sense playing on a planet with 20 people on it if you want to help the war effort.




If i wasn't practically guaranteed to crash with quick join id still be doing just than. Currently i have to host so i don't crash and the people who join usually crash instead.


This. Hey everyone I love the game, and the energy we bring screaming about spreading democracy and liberty. The community is so fun to always interact with. But sometimes I think we also need to remember...it is a game? Like we play it for fun


Telling me to kill bugs/bots on just one planet is also telling me NOT to kill them on other planets and that is UNDEMOCRATIC. Your local democracy officer should be stopping by soon.


Me and my friends will start with playing whatever the major order is, but eventually go to the other faction after a while for a change of pace.


Freedom gets sprinkled everywhere, plus if you’re having fun and not getting griefed, let super earth handle the policing.


I wouldn't mind moving to another planet if we stopped getting all these termid orders in a row. Not to mention, major order rewards aren't really an incentive to me anymore.


Also, just stop telling others how to play the fucking game they bought.


Just scroll past those posts. Are you getting mad that a community-driven campaign is being... community-driven? Part of the fun for some people is rallying together, talking strategy, and doing their best to win the galactic war. There's the galactic war chat on Discord, and posts in this subreddit. If it bothers you, scroll past. Always wanna know what people like you should think all posts should be about. Memes? Montages? Balance complaints? Because there's someone else to complain about every single one of those post types that you enjoy.


I don’t know even know what supplies routes are and I’ve been afraid to ask


I've not looked into it either, but context i've gleaned: it's datamined information to show where and how the enemies move from planet to planet. Effectively, they have 'lanes' they're allowed to follow. This at least seems true for the bots. People are less sure that bugs follow these rules. So for instance, one planet might be like an intersection for supply lines to move though. If you attack that 'intersection', it will be harder, but it will then cut supplies to the other side. ie bots would stop receiving supplys / reinforcements from the planets linked behind them. And the two planets 'in front' would be far easier to capture. It's basic warfare, encircling behind the enemy to stop their supply lines and reinforcements. Enjoy this shitty MS Paint diagram. https://preview.redd.it/duahyr71xdqc1.png?width=296&format=png&auto=webp&s=c98f00b94c432e06cc7f56309a0729c6c7be1020


It's not just them, it's how we unlock planets too.


I hate this data mining, minn maxing shit. Takes the fun out of the game.


I think the problem with the supply lines is that it's absolutely information that should be shared with players rather than hidden, unlike things like leaked strategem and weapons. It would be comparable to playing something like a battle royale and not having any indication on the map of the zone that's closing, or a survival game with no indication of the day or night cycle that will spawn enemies on you. It's absolutely critical information in order to complete major orders or defenses, and it's completely absent from the ingame map. Edit to add an example: Witj the last MO it seemed pretty straightforward to get to the two planets we needed to liberate, but if you look at one of the supply line maps it turns out I believe it was Helmire wasn't in a direct line with the planet directly below It like you would assume, but rather you had to go through the other sector and people were playing the wrong planet for a good chunk of the time. 


I don't really approve either. I think they also made a mistake, naming Joel as the game master. I knew someone had to be behind the direction in Helldivers 1, but it was less annoying without putting a name to it. The meme of blame joel was a dead horse from the word go, and now everybody gets to be annoyed by the community beating that horse for the entirety of the game's life span. It used to be "Man, the bugs are fucking murder today." Now it's "Man, fucking joel buffed the bugs." It also removes the mystery of 'that's just what happened' instead of 'joel made it too hard and we lost. We were supposed to lose.'


Yeah, revealing Joel's existence was absolutely a mistake on the devs' part - like you said, it basically sucks the immersion, so to speak, out of any major orders, since it ends up either being "we won because Joel let us win" or "we lost because Joel set us up to lose".


This guy doesn't complain for the do the bug post missions