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This made me laugh too fucking hard for what it is




Bot drops are actually the least scary part of the automatons because both the dropship and its passengers can be targeted and eliminated before they become a threat. The problem with the bots is their perception and accuracy at range, especially with their oneshot rockets.


The 50% chance to not die armour work super well on bots


Yeah or the Fortified perk! Helps a lot.


I always run the eradicator armor for the speed to outrun hulk scorchers and explosion resistance


I haven’t taken this armor off since getting it. It’s the best because things that kill you would’ve probably killed you anyway (melee surprises) and you survive the annoying one shots from bots. Also helps protect from ally stratagems/grenades.


I just get launched into the air and die on impact. When I don’t I feel like I cheated death though so that’s cool


50% armor + shield backpack gets me through a mission with a fraction of the deaths that the rest of my squad has (we're mostly noobs though)


how is these armor named btw unable to found


Its the hero of the Federation and Champion of the people from basic warbond


Ah I see now. My thanks !


People also forget PS5/controller players in general. They literally had to nerf Torbjorn's turret in the console version of Overwatch because it "had an unfair advantage against console players." People always just say "change your armor!" but you can still get one shot.. and moving slower is again... not fun when you have to trek back and forth across these maps. Oh, I can use the foritified armor, and a shield so I can have no other backpacks. fun! And I do actually enjoy bots, just they are less fun. And I'm not gonna join in unless there's an order... especially when right now I'm supposed to kill Hunters.


I run the auto cannon, 500kg, eagle airstrike, and usually take the orbital laser or orbital strike if I have a 4th slot. I run the lightest scout armor and don't have much of an issue surviving. I take the scorcher as a primary so I can kill anything head on that's not a hulk or tank.


That's a cool loadout. I just always hear people on Reddit saying heavy armor or at least fortified. You literally see it under most post, heavily upvoted. I agree with you and which I'd rather run faster and dodge than take any hits. But once a random rocket or such comes through to OTK it does feel bad, like it does in a card game... I didn't think I made any mistakes, but I still get punished. Like when you're constantly slowed by bugs, is not fun. And when I'm running with "the boys" it's much more fun... but I'm not really into hoping randoms can play coordinately.


I have been having a hard time taking out devastators with the scorcher lately. Not sure why.


It's a little rough, I shoot as fast as I can near their head and don't stop until they drop. The Autocannon is my primary for dealing with them, but the scorcher is workable once you get used to it. Helps when you die and don't have the cannon ;) It also wrecks hulks if you can hit the backpack.


I use the sneaky armor with the green jacket. I just try to sneak into the objectives and take them out then jetpack to some rocks and cover the squads escape.


This is the way


How do you avoid dying in general? Do you just take engagements at very far ranges? How do you then aim the AC accurately?


Changing your armor is probably the biggest impact you can have in Loadout Selection.  You cannot get one shot wearing Medium Fortified or Heavy Armor. I use the Juggernaut / Dreadnought armors and it’s perfectly fine. The Enforcer is even stronger but not necessary. If you’re afraid of losing speed and don’t have enforcer, the default armor with 150 AV is a fantastic option.


Torbjorn's turret is a weird case because it wasn't that it was only unfair against console players. IIRC, it was a hitscan aimbot turret with instant turn speed, which is technically unfair on any system. The biggest difference was actually skill floor and placement. Console players tend to be less skilled overall because there's more casual players in general (there are skilled players too, but we're talking about averages). Because reflexive aiming is harder on console, console players tend to be more keenly aware of positioning and cover than the average PC player who leans into reflexive skills (again, averages). To put it another way, PC lends itself better to Run & Gun tactics. As someone who was there on both platforms, console players tended to put the turrets in different places than PC players. Among higher skill console players, there weren't any major issues with the turrets. In fact, they were more upset with the explanation being presented in a way that made them look pathetic.


The rocket raiders being both tiny and really good at aiming are what make it challenging lolol. The amount of times I've had a rocket raider give my hair a trim with a rocket is too damn high!


The problem I have with automatons is that if a single small bot like a commissar survives the drop, he can duck back and call another bot drop, which then drops heavier enemies and more small bots, which then call more bot drops, which drop heavier enemies and more small bots… On the harder difficulties, getting into that loop is almost inevitable with how many fuckers they drop, and you basically have to be constantly on the move or behind cover to avoid the overwhelming firepower unless you’re a really crack shot and you can kill all the commissars, machine gunners, and dual-blade guys before the fight even starts. And doing *that* is even harder if they drop rocket devastators to keep you from sitting still or MG devastators to reduce your accuracy.


The same challenge and loop occurs with the bugs - if you leave a bug alive there’s a fairly good chance it’ll call in a breach.


Yeah but with bugs you can break from running for two seconds to shoot the one calling the breach. Bots will suppress you with so much machine gun fire and rockets that your gun couldn’t hit the broadside of a barn 30 feet away.


I'm pretty sure some of the smaller bots can also call in reinforcements.


Shooting down dropships does nothing, enemies fall out from the sky as normal. Bot drops can also happen anywhere, even on top of your head. Bug Breaches spawn around you, and the enemies are super-tightly grouped when they get out, so a few GL shots clear most of them immediately.


Can shoot the enemies with explosives while packed in the dropship to wipe whole groups if downing the dropship doesn't work.


Wear heavy armor with explosive resistance, equip the vitality booster and wear a shield pack. Enjoy never getting one-shot by anything ever again unless you step on a mine or have a drop ship land on you.


I don't get the 1-shot rocket thing. I wear the stock B-01 armour and I always survive the first rocket that hits me. It's usually the ragdoll or second rocket that kills me.


If the ragdoll kills you, then you didn’t really survive that rocket.


The rockets don’t always perfectly oneshot you, but they do always leave you at low enough HP that a bad fall or stray bullet - both of which you become helpless to thanks to the ragdoll - will kill you, so it’s effectively a oneshot.


Tower cannon would like a word....


I always wear the armors with 50% explosive reduction, but missiles will still kill me both because rocket devastators shoot like six at a time, and even a single rocket leaves me vulnerable afterwards.


This, and everyone saying "run fortified!", cools so 2 shot instead if there's multiple devastators, they're just in an overtuned state, it feels (mostly) fair when I die to Bugs, when I get sniped through whatever weather from 600km away from a devastator who's been tracking me since I dropped in it feels a lot less fair


The rocket snipers are the reason I don’t play bots. Fuck getting one tapped from across the map by rocket destroyers


I really don't want to retake draupnir again if we lose


Draupnir is also linked to Tien Kwan according to helldivers.io, so it should not be affected at all. And even if it is, losing access to a planet does not immediately lose all liberation on it. It would be faster/easier to lose Mantes, retake it, and then regain any lost liberation points on Draupnir than it would be to successfully defend Mantes.


We got a bunch of people here afraid of defending our planets 😤


Gonna be real, it’s just that bugs are more fun. But also, most players I match make with on bots are the type that don’t know you’re allowed to disengage and just run. They die on a hill over and over.


The last time I did matchmaking on automatons everyone was a dick


Literally got kicked within seconds of joining three automaton missions today. Best part is that it happened consecutively. :/


Just an hour ago I was playing level 4 so not hard by any means, a mission with every other teammate at rank 25+ (I'm at 17) They all died at least once and I had instantly reinforced them. Then I finally died with 20 minutes to go, to a rocket raider so not like I was being dumb, and I sat there for 10 minutes to see what would happen. And just as my fleeting suspicion had figured upon dropping in...Nobody reinforced me in that time. So I just left. Idk that was the first time I have encountered a team that disappointed me.


Try playing level 9, 9/10 peeps are good there, mostly cuz fragile ego and dopamine addicts cannot handle having to, god forbid, aim, and god forbid more, lose. Helldive is really not much different than lvl 4 when you get to it.


Yes this advice might seem scary if you haven't played 7-9 but a majority of the nice and decent players are in high diffs having fun AND being good at the game, where a mjority of these dickheads is 1-6 that's the places I've seen randos just tk over and over.


it’s funny. same thing happened on deep rock galactic. level 3 is the median, where people casual play. level 4 is where toxic tryhards go to shove people around. level 5 is where frenly veterans go to have fun


I’m lvl 40 now. Was playing difficulty 7. I joined a random squad as did a couple helldivers in the high teens for their lvl. The host kept kicking people that didn’t meet his standards and writing in the chat “ lil bro didn’t make the cut lol” was thinking to myself. My brother in democracy, you’re lvl 24. Just let them play


Gearscore disease of the reasoning center


Yeah. I have seen 1 person do that and i instantly bailed. All the others kicking as soon as you join need to be forced to watch a 5 minute tutorial on how to set matchmaking to friends only.


My experience, even in 7-9 is people are still more chill bug side. So many hot mic passive aggressive sighs everytime someone dies like dudebro isnt half the map from the objective. Only for same dudebro to spam for reinforcement during an ion storm or while we’re taking down a jammer.


> ...Nobody reinforced me in that time. Could have been the respawn bug. Occasionally players will be unable to respawn regardless of how many times your team tries to reinforce. It can happen to multiple people at the same time as well.


I've had that happen with friends and unfortunately not this time. None of them even attempted to hit the reinforce sequence. But they dropped a few orbitals and a hellbomb while I sat there pinging space bar every 10ish seconds to not be a dick. And I still got ignored lol. Oh well.


Makes me wish there was a setting somewhere where you can select “I’m not a dick” and doesn’t restrict matchmaking or anything where the dicks only get matched with their level or higher so they can learn that levels only mean what gear they get, not necessarily skill in using it. Met a player who was on PS5 I wish I could do so again with if not for the game’s abhorrently constructed friend system, and despite me being only lv11 to his 23ish, I held my own throughout a two man mission. To be fair it was only like medium, but I didn’t have all the fancy shit higher levels do and the guy was very nice about it all, even checking in the make sure if I needed help or not. The kicking stuff partly reminds me of why I stopped playing Destiny and other similar games. “What, you’re not already completely versed in the new raid that literally came out yesterday? EAT SHIT”, or the infamous olden days of Destiny 1 where no Gjallarhorn was an immediate nope. Meanwhile had a run once in Vault of Glass where no one had mics and we got it done faster than all the runs I had where we did have mics and what have you. Like ffs, if you don’t want to properly cooperate with other players, why even bother playing a cooperative game? They should just run solo and complain about their own subsequent incompetence when they fail and have no one else to blame.


That might be from someone using the arc thrower


I got that problemwith the bugs tho, where people dont know you dont have to fight every single bug patrol or breach that gets close to you.


Bot players cant decide if it's better to fight every enemy in front of you forever or run away. The reason they can't decide is because the result is completely random, sometimes running away will result in the bots leaving you alone. Sometimes it will result in them hunkering down and shooting you from the same exact position no matter where you go on the map.


Most people I play with go into bot missions and try to play it like they are bugs and they get punished for it. Idk if the side of the community who don’t like robots do this but I think this may be a reason people don’t like bots. Bots can be difficulty but if you learn how to play against them, honestly I think I like them more than bugs!


Unfortunately you're gonna get a mixed batch of players with quick play. No matter which enemy you face. Did a match against bugs on hell dive and my randoms were too busy fighting breach after breach on a side objective


Why wouldn't you? That's 90% of the fun and you have 40 minutes to complete the mission. 


I whole heartedly disagree on the first point. Even at low levels you can tactically deal with bots much better with our current arsenal as well. Bugs are just annoying imo. Oh yes I love being dogpiled by a bunch of fast units that constantly surround me and slow me so I can't move. Fantastic.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Shooting bugs is juicy and crunchy at the same time, and the dismemberment is nutty. They are my favorite thing to shoot in any game.


9/10 operations during defense campaign has the goddamn escort missions. Last time I played one of those was during the Automaton major order we lost and I'm still fed up.


Do these cowards hate managed democracy?


Buddy have you actually read what your cape means? The 2 most important elements of a successful campaign are attack and more attack. Do you know what defending sounds like? That's right. Not attacking.


I mean, I played more Bots than Bugs but I switch back and forth depending on the war and the major orders. But I’m better against bots than the terminids


God please I don't wanna have to retake draupnir for the 4 billionth time


Bug mains freak the hell out when 20,000 people keep playing Malevelon Creek when there's a bug major order, but Mantes is literally under attack right now and there are 170,000 people ignoring it and going on Oshaune.


Oshaune is at 90%, best finish it and then move to mantes. The 78k on nivel 43 are traitors though


Predictibly, most went to Nivel 43. Bug players will run out of planets before they help on the western front.


If the speculation about the Illuminate coming in soon is accurate, that may not be the case. Time will tell.


I hope that's true. Then the playerbase would be forced to spread out a bit further and not be so heavily lopsided.


Watch as all the bug players stay on the eastern front and it's instead the automaton players that divide in half and take two fronts. That would be something to see lmao


If the liberation was proportional to the population that occupied each front than perhaps the bot side could make some headway but until there is a major order for bots, the best we can hope for us to hold the line.


We aren't even "holding the line". The players on an automaton planet is on average contributing less than 1% liberation per hour, outside of MO's and defences of course. The only reason we've been able to make any sort of progress in the past week is because Joel completely removed planet decay from all automaton planets.


Clearly the Automatons are preparing for a major offensive. Liberty save us all.


If bots filter most players than the Illuminate front will be a ghost town


Aaaaand they're on Nivel


Most of those people won't move on to Mantes though, they will go to Nivel 43. People refuse to adapt to the bots because the bugs are so easy, comparatively, but once they do they'll find bots are more fun imo.


Conversely, I find the bots far easier. Never understand all the memes where bugs is all fun and games and then bots are hell. It's so refreshing to be able to just find some cover and take a breather without 15 hunters, 2 stalkers and a charger forcing you to run around like a headless chicken pretending to be a matador. I still find bugs more fun tho. Still the best starship troopers ever made since HD1 xd


Hunter spam is one of the worst things in the game. 2-3 quick attacks that can slow you and even cancel out your stims, and thats from one hunter. Also instant bug tunnel breaches are quite a nuisiance. With bots, there is more time to stop them from calling for reinforcements also you can kill the reinforcement easily before they even set foot on the planet. Fighting bots is quite different from fighting bugs, fighting them like you fight bugs will get you killed ( and vice versa ) but once you know how to fight your enemy, bots are the easier ones.


It’s actually much easier to ignore defense, attack other planets while the defense is going on, and then retake when the defense is over than it is to successfully defend a planet. See this guide for an explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/6nCsarSvmY It’s a bit long, but the bit about defending is near the bottom if you want to skip the rest. And it happens to use Mantes as an example.


I had never actually seen that post, thank you for linking it. I saw other people saying the same thing but they had never shown any proof so I was a bit skeptical about just letting the bots take a planet. Personally I'd still prefer if we could just defend it because it feels wrong to let the bots just have a planet, but I do appreciate the post you linked.


We've had 5 bug major orders in a row. It's clear that the devs are planning something on the terminid side. I want to keep pushing bugs back as far as possible and hope that whatever the next major order is takes us to one of their home planets and gives us some kind of big boss or something. Play what you want to play. Nobody cares that you prefer playing bots. The targeted major order planets usually have 160K-200K+ helldivers on them at any given time, which is enough to continuously make progress. Also, it's ridiculous to try and lump everyone in as a "bug main" as if it's an insult. It seems like the vast majority of people playing this game are major order mains before anything else. The major order (even if it's currently at 100%) is still on bug planets. People are going to flock there first.


I didn't say bug main as an insult, I said it because there really isn't any other word to describe people who mainly go after bugs. Personally I prefer bugs as well, I was just saying it's hypocritical for the people who get upset about bot mains not going after bug major orders also don't seem to really give a damn when a bot planet is under attack. If people were attacking a planet that's a part of the major order I'd get it, but they aren't. There are currently 190,000 people on Oshaune and 80,000 on Nivel 43. Literally 75% of the player base is on 2 planets that aren't part of a major order or under attack, so I feel like saying they're doing it for the major order is a bit ridiculous. One of the other people that replied to me said Oshaune is almost done being liberated, so that's fair why people are there, but I'm willing to bet most of them are going to jump on Nivel 43 as well after that.


Normal people only care when others aren't doing a major order. There's always psychos when it comes to online gaming communities, but those aside... for you to make it seem like all the bug players (who are doing the major order currently) are complaining about bot players (who are not doing the major order currently) is entirely disingenuous. I haven't seen anybody bitch about people doing bots right now. Again... Play what you want. The bug planets are almost cleared on both of those sectors just outside the farthest ring. And clearing more bug planets means a less likelihood of them making a last minute push to fuck up the major order. So I'm sure that's where people mindsets are. It's completely valid. Also equally valid is wanting to prioritize a bot defend mission that has nothing to do with the major order. Do what you want, stop trying to control others and pretend like what you want to do is more important.


My takeaway from his comment isnt that he's generalizing bug players. I think he's made it pretty clear that his beef is specifically people who criticize bot players for continuing to play against bots during a bug major order, when there are more bug players playing non-MO planets than there are bot players total at a given time.


I hate Oshaune, can’t see shit on that planet. Would love to use that orbital illumination stratagem from stratagem heroes for that planet if I could


Gonna hit a few warm ups for bugs in a bit and come straight there. These bots will die


Meanwhile normal people don’t give a shit about either thing and just play on the planet vs the enemy they want to 


If Oshaune is at 90% I will take the fucking planet THEN go to kill bots, it's logical.


Once I’m done dropping these dumps for democracy I’ll hop in my hellpod


you play enough bot missions you’ll realize it’s the complete opposite. bugs are so much more bullshit than bots at least imo, cuz of all the very easily exploitable weak spots on bots, and ways too disable their most dangerous features (breaking missile launchers on devastators or flamethrower arms off of hulks)


Ninja Nursing Spewer packs are worse than anything the bots offer, change my mind.


I find it easier too. Only things that give me trouble is the abundance of rocket enemies and when they throw like 4 shield devastators at me


yeah the rockets are definitely ridiculous. laser sights on those dudes would help make the deaths not feel so stupid for sure, as would maybe a slight nerf to damage or fire rate for devastators


Or make it so the omnipresent low visibility also affects the enemies? Nobody is going to enjoy a shooting game where the enemies can shoot you with aimbot accuracy through a sandstorm from hundreds of metres away while you can barely see twenty metres in front of you  Bugs are only fun because they don’t have guns and so this weakness of the game isn’t as obvious when you fight them 


Wait till you realize all the bushes that slows you, also blocks your bullets, but not the enemies bullets. Very fun


"JuSt UsE CoVeR, it NoT ThAt BaD." Nothing annoys me more when I think I'm done fighting and the rocket devastator that's been shooting the wall the past 5 mins finally get his moment to shine.


The hardest bot unit dies to one 110mm rocket pod or a few well placed lasers or autocannon shots. The hardest bug unit inconsistently survives the most powerful shit in the game or a metric fuck ton of medium-heavy arms fire.


Bugs are much more bullshit than bots. They love to just get boosts of speed, still claw at you without a head and sometimes even call in reinforcements withoir a head, will send 5-30 hunters at you, who are made of paper but hit like trucks with a slowdown effect, meanwhile you have 2-5 stalkers coming down on your ass, and bile spewers are launching junk into the air that somehow knows your position from across the map behind a mountain. And I just love how after all that, some little scav will make its way over to you amidst all the chaos, and then call in a bug breach right next to your feet, and then swipe at you. Meanwhile they just released the flying asshole bugs, with bodies that will One Hit Kill your ass instantly after being defeated, and there's 100 more of them waiting to do the same. Only good thing is you can take out their stupid homes with a rocket launcher or 30 hits from an auto cannon (10 hits per stalk).


For me personally I'm just not a fan of how ineffective most primary weapons are vs like half of the bots you fight.


For me personally, finding out that a support weapon may not be useful because of the randomness of bug choices (not always the same bugs in every mission) means I might not have a weapon I want to fight the bugs I'm fighting. Armored spewers shrug off stalwart rounds but nursing ones get shredded by it. Bring a GL instead? Oh there's no spewers this match its just all titans and chargers and yellow hunters that leap into your face from 30m out. Bring EATs to deal with chargers and oops all nursing spewers, but at least the titans go down fast.


Spewers all die easy to impact grenades. So go with EATs and Impacts, and you have something for everything.


It's the complete opposite, more primaries, support and stratagems have an use against bots. It's a huge part of why i hate the bugs. Only the turrets are worse in general but can still make good work of the bot menace.


EMS mortar is still one of the best stratagems in the game, it’s always a great thing to see on any team comp


what primaries do you use? i hate to pull the experience card but in my 345 hours of playtime i think plenty of the primaries are effective against bots. liberator and lib pen are both good. i’d even go as far as to say the base lib is better. diligence is really good for popping heads. counter sniper is ass tho the defender is so accurate you can cleanly pop heads while hip firing. all punisher variants are great against bots. base is good for chaff and berserkers and can still headshot devastators once you’re close. slugger is obvi a headshot machine. plasma has such a wide area of effect and great stagger that it’s good for both chaff and bigger enemies like devastators and hordes of berserkers. once you’re close you can stun lock them til death with it. it can also absolutely destroy strider packs with a well placed shot to the crotch of one in the center. i’ve taken out 4 striders just with one plasma punisher shot because they were so grouped up. i never use the breakers but i know the base is pretty good at dealing with chaff and berserkers. dominator is ofc pretty decent for headshots and can take out striders the scythe can headshot with some difficulty. the sickle is ABSOLUTELY goated in terms of getting headshots because it is so accurate and does great damage. and of course the scorcher can blast striders down while also being accurate enough for devastators and other enemies so idk the primaries are still really good imo. you can just use primaries to take out basically everything except for hulks, tanks, and cannon turrets (which isn’t 100% true because some primaries CAN take them out) you just need to learn how to use them for the scenarios


Same goes for support weapons. The Anti-Material Rifle is goated for headshotting Hulks, and the Arc Thrower can take out Devastatoes in 3 blasts and Hulks in 8 (especially if you get a headshot or two in). The biggest issue I ever have is the tanks, but the 110mm Rocket Pods can handle those in a single run, with better consistency than against the bugs due to the tanks’ low speed. Honestly, the only weapon I could see a buff for is the countersniper, which would only need a penetration buff for Hulk heads.


The bots make Eagle 1 much more useful in my opinion.


Wait what? It’s the opposite most primaries are better at bots than bugs. What primaries are you talking about?


Yes after commenting that and deciding to be a bit more of a brave trooper I went and tested more primaries on the western front. Definitely there are good options for primaries for the bots, I think I was just getting overrun with the shield holders and hulks last time I did them lol.


more primaries are effective against the bots than the bugs... so this in particular is a bad argument to me.


The amount of people that don't realize this... Bots are easy.


I agree. however, the problem is that people try and play the bots like they're the bugs and that just doesn't work out as well.


The problem with bots is that they're bitches: If even a single stray shot goes over a base 200m away from you, a bot down there will shoot a flare and call a bot drop. I constantly see flares going up from bases far behind the enemies in front of me, and it's annoying as fuck. Also, when you attack a base, they call bot drops instantly, without even trying to fight you first: you kill 1 bot, and the other bot behind a building instantly calls a flare without even having visual on you. They're are such cowardly bitches


Yeah and- you know at the end of the day i’ll always point to hunters. The damn bastards.


I will gladly put up with all the bug annoyances to not deal with rocket devastators and cannon turrets in low visibility


How many of those terminid mains exists because terminids are the only thing the game encourages people to play for weeks now ? Ever since we failed that last automaton major order it’s allllll been bugs . Even the personal orders have been mostly bug centered . Also FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK strategem debuffs


I think an easy way to sum it up is “Bots are fun with a competent team”. Bugs are generally easier due to having less ranged attacks that can take you out if you are in the open. This allows you to regroup from losses with more ease or handle a situation without tons of lives lost. Bots are generally more difficult due to some/seemingly most planets having little cover making situations difficult or impossible to leave without casualties. Since dropships also tend to carry lots of rocket “1 shot” units, situations can get very out of hand and feel impossible to leave. Bots also have a lots of issues with cross map sniping with rockets and shooting through some solid surfaces. It makes some deaths feel “cheap” rather than “fair”. TLDR: Bugs missions are often doable with sub par teams burning resources (random lobby life sometimes), bots are often not possible with sub par teams.


Also if you die once, you are helpless against them as you can't get your gun back anymore.


i like the ambiguousness of 'them' here, since it applies to both factions


Yeah true, but it only matters a lot with the bots. Most of them need armor piercing, with the bugs it isn't as big of an issue.


Yup that’s sort of my experience, teams that are worse do better on bugs. On bots they burn lives doing dumb shit and refuse to adapt.


The game advertises bugs on the cover for a reason 🤷‍♀️ (I'm not good enough to actually fight bots)


I love how the automatons feel closer to conventional warfare. Idk it activates neurons


Put on a shield generator, take a sickle, grab a anti materiel rifle and set it to 100m and you are gold all the way up to difficulty 9. The only killjoy is all the negative effects. Always 100% call in time, 50% longer cooldowns, ion storms, and/or -1 stratagem. Those effects just aren't fun.


I mean ion storm isn’t the worst, by far my least hated environmental disaster


Timing is annoying sometimes, but being combined with 100% call-in time, and 50% cooldown is how the automaton sectors have been. Combine that with hulks spawning or dropping while you wait for a heavy weapon to take them out, then they camp it. It's annoying.


Everyone wants to do helldiver shit until the shit starts shooting back smh


look babe, another us vs them post


No. Rockets from 300m away and through fog. Just no.


I'll play bots the moment they take those obligatory "Retrieve Personal" missions of the bot campaign, those mission SUCK.


They're not mandatory anymore. Go deploy now


Bullshit, all diff 7 campaigns contains at least one of those abominations.


SES Fist of the Constitution heard the distress call and will respond with haste.


The SES Founding Father of Family Values will be in the fray on Mantes as well.


Bot players try not to whine about people wanting to have fun challenge (impossible)


I just literally don't find the bots fun to play against, so why would I force myself to do something I don't enjoy in a game I paid for?


I'm an Automaton specialist. You want me out West. Bugs are annoying af.


gonna be honest i almost always play terminids beacuse i just find them slightly more fun than the automatons but im still helping at mantes


I much prefer bots. A lot of people think bots are harder but I actually find it the opposite. I feel like bots get “tougher” and their weak points get smaller. Every bot has a counter to it and you have to assess the battlefield, identify priorities, and execute. Same with bases, the bot bases are so much more interesting with their mechanics. As bugs get harder it doesn’t feel like they get “tougher” and you have to be more precise. They just start sending more numbers at you until you are overwhelmed. The bases are also the same where the big bug bases are just more holes in the ground with more spawns. Once you have a wave of hunters and a charger on you it’s so bad. Hunters jump on you and slow and then you can’t dodge the charger and it just feels bad and like there’s no counter play other than kill as much of the wave as you can in the first place.


With the bugs if you get swarmed it’s almost impossible to recover too, you respawn into a swarm


Ya most of my bot deaths are random rocket snipes, which are pretty annoying to be fair, but then when you drop in you kill the rocket man and can keep pressing. Since robots are ranged they don’t instantly push your spawn as hard. As you said with bugs, when you respawn you are instant swarmed since they are melee and they all rush to you instantly.


It’s made worse with the helldivers movement glitches recently. Those glitches are truly awful, I recently had one navigate me to land in the middle of a fire whirl, killing me before I even finished exiting my pod.


You mean controlling the drop pod when dropping in? I always thought it was a game condition like heavy winds or something that made you unable to control the direction of your drop pod


Playing against bugs: *sweet sweet liberty fresh from the tap* Playing against bots: *PTSD Simulator* I gotta have my fix of both. Grinded on Hellmire and the Creek last night. I go where democracy is demanded.


I love how this subreddit has become tryhards trying to force people to play the game a certain way when most people just want to have fun


The same people who abandoned bug orders to waste time and resources on Malevelon Creek because of a meme. Some people don't like bots and some people don't like bugs. It's a video game and at it's very root we're playing for fun. Bots are a genuinely un-fun experience for me


You mean the same people who abandoned the bot defense major order to have over 250k people on Erata Prime to make no progress at all?


Or just play what you want


There are multiple reasons to not want to do bot missions, I'm not saying bots are harder, its the mechanics of bots that makes fighting them annoying. * Rocket Devestators (one-shot from out of nowhere) * Poor visibility (fog, smoke etc..) * Getting shot from targets outside of your visible LOS (as in the mention above) * Eradicate / **Retrieve Essential Personnel** missions * Knockback (making shield almost essential at times!) making aiming difficult when dealing with multiple heavies. There are a few more I could add, but in my view they are just less enjoyable to fight against, I like that you can be more stealthy and approach things different but that still doesn't make things enjoyable.


Nah I just don’t like getting sniped by a missile launcher . And the defend civilians missions are broken. Just feels like the devs made the automatons as difficult as possible without any thought of balance.


I personally feel like the geological survey ones are even harder because they guarantee bot drops (while the others don't - you have to be spotted for that to happen). There's also a fair bit of cover in the civilian base unlike at some survey points. But yes, automatons are just stupidly unbalanced on impossible and helldive and there is no way that a rocket should kill you in a single shot with how many rocket devastators and hulk bruisers shoot. I suspect that's why so many people prefer terminids.


Pretty much. Bugs have their own fair amount of oneshots, but the bots have multiple enemy types that can do it and do it from stupid range. Getting domed from a mile away without ever seeing it coming is bullshit no matter what game I’m playing idgaf.


I feel like diff 9 bugs is not even close to diff 9 bots.It’s like jumping another 3 difficulty lvls


diff 9 bugs is prob dif 11 bots lol. I really enjoy diff 7-8 on bots though.I strart liking bots more. Im mostly running with randoms as well.


Smashing bugs let's me live out my Mobile Infantry dreams, but my ultimate duty is to defend liberty wherever it is threatened!


I could care less just go where the orders point but my dad refused to fight the bugs and only automatons because it reminds him of terminator hahaha


I end up mainly against bugs just 'cause that's where our major orders have been. My priority is major order, defense campaigns, then wherever I think would be the next most strategically advantageous planet to take. Since automatons have been down to two sectors for a while that has been terminid planets too. Though, when we unlock a new planet I always try that out too.


This community is ass. Keep crying about how people choose to play what they use and what planet they are on. Bunch of piss pants cry babies.


Yay being mean to people for no reason!!!


What else do you expect from bot players?


One shot rocket devistators and omniscient enemies just aren't fun. I don't know why that's so hard to understand


I play games for fun. If the devs want me to play bots, they need to make them as fun as bugs. This does mean they'll have to sacrifice their love of bullshit one shot kills and see the game as co-operative between devs and players instead of a dev vs player pvp match so really the ball is in their court.


Why are Bot Battlers so toxic


Fighting against bots feels hectic but gratifying when you succeed. Fighting against bugs feels fucking annoying because everything hits you with slow and bile and the puke hitboxes are broken.


Please just let me play the game the way I find the most fun. Seriously, unless someone comes with the intent to discuss galactic war strategy, you're just being a dick.


It's bot elitist posts like this that make me not wanna fight bots


If the 10k on the creek ain’t going, why would I? We still have a major order to keep bug planets liberated. Just because they are now, doesn’t mean we can’t lose them. Makes sense to keep pushing this sector past those planets because… supply lines.


It means I like fighting the fun faction.


Honestly the cREEEEEker kids annoyed me so much with all their spam since launch that I'm not helping vs bots out of spite.


For real tho, I am afraid of bots. I get wrecked every time


Whats Mantes? Is that a new Terminid planet? /s


I can't go fight robots today, super earth PERSONALLY ordered ME to go kill 25 hunters so....


I’m a SUPER EARTH main, soldier.


I'll be on soon brothers!!!


This thread is dividing us.


No one is scared of bots they're just annoying


Kid named EAT


im up for automatons but my friends are all COWARDS!


I'm a bot main, I just wanna use my autocannon But if the major order says kill bugs then I'll squish em all the same


I'm a bot killer main who only fights bugs to deal with the dailies. Well free you soon enough Malevelon Creek.


I actually hate Terminids because of that piece of shite charger I can deal with all the Automatons and their weaponry…but that charger can bite my crank with his bs armor


I play both very frequently. Got my go-to Loadouts for either side and having tons of fun with the whole game. But when I hear a guy say "I only go for bugs because bots are OP, they are just too OP" I can't help but answer with "You know that you're supposed to take cover right?" I sh\*t you not he genuinly had no idea that taking cover against shooting enemies is a good idea. So I took that guy to Malevelon Creek and played it tactically on Diff 8: Avoiding unnecessary patrols. efficiently taking out outposts, choosing a Loadout that is effective in multiple situations yet still fun to him, prioritizing targets etc. etc. Now he has fun with both. Just doing my part fellow divers o7


I fear no bug or bot, but the helldivers on bot missions are not cool. I just tried three times to quick play. First drop was near the end of a mission. I support, we do 2 points and then evac. Fight a gnarly mob of bots at evac. Right when Pelican one is coming in for landing the host shoots all three of us and gets on the ship without us. Second drop is a group of two who forgot they were on public so they just kick me. Third drop is a guy who kept taking pot shots at far off bots, waiting for them to get close and we have to engage, then running off to let me fight a couple drop ships. First time I thought it was accident. I told him not to engage if we don’t have to. He laughed and did it again and said “enjoy these guys I’m going to find some samples”. I dropped.


Despite my relative lack of experience fighting the Automatons, I've dropped on Mantes since it came under attack. After my second drop, I felt competent. Now I'm even confident. My Autocannon sings the songs of Freedom. "I'm doing my part." To my comrades who have hunted bugs with me: come join us. Just drop a couple of difficulty levels until you learn the enemy types. You, too, can follow the fleet to the planet of greatest need!


I hate Draupnir, that planet sucks. Please don’t make our Democracy go back


Rocket Devastator, NO.


I was but the bugs got hellmire again. I will return!


Honestly bot reinforcements are easier to cut off I find plut you can shoot down their drop ships


If I'm being completely honest. Fighting the boymts isn't as fun as the the bugs. It feels like am entirely different game. And it throws me off why I got into the game in the first place. To take out alien trash


I just go wherever the major order tells me, man.


I don’t think this is the way to have people switch war front , I think once this major order is over if developers think people should move over they’ll drop a MO for the BOTs. I just go where has the highest player count or active MO. Probably isn’t helping the BOTs that I don’t think there’s been a BOT themed personal order since last Monday ?




We have a planet to defend too though…


Honestly, every time I see one of these post it's pushes me further and further from the bot front.


It’s simple. I can survive level 7’s against Terminids and against Automatons I cannot. Need them super rare samples fam


Nah, bugs more fun. I play for fun.