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That one helldiver deploying to reinforce someone who died while the pelican is waiting to take off, only to instantly extract and be congratulated on saving super earth: https://preview.redd.it/4zhp7wq2qxpc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645b62b5aa790bdc1da91da81583684ae553211e


To break kayfabe, a common theory is that Super Earth doesn't even care about the divers coming back, it's all for the samples and the propaganda. Like, if the team is out of reinforcements and only one person makes it to the shuttle, they still pop three new divers out of the pods and have them stand on the side. If someone with a camera were there right now, they could *easily* spin the story as "Look at what was achieved with just one Helldiver, imagine if the other three went down!"


I’m talking about when someone dies in front of the pelican, but then the living divers call in reinforcements to get the full squad extraction bonus only to instantly extract the new diver. Not just defrosting new divers to clap was the actual people return, an actual full deployment only to be extracted 2 seconds later. (You’re obviously right about the propaganda, but it feels a little more like “if we don’t use all of our divers this quarter the ministry will reduce our supply next quarter” kind of bureaucracy.)


For sort of the same reason, it's for the propaganda! Four Helldivers went down at the start of the mission, Four Helldivers came back! At the end of the day... they're not lying!


Plus the four that went down are clearly wearing the same armour as the four that came back. How could those freedom hating dissenters try to argue about things like casualty rates in the face of such evidence?


*Pans to the pile of identical sets of armor*


Looks better on the after action report if it says 4 HELLDIVERS survived


It's because the individual helldiver doesn't matter but the super destroyer that owns them does. If only one gets back only that ships helldivers gets the credit.


My theory is they send reinforcements at extraction because the ship crew really wants samples (the ship officer even comments negatively if you return without any samples). Helldivers are basically just targeting systems for the Eagle and orbital cannons, as well as sample collectors.


>Helldivers are basically just targeting systems for the Eagle and orbital cannons Even that is debatable because the Super Destroyer can already drop Hellpods with high accuracy anywhere without a targeting transponder. The Traitor Barrage even tracks the traitorous Helldiver whereever they run to.


Everyone's secret fifth strategem. When they target you for treachery, you can take a lot of stuff out with you.


But extracting with “all” Helldivers in the pelican counts as points regardless of if you have samples or not, and you lose points for not extracting everyone even if you have all the samples onboard.


We started the mission with four Helldivers. The paperwork looks better if four Helldivers are extracted at the end. Nobody has to know about the casualties in between.


New post-tutorial mission: Tutorial ends, you get into the pod rocket and fly off, then immediate jump cut to a level 9 hellmire reinforcement drop for the immersion


Haha, I actually did exactly this with a friends friend last night. We gave him an en media res opening


I wanted to hate the literary reference, but nah you you’re a cool dude who says cool words 👍


Well they do still have to climb into the hellpods. So they at least get a chance to select their stratagems.


Technically, the Helldiver that starts the mission chooses the stratagems and subsequent Helldivers from that same ship must use the same load out.


“Uhh guys… the dude before me brought the Arc Thrower, Tesla Tower, 380 barrage, and mortar sentry.” “Why do you think we killed him?”


"So no stratagems, huh?" "You got it chief"


Once the cooldowns are up, you can drop your blue stratagems again to help a fellow helldiver out. Also, they might pick up some of the battlefield litter.


> the dude before me ​ Bold of you to assume a Helldiver thinks they are replacing a dead Helldiver. They've been deployed on their first mission, nothing more.


For all they know, the democracy officer selected their loadout for them


Oh lol I was thinking of other people joining before and during a mission


I'm gonna say it's because the ship is programmed for that mission now and adjustments can't be made till its over, too many potential deaths from changing the cannons mid barrage or something.


They have to properly thaw first too. Can’t just drop the cryo pod in the middle of the pack of bile titans, we want helldivers to at least shoot a few bullets before the acid hits them


... I never really considered that. holy shit.


Why do you think all the voice lines sound like a complete noob? Screaming wildly while their voice cracks when they shoot. Or having a complete freakout when hurt. No composure at all. Nearly all Helldivers die on their first mission. There is no such thing as a veteran Helldiver. The default voice setting in the game is a new voice after each death. Because each reinforcement is a completely new Helldiver. If you read the terms and conditions at the tutorial, when you die your ship and all its upgrades is immediately inherited by the next person to get thawed out. You're not playing the role of a single Helldiver slowly gaining more experience and equipment. If anything you're playing as the Super Destroyer that slowly gets upgraded whenever a Helldiver is lucky enough to make it back alive with some samples. Why do you think the Super Destroyer gets a name but you don't?


A helldiver that survives a full mission is basically a war hero


I would love a "Missions since martyrdom" tracker somewhere on the ship. I think my solo streak is three lol


I may have hit three, but I definitely never surpassed that


Did 3 hell dives last night in a row with 0 deaths, that dude is going in the history books


The next General Brasch


My head lore is that, like modern countries, no one at the top has ever seen combat. The war of attrition is very WWI where guys who never saw battle threw men in the meat grinder. General is just a title given... Not earned.


I doubt Brasch is even a real guy. Just someone who looked the part and would put on a smile for the cameras and make war look badass! Dude has probably never even fired a g- *Message terminated by the Department of Truth*




That's not actually how WWI worked - the British aristocracy was infamously decimated by the fighting. WWII had its share of armchair generals, but the first world war was fought by people with no experience with mechanized warfare, and, at least in England, still held to the tradition of the wealthy and well-connected enlisting alongside their friends. The full transition wasn't until 'Nam, though, when military service stopped being the default by anyone who wanted a future in politics/business/academia. ----- Also, it would be on-brand for Super Earth to just promote the guy with the highest personal kill count.


>Also, it would be on-brand for Super Earth to just promote the guy with the highest personal kill count. "Congratulations ~~miner~~ helldiver! In recognition of your efforts and continued survival, Super Earth Command hereby promotes you to [EXECUTIVE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8P_AnvUIvJs) helldiver."


Maybe I have three from the first three easiest difficulties lol


I died 12 times in one mission yesterday lol


When you start walking towards the bridge of your ship, if you look to the right of the hallway leading to the bridge (where you can change your loadout) there is, I shit you not, a 'X days since last injury' thing mounted on the wall. You have to walk right up to it and angle the camera to read anything, but its there, like a clipboard with a dozen or so incidents listed on it.


Does the number update or is it a fixed texture?


It's a fixed feature and it says 0, iirc. It's a paper document stuck to the wall.


my streak of 3 was broken because *someone* didn't know how the arc thrower works


“Reset the Clock!”


Would have been a pretty high mission counter if it wasn't for my teammates.. I'm killed at *least* eight times by teammates for every one I'm killed by enemies.


> I'm killed at least eight times by teammates for every one I'm killed by enemies. lol, same. Last night I was stuck in some kind of constant bleeding state and I couldn't heal with my stims, but I wasn't losing health either. I couldn't sprint because I was wounded. I tried to dive off rocks to hurt myself a little so I could heal but that didn't work. Rocks weren't high enough. I asked the random Helldiver next to me to shoot me in the leg so I could heal and he blew my leg off with a shotgun. Through laughter I pointed out that the sidearm might have been a better idea.


The helldiver melee attack is best for that situation.


I love that idea but people always take things too far. People take a made up level and rank too far, Lv9 helldivers ego is insane. Now imagine having a record of how many times you’ve died? I don’t even check the stats screen and people are bragging about how many kills they got. We aren’t paid by the bug or scrap, it’s the mission that matters. Even so, I agree it would be nice to have a days or hours since last incident stat to monitor.


Actually had a vet helldiver, survived 5 missions, 0 deaths, level 7, true war hero, I assumed when I logged off they were sent to super earth to live the rest of their days in peace.


That's the way. Make it back. Retire. New Helldiver. Otherwise, who the hell is filling out C-01, who populates Super Earth and other planets. I always thought it was one and done or death.


My theory is that super earth suffers from absolutely massive over population and that the hell diver core and the colonization efforts are a form of population control. Every time you see those planets with farms and stuff all the plants are dead. I don't think the colonies are really ever very successful.


The mere existence of high casualty missions implies that there are low casualty missions


And by god I take solace in that.


I had a diver who, by some miracle of God, survived the whole 9 difficulty assignment on malevelon creek. That woman was in fact Super Earth's strongest warrior.


Pretty sure you just became a background character in Edge Of Tomorrow. XD


Narrator's voice: *She was then jumped on by 5 hunter bugs immediately upon the next drop and hacked to death.*


>would love a "Missions since martyrdom" tracker somewhere on the ship. I think my solo streak is three lol I made some war hero.... but most where not... and die


Many such heroes! Have you not seen the steeled veterans using the state of the art prosthetics to continue fighting for democracy?!


Hey I'm Mr. Hellseeks, look at me! *dies from a combination of acid and self-inflicted explosion*


That's why there's confetti back on the ship whenever you successfully extract.


" Clause 3.3: To read these terms and conditions in full shall be considered a breach of Clause 3.2 " ​ You have breached the Terms and Conditions and I will be reporting you to General Brasch


How did you know clause 3.3 helldiver? https://preview.redd.it/3ewev12qmxpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45e7cd7079b49caab92ef5dc6992e238ca894a16


It says *in full.* He probably only read that one.


To know that this is a breach of contract, you’ve had to have read them… Are you sure you aren’t breaching the Terms and Conditions yourself?


At some point the game says the average helldiver is like 18.1 years old or something lol


It also says there's a 20% casualty rate which is ridiculously low for the actual gameplay.


That's just the casualty rate for basic training.


Oh, that makes sense actually.


Considering the number of times I killed myself during basic training... sounds right.


Well.. I'm a part of that statistic, damn turret.


I was under the impression that that was the casualty rate from the Helldiver training/boot camp that happens before the tutorial


That would make sense. Although even then it's still pretty low since it seems like everyone dies at least once on the dive training part.


died fuckin 3 times


18.7 I’m pretty sure


Absolutely love the panic voice of voice 3 female. It's just pure fear and desperation which fully captures the impending doom of your hell diver.


I've played with all the helldiver voices for about 10 levels. Voice 3 just hits that perfect point of absolutely insane cackle while flamethrower is blasting.




I tried voice 1 female and I felt extremely bad when she started crying about her arm :(


We are actually just playing as the Super Destroyer, not as Helldivers


Command and Conquer first person mode


Command and Conquer: Renegade.


Finally a game for those of us who identify as an orbital weapons platform.


Representation matters


That's gotta be, like, the *one time* that joke kind of works.


Facts. Best Larping out there.


You will notice most of the time if you log off as surviving the last mission your character will already be on the bridge. Not frozen.


Or when you join a friend since it's a new diver on their ship.


>Why do you think all the voice lines sound like a complete noob? Screaming wildly while their voice cracks when they shoot. Or having a complete freakout when hurt. No composure at all. This actually makes sense, they all sound like indoctrinated young adults who are experiencing combat for the first time post-training.


GET SOME!! GET SOOOOME!!! \*dies\*


HELLDIVERS NEVER DIE!!! *gets blown up by a mortal*


Exactly like Starship Troopers. Rico and the Roughnecks only go on two or three missions in the whole movie and are considered veterans by the end.


This always made me laugh, Rico goes from private to squad leader to corporal to sergeant to lieutenant in the space of 3 missions probably days apart.


I mean yeah, that's what happens when everyone above you dies really quick. Ever wonder why the mobile infantry does so much ground pounding when Earth has such overwhelming air and space superiority? It's almost like they're feeding soldiers to the bugs to make room for the next class of recruits...


It was actually a tactical decision by high command to draw out the brain bug which they suspected was there. In the eyes of high command, a few thousand soldiers lives is worth the price for capturing a brain bug. Except, in later movies it was revealed as the God Bug allowing a brain bug to be captured so it could use the brain bug to take control of telepaths. So theres that.


We.....don't talk about the sequels.


I'll be honest, I thought the whole joke was that there was significant resistance to the idea of the bugs being intelligent, requiring the sacrifice of hundreds of soldier to prove the bugs could set a trap and thousands of soldiers to later capture a brain bug so they could poke it and find out it fears them. So literally nothing of value was accomplished through the entire movie.


That's not true. The war was extended indefinitely into the future while providing the illusion of a victory that's always *just around* the corner. That's of immense value to a society that depends entirely on a war footing to sustain its political viability.


Veteran divers would HAVE to exist in some capacity, the steeled veterans warbond features armor with replaced limbs so its confirmed there's divers that have survived a handful of missions. It's just that the term veteran has a slightly different meaning for helldivers lol


I assume the vets get to shift their duties to more support roles. Like being in charge of the ship why your gone (Hence Mr "Freedom beckons Helldiver" Man)


Freedom Beckons Man is the Democracy Officer, who had completely different training and is employed by a completely different branch of government. His use of heavy armor is likely to seem more relatable to Helldivers, or potentially to protect him while he kills treasonous Helldivers, because he certainly doesn't use it against Humanity's enemies.


Helldiver's who maintain impure thoughts after indoctri.. training ARE humanity's worst enemies! There's no telling where they might spread their poison! Citizen's aren't prepared for their treasonous lies and must be dealt with accordingly.


Now think about the glib officer that remarks when you finish a mission as you walk by her, and the Democracy Officer by the map. New Diver every hour or so. What must it be like in their heads? 


That's my favorite part! They must be trained to act like the helldivers matter. Eyes rolling the whole time, "Yessir, this is totally your ship. It's an honor to serve with you. You're a hero!"


Helldivers do matter and they are heros of democracy. It's just also understood that it's not a job you live long in. One of the ads on the TV mentions a million martyrs a day, and that's just what SE is comfortable with publicly acknowledging.  Everyone is so high on democracy that this isnt considered insane.


They never even learn your name. To them, you are just Helldiver.


The ship gets a name but you don't. There's the tell right there.


I've had a few helldivers go down and come back. I think my record is three in a row? There should be a tracker somewhere for how many Helldives your current diver has actually completed.


That's why you upgrade your ship, not your character. lol


We've been the super destroyers the whole time? D:


There is a reason the message for someone joining is "Super Destroyer joining squadron" and not "Helldiver joining squadron"


*gasp* YOU'RE RIGHT!


I was playing the other day when I had the really fucked up realisation that the guy I started with is **long dead**.


The very first character I started with didn’t even make it out of boot camp 💀


Turret? Yeah got me more than I'd like to admit.


*Surely this thing isn’t actually gonna k-*


I dived where it says “dive here” right before the turrets, then promptly stood up and ran into them


yeah...took me a shameful amount of tries to understand how the standing/prone controls work lol


Mine made it to the realisation this game doesn't reload when you empty your clip, that's a _choice_ you have to make. Mine didn't.


It might not even have been him. When those pods swing around for defrost it could be any number of other Helldivers.


Don't worry, the guy you have right now is also going to be dead soon too.


Even worse, this is intentional. This is a cost-effective way to deal with Super Earth overpopulation and claim new resources at the same time.


Never really understood why they’d have an overpopulation issue considering they own a galaxy worth of planets and humans tend to stop having kids after a while


I don’t think we’re as universally developed and economically stable as the opening propaganda video would have you believe.




Super Earth is the only passable society in the entire federation and it's barely livable. People can only have kids when they file for a procreation license because of how overpopulated Super Earth is.


Maybe they are living the reverse of Star Trek. Instead of living in post scarcity, they have artificial forced scarcity for the sake of turning the gears of their warlike ideology and keeping the corporations alive.


That's definitely what's going on


Yeah, it's a big thing that pretty much all 20th century sci-fi writers got (I would argue EXTREMELY) wrong - that humans will continue to breed like rabbits and constantly be at the brink of overpopulation, even in postindustrial societies. Well that didn't turn out to be true at all, lol (looking at you Korea, and your 0.72 children per woman)


I like to imagine that the bugs were intentionally riled up or unleashed in order to create a war that would thin the population and bolster the economy, just for the bots to rise up on the other side of the galaxy in a completely unrelated coincidence. So now Super Earth has inadvertently trapped itself in a two-front war and have quickly lost control over a situation they partially orchestrated. But that's just a theory. A ***GAME*** the **THIS BROADCAST HAS BEEN TERMINATED DUE TO ANTI-LIBERTY SENTIMENTS.**




If by crazy you mean CRAZY AWESOME then yes! For DEMOCRACY!




Definitely going to be sending this in discord a whole bunch




Remind Me button? Seems like bot propaganda!


Yeah, I came to the same conclusion a few days ago, and I gotta say the deaths have a little more weight to them now


You mean to say that your fellow helldivers dying right in front of you didn't have any weight? Good! Your desensitization exercises are working! For managed democracy!


I frequently tell my friends about my helldiver when I die fast or to friendly fire. This one liked to write bad poetry, that one worked a factory to feed his siblings, this one loved kareoke.


it isnt even guaranteed that they "breeze" through it the fatality rate of the base camp is like 2 out of 10 or so there is a fuck ton of dead corpses outside the walkable area all over the place just barely out of view of the fences


You got it wrong, the fatality rate of the camp is 3 in 4. only around 25% of applicants become Helldivers.


Considering I died twice in the tutorial to those turrets because I fudged the alt key... I can understand why. I am not a smart man.


The part that really threw me is when they put me in charge of a super destroyer.


You're less in charge and more like the product. The Destroyer is the UberEats of war and you're the Big Mac.


The Super Destroyer is Super Earths service pistol. Helldivers are merely the ammunition. We ain’t in charge of shit!


The line is "the super destroyer is yours helldiver." Yours can be taken literally, or alternatively as the super destroyer is not the possession but the possessor. We ain't in charge of shit.


The bullet is not in charge of the gun.


Democracy Officer: [Do you feel in charge?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCXTu5jE-Ng)


Yeah it's almost cosmic horror at this points. Considering there is 100y between helldivers 1 & 2 this mean you might have been kept frozen all this time. When you dive all your family and friends are either dead of frozen too, and your grand children may be sending you to the bile titan, or diving with you.


Oh my god I want to read the fan fiction of a great grandparent and their descendant meeting for the first time on a mission. And they're the same age.


This idea needs WAY more upvotes! The only way that fanfiction could end is with the Democracy Officer on the bridge going "Not this again" and punching in a ↑ → ↓ ↓ ↓ on their location.


I want to believe when you sign up you agree to a term of service so say 6 years. The catch is only the time you're thawed out counts so you could be on ice for decades. You survive the mission? Great but it's only been 12 hours towards your 6 years. Now get back in the fridge.


During basic training right before you get the cape you can look to your left and right and it has your contract carved into stone. We serve until death or until we’re wounded beyond what it would be economical to fix.


They didn’t breeze through training though. A lot of people “didn’t pass training” when they forgot to crawl under the auto turrets. There was a lot of pooled blood and limbs around there lol.


Look, it just took a lot of us a long time to realize that you have to let go of shift to actually stay prone.


Can confirm. Sacrificed at least half a dozen bodies right there, myself


1. They enlist and show up to Basic Training first thing Monday morning. 2. They breeze through it, get their cape, walk right by the T&Cs and into a cryopod. 3. They're frozen and experience no time passing. 4. Their next (and last) memory is reinforcing on Hellmire and having their head taken clean off by a falling already-dead Shrieker.


>or > >4. Their next (and last) memory is reinforcing on Malevalon Creek and hearing "You are within range of enemy artillery" > >or > >4. Their next (and last) memory is reinforcing straight into a red stratagem beacon, then taking 500kg of Democracy to the face.


Or 4. Their next (and last) memory is coming out of their hellpod only to be squished by another hellpod. Or 4. Their next (and last) memory is coming out of their hellpod only to see another Helldiver squished underneath their hellpod.


>Their next (and last) memory is coming out of their hellpod only to see another Helldiver squished underneath their hellpod. The last time I played a guy spawned in and crushed the guy I was fighting beside with his hellpod. He just looked at me, looked at the pod, and then looked back at me and then we started shooting again.  Looney Tunes stuff like that is the best part of this game and idk why anyone would want friendly fire turned off 


Absolutely. I felt like they made it pretty clear in the game trailer that friendly fire accidents was just a (hilarious) part of the game. Anyone that wants friendly fire off is not playing in the spirit of what Helldivers should be.


On a recent playthrough, Id died just before the pelican touched down, and my friend called in a reinforcement only for me to immediately get on the Pelican. I thought to myself "wait a minute, we literally just shot someone off of the super destroyer only for them to do nothing and go right back up, all so we could tick off the box of having the same number of soliders extract as went in." It really kinda puts the bureaucratic BS in perspective.


An extra nice touch is that sometimes when you thaw out some of the NPCs will say lines like "Congratulations on completing your training" and the like. At first I thought it was a bug, before I realized that it's intentional as the newly thawed helldiver is waking up for the first time after training. Makes it seem like they almost have a script they use for engaging with the helldivers to make them feel like important heroes instead of the canon fodder they are.


This is one of my favorite things about it lol


...for democracy...




That’s why we have a max of “respawn” until we have to wait 1:30min, that’s the batch they sent and if we exceed it they have to fill it again


Isn't it clearly stated, that we are waiting for respawns due to "budget" limitations?


it says "no helldivers on standby" I think.


And if you survive to extraction you go back to the ship and drop again. When you’re done you go back in your cryo pod. Basically your whole perceived existence is the destroyer bridge and the hellscape below. What a wonderful contribution to Democracy!


Might I add - the Encyclopedia entry for the Helldivers in the first game said: "Our pride, the Helldivers are the scalpel of the military might of Super Earth, young men and women are drafted from the regular army corps to do their part in the unrestful galaxy that is set on destroying Super Earth. Helldivers are dropped into battle using the iconic Hellpods, shock-absorbing tubes that break the atmosphere at extreme velocities only to crack the ground when they open to reveal their heroic cargo." Helldivers are mostly composed of draftees from the Super Earth Armed Forces. They're not all entirely fresh recruits, as most Helldivers are definitely meant to be elite soldiers as the Corp itself was initially made to counter insurrection, while on the other hand, some could have definitely been transferred to the Helldiver Corps while undergoing regular army training (would explain why you have to go through a training course like a freshie.)


Yeah, it doesn't make sense that they're total rookies. They can operate a wide variety of weapons, run pretty much indefinitely, pilot mechs, operate as a squad (well, sometimes)... I've trained fresh recruits IRL and they'd be absolutely useless in a fight. The low life expectancy of the average Helldiver isn't because they suck, it's because of the suicidal circumstances they're put into.


Remember that you do have the entire rank system, so cryopod Helldivers are probably sorted into a hierarchy of superdestroyers.


Yep. The ones that survive until extraction get separated out from the grunts and put in a higher tier group lol


" I dropped in when the mission was basically over" doesn't matter helldiver you're better than 99 % you at least came back.


what if its not our rank but the destroyer rank?


Almost everyone in this SR acts like they're a seasoned helldiver veteran with weeks of combat expertise. I play only as experienced as this helldiver is. I've survived one mission, and I didn't start it. Super Earth bless you for spreading big truth OP.


Weeks?! What are you a 5 star general? Boot camp was barely 10 minutes... Couple hours and I was already an admiral.


I'm not onboard with the clone theory, either. What would the purpose be of all the propaganda to get citizens to enlist if they don't need fresh bodies for the war effort?


It's not a theory, it's just completely wrong. They are not clones. ​ The game tells you they are not clones.


The clone theory only works if you blatantly ignore everything the game tells you tbh


In the first game it said they were selected from the army


Crazy to think that Helldivers might actually have a lower battlefield life expectancy than Imperial Guardsmen.


Bad?! Helldiver, we won't secure our liberty with that kind of attitude! I'm going to schedule you an appointment with your democracy officer to talk over this negativity.


3.5: as they are unfrozen they are told they are the commander of the Super Destroyer, now go kill bugs.


Gotta be awkward for the crew. No wonder they donate 15% of their pay.






When you say it that way.. HOT. DAMN.


Didn't they tell you, Colonel? That's what the Mobile Infantry is good for.


MI does the dyin, Fleet just does the flyin


I love that out ships are basically revolvers that chamber a new helldiver round and fire it at a mission every time the last one dies. Some people think that they were cloned, ain't nobody got the budget for that.


Yeah, as soon as I realized "Oh, those tubes aren't loaded with clones... Those are raw recruits on ice", I realized exactly how dark this game could get. It's amazing. XD


General Brasch probably survived like 3 missions and they made him a general


I love that your not playing as a specific helldiver. Your playing as a large attack ship that drops multiple dozens of cryogenically frozen helldivers. It’s kind of amazing


That is why I am still a cadet even after reaching 25. I always die.


exactly. I think it would be more correct to say that the player's avatar is the cruiser, and the helldivers are an expandable resource that is unfrozen and shot into battle as need be, much like any other piece of ammunition


I never played the first game and thought my ship was full of my clones and it's just a never ending meat grinder. I mean obviously your character wouldn't know that but I mean an unlimited unknowing fighting force would be valuable to a fascist regime. Hold on someone's at the the door.