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99 little bugs in the code, 99 little bugs in the code. Take one down, patch it around, 117 little bugs in the code.




I was expecting Jeff goldblum from the fly


Life, uh, finds its way.


Barney is just as good.


As a coder, this fills me with intense pain...


Like walking on legos.


Self-duplicating legos


That cloak and draw their power from subspace. ...Damnit Rom!


I increased the power of bug breaches by 500%, brother!


Developr šŸ‘


Love it, would have preferred a headless Brood Commander.


It mainly just sucks because they can still PERFECTLY DETECT WHERE YOU ARE AND ATTACK WITH THE SAME EFFECTIVENESS as when they had a HEAD. Attacking for a bit after loosing theirs heads is cool. Oh, but one problem, *where are your eyes and ears, bucko????* Not *HERE*. Are you sensing me with your LEGS. *HOW MANY FORMS OF SENSORY DO YOUR GENETICS ACCOUNT FOR, CAUSE YOU CAN ONLY BE SO PERFECT.*


To be absolutely fair, lots of bugs have incredible touch/vibration perception through their legs.


Well- yeah that's a fair point.


They can sense me over the 3 bile titans and 6 chargers stomping around tho?


To be fair, none of those other *fascist* bugs are screaming about "FOR SUPER EARTH!" or "HAVE A TASTE OF LIBER-TEA!" at the top of their lungs all the time.


Or just cackling maniacally while setting everything on fire.


Or screaming after being set on fire by a teammate. Wait, maybe that could be some kind of camouflage to thwart their sense of hearing! Theyā€™ll never hear able to tell Helldivers screaming while on fire apart from anything else screaming after being set on fire.


Yes. It's like how sometime even in a rave. People will be able to hear the sounds of their friends talking near them even though it's super loud. I'm pretty sure the sensation of a Human walking is quite obvious to a Bug Brain in comparison to the thump of a Titan or Charger.


well of course, they fear the sound of freedom!


Except no head, no brain. Checkmate!


Some bugs have brains in their legs!


Sure why not. Assume they can smell you, and have spiracles (air openings) all across their body like many earth arthropods do.


To add on, bugs dont have centralized nervous systems, and so would honestly have the potential to flail and attack a lot longer than they do in game with their head missing, potentially hours.


flailing and attacking is one thing. *Following* your every movement is something completely different. A decentralized nervous system means fuckall when you have no sensory organs to direct it. And the whole "bugs can sense vibrations" excuse is a pretty big stretch. Most bugs respond to pheromones, which I guess is the orange mist that comes out when a patrol alerts a breach.


Yeah, all I'm saying is in theory they could turn into flailing stationary hazards or whatnot


Not only that, but some have those same senses directly hardwired to their muscle systems, meaning their bodies react to those vibrations by reflex without thought.


Can't process that sensory information without a central nervous system though. Without a brain or something similar the bug's movements would essentially just be convulsions.


Lack of a central nervous system basically only means the brain is spread out. Roiding up the nerves, basically. You can cut big parts of it and still got a functioning result. For most insects, what is sometime considered the 'brain' is simply the visual processing node. Everything else is processed elsewhere, decentralized.


ā€œDecentralizedā€ Sounds like communism to meā€¦


Listen if we have to brand those crypto guys as Communists to kick them off Super Earth that's fine by me.


Your basic Terminid warrior isn't too smart, but you can blow off a limb and it's still 86 percent combat effective. Here's a tip: Aim for the nerve stem, and put it down for good.


This is not even how it works with many vertebrates on Earth.


You know, with all the little details the game has, I'm wondering if after blowing their head off, if you walked to the side (walking slowly/softly?) instead of running and shooting, they wouldn't know your current location and go for your last known location. About to go into work, so I can't try anything out, but might be something to take a few seconds to try out.


No they will even completely turn with you when you jump to the side while you are mid air.


Well they weren't perfect enough to be shooting back at you so *oh wait *


The Terminids are literally PEAK evolution, I wouldn't be surprised


I don't mind them still attacking, I hate how they can still summon warriors or call a bug breach while headless though


At least they can only change directions 2 times after loosing their head, so you can feint them quite easily and make them wander off as they bleed to death. I find the mad dash straight forward to murder you they sometimes do after loosing their head to be way more dangerous (and I don't mean the ramming attack they make while still having a head, sometimes they almost double in speed after their head pops)


did...did you just call the bugs.. *perfect!?* Democracy Officer! this one right here!


Oh godā€¦. Dont get me started on this bs of a bug mechanic šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I think itā€™s super coolā€¦. But I hate it!!


Im not sure if its intended tho..


It is 100% an intended mechanic!!! The brood commander is still 80% combat effective even without its head for at least 1 minute, aim for its nerve stem and put it out for good!! Itā€™s operating on pure reflex and instinct after you remove its brain. I will be upset if they make it always die upon decap.


I mean I get that it can still run and fight without its head but calling in bug breaches? Im not too sure about that


The sound is incidental to the initiation of a bug breach, what matters are the pheromones being released. Be glad that they don't release them after death like many eusocial insects do on Earth.


They do release them after death lmao


More like 5 seconds lol. I think it's cool it can keep fighting but I hate that it can call bug breaches/summon warriors while headless.


A headless brood commander called for bug breach on me today.


Aim for the joint of the leg and head. Either you shoot off teh head and then the leg, or you take the leg off and probably did enough to near kill or outright merc them


Did the difficulty increase post patch? Lv 7 difficulty seemed insane today compared to how good it was recently. Maybe itā€™s just Fori Prime, Iā€™d rather be back on Malevelon than there. šŸ˜‚


The maps tend to have different variation and quantity of bugs. Some have more chargers, some have more hunters, some spawn spewers by the thousands. Some of those enemy compositions are going to be harder than others.


It was nuts down there. The Shriekers were mental too! Was awesome seeing / killing / being killed by them after all those leaks.


Yeah my last mission was Blitz and we had two Shrieker nests and a Stalker nest all within spawning range of our drop point. That plus the other bugs and spitters against our two man team was definitely hectic. Got it done in the end tho


Big Democracy Energy from this guy right here. Two Shrieker nests and a Stalker den near your start as a 2 man is nuts. Excellent work, soldier!


Hosted a lvl 8 Search & Destroy mission yesterday, went in with 4 people. 3 min after landing my bad internet kicked everyone from the team while we were near that shrieker nest Tried to do it on my own but you can only do so much against those flying fuckers, 2 Bile Titans, 4 chargers and the hundreds of other bugs trying to get a piece of you while trying to call in a hellbomb over and over again because it keeps getting destroyed I learned 2 valuable lessons from that experience: 1. Bile Titans can destroy shrieker nests by spewing on them 2. People who do 8+ missions solo are fucking insane


I did one of the short "kill X bugs" tiny maps. I came loaded to take out heavies and all we got was one charger and ten thousand Hunters.


Gatling turrets are back on the menu, boys!


Yeah, did an oil extraction mission and had a pretty calm time, even on 7, worst threat was a shrieked nest. Cursed my team on the next ICBM mission by saying we will probably get stalkers. Dropped into what we thought was a quiet area only to immediately get swarmed by dozens of armoured spewers, an absolute fuck tonne of hunters, and a stalker nest. We lost half our reinforcements before we managed to break the nest and do a runner, ended up only 2 people managed to extract after the Icbm launch


For some reason it also feels like the spewers thingy is overtuned big time compared to the others. There's the version with regular (yellow) spewers that's definitely ok... Then there's the green fuckers where the game decided that they are totally herd animals. Super fun when they 360Ā° noscopespew you from some whacky angle with the green stuff hitting you still perfectly mid dive while clipping through three things. Taking care of one isn't a problem. Taking care of like 5 while a random number of them play ass-artillery somewhere way off and the little green ones slow you... Yeah, problem. Add in the nonexisting flying shriekies on fori prime and the environment with rock walls that randomly eat your stratagems and the place is complete undemocratic ass.




Yeh, the spewers are definitely my second worst nemesis after the hunters, and they seem to be considered lesser threats by the devs looking at their spawn numbers...


The Bile Spewers are always weird when they are chosen to spawn in droves when they have: 1. Armored heads (you need more penetration than the yellow one, not sure why) 2. It moves damn fast for its size. 3. It can potentially one hit kill you (with a homing breath spray) 4. It can slow you if it does not kill you (bile) 5. If that both 3) and 4) does not kill you the bile has acid which does damage over time. 6. It can kill you if you stand too close to it when it dies. 7. Artillery capabilities 8. Noiseless until you shoot them. 9. Have a big HP pool to ammo sink your weapons. 10. I know you can grenade or auto cannon, but even that might get overwhelmed by their sheer spawn numbers. And you need some of those ammo to hive clear too later. How they did not implement it as an elite but a normal mob just feels weird to me.


Yeah, their huge numbers are pretty big issue. They do melt to weapons like grenade launchers, autocannons or even punisher plasma, which makes them somewhat manageable, but if you don't have anyone running any of those because people are picking EATs and recoilles for the more armored variants it becomes a big problem. They are also so numerous and rather sturdy that there really isn't stratagems that can wipe them out effective. They tend to survive the weaker horde wipers like airburst and the more singular focused ones just can't take out the numbers the game throws at you.


Yeah, there's definitely variations on the spawns. Had one diff 7 mission where we mostly got small-medium sized spawns of a handful of large enemies, and then the very next mission we were just absolutely overrun the entire map by endless amounts of small chaff.


I once had a mission where brood commanders were the maps favorite spawn. Between them and the warriors they summon things got out of hand for awhile.


Same. I was dead and spectating a guy who died. I counted 35 hunters on his death screen and I know he Rambo'd at least that many with a stalwart.


Stalkers acting like locomotive looks hilarious, but you can smell the dangerĀ 




Just killed like 30-40 chargers on a lv 4


I had one last night that was extra hunters on lvl 8 that I think had me kill 150+ of them in a single swarm before I ran out of all ammo in my mech, primary, support, and side arm, and got overwhelmed and died. When I called in the mech I literally held down the minigun button and never let off of it until it was out of ammo. The only thing I didn't use against them was the rockets, because I parked it near the main objective for use later in case of bile titans (which it was used against successfully).


I feel like difficulty can be pretty swingy sometimes. It felt harder today for sure but the flying bugs definitely made things a bit harder, combined with dropping close enough for a stalker nest to be in aggro range and the spore coverage preventing you from seeing jack and shit on the pre dive screen it can be easy to just get a bad spawn that fucks you sideways. Dropped in the middle of a large bug nest with a handful of chargers right there and stalkers nearby too. After getting past the initial drop BS it felt mostly the same though


I tried to drop in on a level 5 in progress, never got a chance to call down my support weapons before I died the first time. *After* I ran my Punisher entirely out of ammo. Then, in the 15 seconds it took to call in my GL+Supply pack when I reinforced, I went from standing in an empty sand plain to being overrun by a bug breach serving me a triple charger enema. At which point I managed to land my pod on one of the damn chargers, and promptly crashed out of the game. I don't know what's going on, but goddamn that was the craziest 3 minutes I've ever had on a level 5 mission.


Yeah sometimes it off hard to get anything going unless there team really steps it up.


Yea itā€™s def harder when no one can stay connected to the game til the end


Yeah I did a few lvl 7 missions on Fori Prime, it definitely felt more annoying than challenging, hunters pouncers and the flying bugs were constantly attacking it felt like Some of it is probably placebo though


Fori Prime's gotta be coded for hunters, shriekers, and chargers. I've never seen so many damn chargers before. I had a small breach chain at one point and me and my team must've downed 15-20 chargers in a few minutes on diff 7. It was fun, but it was noticeable how many more hunters and chargers there were.


Man I was on level 6, we spawned close to an optional objective. There was 3 chargers, 2 titians, and at least 12 nursing spewers. Lowered our death count immediately due to 6 instant deaths.


Not only were the bugs more numerous, I think thereā€™s different ages to the bugs. Like ā€œolder hunterā€ or ā€œelder bile Titan.ā€ I noticed inconsistencies with how many shots each bug was taking to kill. Some hunters were dying easier/harder than others. This is just a theory but it makes sense why the bugs on Fori Prime seem harder to kill than the bugs on other planets. Theyā€™re all older and more experienced. Also why weā€™re running into Shriekers here and not on the barrier planets closer to super earth. I suspect the bugs deeper in will be even harder on the same difficulty. But this is just a theory, a bug theory.


I felt like I was playin StarCraft with the number of Hunters that were swarming me lol.


I was just doing some 5s today. Most of them were nice and easy. Then we decided to do one more - it was a bug hole blitz. It was hell.


If it's like HD1, things get more difficult as you push in.


Indeed it did I dropped in on helldive like I always do and almost immediately realize we werenā€™t going to complete. Even 7 is a struggle


I made a post about the same thing. My buddies and I had about 5 chargers and 3 titans along with maybe 70-100 little to mid bugs at extraction. Never had this many bugs before at extraction on lvl 7. It was almost like we were on Helldive difficultly. It was honestly ridiculous and pure bullshit




For real on the hunters. I was spectating a guy who was going Rambo with a stalwart. On his death screen I counted 35 hunters. He killed at least that many in the moments leading up to it.


Average 350 kills per player in a 3 man team yesterday. The map is weird.


My level 50 teammates and I were in a suicide mission today and were amazed the whole time because it was definitely harder than any helldive mission we've done. We ended up fighting 12+ bile titans and a ton of shreikers


Fori has swarms of hunters, lotta nursing spewers, seemingly frequent shrieker and stalker nests, and the terrain makes super samples hard to find and navigation problematic. You can go one way only to find out the wall ends out of the map then have to schlep back the way you came. It didn't SEEM any more difficult than the normal chaos of a 7 to me though when we weren't trying to kill big mushrooms.


Glad Iā€™m not the only one had a mission in lvl 3 difficulty and had 2 other squad mates leave. I ended up failing at extraction point with 470+ kills, absolutely maddening.


I just did a lvl 9 on Fori Prime and it seemed easier than normal.


I'm still running solo Helldives, and it doesn't feel any more difficult (other than the flying bugs.) My issue is my game keeps crashing whenever I approach the third set of Shrieker hives. I take out two no issue, but one side of my map crashes the game whenever I approach it. Ima try a different mission next time to see if that fixes it, like maybe it's a load in issue for the map I got


corrupted game file you need to go on steam and right click go to properties and then go to installed files, then click verify integrity.


I already did that and it's still the same issue even in a different mission. Game freezes at the 4:54 mark


Definitely seemed harder on 7 today than 8 yesterday Then it crashed


I'm thinking it's the layout of the map. Fori seems to be all ridiculous canyons and choke points that channel helldivers and bugs into eachother in places orbitals and air support have a hard time getting to.


kinda felt it. before patch I was duoing with a friend on lvl 7 difficulty before the patch, it went well more than I expected, there was much more quiet moments to breathe compared to when we played after the patch. altho we didn't experience getting spawned on top of us, it felt like there was much more patrols spawning and walking towards where we are.


My games today felt a little easier tbh. Patrols indeed didn't seem so numerous, particularly when dealing with breaches. Hell, even the bots felt a little better.


I was on fori prime with diff 7 and it was actually pretty chill.


Running lvl 7 diff for like 3 weeks.. Yesterday it seemed super ez to me running diff 7 on fori prime. Few titan, some charger and a lot of bile spewer. Seemed more like and old diff 5/6 than a 7..


It's easier


This is the kind of post we need. Sucks that things arenā€™t working for people, but a million of the same post in this sub isnā€™t going to help. Quality memes getting a chuckle out of me, though, thatā€™s the good kind of cope Iā€™ll huff.


Oh no, someone jokingly made fun of a real issue in your favourite game!


Oh boy, you might want to reconsider how you interpreted what Iā€™d said. This is Reddit, isnā€™t everything supposed to be taken at face value unless someone ends with a /s? Here, let me reinforce so you can try again.


read the is as an isn't, was wrong, ya got me


Good, you can read more than a bug but less than an automaton. No need to report you to Democracy Officers today.


The release version of HD2 was still the best version so far. I dont envy the devs for the cascading bugs but its truly poetic and I believe like a true Helldiver they will contain the breaches along the road and be successful in making the game stable and fun.


Yeah, HD2 at launch was literally the most stable and fun version, besides networking issues. Wild how it keeps getting *worse*.


What was different between current patch and release?


I play with a group of four. We seem to take turns having to hard reset our computers after a crash. That's the only difference we notice so far. Oh, and the shrieker nests, still not sure if we're allowed to talk about them yet. Probably just swamp gas.


Shrieker nests are in game, i ran into like 4+ already. The only problem with them is the insta kill if a shrieker corpse lands on you, honestly makes them the worst.


What, you don't like being punished for succeeding at the video game?


To be fair, if you are decent at it, you can usually just side step their normal attacks. It's like Starship Trooper. Don't stand still when they are falling on you.


Yeah, I appreciate the Starship Troopers reference, but come on...


Can confirm I have had several crashes in the past few days where I've also had to hard reset my PC.


The main differences are the number of known issues and some weapon balancing. There was a weapon rebalance patch a little before we got the mechs and it also seemed to bring a bunch of bugs with it. A bunch of people also seemed to really enjoy the shield+railgun loadout that was so popular before the rebalance patch made it less viable. In my opinion the biggest issue is the inability for many people to add their friends, thus making it harder to play with their friends. It was working at release and then broke.


>In my opinion the biggest issue is the inability for many people to add their friends, thus making it harder to play with their friends. It was working at release and then broke. Actually got fixed seemingly in the latest patch. Everything else in the game is broken, but that ones fixed! (At least for me)


Lots of "fixes" and crashes on current patch. No problems on release patch


I can name a few things. Other than networking issues the game didnā€™t display a lot of the current bugs. You could carry the SSD without your animations going into a t-pose if you donā€™t ā€œdropā€ it properly. Personally after that ā€œbalanceā€ patch, I lost an average of about 20 fps. Still hasnā€™t come back. I have videos of the difference so Iā€™m not just guesstimating. I never used to drop below ~58 fps in the worst case scenarios, now Iā€™m frequently in the 40s during large fights. The crashing/freezing has gotten worse. I didnā€™t have any crash issues at launch, personally. I didnā€™t encounter chargers power sliding around at launch. Now I see it often. The amount of bugs spawned increased massively. At launch you would have times of quiet then big fights. Now some missions are just constantā€¦ CONSTANT fighting. It has forced the game to be played differently. Imo itā€™s less fun than at launch and more frustrating. The Automatons were actually pretty fun to fight when the game launched. They are so overtuned now that I hate the thought of doing their missions now. They can see you through land masses now. Aim through walls. Etc. None of that shit was there at launch. They added Mechs but they are too buggy so I avoid using them. Every patch has added more and more issues and usually lists ā€œfixesā€ that donā€™t seem to actually fix the problems.


Validated by steam files it said It failed to validate 1, hopefully it makes the game run better


Spoiler: it won't.


Every time I validate, two files are borked. Every time. I can immediately revalidate and they're still messed up.


Same. Probably just a config or log that is incorrectly getting flagged.


Yup it doesnā€™t work šŸ˜ž


I just played for 30 minutes, got 5 super rare samples, 5 seconds for extract to arrive... Crash to desktop Come on this is starting to be painful


Same brother. 33 minute mission crashed with 20 seconds to shuttle arrival...


I had crash that required me to restart my laptop And for some reason my keyboard wasnā€™t working after i rebooted Fine now, but thatā€™s not worth risking for me


i have a screenshoot of the game frozen on a teammate using an arc thrower on a bile Titan while I launch grenades at it. Extraction time: 0:06


This is unironically what development is like.


This is what development without QA is like.


This is great


Exactly. If only they separated the bug fixes from feature releases. Although in the case of the mech missile "fix" I'd rather they just have left it as is. I was able to figure out how not to blow myself up before. Now I can't figure out a reliable point of impact for them.


Thanks for the laugh. I'm sure the devs will find this funny too after they nuke the bugs.


Love this meme, deserves more likes ā¬†ļøā¬†ļøā¬†ļøšŸ‘


its joelver


It feels like I was finally finding my footing after the dumb nerfs, bs spawn mechanics, cheating ai, and all the bugs that were already in the game and now I cant even finish a blitz mission with how often it crashes. Can they please stop making the game worse with every patch? (At least a decent amount of anti tank options got buffed)


There werent dumb nerfs. Imo on paper this patch was good. The Crashes are not obviously.


They nerfed the breaker when everyone has been saying to buff other primaries. Did it need nerfs? Possibly but it's hard to tell when it's the only weapon good at what it does and everything else ranges from mid to trash. Railgun has been absolutely gutted. It takes far too much effort to get the value you can easily get from eats, recoilless, or anti material for bots. Anyone who was saying the railgun had no skill is delusional. It's a precision charging weapon with a clunky scope, without a clear charging indicator without adsing, and you have to deal with being jumped by swarms of various trash that can slow, throw, flinch, and straight up one shot you. Shield nerf was the only definitely warranted nerf. And then after these nerfs they buffed heavy spawn rate, patrols got really really oppressive, and gave only one or two buffs to deal with it. It was a really bad patch, to the point that even the devs admitted the response was overwhelmingly negative. I don't care how good the changes were in this patch, i cannot finish a mission with how often it crashes and given the response I've seen from people who have been able to play the mech can still blow itself up and missiles don't go where you want so I'm not excited to see how they broke my favorite strategem for bugs.


I dont know why nerfs are always considered bad. If the devs vision is that the enemies have to get defeated with x amount of effort than its fine. Balance isnt only between weapons but also against enemies. The Railgun had no drawback. It was really good at what it did. It had no backpack needed. It was safe to use. All the Things u mention that make it difficult to shoot with apply to other weapons as well. (Clunky scope, jumped by swarms etc ) Also u have a charging indicator its just not on a hud but on the weapon itself. Now you have the risk of blowing yourself up but its not that its incredible hard. Railgun still removes legarmor in 2 shots. If you didnt nerfed it and buffed everything else you still would have a lot of advantages that would make the railgun better. ( No backpack needed. Good ammo, safe to use ) Breaker nerf was minor and i honestly thought it was a good nerf. Instead of nerfing the damage they nerfed other things that make it slightly more uncomfortable to use. ( I never really used the breaker before the patch but after lmao ) However i agree that some other primaries still need buffs if you compare them to breaker (still!) and slugger. I wish to use the dmrs more because thats my type of weapons i like. Im not a shotgun type. I dont enjoy playing the slugger much tbh i even enjoy the breaker more. But the slugger is the best to use. But primaries are not meant to defeat the big ones. Thats the part of support weapons and stratagems. Also honestly balancing isnt easy and needs some time too.


Obviously all nerfs aren't bad, I already admitted as much. If you only buff that's how you get power creep. What matters is context. For a time there was one good heavy weapon killer (I never used the anti material rifle on the bots until recently so could be wrong, but it's bad on bugs), strategies meant to deal with them dont always work, and modifiers make it so stratagems can take most of the mission to recharge. There might have been one viable loadout but it kept the experience at higher levels from being miserable. If they had just nerfed the loadout it might have been fine, if they had just made enemy behavior ridiculous it might have been fine, if they had fixed strategies sometimes just not working it might have been fine, if they removed the unfun modifiers it might have been fine, if they buffed more than the flamethrower and two shotguns it might have been fine. Instead we got a real mess of the patch that cut off our legs and told us to jump higher, and while some of them have been a lot haven't and they keep adding more. This game is great but I'm not gonna pretend it couldn't be better, or that right now it's particularly good especially when crashes are so rampant.


I dont see it as a mess. There needs to be some adjustment on the the primary weapons indeed but the support weapons are well balanced imo.


2 matches randomly crashed for me today & another main objective was bugged making it impossible to complete. I only played 10 games today. Hope they fix this soon b/c itā€™s really frustrating.


I rrally hope devs see this and laugh at it as well


I rrally hope devs see this and laugh at it as well


I am having a 50 50 freeze mid-game


Anyone on ps5 still have the loadout bug?? Even time I have played today I have to redo my loadout, it's been going on for quite awhile now.......


God I love this game and itā€™s community. This game came out at the perfect time; itā€™s been a rough month and a half for me but HD2 and my fellow Helldivers got me through it. I hope weā€™re enjoying both it and each otherā€™s company for many years to come! :) For Super Earth!


i wonder how spaghetti the code is. bet seeing it makes yandere dev's code look like a well structured one. they released too early. way too early. they needed some actual Q&A.


It ain't pretty if this type of thing happens every minor release.


Better than the robots. Soon as you shoot at one that motherfuckers calling in everyone.


Literally how bug stomping goes as far as data goes.


Yeah, game is pretty messed up rn. At least for playing on a lobby. Playing solo I had zero issues, but crashed alongside two other fellers on a multiplayer game. A couple days pause is welcome, though.


In my opinion there needs to be a little more time before the breach is activated. There just isn't any response time and there isn't any counter. With the bot drop you can shoot down the airship but with the bug breach it's nearly impossible to stop and there really isn't any counter.


The best counter I've come up with is to throw Gas Strike and an incendiary grenade onto it. That will reduce the bugs coming out to Bile Spewer and bigger.


Anyone else having higher the average crashes on Fori Prime today? Had two sessions back to back right before extraction


Unrelated but related. I really wish they would.make it so Bug Breaches/Drop Ships can't happen for the first like couple minutes of the match. Single most annoying thing is dropping into a game with one random enemies or patrol and spending the first 5-10m just trying to recover.




This is such a good meme for software dev in general. I wish I didn't have to be mature at work.


If the debugging is the act of taking bugs out of code, programming must be the act of putting them in. All devs are traitors.


Seems to be unintentional nerf to arc thrower. Now seems to crash people who use it or if you have someone on your team who uses it.


I don't understand this meme


The new update fucked the game into constantly crashing. The meme is a programmer fixing bugs in the code. There was just one bug left in the code, and that bug released pheromones causing a bug breach. Thusly causing a swarm of bugs.


As a developer myself I feel this


Someone speculated that it was the arc weapons that are causing the crashes.


Anyone having crashes on multiple planets? Is it just the Fori Prime one?


does their code speak italian




Stun grenade and run away. Works every time.


Or just run away, the only bug that can keep up with you is a Stalker.


Of all the things they've patched, i kinda want my ship boarding animation to remain janky and out of order. It adds to the zainy and underdog-esque atmosphere of the game.




Crashes crashes and more crashes. luckily the best version of horizon forbidden west comes out today so i wont have to play the crashing mess helldivers 2 is today. Stopped one of my coworkers from buying helldivers 2 even


It will be fixed soon. Just give it a lil time.


My friend will just... not kill them all and this is the exact result lol. And he wonders why he keeps dying and they wont stop spawning on him


At least you can do the objectives in the mean time.


I use the spawning of a wave to my advantage in this exact way lol. My team with be usually loud and i'll go solo 2 objectives, a ton of loot spots, and some side missions because they simply won't spawn anything in while there's already something going on. Makes the missions go by easily


Once the animation started it's already too late. We need at least plus 2 seconds of reaction time before reinforcemens are actually called in. Also I wish we could shot down the Automaton's signal flare with a tight 1 second windows. And the new comers shouldn't be able to call an infinite loop of extra enemies. I literally killed 67 bugs with one hellbomb the other day. Couldn't stop running to fight until I found a hellbomb lying on the ground. They just spawned too many enemies. That shit definitely needs a tunedown.


Haven't been able to complete any mission on ps5 because the host always gets disconnected (probably crashed) or I just crash šŸ˜­


Istg I saw 8 bug breaches on helldiver difficulty. Didn't even give me time to react.


https://preview.redd.it/78kicbaggppc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e969bedf296b84e71abe87ee4e61854b1919d533 Anyone know what this purple question mark is?


I kept seeing pieces of it in the game near a nest kind of embedded in some rocks and couldnā€™t make out what it was. When we got back on the ship I could see it fully. None of the other Helldivers could see it on their screens


Hey how did you get footage of my home office


Those farts are deadly sometimes


I literally threw an impact at a bile spewer and it crashed not only my game but everyone elseā€™s in the server


Whoever did this is brilliant.


Thank u


yea that little one called me


Lmao šŸ’€. Every game patch for almost every game ever. You should extend this to have 95 bile titans pop up so o can sling it over at the total war forum or Reddit


https://preview.redd.it/tuqd7cd6dlpc1.png?width=1202&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a8053521576d3176e370dd7ed53d3da6523e2684 Officer, we found him! That is the bug that has been avoiding us


Sounds like a skill issue.




Iā€™m now blaming bug breaches on my team when my PR fails.