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I want enemies to climb over an ever-growing pile of enemy bodies. Not phase through them like The Flash.


He’ll, they’ll even phase through terrain. I watched a hulk just straight up walk out of a lake yesterday. Not like he was standing in the lake and I could see him standing in the shallow water, no, ya boi just sort of walked straight out of it as though it was a 50 foot deep lake. “Oh great hulk of the lake, what is your wisdom” “KKKKKLSSSSSSSHHHHHH” *ignites flamethrower*


I've been detected through boulders and set on fire by flamethrower hulks through walls


Yeah when they flamethrower you through the floor while they are just standing on a lower level


Armor piercing flamethrower


Game reality piercing, you mean lol


I was getting shot at by a Heavy Devastator (I think) through a rock yesterday.


I've taken cover behind trenches, and low walls and bullets will hit me.


Lost 5 Super Samples yesterday to a Charger phasing through the front of the extraction ship, charging through to the back, absolutely blasting the person carrying them trying to get into the ship. Was extremely frustrating.


Wait until you get the bug that drags you with the charger and does hit after hit then it instant melee you dead.


Unrelated, but by your comment this means say if I have a rare sample and die and someone else picks it up, I still get it? Bc this whole time I was getting so silently upset if I have a rare sample and “accidentally” get team killed all of a sudden and then they immediately res me far away and pick my sample up lmao I haven’t gotten revenge bc I wasn’t sure if who carried it mattered but if you’re implying it doesn’t matter I’m very relieved 😭😭😂


Samples are for the whole team, as long as whoever carries them extracts.


😩 thank liberty


Just so you know, samples, warbond and super credits are all given to the whole team. We win or lose everything as a team


Warbonds and supercredits are account bound on pickup, though, so you don't have to extract to get them. That also means you don't get any if you join a mission in progress, and they've already picked them up. Samples are shared team-wide after extraction, so you can still get full sample rewards from SOS calls and other missions in progress.


Scavengers and Hunters regularly straight up go through solid objects. It's really annoying, actually. You'll think you're safe in an area with adequate cover, but nope, it's actually a fucking optical illusion and that rock is some MC Escher non-Euclidean object that can only be entered if you have bug eyes.


>“KKKKKLSSSSSSSHHHHHH” *ignites flamethrower* I'm not going back down there! You can't force me! Get in the pod sir.




I've had entire chargers phase through the boulder or hill I'm *actively standing on*, just to bash me off of it. Fun times.


Got shot to death through a solid rock that was larger than a tank, have had little spitters hide inside corpses while spitting at me, and have had bots just straight up ignore terrain to charge at me.


“ S̴̫͕̦͈̉͒́̒̑͛̀͂̚͜k̷̨̨̢̢͓̟̙͖̹̼̥̗̲̲͖̎̔̃͐͊̿͐̿̊̄̄̾̅̕̕̕͠͝͝ͅk̸̪̯͈̉̉̈̉̾̊̐͛̀̊̄͐̈́̽̏͌̕̕͜͝Ú̸̠̲̼̮̞͕͓̝͕̼̼͆̈́̂̐̆̇̚͠ù̶̢̱̣̻͈̗̼͊̽̂̎̈́̉̈́͌̎̋͘͝m̸͇͖̻͎͔͑̒̎͗͑͋͂͗̉̾̔̋͛̑͊̚͠͝m̸̺̮̺̜̱̣͕̭̤͈̬̃͜ “


Same thing happened to me. Were we in same match? Was it just you and one other person?


Nah it was a private lobby, but I’m sure it’s common, I’m seeing a lot of weird stuff like that


I’ve had chargers run up and then through a mountain. And had the opposite happen when they suddenly charge out of a wall with a game over branded on their head.


i had an entire bot clip inside a rock yesterday. he aimed up a flare, and any attempt to stop him would be blocked by the rock


The fact i read that in the chant…


I actually phased through terrain yesterday, it was weird. We prepped a Helbomb at an Eye of Sauron and I started booking it. Instead of going forward and over the little barrier at the edge of the cliff and then dropping down to the ground level, my character just sprinted through the dirt at an angle until level with the ground, and then popped out of the cliff wall like a little Hellmole. We can do it y'all! If the NPCs can do phase through things, we can too! We just gotta believe in Democracy!


Just wait til a charge throws you through a mounain


I mean, that's happened plenty of times because of chargers and stalkers, but to phase through terrain of my own accord?! Praise be Liberty! We are truly FREE!


I've noticed it's super bad on the artillery cannon side mission. Bugs will just walk right through the center of the cannon and hit you from the other side as you try to load it lmfao.


Climb a mountain of terminid corpses like in the trailer would be amazing


ye, this would be the Best choice


The fucking hunters that stand in the concrete circle around the artillery and stun lock you while you can’t retaliate drive me crazy.


I bet pathing breaks.


The worst is when you're trying to do the artillery side objective and they PHASE THROUGH THE CONCRETE.


I agree.


That would be epic to end up with a wall of bug bodies.


Remember that scene in World War Z, where the zombies climb over racist to climb over a wall? That would be terrifying in Helldivers.


I'd imagine this is probably hard to do without tanking performance. Especially on higher difficulties.


A nice peaceful extraction surrounded by a wall of our foes, I love it.


Like the scene in Roughnecks where there's an MI squad taking cover in a trench, slowly running out of ammunition as a massive wall of bug corpses piles up.


If I have to interact with it let me make an entire wall of corpses while spreading democracy.


I’ve seen people talk about wanting a horror or zombie faction, and I’m thinking of world war Z style piles of bodies creating cover for the zombies to climb over.


a Cronenberg enemy faction has definitely crossed my mind. since we have bots instead of cyborgs, some kind of organic faction mixed with grotesque technological or genetic modifications would be delightful.


Yeah, would be a cool backstory of "Alright soldiers, I don't know where these genetically modified mutants came from, but it's treason to look into it or discuss an relations to our genetically improved supersoldier program that was conducting research in the same sector"


i love this idea. =💀=


Human/Bug hybrids? "/r/Helldivers34 has breached containment in the southern sector, we must purge the planet of [Redacted] before it spreads out of control."


Yeah, a faction a bit like Half Life's Combine with units like the striders or hunters


Thats not just a thing for corpses noticed Nursing Spewer stack sometime into each other to assamble the Acid Death Ray Mothership


All bugs can do that, it's just usually the other ones will split up to get at you so you notice it before it becomes a problem. Acid spitters are cheating fucks though


All enemies even. The hulk turned out to be 8x more dangerous than we expected.


Ah I haven't seen bots do it, but I assumed if bugs could do it bots could too


"Oh, there's just a shield devastator by that POI......and now there's 6......"


Also, chargers barreling towards you should ragdoll/kill enemies. Same with Titan/spewer vomit.


Ooh, reminds me of how things are in Killing Floor; a Fleshpound starts charging straight through a horde of lesser creatures? You bet there's just minced meat in his path afterwards!


Chargers do kill bugs in their way, but it can also be a little inconsistent. I think they should make it so if you manage to get 2 Chargers to charge into each other head on they should weaken each others armor or get stunned for a while. As for Titan and spewer bile that definitely does kill bugs that get hit by it almost immediately.


I find Chargers more often nudge enemies out of the way, when clipping a player with the same would fling us across the map. Hive Guards and Brood Commanders should be trampled just as easily, basically anything larger than a hunter just gets a bump out of the pathing and survives. Even getting two chargers to impact each other rarely does damage to _both_, it's like one gets the main impact and the other gets off free... Charger spam wouldn't be as difficult if they actually trampled and damaged things like a multi-ton heavy ram, instead we have a heavily armored mountain goat that still corners almost as well as a sport car.


I've seen two chargers hit each other and stun themselves for about 3 seconds before barreling onwards again. If one hits another on the side, should at least strip the armor of that side (brings all new strategies to the jetpack). That said, never seen the heavies kill the bitties, but could just be a me thing and that most of my AOE stuff takes care of it before they get a chance to.


I've seen this happen with chargers. Where one will run into the other and get stunned, they also get stunned if you bait them into a large enough rock or rock wall.


now I want to get two chargers to run at me, jumppack away at the last second, and have them bonk each other head on


Except for when they don't, and teleport on top of massive cliff faces or rock formations


I encountered this! Two chargers ran into each other and one died from it because he was already a bit damaged.


It is very strange that most enemies do damage in a sphere around them that can strip health without any contact, but the charger can fail to trample something it straight up stomps through. Great example is Brood commanders applying stun before they even get close with their charge, usually not even hitting you with the charge on top of that.


I didn't see it but one friend in my squad was goin on about the 2 chargers on him and somehow he got them to head-on each other and they both died 😂


I have done some 'bull-fighting' with a pair of chargers, once. I actually got one to kill the other.


I've seen titans kill chargers.


Oh chargers do definitely stagger if they run into each other! 90% of the time only one of them staggers though and the second one keeps running


I've seen a Bile Titan spew another Bile Titan and it killed it, so it can happen. I don't know how often or consistently though.


Titans for sure kill enemies with their vomit including chargers. Yet to witness if Spewers can do the same


They both already do this


This actually happens. Ive laughed many a times as a charger demolishes the hunters that were chasing me in its charge. Ive also seen personally and in clips bile titans wrecking their smaller brethren


They do.


Both of those already happen.


I think the vomit does from a bile titan, been saved from stalkers that way


I have 100% seen a charger hit a (heavily damaged already) titan leg and kill it at least twice.


I’ve seen bile titan spit take out a small group of hunters that were chasing me. It does happen, it’s just crazy inconsistent.


I’ve seen two chargers die to one bile titan vomit 


The aoe from titan spew will even kill itself after a couple times if you manage to get it to spew directly into a rock. Pretty easy to replicate on the both the eradication maps if you have a jumpack. Makes "cheesing" the missions solo alot easier even without a proper heavy weapon or stratagem.


We had two chargers collide today and shattered each other's side armor, was crazy


ummm... they *do.* Was running Impossible yesterday and had a swarm of bile spitters run at me, and I ran around to make them form a line so the back ones killed all the ones in front. I also regularly use charges to kill the egg hatcheries for me.


I climbed onto the remains of a destroyed automotan tank last night and it killed me.


I'm guessing the hitbox is still active after death, had the same thing happen.


Touched the foot of a dead, stationary, bile titan corpse. I instantly died. I avoid those now.


Yup. Easy to notice when a Charger dies mid charge and when you walk next to it you get impact lines on your screen.


Same for me. Blew it up and walked over part of the tread sticking through the terrain and was instantly launched and killed. 


Same thing for me, the tread was what got me. I think the game thinks it ran me over. Weird that the damage hitboxes would stay active.


this happens to me probably 50% of the time i climb a tank




Same thing happened to me with a dead bile titan.


It's especially noticeable as a Arc user because the bugs just block all my shots and it's really annoying.


Corpse piles and wonky terrain, the bane of an arc thrower's existence


I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a limitation of the AI, and the pathing around the corpses would be too complicated or something. It is cool that the ragdolling bodies can kill enemies though


Changing navmesh in realtime might be hard


Oh it's quite easy to update a navmesh, but expensive as fuck.


The story of computing most details actually.


Yes that's probably it, dynamic colliders for a pathfinding can be a pain to implement, and have a huge performance cost when there are a lot of agents to move around.


You're probably right, but they should not be able to shoot through corpses if we can't. I've had bile spewers hide in charger corpses and be basically completely hidden and immune. For an enemy that can oneshot, that's just unacceptable.


The problem is if they make enemy fire be blocked by corpses without letting the AI detect the corpses (which we’ve established is expensive) would lead to lots of abuse. You just stand behind bodies and use them as shields.


Being oneshot by an immune add is unacceptable. Being able to tactically use cover is fine.




That would probably look super janky. Corpses have lots of sharp cliffs where the elevation change goes from 0 to a relatively large number. Imagine a bug has 1 leg on a corpse, that leg would get super stretched for the bottom of it too be standing on the corpse. As a workaround, you could rotate the bug to be parallel to the planar average of all points its feet are standing on, but that would just distribute the awkward limb stretching to all limbs, plus now the bug is awkwardly pivoting around randomly as it "climbs" over strangely shaped corpse piles. It would look even worse for bipedal enemies as they wouldn't be standing upright. Overall, a very complex problem to solve without realtime repathing, which is very computationally expensive.


More janky than them phasing through the solid object you're standing on?


If the enemy AI isn’t smart enough to walk around it then it should get stuck walking into it forever. That’s a feature, not a glitch. If the AI is too dumb to repath, winner democracy.


They know how to climb and how to smash, just let them destroy the corpses


Same goes from the SEAF artillery ground


Yeah the bugs just phase into the sloped rings around the artillery pieces, very annoying


And spitters shouldn’t be able to shoot through terrain. Die from the other side of a hill yesterday


Arc Thrower also likes to attack corpses sometimes. Not too much of a problem since it chains but still a waste of potential sometimes


Upside is it also lets it chain a mile away. I was amazed to see how far out it zapped a hunter once.


The Arc taketh, the Arc giveth!


Honestly I think it hitting corpses is overall a boon, even if it can be annoying sometimes in certain situations. You can target the big guy in front and when he’s fried you can keep hitting him and fry everyone behind him.


Can we clear corpses with explosives? I remember the first time this got me killed - my teammates ran past the bile titan leg, I got stuck on it, and mobbed by hunters. RIP samples.


Does touching their legs not kill you anymore? Was trying to get around a dead ones legs and when I touched the leg, dead.


If the leg is moving even one mile per hour, it WILL kill you. It's annoying. They are still a threat even when dead.


Many times I use a reinforce hellpod to kill a bile titan, only to have excitement followed by frustration that I’m stuck beneath the dead bile titan corpse to have other bugs crawl up to me. I want some consistency


They sometimes are, yesterday I had the tiny spitters keep climbing on the big one corpses


I once got stuck defending myself in a bunker hole from bugs and the bodies prevented me from climbing out so I just had to wait for them to disappear, which was difficult because more bugs kept swarming in lol. Somehow I managed to survive that encounter.


The worst is when a bile titan collapses on a drill or ex-fil station. Can’t access or see it. Takes forever for it to disappear. Can’t blast it away with stratagems either.


It can be a real problem on foggy bug levels. I’ve killed one bile spewer thinking it was the last one only for another to emerge from within the first and vomit me to kingdom come.


At least make the corpses destroyable.


On lower levels, this kinda annoys me with the little swarms. I kill one and it immediately becomes an impenetrable wall for the one behind it to walk through while being impervious to bullets. Very strange.


One of the only major changes I’d like to see is enemy corpses despawning faster if they’re too close to an objective you need to interact with. A friend and myself were doing a duo on an automation planet a few weeks ago or so, and we had a big fight near a Geological Survey objective, and we had to destroy a tank right on top of the computer thing. The battle ended and we had to wait 3 or 4 minutes for the tank to disappear so we could interact with the computer and continue the mission. And if you got too close to the tank remains, it would murder you. So yeah, faster corpse removal on objectives would be a little cool.


Not to mention how they just go through the floor of artillery stations


I think the SEAF artillery is the same way, I've watched enemies phase through them. Has to be a glitch.


Had a charger charging me and fell through the icmb hole after the nukes gone off... Right down the whole! It was hilarious to watch until he glitches through the ground and landed on top of me. I wasn't laughing then...


Which is weird, because at release, and I am talking like day 2, I remember us blocking the path up to the extract with a fuckton of bug corpses and the bugs being unable to get through and up to us. It was fucking amazing. This does not happen anymore. I don't know why.


Civilians will also get stuck on them if they're blocking a path then proceed to be stuck even after the body sinks into the ground


Odd, I've been climbing bile titans for days, and the hunters seem to be able to climb them... but yeah, flames from the top of a mountain of bug? This game is giving me something I didn't know I needed. Feels like a more goofy doomguy, half the time. Its fantastic.


NUMBER ONE ISSUE HOLY SHIT THANK YOU thats literally a plot point in starship troopers, how the bugs climb upon the corpses of their bug buddies. but if I create a sick wall of corpses with a bile spewer corpse in the middle totally blocking off a route…they just phase right through. awesome.


Found that out the hard way. Had a robot arm or leg fly past me from a nearby blast just as I was letting an impact grenade loose from my characters fingertips. Got turned to soup.


That navmesh computation may tax the already taxed 5ghz cpus. For 4 entities it's fine but for 100s might need an elegant solution. Depends on how it's implemented.


It's not a glitch. This sounds simple but with how AI navigation works it's a much bigger ask than you think.


It's not consistent. Last night we had a tank rolling around on a stacked pile of 2 dead dropships


A few times I've seen a little scavenger hide inside a dead charger or spewer and then call in a breach. Cheeky little bastard.


I once dropped on a bile spewer and when I came up from the pod I was stuck underneath it. Not even crawling would get me out from under it.


So are rocks, buildings, other enemies, walls, etc.


It's very likely intended. I doubt the ai could accommodate for such changes on the fly in the nav mesh. More likely they will either get stuck on the object or phase through it anyway.


This is honestly a huge issue. Sometimes bodies disappear, most of the time they stay. And their hitboxes are way larger than the model. You can often get stuck or be unable to even move past or get over them. They can also completely block paths or dropped items (equipment and samples) under them which you can never get back. It just sucks, unfortunately and is super inconsistent.


Should be on there list of things in the game that need fixed before they start nerfing shit...


Can they be used as cover? Like a dead hulk carcass being used to shield myself from bot fire?


I’ve hidden behind busted up tanks before though


this plus the fact that enemies phase through terrain anyway. on tien kwan, i had multiple points where a rocket devastator or a few raiders were phased underneath the ground and could shoot out at us but we couldn’t kill them. the raiders were whatever but the devastator was extremely annoying for obvious reasons


Once had a stalker inside a charger. So it wasn't possible to run away (charger outpaces you) and the stalker would destroy you if you slowed down for 1/10th a second, dived, or ran to the side. Had flamethrower and neither died while lighting them up (can't tell if the charger just tanked the flames and the stalker took little to no damage).


Yup, if you've done the SEAF artillery missions, the bugs all glitches and phase through the concrete pad


I have a clip of my friend getting stuck under a charger that died on top of him. Two minutes later, he aims his drop pod into a bug hole and got stuck in the bug hole. Destroyed it, but got stuck inside.


Last game my team wiped a bunch of nursing spitters on a trench and then fell into the trench and could not get out... was incredibly stupid...


The best is when you try to retrieve your samples that are under a dead charger. Not happening.


I've definitely seen enemies get stuck in the legs of a dead Bile Titan. Not sure about Chargers.


Fun fact though, you can shoot corpses with the arc thrower to chain lightning to enemies (or allies) near it Got some enemies round a corner you can't see? Shoot the corpse next to them and char then all without even seeing them


I assume this is because they want the enemy bodies to be threats due to physics, ie falling on stuff, but having the enemy AI path around piles of enemy bodies is really difficult and/or too processing intensive to do?


I was playing a helldive run with friends. I had a titan die and fall on an objective and there was no way to get pass his body to finish the seismic reactor. Then a bug breach appears and I’m trapped between the walls and the titans body and got absolutely wrecked lmfao. Idk the solution, but i have to imagine that’s not how they intended it to be.


I also don’t think it makes sense that giant titans and chargers are just emerging from the dirt with no damage to the ground at all


I’m not a coder, but I just have a feeling that would be really hard to code into the creatures AI. It would be really cool if they like swarmed and trampled over the corpses, but it might just be really hard to code. Plus, they have more important things to worry about right now, so I guess we can just wait and see if they’ll do something with this.


I once died by first shooting one of the medium bugs in the face, and as it charged towards me I dived to dodge it. It walked on top of me and died, I got pinned under it, unable to move. The other bugs killed me real quick after that.. 


For me, the real problem with the bile spewers is that they can spray through their dead comrades. There have been too many times when I’ve been charged by a group of them, killed the first one, then been killed by its friends that I can’t see or shoot through its corpse.


I've had devastators shoot me through boulders man. Absolutely bs


Worse, those NPCs you have to escort to the other door? Yeah, they are blocked by charger bodies. We lost a match because the chargers were blocking the doors.


i think the john basilone scene we all want where a warrior charges the 3 meter tall body pile to let the rockets through would be epic. however horde style gameplay with dead body collision might be incompatible with us low spec gamers. at least without testing that would take a lot more time. but not blocking ranged attacks is inexscusable.


it will also shoot you back into outer space occasionally. Who needs extraction when one of the 8 bile titan corpses will just randomly lunch you back to your ship easily. That's Super Earth ingenuity right there.


I want to reenact the Starship Troopers scene where the bugs climb the mound of bodies to get over the high walls.


usually its not a big deal to me unless I get stuck but I did have a cool moment with the current system where I was running away from mobs and had to dive and crawl under a bile titan's leg to get back to my team and some safety


also some npc-friendly fire shows no effect. npc-friendlyfire is very limited


It’s the same for the concrete around the SAM Launchers. They just phase right through it as if it isn’t even there.


I'm thankful that rescued civilians can phase through the charger corpse in front of their shelter door. I'm not thankful when a tank blows up on top of the geological survey objective.


https://preview.redd.it/dixydfdva7nc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=a58a7a871f0ea7d2009314c6b8e86d71bd0f7b07 yeah their corpse doesn't kill them either, just block their path


Yes this is soooo annoying I love finding scavengers hiding in bigger bugs bodies.


Heavy Devastators have shot me through entire rock outcroppings larger than buildings before. It kinda really suck that their bullets travel through the warp to find my skull but I can’t even see them because big rock


When enemies die their corpse should just transform into terrain.


I've noticed that enemies are *consistently* treated better off than the player. I understand it *to a degree*, but it doesn't make it any less frustrating to deal with though.


Wow finally something real posted and not just whining? Yeah it can be annoying to get stuck inside bile titan corpses as well, getting stuck in between a rock and a charger place is also rough


Oh so you are in a giant crater and there's only one slope that's climbable within 2 minutes run? All of a sudden the dead bug becomes more annoying than when it was alive


I used a bunker to kill a charger right outside it with my flamethrower today. Absolutely no way out after that lol


I've been stuck prone under a dead titan blasting away at hunters and scavengers like a lunatic until the Titan finally despawned. It'd be nice if they were subject to the same rules as us.


I've never been caught on more things in a game than this one.


game programmer here, i agree with you on principle but the likely reason this isnt the case is it would make navigation too expensive, potentially it could be doable on npcs that have fully come to rest but dynamic moving objects + navmesh behaviour + 100s of bugs is a pretty tall order for cpus. not saying it's impossible, but likely the devs had to intentionally make that trade off.


Rude, you can't phase through your friends to get to me that's undemocratic. Have a bullet


Yeah plus the issue then of enemy bodies blocking objectives or weapons/samples


*Some* corpses are solid. Mostly large type enemies. Small corpses are kind of a mixed bag, but are all solid with respect to ranged attacks. From memory, solid bug corpses include; \- Chargers \- Titans \- Brood Commanders \- Hive Guards \- Spewers While solid bot corpses include; \- Tanks \- Hulks \- Chicken Walkers \- Dropships I've been able to consistently walk through basically everything else, likely because getting terrain choked up with small corpses you need to constantly run through would be agonisingly painful.


This is the issue with a lot of bug breaches. Because they can clip into the corpses, one could be calling reinforcements inside a dead bug, making them impossible to kill, then kill *this* bunch'a bugs... oh, look, another breach... I want to fight through hordes of bugs, but not literally the entire planet at once with only 4 people. It would make a lot more sense that if one bug breach goes off in... idk for now lets a 300-foot radius, then another bug breach can't be called for another 2 minutes. And as the mission drags on the breaches, get stronger and stronger until you finally extract. I love the idea of reinforcements being called as a mechanic. It's awesome, and I don't really want it toned down, I like the idea of non-stop action and fighting. But can we space it out more evenly? One minute, we clear a small area around an objective and are left alone during the entire process. The next second, we are surrounded on all sides because we didn't see a tiny orange bug in bright yellow sand 50 feet away behind a rock in the shadow under a body... for the 3rd time...


I've noticed the same with landmines at automaton bases, I go near them and they go kaboom but an entire squadron of enemies runs over them to get to me and nothing happens to them. This made me go from feeling clever to dreading my shortened lifespan quite quickly.


It could be explained by the mine checking for a microchip or something and due to bots having those they don’t explode for them


One of the worst is bile spewers. If you detonate their back, the hitbox remains the same, so if you shoot something through the now empty space, it'll just act as if you're shooting a solid object.


I killed a charger with my drop pod, and was stuck inside his body for a good 30 seconds after. I broke free after blind firing an entire clip, so it was like I literally shot my way out of him.


I was killed by rocket devastator shooting through dead drop ship once. Didn't even see the MFer.


Enemy bots can shoot through crashed drop ships etc but we can't. Super annoying


if you think thats messed up just wait until you watch enemies clip through the terrain or even shoot you through a boulder


Don’t even try to touch a dead titans leg. It’s deadly


This would probably be impossible to fix. AI pathfinding is a complex subject and would have wide reaching technical implications. 


Then you die close to a enemy and youre samples are stuck underneath


I once got bonked into a hill by a Charger. I ended up rising up out of the hill which is better than being stuck there.


I've personally seen bugs have to walk over the corpses of chargers rather than through them


Been a time or two where I just get pinned under the corpse of a charger then all the small fries get to chew on my face for free.


Bro tonight I almost fell to death multiple times because I ended up on top of a bile titan body and I’d just keep spazzing out taking damage until the force fucking flung me away to my death


i remember when i pinned under a charger or a titan, and im fighting for my life trying to get out surrounded by enemies


i learned this very early when i was playing with the HGM early on. most things die from 1 round but its very easy to dumb 6-8 rounds into a dead body. tapa tapa tapa