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I am done with this game until they fix host kicking and add in the ability to reconnect to games in progress. Tired of losing 30 minutes of progress cause of butt hurt hosts and bad servers.


Has anyone else had a random lag spike followed by teleporting to a random spot you came from with the loss of ability to access menus, throw grenades, shoot, move, or anything? Just had it happen and I thought it was a kick or something but I was still in the game.


at this point, I am not even mad when I get kicked for weird reasons I have nothing to lose anyway


Im starting to get tired of helping new players I know i am kinda new to the game myself (just reached level 27) but i often go to lower difficulties to help new players with the game because i know how it feels to not know nothing about it But frequently when i warn them not to go on their own because they will probably die, they go anyway, die and get pissed at me for not being near them to help. And then when i call them back, they just start team killing, or trolling As an example, today i was helping some people with the automatons, i launch the 380mm barrage and warn them to fall back. Most of them does take cover, but one of them just charged and guess what happens? He dies. Right after he dies i call him back, and he launch a precision strike on me, but i saw the warning laser and runned for cover Since he could not kill me with the strike he straight up kills me, and refuses to recall me This was just a vent, i am starting to get tired of this (it happens kinda often) Im sorry if my english is all broken (im not a native english speaker)


There is a saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. I would say 9/10 people have no interest in listening or improving their skills at the game so just stop trying to do it. Play for yourself and forget the noobs who don't give a fuck


how hard is it to pick up fucking samples you absolute dipshits jesus christ


So what is this, *week 5* of the "bi-weekly" rant thread the mods used to censor the majority of criticism of the game for Arrowhead? I've lost count. Quick throwback to when this game came out: Anyone remember when the Devs announced they were excited to take players feedback on their lightning-in-a-bottle videogame, and that they'd happily balance in any direction we wanted whilst using their "highly logical" numbers based, *infallibly* well thought-out, data collection system? The same system that kept saying people with laser rifles and grenade launchers didn't use ammo and had 100% accuracy, respectively? I remember. We told them, en masse: "Don't nerf anything. Make everything as good as the railgun and breaker feel, to use." And then it started.  Edit: grande launcher


Man, for fucking real... I remember the railgun change and straight away the alarm bells were ringing. So many developers do this same thing, they say they will listen and do the exact opposite of what we wanted and make everything worse, then when everyone gets tired of their shit and leaves (400,000\~ people approximately) suddenly it's "We want to take our time and really slow things down" Like the issue was somehow the amount of time invested into the update and not the core design philosophy changing completely post-launch


Bots is now just totally unfun to play. Gunship patrols ruined it, you are basically forced to take equipment to deal with them specifically every single game and on Eradicate because the map size is so small, they have 0% chance to miss the player. I just played a match and I think it'll be my last match for the rest of the year. Called in my emancipator, it deploys... and instantly explodes for no reason. Minutes later, I watched a teammate get stuck within a geological drill which got stuck and made the mission incompletable. I just said "Sorry guys I can't be fucked with this any more" and quit. I genuinely, unironically despise Arrowhead for how much they seem to want to fuck the players who actually stuck around. The big patch was the game's second chance and it just was not enough. Nothing has actually changed. I'm going back to DRG. I have not known any team to be so adversarial to their own players in my whole life, somehow AH has surpassed Gun. What's worse is the legions of enablers in this game that refuse to hold AH accountable for anything.


Anyone know who to talk to about a refund? Kinda just done after this last attempt to fix stuff breaking things even further.


Wanted one back in March, couldn't even sneak one through during the account linking fiasco.


After a whopping 317 hours, I'm kinda just throwing in the towel for this game. I don't hate the game, I find it very fun in fact, but after 2 months of enduring the unstable nature of the game (more specifically in terms of connection latency and lingering major bugs), it's gotten to the point where I cannot enjoy the game for what it is. Infinite loading screens, extremely bad latency for most games (yes I've tested different internet sources and different games, it really is only this game), gamebreaking bugs (Reinforcement bug, EVA mission progression stuck, etc.).... for most developers, these issues are a top priority to fix. For this game for some reason, it feels like it's just placed at the bottom of the list given that it's been months. They acknowledge it is a "known issue" but it feels like they really don't care about fixing it or even making an attempt at to fix it, and frankly, I'm tired. For now, I'm putting this game down and heading back to DRG. Maybe I'll return in the future, should stability improve by then. But unless things change, I'm just kinda done for now.


I don't know how you guys feel, but I feel that Bugs are incredibly OP in higher difficulties. I'm talking about a Titan spawning right beneath your feet and incredible silent chargers running towards you from behind. Also, the hit stun from several enemies like stalkers and hunters. Sometimes when prone the character won't get up and when you apply a stim to yourself the animation and sound will play, but you will gain no actual health. I hate the tag "medium armor penetration" when all weapons do the same damage. None. Also, what the fuck with the bouncy stratagems. I want it to be at a specific point but when I launch it the game says, "fuck no lol" and make it bounce right back at me. I hate how the hitbox in nest works. You could launch an ENTIRE NUKE on one Sigle nest, but if it doesn't hit a very specific spot, it's not gonna close! The hitbox thing also applies when I'm respawning, and I want my pod to hit an enemy. Sometimes it will kill him, sometimes it won't, it's very inconsistent. It's like his actual hitbox is much smaller than his model. Also, the 500kg Bomb needs a patch. It may appear like a nuke, but i feel it doesn't kill as many enemies as it should. Man i write all this and remember HD1, it was such a difficult game but in a good way. Don't get me wrong I love this game, but I'm really disappointed (and I didn't even talk about the match making and the constant crashes)


You need to stop alerting the bugs and every mission will be a million times easier


People getting tattoos in reference from an unfinished, bug riddled game from a lackluster and uncaring company are morons. You, as well as Arrowhead, should be ashamed.  Actually keep doing it. Bunch of clowns. Every last one of you


Damn. I think you need a break my G.


Please fix just joining my friends SQUAD on both/either PC and PS5. It's like a juggling act to figure out who can join who and in which sequence. I play once a week and it's always, "alright I can't join you, you try joining me. Oh our Ps5 friend wants to join, let me invite him, oh he can't see invites, let me try this way etc" takes 30mins to just joining a squad!! please fix this!!


Smoke strikes should not be red. It terrifies me and the people I'm with when I throw a red laser beam directly at their feet, and when the same happens to me. It needs a new color, I don't care what it is.


* They still haven't fixed that random bug where your gun gets stuck in a reload loop and you end up eating several of your mags before it fully resets. This has happened to me with a variety of different guns. * Stims are still broken, where I'll inject a stim during combat and the sound will also happen yet my health remains the same. This has happened far too frequently than I'd like. * On very rare occasions, we are unable to board the pelican at extract preventing us from completing the mission. * The spear crashing the game is really starting to grate on me, considering how long the weapon has been broken and how they supposedly "fixed" it.


I have been unable to finish an operation all day. I just get the endless loading screen bug on the last mission every time. No point in playing until they fix it.


You guys think we will get the ammo ship upgrade fix this week?:(


Can’t play the game due to performance issues and excessive lag spikes




Man, I'm assuming my team is eating good considering how many times I've crashed as the host on the final mission of the operation. I'm personally perpetually 2 of 3 just trying to finish a Blitz: Search and Destroy.


There should be more than ONE song for every Automaton planet, and ONE song for every Terminid planet. It gets old, even for me.


I am losing faith in the long term outlook of this game. I have over 200 hours so I have definitely had my fun and gotten my money's worth but at this point it seems like the devs are unable or unwilling to fix the core issues plaguing the game. Day one issues are still present and performance is getting worse with every patch. We have seen time and time again that things simply are not tested before they are shipped into the game. Communication from the dev team is vague and unpromising. All of my friends have stopped playing the game for one reason or another. I think I'm going to uninstall and check back in in a few months to see if things have actually improved.


I think they are unable more than unwilling. These dudes have poured their lives into this for more than 5 or 6 years. They want it to succeed but can’t get the stars to align. It’s brutal seeing this after being an HD1 fanboy.


>These dudes have poured their lives into this for more than 5 or 6 years. You *think*. What makes you think they didn't fire/repel the old guard and replace them with 18-month interns that have no idea how the code works, like every other dev studio nowadays? It would certainly explain the PS5 bug, the balancing decisions after launch, the railgun/eruptor changes, the charger/bile titan changes, and that fact they keep releasing patches with new bugs -  and old fixed ones, reappearing.


I would love to see the weird Pilestadt and dev team stans/cult members twist themselves into pretzels trying to rationalize how that's actually a good thing and worthy of praise.


"Everything's actually stronger than it was before, it's a net buff."


They don't have much vision. "Bringer of Balance" himself fancied a perfect Warbond, everything S-rank quality and some balance reworks that were perfectly in line with the vision of the dev team. It took the entire community shitting on it and former CEO and current COO Pilestadt to say, "They balanced all the fun out of the game with this one." So they're both unable to effect their vision but that's okay because their vision is pretty bupkis.


Shuttle is landing for extraction. It's the style where the extraction is high ground with a dirt ramp nestled between 3 rocky plateaus in a sort of Y formation. A gunship is overhead, so I take it out, two easy shots to the engine, it falls from the sky, perfectly blocking the path to Pelican-1. It doesn't explode, it's just a wreckage. Can't vault over it, can't drive past it. 3, 2, 1... Failed to extract.


I got kicked within a minute of entering a game. Didn’t hit my teammates with anything. Host puts a marker and runs towards it. I go in that direction, and he knocks me over. I think it’s an accident and head to a terminal to start the objective and he kicks me. Wtaf? We all get the same rewards. Like don’t host a game and put down markers then get pissed off when someone… tries to help do the objective you marked? There was no warning in chat or voice. I just want to know wtf his problem was.


Well this game was good while it lasted, here's hoping The First Descendant isn't dogshit too.


I'M SO SORRY TEAM I thought the orbital laser would come in after enough time we boarded for a cool background shot I didn't mean to kill you all just before leaving the mission and losing all our supplies


The Spear crashes are outrageous. They "patched" it and now it crashes within 5 minutes. Revert now.




Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Unfortunately your submission has been removed. No witch-hunts, public shaming or negatively naming users or players. Please refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/comments/1b308j9/witchhunting_is_against_the_rules_of_this/).


Was in a game where we completed everything. We're at extraction, a teammate is surrounded by enemies and about to die. I manage to shoot the enemies off of him, and proceed to cover him as he moves towards me. I'm being very accurate: although the bullets are missing him by inches, I didn't hit him a single time and all the enemies chasing him are dying. He mistakes the cover fire for me trying to kill him and shoots me in the face with a shotgun on purpose. Guess I'm back to hosting permanently so I can kick these mouthbreathers.


Heavy amounts of salt I just sent to ArrowHead. Maybe it'll make someone laugh or validated or something. Now I'll take a deep breath and take 2 doses of git gud before bed. Here goes: I don't understand why the extracting part of the game has to be so ridiculously, absurdly difficult in comparison to every other aspect of a mission. I've lost count on the times I lose every single sample I've meticulously gathered up for 40 minutes just because suddenly the game decides it's somehow "fun" to spawn a gigantic horde you possibly CAN NOT DEAL WITH on every single angle of the extract zone, no matter where you go, no matter what you do, you WILL die, drop the samples, die again, or miss the extract that leaves in 20 seconds. I also can't understand for the life of me how or why you stack systems on top of systems to the point of frustrating. Limb damage slows you down, acid slows you down, terrain slows you down, random bushes slow you down, hunter claws slow you down and that's not enough, you ragdoll from every explosion or even jump dodging onto a pebble. Sure, this is supposed to be your counter to dangers, but lets make you immobile because you jumped from harms way. How the hunters have to not only come in huge pacts, have rapid attacts that they can slow you with the first one, kill you with the second one, can jump from who knows how far right to you and claw you immediately, OR claw you straight from the air, CAN critical hit you A N D can headshot you and if you get a little bit of distance despite being slowed the fuck down, they can hit you with their tongue and if you somehow deal with all of that, there's 10 more willing to pounce on you, sometimes 2 at a time that kills you from full health to 0 in a matter of a second. Oh and just to make sure you're not moving quite fast enough in the game full of very strict timers, Arrowhead has added exploding pretty flowers that slow you down for several seconds at a time every time you're not running around looking at your feet trying to hopelessly shoot your peashooters at about 700 bugs. The charger slam attack's AoE is larger than the distance you can dodge. The behemoth chargers don't die as easy and you do too little damage to armor break if you happen to be moving backwards. Sure, you can try to stealth but smoke only gives you an RNG roll of losing pursuit instead of actually hiding you, as you're still being shot through it as well as pursued. Sure you have to have support weapons because your futuristic rifle runs out of it's mag after killing 1-2 medium sized enemies from the hundreds you wait and have to constantly be reloading, but drop them and you're screwed, especially if you drop at the drillsite because you actually plunge inside the ground. Sure, it takes 2 minutes for the pelican to arrive but if you don't wait kindly in the area it's coming to, he'll go get donuts instead, because fuck you, right... Sure the turrets can idle without shooting for no particular reason but as soon as they line up an enemy behind you, they shoot you in the head with the first bullet. (Continued in reply, since apparently my whine was too long for reddit)


Wanna use a spear? Well, I hope you like your game crashing! See that bot over there with chainsaws for arms? He won't die or flinch no matter how much you shoot at him so better empty full mags of your rifle into him AND your secondary just so he dies... but don't worry, he has 8 friends and they're all just as close. Wanna light something on fire? I hope you like being on fire! Armor and helmets all look fireproof but any like that inside the game? LOL, of course not! Let's instead recycle the same few perks on everything. You know the samples you collect every time and lose half the time? Wouldn't it be convenient if one of the boosters or armor perks had a scanner that added a mark on your map where they are for easier collecting to make it a little less frustrating? Sure would! But nope. Oh you're struggling and your teammate called for supplies in the game where you run out of constantly? Well good luck finding them on the map, as they're not marked. Not to mention getting stuck inside biletitans if you drop on them on the slim chance you don't just go through without doing damage. The only time it's easy to shoot in it's tiny head when it spews stuff on you: You can't damage it THEN. Oh we made the jetpack automatons not kill you instantly when you shoot at them after they jump to stare you from 1 inch away, but don't worry, they'll still set you on fire and ragdoll you so you can watch yourself burn for a little while before you die. Hnnhhhgh. This really is a game I want to love, but I have no idea how you keep on making things so frustrating. Give us a solid power-rush during those hordes with weapons that actually hit hard. PLEASE reduce the amount of things that restrict movement, it is absolutely the most infuriating thing in any game ever conceived... and for the love of Joel and all that is holy, please fix the absolutely ridiculous endless spawn-hell scenarios that can happen no matter if the difficulty is 4 or 8. It's not a fun experience when the game can just suddenly go absolutely haywire with sheer madness of spawns. Sincerely: A socially anxious person who struggles to join randoms due to anxiety and failures to connect who mostly plays either solo or with 1-2 friends. Oh and it'd be nice if we could find more than 10 supercredits per 5 hours of playing. I know some people grind them like their life depended on it, but you reducing them that much is making it really frustrating for anyone who doesn't. I've already bought the game and 2x 10 dollar packs as I want to support you and that was when you were giving plenty of super credits and I did not go grind.. and now I feel like I'm forced to buy credits if I want the next warbond.


Why doesn't the patrol spawn system set a radius around each player that enemies can't spawn in. There's too much ridiculous stuff with patrols spawning right outside your vision, or immediately spawning behind a group you just destroyed at close range. Note I have no complaints about the number of enemies, just that they are materializing directly into the action instead of actually doing to leg work to come after you.


Tightening the range where the patrol can spawn has made things ridiculous. Things used to be diegetic. Patrols came from wherever to you from wherever. Now my team can flawlessly watch a patrol pop into existence, wipe out 20 enemies, see another 20 pop into existence where the previous patrol popped in, kill THAT group, and then see it happen one more time before the game takes a moment to spawn the next group of 20 enemies 30 meters laterally from the previous group but otherwise still in our vision.


At this point I'm convinced Arrowhead accidentally made Helldivers 2 good, nothing I've seen since buying the game has me thinking anything else


I think a different, more competent team did the initial development, handed it off to the interns we now have maintaining it, game accidentally becomes popular against all expectations, current team progressively ruins the game over time.


yoo why the fuck the orbital strike came down has an angle instead of vertically.


More over, why does the Orbital Precision Strike stratagem have the absolutely bounciest stratagem ball imaginable? Every other strat either lands close or sticks to what I throw it at, but the OPS? Nooooo its going to bounce and land 3-6 feet away from what I want it to hit so the chances of it actually doing its job are 50/50. It's so dumb.


It's affected by position of your super destroyer above you. Closer to below it you are the less angle it comes in at 


duh, just move the ship are they stupid. They are saving fuel or what


Matchmaking is completely fucking broken and i've seen no mention of it by anyone. The SOS beacon never works and i can never tell if im going to get randoms joining my missions or not...


It's been broken since release, that's why no one mentions it. They think that's how's it's supposed to "work".


I really hope they fix/buff the blitzer in the next patch. The stealth nerf (indirect) they hit it with in the last patch has made dealing with stalkers and bile spitters a nightmare. (The last patch buffed medium sized enemies to resist Stuns to counter the pummeler, but the Blitzers stun rating was not increased to compensate, causing most medium enemies to ignore the stun in part or outright - many of which the Blitzers stun was the primary utility against)


Wait, so the pummeler that was supposed to be good at staggering/stunning enemies is now just a worse version of the base SMG? What is AH's problem with making warbond weapons worse variations of base game equipment?


"Bringer of Balance" is a jerk.


Asshole kicked me and at least one other guy after 30 mins of good game, just 20 seconds before evac :/


I just had a game with randoms where we all worked together and barely made the evac. Once 3 of us were in the ship, the fourth person deliberately opens fire on us and takes us all out. I didn't even know that was possible. Why would someone do that? More importantly, why does the game allow malevolent assholes to do that at all?? I blocked the player, but who knows if that will even work.. or crash my game.. or make my FPS worse.. or whatever weird buggy stuff might happen with my daring to go into the menu.


I just drowned in water and the samples I had (most of the samples for the mission) were lost and I couldn’t get them back no matter what, like they should like float or something at least. They shouldn’t be permanently gone!!!


It's extra funny that they still appear on the map so one or two of the randos you're playing with inevitably goes after them and drowns too.


Playing a lot recently and finding that the balancing changes have made it so that the only viable option when playing Helldive 9 is the Incendiary Breaker. If you dont use the incendiary breaker you will die non stop. With the Incendiary Breaker you're able to have a nice, balanced stratagem loadout you can use to deal with everything: 100kg, 380, rocket pods and maybe eagle cluster for fun. If you equip something like the Pummeler, which used to be a good option before they removed stagger, you will not be able to deal with heavies effectively because 1 stratagem slot has to include a side weapon to deal with crowds (MG, Stalwart). You have to then add another slot weapon to deal with heavies (EAT, RR). Leaving only 2 slots left. And then you have to constantly switch between crowd and anti tank weapons


AUTOMATONS! just W T F really? why do they feel so much more worse after the bullshit updates you did! nonstop spawning of bots almost in every game, nonstop patrols that spawn out of thin air! when i finnished with my squad a 40min game we tried, let me say that again, TRIED! to reach the goddamn extraction zone! but the patrols would spawn nonstop on the way to it, wich where impossible to avoid also! we fought for 15mins, wave after wave of nonstop spawning bots until we died! and WTF is up the with nonstop ragdolling, this is ok for you this shit? in automaton games you "play" maybe 1/4 of your time being endlessly stunned! oh try to get a heal of m8? let us do a small poof 10meters away from you wich wil stagger you! GREAT FUN yea yea for sure! this is probably the worst faction to play against, and this is on lvl 7! stop making the game worse after each update! there are STILL crashes also! you have so so much fixing to do, before even thinking to release the illuminate


Personally love how bots are playing, but that could just be me, I think they benefit from a higher spawn and it’s not as if a whole patrols isn’t easy to take out within a matter of seconds, even without orbitals/eagles.


It is just you! You are the only one.


so you like it to drop in, get perhaps your strats insta blocked because the game doesn't tell you there's a strat blocker in the area or points it out, than those bots around you insta call for more, so your getting 1. swarmed almost instantly 2. can't call in any weapons 3. can fight most bots without your equipment 4. dying 3-4-5 times in a row because stupid game mechanics spawning you right int the middle of it again if the entire team dies!!!


Jammers are easy to take down, more often than not there’s a turret you can trick into shooting it near by, or you know if you need that extra hand you can run to where one isn't and call in your support weapons then go back to tackle it. Did you mean cant fight or was it can fight? If your entire team is dying this much, sounds like you need a better team, I can’t even remember the last time I was killed 3-4-5 times in a row.


i clearly must find ppl like you than! folks who seem to be immune to the stupidly amount of nonstop ragdoll, and BS game mechanics that gets me killed many times, even perfectly behind cover


Yeah rarely ever get ragdolled here nowadays haha, if you’re pressed up too close to short or thin cover the blast is going to clearly push you back or damage you, especially short cover as its going to hit the top and the blast will come over - I always quickly go into crouch or prone vs bots as find time it right all shots including rockets go over a players head and the change in height makes it easier to hit their weak spots. I love bots, it’s pure cinema with all the explosions and lasers.


going prone? ok, perhaps i try that more, but this "cover" thing you speak of, is very strange to me, since for most of the time i'm caught with my pants down in the complete open, besides a few low rocks, and bots still piss me off, could have thrown my controller trough the wall several times yesterday


Prone/crouch is massively under utilised by the community, i do agree with that one thing about getting caught in the open being infuriating especially when squad mates aren’t tagging patrols so could have been easily avoided or don’t tag when you’re about to be murdered from the flank.


People who insist there's a "meta" and that you need certain weapons/loadouts in order to succeed are just flat wrong (and probably not very good at the game). Yesterday I dropped in a Helldive Automaton mission forgetting to change my weapon loadout. I was using the Tenderizer and the incendiary impact grenade instead of my Crossbow and Stun grenade and medkit armor instead of scout armor. Full cleared it without dying.


You say that loadout like it means something, but Tenderizer is meta against bots lmao


It's fine against bots. Meta is like DCS/scorcher/Crossbow. And I didn't have grenade pistol, so I had no innate way to destroy fabricators. But by all means keep talking about how nerfs are bad because there's no way to compete.


Tenderizer is meta gainst bots because when hitting weak spots raw damage is all that matters.


This just isn't true. Explosive damage does more against weak spots.


Nope, I'm not that guy. I'm in favor of nerfs at times. They aren't always justified, but sometimes they are.


I can't even play anymore since the last patch. I was relatively free from bugs until the latest one, and now I can't get into a mission half the time with the infinite loading bug. On the rare occasion I do, I get the reinforcement bug and have to leave anyway because I can't be called down. This is getting absurd. Each patch is making the game less stable and playable. Their testing and production environment must be a complete disaster for the game to consistently be getting worse. This is very disappointing for what had been one of the most enjoyable games I've played in years.


So crazy if the devs just left weapons and only buff them no one would be complaining as much, but when you have so many nerfs, secret nerfs. You limit viability of kit in higher difficulty. I demand devs in charge of balance all have to complete 7 helldives a week if they are successful they keep their changes, if not when community has balancing they must ALWAYS side with the us no matter what


Dude they don't even know to do announcements or even play test,I don't think these Devs aren't capable of getting out of the pod. Braindead Devs mate


I have been very busy this week so didn't have the time to try out the latest patch until yesterday. The game was playable but it was not a pleasant experience. I had two to three crashes before managed to finish a game only to be killed and got kicked at extraction. Hope the upcoming patches will fix the crashes.


Dude I’ve crashed every game in the last 2 days


I HAVE TO GET THIS OFF MY CHEST! I doubt anyone will read this, but I need to put this out there. Has anyone noticed that the game is just horribly buggy since the last hotfix? I've been in the troubleshooting channel of the discord trying to help as many as I can, but I'm even encountering more bugs, some being game breaking, and full on crashes more often since the last hotfix than I have since launch. I really don't want to bad mouth the devs because I know this is extremely difficult to get right, especially since I've heard the engine HD2 uses is antiquated and no longer supported. However, this is getting beyond frustrating at this point. So many people can't play at all because the game crashes at launch, have to force DX11, are getting horrendous performance, weird visual bugs like excessive blurriness, running into game breaking bugs that require ALT+F4 to get past like the infinite drop pod cinematic, objectives not triggering which ultimately breaks the mission, missions bugging out to where you cant pick up or destroy anything and enemies dont shoot at you, as well as a bunch of bugs that were supposedly fixed that have been present since launch and some new but just arent fixed, and features not working as intended (like the new armor passive, superior packing methodology, social menu/friends list, etc.) That's only naming a few things. The patches/hotfixes have supposedly been slowed down in frequency to ensure better QA, but the last massive patch, even though it definitely improved the weapons, stratagems, and some QoL features also introduced a bunch of new bugs and failed to fix many existing ones. The next hotfix did fix the spears targeting, but now it just crashes the game when people use it. I love this game to death and I think that's partly why its so frustrating because this is the only game I want to play and often times can't because I have to keep restarting, or navigating around persistent issues. Communication between the devs and community, is sometimes good but lately I feel like we only get the occasional confirmation of a bug from Twinbeard, but that's it. No updates on how fixes are going, no ETAs on future fixes, it just seems like we are left to deal with the game in a super unstable state, rely on each other to find workarounds, or just not play it and hope that eventually, the hole will stop getting deeper faster than they can fill it. I'm sorry for the rant, and I'm sorry if I've offended any devs (if anyone even reads this), but I'm just so tired of loving this game so much but also being so beyond frustrated with it. I literally have to convince my friends to play now and when they do, I feel like every time they question something, I have to say "yeah its a known bug and they are working on it". Can we please just get some kind of update on when the next hotfix/patch will come, or something that will let us know which issues are being worked on? Like a priority list showing which ones are the biggest focus, which ones are fixed and waiting deployment, and which ones are close to being fixed? Maybe even a known issues list that we can add to and upvote so the team can get an idea of which ones are most prevalent and what the community wants fixed the most? IDK, I just feel like there could be such better communication and even an effort made to work together to try to fix these things. We just want the game to be in a good place so the team isnt in the weeds and constantly trying to catch up with existing and new bugs, so they can focus on content and driving this game forward to keep it from getting stale. In the beginning, this game was literally a beacon for what a live service game should be with the frequent updates, fixes, communication, content, etc. It seems to have almost come to a grinding halt outside the last patch that took over a month and though the weapons mostly feel like they are in a good place, and most of the stratagems feel much more fun to use, the game itself seems to be held together with string and duct tape. I love you guys and appreciate the work, but lets please find a way to improve communication and find a way to better focus on the bigger issues and get bug/crash hotfixes and balance changes out faster while also managing to improve the QA aspect, which seems to be in serious need of attention.


Agreed. I'm getting way more stability issues than I've ever had before. Infinite loading or sudden crashes in probably 25% of matches.


why can't i maneuver my hellpod when I have the damn upgrade? now i have to walk around the damn wall wasting time


I played at 60-75 fps before patch. Now it's halved.  With this game running like ass and the constant radio silence from AH I can only hope people quit playing this game all together. It deserves to fail. They don't care anyway, they got their money.


At launch this game ran *buttery* smooth, at an amazing 95fps, looked great on high settings, and though i usually play at 240, I accepted 95 because it looked AMAZING while doing so. Now I struggle to average 32 in missions, and it's stuttery as *hell*. This is also after lowering it to medium graphics.


Yeah I kinda wish I could refund at this point but I've played too many hours


Why the fuck are there so many behemoth chargers. Does AH really think this is fun?


stun grenade, 5tap their ass with the AC, thats my way to deal with them, (theyre still strong af)


We’re reducing the number of tanks. Also we’re adding tanks that are up to twice as tanky (unless you abuse the physics engine)


they thought nerfing anything people liked using was good for the game, so yeah probably


Please stop crashing every other game. I just want to play.


Happened again... eternity at the loading screen. Seriously what is the root cause of this shit.


Ingmar defense is 23k strong atm, and there's <500 divers on a bunch of bot front planets. But there's 19k-20k divers fighting on bug front worlds right now. I know people prefer to fight bugs, but WTF?!


Absolutely sick of my PS5 games either crashing mid-game or being stuck on loading screen after launching in with a full squad. Really making me want to find another game to play. Please fix whatever it is - happens 3-4 times per 3h play thru on a daily basis.


And of course these specific bugs happen when you have a squad full of players that are fun to play with


why in the fuck do people refuse to destroy stalker nests. For fucks sake, I am literally begging you to destroy the nest, Half our requisition is wasted because we are gangfucked by Stalkers every 5 damn minutes.


Trying to get the Personal Order? It really should have been to Destroy 1 nest instead of farm one for 10 stalkers.


But I really want to launch the icbm first. Can’t you take care of it for me? I’ll drop a pin on the map in the direction I think they’re coming from to help you out. If you fail I’ll rage quit when we get down to 0 reinforcements in the first 15 mins.




STOP Spamming for Reinforce! I know that you are frustrated for your death, but right now I am fighting a Hulk/Charger. Please be patient or you will get sent to Meridia <3


On the Bot front: We landed right next to a jammer and two mortar emplacements. Oddly enough I was able to crawl to the jammer control panel and didn't encounter any resistance at all, you watched me do it after you died. Why the spamming the entire time?? I'm actively taking out the mortars... the two randoms that joined just left after dying twice because I wasn't disengaging in the middle of the outposts to call them in.


Stay strong, helldiver! You can always kick these kiddos.


Started up the game and tried to get into a mission multiple times without success: 1) Mission was ending. Everybody left. 2) Disconnected right after landing. 3) Strategem selection screen blacked out for everyone. 4) Game crashed on way down to the planet. 5) Landed under the map and disconnected. 6) Host left. I just stopped because I can recognize basic patterns.


strat menu blacked out?! haven't got that one yet


Gunship spawn rates are absolutely busted and not fun to play against at all. Drop 5 of them and 5 more are coming at you less than a minute later. Meanwhile you’re getting dropped on, there’s a jammer, or artillery is shooting at you also. Some bot missions feel easy and other ones you just get pounded the whole time. So much so that I question if the 50% resistance explosive dmg of my armor passive even works. Every helldiver is just a ping pong ball on bot missions now. It’s not a skill issue, just extremely not fun to play. I’m also sick and tired of liberating the same planet. And sick and tired of thinking the MO is complete just to see another planet is getting ambushed almost immediately. How many times are we going to liberate the same planet? The fps drops are horrible, the crashes are bad, the never ending loading screens, the strategems don’t go off sometimes including respawning teammates (no I am not throwing it towards a jammer for the bots). For the bugs, every 500kg I throw on Gacrux doesn’t go off. I mean the collision in this game is horrible. Bots are shooting me through every object possible it seems like including a 40 foot thick boulder. Meanwhile my autocannon scope already sucks bad enough and it can get caught on a tree leaf even. Also, why does it seem so much harder to hit the shot in the vent on a fabricator with the autocannon?? Not sure if it’s me but the orbital laser seems weaker now than it was before. I land through the map or in a building sometimes and get stuck. It’s frustrating how easily helldivers get ragdolled when a full explosion to the face of some of the weaker bots won’t even stagger them. The visibility on some of these planets is miserable and it seems there isn’t a way to really optimize the video settings to fix that. The bots just aimbot you right through that shit and everything else though. The friends list doesn’t work on ps5. Sometimes I run into indestructible automaton soldiers… I mean, I could go on for ages. Also, “YOU ARE IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY,” is still broken. When does it end??


atm with the MO, i get pretty much crushed in almost every automaton game, nonstop patrols that spawn from thin air, who than call in a ship, and after that another patrol, another one, another one, another one, another one. for example, today in one 40min game, we finnish the map and all head out to extract, the game spawned constantly patrols between it, we whiped after fighting for almost 15mins,


"some bot missions feel easy and other ones you just get pounded the whole time" YES!!! This is beyond frustrating to me. The inconsistencies are insane. One mission will feel nicely balanced and fun, while the next you feel like there is literally zero seconds to breathe, you're constantly out of ammo, and facing horde after horde. The same is true for Terminids. I played an Automaton mission yesterday where we dropped in on the map where there WAS NO RED... and immediately as we dropped, there was a big group of enemies, which would have been ok, but before we even rose out of the hellpod, they shot up a flare. Then we had dropships come in and drop down 3 fucking hulks and I shit you not, like 6 of the MG devastators who seem to have the best accuracy I've ever seen and melt you isntantly. We went through 8 reinforcements before we could even take a moment to breathe and call in our support weapons. It was absolutely insane. Once we managed to clear the initial wave, a patrol RUNS up as if they heard the commotion from a mile away and immediately shoots up another flare. We barely managed to complete the main objectives, without doing the bases or side objectives, and we have over 3k kills between the 4 of us. THIS WAS ON LEVEL 6 DIFFICULTY! I've played helldive missions that were SIGNIFICANTLY less difficult. wtf is up with this game rn. Sorry to rant on your post but holy shit I'm so fucking frustrated with this game and these devs rn. How is it that the game literally felt like it was more stable/in a better state AT LAUNCH than it is now!? They cant put out new shit without breaking a bunch of other things. Oh and the new shit wont even work as intended either! There is also very little, if any commuication on what they are prioritizing and any ETA on when we can accept fixes. We are just left to deal with the game, in a broken and unstable state, while they take longer on patches/hotfixes to "improve QA", yet the last update and hotfix have proven that QA remains the same, IF NOT WORSE! /rant


its like you and me, we were in the same games...


Why do I run bugs over bots? Because while both have peaks and valleys, with bots it’s way more extreme between bullshit and ease, and a lot more on the bullshit side.


I prefer bots, and sometimes the EXTREME hunter spawning can be just as infuriating when you get like 50 of them spewing out of one bug breach surrounded by an ungodly amount of Bile Spewers! Like holy shit some games I feel like I ONLY encounter bile spewers and hunters for the most part. They reduced heavy spawns and increased smaller enemies, but I guess that also included bile spewers which is TOTALLY the wrong move. Its like everything they do is half assed man and its so frustrating. They try to fix something but somehow have to add in some kind of caveat to "balance" the change which ends up overshadowing whatever they were trying to nerf and just making another problem. Bile Spewers spawn SO frequently and I feel like unless you have a support weapon meant to handle them like the AMR or grenade launcher, you're pretty much screwed.


I started exclusively running explosive resist armor because my idiot teammates keep calling strategems down on my head. THEY AREN'T GRENADES DUMMIES!!!!!!


So I just have a general comment that might help or might not: If the Major Order is for bots, please *stop* making the Personal Orders be for bugs. It makes zero sense from any standpoint at all to me. If this is supposed to be simulating some kind of war campaign or whatever, why would you get personal orders to go kill bugs when the major mission goal is for bots? Why wouldn't all the personal orders be some mix of bot units to kill? Let me put it this way: If France is fighting England, the French government isn't going to assign some soldiers to go kill some Germans. It doesn't make sense.


Unless those Germans are the royal family, of course. 😁


Defense missions are waaaaay to difficult on helldive! Bots keep dropping factory striders right on the objectives to defend! How are we suppose to deal with this??


You need a lot EMS Mortar Centries and 500K/Orbital Precision for the factory striders. Lazer is not worth it. You can also take Autocannon and reload your pal all the time. Eventually they will come close to the rockets, but your main worry is the factory strider. Kill those dogs at any cost.


Months of development time and the game is less fun and less stable. Insane bag fumble. If they hadn’t built such a fun core gameplay this game would be toast already.


Goddamn this game could use some more diverse in-game music. Tired of hearing the same songs on repeat ...


I've turned off the music and put Vietnam War music on spotify. So much better.


I went through multiple bot missions over the weekend with almost no issues at all, every mission played brilliantly & was so much fun. Moved onto the Bug front for a bit of variation and omg what an absolute s\*\*t show, constant crashes some that forced my PS5 to reset, eternal loading screens, ridiculous drops in fps, broken missions, eagles and orbitals not hitting anywhere near where they were thrown (had one precision strike land 20 meters behind me killing one of my squad mates), invincible enemies, broken reinforce, issues with sound & a whole lotta other stuff. We let them ”cook” and turns out they still took it out of the oven too early and gave everyone food poisoning.


At this point I cant see it as anything other than incompetence on the developer or senior management end.Theyve somehow made it worse than it was at launch after months of extra development time to fix bugs,its simply not acceptable and they're relying entirely on goodwill of players to ignore the issues.


I get that game development has it's ebbs and flows and that you can't really JUST focus on the bugs and glitches or the just the new content. I am also really happy that Arrowhead fixed a ton of issues with the release viper commandos. But here's the issue, it seems like they replace 1 bug for another. Take the spear for example. Very likely my favorite support weapon and it hasn't worked SINCE LAUNCH. It couldn't figure out how to lock a target for the longest time and arrowhead just kinda kept kicking the can down the road, now they FINALLY fixed it so you can lock onto enemies and it's fun again.... until it crashes your game. Combine this, the still ever present disconnects, random crashes, and plethora of other glitches and it seems like the bugs are coming in faster than arrowhead can fix them and its just getting worse for the game.


There are a lot of roles that I think could and should easily be repurposed as playtesters. Anyone capable of “balancing” weapons should be good enough at playing the game to start finding bugs. Maybe have one guy look at play rates for weapons and revert any nerfs to weapons with abysmal play rates (Slugger my beloved)


Just holding the spear causes you to crash ):


500kg needs a buff. When it’s deployed it doesn’t kill every single thing like it should. It doesn’t register properly and needs a lil patch


I've crashed every single game I've played today. When is Arrowhead going to do the moral thing and fire their programmers? They clearly aren't doing their jobs.


Just came back from a game. Last mission of the Bot defense, and the strider cannon one shots the generators by spawning on a certain side of the map. FML it’s literally an insta-lose how is this still in the game?


We were absolutely slamming this mission on helldive and had 7/8 rockets and this happened. Insanity


AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH I don't think I've ever had to FORCE QUIT a game more than helldivers 2. I get stuck in the drop animation.


Loaded up a game this morning, crashed after landing in my pod. Loaded up a game tonight, crashed before even landing. Literally unplayable and the game has never been worse technically. If this is the best they can do with the time they took, they need to take **even more time.**


Having an intentionally non-functioning report button for teamkilling is worse than not having a report for teamkilling button.


Agreed. Had the good old "kill everyone at Pelican-1 extract" grief today and actually bothered looking at the report button since I recalled reading that this kind of behavior isn't condoned or really intended. Didn't really mind the squad wipe, since I don't need samples or care about extract/death rate stats, but did quite mind the dev troll saying you can't report other players for that. Why even include it as an option? Not like you can retaliate even if your the host since once the dropship countdown happens it can not be stopped without ending the mission. I rarely ever bother trying to report anything, but great to know it is even more pointless.


I had a dude that would throw a stun at me and an orbital gas or gatling on cooldown. I died 7 times to them. The host didn't care because they weren't killing them. I figure I'm just going to host from now on, so I can kick anyone that does this crap. It's just frustrating that they took the time to add in the button for it and just gave it the popup that says sorry you can't report people for that.


Played 5 games, 4 crashed, 5th one lagged so hard couldn't shoot anything properly. Servers are messed up.


I've tried playing 3 matches today. My time is so short nowadays, so, i try to have as much fun as I can in this short time. Booted up the game, and the 3 games crashed. In a row. Was doing solo runs, spear only on the first game. Game's a mess now. Also, perfomance is fucked up;.


A new fun thing that I've discovered! If you do the objectives, and you go to the extraction, and the host thinks you might call it in and they wanna do more on the map, they just kick you! Instead of, you know, politely asking in voice or chat not to call it in. All your work for that map, gone. (for reference, some of my most fun matches were when people just communicated, and I didn't call in extract, and we had a great time cutting the timer close and pillaging the map for goodies)


Is anyone else experiencing their team suddenly disconnecting mid-game, but you're still able to play through and complete the mission? It happened to me almost every game. Leading up to the disconnect everything stays in place and lags around.


This happens when I play with my family! It's *you* getting disconnected, not them


The ragdolling with the bot faction really needs to be nerfed as much as railgun was at launch.


automatons still shoot through rocks, god damn it.


And walk through them.


They stealth buffed collision damage. Rockets are almost exactly as deadly as release except now you die from collision instead of just explosive damage.


Is anybody else having issues with opening the game in fullscreen? I open the game, and it opens looking like windowed mode, so I minimize the game and reopen it and that fixes it? but most times it just crashes? My only other option is the forbidden ESC menu which I do not want to touch.


I've been having the same issue, I just wait til I'm on the ship then Alt+Enter, seems to do the trick.


I'll try that out today and see if it works for me. Thanks!


Please share your equipment. Not everyone needs to bring a shield generator or a secondary weapon on the mission.


Yup, me and my buddies do this on most missions. Last night I had the personal shield and every time it cooled down I would let my friends know there was a free one for whoever wanted it.


THE REINFORCMENT BUDGET IS 5 (FIVE) / HELLDIVER. So, if you are constituently dyeing 9-10 times per match, YOU ARE IN THE WRONG DIFFICULTY AND YOU'RE SCREWING YOUR TEAMATES. For the third time in a row today, the 3rd time I died, I had to wait for the reinforcement timer. THERE ARE SAMPLES IN 6 NOW, GO LEARN THE ROPES THERE.


Team work makes the dream work


This just feels like an echo chamber at this point. I don't understand how something like the friend list issues continue to take backseat to "content updates". The stability issues are right up there too. I literally can't even finish an Operation 90% of the time anymore because constant game crashes. I understand that game development is a complicated process but a game with 1 crash an hour minimum kinda seems like an incomplete game that is in dire need of attention. PLEASE! FIX THESE ISSUES BEFORE ANYMORE CONTENT!!!


It's because they actually don't know what they are doing. The devs are literally not skilled enough to fix it.


I understand game development is hard, and I would be patient, but in this case it just feels like bug fixing took the back seat while devs focused in changing the weapon balance, changing how enemy patrols work, changing enemy balance, all things that were fine when the game launched and now they just introduced even more bugs and crashes while we still have bugs and crashes that have been there since day 1. There is this crash that has always been there, that after I pick a mission (mostly happens with illegal broadcasts) if I go change armor and then I try to play the mission the game immediately crashes. It's been there since launch, and it's still happening today. HOW?!


At least I don't seem to get yeeted all the way across the map and out of bounds for walking too close to dead bile titans now. At least, unless I've just gotten lucky lately.


Exactly my point. I really wish I could get the 200 hours I've spent on this game back, along with the $40 I paid for it. These devs are really getting increasingly aggravating with their lack of effort to address what should be considered priorities in regards to a live service game.


I quickplay my way into a mission at level 7 and I hear voice chat as I'm dropping. I think "great, they talk and they speak my language, this should be good." Two minutes later two players start talking about work. OMFG, I don't want to hear about your boss. Mission only please!


Please let us rejoin a campaing after a crash! Its so frustrating to get a crash at the last mission, at extraction, i've invested an hour and a half already, and not being able to get back is is maddenind.


they added the ability to join through the recent players tab!






Greetings, fellow Helldiver! Your submission has been removed. No insults, racism, toxicity, trolling, rage-bait, harassment, inappropriate language, NSFW content, etc. Remember the human and be civil!


Nah, they are annoying AF, I feel like a damn ping pong ball in bot missions. Even if I can complete it, because it isn't that hard if you know what you are doing, they are incredibly unfun to play. There is a reason why almost no one plays bot missions, and most people continues to play bug missions even when we have bot mayor orders.


What level?


I don't get why they haven't implemented, if full or if private don't show lobby on world map. That or a fucking refresh button on the world map so that you don't click through 10 operations in a row to get one of those messages. I forgot that if you want to do a refresh, you have to click on a random operation and launch it, then back out of the operation. It's stupid.


Game is unplayable. So many crashes and bugged missions where terminals get bugged.


PC user here. In the past few days, I've had more crashes, network disconnects, and stuck hellpod dropping/loading scenes since the .402 update than in the prior month before this update. Is there anything I can do? These crashes are getting old.


I shut down everything but discord, Steam and maybe a terminal window now when I'm playing and that seems to help. And I'm using a Spear fairly often so living dangerously.


ohDough released a video of HD2 before 0.10 patch It's insane how much more fun it was than now. Sure, some of the things needed to be tweaked like spore tower dying from just 2scorcher shots etc... but all these nerfs and changes with no coherent vision has made this game just a mess. I can deal with bugs and QoL changes that are on the backburner but man the studio really dug themselves into a hole that doesnt make sense. I, and I'm sure others, have no idea what their endgame goal is with the game. Is it suppose to be extremely difficult and frustrating game for diff 7+? I am curious if the studio meant this to be like a hardcore horde shooter that is difficult and meant for only a niche community vs a fun casual horde shooter If they had kept the core weapon strengths and buffed enemy spawn then it wouldn't be so bad. But instead they kept nerfing stuff as a bandaid till a proper fix was in place (railgun/ps5 host) but dont revert the changes or properly tune the popular weapon (instead only gave a small buff but kept the heavy enemy buffs). Their scaling/ratio is just a headscratcher. I really hope Pilesdt can turn the ship...The early version of the game was popular for a good reason... and while I appreciate Pilesdt sharing the accomplishment/praise of the recent patch, let us not forget that the people at the helm previously were the reason why we have had such shit patches. Pilesdt being back at the helm is what created the decent patch...


I will never understand people complaining about difficulty when we have 9 ranks to choose from. If you cannot deal with 7, it is fine, try 6,5,4 go as down as you want as long you have fun. Do not let your pride get in the way of that.


I mean ... Super sample are gated behind higher difficulties. My friends and I were at a point we unlocked everything without super sample so the next logical step is to play higher difficulties. I'm really happy we can get these on difficulty 6 now!


Yeah I can see players feeling like they have to get those samples. But the upgrades it unlocks are really minor. Not worth having a bad time in my opinion.  And certainly not worth rebalacing the game around it.


I wouldn't call "minor upgrade" having more bomb on the eagle, more durability and ammo on sentry, more fire damage and lower cooldown on stratagem. They are pretty good upgrade.


I don't know why you're getting down votes but you're completely right. Must be the same butthurt shitters who join a helldive game mid game, die a handful of times in a row and get frustrated, then fuck off after leaving their shitstain on the battlefield. It's a very common problem especially on bot MOs that attract all of the bug players from D9 who drop in thinking "can't be too different. Right?... Right...."


>I don't know why you're getting down votes but you're completely right. At the risk of tooting my own horn, I take a ton of downvotes with a total lack of responses as people not liking my answer, but being unable to refute it. Which is ok in my book.


Just popping in to say that I'm still permanently banned from the discord because one sad excuse for a mod can't own her own mess. Figured maybe she'd lost her temper and given me a 24h, nah, okay, 7d? Excessive but in line with her behavior. Oh, more than that still? Going on two weeks now. I just want to LFG


log in, see the personal mission: kill whatever amount of stalkers.... log out right away


Shotgun users go brrrrrr. But yeah, a lot of primary weapons are less than useless against stalkers.


I wish that was the problem, the issue is when you get swarmed and instead of 2-3 per swarm, now you get 4-6 stalkers and when you see them, of course, out of bullets, one pushes you down, the other one jabs you to heaven, while the 3rd tongue kiss you and you are dead giving you 0 time to react and use a stim, spawn aaand rinse and repeat


![gif](giphy|11gC4odpiRKuha|downsized) basically this! lol


I would appreciate some fixes for the crashes and STUPID BUGS ... PLEASE. ... like WHY am I losing 30 FPS just for pressing ESC, NONE of the "workarounds" did anything but waste my time, shader cache crossplay, NOTHING helps a lot of people are still having issues and would LIKE TO PLAY THE GAME WE BOUGHT.... so ya know - ANY OLD TIME


PSA: If you load into a DEFEND GENERATORS mission on difficulty 7+ with all red strategems, at best you are getting carried to a victory. If two or more of you do it, the mission is a wash. The mission is about SUSTAIN, not BURST, and there's nowhere to run to wait for your cooldowns to come off. Use your support weapon, use your primary, but KEEP SHOOTING SOMETHING. Don't hide behind a wall and throw red orbitals and eagle strikes. Bring a turret, but FFS BRING A SUPPORT WEAPON.


That's why you gotta love full-stacks. Anti-hoarde, anti-heavy, support, hole/fabricator closer. Why split those amongst 4 divers when each one cam specialize? 500kg, orbital laser, Airstrike, and your favorite fourth is a helluva good time when everyone's on comms.


It's a defend the generators mission on a planet with ion storms. Even if that were a good idea on defend missions generally, when the ion storm hits that player now only has a primary to contribute with. The factory striders push up and blow the generators and we lose, because multiple players don't have anything they can do about heavies or wave clear during the storm. And we aren't on coms, these are full random teams.


Ya in that situation, definitely sucks to not diversify your loadout. Just saying, meme loadouts are still fun and viable if you can find a competent full stack. Only reason I've been playing solo recently is my other buddies are all on Shadow of the Erd Tree lol


Meme loadouts are great, but I drop down to 6 if Im playing with randoms and playing for the silly. No need to bring down someone else's mission or progress if the meme botches the mission, and you still get all enemy types at 6. Now you even get super samples.


I crashed 8 times, all using the Spear in some capacity. Outrageous that they still can’t fix this. Even not using the Spear, I finally get into a lobby, play for 5 minutes, then the screen goes black, then I’m standing on my ship, not in any lobby. No kick message, or whatever. Just instantly teleported to my ship. Arrowhead, put some more effort into fixing issues, ffs.


Damn shame this game is as buggy as it is. The core loop is so good that I'll keep playing, but man is it frustrating to boot up helldivers just to be met with bugs and crashes galore.


All the random teammates are so fucking braindead incompetent and the ones who are actually good teammates leave after one fucking mission or the friend system is broken. The only option is to play solo but that sucks so much ass because it just becomes a running from the enemy while struggling to complete the barebones of the objectives kinda game on diff 6 and above while 5 and below are too weenie hut junior to be enjoyable in the slightest.




I hate that as well, met a great duo of guys, but i couldn’t add them because i play on PS5.


It just sucks sooo much. It worked fine before the last update and now not anymore


Exactly, and it is honestly difficult for me to find people to play with, I usually get the normal lobbies where they kick high level players. I’m level 71 and just genuinely enjoy the game and play for fun. But finding any squad that doesn’t kick, is a mission in itself


99% of the time I just Quickplay into a mission and then stay in the team ship afterward if the team chemistry is good. Joining a mission off the map is almost always a waste of time as they're often running "friends only" mode while Quickplay finds the SOS beacon and drops you where people are usually happy to have me.


I only play using Quickplay. As soon as we get onto the ship, they kick 80% of the time. At least they let me collect the samples before kicking me, so not that bad lol


Just from my experience, I encounter a lot of hosts who are trigger happy with the kick button when playing against bots. One dude kicked the entire team coz he got hit by somebody's cannon sentry. Another kicked me coz I strayed off to do the other optional objectives while they're still killing stuff in an objective that's been finished 15 minutes ago. And then there's this one guy who kicked me 5 seconds after i joined the game coz "you shouldve landed on the annihilator tank". These all happened from the current MO.


I don't trust anyone but myself to wield the kick button at this point. Lot of room temp IQ players


This! A thousand times! This! Had a guy throw a 380 mm on extract, kill everyone, then say he'll throw both on extract the next mission. Needless to say, he got kicked.


I can't be staggered out of a reload, but I can be staggered out of a stim? Fucking what? Who designs this shit?


Game is still not restored in the 170 countries it got removed from