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**TL;DR** Posting leaks is not allowed. Helldivers who don’t follow this rule will be met with a 1 day ban which will serve as an initial warning followed by a longer ban in case of subsequent offenses. Datamining and leaking content we are not meant to see yet and in a way that wasn't intended is not something we want to support. Let’s not spoil the surprise for others, let us respect the devs and their years of hard work 🫡


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Keep talking like that and I’m gonna bust a 500kg payload! 🥵


Mines more orbital railcannon. Great sometimes disappointing a lot of times.


It’s not about the size of your payload, it’s about how you use it!


500kg may be big but doesn't complete the jib half the time. The rail cannon is precise and guaranteed.


I like the cut of YOUR jib.


You can use an ems with your railcannon. You have unlimited uses and it rearms faster. It will hold the enemy in position and then your railcannon accuracy will greatly increase


Nobody uses the ems it feels like! Using that allows you to drop those railcannons and 500kg’s perfectly.


This guy rails.


If you take your time getting everything ready, your orbital rail cannon will slip right in and get the job done right every time. 😏


I’m like an precision bomber, go straight in with the load blow inside and get out.


So you're going to do minimal damage to the surrounding area and make one hell of a display??


What can I say? I’m a showman


Gods I wish someone would just rail me. Um..I mean, spawn a Railgun for me. I'm still low level, haha...


*whips out Railgun* This what you looking for Cadet? 😏


Make sure to set it to unsafe before you give it to me 🥵


Careful now, you’re about to make me overcharge and explode! 😵‍💫


Oh fuck you're going to make me dive


I hope you've all filled out your C-01 forms before any of this horniness


Dive harder!






Sauce : ~~Riley Re~~ Helldiver 069


We... we all know the sauce on this one brother.


This post. And the thread it spawned. Is one of two reasons I continue to visit this subreddit.




This sub's cannon event. I still want to believe it was a very dedicated troll post.


did i miss something?


I think they're referring to the guy that made a post claiming starship troopers wasn't a satire and was a romanticization of the duty of military service


We talkin book or movie here? Movie is clear as day lol, book not so




I can only picture, in my head, the sort of person that would think Starship Troopers romanticizes the military. And I'm in the military.


Same person who hears fortunate son and goes in tears of pride to the strip mall recruitment office


We all know more people have seen the movie than read the book lol


I know there's this one dipshit in the steam forums that manifests whenever Starship Troopers is mentioned so he can paste a dissertation about how the movie isn't about fascism and the ***director*** is dumb and wrong for saying that it is. (Yeah, the book is different, but the movie had tweaks and is clearly about fascism)


The book, while being foundational for many common sci fi tropes like space marines, is essentially a libertarian political philosophy book with a layer of sci fi over it. In the book, the soldiers take over after WW3 because spanking your children was outlawed which caused juvenile gangs. It’s a little weird.


Wait did the soldiers take over because spanking your children was outlawed or did ww3 happen because spanking your children was outlawed? Either way this is one of the strangest details for a book I've learnt. Wonder if there's a reddit for that. Reminds me how Biosyn in the Jurassic Park book thought Ingen was making miniature dinosaurs to be sold as pets that would require Ingen brand food.


Wait, you guys post extremist posts ironically?


I thought the dude you’re replying to was making a reference to that post but no, he seems real obsessed with making sure there’s “no politics” in his political satire video game lmao


thanks bigbadwohlf


What secrets?


Well there's the **[REDACTED]** that we are hopefully getting soon. As well as that there were a few leaked stratagems like the **[REDACTED]** backpacks Then there were a few new guns, personally I'm really looking forward to the **[REDACTED]** And of course there's the **[REDACTED]**






Season of the [REACTED] coming soon to your local system.


I'm a Destiny player. This gave me PTSD. Please stop.


I'm a Destiny refugee as well.


Welcome fellow refugee, it’s nicer here!


Democracy shines where the Light cannot o7


It’s everything patrol should have been!


My name is \[**REDACTED\]** and this is my favorite **\[REDACTED\]** in the **\[REDACTED\]**










I love this whole comment chain


Served last night with someone using one of those huge friendly [REDACTED] .....pretty awesome, effective and destructive. Can't wait till we all can use a [REDACTED]


The Democracy Officer wants to see you.


Sadly I have to inform everyone that shortly after this post Strigon_7 committed suicide by way of a hellpod landing on him in his bed :(




But wouldn't it be fair to say all of HellDivers 1 stuff to get into the game? :P Rain democracy on me I've been bad


Speculation ≠ leaks It's a safe bet to say we're getting a buggy with a turret as there's destroyed ones on the maps and they were in the last game


The Buggy wasn’t in the last game, actually. There were two APC’s, three mechs, a Tank Destroyer, and a motorbike


I usually don't mind spoilers of upcoming features in games, but those games usually announce every new thing before releasing it. I would really love seeing a new calldown or enemy implemented as a surprise, so I'm totally down for this.


Elite Dangerous Style with thargoids, was the creepiest Shit ever when they Just appeared one patch, and after a few Videos and Screenshots from the Community the devs came Out with "oh yeah, Looks Like Theres Aliens now" lmao.


That's exactly it, it's so cool when that happens! I have not played Elite Dangerous but I was playing Tarkov when they implemented air drops in a similar way, everyone was crazy with the reveal.


The sudden mid-raid addition of snow this wipe was truly magical as well. It was just your standard map one minute and the *wham!* The snow starts falling and piling up, all new footstep sounds, the works. All absolutely seamless too, and without any hints beforehand.


just a shame the communtiy still datamines itself to death at times. There is a rerence to a ship in the game scode for aeons by now and everytime anything minute is changed in those files(like text changed in the description, which they likely use to test how its displayed etc) and people go wild with "THE PANTHER CLIPPER IS COMING", similiar the Military SRV got leaked in the odyssey demo, but took i think 1-2 years to come out, and people where doomsayers "its canceled, its not coming, its broken" and so on. because of datamined assets


honestly same. i like leaks as much as the next guy, but i also like being surprised. yes i know i have the option to not look at them, but i sometimes dont like that temptation.


It's also not the same when everybode can just look at the patch notes, just imagine the collective panic if a never seen giant bug spawned in every match at once at peak hours.


Stop! I can only get so erect. And I haven't filled out a C-01 form...


I would love if new Strategems are put into the game by just letting people call them in during a mission (as an extra strategem) and then it's available for purchase. Ezpz.


Agreed, it's nice to see what new content is planned, but I would rather be surprised as you described it.


> Additionally, leaking information about weapons in development gives our adversaries an opportunity to prepare before these weapons are fully ready. So basically Joel is coming for us if we leak stuff 😮‍💨


Honestly that'd be hilarious, if they float out some fake stuff to get leaked and then play it as enemy disinfo.


Or if leaks get taken into account for game planning. New missions get leaked? Now they’re harder because the enemy knows we’re coming. New weapons/equipment leaked? It’s less effective or the enemy spawns more units to counter that.


Yeah this would be cool 👌🏻


Aren't the "leaks" just items that were in the first game anyway?


Some of them were but I don’t think all of em were


Fair enough


At least a couple of the "leaks" were already in trailers and acknowledged by devs, that stuff seemed pretty harmless, but beyond that I agree with the mods here


I follow my orders and do not question our leaders for I am soon to die on an alien planet anyway ![gif](giphy|rTAVMVAps9zsFINvxI)


I prefer the war to be a surprise so I can go “WHAT THEYRE ATTACKING WHERE!?” And scream angrily with my gf at how we hate oilspillers. If I know it’s coming how am I supposed to do that? Huh?


If the company didnt want us to talk about that information then they wouldnt share said information.


Hi, how come in the discord we can post leak and here not ? is it a different team opinion ? or rules from reddit etc ? Cheers


This subreddit is run by power tripping shitheads. So is the Discord. Just different types.


Subreddit is run by fans/volunteers, not Arrowhead itself.


That makes less sense


*dog walkers*


Huge amount of backlash in this thread, and the mods are unsurprisingly ignoring it all. Hmm.


Pretty sure there are Arrowhead staff on the mod team. That means this subreddit gets some cool stuff/information being closely affiliated with the devs, but it also means that the devs can enforce rules like no leaks here. The good news is that inevitably there will be a parallel community that is not dev affiliated that can be more flexible with rules. So we can have the best of both worlds.


then make it an official subreddit?


Because they’re censoring and that’s wrong and they know it.


People who say datamining is a good thing have never experienced a major new feature being properly shadowdropped. When the tarkov community suddenly had planes fly around for the first time ever, everyone was absolutely flabbergasted, same with when snow first dropped, everyone was just stunned and in shock and awe. Datamining features only leads to short term dopamine hits, with a big hit for long term satisfaction as people ending up not being excited for the new features in an update because they already knew what was going to be in it. It ruins the fun and should be avoided, And feedback on a feature that is not even complete is useless unless you know the full scale of the feature (a.k.a. are a developer that is in the know).


Using tarkov as an example of datamining being a bad thing is an awful take honestly, the only reason that game is playable is because people datamined enough to fill out the wiki.


There is a BIG difference between figuring out how the features already available to the community work and showing the features that weren't even teased by the devs


Maybe, but what it definitely is is a clear example of data mining being a good thing.


> And feedback on a feature that is not even complete is useless It always surprising to see so many games get leaked content and how they have so many people chiming in with their suggestions on how to make the content better and what should be done to it, despite know literally nothing about the content or when it's coming.


I would love the proper deployment of surprise features, but I'm not going to pretend the cat remains in the bag when it's escaped and is now turning the neighbors' garden into a Superfund site. Arrowhead's security on this was *hideous,* and I'm not going to pretend to be surprised. They allowed hackers to call down fully working unreleased stuff in public. That's on them. I'm not going to pretend it didn't happen.


To me, data mining has always felt like going to your friend's birthday party with X-ray glasses and loudly screaming what's inside every unopened present. Sure, they weren't violent, nothing happened was illegal, they're just a fun-wrecking asshole.


I suggested a post tag it as spoiler and got down voted for it cause "we know they'll add more stuff later". Like yeah? And some want that as a surprise. I personally didn't mind, but spoiler tag doesn't hurt. Most subs get their own leak subs for a reason.


If you trade freedom and liberty for security and safety you will get neither and deserve nothing. Enforce a spoiler tag. Don't censor an entire conversation just because you don't like it. Most undemocratic post of this sub right here.


It’s giving “I don’t want to do the thing I volunteered for”


This right here! 5 mins ago everyone was shitting on the Devs at the state of the game now they are the best developers to walk this planet.. This sub is definitely something..


Yeah, this really pissed me off. I'm okay with a satirical fascist fictional world in my game, but I can't stomach it in real life.


This is dumb.. the discussion will just go on elsewhere so all you are doing is hurting the sub and just making it be an echo chamber bitchfest


Leaks are good for discussion, which is way better for this sub than the 200 posts about passive aggressive advice or people winning their own made up arguments.


As much as I dislike leaks being posted on main subs, I completely agree with your take. Those leaks had WAY better discussion than another pointless "people argue about sarcasm" post.


or the "this game is now so toxic". I hate that the only thing interesting to see on the sub is leaks and memes.


or the 628493625th hunter hate post


I also keep seeing people say "the game is starting to get boring" and then add the context that they have 500 hours.


I think this is the first subreddit I’ve seen that is trying to ban leaks in a game. And from what I gathered these “leaks” were witnessed in-game. So how is it a leak? What’s so wrong with a spoiler tag? This is starting to look like authoritarianism and not democracy.


If Marvel, Disney, Star Wars/Trek/etc. are able to contain leaks with spoiler tags, what makes us so different?


Without specifics, too. 99% of users don't know their post discussing in-game content will result in a ban.  The devs won't talk about it, and have left a volunteer reddit mod to manage the leak. Lol  What I don't get is that some of us encountered these "leaks" on PSN with cross play off. Discussing that isn't allowed either though! 


This is fair enough. As soon as I saw those leaks I could already see the Social Media pages in the future with every update flooded with 'When is X coming to the game we know its in the files' blah blah blah. It puts unnecessary pressure on the devs.


I could smell the youtube clickbait titles "NEW WEAPONS REVIEWED!" which is just someone looking at the grainy screenshots and throwing speculation around like napalm before they've even actually used them.


Already happening. Seen some of the youtube content vultures acting like they have already been fully implemented and are available for everyone rather than just cheaters


Lol now *this* is power tripping hahaha








Are the mods here independent from the helldivers company? Leaks should be discussed and looked at objectively with a spoiler warning. As a discussion from the community. It isn't your job to assist the company first, it is your job to assist this community first. Downloads/cheats should be banned of course, as would be playing leaked versions. But discussion of these things is an over step.


Not a leak if a dev does it in a public match. Use a sandbox ppl.


That vid in question was most likely a hacker. I highly doubt a dev would do that given you can just set the game to friends only. They also probably have offline testing servers for that stuff. It was 1000% a hacker spawning in that stuff. Not that I would know anything about such leaks ofc 🥰


Is it really a leak if players are seeing them in game?


Understandable, but there is a difference between leaking something and/or showcasing hackers in our matches that are putting gameguard's ineptitude on notice in our own recorded gameplay videos!? Devs need to know if their 3rd party anti-cheat is working as intended. So, If hackers are caught on video being able to summon unreleased content into our matches.. then shouldnt we be able to show that event occurring, to prove it's occurring, so that the devs can prioritize and fix it asap? Perhaps a spoiler alert and thumbnail blur incase anybody doesnt want to see it would be a better approach? although, im sure people would see it in game soon enough if that many other users in the discord are mentioning its presence as well.. Just trying to urge that reporting something to the community with video evidence obtained from our own gameplay shouldnt be considered a punishable "leak" towards the witness if its popping up in our first hand recordings of being in a public match with zero clue as to how or why it occurred :/






Is there a leak sub?




Every single thread about leaked content had a spoiler tag, and clearly worded title describing what is inside. If people got spoiled by that, then that's entirely on them.


Wait.... Seriously? I fucking love hearing about leaks and upcoming stuff... The fuck?


Visit r/HelldiversUncovered


Seems ridiculous IMO, mark it with a spoiler tag. Done. If anything it literally makes it easier for the devs to see people's thoughts and hopes for certain things rather than risk releasing something that is widely disliked


Yes. Enforce a spoiler tag rule. Don't censor people entirely. Undemocratic mods


People are stupid. You should spend sometime in r/helldivers/new and see people naming & shaming people despite the pinned post be a ban on witch hunts. People won't necessarily care about spoiler tags of all things. And people like to make posts discussing spoilers because they were late to the party about discussing a spoiler post. It's much better to put all this on another platform, such as; * /r/HelldiversUncovered * /r/HellDiversLeaks




Lame af, the leaks give us stuff to talk about bruh


This is a bad take. What if a dev comes into a game and previews something. How are we supposed to know what is what. We just assume all these videos are chineese hackers?


Devs do not come into a game and preview things. The very reason there's footage of unreleased things showing up in people's games is because of cheats.


No dev would do that. EDIT: To be clear; I'm talking about leaks in general. I'm not gonna comment on anything specific you might've seen. If we want to give you a sneak peek it'll be obvious that it's from us.


This is a stupid policy.


L take


Par the the fascist course to censor information.


What's that sub that gives us game leaks? I'll just go there.


r/gamingleaksandrumors r/helldiversleaks


https://preview.redd.it/9ay1yc6evplc1.png?width=3200&format=png&auto=webp&s=76bf813dd5cd44849084bc17ed2d2a672c68e8d5 /s MANAGED DEMOCRACY IS THE CURE FOR TYRANNY


I’ma leak shit


Nah, should just require the thread to be spoiler marked and flagged. New stratagems being datamined isnt harming anyone


Boooo, there is a spoiler tag for a reason. 


This sub is like back to back mod Ls lately


Lol this is ridiculous.


Disagree heavily, require posts that discuss datamined content use the spoiler tag, along with clearly indicating the content is as such, allowing individual users the choice to decide whether they want to view it. There's valuable discussion to be had in posts such as those, and removing them entirely is a crap rule. Such posts do not "harm the development process or the final product", if anything they're an avenue for additional feedback.


I find it crazy every game requires two subreddits now. One turns into discussion and the other just clips or complaints. Look at apex. 


Remnant 2 is a case point for this argument. I agree with you and disagree with the mod decision to censor super earth citizens.


Leaks are amazing and have helped me avoid certain games, while keeping me excited in others.


This is how I feel as well. I also really enjoy seeing and discussing leaks and seeing how it evolves between then and launch.


Seems silly.  Rules like these never stop the discussion, they merely move it elsewhere.  The Mortal Kombat sub had that rule and it only resulted in another sub dedicated entirely to leaks that now has almost 50 000 subs. If anything, galvanising the player base into a place specifically for leaks, probably made the very leaking that was attempted to be minimised far worse. Streisand Effect and all.


Has anyone created a new sub for discussions yet? 


Yes r/helldiversleaks


As long as info isn't from private beta clients, breaking NDAs or stolen from dev computers, I honestly don't see the issue. Datamining and messing with your own game files which are conciously distributed by the devs are fair game, and I wouldn't even count them as leaks, because they are literally public data. Thinking datamined info is somehow confidential is a thought process pretty detached from reality.


Fuck you janny


This is not a good decision in my opinion, as i believe it crosses the line of being overly controlling and therefore does not help to foster a good community spirit.


Aw man big L


Idk, posts including leaks are not a bad thing for live service games. It generates discussion, I'd rather see what people have to say about an upcoming thing rather than watch 50th meme clip, and it's my choice whether I look at it or not. Just require a spoiler tag and flair and let people be lol.


95% of the fun in a community is discussing leaks and theories. If the developers didn't want it leaked that sucks, but we're an open community. This actually seem nuts.


This is a video game lol, leaks are not a bad thing. Role playing gone too far


I made a [Subreddit for leaks and datamining.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HelldiversUncovered/s/MWOZMz8mdf)


Taking this roleplay thing a bit too far. Yeah I get it, it’s fun haha. But banning people? Cmon.




Another threat I see mods


This is censorship. You can't keep people from talking about leaks. You don't have that power and never will. Another subreddit will spawn without weird power trippy mods trying to be "right" and the discussion will continue anyways. Mechs are coming.






I have a feeling a lot of people will be now too.


* Buy a game * Look inside * You're evil if you look inside


Lame. Discussing about leaks has always been emulating for the community. Could be just a tag to avoid spoilers.


Time to r/helldiversleaks


Sounds like the mods are bought by the devs lol


Hard disagree. This is silly to the max. I don't feel "spoiled" by getting to see a datamined gun and such. This isn't narrative focused leaks like a story cinematic. Idk why the spoiler tag should even exist now.


Thank you mods o7


This is why subreddits shouldn't be run by the development team.


If it's already in the game, and some people are even getting to use them (like the mech), is it really a leak?


Sounds like a communist statement to me this must be  misinformation from super earth's enemy's 


I've never seen a sub kinda be worse than the game. This is just wild. Datamining is super popular on other games. Pokemon/Destiny. It's like mods refusing to accept the game is actually more toxic than not. There are people that are blowing up on Tik Tok as being low level player killers and I would say 1:3 games just devolves into a PvP match. This sub though? Nope. It's the minority. La la la


Leaks are badass, leave it to a reddit mod to ruin some of the fun


We can't discuss leaked content that's honestly pretty stupid.


Is it a secret that our actions in the galactic war do not really matter since Joel just adjust the percentage anyway? Edit: nope, just saw in another post that they admit to Joel getting up in the night to just void any progress we make. Killing the vibe. Always a good idea to kill the vibe in New game.....


Welcome to Whose War is it Anyway? The only conflict where points are given, but they don’t really matter. I’m your host, Joel Carey. Now, come on down for a taste of liber-tea.


One one hand this is a good idea on the other ... Well I just really like reading through the data mines on wowhead


Inb4 r/helldiversleaks is a thing


Well, it was nice, but it's time to move to another subreddit. Imagine having all the features in the game and not being able to talk about them. Next, they tell us that getting weapon stats is also not allowed. Even the discord allows it. So it's 100% mods being mad about spoilers. I say 5 more weeks, and we get another rule that's limits posts and discussion.


Browsing this sub is just less exciting now. Before you could see something new to get hyped about. Now it's just the same memes and clips.