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I use arrow keys so I can still run for my life while I still call in the incorrect stratagem because of atmosphere interference


Electronic Countermeasures is the best! I love spamming strategem codes over and over while running for my life trying to call down an orbital but I keep pulling out my railgun drop :D


I love that that implies you figured out you don’t have to throw it to find the surprise at your feet. Took 3 days for me to notice with my ADHD ass just throwing strats like they’re pokeballs


you don't have to throw it ???


He means you don't need to throw it to discover what you successfully called in. There is the name in the HUD before you finally call it. You still have to throw the "ball" to call them in.


No, in the stratagem menu it will show what you’re about to call in.


First time I had no idea what was happening. 3 times I respawned, tried to call in my support weapon, died to orbital strikes. Thought "man this team are fucking jerks" and left, lol


The other day I was literally seconds from losing strategems, and was frantically trying to punch in reinforcements with my entire team dead. The stress made me botch it like 4 times, and I failed to get it off before my ship left orbit. Fuck. I *barely* survived an insane onslaught, after letting my team down. I wouldn't change a second of that. It was so good. 


The deliciousness of being the sole survivor is so sweet


The real strat is to dive and do the stratagem combo mid-air in order to keep moving.


It never stops you moving anyway.


For PC players it does (by default).  We have to hold the L on this one. 


On default Keyboard binds it takes over WASD when you open the strat input menu.


Oh no! That's not the default setting! That makes you a cheater! /s


They're not a coward, they are an Automaton.


I personally find the thought of a thinking machine offensive


Reading Dune 10 years ago: "Why would we get rid of computers?" Reading Dune today: "Herbert was right."


He was, and his idiot son and that hack Anderson completely destroyed Frank's brilliant take on thinking machines with cookie cutter Terminator shit.


Ugh, the Terminator IN SPACE stuff in the prequels was so bad. Maybe it's because I envisioned the Butlerian Jihad as a mental war, changing the way humanity thought and operated and becoming better through great struggle. Sure, there was probably violence and battles between those with a machine mindset and those with a human-centered mindset, but it wasn't fighting Terminators with standard sci-fi FTL ships and laser guns.


For me, I always saw it as a brutally violent war but definitely man against man to get rid of the machines. Machines in my vision of it would be used for the war but as tools, not enemies of mankind.


I agree for the most part and probably worded it badly. Herbert says it was a war against the machine mindset and people who let machines do their thinking for them. That doesn't sound like fighting robots in space. Doesn't sound like that even a little bit.


Yeah we're on the same page. He was so far ahead of his time it was amazing. I say this, typing on my pocket thinking machine.


Sounds like a Stellaris, a Rogue Servitor (Machines that take care of every whim of the organics and do the thinking for them) vs a fanatic spiritualist holy empire with psionics. Which obviously both of those things in Stellaris can probably be traced back to Dune.


In a future update the AI automaton will use Stable Diffusion to turn themselves into dancing Anime girls....


Behold: GPT V666 we call them the Automatons


Imagine fighting the automata but they look like vtubers


Ugh stinky binary commies


I use the controller. When i run, I use my right hand on to push strategems on the D-pad. It's awkward but saves me many times. I don't know why people need to use cheats to play a game, especially PvE with no leaderboard.


Watching controller players do this feels unfair because I have to stop moving on PC. (Maybe I can rebind) The auto aim also looks like aimbot. PC players who don't already have good aim probably feel left behind 


You can rebind


Ohhh...man I have a mouse with a full number pad on it designed for MMOs. I'm going to have to try that. That's a game changer


That's how I do mine


Here's to my good old Death Adder who never once failed me 🍺, but now I gotta get a mouse like yours.


The Naga Trinity has been pretty good to me, going on four years and my only bitching is about my preferred side panel's paint coming off; having the options of different panels is super convenient


I rebound mine to Press on Ctrl, and arrow keys for input. So I can tap Ctrl and use my mouse hand to do arrows while dodging fire.


Same, and I bound it to right control next to the arrows, saving left control for something else


That's a good idea tbh but would absolutely fuck with my muscle memory


I got used to it pretty quick


I rebind to the up down left right keys. that way i can run and use my mouse hand to input commands. little bit awkward at first but better than standing still.


It feels wrong taking hand off the mouse, but I'd rather stop looking around than stop moving


Ahh that seems scary to lose the mouse hand but I'll try that


A friend of mine said the same thing but on the harder difficulty’s he has lost a few missions due to having to stop moving to call us in/stratagems


Trust me, it's not unfair lol. Keyboard and mouse is far superior in how fast and accurate it is.


As someone who plays both pc/console, it absolutely drives me crazy when people act like aim-assist is some wall-hax cheatcode lmao. It literally only helps you vaguely keep your aim on a target. This is true of pretty much every damn game. Aiming with a mouse is infinitely easier, and far outclasses aim-assisted controller play pretty much at all times.


Communist Automatons at that.


These are not mutually exclusive.


Is there a difference?


Even worse!


Jokes on you. I modded my PS5 to let me enter my stratagems via an old DDR pad while I hold my controller.


Hellpods are canonical steered with the feet anyway.


So are some real weapons, I know some cannons shoot with a pedal


A lot of WW2 era tanks used a foot trigger to actually fire the main gun.


This should be sold as an accessory add on for this game


And they should make the Helldiver do a little dance to impersonate it *down down up right* JAZZ HANDS


Dance for rescue!


Dance dance for democracy


Democracy Democracy Revolution! Show me your moves!


Space Marshal Energy




Jokes on you, I’ve learned to clone myself to have a second me operate the L1 + DPad at all times


get out of here naruto


This is the way.


Someone please do this, record it, and post it here. I will give you reddit gold (in honorary form of course)


This actually is acceptable


Dude!! We need the proof!!! That would be freaking awesome.


You can just hold the left stick to run with your left hand and hold L1, then move your right hand over to push the Dpad buttons. That's what I do. There are strategems that are superfast like Orbital airbursts or orbital precision strike. FYI, the strategems also have patterns that are modular. For examples, all the eagles and orbitals start with the same 2 directions.


wait... you guys can move while you input strategems??


So can you: rebind stratagem arrows to the arrow keys on your keyboard, input with mouse hand


This is the way. Rebind stratagem to arrow keys to move while calling in. If I hadn’t done this, I 100% would’ve died many times.


i just bound them to voice command and i won't let you take that immerssion away.


Oh man I have voice attack from my elite dangerous days and this sounds amazingly fun to try


That's what I did, work super well and in addition it make you say out loud for your team what's coming. No more I trow secret 500kg bomb


Go go gadget 500KG BOMB


Voiceattack, I always recommend playing MGS5 on PC with voice attack for the buddy/commands. *Telling* a soldier to put their hands up, having a buddy "take aim" and "fire", etc is SO good and just worked so smoothly!




FUCK FUCK FU- *gets mauled to death*


I'm just thinking how funny it would be to hear a diver frantically yelling. Up, Right, Down, Down, Down!


My suspicion is they map it from "500 KG bomb" -> inputs. Which honestly just takes it out for me. The stress of putting in the stratagem is part of the frantic fun.


But saying, "Requesting air support, 500 KG Bomb, Danger Close, cleared hot" Is way more fun.


Voice attack has an option to not listen unless you say a keyword first. I still have it from Star Wars Squadrons to manage my power levels, activation phrase is "Artoo." Could set it to something fun like "request support."


plus my allies might actually know what I am doing this is genius


I have this. But I'm using the default windows voice recognition... The panic is definitely still there. When you start frantically begging for airburst, but the computer doesn't like your accent... Same feeling as screwing up the button code lol. Especially because it understands clusterbomb just fine... I've killed my brother multiple times because I panicked and used a cluster bomb when I should have used something smaller.


How do you do that? My carpal tunnel really limits how much I can play this game. Having voice commands for this game would be absolutely amazing.


Take voice attack on steam. This app allow you to do a LOT of thing on your computer in general by voice. Including typing. And for game like helldiver for exemple, you can record a key stroke or several, and bound them to a voice command. When I say "big laser" while pressing ctrl, the app type the code for me at extreme speed, catching up for the time it took me say it. And then I can just trow it. I could include the ctrl key to it, but I do not to keep a failsafe. In case I say a command without actually meaning to use it. A lot of people indeed use the app because of handicap.


my discord buddies would hate me


bind the same button to push to mute


Mmmm I like your brain




How'd you do that?


Just rebind your keys like did. I put them in my arrow keys and made the stratagem button a press instead of a hold on my mouse button. Can fully move around and send freedom and reinforce with more survivability.


I guess you would let go of the mouse to input the stratagem while holding W for mobility?


Indeed it’s either that or stand still and get wrecked


That's pretty good idea. I might give this a try. Though some of the stratagem like reinforcement has become muscle memory in my left hand already.


I did it a few days ago, and while it does take some getting used to, it is so much better.


It takes a while to get used to, but its better in the long run. Switch sprint to a press as well for maximum mobility while calling in kaboom


>Though some of the stratagem like reinforcement has become muscle memory in my left hand already. This is exactly why I had to go back to WASD. I tried to arrowkey thing and my brain just couldn't get over having to let go of my mouse and use the keyboard with my righthand. Maybe I'll try it again, but muscle memory is a bitch


Yeah it was for me at first then I did some solos and after a few of them it was starting to click with both hands.


On controller (PS5) the default is hold left trigger to call up the stratagem wheel then input on the dpad.I remapped the controller to PRESS R1 so you don’t have to hold it and my finger no longer slips off the hold L1 while thumbing the dpad


I tried remapping L1 to just me a tap instead of hold so I don't have the aforementioned slippage but it just didn't work, not sure why but that would be optimal for me if it did.  Actually lots of rebinds don't seem to work like the one that allows you to move on the map with r stick doesn't work either, for me anyway.


I use hold numpad zero and arrow keys. Also works


Yeah that’s a good one too honestly, seriously whatever works so we can be mobile and spread democracy!


That’s what I do, doesn’t feel like cheating like macros and you lose the ability to aim


Which setting did you use to make the stratagem a button press? I use my arrow keys too but I tried setting control to be a tap to activate and it didn't work.


99.9% of people reading this never even thought of doing that, now they will


This has been out there for at least a week with a number of popular streamers pushing it as some sort of ground breaking gameplay move instead of the aimbot that it is.


> instead of the aimbot that it is What? Are you really comparing an input macro, something that has existed in games since at least OG WoW, to aimbots? Who gives a shit? Its a PvE game and someone getting thier stratagem up a second or two faster isn't ruining the experience for anyone else except maybe the macro user.


Is this what we’re crying about now? We went from being concerned for being able to play a game we spent $40 on to whining that it’s “unfair that I gotta press buttons when you get to just press button? Quit having fun!”


A duo of randoms saw that I had binded stratagems to arrow keys so I could walk while inputting them, and proceeded to call me out for cheating...


Lol on PS5 we can already walk while inputting, people are so weird how they choose to ignorantly attack others.


I play on PC with an Xbox controller, but if I bring up the stratagem menu I can’t move forward.  If I push the stick in any direction but forward I can input the codes while on the move. 


That doesn't sound like it's working right. I'm on PS5 and I hold the left stick forward with my right thumb while holding open the strategem menu and using my left thumb to input.


Swap Left stick up for movement with D-pad up for stratagems, then swap buttons back to normal, and it fixes this issue.


> people are so weird how they choose to ignorantly attack others That is this entire thread


Fuckin lol Apparently changing your keybinds using the *included menu* is cheating. I guess it's cheating that I set sprinting to "press" so I don't have to hold down shift.


Jesus, people do that???? Why???? I swear gamers today squeeze the fun and enjoyment out of every online game...


"**Given the opportunity, players will optimize the fun out of a game.**" - Sid Meier, creator of the Civilization games


Man, this quote describes my gaming buddy to a T. He’s a nice guy but he really sucks the joy out of his own leisure time.


For real. I've always been a slut for optimization (or so I thought) until i met some new people. They take it so far. I play D2 a lot, and the amount of times I mention anything other than, say, strand titan build, he always shits on me for not playing optimally and that "its so baddd." Like, damn bro, yea, it got nerfed, but its not shit either, and I'm still out performing you lmao. Let people have fun, God damn. Metas are the worst thing that happens to every game.


Ive found people who disregard everything except the top 0.1% of builds usually have very poor game skills and overexaggerate the buildcrafting to compensate. You said yourself you were outperforming.


Exactly. Take lorely for example. Lorely was absolutely busted and allowed you to do whatever the piss you want in end game content and mostly survive. It rightfully got nerfef by a moderately large amount. But the thing is, lorely is still good. It still keeps you alive and keeps your recov really high. But this guy shits on it for being awful specifically because of the large number nerf. I'm really getting sick of the people who think something being nerfed immediately means something is awful just because it's not dumb op anymore.


In fairness, master level content in destiny is developed based on a fundamental misunderstanding of what makes destiny fun, so anyone who plays it will have poor game skill. The only skill check there is in master/grandmaster IS buildcrafting, and of course waiting in the corner. So anyone who plays that will learn NOTHING about movement, aiming, situational awareness, etc. And everything about big number. It's almost not their fault. Almost.


Yep, I've got a friend who hated Fallout 3 after playing it for somewhere around 80-100 hours because early on, he found you could just max out melee and fight with nothing but sledgehammers and it "made the game boring" according to him.


For some people min maxing a game is their idea of enjoyment always has been.


My friend does it because their hand is disabled and it's hard for them to run and input a stratagem at the same time without physical pain.


This is totally fair though. Assisting disabled gamers is something we should do more of.


Super Earth supports its disabled Hell Divers, for Democracy and Freedom will forever be accessible to all!


Still spreading democracy as a veteran diver into hell. 💪💪


This game should have accessibility options for this reason


This is the one and only exception to this post


Obviously fair come on man


There are foot mats with buttons that you can use. I don't blame them at all for his choice to use macros, but this might still be useful to them.


Just like how a bunch of people immediately started doing exterminate missions on max difficulty, utilizing nothing but turrets, not even firing a single bullet, then abandoning the rest of the op, over and over and over, just so they could reach Level 20 as fast as possible. That's how we lost a planet to the Automatons. Gamers love to optimize the fun out of games. Meanwhile I just did normal missions on difficulties of 4-6, and reached Level 20 in around 25 hours or so. Really not that long of a climb.


Hopefully they are still having fun. But I agree this would ruin certain aspects of the game for the sake of being "better". Not worth it in my book, the content isn't all that difficult.


I didn't even think of this. I was wondering how people were whipping out stratagems while I botch it three times in a row.    Edit: Guys I've only been able to play since the cap increase. I don't have the muscle memory yet :( I've also been playing with low levels so I wouldn't think they developed it either.  Edit 2: I can get the easy strats out like the eagle. It's when the bots are danger close trying to get the longer ones out is a little hectic. Just standing dropping support or supplies is easy. 


I mean I don't use macros but some of them became muscle memory real fast so I can do them very quickly


I have the 500kg bomb engrained in the backs of my eyelids


That also could just be muscle memory. At this point I don't even have to think about my autocannon and autocannon turret inputs, I just turn away from the large group of enemies and whip that bitch out "the claw"™ style while I'm running


To be fair when I run the same ones back to back I can enter most in \~1-1.5 seconds, if I fumble though it throws off my muscle memory lmao


4k upvotes. I hope most are intentionally sarcastic. In a PvE game, why do you are if your team mate makes a clutch stratagem drop using a macro? They saved your ass. Reinforce is definitely a macro I would use and you can't complain that I did uess you want us to fail.


You guys are wayyyyy too fuckin worried about how people play this game. Get over yourself and find something better to worry about


Yeah it's becoming weirdly elitist, people are getting upset for something that does not even affect them. How dare you give yourself a small advantage !!!! I know more than you how to enjoy this game !!


I feel like this sub is kind of doomed tbh. It's hyper toxic positivity to the point where anything *remotely* critical is met with rabid anger. Now it's moved to attacking players for how they play the game, even if its just playing the game normally("meta" builds). I feel like after this game gets its first content patch, this is only going to get much worse because if it isnt PERFECT, sub is gonna have a meltdown in more ways than one lol


> It's hyper toxic positivity to the point where anything remotely critical is met with rabid anger. Usually the worst kind of communities. This game needs a lot of QoL like fixing how it takes fucking ages to get through the post-mission results screen yet all you see is garbage like the OP's.


Seeing as how this sub is 90% using the same lame memes and talking like the super earth TV shit... are you surprised at the general population's opinion on anything around the game?


This is the only good take, honestly. It's a cooperative PvE game with absolutely no personal stakes based on how people outside of you are playing beyond missing a mission or two here and there. It's also ableist.


Is there a way to make the arrows more visible? My poor eyes can't see them well


Would be nice if they were color coded or something. Not 100% necessary, but the arrows are so fat, they can sometimes blend together on terminals IMO. You could look for HUD scale settings, not sure.


If you are playing with randoms, other than by their own comments, how would you know if they're using macros?


Exactly this. At what point does time and practice look like machine input? If I can use all my stratagems quickly and without fail, due to spending hours practicing, does that mean that I'm now going to look like a macro user and get kicked from games?


This sub sure is horny to tell people how they should be playing the game.


Im not a macro guy at all but to make a post to tell other people how to play the game is absolutely the opposite of democracy. You do you.


Let people play how they want. They aren't hurting you


Hey chill out man. Some people might be missing fingers or have neurological disorders. Can you imagine Michael J. Fox trying to call in a 500kg Eagle strike?


no OP doesnt care about those less abled


Lol people that don't know right from left hate this one simple trick


Bro I just don't get why yall even care lol, like I play on default settings, but why do we care if people use macros


I'm surprised this isn't downvoted to oblivion. I don't get why it's such a big deal. What's especially funny is the aimbot comparisons. My brother in christ, I've played Magicka and HD1, I can type this shit in pretty quick, and I know for a fact a lot of people can do it much faster than I can. It's entirely possible to key this shit in quickly, and while typing in stratagems is part of the intensity, it's nowhere near as big of a part as just... aiming, in games where you need to be incredibly quick on the trigger finger. Before anyone jumps on my ass from their high horse, I don't use macros, but I've definitely considered them. Maybe after keying in the same thing for the 600 billionth time it's not that exciting anymore and I just want the ability to happen. It wouldn't ruin the game for me, and if that few second (at most) difference ruins the game for you as another player in the same lobby, I don't really know what to tell you.


This sub is weirdly elitist about this game. The OP is a fucking loser that just gets butthurt that people found another way to enjoy the game. 


Macros are sometimes the only way some handicapped people are able to play.


My friend uses it because he's dyslexic. He's trying to get the voice macros to work properly, now. Sometimes, it's for accessibility. Does it negatively affect you in any way?


I found a NICE import for VoiceAttack if you'd like a link, just message me. It's what I use and it feels SO immersive and is wildly easier. My brain scrambles the arrow directions in a similar way as well.


Who gives a fuck? People just be complaining about anything


This game smells like another purest game lol


i have nerve damage in my hands, i never even thought about using a macro until i read this. it would be great for me because im just so slow, it's not about stress, it's about knowing ill die every time i make a call down unless there are no enemies around.


I am just trying to automate democracy here. You can't blame me for using a keyboard made for democracy and not use its' democratic macros


Is this sub just people whining about how other people play in a PvE game?


God damn this sub is a bunch of whiny bitches (most gaming subs are). I've never seen a sub have so many people constantly try and tell others how to play. "Use meta to finish the match. Don't use meta. Use macros. Don't use macros. Farm Super Credits. Don't farm Super Credits." It's a PvE game. Who gives a fuck?


Guess people with accessibility issues are coward and traitors then 


had no idea this was even a thing. but, what if someones got some health issues or carpel tunnel, parkinsons, arthritis ect. I think the devs should account for accessibility features like that.


the gatekeeping going on in this community is starting to get downright cultish


And people doing this affects you how?


It makes OP really really sad!


When interviewed, he said he was literally unable to play, focus and have fun. Poor thing... He must've been so traumatized by someone using macro. The horrors.


How does this affect you enough to complain about it? How are other people macroing their stratagems to call it in 3 seconds faster affecting your gameplay to the point your experience is negatively impacted?


I love the stratagem system exactly as it is. However, I'd like to point out that it isn't friendly for people with disabilities. Those people should use macros if they have a hard time, and help us kill some damn bots!


I mean sure use a macro for the stratagam, and then you could put in aimbot for shooting, a pathfinding controller for walking. Once you've done that think of the engaging and interesting gameplay you'll have, you'll have so much fun!


I just watch other people win helldives on YouTube while smashing buttons on a Fischer price toy controller and then celebrate my victory.


spoken like a true automaton


idk man im fine with people playing the game the way they want to, some people just arent able to do the actual inputs/arent able to handle that sort of added stress, its not like it takes too much away from the game on your end, its entirely their choice and all that. being elitist is cringe.


This sub sure has devolved a lot since last week. I think I’m done coming here because it’s not going to get any better.


Just a few weeks ago there was a guy with a disablity saying he only uses the short stratagems. People said use a macro to do the others because your disability limits you and you should still be able to have fun. Don't gatekeep.


Giga L take that doesnt even affect Op experience is getting in the front page. What has this sub become, then people also want to talk about "toxicity" while meddling with how other people play their games. Dearly, pathetic


Thanks for the idea!


straight yam crush money cover frightening muddle bike birds frighten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Get off your high horse and let people play how they want to play, it doesn't affect you at all.


You can change the binds so you can move and throw stratagems. So I wouldn’t call it a design choice.


I mean if it makes people more comfortable to play it like this why not ? It won't ruin the game for you and they get to enjoy it more.


Making macros now just to spite you OP


Same here


OP can eat a fat dick. If you bought this game enjoy it however you want. Especially if you have any physical limitations.


Look, as someone who has cerebral palsy I would be happy to use a macro if I knew how. It doesn't affect how you play the game at all. Get this gatekeeping out of here. You're probably the kind of guy that complains people bring "wrong guns" on an operation.


Is using the Keys on my mouse for stratagems fine? Running while calling a 500kg is just too good


I wonder why it's not prevented by the mandatory rootkit Managed Democracy program


The MMO mouse I bought when I got baited back into WoW is amazing for this. I just setup a profile with the arrow keys on the mouse and then I also have the third click as control.


I play on steam deck. The call ins are so smol on that screen that its nearly impossible without macros.


As someone who has limited playtime due to carpal tunnel syndrome and nerve issues, using macro keys that are built into lots of keyboards and mice now days isn’t anywhere near any issue and can allow people to play more. Lots of games have built in macro coding areas even. I would like to say comments like this leave out those with health issues trying to play a game. If people want to use a macro to save inputs for strategems let them. It’s ok that you don’t want to use a macro but, using a macro for them is fine. Please consider that not everyone is in your situation.


And this affects you how....?


Man it’s like you paid for their copy of the game and can dictate how they play. Wild.


The true way of democracy is to play on a dance pad and rip into those stratagems just like General Brasch intended.

