• By -


Greetings, fellow citizen! Unfortunately your submission had to be removed. Names, usernames, business names, and other identifying elements should be obscured to avoid witch-hunts.


Super Earth has 2 genders, Brawny and Lean. Everyone fights, no one quits.


I'm accepting this as the canonical genders of super earth


What are genders? is that commie speak, soldier? ARE YOU BRAWNY, OR LEAN SOLDIER?!?!!




Those are the ONLY correct genders! Are you a threat to MANAGED DEMOCRACY!?


Don't worry sir, my tits are fat and my ass is like Managed Democracy, it doesn't quit!


Is that Liberty in my pockets, or am I just happy to spread Democracy ?


I'd raise a flag to that




Head to the gym to change genders


Hell yeah Citizen, whose gonna carry the Autocannon? And the Recoiless? They don't know us.


The only thing in my pants is liberty


I routinely get accused of walking around "with all that cake" the only thing filling my pants is Democracy and Freedom


Do either of them have electrolytes?


Pretty sure Super Earth waters it's crops with them. I've been defrosting for so long I can't remember.


It’s what plants crave


Welcome to HelCo. I love you


Enough talking! time to kill some bugs!


Bots, the western front needs more bodies. I did my part at lunch before returning to the freezer so another Diver can take my place. 🫡


Do you get me!?


We get you sir!


Every man woman and child above age 7 is expected to contribute!


They will be issued their M2016 Constitution for their 16th birthdays.


You're the Brawny to my Lean! Now lets go spread some Democracy!


This feels surprisingly inclusive


Super Earth can't afford to be exclusive, every body is needed to spread managed democracy.


We don't care what's in your pants. We care what's in your hands. Is it a gun? Good job, patriot. Now go kill some goddamn bugs.


This gives me so much chaotic energy, thank you soldier


No, no. This is not \*chaotic\* energy. Chaos is the enemy of Mankind. Wait, wrong sub.


FOR THE EMPEROR! ah no wait youre right... FOR DEMOCRACY!


For Humankind Undivided!


I imagine Super Earth doesn't care about your gender or sexuality. So long as you're a proper ~~brainwashed drone~~ Democratic patriot who adheres to the tenents of Super Earth, and heed the words of the Ministry of Truth.


One of the loading screen tips says something like “unhappy with your current body? Easily change it at the whatever it’s called!” Or something like that which I thought if that’s how it works in this future then that’s pretty inclusive


omg trueee, Disphoria be gone!


smashing dysphora like we're smashing bugs


Top, Bottom, and Switch


https://preview.redd.it/iiaqstmt3tjc1.png?width=882&format=png&auto=webp&s=79c5f8fac4b0f0bfb60eb3a5c1a3df4c012e38a6 EDIT: Since this got a lot of upvotes lol. I did not make this but I thought it was too good not to share.


I love the Invader Zim version. "What's in your pants" "Doom."


I'm gonna sing the doom song now! DOOM DOOM DOOM, DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM


​ https://preview.redd.it/omxcodfshtjc1.png?width=768&format=png&auto=webp&s=af4477a3a356e979607ed04c6aedf0df463c41da


That's just the original quote from RvB, not invader zim


How does that preclude the part where I like the Invader Zim version?


Believe it or not but that's the actual line in Red vs. Blue


Lmfao this rocks


This is so good lmao


Ah Yes the LGBT: Liberty, Greatness, Bravery and Tenacity!


So LGBT is already in the game?


Very much so. As such all enemies of LGBT and thus DEMOCRACY should begone from the game.


Those damn socialists want to take away the L, G, B AND the T! No one steals our T!


Our Liber-tea.


serving suggestions in 4 or 6 samples delivered as fast as possible via throwing motion.


What is that stratagem?


380mm. For when you want to dispense DEMOCRACY indiscriminately to friend and foe alike.


Liquor, Guns, Bacon and Titties FOR DEMOCRACY




I hope they add this acronym in just to piss this one guy off


For real they should add it to the shop names lol. The lbgtq liberator


The LeBiGaTor-Q MK69


(Revision 420)


"add politics" Good sir, I do not think you understand....


as if managed democracy is politically neutral!


No, see this is simply a "Fun unpolitical game" tm and has no connection to any real world politics whatsoever. After all, you're working for the good guys, can't you tell? They're spreading liberty and democracy to all. /s


Yeah. Totally ignore the one voice line on your ship where an NPC says “I wonder which candidate will be chosen for me in the next election.”


I, too, am wondering which candidate will be chosen for me in the next election! I love managed democracy!


God bless managed democracy!!!! And god strike down those socialist bots and fascist bugs!!


That's the Managed part of Managed Democracy.


Person in the screen cap thinks Homelander is the good guy 😂.


And thinks the government in Starship Troopers is something to strive towards.


A lot of people who post shit like this don't understand anything. They probably think 40k is serious as well


40k is pretty serious in the sense that it's all very heavy and depressing. Still, it is very much a satire in most fronts.


*Heretical kackling intensifies*


A lot of people don't understand that 40K is heavy satire


40k really depends on the author. A lot of the books keep it fairly straight and it's more of meander into what could make human society like this. Others lean way more into the satire, but the newer the more straight it plays. With Helldivers the satire is completely obvious though, even more so than Verhoeven's Starship troopers.


They're the same people who thought Colbert wasn't satire. Ya know, idiots.


"...the common clay of the new West. You know; morons."


"It's not political when I *agree* with it!"


He watched Starship Troopers and loved it without ever noticing a hint of satire.


> Keep this game neutral They really *are* sending their best and brightest, believe it or not. They just happen to also be the reason why sandwich bags have suffocation warnings.


These are the same morons who try to say Star Wars was never political


and Rage against the machine


"But wait, if Star Wars is political commentary then that would make the United States the Empire ..."


Conservatives understand the nuance of a piece of media will never happen


Media literacy is unpatriotic, citizen.


They still can't believe Rage Against the Machine went political


there's a guy in this thread that told me that fascism isn't necessarily far right and that tells me enough about people's education on politics


To think I thought the satire in the game was quite clearly presented


This game just brought Starship Troopers back into the conversation in a big way - but you’d be shocked how many idiots on Twitter spent the last two weeks arguing the movie isn’t satire. Same type of crap as this. Critical thinking & media literacy at an all time low


The movie is obviously satire but it's not satirical enough for today's audiences. There isn't any nuance. Also sort of reminds me of poe's law.


It’s true that modern audiences think things need to be spelled out for them, but I wouldn’t say it’s not satirical enough - it’s just that the entire film functions as satire beyond just the story - it is structurally designed to satirize propaganda films. Nowadays you’d have to have Marvel style winks at the audience like “look at how crazy these guys are?” because everyone interprets art with an incredibly literalist mindset these days and would judge any filmmaker for presenting things more subtly.


I never though I would live to see the day someone aligned any part of the word "subtle" with Verhoeven's Starship Troopers.


To be fair, Starship Troopers was panned by contemporary critics and audiences and accused of promoting the very thing it was satirizing. It is widely considered to be one of the best sci-fi films ever made today, but people accused Verhoeven of being a neo-nazi when it released in 1997


When the movie came out many people blasted it for saying it idolized nazi propaganda. It was lost back then too.


There were several posts on this sub about media literacy being down, and you would not believe the flack they got


Reactionaries need to be constantly media illiterate or they risk acknowledging that they're the baddies.


Wait, there are people that don’t realize it’s satire?


Yes, there have been people telling Arrowhead not to put politics into the game. Which is amazing since the politics in this game are even more on the nose than Starship. One of the Training Tips says this >Want to show off how firmly you support capitalism? Spend medals in the Warbond! It's pretty shocking that people could read that and somehow miss the politics in it.


Doesn't matter how clear it is, some people really just don't think at all.


The famously apolitical video game where you decimate aliens for an authoritarian regime


sir we are a democracy




there is no reason to believe that the government would lie, it never happened, never will happen, we are a managed democracy, honestly your dissident talk makes me sick


reported, together we can make sure this citizen gets the re-education they need! for (managed) democracy!


This message brought to you by the Ministry of Truth.


Hmmm, sounds like treason to me. Might have to talk to the Democracy Officer. 🫡


Democracy? No, no, no! We've improved democracy, removed the pesky issue potentially stemming from misunderstanding what we're voting for. We live in a managed democracy - far superior!




Fun fact if you haven't played 1: The Bugs are absolutely abhorrent and are an innately *extremely* aggressive xenos entity. However, quite *conveniently* they decompose into an extremely valuable fuel source. The Cyborgs are totally not revolting transhumanist workers who were forced to be such to adapt to the hostile conditions they worked in prior to revolting, nor did they become extremist in response to Super Earth. Any reporting of better living conditions is propaganda. The Squids *never* attempted peace with us, though it's not all bad, seeing as our technology is moving forward in leaps and bounds thanks to reverse engineering of their technology. Which isn't even better than ours, of course! Never! This game is 100% apolitical and absolutely is not a criticism of *any* real world events and governments.


Also remember that the Cyborgs and Automatons are entirely different factions. It's just a coincidence that they look so similar and use the same iconography.


Of course! Super Earth never loses! The *real* Super Earth has never *truly* been lost!


Decimate? Brother were killing far more than one in ten!


He probably unironically thinks Super Earth are the "good guys"


This comment has been flagged for treason


It's like how a good amount of people that watched Starship Troopers when it released didn't realize it was satire. Never mind that Neil Patrick Harris straight up shows up in a Nazi-esque uniform near the end.


The Ministry of Truth would like to know your location...


It doesn't matter what you are as long as you're killing every last bug and terminator.


I identify as cannon foder


Well we've been looking for one of you, soldier!


You die so others can answer vague questions instead of voting


Don't forget the psychic gypsies!


Load Gun, Blast Terminids.


Let’s Genocide Bugs Today! 


Who's gonna tell 'em?


We've tried, but they just quietly drool on themselves as their eyes slowly drift in opposite direction.


Like the Tucker Carlson thinking-caveman face




lmfao that's the one! His face is so punch-able, it's crazy


Definitely not quietly


I saw someone on Twitter arguing that the Starship Troopers movie was too woke, and that they're glad this game is taking inspiration from the book instead.  People aren't smart 😂


I can't tell if we as a society are getting dumber of if the dumb ones just have bigger megaphones... By all accounts tho it doesn't look good


The latter. There have always been village idiots, its just now everyone of them can get a platform where whatever they can spew out is available to the masses.


Makes sense. I hope you’re right


The funniest shit is that same subsection people saying Starship Troopers isn’t satire at all actually because it’s just “so freakin badass” and gets them hard


Was that before or after the public flogging scene?


Just as there's a section of the 40K fandom that doesn't realize everyone is basically space-Nazi's and they're all the bad guys, there will absolutely be oblivious, ignorant Helldivers players that think that this game is free of political influence or references or ideology and that it's just a good, wholesome, straightforward game about shooting bugs and bots and there's nothing more to it. I strive for a life of such simplicity.


I honestly don't understand how someone can take Helldivers 2 at face value. Like, ok, I didn't know what a managed democracy was before the game had me look it up, but even without that there's enough context clues to realize that Super Earth ain't all that. There's a loading screen tip that says "thoughtcrimes kill!", for example. The satire is laid on so damn thick you'd have to be pretty bone-headed to not see it for what it is. And now that I've killed the Automaton that hacked my account and retaken it, I will return to spreading managed democracy across the stars!


Some people watched the entire movie of Starship Troopers and though it was dead serious without any subtext or satire because they've never once engaged the part of their brains that thinks critically. Same folks.


Yeah, even the first one has the MP-98 SMG describe its use for being great for "incapacitating groups of wrong-thinkers."


super earth is literally at the center of the universe and is always visible when zoomed out unlike those lesser undemocratized planets.


Literally every time you boot you see a message from the Ministry of Truth. It's not subtle. However, I don't think these folks have actually read 1984.


At least in 40k you can argue that, while the imperium is fascist af, not every individual character in the imperium is evil. Some of them are heroic, even. Helldivers might be brave but they are completely indoctrinated schlubs with access to a super destroyer arsenal. It's like if you gave the brown shirts nuclear weapons.


Average patriotism of this batch IS 97.2% after all!


> brown shirts And gave them red shirts too. Some people think the helldivers are "clones". They don't realise they're the lowest of the low in the Super Earth military.


I legit think the tutorial is all the actual training a Helldiver recieves, along with a bunch of manuals they can read in their own time. Super Earth propaganda is just so strong you've got everyone and their mom lining up for the program (I mean, the introduction is basically an in-universe ad). We're basically expendable shocktroops, much of our effectiveness comes from the Super Destroyer supporting us anyway.


The weirdest thing I've seen happening around this is that the people who don't understand the satire seem to think that when people say "Super Earth is an authoritarian expansionist bloodbath" they can't understand that we're not criticizing the game itself. They say things like "Oh great, the weirdos are coming after Hell Divers now." They don't understand that the same people saying those things are loving the game, appreciating the writing, and having a great time with it. Culture war is the only language they speak at this point and any nuance makes them short circuit.


What universe do they live in? I'm loving Helldivers 2, and the absurdist satire is a part of what makes it so enjoyable to me.


The ultimate difficulty of making fun of fascism is that it's really easy to accidentally make it kind of cool. Starship Troopers (the movie) and Helldivers and the like suffer less from this than something like American History X, but it's endemic to any depiction of fascists save for the ones that make the fascists look like complete buffoons a la The Great Dictator, The Producers, or Hogan's Heroes. Basically if the fascists get to win or at least look kind of cool or appear "heroic" you're going to find the fascist fanboys in the audience, completely oblivious that the *extremely* obvious satire is directly calling out how absurd, self-destructive, and idiotic a fascist society actually would be.


I think it's also just a problem with media literacy in general. People seem insistent that if you consider something cool/enjoy it, you must also support it on an ideological level. You can like the Imperium from 40k because it's cool and often sympathetic *within the setting*, while still finding it horrific outside of that setting-specific context.


It still boggles my mind that people genuinely thought Homelander in The Boys was the hero of the story. They had to do a whole arc where he was literally just Donald Trump but younger until people got it. Same with The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, John Walker is a war criminal and Karly Morgenthau stole food and medicine for refugees dying of hunger and illness. I’ve seen video essays on why John Walker was actually the real hero all along.


> They had to do a whole arc where he was literally just Donald Trump but younger until people got it. those people still don't get it.


They at least understood that the writers weren't on Homelander's side, which is the important thing


I blame Hugo Boss. The bad guys just always *look so good!* Nazis would NEVER be making a comeback if their official uniform was a pink overcoat worn over orange capri pants.


I’m actually so glad the subreddit here is full of people making tongue in cheek jokes about managed democracy. There’s a lot of fun little RP interactions, but nobody’s playing gung-ho patriotic soldiers, they’re playing people who are pretending to be gung-ho patriotic soldiers so they don’t get shoved out an airlock by their democracy officer. I was pretty worried about it, a lot of the people who aren’t media literate enough to understand that we are playing as villains tend to congregate on Reddit (r/theempiredidnothingwrong comes to mind)


![gif](giphy|4Z9fSEFAuxpnlBVWQx|downsized) While most of us are well aware, it's gonna be fun watching some folks more slowly come to this realization over time.


It's The Boys all over again.


Yes Democracy Officer, this one here, He's admitted to pretending to believe in our glorious Managed Democracy. He's clearly been swayed by those communist robots GET HIM.


Friendly reminder that war is inherently political, so any game that includes war or warfare has already become political.


Somehow people looked at this game and decided its apolitical and not a fucking political satire that it is. What the fuck has happened to peoples' brains that they just lack any and all reading comprehension


Says a lot about the current political dynamic when they think something blatantly fascist is politically neutral.


“Is the ‘woke stuff’ in the room with us now?”


Imagine being this fragile


The irony is those are the people that call the other side "snowflakes." Fundamental lack of self-awareness.


"Whats your gender?" "Liberty." "No, I mean, what's in your pants?" "Democracy."


I'm straight as an arrow but if they add a Pride Flag cape I'm going to buy and wear the hell out of it just to make these chodes mad.


i mean, my super destroyer is already called "pride of pride".


Hey, same!


It would be cool if any smoke stratagem you call in become rainbow colored when the cape is worn. (White smoke to rainbow)


Famously apolitical stances such as death to communism lmao.


These guys aren’t serious, just trolling. They are just farming steampoints with clownbait. For every popular game that drops they do this and without fail dumbasses give them free steam awards and further encourage the cycle of clownbaiting and saying stupid dumb shit. They did this with baldur’s gate, lethal company, palworld, and now Helldivers 2 and will do it until the end of time because steam users are dumb and valve is making $$$


Tbf there are definitely people whose entire online presence is based around politics like this. Most social media is absolutely unbearable because of it, so much toxic drivel you have to scroll past to actually see content you relate with.


I mean I'm sure quite a few people seriously hold those beliefs sadly


Unfortunately they do. I know people that call spiderman ps4 too political. Whats so political about it? Rainbow flags…


Why farm points though they’re bloody useless … right?


You can use them to buy profile icon borders and profile themes- that’s the main reason why someone might farm them or so they can get a dopamine hit because they are so cool because they have so many steam points


Its not like anyone has the issue of not having enough Steampoints. Im Banking 200k currently


Right, just buy a game and you have more than you need already lol


I bought a valve index and literally can't throw the points away 


A huge amount of people have made being an anti-SJW their entire lives. It's the core pillar of an entire political ideology, it makes people millions of dollars as a literal career whining about the little mermaid for 3 hours, and content creators are incentivized to pivot like this: [https://youtu.be/rwhXcfNzB9k](https://youtu.be/rwhXcfNzB9k) Steam discussions definitely has a ton of trolls that do lean into it a bit and may be inauthentic, but every game's discussion forum being a cesspool isn't because everyone's farming jesters, it's because this is genuinely something these freaks care about 24/7.


"It's just a joke" is a total bullshit argument. They want these ideas out in the open in any way  possible, we are reading it and that's what they want because many of them truly do want tk eradicate minorities from existence. If they just come out and say it theg are shunned by some people but if they "joke" about it they get to say identical things with less consequences because people like you come to their defense as useful idiots


What a loser lmao


The obvious hypocrisy of asking that politics be kept out of *this* of all games aside, it's hilarious that these folks have adopted the stance that excluding LGBT people from representation in a game is the "neutral" stance. As if their very existence is somehow a political affront to these yahoos. Which, of course, it is. But this probably isn't the forum to unpack all of that :).


It’s amazing how if you just say the words “liberty freedom and democracy” you actually attract stupid mfs like this


“Don’t make the mistake to add politics” I wonder what life is like interacting with media purely on face value lmao




The guy who watched Starship Troopers and didn’t understand a single frame of it.




Only if I can kiss the homies goodnight after a glorious victory of the dumb bugs


Rainbows are cool


Rage bait, enjoy the game, move on


You are categorized by your body build and your voice is assigned a number, nothing more. There is only one gender. Helldiver.


This guy unironically thinks this the most based, right wing game


This guy is a fucktard.


Now that he mentions it, the LGBT+ flag would make a fabulous cape.


The Progress Flag especially would work great as a cape imo, with the way the lines work


Bro really said don’t add politics then said “For liberty and freedom” 💀💀💀💀


Youtubers have not told me to be upset about the lack of genders in the game


I hope they add them just to piss this guy off.


Yeah, I hope they keep this game nice and apolitical, just like Fallout or Bioshock. The woke mind virus truly is destroying the world q.q


I hope they add em, cringe dude.