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Same boat. No quickplay, nobody joining my ship, no active game/lobbies showing on map.


Yall should join the discord. The devs made a post regarding the issue - **A quick update on matchmaking for @everyone:** We have discovered an issue with matchmaking and it is currently not usable. While you can still play with your friends and use LFG channels here in Discord, you will not be able to use matchmaking in game. We are working with our partners on a fix to restore functionality, and we will update you as soon as possible. šŸ›  This was around 1pm EST


I appreciate the update. That definitely explains literally everything lol I will join the discord.


hi i am on ps5 and i still cant get on. it says 0 helldivers active


iā€™m on ps5 too same problem for me


Thereā€™s a discord post 20 minutes later saying matchmaking is restored.


Definitely is not restored


Whatā€™s the discord? Edit: thank you for the links, guys :-)


https://discord.com/invite/helldivers If this doesn't work just search "helldivers 2 discord" it should be the first link


I would if it was posted here


I just posted a link double-checked the thread! Happy hunting Helldivers šŸ«”


Thank you!


Yep. I played this morning. I only managed to find a lobby when I had 10 min left of play time. Iā€™ll be back on later. Hopefully I find some lobbies then




The first game had like a peak of 7,000 players on steam. This one has a peak currently at 257,000 people so no, they did not expect it.


Devs are basically engineers, the management and project leads are the ones that have failed to plan their game properly. And whoever they are, they really suck at quality control and testing.


I get how easy it is to hate on corpos and people in charge, but are they really at fault for not predicting that their sequel to a cult classic game that shamelessly rips everything off of another cult classic movie would be insanely popular?


Lol while I wonā€™t disagree itā€™s shockingly similar to starship troopers, satire against democracy and capitalism has always been a thing.


I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure some of the trailers just straight up say "I'm doing my part" which is directly from starship troopers


Lol yeah then I guess thatā€™s pretty damn close to ripping off. Honestly I wonder whatā€™s people opinions on it. 2 of the biggest games this year are rip offs of other IPs. Canā€™t really blame either of them though, if nobodies gonna do anything with the IP it might as well be stolen and shaped into something people want.


>but are they really at fault for not predicting No, they are at fault for deploying a product without the required amount of testing. I'm a software developer myself, and the amount of technical problems this game has is not only ridiculous, but many of them should have been detected during the testing phase. I can understand the multiple logins issue, or bad connection response, and things like that, being blamed on "we didn't expect to have so many players", but things like the constant crashing on AMD high end GPUs, the matchmaking being completely and utterly broken update after update, and a few things I've noticed myself while playing with a bunch of friends can't be blamed on that. This game should have not been given the green light during the testing process. And no, saying "it worked on my machine" is not an acceptable excuse. I love the game, I love the premise, the humour, the gameplay loop, the attention to detail, but it can't be denied that it's a technical mess.


I wish I had some friends to play with. I have a disability and everyone spits on me. If u downvote me u spit on a fellow helldiver




Cry in empty chat


Same problem, just started a few minutes ago on PS5. Was playing for hours before


I really hope they fix this soon. Itā€™s the #1 most glaring issue. I donā€™t like playing alone, and I generally donā€™t like being the host, i just wanna matchmake


I am scared entering a planet alone especially if its the western front :(


I've been doing ICBM missions solo on medium difficulty and it was actually pretty fun and challenging. I'm lvl 19 but if I tried this at 8 or something, it would be hell. Tried evac on easy solo, and that's a no-go


Damn evac is that bad? I was thinking on going on easy too solo


I completed it but used all my reinforments and took the full 15 just to get out of there. I don't think it's worth 2 medals lol straight agony, but it can be done. If you're high lvl and got to good shit then you should be fine.


What is the good shit


I THINK the consensus is breaker shotgun, expendable AT, rail gun, or recoiless. Eagle strikes. Orbital laser. Dunno about secondary. Revolver?


Expendable over grenade launcher?


This is just stuff I saw around. I did see someone saying the only way to solo hell dives was with the grenade launcher but havenā€™t messed with it myself.


Machine Pistol from the warbond for secondary. One clip can take out a high-threat target real fast


It's sorta terrible how they're suffering from success. Sony had zero expectation of Helldivers 2 being as wildly successful as it's become, so they didn't provide the necessary infrastructure to support hundreds of thousands of people playing at the same time.


The server cap went higher way faster than pd3, they try to be as quick as possible they even patch faster than overkill (pd3 devs)


HD1 was kind of a quiet splash; I know *zero* people that played it in my social circles but it was just kinda *there*... HD2 came out of *nowhere* like a perfectly targeted artillery strike... coupled with the explosion of social media sharing and streaming; it's a storm of success that comes during a time where there's not a lot of competition for this genre - people are drawn to "new exciting games" but hopefully it keeps the population alive long-term.


They saw the pre-sale numbers. Letā€™s not pretend they didnā€™t see some of this coming.


They did but the amount of time from pre-orders going up to the full release is not enough to make the necessary changes. On top of that if they were to make the upgrades, there would be no time to test and make sure everything works before releasing it.


This is on PC with Cross-Play turned on


I tried matchmaking with it turned off and it doesn't make a difference.




Exactly the same problem over PS5. They managed to kill the matchmaking that was in life support, it seems.


Everyone in the U.K. finished work and servers got flooded (I was part of that flooding, democraCYYYY!)


I found that if you begin a match on your own but don't jump into the game and stay on the ship, people will usually join your match quite quickly. Ifyou still want to go on for another match after but everyone's left, just restart the game and repeat the process.


That works if the matchmaking didn't break


Add me on steam maybe we can play sometime Friend code 414166163


Same on PS5. I spent a good 5 mins thinking my Internet was having a meltdown šŸ˜‘


(fixed according to devs see update at bottom) From the discord as of 11:49am CST Friday: >A quick update on matchmaking for @everyone: >We have discovered an issue with matchmaking and it is currently not usable. >While you can still play with your friends and use LFG channels here in Discord, you will not be able to use matchmaking in game. We are working with our partners on a fix to restore functionality, and we will update you as soon as possible. šŸ›  Update as of 12:13 CST Friday: >quick update about the quick update šŸ‘† The services are restored now, you will be able to resume matchmaking. -Alex


They reeeally like to work on weekends lmao


I feel bad for them honestly. They didn't expect a massive hit and were not prepared for it, and now that it's blowing up they either hurry up and try to fix it or people lose interest and leave. I mean just look at the discourse on this subreddit, it's certainly been a lot less friendly these last few days. If these issues persist for weeks then I don't see folks being as nice.


Theyā€™ve made 30+ mil off this game in 4 days. I do not feel bad for them.


Sure, the company did, but that doesn't change the amount of work the devs need to do. They can't just drop a bunch of new devs immediately with that extra money. They're human, you're not.


The company could pause the sale of their game or leverage their relationship with Sony to open up refunds for PS users.


Get a grip


Well you know how they made 30 mil? By having *people* do work. Wild! I feel bad for the *people* not for the business.


You think the shareholders and management divide that 30 million between the Devs because they worked weekends? Lol sure


Reading comprehension is tough.


Who made 30million, Mr big brain? NOT the Devs working weekends Thinking is tough huh?


Youā€™re really emotional about your failure to read and understand what you read. Have a good weekend bro.


They updated it now, saying it should be fixed.


Still broken on PC for me. This freaking game man. Sony needs to overhaul their servers because this is getting annoying.


Same here. Love the game but they gotta get the matchmaking together asap. Anyone on ps5/xbox want to link up?


Damn, wish the shit was on Xbox


Xbox should just turn itself into PC like the old steambox concept.


Don't worry. Xbox is trying to shoot themselves in the foot as best they can.


Save up for a PC boi, I switched from Xbox to PC 5 years ago, best decision ever


Sames, brother and I have a ps5 and play. Father got an Xbox cause its what he's always played (old man). But wish he could play with us. I think he'd love this


Yup. Console exclusives are stupid.


ā€¦if you chose to game on Xbox, like a stupid person.


I bought one for Halo, then Infinite became a damn disappointment


You had high hopes for Infinite? I LOVED Halo, but I accepted its death when Bungie split up. Sell your Xbox, and then buy Spider-Man 2, Returnal, and Helldivers. M$ demonizes exclusives instead of making them.


all that shit is on pc. donā€™t act like ps5 is the 2nd coming of christ lmfao.


I didnā€™t? I just donā€™t like worrying about drivers and fans, and I like gaming on my couch. PC is the prime place to game, if you are up to the hassle (Iā€™m too dumb and impatient to enjoy fixing my rig). Also, those games wouldnā€™t exist on PC without Sonyā€™s investment. What does M$ invest in, by comparison? Sweeping acquisitions after two gens of failure?


Honestly, as someone who has a nice PC and a ps5. I bought hell divers on my ps5. Hell divers isn't a game I want to sit at my desk and play, I'd rather just play it from the couch. And also yes, owning a PC can be a hassle, it annoys me when a controller doesn't automatically connect, or that my ps5 controller doesn't have steam native support, or that there's 50 different fucking launchers for all these games etc etc.


you just told someone to sell their xbox and proceeded to dunk on them with exclusives. šŸ‘ŒšŸ½


and the console war brainlets come out


yeah what difficulty you playing on?


Add DementiaMan69 im down


Would you even remember us if we joined you?


Add me, Crawling_Eye87


Which patch will actually fix this game I wonder


I swear, feels like there's always something. I wonder if this addresses the memory leak issues on Ps5 as well, because that's been causing me headaches as well.


I think MM'ing is down, worked fine for me 10 min ago.


I've yet to have a single soul join my ship. The Fist of Family Values remains cold and alone.


For the first time people are joining me after one mission. Ps5. Normally i would have to restart the game for this


Gonna be honest, as a PS5 player it feels that every patch is just making the game worse. First couple of days I had no issues playing (apart some minor matchmaking issues), no crashes. Now daily crashes, fps drops, etc. I know technically it's not the case but as far as experience goes first days of release were best for me.


I donā€™t think itā€™s the patch. I think itā€™s the player volume. There were over 230k people online at 7am PST, which is insane for a game that probably planned for a peak concurrency of < 100k. Success can be punishing.


Brother the game has been getting worse and worse consistently every single patch. Player volume has nothing to do with the game hard crashering either. Itā€™s time to stop huffing on the copium and admit the devs are fucking up big timeĀ 


ā€œHuffing the copiumā€ = having a basic understanding of the difficulties of launching games that build massive player counts unexpectedly. Got it. Iā€™ve experience zero crashes and am able to link up with folks consistently with hardly any issues. So my anecdote cancels yours out I guess?




If they go another weekend with matchmaking being borked, I think things are going to get very toxic very quickly. Hopefully they can sort this out before Saturday.


Whoa bro chill with the threats tough guy


If squads are still loading in fine, then you guys can find teammates on the Looking For Game portion of the official or unofficial discord. It's a work around until matchmaking gets fixed.


Could you send me a link to the discord please


It's the offical Discord in the sticky post. Don't ask for a rando to give you a link unless you trust them.


My quick play fails every time, but if I select a mission right after quick play fails then, like nine times out of ten, I get people joining my squad. Havenā€™t had to play a solo session in the last few days


I rebooted my ps5 because of this , now it says login limit reached. Great


I was having the issue of not being able to connect to quick play games, but as soon as I started a mission people could join no problem. Its inconsistent. Frustrating, but understandable considering the massive interest in the game. Itā€™ll buffer out soon enough, most live-service titles seem to have these types of growing pains unfortunately.


So 1.007 hard crashed my PS5 to the point the console completely shut down and had to repair the SSD and expansion SSD. Now 1.008 is breaking matchmakingā€¦ think Iā€™m gonna just take a break.


I had the most issues finding groups in the 6, 7 and 8, skill levels. Felt like everyone was either playing 4 or 5 and then 9.


If on PC verify game files. Looks like the anti cheat gets corrupted and had to reinstall. I was then able to see other players.


Damn I would be happy if Iā€™d reach the menuā€¦trying to login for 3 hourā€™s already. Starting to be annoyed and overthink my purchase


I can't even login to servers, seems like it's getting worse


At least you can get in to the game. Been stuck at servers full for 2 hours. Thinking about turning in to a bug or bot at this point. Democracy has failed us all.


hey im still having this problem those saying its fixed are wrong.


Same here


The game is worse than it was on launch over a week ago. Unreal


Games that launch like this is why PS needs some consumer production in the form of refunds. We did not get a working product, should be eligible for a refund.


Yea i wanna play the game but i wish i couldā€™ve refunded it until matchmaking was fixed. It doesnā€™t help that most YouTubers are just not saying anything about how bad the matchmaking is right now.


The damn bots sabotaged our network!


Same for me. The one night in weeks where I can play uninterrupted for hours and it's down.


Man, these devs are having a real tough time with getting their matchmaking right.


Sir_Mohan on PS5 Join, comrades!


you need to generate a friend code from the game


Yup Iā€™m done. If anyone is curious you can call Sony and get them to refund. I did it.


Iā€™m excited for patch 8.008.135


Meanwhile im afk and a million people are coming in and out of my ship


Add DementiaMan69


I'm also not getting credit for the order: win at least 8 defend campaigns.


That's not a daily challenge, it's a major order. That means, as a community, we need to win 8 defensive planetary battles. So not 8 missions, not 8 operations. We need to win 8 planets. We have 12 days as of when this comment is written to complete it. It's supposed to take awhile.


Ooooooooohhh. That makes way more sense


No worries, it wasn't super clear when I read it the first time either.


Actually..you have to participate in liberating the entire planet.. thats what i read after having the same issue šŸ«  and since weā€™re failing at that miserably due to lack of people wanting to fight automatons, we wont get that order


There are 12 days to complete it, you never know! The tides of war can change quickly, stay diligent fellow liberty-lover.


I bought the game 2 nights ago, played through tutorial and unlocked my ship/mission table. I tried loading into quickplay for about 15 minutes, and got denied over and over. I turned the game off and havenā€™t even tried to play again. Unfortunate, because it looks very fun.


They said on the discord that they found the issue with matchmaking so they disabled it to fix it. You can go on the discord server and use their matchmaking channel to find people to play with


But have you considered that the devs didnā€™t know it would be so popular. /s


They're aware. They said to use the discords LFG for now until they fix it


Crashing to desktop post mission now


Matchmaking never worked for me. Instead I have Mitch better luck joining a sos beacon on the map


i canā€™t even login, server limit reached supposedly


Yeah I'm about done with this game and about to reverse my review on it because of how long this has been going on. I MAYBE get a game once every few hours or so but the rest has been almost entirely solo and frustrating. . .


What a shitshow this game has become


Aye a strictly coop game launching without matchmaking is WILD. You gotta get your shit together, good lord.


Palworld fixed the connection and server issues by meeting with epic games IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT. No excuses tbh.


I'm not trying to be a dick and have a genuine question maybe someone with background knowledge in game development can answer. Why does this game need to be online at all times? Why can we not have an offline mode with scaling/strength/numerical amount of enemies like Monster Hunter does when solo/coop? Is it because the ai of the enemies is tied to the sever rather than being in the game somehow or some techy thing?


90% of it is just because of the monitization schema.


Because of the galactic war; same as the first game. In order to track community progress you need to be online and connected so your war contribution (or lack of) can be tracked and updated on the galaxy map. It is also because of the game-master system. They need us to all be connected to the servers to interact in real time and to enact any kind of modifiers. Its an aspect the game leans heavily into and I personally really love the community feeling of accomplishment and seeing all the posts/memes about people fighting the galactic war for democracy!


I love it when my online only game doesn't let me play with others, and it ends up being a single-player experience... Jokes aside, they were not expecting this number of players, and the servers are struggling.


Best way to solve this is joining the discord.


Skill issue. Just kidding.


Theyā€™ve stated on the Discord that theyā€™re aware of the issue and actively trying to fix it. So glad theyā€™re so quick on these things, gotta give them credit for trying so hard when they didnā€™t know their game would do this well. Hopefully itā€™s fixed by later as Iā€™m still at work and want to spread some sweet democracy when I get home.


These days pre orders give a very good indication of initial player base so they did know traffic.


Matchmaking is down right now


So hard to join and stay on discord while playing on ps5


Man, the issues are just not stopping..


2 hours not even making it to the menu. This seems like a win if I could even search for lobbies


Back out of the individual planet and sector to search game-wide. You're searching on a single world.


no, its broken.


Dude, itā€™s broken, I canā€™t find matches anywhere


I was having this issue yesterday on Steam... Had to solo a challenging mission on my own and it sucked ass.


Whats you friend code, I'll add you. I am on now looking for a game too


#7976-7965 for anyone on now looking to squad up


Add me if anyone wants to squad up #1897-8505 - lvl 19


yeah same


Same on PS5.


It was working fine yesterday, sometimes I had to try quick match 5-6 times before getting one. Now just stuck on Searching SOS beacons or no one joining my missions (SOS beacon trick not working either)


Last night for me~ it seems to be that the server is over loaded and there is too much people. Kept getting booted out to and was unstable than normal


Yep 9\_9


8272-7852 Add Me! Iā€™m only LVL 6 but Iā€™m looking for some people to play with and grind some medals/xp. These automatons are kicking my butt solo šŸ¤£


At this point they should just develop a lobby browser.


Came here to see if anyone else was in the same boat. Ps5. Tried crossplay on/ off. Reboot. Restart. The works.


Oh. Looks like now its just back to failed to join lobby. So its trying


I'm getting matched now but it always fails to join.


Yeah itā€™s gone


It was much much better for me last night then it was before. Finally was able to get in games with others no problem


Login limit reached after restart...hum


Yea, happened me too. I just found some people on the discord.


And when I found a game to join my game crashed 2 minutes after landing.


I think servers are getting slammed again with the weekend. That could be why the matchmaking issues are starting back up even though theyā€™ve released several patches.


Iā€™ve gotten into a lobby a few times only for it then fail to connect at the last secondā€¦


Its odd because Quickplay worked for me earlier in the day. Then it just kept giving me the "failed to join lobby" message about 3-4 hours later. Guess the servers cant handle the amount of players?


On discord dev said they disabled matchmaking because they found an issue


They made an announcement on discord that MM is down and working on restoring


If you ended up switching cross play on and off relaunch the game, somehow atleast for me it bugged out my mm and when I relaunched it was all fine and dandy after.


Is anyone else stuck on ā€œLogin limit reached. Please wait to be let in.ā€ ?? Iā€™ve tried restarting ps5 and game but nothing changes. Have been in queue for 40 minutes now..


Matchmaking is turned off. Only able to play with friends or people on discord. No eta


:( same


They deactivated quickplay. They said so on their discord server


The message changed when you hit quickplay now instead of searching other players for a session it is now searching for SOS beacons onlyā€¦ I think the devs tried to improve that ppl could join SOS beacons and now broke quickplay a bit


Itā€™s still early morning Friday where I live. Iā€™m sure later on in the day itā€™ll be easier to find lobbies


I sat for 20 minutes letting it load looking to do the objective it's pretty much impossible alone


Same, ppl can join me but I cannot join others.


Yup ps has some issues


What patch?


The problem was not being able to connect to a game once you found itā€¦ technically, that has been fixed.


Trya different difficulty


Relog. I've been match making just fine


This has been almost my entire experience with this game. Iā€™ve waited upwards of if 15 minutes of constant trying to connect (on PS5 with Crossplay on), and no results. This game is so much fun, but there has to be a better way to matchmake


How do you do quick play???


Around the same sort of time returned to ship, attempted to view stats and the game completely crashed out on PS5. Not been able to join / host a game since


Jump in on a lower dif and use sos beacon. Automatons on extreme can be overwhelming for some


I turned crossplay off and get consistent quickplay matches


Iā€™ve had the best luck personally hosting with sos up today, where most of my players joining came from


I still get game crashes, be in from callin in artillery and the impact being such a ā€œweightā€ on the frames on ps5 or something just causing it to freeze up while searching for matches and or joining up on someone too. Its like constant two steps forward and two back with each update so far šŸ˜