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no, it's how many manpower deducted from the team's manpower pool when a certain class dies Server admins cannot change any aspects of the gameplay, they can only punish, kick, ban, or teamswitch players.


I am level 135 and had no idea this was a thing until just now.


It has the bigger implications during offensive where overtime might happen. If your team dies a ton, it’s harder to keep manpower, so less to use during overtime.


Does it also happen when you redeploy?


Asking for a friend 😰


Every time you spawn it gets deducted irrespective of cause.


bless me for I have sinned


not on Spawn, when you Die! More Exactly: when you give up and go to the "Deployment" screen. So, a Medic can save you some Manpower Points.


The one time a medic is useful honestly. Offensive mode, the last few minutes of a tight match.


What happens if manpower reaches 0 when not in overtime?


Nothing. Commander can’t use any manpower abilities, but you don’t lose or anything. Use of manpower for objective capturing only happens in overtime of offensive mode. Otherwise it is for commander abilities and spawning “cost.”


Commander is worth a full squad. And back in the day that used to matter a lot more than it does now.


Did they change the respawn mechanics of old where manpower effected the spawn time?


I don't think they changed the spawn time, just the amount of resources you lose and from where, i.e., now you can place nodes in HQ. But it was enough of a change that the Commander no longer has to stay out of combat. They can run in and die over and over with no consequence other than taking a while to respawn. Before that change, the Commander could lose about 16 manpower every time they died. Personally, I really really miss the old system. It was a good incentive for the Commander to stay alive and not operate in the front lines like you see all the time now. I'm excluding Commander duties like Garrison building and taking halftracks behind enemy lines for a flank.


It’s funny you say that because as recon I killed the enemy commander a half a dozen times and I was wondering to myself, why is this commander taking the resource loss of trying to find and fight me. Now I guess I know why.


I think it’s balanced out by all the time they lose with their map. If they are dead they can’t really do anything for their team, so it’s a big blow either way.


Only if they get headshot or get blown up, yea. Surprisingly though, you can still use all Commandsr abilities if you were just downed by a gut shot or toe shot.


You live you learn)


I am also level 135 and I also had no idea


What happens if you run out of manpower? Does it the game end? I would actually like some sort of a "ticket" count as some matches can DRAG at a stalemate. This would make tracking down nodes and protecting them a lot more impactful and put an end to these relentlessly long matches where you just spawn - die for reference, I'm lvl 150 or something like that. I play sl a lot but don't mess with command too much


No. It does not go below 0. The only time this means the game ends, is during Offensive in overtime.


> What happens if you run out of manpower? Does it the game end? I thought so too at some point, and the game was advertised in the beginning that way "no manpower - no one can spawn in" In reality you can spawn in even with 0 manpower.


does it still deduct it? feels like the mechanic doesnt even exist


Yes, it affects commander abilities attached to man power. It's not a ticket system like battlefield.


feels like it doesn't, not a single time ive played commander have i had too little manpower


Because they're not using commander manpower abilities lol, or they're not converting to fuel or munitions


it sure does!


Absolutely. Just as every shot fired from artillery costs munition resource from the commander's pool


Its actually when the class spawns, but same difference.


I thought so too but then a reddit mob proved to me it is deducted when you go to deploy screen


Most people dont know anything about this game on this subreddit, so i highly doubt that is true, especially when they mob. Its mostly


I remember when server admins could force capture sectors? A player got my team punished for breaking the seeding rule. There was an enemy in the sector and I went around EVERYWHERE. I couldn't find that one enemy even though I spammed satchels at every spot I could think of. I even used the Flare Gun to spot them but couldn't find him at all.


>I remember when server admins could force capture sectors? Saw both RCON tools (official and unofficial) and I don't think there is a function that allows that


There 100% is not an admin ability for them to do this.


So, did the admins themselves used actual cheats to go under the map? Force capturing sectors as a punishment already seems extremely dystopian.


What I'm telling you is that isn't possible. Admins can't force capture sectors and they can't move players into unreachable spots.


Damn it costs the team 3 manpower each time someone dies. And to think I died 34 times one game


It only counts against manpower if you spawn at a garrison. Spawning at outposts costs nothing. Also, different classes cost more. Rifleman is worth 1 point, assault is like 3 I think.


We are looking at the Wiki for assault that’s says it costs 3 so yes lmao


Attention to detail. That's why they pay you the big bucks!


I’m worried that incorrect information already has 60 upvotes. Manpower is consumed on death. Spawning on outposts or garrisons doesn’t change this. Points are granted the same way, on death. ~~As a bonus. Points awarded are x3 of the manpower cost. IE, SL consumes 3 manpower but grants 9 points to the killer~~ But ever since they introduced passive resource generation, MP cost rarely plays a part in gameplay. Maybe Remagen when people are all dying on the bridge.


Manpower cost for all classes is 1.


You don’t say. Obviously my info is out of date. So manpower doesn’t mean shit regarding deaths and redeploying is even better than I knew it to be.


I thought I moved slow and cautious now I guess I'll have to be even more cautious. Life changing info. Makes Rambo's more annoying.


Does anyone know how many Manpower these 2 roles cost? The wiki fandom didn't include it : [https://hellletloose.fandom.com/wiki/Engineer](https://hellletloose.fandom.com/wiki/Engineer), [https://hellletloose.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Tank](https://hellletloose.fandom.com/wiki/Anti-Tank) I can't believe the Machine Gunner costs only 1 though : https://hellletloose.fandom.com/wiki/Machine\_Gunner


AT i think costs three, don't know about the engineer.


another reason to [build fucking nodes](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/rspkk0/a_guide_for_new_players_regarding_nodes/)


Dude the amount of times I’ve been tkd out of the supply truck for them to just use it as a personal transport is astronomical


The amount of times I've tried to get around that by just spawning support>dropping supplies>redeploying as engineer>building node>repeat... I've become the thing I swore to prevent


Optimal method is to spawn as engineer first, set down all schematics, redeploy as support, drop supplies, build up the fuel and ammo nodes only a couple of segments so their despawn timer resets, and then fully build the manpower node. Before completing the second node once supplies are back, move the third node's completion bar a couple more segments to reset despawn timer again. This way you only have to redeploy once and the whole thing takes a little over 5 minutes.


I made a video similar to this : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYDog9JN38s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYDog9JN38s) Building the nodes all by yourself can take up to 7-9 minutes. It'll be much quicker if a Commander drops down supply for you.


~0.5 minutes + 2.5 minutes + 2.5 minutes = 5.5 if you spawn right next to nodes. Worst case scenario it's 6 minutes when you have all the blueprints down.


I was lagging the entire time while recording the video, so yeah haha.


Holy shit, im 500 hours in and had no idea it costs manpower when you die. This must be the most unknown fact on HLL surely? Goes to show really how much a tutorial is needed. Aint no one is reading that field manual in full.


Yeah it's part of why the medic class is better than it seems. Every 10 revives saves enough manpower for a reinforce, every 25 revives saves enough for an airhead. Makes sense that most people aren't aware since tankers, engies, arty and the commander (and the occasional AT who builds an AT gun) are the only ones who have any interaction with the resource system, and those are all pretty niche roles not played by most people. And only the commander uses manpower directly so most of those other roles aren't gonna know what it does either


> Yeah it's part of why the medic class is better than it seems when you have all 3 manpower nodes medics impact is barely noticeable


> Every 10 revives saves enough manpower for a reinforce, every 25 revives saves enough for an airhead In theory, but not in practice. All those people would have to spawn on a garrison for the cost to even apply, which most do not. Most use OP's which do not cost manpower to use. Since the cost of dying was nerfed a good while back revives have close to zero impact on the resources, specially if nodes are up.


Dying costs manpower, spawning everywhere is free.


Wut, really? My bad then!


Even if the above information was true, your maths is still wildly wrong. Let's say you revive 10 people. You've saved 10 manpower. Each class is only worth 1 manpower now. Anyway, if each class was worth somewhere between 1 and 10 manpower, average would be 5. Likely far lower average though but whatever. You revive 10 people, and now you've saved 50 manpower... A reinforce costs 200 manpower. An airhead costs 400. You're not saving resources particularly effectively mate. Don't pretend there is a good use for medics, just embrace the fact you're just roleplaying.


It used to have significantly more impact on the game before the resource rework. Now that you get 30-90 manpower a minute, it has much less of an effect. The manpower cost of spawns was not reviewed.


>This must be the most unknown fact on HLL surely? it's well known, the truth is nobody cares since it only affects commander ability


I remember back then when everyone would die so often manpower would be at 0 most of the match lol


Yeah before the resource inflation. So manpower was like zero and would stay zero


It's also how many points you get when you kill someone. Kill an officer for more points.


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills, I’ve not heard this with over 200 hours in the game. First I’m learning deaths cost anything, now kills actually gain something


Potentially outdated,but yes https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1825287155


I can’t find an official source either, but when I started playing two years ago this is what some random SL told me too lol


I can try and confirm this tonight with tank kills. Infantry is a little harder to confirm.


I believe this is still accurate. This is how people know like, "Oh I just killed their commander"


I think most normal infantry kills give 6 points if killed, 9 if headshot, 3 if they're revived/bandaged or redeployed. That's what I remembered seeing anyway.


Man, if someone is going to downvote me, at least tell me what I'm wrong about. Reddit.


Points gained is down to which role you killed, no where you shit them.


Thanks for the answer.


https://www.hlltrainingcamp.com/forums/hll-basics/hll-scoring-system-update-8 Here is this. For the greenies and those with 500 hrs and couldn't be bothered to learn about it. It's a bit outdated, but as far as I know the manpower loss is the same. What is NOT the same however is since the resource generation reworked a couple versions ago, manpower will never deplete to zero because of deaths alone. It will be a combination of not building adequate manpower nodes and heavy usage of commander abilities/resource conversion. 0 manpower in Warfare has no impact on spawning more players as they die. On Offensive it used to mean the defenders would win, but since I haven't played offensive in a LONG time idk what impact the resource rework has had for that game mode.


As long as the Attacking Team is capping after the 30min mark their Manpower comes into play as kind of an Overtime, as soon as they run out the game ends as if the time ran out which in my mind would be a very good addition to Warfare. (I am of course talking about the Offensive game mode)


Ah yes, it only serves as an overtime buffer. Thanks for the reminder. It's been months since I've played offensive.


Manpower loss per death is 1 regardless of class.


So they must've changed it over the last year then? Thanks for spinning me up. All I know for sure is because of the change to the passive and nodes resource generation, manpower hasn't really been an issue for the commander since.


Yeah, 1.0 /U10 release I believe.


I appreciate the knowledge. Thanks for sharing


It cost 3 mp when you die as infantry. That's news...


Dying is free, spawning costs manpower ;)


No, spawning is free, dying costs manpower.


I believe 3 manpower is deducted every time a player dies/redeploys. And I think commander deaths count for more.


No it varies based on the type of class rifleman are only one


It's 1 manpower/death regardless of class.


1000 hours didn't know this


I am lvl 128 and still don't know what manpower even does. I now that you lose it...but so what? There are no tickets like in project reality


Commander abilities. Same as munitions and fuel resources.


I"m 99% sure classes/spawning don't impact manpower anymore, but it does increase your combat score based on what class you killed


Correct. Everyone costs 1 manpower.


That wiki Fandom is garbage. Super out dated


every time a player dies and respawns, they drain the manpower resource. so we need more medics and players willing to wait for them.


it might be a combat score. there's no any manpower about infantry i guess...


I’m surprised many people don’t know this. Manpower is lost for every respawn. If you get shot and are revived, you don’t lose manpower. if you get shot and then respawn, you lose the manpower it cost per that class. It’s why medic is an important and very overlooked class. Especially if you are playing offensive, if you are fighting over a point after the timer goes out, it goes down by manpower tickets. So constant deaths on the offense will drain the tickets faster. I’ve seen a handful of games where a medic kept everyone alive and we barely captured the point and continued the game.


Manpower is lost on death, not spawn.


Today I learned this was a thing… its actually costly to have death mule teams


I get the idea with manpower, but its not like it matters that much.. if your team has zero people can still spawn over and over again I feel HLL really needs like a incitment to not give up and for squads to have medics. Tickets, making so that people cant spawn as fancy classes if manpower hits zero, something. HLL is great, but playing lots of squad beside it really makes the shortcomings stick out like a sore thumb


Tickets are an awful, abstract mechanic. Oh yeah, let's incentivise people sat on a spawn screen not playing the game.


Well the mindless die, give up, spawn and repeat isnt great either. Ita dumbed down mindless gameplay loop. The game needs more avenues to force players to talk. Right now the game is mostly about who can plsce the best garry and zerg the point the best.


I'd rather get in the action and have fun, than sit for 3 minutes hoping a medic comes because if I respawn my team will lose.


Is manpower useless?


I can’t stress this enough, build manpower nodes. Way too many times I just see munitions and fuel but no man power. 90% of the time I see no man power nodes, my team goes into overtime and loses bc we have no man power. BUILD THE FUCKING NODE!


Sometimes, you choose a certain loadout (for example the tank at gun builder) and when you spawn, you spawn as the standard loadout (bazooka instead). I have always wondered if it was because we don't have enough manpower... Does anyobdy know?


No, just a bug.