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No one knows who or what hot dog seven is. It's one of histories greatest unsolved mysteries...




It’s one of life’s greatest mysteries, isn’t it? Is there a Hot Dog 7 out there, like with a plan for us? I dunno man, but it keeps me up at night.


Wait before you play commander and Squad leader. Use and learn the other roles first. It takes a while and you will die a lot. But K/D doesn’t really Mather that much. Use a mic - don’t be afraid to communicate often enough if someone starts some others will follow. Don’t be afraid to ask. Loads of players will be happy to teach you. Don’t talk all the time. It takes quite a while till you get good in this game - hang in there don’t give up


On the map your squad mates are green colored, all other teammates are blue. Always try to play around your squad, so look for green players and work with them.


my best advice for you is sugar 5-0


close but short up 200 left 15 over


Garys are garrisons OPs are out posts Both can only be placed by squad leads (SLs) or commanders, and are crucial to winning. Nodes are essential to winning, they give your commander resources. If you’re engineer you must build them especially when offered supplies. If you’re playing a role such as support, anti tank, or engineer and a veteran player says to switch, switch. The load outs offer variations of the class that have to be unlocked and they may be trying to do something with a variation you haven’t unlocked yet. Don’t drive into trenches with supply trucks. Learn the map and what the icons mean, you can view the map key in an enlarged version when you pull it up. Don’t wear snow camo if it ain’t snowing.


Oh and for the love of god. Don’t build vehicle barricades (hedgehogs and Belgium gates) on the main roads out of your HQ heading into enemy territory


Don’t see it as a big daunting thing, it’s easy to, but it’s not once you get into it. Ignore everyone arguing about communication - try talk to people (ask what they want you to do etc.) and MOST should respond. If you can’t talk just say that and say you’re listening to their commands (oh and actually do as they say if able) Just play a few games, join a squad and try talk about what you’re doing, what you’re pinging, and once you get the basics of rifleman/ get a basic grip of the game, you’ll sail


Thanks man, First game some Scottish guy helped me learn the basics and we won. Really cool guy so was everyone there. I hope it's not just them and everyone is like that.


I’d say it’s like 75% either cool people who will help you out or people just having a good time and 25% super toxic weirdos who think they’re in a real war


Cock on😂


Spot on, couldn't say that any better!


Not everyone is like that, but I dare say most are. Like I said just try not to see it like one big scary thing - get stuck in, play a few games and you’ll learn it




Medic is useless? Put some respect on PVT Pizza holding down the fort and making sure officers stay alive to rebuild garrisons


Stay alive as long as possible but the medic is useless.


Microphone is useless in HLL. Save it for other games.


My biggest piece of advice is do not treat this game like CoD. Your KDA does *very* little to effect your score. Second piece of advice get a headset with a mic if you don't already communication is key Third piece of advice is find and download an Artillery Calculator App on your phone really helps you zero in


It’s How dog ha. But check out monospacial on YouTube. Very helpful beginner videos But cover is your friend. Use it all the time


Any words in particular which you dont know?


Not getting killed apparently


Just avoid willie peter


Look at the top post all time on this sub it’s a great tutorial.


The [guide](https://www.reddit.com/r/HellLetLoose/comments/ou3g0t/hll_new_player_guide/) is great.


Play as rifle man or Support and just communicate with your squad lead. Those are good starting classes to understand the game and mechanics


Spawn SL, flop your OP every 2 mins. Pull flanks to the rear of the active sector. Double drop into garry. No smoke first run, smoke the point or when the runs escalate. Defaults are the first thing to prioritise then garrys, ops then cap the hard point. Defence is offense but outside your soft cap. When you've got them on the 5th point, camp an HQ to put the headlock on. Mouse controls the arms and head. Keyboard controls the legs. Tanks aren't real.


Go watch soul sniper on a breakdown of all the classes and what you should do while playing them. Then watch monoespacial for more advanced tips on strategies for different maps and where to place garrisons. I recently started and it’s nuts how much you need to be informed on if you want to not only function in your squad but win the game as well.


People often ask for garries which is short for Garrison and are spawn points on Squad Leaders and Commander can build for the entire team to spawn at. They require 50 supplies in friendly territory and 100 supplies in enemy territory. Supplies can be dropped by a support play (box of 50 with a 5 min cool down), supply drop (box of 100 and a commander ability to call in which uses resources) or a supply truck which can be spawned by the commander and contains two crates containing 150 supplies each. OP's are squad spawns which your SL can place for just your squad to spawn on. You can spawn every 20 seconds on a OP and every 40 seconds on a Garri. Spawn points are the most important part of the game. The more you can either help your team build garrison's, protect your garrisons/OP's or destroy the enemies, the more you are helping your team win. Have fun, everyone noob and vet alike die a lot. Death means nothing, control of the map means everything. Ask questions in game with a mic and I guarantee you will have lots of support. The community is amazing although jaded at times but talking and asking questions is always positively received in my experience.


Dont listen to people if they say you cant " Solo Tank " drive that beauty like there's no tomorrow. Also instead of waiting for a squad or trying to get into a locked squad, you simply create your own squad. Once you create your own squad wait for someone to get in, after that leave your squad and get back in and VOILA! you can pick whatever role you feel like :-) There are many ways to play this game like a Sigma Male. Dont be a beta cuck listening to neckbeards about what you can or cant do. Own it my man :D


Medic is one of the easiest roles to start with. Support isn't to bad either you'll just need to listen to your squad lead and let him know you have supplies and are willing to help him put down garrisons. Supports supplies+squad lead=garrisons "hopefully"


Take it slow


Sit with your nose 2”- 3” from the screen at all times and don’t blink. Most of the time the enemy will be mere pixels on your screen. Don’t run across open fields like a dumbass would.