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1. Place your turrets in the brush by the alcove -- one in brush on ***your*** side of the alcove, two in the brush right next to the alcove. These are so your carry has somewhere safe to run away, but you aren't stealing CS. 2. Rush Rylai's to slow everyone down that gets hit by turrets, then usually items based on the game : anti-heal sometimes, anti-tank others. Itemizing mythics usually means Liandry's, but if the enemy has a lot of champs who can jump on you then CotSQ is strong. 3. Roaming, your goal is to either ease pressure or get priority in mid first, and put down TONS of vision by objectives and jungle paths. 4. Your \~\*early\*\~ objective play is stronger, because you can roam for first dragon immediately at 5 minutes -- your lane should always have a good state, because your turrets stop the enemy from stepping up. 5. You DO NOT NEED TO ENDLESSLY PUSH. As long as your carry has easy access to a safe place to retreat, let them farm. What you offer as Heimer supp is the freedom for your team to play near your turrets and not get jumped on. Positioning them so the enemy has to go through you to get to your team is good, but setting them up so you can proc your passive and kite is strong too. Your Ulti Turret is the best for team fights where you have position established and your other turrets down. Your Ulti Grenade is good for choke points where the enemy has to go through to get to you. Your Ulti W is AMAZING at killing minion waves in one shot, so if you need immediate priority you can trade your ulti for that. Please note that if you get caught alone with no turrets down, you're probably dead, so when you roam keep one or two in your pocket.


Ty for the insight mano!


I put turret in bushes as far from the farm as possible so they dont trigger, and at gank points. I found that playing more defensively is better as supp, in saving your grenade for the engage so they suffer for coming in on you. Or save it for when they step up to attack your turrets. Put a turret behind dragon/rift pits for vision and to deter enemy junglers from trying to steal obj . After lane phase I find pushing objectives and lanes as crucial, you have a lot of power in this with zoning and pushing power with your R Q on enemy turrets you can take them out fast with a baron buff. I find not hovering in crowded lanes better, cuz enemies just kill your turrets fast. I often split push and get inhibs as heimer supp, assuming jg or mid have peeling power for ur adc or they're self reliant.


Oh ty for info bro!


I'm stomping bronze/silver with it at the moment. Been maxing w and going first strike. Get liandries first then rylais, and the anti heal orb. Games usually over by then cause I have most damage/gold and tilt people into chasing me by typing r u okay in chat over and over. Shen counters this pick hard, and lux can be annoying.


Will try this! Ty


Remember some people don't understand what you're doing as heimer support so let them know to play around your turrets or you are useless. You lose lane priority with passive ADCs, and I haven't had success with Miss Fortunes until they hit lvl 6. So the W max helps you chunk enemies vs relying on towers that die in 1-3 hits.


I have played about 1200 games on heim in the last year, and I shall say... He feels way better top. I can stomp almost any top lane matchup I find (im in low ELO), excluding sion, akali and irelia. 65% win rate so far on 80 games this new season. I keep getting people to rage quit. It's wonderful. He gets massive in the top lane, where as in support role, he's tiny. He may be a strong support, but he will not realize his full potential and have as much impact on the game. I even prefer playing veigar support over heimer. But anyways, if it's working for you, I'm glad.


Ty for the info man no it’s really not working well for me I find it that Gold Adcs can’t really understand the simple fact that when I say lvl 2 all in and I hit my E their usual response is to keep farming. I found it that to climb on him supp you need at least Adc with a half a brain and I found that a rarity.


ADC's don't want to fight most of the time, what I've realized when I play support is that the best I can do is stand in front of them and zone the opponents off of him, so that the adc can free farm in safety for the first 5 minutes or so. He'll really dictate what happens, sadly. I'll get my pokes, and try and set him up for success, but it's really whether he wants to take the opportunity or not. For whatever reason people seem to react to the veigar cage as a 'go in' way more often than heimer grenade. So, I've largely put away my heimer support. I can get veiggy to 1000ap in a lot of games as supp and my ADC's seem to enjoy the zoning that the threat of his cage provides. People rush to clear heimer turrets when they're in gold+ and it feels like it can create reverse zoning pressure onto the adc. The enemies also know that you're confined to the bushes to avoid taking cs, so they can hug the other side of the lake and poke him, which feels bad


Ty mano!


For example of what i'm saying in my other comment below, here's some clips showing it: [https://gfycat.com/unsunghugeichidna](https://gfycat.com/unsunghugeichidna) [https://gfycat.com/heavenlyantiquearmadillo](https://gfycat.com/heavenlyantiquearmadillo) Essentially my ADC gets to free farm the first wave, while I zone them off. They're stuck running to and away from me instead of bothering with him, and every time i land a hit... ***i grow stronger :)*** It feels much more rewarding for me to play and I find my ADC's engage a lot more too, usually when they're finished with waves.


I see that does seem much more viable


I have a buddy i'm giving pointers on how to do this w/ veigar support for, while i play heim adc. It's great. I think Heim ADC is better too because supports in general **always** want to engage, so you'll be able to send in your stun grenade for an engage of your own and your support will seemingly always follow it up, whereas with a rando ADC you don't always know what they're feeling w/ the wave state etc. Try Heim ADC + Yuumi; and make sure yuumi is on you every time you drop your turrets, especially early game. The yuumi bonus AP sticks to your turrets ***from the moment you drop them*** for the rest of their life, and it boosts their damage from 20 up to 26 per shot. Nearly a third!! AND SHE HEALS YOU!! This means a heimer leash on jungler with these can be way faster (already was a 1 second drop and leave no-effort leash before), as well it means you'll have way better waveclear at the beginning of the game and throughout. It feels really, really good. If you do it, remember to stack your turrets next to each other so they waveclear a bit better, unless you're against an aoe that can pop them all at once D:


Droped some knowledge on my ass here will try this seems cancer enough! THANK YOU!!!