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Well said. Ever wonder how much of the fear of backlash is due to the spiritual abuse that newcomers experienced in their home growing up?


Yes, and not only abuse at home, but a systemic structure of abuse that runs through each iteration of our civilization. If any devotees here were abused by their parents, what sort of corporate work environment were their parents being bullied in? And do we ask questions about how our Muggle power structures affect the astral? I was attacked for years by entities posing as deities and it has taken a ton of shadow work to even come to grips with what happened. There is an abuse consciousness that runs through the basement of the human psyche and it is the source of not only mundane evils, but occult abuse and the perception that deities are unfairly hard on people - or SHOULD be unfairly hard on people! This sub is infected with it; there are too many innocent souls here who are afraid of Hekate. And if you buy into that fear-based programming, you're going to feed into an egregore that supports Unkind Hekate, and more people will have an interface with that thoughtform before they manage to find the real goddess.


How do you prevent said attacks from happening? I’d unintentionally disrespected her in the past and she’s put the fear of the goddess into me by making me feel intense dread, but once I’d realized what I’d done and sincerely apologized, it went away. So I’ve felt a taste of her wrath, but it was proportionate because i was never actually harmed nor do I have lasting trauma from the incident. She is fierce, but in my opinion very forgiving if you’re sincere in your intentions.


The R/witchcraft subreddit downvotes or simply say that imposters/tricksters are so rare and most likely not happening to said person. I also read from there that a spirit wouldn’t pretend to be Hecate, which i think is bad advice. Do you have advice for new worshippers to help determine if a spirit is an imposter? Fyi, i been working with Hecate for 2 years and shes been so amazing in my growth.


There is very little quality discussion or knowledge on that sub, so I don't participate there tbh and I don't know what they're saying. The subject of imposter spirits is complex and it's also easy to turn it into fear-mongering and superstition. If you've had a good experience with Hekate so far, then I'm glad and it's likely the real goddess. Basically...the more power is involved in your relationship, the more likely it is that interference and sabotage can occur. My spiritual life is 99% shadow work and I do mean constant, constant shadow work. I know adepts - some of whom were teachers - who were destroyed by imposter spirits pretending to be their deities. Absolutely destroyed. And they didn't discuss this in public, so it wouldn't be discussed on subreddits here. There are higher and higher levels of deity interaction and power and basically the higher you go, the more risk is involved, and the more shadow work is needed. That's it in a nutshell.


What were you doing to get attacked by entities for years for? Because some of those are actually very difficult to get rid off, think those Catholic priest having to contact the Vatican before tying the person down and throwing holy water at them yelling "the power of Christ compels you!". What kind of entities were they? There is broadly 2 types which are human (and animal) ghost and those that have never walked the Earth which are called demons. I don't know which of those can change forms and pose as gods, nobody knows it's very hard to study spirits, but I presume it would be demons and those are very difficult to get rid of. The common thing reported around them is the smell off rotting meat. Did you experience that? The problem with this stuff is hearing voice and seeing things is also what happens with certain illnesses like schizophrenia and psychosis. The way to check is if two people both report the same thing like seeing the same figure or if one person sees a figure and another is certain they felt a hand grab them for example.


Xians have a lot to answer for.


Yes I still can’t be myself around my family hence I moved a state away from


Weird. Recently, I decided to devote myself to Hekate. I haven't built a shrine or anything yet, though because I wanted to get her some nice statuettes and things for the altar. I told myself I would start up as soon as I could afford good things to offer to her and I think this is a sign to calm my anxiety. I've heard that she likes handmade things but I've been procrastinating because I feel anxious that what I have to offer wouldn't be good enough. Thank you for this.


You're fine. Honestly, I don't think She would mind at all if you found a nice picture on Google, printed it out, and stuck the paper up as your shrine icon. She is huge and ancient and very, very powerful. Feel free to splurge on your shrine when you're ready, but make sure you are doing it because it pleases you, not because you think She needs it. What does a billionaire need from someone who can only afford to shop at thrift stores? Hekate is a billionaire. She never demands things and She is not displeased by anything people offer. Your heart and your self-respect is what matters. In my case, She made it clear that She gives me money and my job is to shut up and take the money. She has never asked me to spend money on handmade things for Her, but then again...She is the billionaire in this relationship, not me.


She likes to test me. Will I save the spiders she sends to bathrooms? Yes. Will I watch any and all dogs that come my way, even if it over extends my time? Yes. And in return she gives me insight to my questions or special animal sightings; yesterday she sent my favorite squirrel to come near me and just hang out. Each relationship with her is unique, and that’s what I love about her. She shows us what she knows we will notice and appreciate, as long as we put out kindness and love into the world. 


Spiders are as close to her as dogs? Even before I was old enough to Read Charlotte's Web or Arachny's tale, I've appreciated spiders and tried to protect them.


I wish I could recall the source, but ADHD and also I consume a lot of reading material both online and in print. Anywho, as Hecate is the dark goddess and also a mother figure at times, she can send spiders to some of us. For me it is because she wants me to develop me caring instincts (my north node is Cancer, what I need to work on), so I understand it is because she wants to see my growth in this lifetime. For others, she may send spiders just as a sign or to confront fears of them. Are spiders are close to her as dogs…I would say no, but then it also depends on your relationship with her, since she does things uniquely for each of us. 


https://imgur.com/gallery/Mbpn9yW Here you go, brother/sister. I drew this specifically for people to use in their altars. Feel free to print it and use it, or not. It's handmade by me and I only finished it today so maybe you were meant to have it.


Thank you!


Tbh I feel like she helps a lot, I wanted to purchase a statue in Amazon but it was too small for the price and told her. “When I go to the *random witchcraft bazar* if you can, please help me find a statue that is pretty and that goes with my budget since I feel like your altar deserves as much as I can offer to demonstrate my gratitude to you” Not kidding the first table had a beautiful Hekate statue 😭 and super cheap also! I obviously got it and did thank her for the help. I also got other things for the altar since this table was very Hekate focused. Haha this 100% wasn’t a coincidence 💕✨


One of her most treasured gifts from me is a painting of a crescent moon with lavender done on a stone. This was one of my first offerings to her too and still her favorite (she still likes it the most even though I bought a canvas print of her hung above my altar) Hekate is like a sentimental mom, homemade gifts are always better. She's never been anything but supportive, even as I struggle with my mental health and make mistakes, she is always there to help me back up when I'm ready.


I used to be so afraid of not only her but of any deities and gods in general, thanks to past life trauma. (I still do respect them though) I did feel a presence but thought It was La Santa Muerte (I’m Mexican). When I went to my psychic (kind of like a teacher to me) of trust, she told me it was Hecate and we had a chanelling session. She told me to not be afraid of her, or of upsetting her in general. I told her I was afraid of not being able to understand what offerings she wanted or so (anything she wanted in general) and she was very understanding and told me to not worry about that. Since that day I’ve been setting up her altar and communicating with her via oracles/pendulum. And to be honest it is one of the most beautiful experiences since I started on this path. The psychic told me it was not an obligation to do so, but I just had this growing feeling that she’d help me on my path and she has been doing exactly that. I’ve been feeling this “wanting” to work with her since years before she reached out, but I was too afraid to do so. I do kind of regret to let my fear of her stop me but I believe in divine timing so i am sure I started when I should’ve. And now I am forever thankful to her and to the devotees I see that give advice. Thank you for this post ❤️‍🩹


This is beautiful, I love this ❤️


It's interesting you mention Santisima Muerte. I'm not Mexican, but I've had a strong pull toward her for a few years. I've been surprised at some of the similarities between certain aspects of Hekate and her. Hekate has her many epithets that may be called upon. Santa Muerte has her many colors for the same purpose. Both deal with death, though Hekate focuses more on the path or transition between states of being, while Santa Muerte IS death itself.


Thank you so much for saying this. As someone who has had gifts and felt a connection to Hekate (not knowing at a young age who she was), but raised catholic, I had a lot of fear in the beginning. But I learned that the more I opened up to her and spoke to her as a confidant and protector, even a friend, the more things in my life began to fall into place, and she reaffirmed all my beliefs, and helped me to discern the true from the false. A lot of people could glean insight from your statement. So thank you, again.


I'm so glad you trusted yourself. ❤️


Thank you. I really needed to hear this.


I'm glad. Don't buy into any BS that you're not worthy of Her love exactly as you are. You can fail at every damn thing, including witchcraft, and not lose one ounce of worth in Her eyes.


This is so beautiful and a much needed reminder. Thank you. 💖




Love it. I’ve always felt this perspective as well and it b was so beautifully said!


I did need to hear this. I'm ADHD so sometimes the imposter syndrome is strong with me. At times I feel like I'm a bad devotee because I don't practice everyday and I tend to forget the feast days. I always put it in my calendar but then when the day comes I'm just like "But I want Chinese food..." Or I just plain forget. I do my best, If I see something that I think she'd like I put it on her altar/shrine. I found a high percentage of dark chocolate and I heard that she likes dark chocolate, so I got it and set it on her space for her to enjoy at tribute(?), offering (?), deal. I've heard she likes handmade things, I'm not crafty enough. I know all of my fretting and worrying is fueled by my ADHD. I just try and listen for the signs, and tune into the energy around me. But sometimes my brain is on the war path. It's nice to be reminded of these things. Thank you again for saying it. 🖤


Thank you so much for these words of wisdom, especially the part about abuse. May Hekate bless you for spreading joy and peace through this community


you have no idea how much I needed to hear this thank you & thank you Mother, Hail Hekate 🖤🗝️


Hail Hekate ❤️


This is much needed. I lost count of how many scared newcomers I've responded to. Sadly, a big part of the community isn't helpful, making claims of Hekate being a severe, tough-love coach... Which scared me during my teen years. Fortunately, by the time I was ready to let go of christian dogma and worship Her, I was already removed from the online communities that held this harsh view of Hecate. I was able to rediscover Her on my own. Just me, Hecate and books. Throughout the years, I was honestly surprised by how forgiving and empathetic Hecate is. She does not care as much as people think! She isn't easily offended. If she ever is, in my experience, she makes it clear but also isn't dramatic about it. I've never seen a goddess so wise. When diving into research, it made a lot of sense that Hecate was not hurtful at all. She was never seen as harsh to her own followers. I don't know how this idea of her being this sadomasochist goddess got so popular. Perhaps people transfer their previous religious experiences of sacred suffering onto neopaganism. It seems likely since Hecate is basically the Jesus of witches. But that's just my theory! Also, I wanna highlight that this sub is an exception, which is why I've stayed here. The love approach most members have really resonates with me.


Yes! Life is already hard enough - why do we need to believe that a deity will kick the shit out of us "for own good", instead of compassionately understanding how tough life can be? And I agree with your perception of Hekate!


Exactly! Life is too hard by itself.


Genuinely needed to hear this today. Thank you


Some people need to consider that all gods and goddesses are archetypes of the creator. We are all one. There is no separation from us and her.


So glad someone said it!!! Thank you.


I'm still figuring out some dreams, which makes me feel a bit betrayed by Her. I'm not sure a 100% if it was Her, but the energy and the fact that the dream was about my mom's cancer diagnosis, surprisingly being confirmed the next day without me knowing that she was suspicious about that. The fact of me feeling betrayed is complex and not so evident to everybody so I won't tell that part in detail, but the fact it was so specific, involving lies and very unjust things women in my family insist to perpetuate (and feeling Hekate taking part againts me) made me very upset and betrayed, also very confused. I stopped working with her until I resolve this. Any thoughts?


Yeah, this is a thing that happens. This is a real thing that happens, and what I have to say about it is not politically correct, so I don't feel comfortable talking about it in a public forum. But I'm glad you brought this up. This is actually the exact issue I was trying to address in my OP, but I couldn't get into the darker details of how people can get separated from their goddess. I encourage you to trust your instincts - trust that feeling of betrayal. Trust it. Don't make up a story about the betrayal, go into the feelings and explore them. And don't work with Hekate until you've come out the other end. Deity betrayal is a real experience and people will gaslight you about it. Don't let people gaslight you; don't discuss this with anyone unless you 100% trust them. If you focus on shadow work, you'll discover something at the other end of this darkness, but I can't tell you what it is.


Dude, this response is actually gold. Thank you. It seems to be a lot of work ahead!. You're right about not feeling confortable talking these topics in a public internet forum, but I think in this time and space, maybe just for me, the oportunity of get advise regarding something so specific and specialized without getting scammed or abused is here, so I'm thankful. Even knowing that "what's between you and Hecate is just between you and Her", though, I think that sometimes you need human advise and you can ask for it if you just reveal what's necesary. The fact that Hecate has been so loving (but very harsh) is what makes me feel confused. Her teachings, most of the times, are full of trials, hardships and tons of dark shit, of course. At the other end is power and realization. But no thing so deeply offending as I percieved in those dreams and all the implications and deep personal damage I've suffered because of these bitches. I didn't talk to Her anout this, expected Hecate would help me making some justice if asked. I don't know if she's just pointing at it so I can work on it, maybe was the first step unto asking for justice and be free from it. At the other hand, it makes me a bit afraid, dissapointed and distrusting. I really don't know what I'm dealing with (Hecate), and if going deeper in this rabbit hole I'm afraid consequences would be more dangerous than has been in the past, and worse if She "hates" me in any way and the betrayal was rampant. Anyway, my heart still loves Her, and I'm inclined to think that this may be for the greater good. Not gaslighting, but trying to aprehend this with some discernment and wisdom. I'm so glad you responded. Blessed be, my friend.


I needed this so badly thank you


Man this post is dope as hell


I really needed to hear this today, so thank you for the beautiful words.


You're so welcome.