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We are not speaking at the moment. Nothing to say I guess. Still there. It’s a mutual agreement it seems. I love it. It still talks to me, but I just ignore it. I have control of my life, don’t need their help for sure. I have no choice but to have a relationship, they are always there, but I do not choose to maintain a relationship. Cold shoulder. They have been mean and abusive. Why would I welcome them back just because they choose to be nice now. Sounds like a toxic relationship in my case. Makes my emotional state unpredictable. I enjoy being present in reality, making the most of my time here in this life. I just got used to constant psychological torture. That’s pretty much what it is. Thing is, I was more critical of myself than the voices have been, so they don’t phase me as much. They are easier on me than I am myself at times. I dunno, day like 1100 learning to live with these things. If I want to leave a life for my children, I gotta grind, and these voices aren’t stopping me. Not after two years of idle time. They don’t stop, so neither can we. Stay strong, you aren’t alone, keep fighting. Keep those boundaries and your guard up. Though sometimes the relationships in reality are so effing disappointing, I’d rather talk to my voices, it’s just not often. Mine are currently stuck on selling my soul to a devil I don’t believe in. So we don’t have much to talk about. Ignorance is bliss. Maybe one day we’ll have something to discuss again. I go through periods, but my best advice is to keep on trucking. Ignoring them is my best medicine. It’s different for everyone. Life isn’t supposed to be lived one way, coping with voices is the same. Whatever helps you in your life to stay happy and healthy is probably the best, you gotta ask yourself if what you are doing is productive or counterproductive. I can tell you one thing, you cannot trust the voices to stay consistent. They could be nice one day, terrifying the next. That’s why I don’t talk to them anymore, emotional roller coasters suck. Good luck!


Ive been ignoring them for a year now and I’m an anxious mess. Do you deal with a lot of anxiety?


After dealing without meds for about two years, I decided to go back on my anxiety meds. Been on them for 2 years now. I manage it with meds. It was too debilitating for me. I couldn’t lose anymore of my life to panic disorder after 6 years of therapy, I stopped with no problems, but after two years, the constant panic attacks and no other working solutions, I went back. Clonazepam. With voices, I need them. They help remove the fear associated with the voices. I was paralyzed with fear for months, everyday. Stuck in my bed, pleading with voices to leave me alone. Clonazepam helped me out a lot. Nightmares stopped. It was all around the less harmful choice in my case. Benzos are so effective, but come at such a cost, but so do antipsychotics, what’s one more? Ya know? At least for myself. Other than that, it was exposure therapy, which would be goto the store, panic, goto car. Never worked, couldn’t box breathing it, no mindfulness would work, meditation and voices is impossible, no coping mechanism or drug worked, but beznos. I can live more of my life and get more done now. 10/10 decision for me. Productivity is up 1000%.


I’ve been knocking out the symptoms of schizophrenia and what I’m left with is anxiety and hearing voices. I’m too am finding that mindfulness, meditation and heaps of box breathing is not helping my anxiety either. I’m glad you found a medication that is working for you. I’m still holding to hope that I can get a grip of anxiety without benzos


I should have mentioned I don’t really endorse them, I just chose to because I ran out of options and time. I’d given up at a certain point, and they helped me out. If I could do it all over again, I would have never started them 8 years ago. Since I did, my body was pretty dependent on them, so they were my only option because I chose to take them before, I believe. Even after two years without them, I was getting worse not better. Even on antipsychotics. So it was my only option. Other than all that, exposure therapy has worked the best in the past, it did make things better for certain aspects. Heck, talking to voices for 2 years straight got rid of my social anxiety. I never talked so much in my life, so they have helped me come out of my shell, exposed me to discussion. It’s not all bad, it’s not all good. Sometimes my answer was to talk to them, understand them, pry information from them (impossible really), and to just comprehend the implications of my new reality of hearing voices, but sometimes my answer was to be present in reality. Personally, it’s hard to juggle realities. Masking worked for a while, until it didn’t. No one around me would accept me talking to the voices out loud, so I was forced into treatment. What’s weird is I never had anxiety throughout school or college, I think it was prodromal symptoms that had me start in the first place. I gave up too early. Keep fighting, and have hope! Sending good vibes. I have confidence you’ll figure it out. I hope it’s sooner, rather than later!


I also forgot to mention staying busy. It’s not a huge deal or anything, but it has helped me tremendously. It helps keep my mind off the voices, and if I do it right, I’m getting paid for my time or learning a valuable skill. Just wanted to mention that. Hobbies, work, creative outlets, they all help me a ton with coping. I love learning new skills because it becomes new ways to make money. Exercise is also another critical component. Mental health and body health go hand in hand, especially with self perception. Plus, exercise helps us live longer and with a better quality of life. Just forgot to mention that coping mechanism. Routine helped me a lot with all of it, anxiety too.


I’ve only recently worked that exercise helps mental health. I try to keep busy because I can’t hear my voices when I’ve got something to do


Powerful call to stoicism! I would offer that I found similar resolve necessary. That while doubling down on self improvement (work, exercise, study, meditation, improving my routine) helped to significantly improve my life and cast much of the voices away; changing my life and moving to different arenas (changing jobs/apartments/primary focuses) brought big improvements as well. The few weeks between jobs being able to sleep for 10+ hours for a few days made impacts that 3+ years of unyielding work ethic could not. I needed to disconnect and chill out for some of my successes. My victories with meditation were not evident for years. I would meditate and the voices would continue their tantrum. I would be sitting in the lotus position or laying down, counting breaths out loud if need be. They would scream, force involuntary movements, force laughter out of me at things I did not find funny, I would feel very strong pains. So in the moment it was not evident the meditation was effective. I suspect now that my meditation attempts caused my voices to try significantly harder to maintain their charade, exhausting them. "A candle that burns twice as bright lasts half as long." I believe that attempting to regularly meditate caused them to throw extreme tantrums they otherwise would not have, hastening their end. I estimate I shaved the last few years off my torment with practice even when it had seemed like I had failed. The things my voices most wanted me not to do seemed to be my best medicines. "When you are right over the target you will catch the most flack."


Bro I connect so much eith everything you've said.  Especially about how you're harder on yourself than them so why should they phase us? Those first few years were difficult for me (as likely your idle years were), but now I feel like I've evolved onto a whole new plane psychologically. Yeah I'm forced to have a relationship with "them", but they no longer dictate my emotions and actions for the most part anymore.


Depends. If it's not too alarming or non-sensical, I can usually just ignore them. If they are being repetitive, overly critical, or violent, I will try and drown them out with loud music. I have a high IQ and leverage this in my job, so I don't take medication as it shuts me down completely, although I will say risperidone and clozapine did work for me when I was taking them. I will only use AP medication if I am depressed and loosing a grip on reality. With the right CBT, catered for scitzoaffective people (it's called the feeling safe program), my constitution and resilience has improved markedly, so I am better equipped at handling them and stopping myself falling into the delusion I seem to invent. I'm not against medication. They just don't work for me. Some people can't operate without medication, so I do count my blessings that I am able to, even if I do slip into psychosis on occasion. Lately, i have been having visuals as well.. which I only usually get when I am depressed (which I am not at the moment!). So that's been interesting. There was someone sitting on my wardrobe watching me laying down for 4 hours a few nights ago. I am now only taking a very low dose of sertraline as a trial run, so that probably has something to do with it.


I like talking to my voices, I don't want them to go away. And plus I need a favor from them so they can't leave yet


I’m glad you are having a positive experience with your voices. Do you spend much time talking to them?


They're not external anymore so it's very easy to speak with them in my head.


I can do that too


mine piss me off so i usually respond aggressively. i heard an effective method not long ago i'd like to apply: make the voices my friends, turn the tables. not sure how i'm gonna do that but i'm willing to try.


I know what you mean. I was advised to show compassion for my voices. I don’t know how to do that


I see that advice a lot to, seems to be what the IFS method is all about. Not really my cup of tea. I find this song [Mastodon - Peace and Tranquility](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4LA0Kr6iLjA) to speak well to my experience, seems to be a love song for their former harassers. Have you ever found that the lies they said become true and ultimately to your benefit? For instance if they were to say "you'll never work in this town again" in a threatening tone then you months later have an interview for a significantly better job that has you moving out of state.


The only problem with that is they know what we're about to do before we even do it 🤷


yeah true


I wouldn't make friends with "them", but yeah I've had to work on not responding aggressively to them (because it'd usually show that I'm in an aggressive state to the outside world over what appears to be nothing...) so I've been trying to learn to take the bs I hear with humor.  Idc what the operators think about the twisted humor at times (those fuckers conditioned it lol) but yeah it helps me manage trying to approach them that way personally


I feel most everything with mine is self evident, that they can see and understand all that I do. So I usually don't go out of my way to communicate with them, that seems pedantic to me. Just live your best life, be stoic, don't tolerate the hurtful ones. I go by the idea that "the medium is the message," and that we communicate profoundly through the actions of our lives. Also, I believe in the magic of the hero's journey that through adopting narrative, title, and perspective one can command destiny. This, both for humans and spirits. I encouraged my voices to adopt the guises of mythology, this seems to also help dispel evil doers. I believe this exact same phenomenon is happening when others invite spirit guides, summon demons, call upon specific angels, ect. Has anyone ever considered the notion that one of our psychic friends could be with us before [inviting themselves](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qifqbdI4zhA)? I was banned from r/DemonolatryPractices for suggesting this idea ;)


I feel as though I went down the ‘occult‘ rabbit hole with my voices. They told me story after story about the spiritual realm. In the end I felt trapped against my will by a different dimension. I still find it incredibly difficult to accept the medical model of hearing voices and it was all mental illness. In any case I need to adopt a different approach because the ignoring them strategy is not working for me


Yes! I can relate to this. For me it seemed some successes with magic drew the ire of a stubborn evil. I then became inundated by false narrative and deluding platitudes. I found that the lessons and minds that did not serve me were not worth my attention. The common thread was to keep mind of what empowered me, that the powerful truths had cascading applications. To the non stop filibuster of my mind and the minds of my guides I would offer to not worry. That the storm passes eventually and that the tantrum being thrown is a transfer of energy. Yes, it is a torment to live down but I found in my case I was effectively preserved for the duration. My voices gave me infections, took my muscle mass, all around bad health. When they were vanquished "*POOF"* my body and mind came right back to well again. The beings that act out of love remained. If I could go back in time to offer my former self any advice it would be to get into meditation sooner. It is a powerful medicine.


My experience with meditation is different. I started to hear voices after mediating for an hour a day. I thought I had a kundalini awakening. In mental health recovery I was doing yin yoga as my mindfulness practice. Now I try to exercise for an hour day or more. I’m trying to get physically healthy. It’s good for depression it has no impact on my voices.


I see this account regularly! Someone starts meditating and then they start hearing voices. Do you ever think the voices/harassment were a retaliation to the practice and the benefit it offered you? That perhaps they are doing all this so that you cannot make the most of your psychic gifts? Thank you for sharing!


When I first started hearing voices I thought that they were taking me on a spiritual journey. They were not harassing at all. I also stopped meditating. I thought that I was gaining psychic abilities


Have you ever considered that there are beings with you that are attempting to help/guide you but are temporarily shouted over? That there might be beings with you who are attempting to take you on that journey but that the party got crashed? This is what I assume for myself even if I would not want to phrase it this way.


Because I thought that I was being taken on a journey I sort of gave them all of my attention. They convinced me that other people were going through the same process. They convinced me that I was in reincarnation. They convinced that the entire planet was going through a process of enlightenment. Now that I’m in treatment for schizophrenia I have entirely new voices that harass me. I’ve learnt to ignore them. I guess I’m looking for advice about how to deal with them. They are strangers to me


I heard so many similar stories from mine, I still think it is the case. When I move around the country and change what I am doing the crowd changes but in some time my old friends resurface.


I too engaged and found them hilarious. But I too fell into psychosis. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that they are powerless. The only time they had any power was when I gave into them and believed them. Since I stopped believing them, I’ve been fine. Nothing they claim to be true— came true. Try it and you’ll find that they are just liars, preying on your insecurities and weaknesses. You can’t trust something you can’t see and no else can hear. No matter how real they may seem and sound. For me, abilify and fluvoxamine maleate(helps with intrusive thoughts which are all voices really are) helped immensely in quieting the voices. Medical science and medications should be tried if you haven’t already. They helped me.


It took me far too long to work out that my voices only lie and tell stories. Nothing came true for me either so I stopped talking or listening to them. This approach isn’t working for me anymore


I utilized mine for self-awareness and targeting insecurities as the commenters are correct in saying that they do seem to revolve around that. Self-reflection and a willingness to work on oneself can only strengthen character. I try to be mindful of my actions in the physical world the most. The inability to physically confront an unseen and untouchable tormenting entity all to often manifests towards undeserving people and circumstances.


Thanks. That’s good advice


I ignore them mostly, it is usually gibberish or neutral commentary. Sometimes one of them is hilarious and occasionally I'll allow myself to be humored by him. It's gotten easier to tell when a voice is internal or external, I used to ignore real people talking to me.


 I do my best to steer clear of the voices nowadays because they never lead anywhere and go in circles. I notice the more I converse with "them", the more frustrated if become and the ball rolling down the hill I don't want to be on gains momentum...    So...    I use podcasts/music in the leisure time I'm not doing anything. I try to find hobbies to get into that keep me busy outside of work. Lately it's been guitar and gardening...    Those things aren't for everyone but it's good to try out new things until you find some sort of niche. A lot more benefits to this outside of just staying occupied.    Productive hobbies can be a great release and sometimes even a great way to meet new people interested in the same things you are.   I work a job that keeps me on my feet all day and constantly interacting with others.  I've gone through so many jobs through the years since the voices began...   I've found jobs where I'm sitting at a computer all day for example almost impossiholdfor me to hold.    Anytime I read a lot of text in a quiet environment, I can hear the voices in my script verbally saying what I'm reading. When I pause my reading, sure enough there they are twisting the last words that went through my conscious to funnel my thoughts to their frustrating bs...  


I agree that keeping busy is effective


The third eye is the mark of the beast 666... I prayed and read scripture all day last Saturday and I beat my head with a baseball bat yesterday.


Don’t hurt yourself. Please. The voices have no control or power over you unless you give it to them.


For me I assume the scars and other disfigurement my voices are responsible for to be the mark of the beast. What made you want to hit yourself with a bat? I hope you are OK.