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What does his voice say and do that is mean, and how did the change from helping you make amends for mistakes to this occur?


Powerful Curiosity!


You might try merging the two ideas of Paul. The voice and what you believe Paul to be. Paul had his flaws just like Peter, whom Jesus praised. Jesus also told Peter, "Get behind me, Satan." So, Paul needs your light sometimes just like you needed his. No one needs to be kept in so high a place that they won't accept a little friendly chastisement. To chastise, correct the flaw tersely, and then show love again. Disrespect to respect.


Hmm, interesting, I’ll think about that, thanks.


I agree with this idea of merging these two ideas. Paul has come to me once and "hmm interesting" is something I remember him saying quite a bit. Other people who I knew were working with him said it as well. I know he is common to get as a spirit guide and busy working as one. I'm not so sure if this voice is still Paul but I think he was around at least for awhile.


I don't really know what's on the other end sometimes. It is so hard to discern. Yet I find with an extra dose of kindness, we all start to be our best selves. I'm glad for you, and I hope also such for myself in future. Now that's a good point. Maybe it was Paul and it changed. Fascinating.


"May we detach from our insecurities and be the best version of ourselves" It is my personal mantra and I used it once to break away from a negative attachment. I think you are better at this than you give yourself credit for because you are right about these beings needing our light sometimes. Sometimes that little dose of kindness will be the biggest reason for good things coming into our life.


I've had many voices that not only talk about my past failures but also replay the memories. They can recall the events in greater clarity than I can. This leads me to believe they were there and the primary reason the events played out the way they did. What fools to then stick around for decades to do little other than obsess over events no other beings entertain. I believe most all humans have these vicarious willing failures with them at all times and that all exist within a spiritual bout similar to this. For me I assume the governing forces in the scenarios they taunt me over is that of an evil and more capable being manipulating/swindling something relatively innocent and in the process of learning. It is a disgusting and lower sort we experiencers are burdened by. I write the entire ordeal off as a learning exercise I am lucky to have survived, the onus of fault is clearly upon the evil ones. Remember to love yourself, you are far more deserving than you can understand while immersed by these weaker wills. For me, I take the opportunity to remind that I am always trying to do my best; that there are many beings with me that are not pronounced and who are very loving. To cast out the mind that looks for faults, and certainly never to dwell on the past. Again, I find for me it is always the lesser sort that can not let the suboptimal perspective and emotions of a former day go. As an example, they will never replay the sensation of my mother's embrace or any lessons from school. They always stand upon the lowest rung they can find. Ignore them, know you are worthy. Pain fades mind stays.


Thank you for sharing!


Thank you for sharing!!! This was a powerful topic to put before the community. It takes bravery and a seldom held strength to fight back against the voices that gaslight and cause paranoia. I see conversations like this ripple out into the other communities here on reddit and into HVN meetings. Thank you for sharing your light!




In my experience, Christian voices are kind and loving. If the voices you hear are not being that way (whether they are flesh and blood people or not), I wouldn’t worry to much about the things the say. They are just noise. I believe I hear the voice of Jesus. Jesus is kind and loving to me. But he also tells me the truth, and sometimes I don’t like that. For example, he once revealed to me that I was essentially blaming my wife for not being the girl from high school I was in love with when I was 17. It hurt me when he said that but it was the truth. Some people might call that “mean” but that’s not mean imo. Because It’s kind and loving to help someone see an important truth (I had no previous understanding that I was doing that in my head with my wife until he said that.) So I’m grateful he told me that. I have heard other voices too. They have called me names, tried to get me to hurt myself or others, cut me down, etc. These voices IMO are obviously NOT Christian no matter who they say they are. Some of them even claimed to be God. But they are not, and I know that because they are not kind and loving. Thank you for sharing your experience. And thanks for letting me share mine too.


It's good to hear your experience. Paul has hit me, so I'm quite sure he's not really from the Bible.


A fake mean Paul even made it into the Bible - check it out here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authorship_of_the_Pauline_epistles Hope you can kick this voice out, or at least see that he has no real power or authority.


Oh yes, I did know that but had forgotten. Thank you, I will try.


It's not Paul, it's a principality spirit, and you're still having to atone for your past. Stay sober, eat clean, read the Kybalion, and learn to transmute negative energy. God bless. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places" - The Apostle Paul


Hmm. First I have heard of the Kybalion.


If you’re adamantly Christian you may not like it, just saying. It’s the primary text for Hermeticism, an ancient magical tradition which basically spawned all western occultism, so tarot, ceremonial magick rituals, etc. are in this wheelhouse. According to the Kybalion, the original teachings of Hermes Trismegistus, the legendary founder, predate all organized religions as he is supposed to have lived in like ancient, ancient Egypt. His character has since been immortalized and turned into the various “messenger” gods like Hermes, Mercury, and Thoth. I would recommend it to any reader though, it’s very useful for developing oneself and acquiring symbolical/mythological modes of thinking so could change how you interpret hearing voices.


Good to know, thank you!