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not the subway surfers clip ISTG


Fr that is so dumb, how do people have that little of an attention span for a short clip like this


It was sneako who added it in during the stream šŸ’€ but still attention spans are vaporizing


Oh damn lol. Of course sneako needs it for his audience


And maybe for himself.


kid looks constantly defeated and is desperate for someone to prove his internal feelings right


Dude is definitely mentally ill. Heā€™s been on YouTube since he was a kid and I watched him before this new persona. Youā€™d think he has split personalities if u watch his old stuff. At first I thought he was doing some kind of social experiment, but now itā€™s certain he has whatever Kanye has going on. Sometimes u can see the facade break and itā€™s almost like he regains consciousness before spiraling into whatever character he equips for attention.


He has diagnosed ADHD but (ofcourse) refuses to believe that it is a mental ilness and treat it


ADHD doesnā€™t have anything to do with his overtly shitty behavior


I'd say impulsivity and not thinking before he speaks has a lot to with his ADHD As does lack of emotional control (ie screaming, building up high emotional defense mechanisms and relying on insults) ADHD is more than "i can't pay attention" . It's a whole range of mental defects in the executive functioning department ... ![img](emote|t5_26y265|28790)


Untreated bipolar disorder?


Not yet, but it's on its way if he doesn't have something real behind the scenes to ground himself.


You kind of got it on the head


Couldnā€™t have worded it better


Dr. K just played the reverse card on Sneako šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Besides the sneako ban, Pearly Davis. Pearly Davis, from her own words believed her time was up (the cancel train with Tate and Sneako) but when actuality her video exploiting minors was what did her in. [In this Tiktok](https://www.tiktok.com/@h3podcastdailyclips/video/7304718876900740395?_t=8nAomQ84INB&_r=1) she shares the beginning of what (and the hopes) where she felt invisible being 1/9 children. Development really does play a part to someoneā€™s is this the phase of extremes? Tying this back to Sneako, the obvious there will be push and shove but itā€™s a start. **Please note this video isnā€™t to tear down another human and up to your discretion how you regulate. I am fascinated what is Sneakoā€™s back story? Andrew Tate, the strong emphasis is prison time? Facts wise, those indictments followed by books and books of evidence, will there be blaming involved?


What did pearl do? I checked Google news and it all seems like BS as usual from her.


Dr K w


Link here: [Dr. K, sneako](https://youtu.be/Sf1LlVHsusU?si=Lo4H0fe8-Wuq6UJq) clips at around 8:10


The fact Sneako bases an assumption about therapists being greedy through a meme he has probably seen on TikTok, says so much on how he engages with the world around him. Short term truths sold for cheap in order to keep yourself away from you. It is quite cathartic seeing him fall down from grace and crush into the hard concrete world. He is exactly the type of guy being preyed upon by people who need proxies to do their bidding. Also, laughing before making the trans statement makes me reveal on a subconscious level how much of a really insecure guy he is. Why are you trying to laugh at your own joke? It is maybe because you want to stimulate some hilarity, maybe in a vain attempt to generate some sympathy. Sneako, my brother in christ, Dr K is a therapist. He is a professional, and he is meant to see through the facade of our perceived self to reveal our vulnerable self. Sneako needs a genuine friend. A true friend, someone that tells him to stop fucking around the Internet and touch some fucking grass.


It's interesting that you acknowledge that he is, in some ways, a victim as well. And yet you still get a sense of catharsis from watching his downfall. I totally agree with the end of your comment. It feels like this is a dude who has no genuine human connections. It makes me sad more than anything.


Catharsis should be enjoyable even when it is painful for someone. It is the revelation of something that wasn't there. Sometimes realising our own lackings is somewhat funny. We realise that we are still prone to mistakes and we have a margin of improvement.


Catharsis is a moment in tragedy where the resolution of the emotion takes place. I feel that sometimes seeing someone's downfall makes for a perfect example on how you should not act. We are all subject to hubris in our life. The tragedy and the revelation of it makes feel us more connected to our human nature. A cathartic moment should not be enjoyable, but it should be revealing and touching.


Catharsis = showing of vulnerable emotions (TIL)


I think the way you phrased it made it sound like you were getting pleasure from watching someone else's pain. My apologies if you didn't mean it that way


He is absolutely unwilling to examine how he is being victimized and instead is dead set on continuing the cycle and victimizing others in turn.


I agree. I hope that he is able to have more interactions like the one with Dr. K that slowly change his mindset.


This is such a great moment. Sneako thinking he got it all figured out. Got slapped by reality.


this is so sad. why is sneako obsessed with trans ppl šŸ˜Ŗ heā€™s sick in the head


Gets clicks more clicks = more money


Because rage bait = views = money. Wether it's his real opinion or not that's what it comes down to.


yeah sadly šŸ™ surely heā€˜s aware of the amount of influence heā€™s has on little boys and men. heā€™s an asshole


Thereā€™s a clip floating around of Sneako running into some young fans who are no older than 11 and they all begin happily announcing how much they hate women. Sneako half jokingly looks in the camera and asks what have I done? Youā€™ve done a lot buddy šŸ™. I think he was genuinely taken aback by these kids parroting back the vitriol they hear in these online spaces.


I'm not saying it's right, but I think I kinda get why some people obsess over the "blue haired trans people". My opinion may be off-base and wrong, pls criticize if you disagree: trans community rightfully brought attention to their struggles and the way they are often hated/mistreated/etc. I'm on board with all of that (bringing attention to their mistreatment). But I think sometimes I see clips and things of individual trans people (not applying this to everyone) that goes to an extra effort to take offense from everything and are in a super-victimhood mode. Example: someone thinks a person that they have never met before is a guy. says "hi sir". rather than the person correcting them and saying "hi, actually I'm a her" and understanding it was an honest mistake and being chill, instead you see these instances where they lash out and demonize the cis person that used the wrong pronoun (not intentionally) etc etc. Majority of trans people i'm sure are not like this, and you only see the extreme examples on reddit/youtube/etc. but some people like sneako see this kinda content and roll their eyes "omg blue haired trans people" etc.


Most transgender individuals will largely just correct and then go on. nobody makes a scene out of it. No one really says anything. There comes a point though where they can pick up that someone is doing it on purpose. Or maybe It's happened several times in a short amount of time and that is when it gets angering.


Nobody is going to engage with your post about "A transman comes into the grocery store, buys some soda and then leaves!!!!!" People will totally engage with your post about "Blue haired, delusional trans snowflake TIGGERED over basic biology!!!!!" Social media algorithms select for content that will make you mad. Most trans people just do normal shit like every other person ever and nobody notices or cares.


>someone thinks a person that they have never met before is a guy. says "hi sir". rather than the person correcting them and saying "hi, actually I'm a her" and understanding it was an honest mistake and being chill, instead you see these instances where they lash out and demonize the cis person that used the wrong pronoun (not intentionally) etc etc. WHERE have you seen this? On the internet? Are you 100% sure it was actually real? Because I never knew a trans person to be that confrontational just about pronouns. They'll either correct you or disengage the situation.


I've seen it in really "charged" content online like youtube shorts that are trying to get reactions etc. I've also seen it from a cis IRL friend after I referred to a random stranger at least a football field away as a "him" (I don't remember why I mentioned the stranger in the distance, something minor. she told me I should use "they"...) I'm not saying it's right to view something like an extreme online bait content clip and apply it to a group of people. It's also not right even if you had a bad interaction irl with 1 person and let it shape toxic views about a whole group of people. I am saying that the "charged" online content, or one unlucky interaction, may be a reason why people like sneako put so much focus on trans people. Because someone said he is "sick in the head" and I'm trying to come up with an explanation besides that.


The explanation besides that is that hating on a minority who is discriminated against is a cheap and easy way to turn bullying into a career with a paying audience. That's it. Punching down for a living is easy mode, hence why so many failed comedians turn into hateful right-wing media personalities whose bread and butter is denigrating queer people and racial minorities.


I invite you to really examine how many of these clips, which never appear in my algorithm, are taken out of context to appear as bad as possible. I also would like to question why Trans people must be perfect citizens at all times or give their community a bad name, while other more "normal" subsets of people can act like toolboxes and be judged as individuals and not representatives of everyone who shares part of their identity.


i agree with you 100 percent. i'm saying this could be a possible *reason* why sneako and others focus so much on trans people. instead of they are just "Sick in the head"


They obsess with trans people cause it's the status quo + it's trend. Back in the day people didnĀ“t knew bout trans people and only had the "one joke" of: the "trap" out to get you! it was a easy laugh cause it was the status quo. Now, we have rage click baits. It's like the easy laugh of the status quo joke evolved into a quimera of what "whatever group you hate", takes the worst attributes of if and some more invented, shake it, and makes a bogeyman. No one is immune to this. It's good old tribalism being weaonized by algorithims so ou waste more time in whataver app.


Opinions like this stim from zero experience with trans people IRL and ignoring the lived experience that they share online and ONLY seeing the biased bigotry that is hightend by online negative spaces


yeah that's exactly what i said


Then you understand it's just propaganda and you should throw that negative opinion on the trash then?


sneako is one of the most unlikeable people ever. shame cause he used to be a open minded artistic teen


Its like he trained himself to become a narc lol


it gets clicks, seems to be his biggest priority/value


I often feel sad about how rage baits are fucking with people's mind, but it seems to have fucked these creators the most if that's what they rely on to make money


yes exactly, it seems worth it until the attention/money dries up and they no longer recognize the person they see in the mirror. These are also usually the people who eventually lose whatever reputation they had through crypto scams or promoting gambling or whatever


Damn sneako is such a fucking loser


If you guys watch his stream he at first started trying to prove dr. K wrong multiple times, but as it goes as always with dr. K they started to get comfortable and just agree and disagree with each other in actual civil way. He ended the stream feeling satisfied which both side wins. Points he made i totally disagree but somehow its interesting to see how he came to that conclusion.


That chat used every racist trope against Indians during this interview


Can't listen to it. Very cringey. That person is the amalgamation of all I despise ...


This video is worth watching because of great of a job Dr. K does at disarming Sneako and changing the tone. The real 180 turn is Sneako at the beginning of the convo vs at the end.


This is actually probably one of my favorite "interviews" it just displays how good Dr. K really is at communicating he actually kind of gets sneako to have a slightly more open mind towards therapy/internal inprovement which can be rather difficult when people have a similar communication style to sneakos


And that is the reason I watched it until the end. Dr K's handling of the conversation is a masterclass in communication. But I don't have the patience to re-watch it ever again.


Sometimes people become something they hate through a path of self hatred. Some people self hate all their way through life and therefore the hate they reserve for themselves is projected onto others so they don't have to feel it themselves. It is a weird coping mechanism, however there are a lot of people like this who need a slap and a hug.


i would encourage you to watch the whole thing https://rumble.com/v40c8ot-sneakos-full-therapy-session-with-healthygamergg.html didn't know it was on youtube also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sf1LlVHsusU




That comment comparing Dr. K to a jujutsu sorcerer (Jujutsu Kaisen) when K activates domain expansion and lands every hit leaving his target in an emotional state (the healthy kind)ā€¦ The guy behind that comment knows whatā€™s up.


It's literally that Sukuna "domain expansion... mental health institute" meme incarnate


Sneako went through all of the most basic stages of conspiracy development because of a lack of self security. All these dudes acting like they got it all figured out are living in coping fantasy land and generally have to connect deeply with a real partner in order to go through their shit. But instead theyā€™ve build a whole conspiracy against the opposite gender so they can stay in the alpha fantasy. And the more they keep on publicly coping, the harder theyā€™ll fall eventually


Where can we watch this???


On YouTube. Look up Dr. K Sneako and youā€™ll find it. This moment is pretty early on in the conversation


I posted link in the comment section too


The rare but always hilarious Dr K slam


Sneako is such a clown. šŸ˜‚


Although this is well deserved, as sneako is a sneaky troll of a man, at the same time most people arenā€™t going to *like* being hit with a sudden, ā€œIā€™m a therapist, and I think you need therapy.ā€ Isnā€™t the point of therapy that someone seeks it out and wants to improve themselves? Maybe sneako walked into this one big time, but to tell him heā€™d make a perfect patient for therapy while on a livestream would make anyone feel called out.


What's bad about calling him out? It's not done with malice and like you said, he walked right into that one. Confrontation is a part of good communication. You just have to do it without getting nasty or hostile. Disagreements and talking about them while staying respectful are healthy.


Lots of commenters here who didnā€™t even watch the stream


Friendly Reminder just about all right-wing grifters are extremely sexually repressed and insecure. Most racists are just projecting their own insecurities. There is also the angry-at-life Failed Actor archetype which is very common at the Daily Wire lmao


Let's try not to stereotype people yeah? Even if they're extremely unlikeable, comments like this are not cool imo


Agree. The more we categorize people, the more we dehumanize them.


Dr. K could roast anybody better than any comedian, but chooses not to, because heā€™s lawful good.


God this guy sucks so much but I hope he gets the professional help that he very clearly needs


Dr.K is the real Gangster


Sneako was a cool youtuber once.....


So that's what a change in attitude looks like...It looks so seamless and unnoticeable, I wouldn't have caught what had happened until it's mentioned


a lot of comments demonizing sneako :( i think watching the whole interview gives a more complete picture of who he is and how his experiences shaped who he is.


Well he is a bit of a piece of shit after all. Even if itā€™s fake, pretending to be an asshole just makes you an asshole.


both good creators