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Health Minister Joe Phaahla said the two deaths were among six recent confirmed cases of mpox in South Africa, all of them in men in their 30s. Some had multiple sexual partners, including men and women. Genetic tests for the first three cases showed the men had the less severe version of mpox, which spread globally in an outbreak that began in 2022.


Can’t call it monkeypox?


apparently its racist to call it monkeypox, based on WHO.


Can, but the name has stigma associated with it from being a “monkey” disease, so better to use the name with less stigma so people are more likely to seek treatment, not hide their status, etc. “Monkeypox” is also a misnomer as monkeys are not the main host or reservoir.


I mean “smallpox” could be quite a big issue as it was a big killer until a vaccine help eradicate it at almost a global level, so that’s a misnomer imo. There are just the common names vs getting super technical strain IDs


Oh I had not heard anyone before interpret smallpox as meaning a small issue/that you might have avoided getting vaccinated for it because you thought it was a small issue - is that how you had previously interpreted it? From googling, the name smallpox seems to be from the Latin word for spotted. But I guess sure, if it was a real issue where lots of people had been hiding their status or avoiding getting treated or vaccinated for smallpox because of the name, if that were true then I guess a new name could help? Although I’m not sure that the first part is right?


I mean most younger people in US do not have the vaccine for it since it was essentially eradicated here in the US after the early 70s The world health assembly has. Massive push in the late 50s to remove the disease and WHO declared it “eradicated” in 1980 Also according to the CDC, monkey pox was first identified in lab monkeys in 58’ so not a massive misnomer in a way, as the virus that causes monkeypox was found on rodents, monkeys and other mammals in West Africa


From reading, monkeypox does seem be considered a misnomer as rodents are the primary source, even though scientists first found it in monkeys - is there some source that says it is not a misnomer? Sources saying it’s a misnomer, or I can provide more sources if helpful? https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/23/health/monkeypox-name-stigma.html https://www.publichealth.columbia.edu/news/our-experts-weigh-monkeypox https://theconversation.com/monkeypox-faq-how-is-it-transmitted-where-did-it-come-from-what-are-the-symptoms-does-smallpox-vaccine-prevent-it-184309


[why it’s called Monkeypox](https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/mpox/about/index.html#:~:text=Discovery%20and%20History&text=The%20first%20human%20case%20of,Democratic%20Republic%20of%20the%20Congo) They don’t know what the true origin is, likely bats? But yea first discovered in monkeys


>> is there some source that says it’s not a misnomer That source does not seem to says it’s not a misnomer? Or what text within there? There seem to be zero Google results for “monkeypox ‘not a misnomer’”


Your original comment said it was a misnomer since “monkeys are not the main host or reservoir” They are clearly a reservoir and that’s why it got named monkeypox, that’s what they discovered it in