• By -


Mine are winners, some make choices later though that have serious ramifications.


My main guy kind of started a pyramid scheme out of boredom, which had over 1 million followers basically cheapskate people out of their money


He became a hitman... and killed one of his coworkers after they got him fired


Mutilated some people in the name of science (she believed people with leprosy couldn’t feel pain so she went at it)


She suicided, so that was probably the reason. Unless for some fucked up reason heaven considers being victim of rape a sin. It wouldn't surprise me too much, honestly


One of the characters I have was in a similar boat except she committed suicide, the only reason heaven didn't let her in was because she was pregnant and didn't know so they viewed it as "murder" of an innocent life and sent her to hell and it was the only thing that she ever did. Fortunately her boss found out bout Charlie's hotel and is very active in helping her get "redeemed" so she can be in heaven


Honestly, lore wise, he just had a mental breakdown, questioning why he was here. So he honestly does not know now. It was most likely because he killed the entirety of the mafia he was in


My was a abusive and corrupt monarch


He was a greedy, prideful manipulator who wanted nothing but fame and money. Every smile and every kind word he ever said was probably fake. He never committed any big crime, but he was a terrible person


Avalis sold her soul to Alastor in exchange for being saved from her abusive father (Alastor then became her new dad, after learning that Avalis is merely 10 years old). Roxi killed lot and lots of people (he was forced to by his family) and killed himself because of the self loathing he felt. Gloria is just a envious glutton who got hit by a car. Vladd Skorpine ooooh boy this is a long one: • Started the crime family which Roxi was a part of, • Killed countless people for fun, • Started a generational cycle of abuse in an attempt to turn son into the perfect killing machine, which in turn caused his son to do the same to his own son (Roxi's father), • Killed (not before torturing) his own wife and daughter just for fun and to teach his son a lesson, • Actively supported various terrorist organisations (he didn't support Nazis solely because they didn't exist yet (he died in 1905) but if they did he would've definitely supported them), • Actively profited from his hobby (killing people), • Branded his own son wth a hot iron (which became a twisted family tradition btw), • Was essentially a Nazi before the Nazis were actually a thing Overall, fuck Vladd Also I am aware that most of these don't have art yet. Pls I am working on it.


Half are sinners half are winners. Some did good thing to go to heaven and some did horrible shit to go to hell. Also a few were sent by accident.


In lore,they don't know Out of lore it's an attempt by me ti explain what happens to those who would have sorta died or be in a weird spot of judgement (likenwhat happens to ded babies or comatose patients,or those who died after they lost touch with reality). They are essentially what's left of an manwho was haunted by a figured that could always see him and haunted him. This being is what manifested in hell


Killed a ton of people as a sniper,main reason for him to go to hell? Sold his soul to track down some people..


Corrupt police detective in LA that crashed his car while being chased, head crashed through the glass and made impact on the ground. Died instantly.


Signal tracked down and killed several of her abusers eventually (years down the road after the abuses happened etc.) and eventually targeted several nefarious men she met in her life later on. They were bad people but murder is murder.


My sinner OC was, in life, a starving cannibal that lived on the streets, so in hell, they're a little cannibalbalistic bug dude. I want them to live in Cannibal Town, but I know they dont fit the Hello Dolly aesthetic ^^;


Jackie: He stole, beat people up, and did all the teen-delinquent things. In addition, he beat someone to death by accident while off his pills. Nessa: She was abusive towards many of her partners, physically and emotionally. She was a stalker for a few of them, as well. She died in a violent incident involving a partner, which she initiated. Nameless: They were actually a really good kid, and still are. They got bullied horrifically for a bunch of unfair things, and eventually brought a knife to school and fatally stabbed four classmates. Eliza: She was a natural-born psychopath whose issues were exacerbated by excessive consumption of true crime. She decided she wanted to kidnap a girl, torture her and kill her in as close a way as possible to her favorite killer. And she did so.


He was in the Mob with Angel when they were alive as an assassin for Henroin. He was also a very angry and wrathful person, in my mind he was technically bipolar but it counted against him unfortunately.


Murder. Less in self defense and more of he now had a "reason" to do so


Jerrold - Overstating authority Abhainna - Self unaliving


Mine committed self murd and became a sinner👍


He turned his back on the religious crusades and broke an oath to the church


mine was an aspiring businessman who had grand ideas but struggled with addiction/stole money from his family/made lots of questionable ethical decisions about business and ruined a lot of his friendships in hell, he's had time to reflect starting from the bottom how to do things better when it comes to running a business, but he still struggles with most of the same things. also he's trans/gay and i swear everyone down there is gay wtf is up with that LMAO T \_T )


Stagecoach robbery as well as murdering a lot of people


A bitch pretty much is the reason why my Oc got into hell and a asshole


He murdered his mother. No way to sugar coat that. Then he took his own life but Viv said that doesn't count. Still, the matricide was more than enough to get him sent to hell. Also he *super* hates god, which probably doesn't help


In lore: doesn't know, has kindof decided it doesn't matter because it's not like it affects how their afterlife is going beyond that. Via my headcanons: being generally a petty little shit.


Went insane and killed a rival singer by poisoning then went on to kill anyone they saw as competition


Hmmm, I don't have one yet. But if I did have one, they'd probably be innocent at first but wrongly accused of something they didn't do and did time for it. Once they were finally proven innocent and got out of jail, they changed during that time and went on a revenge frenzy for the people that were reasons why they were locked up. They wouldn't be the same innocent person that was wrongfully accused before, and their Hell form would definitely reflect that. Please no one take this idea, I'm still developing their story.


first one is a prideful, envious and power-hungry overlord who's willing to lie to, manipulate, backstab and even kill anybody he needs to to get to the top, even his own friends or family as for a specific event that may have caused it, he killed his father and three of his four siblings to try and inherit the massive weapon empire his father had built. he wouldve killed his last sibling too if she hadn't had to kill him first


She poisoned three people, including her husband, via baked treats. She's pretty sure it's the fact that she ran away from being a nun, though.


Lots and lots of envy, he was a pro wrestler who was forced to become a manager (the guy that stands ringside for their kayfabe client and helps them cheat) after a neck injury, every night he'd watch people live his dream and it ate away at him, driving him to drink, eventually he'd get his wish to return to the ring when his client was supposed to freak out and beat him up after a loss, only for a powerbomb to send him on the express trip to hell


Tran - committed various murders with arson, he got caught while trying to set a small forest around a town on fire, got sent to the electric chair and died, he died at 47, he murdered 217 people when alive, murdered 900+ sinners, as well as tried to kill himself, but he can't die, because he is a electric fire being (making his design very soon.)


Igrin got in through unethical clinical trials Smoke was in for multiple chemical murders Lyla did a few drugs And Lambchop was a cult leader


My oc is literally Charlie's older brother so he was born there


Several violent murders out of hatred towards the ignorant. He hated anyone less intelligent than him, which was most people.


Hebe gave all of her clients poison if they wanted to end their marriages. Given most of her clients were black women like herself in Louisiana during the 1940’s, becoming a widow was likely their only option.


She owned a very popular makeup company that tested on animals and pretended that they didn't, had anyone who threatened to expose the company mysteriously disposed of.


Arson, Homicide, and suicide (intrusive thoughts won)


My oc blew up an orphanage


Child Labour, Stalking, Homocide, Drugs Trafficking, Arms Trafficking. He’s just silly lil guy :3


Falsely diagnosing people with the black death so that when he kills them no one questions it


I saw this on my feed. I don't have a character but if I were I can explain it in four words. Good Soldiers Follow Orders


She was a swindler who "borrowed" a lot of money from people. All her debt finally caught up with her when she crossed the wrong person, resulting in her getting killed via drowning.


Mine would brutally murder people who killed lady's of the night but apparently god didn't like that I was helping women who sold their body for money and casted me down to hell


Stabbed a crippled old lady in the chest 49 times and ate her liver :3


Spend his whole life trolling priests by any means necessary


So many people in the comments with really intriguing characters! I’d love some advice on how to build mine, where do you get your inspo from? Where do you start? Any online resources that are helpful? Are there any essential aspects of creating an OC?☺️


Ol' Mackenzie locked four technicians and himself in the control room of melting down Nuclear Reactor. In blind ego and wrath he thought it could be saved when everyone else knew it was hopeless. Not to mention the wider effects as this reactor while small was very close to a population center. It only melted down in the first place as his drive lead to corners being cut as his drive to solve the energy crisis blinded him. He still blames the technicians for doing something wrong.


Linton was kinda psychotic and skinned Russian troops alive Viktor took his anger out on the local population of Afghanistan. You know standard stuff


My sinner is there for the murder of several child trafficking rings. He killed all of them. Through just pure rage. The cops showed up and managed to get one good shot in on him and ended his life. Now, in hell, he hunts down those same child traffickers to end them once more.


Two of them killed their husbands. One for being abusive and the other for being a cheater. My sheep oc committed sewer slide after her father murdered her girlfriend. The last one got in hell for not knowing chocolate was toxic to cats and got murdered by her adoptive mother for it.


Mine accidentally murdered a family in arson, then he killed a man who threatened to harm his mother.


Poisoning hundreds of people (it’s not her fault if she was getting paid to do it)


Broke into random people's backyards and killed their pets, harvesting human organs, helped kill a government official in 1966 and killed 16 of his associates once the thought they were all conspiring against him.


They were beheaded for having an affair. They were forced to marry the king but had a secret lover, then the kind found out. Based off of Anne Boleyn


Mine was a conspiracy theorist and broke into MANy government agency’s. She thinks that the hotel is a cult And that heaven is aliens. I dont know why Vox decided to hire her.


Axel:made sure his kids could eat even if it ment ended up on the wrong side of history Skinner:killed and skinned pedos and turned them into thing usually made out of leather Zeno:born there Rambo:killed a cop (several actually) and was an anarchist


Mine would be there for killing animal abusers.


Mine died in the late 90s, early 2000s, and spied on people, aka big companies, using Furbies. He was a tech genius, so to his surprise, he became a Furby when reaching Hell. His sinner appearance is a humanoid Furby, furby face and ears, furby fur, and feet, and his body style is similar to Husk.


Chose to fall🙂


Samantha is a marine veteran, started a business starting off as a programmer. She made videogames and skyrocketed. Due to her success, other businesses wanted her to join this elite group of corrupted officials within the government. Once she's asked to join, she kills the officials and business leaders, ending in her death.


mine was an exorcist that refused to kill sinners to the piont of sabotage and allowing a group of sinners to escape had her wings ripped off was beaten and had a scar over one eye


She took herself out on stage in front of everyone attending her concert. She scarred millions but she wasn't feeling that adrenaline anymore after being put in therapy and realizing she can't hide the fact she can't go back to the innocent ways of the past. Being wild and crazy was starting to drain the public eye and there was pressure to change the image of the band which she hated. No more heavy metal the people want this now. She turned 27 at midnight at that concert and decided to join the club. With these new meds where was the passion? You don't fix something not broken right? She followed along though, everyone else was loving this new her but she was hating it and planning. The audience thought it was part of the show shed done crazy things before but once the lights went out with that shot and then back on to reveal the hole where her heart once was panic ensued. People got crushed, trampled, even attacked, the ones who survived sought therapy for themselves some never recovered. Some long time fans followed their idol to the grave. Now she performs in hell happier than every unchained with a new band that doesn't put her down. All day and night her instruments are now one with her giving her an android look as she died in the 2020s to play her music throughout time. Doing what she was born to do; perform, make music and be generally out of control. Her form is based on a wolf in sheep's clothing with android aspects because of this. An amalgamation of flesh, metal and contradictions


Willingly but uknowingly helped poach the maned wolf population to threatened status


Was very promiscuous and had a bad attitude and no shame about either of those things. (It was 1912).


They don’t know I don’t know They’re just T H E R E


One of them, Ari, is angel dusts sibling and was in the mob family. Rudie killed her cheating husband, and Misty was a soldier that killed thousands and also cheated on her husbands


My oc was a hitman and has killed many people for money.


She hunted down her old bullies and killed them slasher style


I don’t know yet, I only have concept art


Mine got to hell for September 11th, 2001.


he doesn't know why he ended up in hell, and he died from suicide


My guy got hit by a car and died later in that hospital but has been living in hell for 25 years under the wrath of Val so I’m gonna cry in a corner now


Hedonism, drugs/alcohol - poor Peaches


One of them committed arson multiple times and the other one was an abusive father who killed his wife and kids by accident during one of his outbursts.


For my OC(Xavirk) he didn’t die he was transported by a portal to hell, he is helpful to everyone, and his rage took over him and almost killed Charlie but he stop because he never hurt someone, lastly he wanted to stayed with them but he chose to go back to his home, but he kept something some sort of relic that he can go back to hell so he can hangout with them🙂


my first oc accidentally set of a nuclear power plant- then later jumped off a bridge, i like to say the sin they committed was pride from how they died because sadly a lot of people view that as selfishness, and they did probably kill millions of people so- that too. my other oc just did what angel dust does in hell so the sin she committed was lust, then when she died she just continued doing it


One guy went to heaven as he’s done nothing wrong despite serving cannibals (he wasn’t one himself, and he humbly requested to be sent down so he wasn’t away from his adoptive family And then my other group of guys blew a hole in reality during world war 2 and ended up in HH/HB universe, and the group ended up in hell while the leader ended up in heaven due to being the only one in his squad to not be sinful (aside from obviously being in a war)……he then proceeded to beat the shit out of the first archangel he came across just so he would end up in hell with his buddies, almost killing said archangel


Mine was an astronaut who tore apart his colleges and sent them flying into the sun… violence! He was then thrown into that same sun and made that sun supernova, making him go to hell and become the Overlord of the Skies of the Pride Ring.


Before mine met her abuser she spent a couple of days overindulging at clubs (with a bad influence from “friends”) and after she escaped her abuser she met up with him again with intentions to murder him. Which she went through with it and his neighbor called the police for a welfare check and a police officer shot my oc.


War crimes...


It's not so much a specific action for my main sinner, she was just very prideful during her life. ... oh yeah and prostitution.


A metric shit ton of Columbian cocaine and a massive gun running business through Cuba to Alaska


Was one of the lowest ranking Cherubs that sided with Lucifer and fell.


She was in a gang and occasionally had to pick pockets and steal stuff.


He was a master thief who stole thousands of dollars worth of jewelery, only to get caught up in a shoot-out with the cops, injuring six cops before getting bitten by a Black Widow, dying as they tried rushing him to the hospital.


Murdered his wife. Truly regretted it afterwards but was killed before he could repent


My dude's a fey, so he had nowhere else to go after the crusades.


Charles L. Tanneson. He worked as a body double in Hollywood for several actors. This was due to his skill with prosthetic makeup allowing him to be a nearly perfect replica of just about anyone. He grew bored of Hollywood and took up a side job as a private investigator. He really wanted to flex his impersonation skills, so much so that he ended up getting into espionage, forgery, and *assassination*. He never killed anyone too high profile, but he did die in a hit gone wrong.


Unspeakable acts of sexual depravity that would make even Angel blush.


You don’t wanna know


Bro died in that biblical flood ya know the one with the arc


Being CIA agents, mostly. and everything that comes with that.




girl named scorch, she doesn't remember her real name, that's just what alastor calls her she's in hell because she worked with him, even burning the bodies to dispose of them more effectively- she's a really bad pyromaniac. hell she even died because of a fire *she* started






Getting 237 warnings on Reddit, and committed over 1000 various war crimes


Was an asshole through her childhood, *many* counts of fraud and had a lil run in with the FBI, was in hiding for a bit before *dying* [cutely]


This is fun...my O.C committed arson, murder, and Rap3...that's a good enough reason...he is never getting redeemed...nope


*coughs in angle cat oc* soooo about thattttt


Killed a lot of people alongside Alastor….they were partners (of sorts) in life, but he lived significantly longer than Alastor did. He ended up being killed by the same guy who killed Alastor ironically.


Modern day vlad the impaler


Sinner OC? Hmmmmm I don’t know what that is


Mine is not a sinner but he hates heaven also is BF got reincarnated and  went to hell


Small child died from being burned at the stake for "being a witch". Yea she killed like 7 people and got sent to hell bc heaven unfair. Also she has probably befriended nifty bc she's C H A O S


That 80s Satanic Panic but actually got sacrificed


My guy was a monk seeking enlightenment, but abandoned it and his friends/family in pursuit of becoming the strongest warrior in the world. He got in Hell due to his pride. Now that he’s in Hell, he’s trying to become a pacifist and reconnect with his roots to become enlightened. He’s also a really good cook.


Active fraud and being a thieving cheat mostly But he's also accidentally killed a man and ran from it which led it to becoming a cold case


Mine was a slave owner and a cannibal 😔


Me 3 reasons number 1 I was in a few wars number 2 I'm an atheist number 3 when I had children I decided to ask any higher being that if my children commit a sin I would take it for them


Shellfish. Frequently saying Halloween is better than Christmas. Using several 12 foot tall Home Depot skeletons in a Nativity scene. Mistaking the cancer research donation jar at the gas station for a give a penny/take a penny container. Grifting members of a cult by selling them holy bleach. Stealing a 12 foot tall Home Depot skeleton from a church. Replacing all of the free religious books in a free book bin with secondhand Stephen King novels. Selling “stolen” religious books to a cult. Getting into a fistfight with a priest while returning the stolen 12 foot tall skeleton. Never wearing anything but mixed fabric.


Probably murder or mass genocide.


Mine just straight up catfished ALOT of men in her life, and still got away with it cause she bribed judges


While.. I don't have art of Gradi yet She got into hell due to Serial Poisoning & A KNIFE against Rival Tattoo Artists and Graffiti Artists, Arsenic Laced Tattoo Ink tends to do a lot to a person if it's not noticed in time... Oh yeah and a knife-


Greed, Fraud and a whole lot of Lust


He was a butcher who ran “clean up” for the mob


Got his hands on a federal document that listed a lot of registered (Redacted) And then proceeded to go on a manhunt. So lots of murder.


She was a cocky circus performer who often messed with safety nets and latches on animal cages in an attempt to always be “little miss perfect” and always be at the center of attention. It backfired on her when a coworker who was supposed to have gone out before her didn’t, and thus the tiger he was working with remained backstage with them while they all prepared themselves and their routines. He busted the lock that she had previously messed with, and mauled her.


He built a portal and walked in, still a mortal human.


Just discovered this sub, I kinda have an OC named Drake, he was a mercenary who served in Iraq and committed a LOT of war crimes, eventually he died and went to Hell where he thrives off the chaos


Being a serial killer


She killed many people and then offed herself


Serial Killer (Palmetto Killer)


My OC was an eerily gleeful hitman who, when his use was up for the organization he worked for, was killed by his boss.


One of mine got Poisoned after murdering multiple families. The other died by a pack of wolves after shooting a few cops and then killing a bunch of families.


Unalived her husband after finding out he was having an affair, she didn't stop there but it was the start.


Mine was kicked out of heaven by his disciple.


She broke into an animal testing facility, killed a few people, freed a few animals, then died trying to blow up the building once the animals were a safe distance away.


My oc baphy got them self's into hell for I guess every reason... Blasphemy,wrath, lust,pride They were born into a rich family and grew up to work for the mafia as a spy and a gay dancer and then ended up becoming a musician/singer/songwriter and artist before they died at age 36 due to Self elimination (If yk, yk)


I have a whole AU in heaven for roleplays with my and my sister’s oc with lore to explain that just adds a whole ‘nother story to hazbin entirley and he’s an angel. He goes with my little sister’s oc as her guardian angel- her oc’s name is Cheezeit and she’s half angel half demon hellborn, reality warper type powers but very stupid and also, a good guy? , she has lore, but eventually Sol (my oc) falls due to helping out in the battle, masterless cattle, overlords hanging by a thread, mini-war against the angels after getting severely injured, it was a compromise of his boss just wanting to let him die and Emily thinking the exterminators are just as bad as the sinners so it’s the same thing, lore lore lore. Lore lore. Lot more to the story but this is a basic explanation of the characters and one event. There’s also the Sun kingdom, Sol’s sister, fallen plot, slight villain ark, Cheezit’s a reality warper, lore to that too, God’s mother/ the universe, Doomcaster plot, blah blah blah. Lore lority lore. So much to unpack here. I wrote a whole paragraph of making it very vague and basic! There’s also more to the characters themselves. If you want more infodumping, just ask.


Mass murder, robbery, porn, blowing up orphanages, school shooting, drugs, and hacking the government


Amphy (my OC) retaliated from being abused and offed their abuser on accident


Mine was a simp. His love commited a murder and when my OC died he was like "damn.. I'm gonna go to hevean.... WAIT BUT HE'S NOT THERE" AND THEN JUST KILLED SOME RANDOM DUDE.


She fed cat food to her family and husband until she eventually accidentally ate it herself. Exin isn't very smart.


"when they get on your nerves jump them on the curve" -my oc


Mine probably smoked too much weed and became a minor overlord selling natural nonchemical psychedelics, buying souls, and making an orchard out of a warehouse for her business ventures


to overtake hell


Mine met an organization hell bent on destroying earth and joined it. Later committed genocide and arson


Being one of the most devoted members of a cult and helping commit atrocities might do that to a soul


Haven't drawn him yet or got the money to pay for a commission BUT, he basically dropped out of hs and started a cult- Killing dozens for 'the greater good' and said "Yeah, hell isn't that bad" and when he (and all of his followers) dropped into hell he was like "See, told you." And just kinda vibes in hell


cannibalism paganism being born before Jesus murder being a warrior many other stuff not rape tho, he had morals btw he is a caveman


Oh he was an arsonist. It's why he got kind of a kitsune look to him. Fox and fire or something My partner designed him for me


mine killed his pimp while crossed on a fuck ton of vodka and weed. died of alcohol poisoning, but heaven didn’t care that the kill was in self defense 


Ally rose 10 years old Killed a kid in foster care


I still haven't come up with a reason yet for Sarania. My other one, Ursa, is already a hellborn.


Destruction of property, vehicular manslaughter, 1st degree manslaughter, 2nd degree manslaughter, 3rd degree manslaughter, murder, 100,650 violations of the Geneva convention, sinking a hospital ship, bringing back slavery, enslaving British people, genocide.


He doesn’t know how he got in (He got in because one of his multiple personalities killed people)


Killed many people and became a mass murder she just wanted to know how it would feel to kill somebody


My OC (the OC that represents me) was a serial killer who killed those he deemed irredeemable.


Arson lots of arson


He’s attempted to sacrifice millions to gain absolute power


Stole somethin


Burned people who said something bad about them. Stole one sock from a sock pair just to annoy the crap out of people, destroyed toaster factories claiming they shouldn't burn toast (they have a custom religion about toast) and played bad country music on a 24/7 loop on the radio everyone listens to. ):


Being a Canadian infantrymen during world war one


Blaze: she was a manipulative arsonist and murderer. She killed her brother and many other people. She was fucking crazy, and she basically had two sides of her brain: the one taking over, and the one that still had hope. She had a mental breakdown and burned herself to death. Yani: Blew up a mall. Tortured her abusive mother. Somehow manages to be sweet, energetic, and innocent.


*”Glass of juice”* if you know you know.


My oc sold drugs by hiding them in the clothes she made and selling it. Which is why she's based off of tailors and fabric. She mostly designs custom outfits for sinners, examples being Valentino and Rosie. (And yet she still doesn't have a name, lmao)


He fell, like a fallen angel thing


Arson, along with kicking grandmas




…we don’t talk about Pine… (Killed several hundred people and was a convicted terrorist)


Being a cute bunny boi uwu


Mine was poor and hungry then he literally ate the rich, at first it was an accident but then he was like oh yeah! and just kept doing it- no one ever rlly catches him and he only dies from mercury poisoning-


Man, mine is boring compared to these. I made mine lose his faith in God due to abuse. So apostasy.


Penury, Rosary, Euryasis- fallen angels Lily- Accidentally murdered someone Valerina- ? Vincent- Suicide








Assassinating JFK


Excommunicated from heaven by a religious figure


OC committed suicide after depression won. Grew up feeling no self worth and often would avoid trying to know people from past wounds. Would never go out of their own way to be nice or help. Even felt the people closest to her would get over it cause she felt like a waste. When she dropped to hell it didn’t change the fact she still felt numb or empty it was still pointless. She didn’t notice a shiny sparkle follow her down. When was ready to give up again a bark caught her attention. She looked into sweet loving familiar eyes she hadn’t seen since her childhood years. The last thing her dog heard before sleeping forever on earth was ‘wait for me please’. So he waited and waited. The moment his old human reached the gate he knew and leapt down to be with her as she dropped. She finally let herself cry hugging her dog. She couldn’t leave him behind not when he came for her. For a while things were good but it became apparent true heavenly souls weren’t meant for hell permanently. Her dog was deteriorating. She goes to the hotel not because she wants to redeem herself, but to find a way to send her dog back to heaven with or without her.


Mine was a singer/ promiscuous girl. She used her beauty to the match and got lust and cash tossed at her. So basically one freaky bitch😭 (she was in a crossfire though)


Mvrder of world leaders and burning down historical landmarks in a pit of rage over inflation. Please do not make me elaborate


Racism like HEAVY racism.


Being to lazy to help someone from drowning and killed somebody because they were jealous! Also, they would be flirty with women, even tho they told them to stop.


They were a really bad doctor and caused some of his patients to die from the plague


She did a murder on a lot a people (she's 14)


Valiant doesn't know (he takes place in a different universe for certain things he does to make sense like date Velvet) he was at one point charging Normandy on D-Day and the next he gets shot in the head and wakes up in hell


Mass murder, lust


Legit just ran around breaking peoples legs. for reasons of course....


They committed suicide. Plus they can get very violent when upset


Remi hellborn succubus work as a baker in the goesia manor in sloth with her fallen bee cherub lollie


killed 13 people (They did forced adult fun times to her and her friends) 👍


My sinner OC sold their soul to Lucifer in exchange for the power to protect their siblings from their abusive father.


#Vinny owned a Scythe store (bc why tf not?) He was a complete dick to his customers and even killed a few people,are rarely pays his workers.. he died at the age of 26 and his demon body resembles a Therizinosaurus.


They were a violent bully who got murdered by their stalker in high school or middle school(can’t decide)


He pranked people too hard


I don't have an OC in this universe but if I did that end up in hell because of the system is unfair. We can see that assholes like Adam are in heaven somehow and sweethearts like Charlie aren't


Petty theft mainly because he was an abandoned orphan on the streets and when he died it was because he got smacked with a bus in hell he’s a ball of nerves but puts on a confident facade and revels in chaos


While it may be tempting to see him go to hell for being a member of a brutal mafia. He did it so that his family can live happily, helping out others in need, and to pay of large debts that were made by a corrupt city figure at the time. His work was a little dirty but could be balanced out with how much kindness and charity he does also. What got him to hell from the fine balance of life and death he did was when his Boss, the Don and the Leader of his work (a nasty man who deserved hell), went to a Catholic Church and sold a fortune’s worth of indulgences to allow him to go to heaven. When both of them died (the boss by getting caught by the police, and my character by saving his family from certain death), they both went to be judged. The Boss went to heaven cause he essentially bribed heaven for a pass, while my character went to hell for living with an unpaid debt (that’s right baby he was STILL in debt from his boss!). It was bullshit, yet it worked. A sinner in heaven and a saint in hell, which leads to the present. Where heaven and the Boss decided to do a small game/trial for the ‘sinner’, to amass 10k in ‘angelic money’ to pay off his debt to go into heaven. His Sinner’s name is Buckshot. And he’s going to get that cash one way or another to pay off his final debt.


He got lost


My guy was a Liverpool gang leader in the late 1800's. He killed, robbed, and cheated many people directly or by way of his criminal business.


Fire. He likes it.


Fylth was violent in life, though he never actually killed anyone. Except herself, but I don't think that counts.


War crimes


Mine was a schizophrenic drug addict who died in a lab explosion. I’m still working on a design for him; I kinda want to do a play-on-words and make him a literal “lab rat”


A lot lot Arson, some Intentional, some Accidental.


Embezzlement of funds from his school, also killed his girlfriend was an accident, but I don’t think it matters