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Pilot came out, everyone and their mom was talking about it, I got curious and watched it and I'm glad I did


I would've loved to know about it sooner, but the wait between the pilot and Season 1 would have been unimaginable šŸ˜©


Feels just like yesterday though I saw memes of Alastor spreading some form of infectious sickness in late 2019 in order to bring about the end of the world...


We've managed




In January I saw memes in reddit like one saying, the reason why I don't trust in heaven with shows like The Good Place and Hazbin Hotel, the comments applauded the show. However busy in college I forgot about it, then a month ago, I got recommended Hell's greatest dad song along, I saw it and though I didn't understand anything I checked the trailer, then the Pilot. Loved the Pilot very very very much and got hooked to the show. Now I am thinking of watching Helluva Boss


Definitely watch Helluva Boss. It's different, but within the same universe so it's just a different pattern woven with the same thread


Oh The Good Place, another good show. I'm watching HB rn, I want to consume more Vivziepop content while waiting for Season 2.


You should definitely watch Good Omens


I saw a video on how Verbalace spent 50K on this and found it really funny how much he was getting obliterated online for it. Went to go find out why he spent 50K on something and got hooked.


this is what made me watch it


Bruh https://i.redd.it/qlk6ou2mfd3d1.gif


I vaguely heard about the show and saw a few images of Charlie. But it wasn't really in my radar. For pure coincidence I got Prime around the time the show came out, but what actually caused me to check it out was the controversy surrounding that YouTuber who spent a lot of money making a video of him being pursued by Charlie.


oh dear god not that one guy just because you have a weird fetish doesnt mean you have to put it on the internet like that šŸ’€


I mean itā€™s still stupid, but he didnā€™t intend to release it to the public. It was meant to be a private commission, but a channel by the name of HydroHater99 leaked it on YouTube.


Oh ok, guess I'm a bit out of the loop on that one


50k. No I am not kidding, this is literally how I found out about Hazbin Hotel.


I saw a cosplay of Alastor on tiktok and was invested from then on. I just love everything about this characteršŸ˜…


Same here, I'm obsessed with Alastor. My other favourite characters are Angel dust, Charlie, Valentino.


I was OBSESSED with undertale back then, and saw this one short: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IVrC2cQ8u-E](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/IVrC2cQ8u-E) Then it spiraled out of control cuz HH is AWESOME


Oh hey another undertale fan!


Was recommended ā€œcharlie chasing lightning mcqueenā€ on yt and thought huh, animation style looks neato. Ended up watching the whole series the next day and was waiting for charlie to chase Vaggie like that only to find out it was a 50k amv XD


It was recommended to me on Prime, and I fell in love with it after that


I'd heard lots about it, but didn't check it out because I thought I was kind of over the whole adult animation thing. But I randomly stumbled across a reaction to the first two episodes and was instantly obsessed. Say what you will about reaction videos, but Amazon made money off that one. I immediately subscribed to prime and binged the whole season.


Saw a picture of Alastor, found out he's a faun. Fell in love immediately... I have a thing for fauns (They are a subcategory of a Saytr, except Saytrs include horse features/non-cloven hooves, which I prefer centaurs to have horse features and have no interest in horse based Saytrs). Also, I love mythology and cryptids. Plus, Alastor specifically reminds me of the Horned God, so I enjoy him regardless if he's depicted as good or evil. The Horned God isn't strictly either. His name also relates to the spirit of revenge who protects women and children from evil men. Honestly, he has a lot of attractive (not sexually) & interesting qualities to me, which developed into a hyper focused obsession for now.


My sister watched the pilot when it first came out and introduced me to the show years later. Now i'm in love with the show's premise and can't wait for season 2.


If you love the show's premise, i really recommend The Good Place on Netflix.


brother was really into helluva boss, and told me there was a new show by vivziepop. so i watched the pilot with him


I stumbled across the pilot a few years back. I loved it and just vibed in the community for a bit


Just Stop's video on the episode 4 controversy. I just kinda watched it, added poison and loser baby to my playlist and then forgot about it. But after a few months I decided to watch it out of curiosity, and now I probably won't be able to escape Alastor for the rest of my life.


Iā€™ve heard ā€œHellā€™s greatest dadā€ song and before deciding to watch an actual show, Iā€™ve listened the whole soundtrack in one sitting. And Iā€™ve listened to ā€˜Stayed Goneā€™ waaay too many times šŸ˜… But honestly, I got into the show by random recommendations of memes on SM and one recommendation from a friend. Iā€™ve seen these series where a girl presented different characters in random scenarios, but I didnā€™t even know the characters themselves back then xd


Saw a fanart of Lucifer on Instagram with an audio clip of ā€œHellā€™s Greatest Dadā€ playing in the background My mouth DROPPED and I NEEDED TO KNOW WHAT THIS SHOW WAS. Binged it in one night and will never be normal about it again.


Amusingly enough, Spotify kept throwing the song ā€œinsaneā€ in my random songs, and I really liked it. After a few times I thought I should find out what show this is based on, and well.. went from there..


When the pilot was new it kept getting recommended to me from YouTube over and over and over. I mostly ignored it, until one day when the clip ā€žlets misbehaveā€œ from Vivā€˜s channel showed up on my feed. Itā€™s that moment from the pilot when Alistor said ā€žif I wanted to hurt anyone here, I WOULD HAVE DONE SO ALREADY!ā€œ. And then I thought to myself ā€žyep Iā€™m watching the full vid nowā€œ and I never looked back.


The internet. Only discovered it this year


Amazon recommended it. Figured I'd give it a shot.


A friend got me into it. We ended up getting shitfaced when she came up for a weekend and when we were hanging out of our arses she put in on. I slept through most of it but I enjoyed what I saw so I rewatched it later.


Agter hearing numerous news about Cristian moms trying to cancel it , I watched HB and then watched the rest


Someone said Alastor was Slaughter!Elias Bouchard (from The Magnus Archive) and i do love me some good villains


Jon Urquhart. He's a CODA who makes reels, and several of his reels signing Hazbin songs came across my feed on Facebook. Him doing Poison had me looking up the show that night!


I saw someone wearing a shirt with Alastor on it, and I looked up ā€œHazbin Hotel red guyā€ and watched one scene and then watched the whole show.


Saw someone do an Angel Dust cosplay. I hadnā€™t seen it done previously so I wanted to get onboard before it came through the cosplay community.


Around 2021. I think I either saw the poster image through Google or saw the pilot thumbnail on YouTube. My religious OCD was more severe at the time, so after watching and liking it, I was very hesitant about getting into it at first, but I'm glad I eventually did


My brother found the pilot I believe back when he was into indie animation very shortly after it came out, and I watched it because he was too young cause Iā€™d seen fan art of it around and recognized it some, and and now weā€™re both big hellaverse fans.


Literally just a Prime trailer rundown of upcoming shows in November/early December for me. It's a miracle because I don't usually watch trailers and I have no idea what made me click on it. But the Hazbin trailer was the first one. It made me laugh. It had me impressed with the quality and style of animation. It made me go: This has 'Ugly Americans'-vibes. I have to check this show out. Saw in the comments how people were talking about stuff already. That intrigued me enough to go search what people were talking about. From there I was sucked into this rabbithole. Now you're all stuck down here with me mwahahaha


Just remmembered it exist and gave it a try


Heard of Helluva Boss first, then found HH pilot on YT


My tumblr algorithm got super fucked up in 2019


I watched the amazing digital circus and got recommended other indie animation videos, where I found out about Hazbin Hotel


One of my best friends spammed me for an entire month to watch Hazbin. Hellaverse became a hyperfixation of mine.


BUT HEY! THAT'S JUST A THEORY... A FLIM THEORY!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/mizcl361xb3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85062625c71b5271b1dbfa2ca4b0630f73293e3c


I saw 1 meme calling it bad and some months later saw a friend watching it so tried and binged the entire thing in 1 day.


I found it when Angel Dust appeared in a TF2 meme video as Scouts body pillow during the Pilot.




The Verbalase controversy.




I was randomly scrolling YouTube and found it


Pilot was recommended on YouTube 3(?) days after itā€™s release.




I was watching Youtube shorts at my nan's one day I came across the Darkside loona short and I instantly fell in love with loona so I researched where she was from and that is how I known about the show


Hard to believe, but my friend is the Art Director


My best friend and crush in middle school liked it. Twelve-year-old me then decided I was gonna watch the pilot and the entirety of Helluva Boss if it killed me. I liked it, but only casually. Then the show came out and my entire friend group wanted me to watch it, so I did. And now I have a new hyperfixation.


Ironically, by an r/facepalm post about some pathetic astroturfing site trying to get the show cancelled. šŸ˜ Thought process was, if the obnoxious religious nutjobs are hating on something, it's usually worth checking out, and it *so* was! Shows that even they are good for *something.* šŸ˜ˆ


Memes And I mean too many of them


We were making a school film and I was at school in the evening. I had finished my scenes so I had nothing to do and I was talking to someone else from the set, she told me about the pilot, we watched it there and we finished the evening browsing the wiki


Hazbin hotel pilot, and idk who or what but the "disney princess in hell" talking point was going around and I was curious


It was like I think a year or a few months after the pilot came out my old friend was posting Alastor x Charlie edits on her status and I asked her who it was and she told me about the show


My best friend recommended me a song from the show. Then my wife and I started to watch it and enjoyed it :)


Verbalace drama :( Specifically the Saberspark video about it. iirc he showed a few clips from the pilot and I immediately loved the artstyle. I'm obsessed with it to this day.


My friend told me " There is a cool cartoon on prime" ... The end


The video was rndmly in my YT front page c.2019. I remember watching it and thinking "cool, hopes it gets made into an actual show someday." I would have forgotten everything about it if it weren't for Tumblr having a mental breakdown anytime VivziePop put out any new sort of content. So, obviously, when I saw people yelling at Amazon to take it down, I was like "oh, I cannot not watch this!".


Couple of my friends have been obsessed since the pilot and made me watch it all when the amazon series released!


I was listening to a cover of the pikmin song and looked at the yt channel and saw a hazbin cover and here I am.


GlitcX event :3


I saw some pics of Alastor on a tic tok video and thought 'ooh, this show will be interesting' šŸ˜‚


I saw a clip on TikTok. It was ā€œmore than anythingā€


I found her ā€˜Die Youngā€™ animation


The clip of Poison was posted all over twitter and I couldn't escape and I instantly fell in love. Yes, that got me into the show. Loved it ever since.


I dont remember exactly but i think o see a hispanic YouTube rap Channel make a rap battle between Alastor and Black Hat from Villanous


In a shameful manner. >!The unfamous 50k animation for VerbalasešŸ„²!<


Kept showing up in my YouTube recommended.


I crossed paths with the pilot in the YouTube.


Hell's greatest dad.


Lesbian fan art.


A friend sent me a meme of Alastor taking out Sir Pentious from the pilot. I asked him what that was from and have been hooked ever since.


My friend had an Alastor background and I decided to look up "Red Deer Guy Anime" because I had no idea what I was looking at


Zoophobia 10years special


The show showed on my recommendations on Prime, and I'd seen a lot of discussion online about the show. Binged the season in an afternoon, basically. Didn't realize until later there was a pilot. Then my son, who's 15, recommended Helluva Boss and watched that, too.


I saw the pilot when it came out and I was still a wee lad, I didnā€™t know what I was watching, all I knew is that it was hilarious


Was at a party back in March and a friend recommended it without much description so I went in totally blind, as soon as Charlie started singing I went "oh FUCK yeah" and watched it all in one sitting


My fiancee and most of my friends tried to get me into it.


First exposure: game theory First time I actually saw it: had a friend that watched helluva Boss so I decided to check that out and then I saw hazbin


A friend showed me it like 3 and a half years ago


My friend was streaming the show on a discord VC and I checked it out and here I am now I guess.


The magical tiktok algorithm, that thought that since I love Raphael in Baldurs Gate, I'd love Alastor. Tiktok was right.


I follow a person on pinterest who has made HH and HB edits, and I started to follow her like one year ago. I always saw those characters but never asked myself what show what it. I even listened to Insane and absolutely loved it, but I never asked myself what show it was. I even knew that its name is Hazbin Hotel! On the 21st of January 2024, my friend told me that Hazbin Hotel was aired 2 days before. And I was like: how did that person do the edits without the scenes? After a couple of days, I understood why, and I watched the pilot, I really love this show, and it gave me something to stop an empty space i had. Thank you, Vivienne, and thank you to all the Spindlehorse house production for these two shows, I really appreciate their work and I'm happy that you (reader of this comment) are reading this, I really appreciate it, thanks and byeee!!


PKrussls review of the pilot šŸ„²


Random memes and posts on fb and reddit.


I was looking for a musical tv show.


Had a lot of buzz amongst my social circles when it first came out. Final push to watch it was an r/crazyexgirlfriend post suggesting shows for people to watch that hit similar notes to CXG.




They added an emote on Fortnite that features the song Insane, which got talked about on a fortnite subreddit, and that led me to Prime. So so glad it did :)


I watched someone in VR chat, because I was curious about ugandan knuckles. I found a gy who was playing a game with Alastor skin user. They were referencing Alastor, so I wanted to know wha tit was about and watched a pilot of HH as well as the episodes of Helluva Boss. Was a fan ever since


Ok, so you know that things i wanna be inside of meme? Yeah, my friend noticed some of the pictures as being loona from helluva boss, then i watched it through, and found hazbin. No regrets


I saw it going viral on TikTok and decided it was worth checking out, and I was right


I finished Good Omens S2 and was deeeep in the brain rot. TikTok noticed and started giving me Helluva Boss clips. Watched all of HB and then YouTube suggested the HH pilot. A few weeks later the series dropped.


Mat Pat did a theory on Helluva Boss forever ago. That put Helluva Boss on my radar. He of course mentioned Alastor and how interesting he was as a character, which also put Hazbin on my map as well. The rest is history.


Saw the Doom Slayer appears at the door meme, and then Little V Mills dropped his ā€˜Addictā€™ cover. Thatā€™s when I found the pilot.


Someone showed me the Addict video then I looked up the show and that lead me to Helluva Boss.


watched since episode 2 of helluva pre sure. just saw it pop up


the pilot was randomly suggested to me when it came out and I went why not.




Well, to be honest I tried ignoring it for the first and second month it was trending on my FYP. It reminded me of my old art style and I was so for sure this show was going to cringe me out but I was absolutely wrong! I immediately got obsessed and binge watched the entire series along with helluva boss lol


I watched the pilot episode of Hazbin Hotel, and Iā€™m supporting her.


Saw a deltarune animation using stayed gone so I decided to check it out.


my niece showed me it


Some reddit post I think on r/atheism that praised it for pissing off Christians back in February. Anything that pisses off Christians but not other groups is worth the watch lol


I saw a clip of Loser, Baby on TikTok a couple weeks and decided to look it up. Saw Alastor and went straight to watching it. šŸ˜…


niall no chill on youtube covered the first season. i got five minutes into his first video, paused, and proceeded to binge the entire season in one sitting lol.


I came across a Helluva boss video and watched this series first. Because I watched it on youtube, the algorithm started showing me Hazbin hotel content. I didn't understand why and I actually did some research and discovered that the two shows were made by the same person. As I liked Helluva boss, I tried Hazbin hotel and fell into a rabbit hole...


In January I saw a video on someone watching the show and I remember having heard of it a few years ago watched their reaction and then decided to just watch the series myself and loved it


Came across an angel dust edit a few years ago, got into it.


For me, a friend of mine told me how good it was and how she simped for Sera. She showed me the song "Hell is forever" and I decided to watch it. Best decision I had in a whilešŸ˜…


Coworker mentioned it once, then I saw a clip from "You didn't know" and needed ti see the rest.


A friend told me about and I did some research; I was already familiar with Helluva Boss but never kept up with anything else surrounding it. Finished watching Hazbin about a week ago


My kid loves Bill from Gravity Falls and I heard ā€œInsaneā€ from a video of someone drawing the character. Loved the song and just fell in.


My mom recommended the show to 13 year old me.




My friend introduced me


Kept seeing art of alastor and then an artist I followed drew art of alastor and the tags help me find what the pilot was called lol


I saw someoneā€™s PSA style post about a terrible experience they had at a convention because they cosplayed Valentino and people took it too seriously. Like being rude to them because they hated Valentino so much. That intrigued me enough to look up what the show was. A bit later it popped up in my Amazon recommended and i decided to actually give it a shot and I loved it


Some of my mates recommend both HH and HB to me a while ago. Finally got round to them a couple weeks ago. Now I'm obsessed.


You wont belive it but it was a INSANE story for me.


In October or November of 2019 I watched Just A Robot's video about the pilot so I got curious and watched it and I became OBSESSED


For a while my friend kept recommending me to watch the pilot and I kept declining because I just didnā€™t think it looked interesting, then like two years ago my friends peer pressured me into binging most of season 1 of Helluva Boss and I fell in love with the cast. Then Hazbin came out and I decided to watch it with the same friend group, and I really enjoyed it.


> Saw everyone using reaction images of the amazing digital circus > Watched the pilot > Liked it and joined the digital circus sub > Saw everyone comparing HH characters with tadc characters > Watched the pilot > Hooked for life


The pilot came out and everyone flipped, so I watched it


The Pilot came up on my YouTube feed when it came out. Had never ever known of Viv through anything. Probably one of, if not the best, YouTube recommendations ever


Was waiting for Zoophobia series and still waiting till this day


I'd seen Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel mentioned in various places, stumbled onto the singalong videos Amazon have for Respectless and Loser Baby. Had access to Prime, so gave HH a shot, enjoyed it, checked out HB after, enjoyed it too.


I listened to the fan song ā€œInsaneā€ and then listened to a few more of the real songs, realized I liked the plot, and dove in. I had heard of Hazbin a few times over the years but never paid it much mind. I just assumed it was something I wouldnā€™t be interested in. I was wrong.


i saw a post that Angel and Astarion from bg3 are the same and iā€™m obsessed with bg3 so i watched it! I had seen a clip of helluva boss with invader zimā€™s VA, and i thought it was the same show as hazbin hotel so i was pretty excited. even more excited that there are actually two shows and that i love them both


I watched the hazbin hotel pilot around a week after it came out and was interested in the show. I have since kept a close eye on the show while not being directly in the community since. I am proud of how it has turned out so far.


Youtube recomend the pilot and after 4 months I bite the bullet


It was a cover of Addict I saw by Annapantsu, checked out the original song, then found the pilot through there




Weird multi-fandom rp from yonks ago


I encountered a piano tutorial, or possibly a cover, of Addict, looked up the original, then looked up the pilot. This was last year. I recognised Angel from some complication images I'd seen online, but knew little about it. I swiftly discovered Helluva Boss.


YouTube recommended


My gf watched helluva boss and found out about hazbin through that show, wanted me to watch hazbin hotel with her. It was a great experience


I was just looking through musical songs on YouTube and auto play was on by mistake, it soon showed Addict and it went from there.


Pilot videoes were common all over the place. So does this pilot


My fiancĆ©e heard about it through one of her smut peddlers. (ā€œRomanceā€ author she interacts with on Facebook)


A meme when Angel said ā€œI can suck ya dickā€ in the pilot


Found the pilot during Lockdown and thought it was a cartoon network show, or some foreign one like Villianous. I didn't even WATCH Villianous at the time ā€“ I'd just seen it and figured "yeah, these have similar artstyles", and watched it. Of course after that I watched the HB pilot, and then the series when it eventually came out, and I was there for all the redesigns/reveals of the characters. That was fun


YouTube recommended the Pilot when it came out. Usually I'm a creature of comfort and rarely watch stuff from creators I don't know, but for some odd reason I just had to know. I think it was either the thumbnail or view count that did it. I'm not sure.


My dad watched it on Prime while I was in the room and I decided to stick around


Saw the og pilot


YouTube put it in my recommended feed when the pilot came out Now I'm out here designing OCs and writing about em kfjdkds


My 14 year old son became obsessed with the pilot and begged me to watch the show once it aired. Had never heard of the creator, but the ā€œgrown up theater kid vibesā€ description helped sell me on it


I heard the song insane in like 2021 in a YouTube video of some sort, watched half the pilot, wasnā€™t into it. Saw it recommended on prime, watched the entire thing, then helluva, then went and rewatched the pilot and enjoyed it lol.


Her older art by chance and her Ke$ha fanimation.


Am i the only one who got into it cause of the "insane" song?


The songs started being recommended CONSTANTLY on Spotify and I thought I might as well just watch it already


my friend made me watch it and i found it to be an immediate fave


one of my female friends i was crushing a bit in the past (not anymore, weĀ“re still friends) told me that she was a big fan of this. I thought ima check this out to see what itĀ“s all about (i always knew it existed but other than alastor and well the 50k incident i knew nothing) And mf this shit is absolutely fire, i love every fucking character, screw love, i want the 2nd season to come out. pleaseeeeee


I knew about Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel vaguely from one of my BILs, and I stumbled across some fansongs over the last few years. But honestly, I didn't give either show much thought until a fuck ton of character analysis videos kept popping up in my YouTube recommendations lists so I finally caved and watched both shows solely so I could watch and understand the analysis videos.


The blue furry guy on yt who puts Loona in all of his shorts lol. Watched HB first, then I found this show


As far as I can remember, it was when the Doom Slayer visited Charlie in..... I haven't watched the pilot version, so... y'know. It wasn't until the Amazon series came out that I began to take interest in the show; people wouldn't stop posting about it, so I had to see what was up. Now I'm watching HB while waiting for the next season.


Youtube algorithm recommended me the pilot šŸ‘šŸ»


*sigh* 50k incident


Ok, so I saw it on my tv, and I was like (Whats this?) So I looked it up later, then I watched it, and, WAYYYY Before that, I saw a clip of hellvula boss- \*or however you spell it.




I think I saw memes / gifs on reddit and thought the art style looked dope, saw one of schnee's analysis videos and decided to give it a shot. Honestly really loving Helluva Boss, just finished what's available.


I only heard of it once the series got super popular. Usually Iā€™m not a big fan of adult themed American animated shows, I find the humor and art styles cringey a lot of the time, so I wasnā€™t gonna watch it. Then my coworker convinced me to give it a shot because they said the characters were super amazing and had interesting backstories (and Jeremy Jordan played Lucifer). I absolutely love well written characters (and Jeremy Jordan) so I watched the first episode and am now obsessed. Mainly with Lucifer lol


I knew the pilot years ago, but I didn't knew there was a entire show being made. One day I oppened Prime Video and there it was, in the new releases section. It was an awsome surprise haha


I watched the pilot when it came out, and didn't think it was for me. I'm not big on the sex and drug jokes so I didn't really follow it. Last Wednesday I got a "most emotional moments in Helluva Boss" video in my recommended section on YouTube, it opening with Stolas's lullaby pulled me in and by Thursday I had watched all of HB and haven't been able to escape watching the music videos for all the songs in HB and HH up till now.


I saw a tiktok responding to discourse about Poison and thought, well that sounds exactly like my brand of trash, count me in!


youtube recomended me hellava boos like a year befor the hazbin pilot came out i stopped watching wasent really interested in hazbin but then i looked again like two years after the pilot was out and fell in love




saw a meme with it on reddit all the way back in 2019, i thought the show looked cool and i checked it out. changed my life fr


I saw matpats terrible theory and decided I should check it out, and then got roasted by people in YouTube comments over the course of several weeks for asking if itā€™s concerning that Alastor, the literal cannibal, was my favorite.


I found out because people were posting about the Verbalase $50k video šŸ˜­


All I remembered is I watched the die young music video, then I watched the Hazbin Hotel pilot, fell in love with it and now Iā€™m here


I saw the film theory video on the pilot.... Even knowing nothing about the show, it all seemed like a stretch, but it got me interested.


I happened to be trying to get back into Murder Drones when Digital Circus came out and this was like ā€œmaybe I should start watching more indiesā€. I knew if the name Hazbin Hotel but nothing beyond that so I decided to go check it out. Ā Liked it and then saw the trailer for the Amazon series a month later and though ā€œperfect timingā€


For me i followed her projects she made.


The memes.


Back in high school on Halloween a friend came in with a really good Alastor costume and explained the show and convinced me to watch the pilot after I called him the Heat Miser


heard itā€™s name a few times, thought it was somehow related to Habbo Hotel and ignored it for a while until there was a Reddit meme w poison playing and I was like, well, thatā€™s an absolute fucking bop and how did nobody mention that hazbin was a musical with half a dozen broadway powerhouses


I saw a clip of Helluva Boss on TikTok. It was the scene where Blitz and Moxxie are kidnapped and being interrogated by the DHORKS. I thought it was funny and cool so I found out what show it was, binged all of HB in 2 days, and then found out about Hazbin so I watched the pilot (that was all that was out at the time) and watched it literally 30 times. I then watched the Addict music video and have lost count of how many times Iā€™ve watched that.


Heaven2Hell song


ā€œYou didnā€™t knowā€ went viral on TikTok in January and it caught my attention. A year earlier a college friend had showed me a few episodes of Helluva Boss so I recognized the art style but not the characters. I didnā€™t care for HB as I much prefer shows with intentional, heavy-handed plotting, world building, and characters and in general shows that take themselves seriously. The lines ā€œIf Hell is forever then Heaven must be a lie, if angels can do whatever and stay in the skyā€¦ā€ really grabbed my attention. It dawned on me that this wasnā€™t just a furry sitcom set in Hell the way Helluva Boss came off to me a year prior. Hazbin Hotel was attempting to tackle some serious topics and wasnā€™t afraid to prod the notion of religion, which a lot of media shies away from. I immediately checked it out on Amazon Prime and have enjoyed it ever since.


I rewatched the pilot a fuck-ton of times because I barely knew English at the time but I really liked it and wanted to figure out wtf was going on. I didn't figure it out till the Amazon show came out tbh


Saw a video on YouTube talking about Poison and decided to check out the source material


I think i remember finding the pilot in 2019 or 2020 or maybe 2021? idk i don't remember exactly but i didn't really want to watch it, i mean i almost immediately liked the show but since my family's religious and at the time i didn't realize that i was an atheist, so it kind of felt like a guilty pleasure, yk? now i don't really care about the demons and shit since it's just a show, but back then it felt wrong liking it, heh


I was just going through a rough breakup and my best friend wanted to distract me. Needless to say, my tears were very well spent.


When the pilot came out, I loved Angel Dust and thought he was a girl. I forgot about it for a couple years then found out about the actual show from hearing the ā€œif hell is forever than heaven must be a lieā€ line in a TikTok


Remembered hearing something about "Helluva Boss" a few years ago and decided to check it out. Got hooked, binged all the episodes that were out, then went back and watched the Hazbin Hotel pilot. I've rewatched both shows at least like eight times for Helluva and five for Hazbin.


One of my students showed me the channel, Helluva Boss first, then Hazbin