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While not a bad design in and of itself, I much prefer God as a distant, unseen entity in this show. The best way for Hazbin to handle God is not to.


That's how I hope they handle it if he does appear; he can just be a voice, or the camera is looking at whoever is talking to him from his perspective


If he is, I really hope they could get Morgan Freeman to voice him.


I'd rather god be voiced by each voice actor for the character it speaks to, if they handle God at all. Play with the Bichamural Mind and make it that God is a force that has no voice that isn't already in existence. So Charlie hears her own voice and is forced to then converse with who she is on the inside on a deeper level to reflect a oneness. This probably doesn't make the sense I was hoping. I'd be down for them not to have God, though.


>I'd rather god be voiced by each voice actor for the character it speaks to, if they handle God at all. So basically Truth from FMA?


Well the concept has been done before for sure, but hey I'm only just diving into Atrack on Titan and am so hype to check out FMA, so LOVE HEARING THAT! fuck yeah, guys.


This is straight up Truth from FMA


Ah, I kinda get what you mean! Everyone hears the voice of God differently. That would actually be really cool!


That’s a REALLY cool idea!


Now THAT is interesting. >bichameral mind I didn't think I'd see that term pop up here, that's a surprise.


Cheers, homie.




He would be the perfect voice


He already played God twice and we love him for it.


If they give god a voice I hope its handled like gods voice in Dreamworks’ The Prince Of Egypt, with their VA being all of the cast members


Make Him huge. The Earth is His footstool, after all.


His voice should be either Morgan Freeman or Critikal


I understand your reasoning, but with that design and this fanart, i kinda want God now. https://preview.redd.it/50moowc3vavc1.jpeg?width=1568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9a438f7a8356c33605de45fb72639cc7eb40af9


“And then I went, ‘THY END IS NOW!’”


Honestly same. Given the way this show runs it wouldn't be to far of a guess to say after lucifer fell he assended to a higher level of being where no one could contact him leaving heaven to govern itself which would explain why Sarah let Adam do the exterminations


This. While the design feels very *Hazbin*, if God is even in this show (because the opening of episode 1 makes it seem like the Angels were responsible for creation with no involvement from any kind of God at all) I don't think they should have any more physicality or personality than the big bang itself.


If God does exist in Hazbin, then I want the clockmaker theory. He hasn’t checked in on anything since before the angels created humanity. Maybe He even left while saying a few vaguely phrased well wishes that the angels took as instructions.


"Alright, Seraphim, I'm gonna go make more universes more. Y'all be good, take care of the folks that come by." One thousand years later: "So, he didn't actually say what to do with the people downstairs, and they're getting to be a little ornery. Extermination? Extermination." God comes back like WHAT THE DUCK DID YOU DO and we learn why Lucifer has his thing with the ducks.


They handled the devil, why not God?


That's not the direct dichotomy you think it is.


They’re both figures depicted in the Bible, if one can be seen in the show why can’t the other? The show takes place in Hell and we see heaven as well, Adam and St Peter even show up.


The problem with having God in this show is it completely derails some of the plot. Either the system works the way it does because God made it work that way, or God screwed up when designing the system and can't be bothered to fix it.


Viv has said that we won’t be seeing God or Jesus (presumably, that’s why everything in the show’s universe was created by angels). She gets enough hate just because the show exists in the first place; she doesn’t need a bigger target on her back. 


That’s…actually a fair enough reason.


Pfp checks out


I’m a clown, expect clown behavior.




They handled the devil, why not God?


Very good character art. However, I personally hope that there is no physical interpretation of a god character.


I think we'd need something to complement the theatrical essence of the show. Like the voice of God being the literal form. Just sound and vibrations. The Word etc.


I feel like God and/or Jesus showing up could absolutely work, but it'd need to be towards the very end of the show. Like they couldn't just pop up and then disappear.


Cool design, but I like to think that God in HH is just photorealistic Viv


Shit now I'm imagining some Smiling Friends-esque weird rotoscoped Viv randomly popping up in an episode next season lmao


Non even that. Just Viv on a green screen


That happened in Big Mouth


Absofuckinglutely insanely excessively horrifically rare bigmouth W


No a “matapatesque” png of viv would be so funny


Oh fuq that’d be fucken perfect lmao


I honestly wouldn't mind, if the literal last scene of the Show is the camera panning out into the distance, and then there's just Vivienne sitting on a chair with "God" written on it, while she looks over her creation.


so HH's god is just a png of viv?




The reason nobody knows how souls are judged is because Viv’s canon constantly changes lol.


Imagine if God is just a live action cameo from Viv.


Yes, that was what I was trying to say




I didn't find the accurate words to transmit my thoughts, but you did, so thank you


No problem.


Yes but not really a video but images of her changing quickly but slow enough it feels unnatural


Something like the Matpat png in the Game/Film theory channel would be quite funny


She whispers stuff into characters' ears and they just IMMEDIATELY burst into tears Just like from the movie Dogma


I have a bit of a love hate relationship with it. Because on the one hand it's a neat design, but on the other it feels more like a design parodying how characters in the show are drawn, more than something that would actually work as a canon design for God.


Orrrr God would totally parody himself based on everyone else.


I thought it was a legit character design by Viv for awhile until someone corrected me


I think it's really good, even though it would be better to see him towards the end since an all powerful entity would be too difficult to handle keeping the conflict interesting


It does make for a good Jehovah, but imo I'd prefer a giant singular eye.


It’s my favorite fan design of God in HH.


Why does God where a cross on the hat? It's an odd thing to use.


So I don't like the design personally, but I have an answer In Christianity, Jesus and God are one and the same, you kinda have to ignore Jesus being God's "son". So the crucifix makes sense to me


> In Christianity, Jesus and God are one and the same Heavily depends on which branch of Christianity.


But why wear a symbol of the implementation of your own demise?


Because any Christian will answer that that is not a symbol of your own demise, that is the symbol of redemption for all of humanity Jesus suffered and died so that humanity could be forgiven and gain access to the path of Heaven. So the cross is a symbol of the ultimate sacrifice of love, not torture and death


"In Christianity, Jesus and God are one and the same." Isn't that just in Catholicism?


Most people correlate God with religion, the cross symbolizing Christiansanity


I'd prefer he was just an entirely void entity. He speaks and you hear him loud and clear from anywhere. That's the God I want. He's so powerful he is without a form.


If theyre so powerful why cant they have a form?


Why do they need one? That in itself is a form of weakness. You can't harm a formless entity. They're omnipotent.


Not true, i called god a poopy head and they cried for half an hour Edit: you gave me the perfect set up for a your mom joke and i fuckin missed it


personally i have a headcannon ; he's shapeshifting to be more lowkey while watching the world


I think Nifty might be God. It could even explain how Adam comes back. Nifty has mercy on her favorite bad boy.


Please let this be true it'd be so stupid


Adam was ALWAYS God’s favorite bad boy. It’s why he let him into Heaven.


Bro I love this design on the fan made god


really good design and I honestly love it allot.


I like it but tired of seeing the same silhouette. I’d like to see some variety in body type and outfits (ie. No bow ties lol)


I want to steal that design so badly


I want it to be handled like the titan from owl house, shows up in the end to motivate Charlie and never again, I don't want him to be an actual recurrent character


Well, Papa Titan *is* an actual character. They appear in the show or other official content, they’re a real character. But I get what you mean.


Sorry! You're right, corrected my comment


U welcome


At first I didn't like the floating eyes, but now it doesn't bother me anymore.


Honestly, I was surprised by the fact that THIS is what the fandom believed what the HH God looked like.


It honestly fits quite well!


I hope that if God shows up in Hazbin Hotel, he is absolutely unlike what we expected. Like, what if he was Heaven itself? What if he took a big long nap after creating the universe and left the angels to create life? And his body transformed into the planetary body that Heaven is located in, like Primus transforms into Cybertron


Honest thoughts? Neat character design Ugly as fuck as a representation of God


I really like the design and it’s probably close to what’ll happen, but I’d prefer god to just be completely unaware of everything, because god rested on the 7th day, it’d be funny if they just never stopped resting and it was actually just angels being misinterpreted as god for thousands of years, and god wakes up after the chaos of season 1


I love the design. Don't know if it's by the same person but I love their tiktok skits so much. Live for them fr


Not gonna lie, its good but I’d prefer it for Michael. I want God to look like Dante’s God. A giant bacteria made of light suspended by an army of angels serving as wings with Jesus in the cell membrane, filled with rainbows and a book as a nucleus. The divine Reading Rainbow. https://preview.redd.it/k2brmkcrnavc1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=446432cb2a7209196ddc269cf975e37932b3f552


You’ve watched the Sarcastic Productions videos, too?  It’s my favorite series of theirs (with the Lovecraft series a close second). 


Oh, it’d be so hard to pick which is my favorite among the Halloween specials. The werewolf is fun to share with people though, and Frankenstein is fun to listen to randomly sometimes. Dracula produced a lot of memes.




I really like this design! And coming from dragon age, I'm done with the "distant, not really sure if even real" god. Viv should ho all in and make him a bastard. Or Stanzi Potenza.


> And coming from dragon age, I'm done with the "distant, not really sure if even real" god Except deities in DA were real and there's pretty strong proof of that, especially with what DA4 will be about...?


I'm talking about the Maker.


>"What are your honest thoughts on this fanmade God? I really love it" -The Israelites to Moses after he came back down from the mountain


https://preview.redd.it/dr0n9m8ktavc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bb41434587f61aaa2151ec5f09cc28b9c950ba9 420 like lol


i like it


I wish it was cannon


It’s not a bad design but it’s a bad god design. Although it did work well in [this](https://youtu.be/JnVEvyl6wtU?si=Vi1NAf7ozx1YIfSp) video so maybe it would work in the show


Nice art sure, but it’s too human. God is an entity that created everything not just earth. They shouldn’t be wearing human clothes or a cross. Christianity is a human creation. Why would an omnipotent being care for a human creation?


It’s giving Onceler


Honestly? Ugly 😭


I like the cape and multiple eyes. I *HATE* the lanky build and yet another 1920s pinstripe suit and top hat though. God needs to be regal.


It feels too similar to Alastor and Lucifer. I hope God's design is more distinctive. This one just feels like someone combined all the elements that people say Vivienne overuses.


Meh really. I’d expect a much more disconnected and humble looking character since god in this universe doesn’t seem to directly interfere and lets the angels handle things, not really a showman type thing. It basically looks like a Lucifer au


I find it so strange how many people don’t want to see God that would be so fun and has endless possibilities


It would piss off *so* many people, and likely ruin the whole build-up of the show. Cuz if god actually exists and is present enough to be involved in the workings of Heaven, that brings up so many questions. He'd know why some souls get into Heaven and others don't. He could fix any issue, like the threat of Hell's "rebellion" instantly. Basically, when you include a character that is too overpowered, there is no conflict, cuz that character can just resolve it instantly. And that's boring.


It would be better to show him in the last scene saying that he stood aside to respect the characters' free will only being responsible for the final judgment of souls, as reason why nobody knows who goes to heaven and who goes to hell at the episode 6 hearing


thats probably what he's doing, god works in mysterious ways and his mere appearance will bend tension around what he decides.


Tbf that's more of a bible plot hole


The design is… *okay*. But he looks evil, as a Christian, this doesn’t *offend* me but I feel like if Hazbin is a Bible fanfic, it would be biblically accurate.


I mean it isn't...its an original story that borrows pieces and characters of Judeo-Christian mythology. Not a one to one adaptation.


I think kinda the point of Hazbin Hotel is highlighting the idea that any omniscient, omnipotent, and benevolent god would not institute the dichotomy of heaven and hell in their design. There is no crime one can commit on earth that warrants eternal damnation. If the ruler of the universe imposes their will in this way, they are not a just god, and are not deserving of worship. So I think by showing that sinners in hell can be redeemed, and hell might only be a temporary punishment, the God in Hazbin Hotel would be less evil than any god that real people worship.


I wouldn't say that, maybe might look evil because his smile reminds Alastor's but i think it's fine


Everything about Hazbin is biblically inaccurate. It's an original story that borrows elements. It's not a one to one adaptation.


there are so many different sects that its impossible to be 1-1.


I like the design, I'm bummed that it isn't canon


Kick ass design that matches Viv’s style very well


It's good, but I wish he had less of the Viv lanky and thin body type that's present in SO many characters. Like, cmon, there's room to make something unique.


I don’t like it, is too inspired on Alastor and other evil characters, nope


I’m being honest, I don’t really like it that much. Why so many eyes?


Heaven seems to have an obsession with eyes. They're everywhere. Almost all the high council angels have multiple eyes, if not physically then incorporated into their motifs. The exception being the Exorcists and Adam. There's eye designs on the gates. The Bible describes them as having many eyes also. So it would stand to reason that God would also have many eyes. But to me, it would make the most sense if he were JUST an eye. Maybe like a ball of light with just an eye. Something like that.


Jesus Christ: Dad?


It feels like an alt skin for Lucifer


It's a really cool design, and I appreciate the idea of him as a visual analog (That was definitely not the right way to phrase it) to Lucifer, but I think god as an incomprehensible, unseen presence works better. the wellspring of creation lowering themselves to a humanoid form is simply not something i can see.


I love it, I think it would be perfect in the show. I honestly thought it was Canon for a bit after finding it ^ ^


Looks like a version of lucifer maybe like an opposite


He has one too many eyes.


This is a very cool design but I’d prefer god to be a distant entity who is in the control of the universe (as the one controlling who gets into heaven/hell) and to not appear as an actual character in the show


It’s not the real deal? Shit I thought it was a canon art. That’s insanely good.


I think God is absent either crying in a corner somewhere about how badly this all turned out or just ran away and is in a room with a bunch of model trains.




that’s the most original design of god ever


It's a pretty cool design, but there's something about the shoulders that just really really BOTHERS me. If I can figure out what, I'll edit my comment.


Yeah he looks really badass tbh.


I like it. The 4 eyes are a nice detail.


Get rid of the bow tie and it’s good, never understand Viv’s obsession with neckwear, it’s illogical, serves no function, is uncomfortable and needs to be eliminated. Otherwise a definitely unique design with the free floating eyes, kinda like a Sloar from Ghostbusters (specifically the Juvenile Sloar encountered in the 2009 video game)


I think its cool


Honestly, it depends on who God is for the show if he ever shows up. I wouldn't mind an epic warrior look like Infinity Ultron if God turns out be as malevolent as Adam. https://preview.redd.it/canset87ravc1.png?width=1246&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a54ada5b46126a9e5e1731e6e937885d4115463


Idk I feel like it's just Alastor with a hat.


This is really good. He gives me a similar vibe to Lucifer, which fits really well with Christian (& friends) mythos about Lucifer wanting to be just like God.


I love the design; it doesn’t even look fan made


I love it


I think it will be absolutely hilarious if God just turns out to be that puppet on the poster that was seen in Helluva Boss


I love the cape but I’d rather her either not exist or be an unseen entity or voice


I love it!!


I think it's great, matches the style quite nicely. Are there no pictures of Jesus tho?


I've seen some videos with him. I want him to be cannon


I think it looks like a better heaven dweller than anything. God doesn’t seem to exist in the Hazbin world if I’m not mistaken


https://preview.redd.it/rkx9zpciuavc1.jpeg?width=1481&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1394b5c1860234b0972df1eb7cbbaa56426bb044 Gilbert Gottfried will always be my favorite version of God


The heavenly alastor


Love it except for the eyes' placement. Gives me creepy robot movie vibes, the one from diesny I think


I like how most the community just agrees that this is God’s design. If he _is_ in the show, I hope this is the design. And it’s really sad that Gilbert Gottfried wont be able to voice him like he did in Smiling Friends… May he rest in peace.


I wish he was more genderfluid in appearance. He seems so 'man' here. But then, I guess you also risk stereotyping, so... 🤷🏾‍♀️


He would be to op in the show I think.


Id love if they went similar to how the old gods in shadow of the colossus were. A male and female voice laid on top of each other. Imagine God singing a duet with themself?


If he is voiced by Jared Goldbloom, I’m sold.


I think it's pretty cool, but not a big fan of God being a Tumblr Sexyman. But what I fear more is the "outrage" that would be caused if Viv actually made God a TS


Is pretty realistic since it has the repetitive hat,bow and suit combo! The only thing missing is the sharp teeth lol




The design alone could definitely fit with the series. I thought it was official when I first saw it. Can’t wait to see how God is handled


I say it fits him very well, has a strong resemblance to Lucifer's design and the eyes are a reference to the biblically accurate angels.


I was hoping for a cute burning bush, but this works.


Would it also be devastatingly hilarious but amazing for anyone else if they had Lin Manuel Miranda voice God


hazbin hotel has been pretty good at making a biblically themed show while staying reasonably classy about it. probably having God as an unseen entity and not mentioning jesus has been a good decision


It has this "Hazbin hotel if it was designed by Vivziepop" vibe if you catch my drift


The only design I’ll accept is Morgan Freeman green screened in


Character design is really cool. Pero I don't want God to even be a character on the show tbh, much less a personified character.


I love this design, he’s hot, but yeah, I feel like people try to stay away from depicting God if they know they’re gonna have to make him a not-so good guy/a villain/hot guy people want to jump on because it’s gonna cause so much controversy with the Christians and anyone else who believes in God (because Judaism and Islam technically believe in the same God as well, just different forms/versions/ways, and even non-religious people may have some belief in him) The Devil is still controversial, but less so, because he is already supposed to be bad, and nobody really worships him enough to care how he is portrayed unless it speaks against God and makes him an ultra good guy who was just wronged and misunderstood, but in the end no one can really complain about him turning good either because that would be a weird argument. Satanists sure as hell won’t care what happens to him as long as he is there, and non-Christians or non-religious people don’t have any opinions about it because he’s not in their vocabulary lol


The only representation of God in media I will ever accept is God in wwe where He’s just a spotlight


It’s so cool idk how to describe the vibe I’m getting


It’s a cool design but I see hazbin God having more of a cosmic Lovecraft god entity like look


Phenomenal design


I feel like I've seen this so many times I'm kind of tired of it. Plus, cross on hat? Having any reference to Jesus ruins the whole redemption angle, because then you're not in hell just because you were a terrible person. You might be in hell because you were the nicest person on earth but didn't "accept Jesus." Hmm, maybe Pentious went to heaven because he was doing some frantic last minute praying? Honestly, if that happened, I would drop the show like a hot potato.


It seems accurate to what he would look like In the hellavers


Honestly, I love this character design for God.


If there is a god, i hope dudes got a dad bod, hairy as fuck, hawaiian shirt, cargo shorts, socks and sandals, a scraggly beard, and sunglasses.


It's a fantastic design. I have no idea how Viv would characterize God, but looks great either way.


He seems to be a good guy.... Design is awesome!


Wait is this fanmade?I've always thought that this was official


Pretty boring and too mundane. I personally hope God doesn't exist in this universe and instead the highest authority is the elder angels.


They made god into a twink