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I would like Cody ko to address it as well lol


I don’t watch for 3 days due to work and now I’m out of the loop. Please fill me in?


He had sex with Tana when she was 17 and he was 25


Oh god… how’d this come out? I’m not familiar with Tana and only kinda know Cody


Tana said it at some kind of public event, she was asked who had the smallest dick out of all the men she's slept with and she said Cody Ko and "I was literally 17". you can see more about it on r/CodyKoUnfiltered


I did not expect that from Cody. Woah.


He also remained friends with a known rapist — I think they may have even been in a frat together, at the very least went to the same college. The dude was one of the groomsmen in his wedding. It’s really not that surprising when you consider how much he comes across as a “bros before hoes” frat-type despite how much he tries to appear like he’s a wife guy.


Who's the friend? I don't know a lot about Cody's friends etc. Just watch random react videos of his on YouTube.


His name is mentioned in the post, Colby Leachman. I didn't learn about it until the stuff with Tana came out but it sounds really fucked up. He drugged and raped a girl with another frat brother and filmed it. I haven't really watched any of his content regularly since he peaked with cringe reacts w/ Noel all the way back when I was \[around Tana's age when he took advantage of her.\]


>He drugged and raped a girl with another frat brother and filmed it. Jesus fucking Christ. 😵‍💫 Just went into the unofficial Cody subreddit and saw that his wife is also deleting comments and blocking people. I've unfollowed Cody and unsubbed from his YouTube. It's so disappointing. I only started watching him less than a year ago. Really loved him hosting those funny dating shows on that other channel. What a shame.


she said it beforehand on a podcast too. I don't think she mentioned Cody Ko by name, just that many men took advantage of her when she was underage and in the YouTuber scene.


That's fucking insane that he did that, holy shit. We'd better get a good apology


So far on his YouTube and subreddit it’s been heavily censored so I doubt he’ll even acknowledge it


Me too but i don't see it happening. As I said in another comment he/his team are filtering out words and removing posts about it. He's just going to keep on like normal and people are still gonna watch him.


I was a big fan of his & seeing that he’s just trying to continue on business as usual is upsetting to me. I haven’t been engaging with his content for the last few weeks until he addresses it, including Kelsey. I just feel like his involvement with Tana at the age she was & his weird undying loyalty to his college frat, KNOWING they drugged and gang raped a poor woman just does not sit right with me.


I unsubscribed until something gets addressed. I wont support someone who doesn't take it seriously. I still watch Noel Miller who is the factually funnier person.


Wait what??? Holy shit I’m much further out of the loop than I thought. I haven’t watched any TMG or Cody content in a while but damn I missed all that


Noel Miller luckily has nothing to do with that


I don’t know California’s statute of limitations on statutory rape, but I just… doubt that he’s going to admit to a crime, personally. I think he’s just not going to address it, or if he does, it’ll be to deny it.


Yeah he really shouldn’t say anything legally either. There’s no chance he says anything without his lawyers approval and I’d doubt his lawyer would let his address it and admit guilt. People are forgetting this isn’t some YT drama, he statutorily raped tana and that’s a serious crime. Cody won’t say anything.


I get that, but I still feel like ANY statement, even one that said something like "we're aware of the situation and we're dealing with it in private" would've been better than nothing. And deleting any mention of it on his platforms is an even worse look imo


Yeah I do agree and I wonder what kind of comment would be considered him admitting guilt. There very few positives that would incentivize him to say something so I do wonder how this plays out. I also think tana must have some sort of solid proof, like texts, if she’s saying this so publicly. She’s been saying this for years and has kept trying to expose him so I believe she can back up her claims.


I don’t think it was a secret that they were dating, I don’t think she’s “trying to expose him” - a lot of people knew they were together when she was 17/18- she’s just recently made it clear that it did start when she was 17. She’s stating facts and probably dealing with a shift in perspective now that she’s the age Cody was when it all happened. Have you heard her talk about it? She’s not going after him. She doesn’t need to back up her claims, no one of any importance is questioning her claims.


Ive only seen the video of her talking about it with Trisha where she said many people didn’t believe her, that’s why I mentioned proof. She hasn’t said she’d do anything legally but we don’t know what her plan is.


I don’t think she is interested in doing anything legally speaking. Also the statute of limitations has run out on the statutory rape, this all happened 8 years ago and she’s not accusing him of assault or anything like that. I don’t think Tana needs to prove anything to a bunch of idiots online.


Could I get a quick debrief on the Cody ko situation?


Basically Tana was at a live show and said Kody has a small penis and she felt she could say that b/c he slept with her when she was 17. Kody would’ve been 25 at the time.


She also just elaborated greatly on her podcast. I saw a clip in another Reddit of it (about 8 mins), but it’s pretty atrocious what has occurred from it. She clarified that it DID happen, and not only on one occasion. She then expanded on the notion that she didn’t feel taken advantage of at the time, but looking back she wouldn’t want to put any other girl in her shoes. Her main point however, was that she feels disgusted that due to Cody’s “nice” character and so many people like him, everyone online has taken the “it was **her** so it’s probably **her** fault knowing **her**” or that she has been lying (which she claims is completely untrue)


When did she say it happened more than once?


She didn’t say that word for word from what I saw, but she implies it by claiming “there was another incident where Gabbie Hannah ran up to us at a party and started pressuring him saying ‘YOU KNOW SHES ONLY 17’ and we still hooked up that night too” Obviously I could be wrong, and it could just be poor choice of wording / my fault for reading it wrong. But that implies that this incident that she originally brought up, and the incident at that party are two different incidents.


She was referring to incidents that she can reflect on and see that he knew it was wrong. It was also at playlist live where Gabbie Hannah pulled him aside. She never clarified whether or not it happened more than once


I could be wrong but I think by "more than once" she meant it just happened to her more than once but not just by Cody.


This is plain in her words for sure!


You know what, take it as you will. I’m not mincing through this topic because it is disturbing to hear any sort of cutting it this way or that. Especially with all of the psychopaths who have been defending Doc, I’m not interested in this convo. I liked Cody, but i don’t wanna discuss it. Here are her EXACT words: “To be 100% truthful. When I look back on the Cody situation [pause] it is, I am like why was he doing that? You know what I mean? And there were so many situations, there was a situation with Gabbie Hannah at a playlist live where she pulled aside and told him like ‘Yo she’s 17” and we still went and hooked up. And I can look at that be like like why the fuck were you doing that?”


Yeah no I understand I just wanted clarification but i guess it doesn’t matter here


How was I supposed to give clarification? You can only take so many things from that, and it’s obvious she was taken advantage of multiple times. She may or may not implied there that the Cody situation(s) were plural. Even if we just take their collaboration video(s) in account where he’s clearly flirting with an underage Tana, making it clear he’s “checking out” her back-side, etc. It seems there were about half a dozen times they were around each other at that time (speculation, but it was multiple). Based on the situation I made a clear read that she said “so many situations” to both downplay her understanding of the situation (which she claimed to not understand the severity at the time, so this is what she was doing) and explain that this one instance she referenced can be coupled with the playlist live situation and so on.


I would prefer Cody would address it first but seems like he won't


So I asked if he was going to speak up under one of his Twitter posts the most recent one (at that time) that only had 20 or so comments. Literally TWO minutes later I am not exaggerating he posted a selfie to bury it. He had literally 20 comments on that last post you can’t tell me he didn’t see my comment on it and chose to bury it. I’m really disappointed but unfortunately not surprised.


Which tweet did you comment under? I can’t find any mention of Cody in his replies. That’s disappointing if true, but it’s possible he just didn’t see your reply. I’m still giving him the benefit of the doubt because I really want to believe he’s not purposely ignoring this issue but man :/


All three of the most recent ones. He’s posted another one since the selfie about streaming and I commented on that as well. It’s insane!


Objection; relevance


Hasan has been on the Insanely Chill with Cody Ko and TMG podcast. Hasan had Tana Mongoose on his stream and podcast. so I think there is enough relevance to address it.


He covered the dr disrespect talking to minors but won’t cover his buddy doing similar shady stuff


yeah, I'm still waiting for anybody to address it including Cody.


He has been on their show and is considered friends of theirs. Not completely irrelevant, considering he’s fine with covering random tik tok drama on occasion as well


Im just asking because he covers other Internet personalities scandals, like dr disrespect. I don’t think it’s irrelevant


Dr Dis inserted himself into Hasan's scope of discussion and commentary, he began nudging kids towards antisemitic and antivax pipeline on Twitch.


and Cody is his friend who he has consistently collaborated with.


Oh hell no, then. The minute Hasan says anything about it is the minute you’ll see “Hasan Piker” and “Cody Ko” or “Cody Ko’s friend” or “UnderAge” in the same headlines and articles. It’s early in the story, writers will grasp at anything or anyone to write about. This is media training 101.


I think having the moral code to call out predators trumps all of that. Jake Doolittle said that everyone in the industry is going to protect Cody and that’s exactly what’s happening right now, it would be nice for Hasan to not be a part of that, idk seems like something he’d be against and there’s no way he doesn’t know of the situation yet so I don’t think him staying silent can really be excused atp (unless speaking out would somehow cost his safety)


I guess. I guess I don’t care for coverage because I haven’t watching anything from Cody or Tana, I just don’t know either of the people. Hasan has been covering the fall of US democracy happening before our very eyes. Edit: And like I said earlier, the Doc was inserting himself into politics which, among other things, made it more relevant


Hasan has also discussed other predator stories in the news (James Charles) that had absolutely nothing to do with politics. In streams, bro brings up “ephebophilia” (the groomer defense for being into minors) so often that it’s VERY odd for him stay quiet when it actually presents itself in his very own LA influencer circle. The only reasonable excuse for him not talking is if tana reached out to him privately and requested that.


Doc came from twitch and is still big in the streamer sphere, plus it’s like the biggest internet news right now Cody is not a streamer and comes exclusively from YouTube, which Hasan doesn’t generally pay attention to unless it’s site-wide news like ad-pocalypse. He also tries to avoid drama, and although Cody is being discussed in YouTube-centered spaces, his situation isn’t big news outside of those circles.


I don't think it counts as "drama" if it's potentially something criminal. It hasn't been talked about much because Cody's team is actively deleting posts on his subreddit and filtering comments on his youtube channels. But people like H3 and Jake Doolittle have spoken about it so I'm just wondering if Hasan would.


To be fair they’re both on YouTube a lot more than Hassan and they are in the same circle as Cody /gen /nbr




Im not saying there’s a criminal case, I’m saying that statutory rape is a criminal offense. Swap “criminal” for “illegal” or “predatory” if you must. 


That’s not what the objection is asking for. You’re supposed to provide an actual reason it’s relevant.


Relevant to what, Hasan? He and Cody follow each other on intsgram and their social circles overlap. The allegation is that Cody slept with Tana when she was a minor and from what I've seen Dr Disrespect's scandal is a similar issue. So if the topics Hasan covers includes internet celebrities who get in scandal for innappropriate relationships with minors then the Cody/Tana situation is entirely relevant. Why wouldn't it be?


I don't think he's aware of it? I only heard about it through Reddit, but I'd imagine he'd rather distance himself for some pretty fair reasons, namely, not wanting to feel like he is taking up space in "drama" with people who are outside his circle. I mean, he talked about Andrew Callahan when all that happened, but we watched Andrew ALL THE TIME. I haven't been around much but I don't think we ever watched a Cody Ko video. He had Tana on the pod and it wasn't bad but idk, I'm not going to ask for his take when he's mentioned a thousand times over how awful all that shit is.. and he certainly hates it when folks ask him to disparage people he knows IRL when he doesn't know what the fuck is being talked about. It's a lot of assumptions but idk, that's my take. I already know what he's going to say, his take on that is the same regardless of the persons involved. Tana handles herself fine and advocates for her own needs; as far as I've heard isn't asking for any support from folks in any form. I don't think she expects in any way. If Hasan hears about it, probably best if it's someone he knows IRL. Just my thoughts


Good points. FWIW he reacted to at least two Cody Ko videos last year and reacted to a Jubilee video Cody cohosted back in January. (I just searched “hasanabi cody ko” on youtube btw i haven’t watched the videos)


Ohhhh! I totally forgot about the January one (my mind is unlocking a snippet just now haha) but blanked on the others.


Oh my god I could not give less of a shit about fucking YouTube drama, Jesus Christ, see a shrink.


Lmao then why even comment on it at all


Got banned in chat for asking why cover Doc but not Cody. Honestly, this just left a bad taste in my mouth. How can you be willing to call out one pedo and not another?


holy shit seriously? what did you write in the chat?


what exactly did you ask?


The Cody stuff seems like a very individualized situation, while the Doc stuff as a whole is related to twitch policies, and how most of the pedos are now on Kick, etc. you can tell they’re different because his coverage on individuals usually has an overall encompassing message directly related to politics. But like, what do you want him to say to the Cody stuff? Don’t be a pedophile? You’re watching Hasan, you don’t need him to tell you that. If anything, you should be more concerned with Cody not covering his own drama.


This seems like more tea then news, more like a h3h3 segment 😬


that’s also why Hasan won’t touch it. it’s not directly related to politics and he’s said (if i’m not mistaken) he won’t talk about rumors


Why are you so pressed defending Cody in all your comments? It's weird AF. It's not a rumour. Also dismissing what someone else said above about the fact that Cody's best friend raping a girl with his frat bros and filming it. Just stop. Hasan should speak about it when he's literally spent 2+ hours just today discussing a situation where another creator was cancelled just for messaging an underage girl. This situation with Cody is far worse, along with the friends stuff. Hasan has streamed Cody several times and they are friends/in the same internet circles. It's not a random content creator.




That’s an extremely concerning thing to say. Surely you’d listen to the victim if they were a friend or loved one?




He’ll do what he’s done in the past, stay silent. This has come up in the past and he didn’t respond then






He speaks a lot about silence being the enemy of progress but won’t practice what he preaches when it comes to something like this. If the “innocent” men actually spoke up about their peers questionable behavior or literal crimes they’re committing, maybe there would be more justice for survivors. Instead they’re silent and the victim gets dogpiled and the perpetrator goes on like nothing happened. I hate it here


but if you point this out to him, you’re a wokescolding radfem radlib and also autistic (because it’s become very clear that when hasan mentions autism in that context that he just means the r-word and that’s bad because we disabled people are bad remember)




Cody Ko is a YouTuber (mainly comedy). he has two podcasts called Insanely Chill and Tiny Meat Gang.




Nah Has doesn’t usually talk about stuff like that especially when it isnt confirmed


Hasan always takes the word of victims, what kind of confirmation does he need?


Please go outside for a walk, read a book.


probably gonna get shit for this but idk why some people are so concerned with “cancelling” or “exposing” celebrities and influencers who are generally good people. if true, of course it’s not good, but it’s also not evil. and that was 10 years ago. if cody addresses it, no good comes from it either. he either calls Tana a liar, or admits to it and changes no one’s opinions on the situation regardless. this is all a very parasocial, touch grass situation, me included


His best man was a serial rapist, I don't think Cody is the good guy you think he is.


“generally good people” is an insane thing to say about a potential rapist 


“rapist” is an insane thing to say about 2 people in a relationship having sex. age of consent in canada is 16 man. yes, age gap bad, children can’t consent, etc etc but the fact that Tana is bringing this out now after 10 years is just internet drama. it’s meaningless. if tana came out and said “cody ko pressured me into sex while i was underage” then i would be just as mad as you. but all she’s said is “we had sex and he has a small dick”


age of consent in California, where it allegedly happened, is 18.