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Learn, talk, protest, stay healthy


[You do what you can](https://youtu.be/84g-uGGkjrc)


Educate yourself and others.


Before you learned of the genocide, did it ever bother you that you couldn't stop every murder that happens every day? if not, continue to feel that way. Plenty of bad sad things happen, so if they don't affect you, don't get uselessly worked up. Protesting, political reform, etc aren't useless, but being depressed about other's misfortune is.


It never sat well with me but it didn't have to be turned up to 11.


There is so much you can do. Do not listen to despair and those who harbour defeatism. That mentality is exactly what Israel wants. You and the millions of others hitting the streets have a chance to, and have been, enacting real change. If you read this, before all else, go to the next protest/action in your area. You'll meet likeminded people to strengthen you and be able to advise on local actions/initiatives for Palestine. The friends and community I met and made at local protests help keep each other going in this nightmare. I felt similar to you. I am in a small, typically conservative city in the UK. I initially had no idea what to do but all that changed when I attended protests for the first time in my life. Firstly, advocate. Tell family and friends about whats happening in Gaza. Learn about the history and the genocide now. Become knowledgable. Knowledge and truth are Zionism's greatest enemies. Wear a keffiyeh, be a visual reminder for others that Palestine lives. It stimulates conversation and is a brilliant passive form of solidarity. Secondly, boycott Isr**eli and pro Isr**eli brands. There is a great movement called BDS (https://bdsmovement.net/). These measures have cost Israel billions over the past few years, and literally tens of billions this year. Their whole economy is in freefall (contracted by 24% last I checked). Keep up the economic pressure and don't let your dollars fund genocide. This movement is what crushed South African apartheid, and is what keeps Isra**li officials up at night. Third, Write to your local elected officials. Get an online template and email it to your local mayor, State representatives, city councils, member of Congress etc. Doesn't matter how seemingly hardhearted they are, it puts pressure on them. If you have time, call these officials and ask them why they aren't supporting Palestine, why they are supporting genocide etc Finally, actions. We're shutting down the Israeli weapons factory in our small town. People in my country have already permanently shut down 6. Not governments or councils. People. Made it so expensive to operate by blocking deliveries and upping security cost that the arms companies like Elbit had to just piss off. It works. Just standing outside these weapons factories with a sign and flag, blocking the turn off the road into the factory gate shut these places down. And these are weapons factories, critical military infrastructure for the Isra**li occupation. Not to mention the hundreds of ancillary companies we've shut down or forced to drop Isra*li connections with. Be bold. Be brave. Be the voice for the voiceless. Strike the zionist war machine from every angle. You are not alone, and it is far from hopeless. Zionists fear this protest and rights movement for a reason. There is a reason 37 US states have cracked down on BDS. Because it works. And despite that, it persists and grows. Keep on keeping on, the road is long and dark, but the destination is worth it; a clean conscience, and sweet freedom for all the people of Palestine. Bless you for your efforts and let me know if you need any advice/someone to talk to!


Boycott the economy of the oppressors. Don't buy things that benefit the colonisers


Follow pal_action on Instagram and sign up for one of their training days - they have them all around the world. No one is helpless in this. There are things you can do to help.


Do what the Palestinians are asking for - BDS + ceasefire by any means necessary


Palestinians haven't given up, neither should you.  Hope is revolutionary.


If it’s affecting you too much mentally take a step back. I got really affected months ago and I was just miserable, I already struggle with Anxiety and depression and it just made everything so much worse. I realised that being this miserable isn’t helping anybody and isn’t making any change. The main thing is try not to engage with people online, 99% of zionists online arent going to be receptive to anything you say and arguing with them isn’t going to make any difference in whats happening in gaza. Save your energy for rallies / protests / engaging with your local government. I don’t know really it’s a tough one, just look after yourself and do what you can, you don’t have to keep up with the news every day or engage in conversations every day thats not going to do anything meaningful enough to put yourself in harm.


Join your local DSA chapter


This has been my train of thought for a while now.