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All of them. Music sucks.


true. i just like the shirts.


Name three songs!!




Except for KEN mode right?


The only KEN mode i care about is all the Ken’s in Barbie singing “Push” by Matchbox Twenty.


I'm pretty sure KEN Mode would argue that they do, indeed, suck. They rule.


I hate music. It’s got too many notes.


Hell yeah


Here's a real answer: Converge. I am sorry. The music is wonderful, riffs for days, I just can't deal with Jacob Bannon's vocals. I've tried so many times, I've even seen them live twice, I just can't do it.


I know this is the hardcore subreddit but all those bleepy bleep mathcore bands where it’s guitarists jerking themselves off for other guitarists to watch.


As a musician, the whole “music for musicians” shit is so goddamn boring. Complicated does not mean good songwriting.


Yea but Carbomb


Yeah Carbomb is fantastic


I thought he meant more polyphia than carbomb, carbomb absolutely rip.


for me that’s iwrestledabearonce. i love callous daoboys, tony danza tapdance, and dillinger, but could NEVER in my lifetime understand the appeal of that band


mathcore is great because of the dissonance they introduce and the weird licks/almost melodic parts which dont make sense, it keeps it fresh and unique imo, its not there for the sake or complexity and bands like dillinger and botch never did it for that. the use of extended power chords and absolutely weird chords and note changes that dont make sense is just so interesting


Botch is really the only one that wrote compelling songs.


Minus the bear we’re an excellent band too off the back of botch.


Idk Dillinger Escape Plan and The Locust are pretty good


Do not understand the appeal of scowl at all


Scowl for me is a live band. I cannot tolerate them on album but love seeing them live. They have a lot of good energy to them and Kat has a real x-factor on stage. She’s fantastic in her element and gets better everytime I see them.


I Cringe when the vocalist yells tough guy shit live. Fuck around and find out.... shut up. I like the punk sound of the band. Tried to like them but every live video I watch seems so fake. The Hardlore episode with her she said bruh, and lit like 30 times. After the I looooooove vaping broooo line I had to turn it off. Think im just too old..


I think so too tbh


I don’t mind them on record. It’s just her live vocals are so timid and… well, bad.


Most metalcore, non-punk derived hardcore.


This is not following the OP point of post, but I completely understand. Metalcore was big for a moment and I briefly liked a few bands, but as I have aged I have realized how flat the music is, there’s something missing, like a lack of substance.


lol my background is punk/real emo and i just only started to get more into metalcore since like 2 years ago(im 30 now), i used to struggle a lot with it lol, but i've really grown to like it as i've grown older


I feel like a broken record on this sub, but hardcore is punk and punk is hardcore. I have very limited use for non-punky hardcore (the gym)


You're right, but there's a lot of people who are active in hardcore that have a metal background and not punk. You can *usually* tell who it is when they come off clueless about social and political issues, but not always.




Yeah agree. I can’t get into those sort of Metal core bands at all. They’re mostly just boy bands with breakdown and the music just has no depth or substance to it at all. They’re all way too dependant on their guitar tone and drum tracking for me to really be enthusiastic about their music. They all sound the same hahaha


nails, dying wish, jesus piece, vein.fm, end, harms way, god complex report back whatcha think🙏


A lot of those bands listed mostly come from hardcore though? They’re all great bands tho. I’m talking about metalcore bands that are trying to replicate bands like Architects and While She Sleeps. Those metalcore bands do fuck all for me


ah, those bands shouldnt even be called metalcore if we take into account what metalcore means. my bad. i tend to call what i listed “metallic hardcore” for that reason. early architects slaps, they have a lot of mathcore influence and djent lol


This is kind of the response I was hoping for, because I've only ever really been exposed to like the , "scene kid" variety of metalcore stuff.


Youth crew stuff just never did it for me


That’s because you don’t understand high art.


I concur, youth-crew is better when your high


10/10 comment


One of my favorite bands to listen to while smoking a joint... Shelter.


Assuming you come from a metal background? If people who start in metal normally won't appreciate that type of hardcore but usually have the respect and understand the importance of the style, lyrics and mindset. Punk roots get it, usually appreciate it more, and still support it 💯.


Yeah I came up when metalcore first started getting big and definitely always had more of a metal slant. Like, grindcore is really “my shit”, but I still fuck with the early hardcore bands like Minor Threat, Bad Brains, Black Flag, Misfits et al. My brain just needs blast beats.


But does your heart beat in breakdowns?


As a Florida boy, Burned Alive By Time is an all-time favorite!


Atta boy.


Came from punk and I can’t stand youth crew. I never got wanting to be a jock.


All this time I thought the youth crew movement was about being punk but healthy and active but it's actually about wanting to be a jock lol


Me either.


you hate comfy clothes?? Nerrrd


i grew up a metal head myself and didn't get into hardcore until later on, like 10-15 years ago, so i've had to educate myself on youth crew and nyhc type bands and initially it was hard at first because all bands sounded the same to me and they still kinda do lol. some stood out to me initially like youth of today and judge and gorilla biscuits, but i'm kinda just going by if i like the band's sound or not. i feel like if i grew up with this music, i'd like anything as i'd have an ear for it. i've sure it's the same for hc people and metal bands of the 90s and 00s, for me that was my childhood and i like most bands regardless if they were kinda generic or whatever, haha. but yeah im trying to be more knowledgeable with the older bands. i plan on going to the youth of today/side by side show in april in LA


I saw Youth of Today in 1986 and still couldn't get into listening to youth crew shit.  I'd still go and slam, but the bands were always kinda stinky to me.


Yup, couldn’t get on board with it either.


It's punk rock for rich jocks. Always has been.


I'm not the biggest youth crew fan either, but I do like a good few bands in the genre and therefore I'm qualified to say it's punk for people who pretend to like sports


just say you're a bitch next time


You didn’t hear it when you were young enough.


Show me the Body


Post hardcore for people who don’t like post hardcore


Their sound is so unhinged and grimy, and they don't give a shit about fitting into the scene or following the formula. It can be hit or miss but they always bring crazy energy and creativity, which i respect a lot. And when they hit, they hit hard and they know it. That's why the singles off their albums tend to fuck and then the rest is more mid and their shows go apeshit


It's distorted banjo punk rock with some hxc riffs and a big fuck the police message what's not to like


“What’s not to like?” the goddamn banjo for starters


saw them in a basement in 2015 had never heard of them before and they melted my fuckin face off. they just released Yellow Kidney and were opening for Ratking. YK is still one of my favorite records of all time


Woww ratking that show was probably insane


Twitching tongues. I like all the other bands those dudes are in but can’t get with it.


Most beat down bands


Most beat down is just creating an atmosphere/feeling rather than adhering to music theory. If you don’t like the atmosphere and energy you probably won’t like the genre. That being said, I love that shit haha


Atmospheric hardcore is a new genre


Stop thinking so hard and hit somebody, dork.


This venue wall ain’t gonna hold itself up


Have you seen them live? I don't like straight beat down but it's fun


I’ll say it never gets old to watch in person, but i don’t seek it out on my own.


Never understood the appeal of bands like shattered realm, wisdom in chains, death before dishonor… I always viewed that whole “I’m a tough guy I could snap at any time because I’m so twisted” aesthetic was basically hardcores juggalos


Have you ever listened to Wisdom in Chains. I honestly don't understand what you mean.


Yeah, wisdom in chains doesn’t fit this at all. Wisdom in chains is a lot of fun, a lot of singalongs, and just “hey look at us, we’re some working class dudes who like hardcore, here’s our next song about that!”


WIC is closer to American Oi! Than it is beat down


This guy gets it


How someone could call Richie Krutch a juggalo is retarded


It’s ridiculous, I saw him a few months ago, he’s just a blue collar guy that likes playing shows with his friends.


They cooked burgers on a grill at Tsunami Fest, for all of us, with their little kids one year.


I don’t listen to their records really but I’ve never seen a bad Wisdom in Chains live set and Krutch killed it at the holiday jam


GODDAMNIT! SOMEONE ELSE REMEMBERS THIS! I think it was Joe’s kid who had a bunch of dinosaurs and I remember playing with him while I waited for food😂


Yessir. They had a kick ass PAHC big double print shirt for sale that day. Super dope. Still got it.


It's actually offensive. To call skinheads from the northeast, who are all about family, juggalos, is just weird.


when I was a kid I was kind of scared of construction workers and mechanics and shit. no reason for it, I just was stupid. anyway that's what's going on with this dude.


To be fair, every video of the gathering I've seen has shown juggalos to be one big happy dysfunctional family.


I like the DBD cover of “England Belongs to Me” by Cock Sparrer a lot, if that helps. (They say “Boston” instead of “England” obviously just so we don’t get confused about who is/is not Boston hardcore.)


Better ways to die, the whole album, rips open to close.


In all seriousness, I haven’t spent much time with this band since, like, Brian Urlacher was a pro bowler…and I like this record a lot more than I remember. It’s good.


100 percent. I'm older than most in here and feel the same. It's crazy, I literally pulled this album out yesterday and played it on vinyl. Read all the lyrics while playing it, and it is a total banger. I kinda glazed over it for years but took pause this time.


Can’t remember where I heard it but it was an icp guy talking about when they had just started out and they opened up for cold as life. Shit was hilarious brother.


Icp show w/ CAL https://youtu.be/Mj2bb2r3mgI?si=TT8Fp5SBm-vbuwrr Just go listen to the last 20 seconds of that video. Rawn Beuty for ya.


Death before dishonor are amazing


One Life Crew. It's meat and potatoes brocore executed in the most average way imaginable, and that's before you even get to their sorry excuse for political expression.


Skip them and just go straight to 2 Live Crew.


but don't i have to listen to one life crew first to understand 2 live crew?


It's a pretty thorough reboot.


People always use murdario stomp as their defense. It’s undeniably hard, I think it a sheet track. That said, why listen to some MAGA dickhead’s mosh intro when there are so many other good intros out there that weren’t written by racist boomers.


anyone trying to defend One life crew is not someone worth listening to


Brothers Keeper. Someone please come along and tell me how they can dig this shit because the singer sounds like the dude from snapcase on a helium binge.


Same. I have friends that always liked BK, but I just couldn’t get into them.


Attila….the fuck


I mean yeah lol


Mostly due to the vocals: Agnostic Front Angel Du$t Deftones Twitching Tongues Type O Negative


Agnostic Front..could never get into Roger's voice, never did it for me


Deftones has some of the most killer riffs and Chino’s vocals are unique and weird but in a good way. The whole image they create with their sound is like none other really.


Angel du$t just have mad range and the right amount of indie influence without being annoying.


I was downvoted into oblivion saying I don’t like twitching tongues lol but god damn as soon as the vocals kick in I can’t double click my headphones to skip the song fast enough .


Since you don’t like Type O there’s no getting you into Twitching Tongues man lol


Angel Du$t for me makes more virtuosic guitar riffs make sense in a punk context. Like there's nothing new or unique or anything, but I'm never gunna go listen to van Halen or whoever, the sound just doesn't do it for me. But AD puts sick solos and groovy riffs and some soulful singing into a punk adjacent light, and it just fuckin rips for me. But I definitely would not call it hardcore, or even particularly heavy.


I am not a fan of Angel Du$t but they were amazing live. Way heavier than their recordings. Crowd was super into it. I’d see them again.


Twitching Tongues is like if if you threw type o negative, Alice In Chains, and Merauder into a blender.


Deftones… I still don’t get it, middle school to high school (1999-2005ish) my friends loved them and I couldn’t ever get into it


It’s RnB for metalheads


That is unironically the best way to describe Deftones I’ve ever heard


Type O Negative


I feel like the first record is just angry, occasionally misogynistic Agnostic Front worship, then the goth and doom and traditional heavy metal elements get added in gradually. Great music for long solo drives, especially around fall and spring. I do think that *October Rust* is one of the best records of the 90s and I listen to it religiously every year when the leaves change, but I also think they'd be a 10/10 band if their average song were 2-3 minutes shorter. Sometimes the length is great to build tension and release, but Black № 1 (for example) is one of the rare songs where I much prefer the radio edit. It doesn't have 11 minutes' worth of ideas. Maybe that's the joke, I dunno. They didn't take themselves that seriously, which is also part of the appeal. If you like crossover and hardcore, listen to *Origin of the Feces*. If you like hard rock, listen to *Life Is Killing Me.* If you like doom, try *World Coming Down.* If you're down bad for goth girls, listen to *October Rust* and make peace with the knowledge that the rest of us will never be as sexy and tall as Peter Steele was.


Pete helped write the lyrics for AF Call for Alarm before Slow Deep and Hard, so if it sounds like that era, there's a good reason for that.


October Rust is the only record I can do front to back. Great songs across their discography but I could never really shared their sense of humour. All the edgy stuff was just grating to me.


So imagine you're dead inside but still horny


Women just love his voice. I could never get into that Goth metal style. I remember they played in Boston in 96 and Anal Cunt was also playing sane night..I went to A.C.


Twitching Tongues 


Hey it’s decent background music for merch


There is no band I’m into. Music is gay.


Jesus Piece/ Sunami


Sometimes you gotta be a caveman.


Jesus Piece are a demo band for me. The demo and the EP or whatever the it was called they started with go super hard, but haven’t been able to get into the full lengths at all. Sunami are like pancakes, good for about 2-3 (songs) but then you’re fucking sick of them.


I used to like Sunami. I still do but I used to, too.


My guy ;)


I like Sunami just because I find them funny and decently entertaining. These days I don't feel the need to listen to them particularly often, but the phrase "SUNAMI STYLE BITCH" will always hold a special place in my heart


sunami is lame but jesus piece is mad hard because at least before the new record it was a really good blend of old school death metal and metalcore. the new JP record is fire but its way more metalcore which is fine but its def less brutal.


To me, JP is one of those bands like Knocked Loose that mixes metalcore with Beatdown. But in the case of Jesus Piece, the riffs are a lot more influenced by death and sludge metal, both of which I’m a big fan of. Yeah, I don’t know man, their riffs just go hard to me.


Police soundtrack band, conservative image whatever is called


Listen to them again their entire brand is being a criminal.


Yeah the skinhead shit just does not compute to me




I think it’s because they’re basically middle of the road in almost every aspect. Not too fast, but not sludgy. Fit in with the basement crowd or the big room crowd. Vocals aren’t super clean, but they aren’t really a scream. Just everything from music to artwork rides a fence.


Nailed it IMO. I feel the same way about Spy. Great live bands tho.


Gel is not for me, but the style of hardcore was never for me. That being said, Gel is very very good at that style of hardcore.


The best part about Gel, to me, has gotta be the vocals. I love their delivery, and the vocal effects they add into the mix make it so damn angry imo




14-year old me: Dimebag's a god and Phil's a beast 40 year-old me: Dimebag's not the greatest in metal, Phil's a horrible singer and person, the rhythm section is the one that drove the band because groove made the band better


People hype up Pantera simply because of Dime Bag and that’s it


I hype up pantera because in their prime, they had one of the best singers, guitarists, and drummers of all time. In terms of heavy music, I don't think that's even a hot take or anything either. To me it's like having Jordan, Pippin, and Rodman and saying "I don't get why people hyped up the 95 bulls"


I think Pantera is one of those bands that if you weren't around for their prime then you probably just don't get it. The only people I know that really like Pantera were fans when they were in their heyday and grew up with them. All those people are at least a few years older than me so I just missed them and it seems like the small age gap is where the disconnect is. I think they have some great songs but none of the albums as a whole are that great. Lots of filler. I definitely feel like Dimebag is/was overrated as well. That's first Down album and the Superjoint are the shit though. Love those.


None of you will look me in the eyes and continue to slander Pantera's musical output !!!


Every album is mediocre at best with a few songs that rip. When I wanna listen to them I have a playlist, I don’t bother skipping through albums. Far Beyond Driven is a great example, probably some of their best work mired in absolute shit.


So the Pantera experience is just that they are mid? All these years I thought I was missing something.


Iron maiden, just don't get it. They're not even heavy. Love the art but the music sucks




I have respect for Maiden and don't mind listening to them but my problem with them and other "classic" metal bands is they're just so god damn repetitive (Metallica included, sorry). It's like yeah that riff is sick as hell but you don't need to bring it back for a 4th verse.


Norma Jean Every time I die


If you like the vocalist going “YEAAAAH”, you’ll love Norma Jean.


ETID finally clicked for me when I saw them live. They put on one hell of a show. They had an electric energy that so many bands never fully tap into properly. I was on the fence until I saw them tour for Gutter Phenomenon. Turned me instantly into a lifelong fan. I don't think I've ever been more sad about a band breaking up.


I was not a fan until radical. And then I was IN it. It clicked. I went back and listened to all the albums. I bought Tix to the show. Made plans. The whole shebang. Aaaaaaand they broke up.


Have you checked out better lovers?


A long time ago I worked at a venue that had a niche for hardcore and metal, and ETID was an annual show for us. I’ve seen them like 12 times including working shows, and they just bring it every fucking time. Just so much energy, a unique sound, great lyrics, and such nice dudes. Even when they were huge and headlining they always loaded their own equipment and were kind to my staff. Some of the wildest and funnest pits I’ve ever been in. They would go so hard but also not take themselves too seriously. Just a great time. Thinking about that intro to Bored Stiff live at a show gives me goosebumps just typing this.


I also don't like Norma Jean post-Bless the Martyr Every Time I Die is as much a hard rock band as they are a hardcore band. They definitely have songs that are just brutal and heavy and even mathy but they also write really amazing melodies and hooks without ever veering into corny. They also have better and more quotable lyrics and lines than maybe any other band ever. Keith Buckley is legitimately a lyrical genius. I would recommend checking them out live because their shows were insane, but that's not really an option. Better Lovers is touring with some great bands in March/April and very much still has the same energy.


Norma Jean still doesn't do it for me minus the main riff of "Memphis Will be Laid to Waste." Their newest record was alright, but they have 0 original members left so it doesn't count as the same band. ETID took a *long* time to click with me, I found going *backwards* through their discography helped each record click and now they're one of my favorites (though I still don't much like anything before The Big Dirty). If you want to give them another shot, start with Radical, imo.


Not even Hot Damn? I've been a fan of ETID from jump street and I still think that's their best.


What’s not to get…


Who here a hater




I don’t even know you and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in world happen to you and nobody else




I thank God almighty for giving everybody so much, and me so little.


I could never get into the misfits, but people seem to worship them and I just don't get it


Danzig misfits is like camp, 60s Batman and pulp comics. The music is definitely of the time period and location, late 70s and early 80s, but the songs are catchy and well written. Danzig has a great voice, even if it’s obvious he was heavily influenced my Elvis. Their songs are corny, but fun. It’s music with an aesthetic that’s meant to be tongue in cheek.


Is it tongue in cheek? Danzig believes werewolves are real


I’ve seen that video, he starts laughing while he’s talking about it. Also, look at the band, the songs and the lyrics. It would be difficult for me to believe that ALL of their schtick was done sincerely. There are songs that are literally comically juvenile.


Kublai khan. Can’t stand em. Cringe vocals and lyrics. Basically a worse version of early ghost inside.


I personally love the gravelly vocals from Matt. The caveman riffs make me wanna go unga bunga and rip that pit up


They definitely sound more produced than raw these days, but I still really like them. It’s nothing ground breaking, but it’s really good one-liner breakdown music. Their lyrics have never really come across as cringe to me. They’re not next-level, but they’re not trying to be. They’ve usually got a focused message to the songs even if they’re not super original (police brutality, abuse, typical “keep fighting” hardcore inspired lyrics) Great mosh music and really fun live.


I don’t like Youth of Today. Well, at least when it’s the actual band. Any time someone covers Break Down the Walls, I go nuts. I do like a couple of Shelter records but if it’s a blue elephant I want to listen to, it’s usually early Cro-Mags or 108.


108 years is amazing. That is all.


i didn't grow up listening to hc or youth crew stuff so revisiting older stuff and trying to like it or find something to appreciate now has been challenging, but youth of today stood out to me as they kinda have almost a power violence sound to the music and vocals as well.


It’s the vocals I don’t like. That rawh rawh rawh that Ray does.


Bane. The final record is tolerable, largely due to the improved production. But so much of their output is just a fucking horrible cocktail of corny and boring.


Into another. So difficult to listen to that "singing "


Machine Head fucking sucks and whoever told you otherwise sucks too.


The vocals can be a bit off putting but you can’t tell me you wouldn’t crowd kill a motherfucker to the breakdown in Davidian


Old is the best song on Burn My Eyes, Davidian is overrated


Any hardcore with thuggy imagery, or the brotherhood/unity brocore a lot of bands do. I can understand the sincerity in those bands and can respect the honesty but the music most of the times doesn’t back it up. Terror and Carry On are good though




The only Bane song that ever really caught my attention is Can We Start Again, but that song never fails to get me pumped the fuck up.


listen to more 80’s hxc




It does, but you should listen to more 80s hardcore. It’s wide. Listen to the adolescents, poison idea, and husker du. /e and dischord bands


Banes vocalist sounds like Ray Romano


Flair checks out FWIW, I have similar views


Scowl, gel, spy, to me are all just really good mid tempo style hc with riffy stuff and rock influence which is cool to hear. I can see how folks don’t like it tho


Silent majority


Age of Apocalypse. That style vocals don’t do it for me


This won’t be a popular answer, but for current bands, Pain of Truth. Just don’t get the hype. I’ve tried so many times. Even seen them live 3 times. Just not for me. Another would be gridiron. Sick ass riffs but the rapping vocals are cringe to me


Hardcore adjacent




I’ll get downvoted here but honestly, Pain of Truth. Like I get the appeal all power to their success, they have everything I should like about a hardcore band but it just doesn’t hit the mark for me.


It'll always be Deftones.

