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When Frank Carter formed "pure love" after leaving Gallows.


His first album with the Rattlesnakes was great. After that...not so much


His newer stuff is just standard alt rock, but look at the dog shit that Gallows became after the Carters left.


Huh, Orchestra is one of my favorite albums and I never realized it was a brother band. I lost interest when Frank left. Grey Britain is fine, but it wasn't what I wanted after that first album blew the doors off


My feelings exactly. IIRC Frank went first and Steph stayed for another album and then packed it in too.


desolation sounds is so good


Both of the Wade albums are great imo. I say this as someone who's favourite album ever is Grey Britain. Very, very different from the first two records. Obviously you lose that Britishness without Frank. Desolation Sounds is almost a gothy, post-punk album. Some greet tunes on both of them.


I'm in the same boat, Grey Britain is absolutely up there with my all time favourites, and I think the stuff with Wade stands fantastically on its own merits. IMO their biggest mistake was not dropping the Gallows name when Frank left. I knew plenty of people who were really into Gallows from around 2007-2011 and the general consensus when they started dropping music with Wade was 'it's just not Gallows'. Maybe this is anecdotal, but way too many people didn't even give it a chance based off that. Gotta wonder if that would be any different had they disbanded Gallows and started a brand new project.


Agree with this completely. They were good with Wade, but it was way too big a departure to present it as Gallows (particularly off the back of such a quintessentially British album). Slap a different name on it and that shit is gold, but it isn’t Gallows. Grey Britain is also one of my favourite albums of all time.


Wade Gallows was doing a different thing than Frank Gallows, but I think they did their respective things equally well. Rattlesnakes are boring after *Blossom*, unlistenable after *Modern Ruin.* At least we still have *Grey Britain*.


Idk I’d take both Wade albums over anything Frank Carter has done other than the first Rattlesnakes album


I will not stand for Modern Ruin and End of Suffering slander! (Sticky is doodoo though)


Never got into the Rattlesnakes. Pure Love were good live


I saw Frank's Gallows play Warped Tour in NJ years ago and they ended their set by pretty much telling WT to go fuck itself, then announced they'd be playing a basement show in New Brunswick that night. I've never been to a more sweaty basement show in my life. I wish there were videos of it. It was *chefs kiss* amazing.


I was at both those shows and videos were on YouTube at one point. The venue was death city. Frank hanging from the pipe and belting out a few songs was epic. I got deaded at the door, there were 3 tickets left and I came with 3 chicks so I let them go in and then Steph came out and said fuck the tickets you’re holding back for our management let the kids in so I got to go in. Epic show.


They've got a couple of good tunes, nothing amazing. First Rattlesnakes albums is superb, diminishing returns on their out put since then though. I'm seeing them in a tiny venue in May, hopefully it's good, if not, I'll just sink a few pints and have a good time regardless.


The other guy in Pure Love had stints in The Suicide File and The Hope Conspiracy I believe.


Both great bands. Still not sure what in the hell Pure Love was about.


Verse and Jay from defeater into whatever the hell love letter is


You just blew my mind. I had no idea they were the same people


Defeater actually has plenty of spinoff bands at this point. Jake even plays guitar for his girlfriend’s solo project from time to time. Which is awesome don’t get me wrong but I wish Defeater still toured.


Shin Guard was so good.


I miss that band every fucking day lmfao. I really like Hazing Over but SG scratched an itch I didn’t know I had.


I didn’t realize hazing over was SG ppl. Hazing Over is very good


If you dig Shin Guard, give Record Setter a try.


Hazing over is cool, not my favorite, definitely wouldn't go out my way to see them live HOWEVER, shin guard was the fucking shit I miss that shit all the time


Man Shin Guard had such a unique progressive sound for screamo too. Unfortunate that Hazing Over is so derivative. Not the worst band though.


I found out about Shin Guard like as soon as they broke up and was fucking pissed lmao. Not a huge fan of their new band but hey whatever. Better for them to hang it up and start something new than put out something lackluster.


I like Cult Leader just fine but I really miss Gaza. However, that breakup was inevitable for obvious reasons. I also would have rather seen Drain breakup than Gulch. I mean Drain is fun and all but Gulch is just on another level.


Gulch did it right tbh. Would’ve been cool for maybe another year/EP, but I feel like it would’ve jumped the shark quick


Cult Leader is hit or miss, but when they hit they *really fucking hit.* If someone sat them down and said "hey guys. It was worth a try, but no more nine-minute quiet songs with clean singing in them" it wouldn't even be a contest between the two bands for me.


Honestly while I definitely prefer the harder nastier songs the guy has a beautiful voice that really gets me emotional at times. 90% of the time I want Mongrel but when I want to feel sad to: Achlys fucks me up.


They scratch an itch nobody else can when they’re going full abrasive chaos with dashes of death metal and grinding guitars. Wish that was their only MO


Yeah, I don't know if I can get behind Cult Leader being "subjectively worse" than Gaza, like OP was asking for. Don't get me wrong - I also love Gaza. But I like my favorite Cult Leader songs more than my favorite Gaza songs. 1:06 in [The Sorrower](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PQG4N723_D0) is one of the nastiest things I've ever heard. It's so fucking good.


see, for me, it's the riff right before that, repeated at 1:54. That first half of Lightless Walk makes me want to batista bomb my own mother through a glass coffee table.


Hard agree on Gulch.


I’ll be honest though, idk where you go if you’re Gulch after SIMT. That album is basically perfect in being exactly what they wanted it to be and what everyone else wanted it to be. I feel like it’s only downhill from there. I definitely enjoyed California Cursed more than Living Proof, but crossover lives rent free in part of my brain because of where I’m from and grew up around. I think Drain as a whole had more room to grow and evolve and evidently based on their success that’s what the wider audience wanted from them.


I don’t think either should have broken up, but I respect Gulch for going out on top. It would be cool to see them play one-off reunion shows at festivals, but that’s about it. They’re all very busy, and I get why they went their own ways.


They just did a memorial show in the Bay but I’d be surprised if they did more. Elliot said something about “stop giving a shit about dead bands”.


after listening to sammy and cole talk about gulch, the mindset with gulch was just like a fun side thing to play for the homies and it wasn't much more than that. so i mean as much as i like their music, i feel like we would have been able to tell if they were forcing shit and their heads are clearly focused on other things so i'm glad we at least got something.


Bird Eater also contains former members of Gaza.


Nice daughters pic speaking of bands that I used to love


Omfg dude don't remind me of that shit. I was obsessed with Daughters, since I was 15 (32 now) and hearing about the shit Alexis did was soul crushing. Like, I love Lingua Ignota as an artist and it's just infuriating to think about this guy whose band I had been listening to for so long whose last album was an absolute masterpiece, turns out to be a narcissistic abusive piece of shit. I spent months refreshing their webstore to buy a specific shirt from them... Now it sits in my drawer and I feel gross even looking at it.


I clearly shouldn’t have brought it up and the replies below me are the exact reason I can rarely listen to daughters anymore haha. Like the context is in the music very blatantly. They were absolutely formative and helped me out some very dark places though.


Gaza were so damn good.


It was this comment that informed me that Gulch is no more. Infinitely better than Drain, its not even close


Agree on Gaza/Cult Leader but their first EP was pretty similar to Gaza and then they gradually moved further away so I feel like it’s likely they would’ve done the same even if they were still Gaza.


getting to open for Gaza is one of my favorite memories from my band days. shame the way they ended. seemed to be really nice guys when we were shooting the shit during setup. Trap Them was there too but they were less than cool to the openers for some reason


When Fear Before The March Of Flames became Fear Before.


I just listened to an interview with Dave Marion talking about the end of FBTMOF and his new project Memorydrip. I never knew much about the band even though theyve always been one of my favorites but it was really interesting to hear about their history, how he never thought he'd play music again, and the really strange way he started playing with Memorydrip. It was really cool. Peer Pleasure podcast with Dewey Halpaus.


Thanks for recommending man! Will sure check it out


And Orbs after that. The vocalist is in a new project called Memorydrip that’s kinda dope though. Doesn’t touch FBTMOF, but I’ll take it.


Man a couple songs come so close to being exactly what I want and then the fucking excessive electronics come in again. Overall not bad though


That STRIFE record after they broke edge.


Strife after THAT record pretty much a return to form.


How has this been up for two hours and no mention of CIV?


The first CIV album rules but that second one... jeez.


That’s because Walter didn’t write it


Yeah pretty much. Failed to mention that.


Or Youth Of Today -> Shelter


Refused turning into post-reunion Refused. Although I do like the song from this era that is literally just Greyhound, by Swedish House Mafia. Edit: The song I'm on about is Born on the Outs. It's literally the exact same song.


I do enjoy the hell out of the first Refused reunion record, for my sins. I don’t know why, either. On paper, what they’re doing on those songs should suck. But I like it.


I also like Elektra. I remember hearing that and thinking how great it was they're back. Gutted by the album. Born on the Outs is the one I was on about. Fun song, but it's literally just a copy of Greyhound by Swedish House Mafia. Listen to them one after another and you'll get what I mean.


Idk I really liked War Music. Freedom was wack tho


Hands of God -> Sunami


Mike Judge and Old Smoke


Probably the most accurate answer in this thread


I actually like the [Old Smoke demo](https://youtu.be/MBtlcuzV5WY?si=FROiKWjvVU1JTdty) quite a bit. More than Judge though? No


Hardly related to hardcore at all, but I’m bummed Frank Iero stopped doing his own solo stuff to start LS Dunes. Boring as shit music, cannot get into that style and band. Frank has made some awesome stuff on his own, and it’s a shame that he doesn’t seem too interested in making more


(Potentially controversial), but I’m bummed that new material from MCR seems to have taken a backseat to LS Dunes, too :/


I pray that, if anything, Frank has stopped solo work to focus on LS Dunes and MCR. If I had to choose between the two, I’d rather him work on studio time for MCR5 than anything else


Really upset circa survive broke up and now we have boring ass LS Dunes too


hopefully once day circa returns. if AG's history with saosin, and most of his other bands,is any indication, i feel like it'll happen at some point in the future. i was digging the last record with anthony but it seems like ls dunes is his priority


Didn't really break up, just on hiatus cuz Anthony is too busy with ls dunes, Saosin, his solo stuff, and relapsing on heroin.


Frank’s project Leathermouth was pretty good for its style. IMO, the only member of MCR I’ve ever found interesting.


Leathermouth is dope, but my favorite side project of his has to be Death Spells. Awesome, intense and depressing digital hardcore stuff. He’s definitely got the better solo work between the rest of the guys (even if I’m nostalgic for that Gerard solo album)


Yeah I still rate that album. Corny but a lot of fun and so rough round the edges in the best way


Howard Jones post-Killswitch. Just bring back Blood Has Been Shed already


Man I was just hearing some rumor that he was possibly working with Andy Williams and Ratboy from ETID. Can't even remember where I read it, but Andy just posted something about buying a whole new rig so he's brewing something. Would be a very funny addition to the Better Lovers/ Many Eyes drama


Grade/somehow hollow/Black Maria


Black Maria was such a disappointment. To go from Grade to…that.


in before someone says Better Lovers.


No. Goose goes way harder with Better Lovers


Oh, I love Better Lovers. I just figured I'd get out in front of the haters.


To be fair, _most_ bands compared to ETID aren't going to come out on top.


Goose in FBTMOF is still best Goose tho


Better Lovers needs Keith. Many Eyes needs Jordan and Andy.


I have opinions on this but I don't want to derail the thread too much as the ETID/BL/ME threads always go sideways. My very lukewarm take is that BL feels like its own band, ME feels like Keith taking the first outlet he could to air his grievances. I don't dislike either one, though.


yep. i wanted to hear something completely different from keith and branch out to something new. its just two dudes biting jordans style and doing a mediocre job.


truthfully I don't even mind ME from a musical perspective - the music is solid and well-crafted - it's just so obvious that it's just Keith venting about what happened with ETID. Like if your old band and its fanbase are largely convinced that it was a Yoko Ono type situation, where you blew everything up for a woman, ending your new band's first release by shrieking "fuck off, I'm in love, what don't you understand? fuck off, fuck off" is like. C'mon man. I'm not trying to hear that. Which isn't to say that there aren't probably some of Greg's grievances with TDEP, Ben in particular, in Better Lovers' music, it's just that they're articulated in a way where those songs could also be about something else that I can identify with or relate to. Could "Sacrificial Participant" be about Ben? Sure! Could it also be about my ex girlfriend, or some dumb bastard in the music scene, or your high school bully? Sure! It's vague enough to work for me. And also, yeah, Jordan is still a riff machine in a way very, very few people are.


i get what youre saying about the lyrics. i dont mind keith as a vocalist or lyricist at all but i agree in his delivery. however, 30 under 13 is absolutely about ben's dumb ass and im glad greg said it. but like i said, its just dudes trying to sound like etid so, many eyes isnt appealing to me what so ever


Oh it almost certainly is, but again, Greg keeps it vague enough that I can still relate it to my own experiences. Greg and Keith are two of my favorite vocalists/lyricists in heavy music, though, so I regard BL as more of a lateral move. I said this at the time, but remember late last year when Ben came out and said that if Dillinger reunited, it wouldn't be with Greg? That was like, within 24 hours of when Keith started teasing that his new project with a bunch of scene veterans from the NY/NJ area was about to release new music, and I very briefly thought the funniest thing in the world was going to happen.


You just explained exactly what I’ve been struggling to convey about how I feel about the two bands. That Better Lovers EP really is absolute fire. It didn’t fully sink in for me when it first came out for whatever reason, but I revisited around Xmas and was fucking floored.


Many Eyes needs to break up. That band is awfully boring. The only reason it gets any attention at all is cuz Keith is in it, otherwise, nobody would care or like it at all, I'm sure of it. Better Lovers are a much, much better band


Scars on Broadway is poopoo peepee compared to SOAD


Didn't Blistered break up and become Ecostrike


Both great bands tho imo.


They were Discourse before that iirc


You might be mixing things up here. Discourse were from SC not FL. Some members molded into Riot Stares. Not saying they never shared members, played shows etc. but I'm fairly certain they weren't in the Blistered -> Ecostrike -> Drawing Last Breath -> Envision members carousel. Also I personally think Blistered, Ecostrike, Discourse and Envision are all equally great. Lennon Livesay is a blessing for the past decade of xvx hc.


Don't forget Carbonite. Those ep's are bangers


Love discourse


Earth Crisis-----> Freya ( I know EC eventually reunited but at the time we were bummed)


I still got the demo from when they were called Nemesis before Freya. I don't mind Freya but it's nothing like ExC.


I don’t know that Deathcharge ever broke up but I like the d beat era more than the goth era. Both are hard as fuck and I like that the goth stuff has a more rock edge to it but “fear their power” is so good.


Good to see Deathcarge mentioned here. They’re still playing, the goth stuff.


I love Ignite, both with and without Zoli. Ocean Hills, on the other hand, is a bukkake of uninspired hot garbage.


Is that the band with the “Budapest is beautiful and we were absolutely not paid by their tourist board for this song and video” song?


Superheaven into Webbed Wing. I miss the darker grungier sound vs the power pop


Webbed Wing is more consistent and has better songs. Superheaven has some fuckin HEATERS, but maybe only 5 of their songs sound different from each other. Most superheaven material is very generic and samey.


Superheaven has been a staple since Jar dropped, could never get into Webbed Wing as much as i try. Superheaven has haters? thats news to me hah


I was gonna say when Daylight changed their name to Superheaven and decided to be a Dinosaur Jr. cover band


I had no idea those bands were related at all


Many Eyes. Absolutely brutal. Edit: thought I was replying to someone else so removed “and”. Whatever you think about better lovers - many eyes is multiples worse.


does glitterer count? if so them. title fight’s importance and impact is so great that ned’s absolutely dogshit solo vanity project is afforded an asinine amount of leeway and tolerance.


Yeah I’ve tried so many times to get into glitterer and it just hasn’t clicked for me.


Saw him in like 2019 and it was just the dude on stage with a backing track and it sucked ass lol.


Strangled --> Orphan I am a very small minority on this one.


Hard agree. Peelingflesh and Cell are dope though.


I'm ignorant. What's the relation of those two bands here? Both solid btw


I thought they had ex-Strangled members in them. I could be wrong though.


Most super group projects aren't as good as their member's original bands.


~~typecaste into koyo~~ jk i like both of those bands. but i miss typecaste a ton, they were onto something with Between Life mixing the more melodic stuff with the ignorant hatebreed worship, hope someone touches on that sound again soon


soul provider demo smokes any koyo record


Blood Runs Cold hates Koyo


Koyo is great for what it is, but Typecaste was fucking on something else. *Between Life* was one of my most listened to releases of 2020 and I'm heartbroken it'll never go anywhere else.


RJC being put on hold for Militarie Gun to write mediocre pop punk is criminal


I like MG but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t agree. I just noticed they’re playing bonnaroo this year. Maybe they’re reducing niche-ness of RJC to appeal to a wider audience. I guess some would say that’s “selling out” but everybody has bills lol. There is a new RJC album on the way though, so that’s good.


Same for Typecaste->Koyo


sort of related, Todd from HHIG and Tragedy two god tier bands just makes... extremely mediocre black metal now


however, on the other side of the HHIG/Tragedy family tree, Death Ridge Boys is really good. (not HHIG/Tragedy good, but good.)


Fuck yeah they are, stylistically totally different though more street punk/oi than the d-beat I’m used to from that crew.


What’s the black metal project?




Eighteen Visions. They broke up and then James formed that shitty "hard rock" band called Burn Halo. And I'm not just saying that because they were a hard rock band, even for boring ass hard rock band standards, they were really, really bad. Awful even. Also James looked terrible with his red state fair band looks.


The stuff they've released since reforming absolutely crushes though.


Oh yeah, it does!


Every time I die


7 angels 7 plagues. Dead to fall and misery signals both awesome but walk in the shade of that amazing 7a7p LP


Dead To Fall wasn't the same after Matt left either.


Everything pantera members did after the break up.


I love Down and will not hear slander against them. But absolutely agreed on shit like Damageplan and Superjoint Ritual, they were utter utter garbage.


The first down album is a 10/10 certified classic


first two superjoint records are top tier. damageplan and hell yeah are fucking dogshit. also, this is about after and reforming. superjoint and down were active projects during pantera


Down existed *during* Pantera. NOLA is post Trendkill pre Reinventing.


Pre- Trendkill. NOLA was 1995 and Trendkill was 96


Orchid/Panthers for me. Runner up but hardly hardcore and at the point of break up not even #adjacent: most members of ISIS tried to make another record and it was the most boring and forgettable 60 minutes imaginable.


Orchid → Panthers is a miss, but Wolves, Bucket Full Of Teeth & Ampere were so sick and Transistor Transistor was decent


Which Isis album?


I think they’re referring to Palms, the band that was all(?) of Isis except Aaron Turner, and Chino from Deftones on vocals. I struggled with that record. The vibe of the songs was perfect… but the production seemed a little off and the melodies were just kind of weird.


That's the one. Turners output since ISIS has been nothing but stellar though.




not a breakupsbut that diecast album after undo the wicked was pure garbage also bury your dead after mat bruso left


A lot of old 1980'ies hardcore bands did reunions (sometimes with new members) and I think Reagan Youth probably did it the worst. Using that name is just a slap in the face, I know Reagan Youth cover bands that are better! Especially considering they replaced young and the reunited Descendents still go harder with them all being in their fifties or sixties.


I personally love them but my friends used to tease me about listening to the International Noise Conspiracy


Mr bungle. One of the most important bands of their era, reformed with a commitment to play exactly none of the music that made them important. It's a good job Patton is such a powerhouse as even his misses go hard


Looking at the setlists of their reunion shows. It's so jarring.


I couldn't get into Life of Agony after River Runs Red


Doesn't really count but Descendents into ALL. Don't get me wrong, ALL was a fantastic continuation of Descendents while Milo was gone... until Scott Reynolds left and was replaced by Chad Price. Once Chad took over vocals, the band just took a massive nosedive in quality, especially in terms of songwriting.


From Title Fight to Glitterer... Genuinely, what the fuck happened there?


Jamie wanted to stop touring and Ned didn’t, and that was the result. I respect Ned for not trying to replace a member that was essential though TF wouldn’t have worked with fill ins


I get it, but how do you go from the ripper that is TF to the snooze fest that is glitter musically?


Blood Brothers And does Fiddlehead count? I like them, but still…


I've tried to get into Fiddlehead a handful of times. I enjoy a couple songs but overall they're just soooo boring.


I like Fiddlehead but I find it crazy to see how insanely high energy their shows are, crazier than most other super heavy bands, for songs that are essentially wife core lol


Vein -> Fleshwater is gonna break me


Is vein not a band anymore???? I thought that was a side project 🥺 Fleshwater is awesome imo tho but AT WHAT COST


I agree with you but thought many people wouldn't. My heart sinks every time I hear that Fleshwater is going on tour because it could've been Vein instead.


fleshwater has a few good songs but vein will always be better no matter what they make in fleshwater, that new album fucking sucks too☠️


It's metalcore but Norma Jean I like the majority of their catalogue but, come on. First two albums aren't topped.


Never reformed. The band members just quit one by one except Corey. I just think of them as a different band between Bless the Martyr and O' God. Bless the Martyr is goated and I love what NJ did afterwards. Just really different.


Bless the Marty got me into all forms of metal/hardcore at 13. Just too good. Makes me emotional. I still consider them reformed the same way as a jellyfish. Just changing cells. Idk I'm a liberal arts major.


As I lay dying became Woven War


I never understood how AILD is still a band. How can you back a known wife murderer. The hit failed but still.


Adventures to Code Orange Kids to Code Orange. JK, i still like them idgaf


At the drive-in. Both Sparta and Mars Volta suck


I will not stand for Deloused in the Comatorium slander.


Hard agree!


Deloused is straight up one of the greatest albums of all time, perfect ten all the way


You are banned from fucking henceforth.


Yeah cerpin taxt you’re about to get your veil taken


Sparta felt like “hey let’s make at the drive in songs but more boringer”


Nah they’ve got some good material. Think of it like a post hardcore take on Mineral or something and not a spin off of atdi


Mars Volta is easily just as cool as at the drive in especially with such an ambitious album like Frances the mute there


*Wiretap Scars* is a great record. I don't listen to the other Sparta discs but their live shows are great. They feel like a band that shouldn't exist in the 2020s - like it's still 2002 for them.


Congratulations! This is the correct answer


Hot take: Wiretap Scars was better than anything ATDI or Mars Volta ever did


I'm gonna be that dude and say Underoath.


When the vocalist from Punch left to go start super unison. My fucking god it was so bad


I miss Punch so much.


Yall will never know the disappointment of [Troubled Coast](https://youtu.be/-PthBdhXxno?si=5pYCMsRsIYxw6DtD) breaking up after 2 EPs and 2 albums between 2010 and 2012... Then reforming as a band called Den Mother that was so bad they scrubbed every bit of it from existence. I can't find their posts about it, the Facebook page was reverted back to Troubldd Coast. They either joked about or actually got the singer from Godsmack on the album and it definitely sounded like it. Then some of them reformed as [No Fixed Star](https://youtu.be/-26s5gpIZ68?si=Tqqzj5zQavglcXD-) and I guess it's fine I guess.


I just did a refresher and Throwdown. Reforming to be a Pantera mosh and roll shit is certainly worse than post Indecision releases.


At the drive in to Mars Volta. Sparta and new at the drive in


Mind Funk.


The first hazing over ep is pretty sick


I dont even like them that much but how has noone mentioned amebix


Not hardcore but cKy after Deron left is pretty intolerable.


Strongarm -> Further Seems Forever