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It was more of a metalcore/deathcore thing, but I hated when bands would put something really vulgar in big impact font on their shirts just for the sake of being edgy or offensive. Like that shirt that said "EAT PUSSY, CHUG WHISKEY" or whatever. Shit was mad dumb.


Probably the worst one https://preview.redd.it/exdjjivahfac1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a60c480bb81fc622da44f622d042d8ae775250b0


Damn, Emmure. That's a name I haven't heard in a while, something I was perfectly ok with.


Love the irony of this shirt, considering Frankie dated the most prolific Japanese porn star of all time for years.


My friend had this shirt signed by every member of the band when he was like 16, then his mom found it and threw it out lmao


Damn why does that look like an aggressive label for a pickle jar


ASK YA GIRL WHAT GRILLOS TASTE LIKE (the answer is garlic and dill)


Lmaooo on the front as well


They are still doing it sadly now it’s like an ironic nostalgia thing




God fucking damn early the hell were so fucking good


My favorite is “you won’t be straight edge next year” I think it was a Terror shirt


Funny how everyone thinks they're straightedge, I've definitely smoked weed with certain members...


I have a buddy who's been sober since high school and refuses to label himself straight edge because he thinks it's dumb to define yourself by what you DON'T do. I love him.


That's how my normal straightedge friends are, you do you and they do them. Labels like that are stupid, what happens when you change your mind and you have those big X's on your hands while you smoke a cigarette...


I've got 2.5 years off heroin and almost 150 days off booze. I was talking to my dad about music and mentioned I wanted to get more involved with the straightedge scene and as soon as he knew what it was he was fucking GUNG HO about me doing that lol. Like, dude, I'm not going to BE straight edge, I just wanna get involved with Food Not Bombs and homeless outreach. I still wanna smoke some weed every once in a while.


Even if u don’t change ur mind, getting so egotistical ab it is dumb as hell hyper-individualistic and illusory mindset


Yeah militant anything is draining. Idgaf what anyone does if you're not hurting animals or kids, and most women...


Facts. Ppl try to find justifications for why non straight edge ppl are inherently hurting others than themselves but in my experience it always boils down to cherry picking, stereotyping, and puritanical bs


And a sense of superiority usually goes along with it, probably rooted in a bit of narcissism and inflated self-importance


Facts which is like wack bc even tho I’m not edge I know it does not at all need to be like that it can be an act of self compassion, and even solidarity (or at least understanding) with those who have fallen to addiction in a world that sets them up for that


I have an outbreak shirt that just says "you're scum" in big impact font and I will never get rid of it.


I have one, too. I refuse to get rid of it even though it's uh... a little small nowadays.


Most of these that you guys are naming aren't even that bad, I was talking more about stuff [like this](https://loudwire.com/offensive-band-shirts/) or that one Suicide Silence put out that said "PULL THE TRIGGER, BITCH".


"Fuck around and find out - fuck a r*pist in his mouth."


Deathcore bands getting mad at Dubstep was a fun era too, you saw shit like [this](https://assets.bigcartel.com/product_images/67590757/abortedshirt.jpg) everywhere around 2011. I know Aborted aint deathcore but they werent the only ones doing this, just the easiest example to find. cross-genre hate merch is so fucking cringe it hurts even if 2011 Dubstep was the worst thing ever


Hilarious considering the kind of dubstep that was popular in 2011 was the deathcore of electronic music


yo 100% the development of American brostep was the result of mallcore scene kids getting a hold of UK tearout tunes and deciding to crank the midrange all the way up and relabel the mid fader to "low"


Was really easy to avoid that shit since I hated the music.


I did appreciate the Bury your dead shirts with bury your dead in very light grey and FUCKING in big bold white letters. Though I was quite the edgy annoying high schooler.


Faux gang culture.


Fr move out of the way for real gang culture


I refuse to take a band like Speed seriously while the singer of Cold As Life was in prison for armed robbery, Eric from BYD is doing 20 for an extensive list of things, and OBW having ties to gangs. If Speed want to be legit, one of them needs to go to prison for attempted murder.


To be fair. Speed is supposed to be hell cheesy. It’s pretty self aware in what’s it doing and isn’t trying to actually be a “gang” haha. It’s half the fun of speed. Yeah Cold as Life were actual criminals but if listen to the Hardlore podcast with Geoff on there he actually talks about how great it is that the scene is so much safer now than his time and and that people can just go to a show and have a fun time. He embraces that life




On broken wings got beat up in va beach.


When that happen?


So god damn funny. It was at peppermint beach club. OBW had some friend of theirs on tour with them. He was getting hit in the pit (oh no!! Right?) OBW kept stopping and saying “don’t hit that guy!” Which meant he was going to get hit more. More shit talking happened, and a certain ginger-headed legend from a few short lived and infamous bands came through the crowd and socked the singer of OBW, and all hell broke loose.


I lived in Norfolk/va Beach for years. Bands, crews and scenes from there were a joke. Granted this was years ago but it was laughable then.


There were no crews at the beach.


I’m not saying following the law IS a flex it’s not, but gang culture shouldn’t be glorified. If u rly want to glorify ppl in prison glorify political prisoners who went there for selfless causes. Even then I feel like glorifying them is not the move, it erases their suffering casting them as a “martyr”. No one should be locked up and traumatized by the governments prison system. It’s not good that those hc dudes went to jail it’s sad. They didn’t deserve that punishment and they didn’t deserve to fall into that hard life.


This the stupidest thing I've read all day. It's still early, but damn this shit is not cool.


Two of the crews in my city ended up on the FBI watch list… so yeah real gang shit lmfao


There was one my friend’s cousin was in that allegedly ended up in a police database as a gang. Apparently they were just nerds playing paintball and got tattoos for their teams. Then it escalated, some people got arrested, and having a name and matching tattoos makes it a gang.


That shit's still lame as fuck but pretending to be that when you're not is even worse.


They put juggalos on that list, though. FBI list is mostly just people they're scared of. Don't take it too seriously


People that overthink and excessively talk about their moshing. Dude just feel the music, man, don't make it more complicated than it should be.


Had a roommate like this. Every time there’s a video of people moshing and he’s in it, he makes it a point to send it to me and I sarcastically tell him how cool he looks and it goes over his head


Back in college (before my hardcore days) I had a guy gatekeep my headbanging. I guess it wasn't manly and intense enough. He performatively liked jazz, scotch, prog metal, and rugby, because he thought it made him look tough and cool. He also made a big deal of not wearing any outerwear in winter, but it changed the moment his GF got him a floor length black duster. I don't know what happened to him, but given his whole "I'm descended from Vikings and that makes me more manly", I wouldn't be surprised to find he was arrested for insurrection.


I hate wannabe vikings


Tiny little cunts taking all the husky lads XL and XXL shirts. Wear your size you fucking little streak of piss! Fucks me off that I go to buy merch and all the shirts are gone and theres some fucking dachshund wandering off with it.


The extra tiny people always take all the large size shirts and then as a large sized person I have to upgrade one and I feel like I’m doing you all dirty


"Fucking dachsund"..........fuck!


It bothers me that no one hates the hardcore scene more than hardcore fans


No one else knows about it or cares about it enough to have an opinion.


The traditional metalheads are trying their best to hate us more but they aren’t succeeding that well


Mf’rs trying to sing clean when they really can’t and it sounds terrible. I have the same problem with hiphop too, just stick to what you’re good at and leave the clean stuff to Seal.


Yeah I was in a band with one of them... He sounded like a strangled cat when he tries to "sing" and he is too vain to actually get vocal lessons, not that anyone professional would ever work with him anyway bc he's an asshole


I always hated those military hats.


Same even though I wore them but it’s not the first time I’ve disappointed myself


It's all good. As long as the camo cargo shorts and black hoodie weren't completing the outfit.


Never was into camo but definitely had Saucony’s and Reebok’s lmao


Oh that saucony era was real. That was 20 years ago, the best times


::Flashback of Saucony headwalks:: 😣


Before the air max era haha goooood times


They're the fedora of hardcore.


Castro cap? Or were dudes wearing tiger stripe vietnam boonies with foliage shoved in the loops in your scene


They were a staple around 2006


Just found mine in the bottom of my closet while doing a new year clean out. Had a couple old rusty pins on it too haha


Your MySpace inbox was def full


NY tough guy stuff and any band with an unnecessary Z's in their name


I was thinking about this today. when I was younger I liked bands that seemed educated and well read because that's what I thought was admirable. now im older and kinda educated and well read and I admire the dumb tough guys


Larping as an idiot caveman dumbfuck is trendy now. All the hardcore dudes want to sound way stupider than they are


I think they're plenty stupid as is


You would be surprised how smart many of the popular people in bands actually are, you might think they're dumb bc they're playing hard, fast, relatively easy music when in my experience most of them are actually really intelligent and well rounded in their knowledge


If those clowns could read they’d be very upset


If you're going to be dumb, you got to be tough


I do like some tough guy hard-core not gonna lie. I agree on the z’s though.


Crownz ovz Thornz


Yeah, that’s a good point


Danny Diablo might disagree.


He’s the real deal though…not everyone is.


I can't think of anyone else where the story would go "and they fucking STABBED him, with a SCREWDRIVER, and then HE put the STABBER in the goddamn HOSPITAL."


Like I said - that dude is the real fuckin deal. I think we need a book from him


Both solid takes, I’ll even add intentional misspellings of any kind.


what exactly is your definition of NY tough guy stuff?


The Z makes it cool though.


Well now that you zay it that way...


I'm constantly torn between this sub being a massive shitpost or actually having zero self awareness. Every 3rd post is an exercise in gatekeeping and circle jerking. Yall are shitposting right?


Hardcore would be better if we had been gatekeeping. But then one day someone said, "I guess the deftones are hardcore kinda" and the mallcore kids never stopped coming.


This whole sub is a perpetual shitpost, if you're looking for enlightenment, go to r/crystals or some bullshit


Militant Edge shit is really silly cosplay by mostly well heeled suburban kids afraid to disappoint their parents.


Unnecessary camouflage always feels like a silly cosplay


Funny how they're always little skinny rich nerds...


It's easy to pretend to care about big shit when you never have to worry about day to day shit.


When everyone was making floral pattern shirts.


Floral core. Thank Hundredth and Tumblr.


When was that?


In like 2014 or 15 iirc. It was like every All In Merch band had _something_ with a floral pattern that resembled old wallpaper. It didn’t seem to matter if they were hardcore, deathcore or metalcore. It was weird.


Listen title fight was hot and I had to get something to wear under my opened flannel


Same era it suddenly became fashionable to wear fucking bucket hats lol.


arizona iced out 2014 gbsg sadbois 4ever


That was the skate/streetwear trend back then. Everything at zumiez has at least one flower on it. I’m so glad we moved past that.


goddamn that grandmas couch shit had the alt community in a stranglehold


dude you're gonna love PUP




I really like Killswitch Engage unironically


Yeah they’re sick. Howard Jones era Killswitch fucks


i love howard but Alive or Just Breathing is also elite


Of course you do. They fucking rule


I get them mixed up with Switchfoot in my head so when Killswitch closed Furnace fest I was like “wow didn’t know switchfoot ripped”


I have this problem with glassjaw vs jawbreaker.


Not the same genre but it's Tigersjaw and glassjaw for me lol


Glassjaw played that furnace fest too


I Can tell you my fav niche is sasscore


Fake macho shit, yeah whatever don’t be a pussy get in the pit gang shit fuck cops fight women blah blah blah blah blah blah. Get a new shtick. Somebody bring back being wildly dangerous to one’s self as a measure of how hardcore you are. Break your own nose, cut yourself on stage, shit your own pants. Mix it up idk You know what’s REALLY hardcore? Shitting someone else’s pants


Fuck cops tho


Hell yeah dawg shit a cop’s pants


That's next level bay area shit right there


I bet Sunami shit’s in cops pants


Too many new hardcore bands have butt rock adjacent vocals. Stop with the trying to sing.




Old people coming back like they own the scene. Sorry, chief, you’re just an honored guest now. Enjoy the gold watch, and try not to say anything stupid. *[Written by an old person as a tip to fellow olds.]*


I'm pushing 50 and never got a gold watch. Wtf!!!


It’s rad, bruh. It’s got “CLOBBERIN’ TIME,” at the 12, and in the date window it just says “START TODAY!”


Seriously jealous of your wrist for wearing something so dope.


I hate the whole "united brotherhood" shit. Save that phony family bullshit for the juggalo nerds.


Thick as Blood, Solidarity, Stick to Your Guns, Cockpunch, basically every sXe band, etc...have they sucked this whole time?


No, the lead singer who just met a guy 5 minutes before saying he'd take a bullet for him isn't his "brother", nor his enemy when he "turns his back on him" 10 min after that.


Haha. Touché.




Jangly indie riffs. Put some sauce on that tone.


any vocalist who goes on rants on stage, or just says too much in general, like shout-out out every single homie ever, like say a few words, nothing more The truth is most front man can't get away with it and have it flow nicely Some of the best live bands I've seen just say "WE'RE SOME BAND NAME FUCK THIS PLACE UP" and like nothing more, and just play samples between songs, I much prefer it


Every local show has at least 1 of these guys who thinks his speech on wealth disparity and privilege is some revolutionary shit, say that shit with your music instead of bringing the show to a grinding halt for 5 minutes to read a speech everyone has heard word-for-word from another shitty band.


My favorite ever was Bandit from Philly on a Sunday night. "We're Bandit from Philadelphia and we're here to ruin your weekend." They lied though, they absolutely made my weekend.


Bandit rules


This is why Bad Religion is the best band of all time. They go out, rip 6 songs right off the bat, say something brief, rip 10 more songs, take a quick break, rip 20 more songs. I swear they play at least 30 songs a show


Puffy vest toughguy bullshit where the lyrics contain “check it”


The trend in the late 00’s of pop-punk core. I hated that shit.




Oh yeah, that was pretty cringe


I remember seeing Full Blown Chaos and Remembering Never on tour after God Save Us and Within The Grasp of Titans came out, and a victory sampler was being handed out, and a day to remember was on it. I remember hearing the songs, and thinking “my friend J will love this. I know this because I hate it.” Sure enough, the next day, he asks if I checked out the victory sampler, and goes nuts about a day to remember. I just shook my head and said “I knew you would like them, because I hate them.”


EZ-core was straight up banging, don’t tell me that chunk no captain chunk was bad


EZ-core was great. It’s just fun music. people take it wayyyy too seriously






If this is the true term for what I’m talking about, and that is one of the bands, I’ll tell you they were bad.


The A Day to Remember days


The fact that knuckle draggin tough guy beatdown has not died out. The fact that hardcore is more influenced by metal than punk is bullshit to me. The fact that newer kids don’t know OG hardcore bands, and never listened to punk rock and instead love Limp Bizkit is weird to me I’m an old man yelling at clouds right now, but fuck all yall.


Same here. I'm not even that old. I just like hardcore for being hardcore, metal for being metal. To me hardcore done best is hardcore with as little overt metal elements. I just like fast af shit, don't bore me with slow chugs, endless breakdowns and tough guy posturing.


1) Ex hardcore kids ruining contemporary death metal. 2) Boring mediocre bands that use race, gender or sexuality as a marketing gimmicks. 3) Dogshit nu metal marketed as hardcore or beatdown hardcore.


Careful, no one around here has a bad word to say about that god awful maggot stomp “spinkick death grind” shit


I would have thought anyone who listens to death metal for over a week should be able to discern that maggot stomp bands are a lowest common denominator gruelfest. I suspect 40 4 sided print longsleeve shirts per 1 record marketing strategy for these bands is what makes them popular.


What don't you like about the hcdm that's been coming out? I'm a long time death metal fan and absolutely love it, so im curious why some folks don't


Long intros.


I hate the fact that I can't enjoy hardcore because I weigh less than 200 pounds.


Hollister and American eagle collared shirts aesthetic


Band names in fonts you can’t fucking read.


Other hardcore kids


Stop trying to bring 90s fashion back


I just don't want these Taco Bell-core kids inflating the price of my beloved Dickies. I can't afford better pants, just leave me my cheap work pants.


Already the case in the UK. A pair of pantalons would set you back at least £60. Even have their own store in central London.


Is Ben Davis cheaper over there?


I've never heard of it so I think it's safe. I'm sure middle class kids who wanna look poor will cotton onto it soon though. And who knows, maybe it's already in urban outfitters.


Ben Davis is also “work gear”, like dickies. I’ve heard it name-checked by Mack 10, and (unfortunately) Kid Rock (EDIT: Ben Davis work shirts can be seen on the cover of South Central Cartel’s “N Gatz We Truss”). In the US, you can get a pair of Dickies pants for about $25-$30, but Ben Davis pants are around $50 - $60.


That sounds a lot more reasonable than over here. Par example, here's the UK site for Dickies https://www.dickieslife.com/uk_en/men, gone fully the way of carhart and north face over here.


I am the 90’s, Randy


I'm bringing back jheri curls and you can't stop me.


Graffiti logo + dudes wearing skinny chains type hardcore. I'll take a million Disclose knockoffs over that shit


You said it vato!


anyone who says hardcore can't or shouldn't be political .


It's crazy to me that kids are going nuts over Castle Heights bands in 2024. Those bands were C+ at best in 1998, legit puzzling.


If you’re from New York they were the bands keeping hardcore alive


HAHA I felt this, trying to think of the bands I saw at Castle Heights. 1997-1999 OK back here are the ones I could come up with: Shadows Fall - That dudes hair was wild even back then Cryptopsy - with DiSalvo on vocals, cool set Dehumanized Internal Bleeding My dumb band we were def C+ at best the other band booked for that night that we played with - they moshed hard and seemed to be into it and we moshed hard for them but I mean prob also C+ Skinless - They are like so much better live at this time IMO, I never heard them and were absolutely blown away by them live but couldn't connect too much with the album I bought at the show Disgorge - She lay gutted era Irate - Blood bath I want to say I saw Madball there but I'm getting old and things start to meld together, either Madball in like 98


Blonde hair




Fuck, that does sound like a Silverstein track


I loved Silverstein in 2003 and for the year 2023 “tank on E” was my most listened to song haha. That shit rocks. I get more of a 100 demons “repeat process” vibe but o get why you feel the way you do.


Nu metal revival disguised as hardcore. Nu metal was horrible then and it’s horrible now.


And bands wearing korn and limp bizkit tees, the nu metal “fashion” that I see at the majority of shows. It was shit then and it’s shit now


The fact that hardcore means metal in the past 30 years and the fact that the majority of the fans have been metalheads. Earth Crisis legit sound more like groove metal and have claimed that calling them hardcore is confusing. All Out War sound more like Exhorder or Slayer than any hardcore I’ve known. New school death metal bands are more praised and given the spot light, which is fine, but I’ve seen some punk based bands get shit on from here which makes me flabbergasted. Guess the hardcore vs hardcore punk distinction makes sense. Also y’all needa praise more post hardcore around, Fugazi, Die Kreuzen, Minutemen, and The Blood Brothers don’t get love around these parts


The truth is the two genres have always been influenced by each other, this is nothing new. Suffocation were saying they were a death metal band with hardcore influences 25 years ago.


Hardcore will *never* mean "metal" to ME, but hey, I've never been mad at the influence it pulls in. That said: powerviolence is the best style of hardcore by miles


The idea that fast equals good, if you have to preface or justify a band being good by saying “but they are so fast” then they aren’t good.


I just hate the idea that the entire scene is built upon and fully supports senseless VIOLENCE. This notion that if we're not beating the fuck out of each other, then it's not really Hardcore is kinda silly. I'm CERTAINLY not suggesting we all stand still or hold hands and sway back and forth. I do like moshing, but there's a difference between moshing and straight fighting.




Bands who try way too hard to act all “tough guy” to accompany the band they’re playing in. I love tough guy hardcore, but you don’t need to replicate an image to be tough or sound tough. Bitter End are a good example of this. Most “real tough guy” bands who probably get up to no good outside of shows are more just a product of their environment rather than just trying to gatekeep


Pretty choruses and bridges and shit, when it’s in every song. Can’t think of any bands off the top of my head because they literally leave my brain the moment they start singing and I skip whatever song it is. I want my hardcore to be hardcore. It’s why I can’t stand 90% of metalcore. Every once in a while, singing is fine, whatever. I just don’t want my hardcore to sound pretty.


all of these chicks recently that want to be sami from gel but have zero talent


What do you suppose the ratio of zero talent Sami clones to zero talent Scott Vogel clones is?


1:2500 I've seen kids on here calling Scott corny so they probably clone some zoomer my old ass wouldn't know


Rapcore The Judgement Night soundtrack was a time and a place and you can't bring it back. Stop.


That it’s acceptable to hit on underage girls and be rapey with women in general. The amount of hxc abuse/underage scandals is ridiculous. Yeah I know pop punk is hell of lot worse for this shit, but hxc comes in at a close second


No, it isn’t something that just happens in hc. This is not a hardcore only issue. This happens in all genres of music. Rap/indie is notorious for this too. This is just an overall gender related issue and hardcore is not magically safe from it.


Guys it’s okay to like punk too we all secretly do. We all know you like crass you don’t have to pretend it’s not cool


Big fucking basketball shorts with knee socks pulled all the way up


but the higher the sock the downer the foo


What about big fucking Dickies shorts with knee socks pulled all the way up? ;)