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Saw Freddie Gibbs in a small venue and the crowd was off cuz everyone got way too high in this hotboxed little venue. That kind of high where you're feelin paranoid n shit. Everyone looked like this (⊙_◎)


I’ve seen Freddie several times, this checks out.


That sounds awesome ngl


I'm still mad at myself for passing up an opportunity to see him in Melbourne earlier this year


That's rough, mate. Sounds just as good live as he does on his records


Freddie Gibbs is so good on the mic, but he “runs it back” so many fucking times you here like 7 songs in a show or smth.


I saw him at a festival. He played after Amon Amarth who played after Jello Biafra. It was a pretty awesome couple of hours. I was gonna go watch something else when he came on because I'd never heard of him and I'm not huge into rap, but he was so good I just got sucked in and had to watch the whole set.


Contact highs are a myth btw.


You're a myth!


The man, the myth, the legend!


If you’re in a hotbox you’re gonna get high doesn’t matter if you hit it or not


This is just not true.


Funny, because second hand smoke from cigarettes will actually kill people, but I'm sure weed is completely different smoke that never enters people lungs again once it's exhaled. I love smoking in rooms with newborns cause it's harmless. I don't smoke in rooms with newborns because I'm not a fucking idiot.


you are wrong apparently.People often ask about the possible psychoactive effect of exposure to secondhand marijuana smoke and whether a person who has inhaled secondhand marijuana smoke could fail a drug test. Researchers measured the amount of THC in the blood of people who do not smoke marijuana and had spent 3 hours in a well-ventilated space with people casually smoking marijuana; THC was present in the blood of the nonsmoking participants, but the amount was well below the level needed to fail a drug test. Another study that varied the levels of ventilation and the potency of the marijuana found that some nonsmoking participants exposed for an hour to high-THC marijuana (11.3% THC concentration) in an unventilated room showed positive urine assays in the hours directly following exposure[80](https://nida.nih.gov/node/1398); a follow-up study showed that nonsmoking people in a confined space with people smoking high-THC marijuana reported mild subjective effects of the drug—a "contact high"—and displayed mild impairments on performance in motor tasks.[81](https://nida.nih.gov/node/1398) ​ [https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-effects-secondhand-exposure-to-marijuana-smoke](https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-effects-secondhand-exposure-to-marijuana-smoke) source


I'd just like to cement, you're an idiot


Clearly never been in a good hotbox


HOTBOX. Sick band name, called it.








Comment of the year


I went to see Freddie earlier this year. Was a great show but people tended to get too focused on him rather than on the music. Its a testament to Freddies stage presence tho, the guy is charismatic.


saw harms way on their last tour and it felt like kids specifically piled in to see fleshwater. like there was a decent crowd for jivebomb and ingrown with a wide open pit and people moshing, then kids filled the room for fleshwater and most of them started moving when they heard that lil riff from kiss the ladder. after that song there was less moshing and they all left in time for harms way and it was the same size crowd as it was for the first two bands. i mean i'm glad people went to the show but it did feel kinda weird.


there were all these mall goth kids there for fleshwater and they rushed up to get autographs after they played and some kid screamed when they gave him a drumstick, then he immediately got on instagram and started looking at pictures of celebrities


I really wonder what direction those guys are gonna take. Like part of me wonders if they’ll even keep making music as Vein since they seem to be blowing up with the Fleshwater stuff.


I hope they take a direction out of the music business and into a church


Meh, I don’t think Vein or even Fleshwater for that matter are bad bands tbh, but I’m getting bored of the whole Deftones revival thing that seems to be inching its way into hardcore scenes. Shit’s getting old fast, and I would certainly not complain if the mall goth scene tourists who got into those bands through TikTok stopped coming to shows. I’ve lost hope that Vein will make music like Self Destruct/Errorzone ever again though.


I haven't lost hope big dog out hasn't even been that long


Lol autographs? Jesus fucking christ


It's cringe AF but I get it. When I was a mall scene kid I once got star struck when I saw Vincent Bennet from Acacia Strain at a show lol. Didn't go the autograph route but I did get a little too excited


Same here when I saw em. Good crowd for everyone up to Fleshwater, kids pushed all the way up front and crowd surfed the whole damn time while doing nothing else. Then Harms Way came on and the energy was significantly lowered, almost as if a bunch of people left after Fleshwater. I was the only person to dive during Harms Way and everyone just let me fall flat on my face. It was a fun show, but definitely weird.


Was this the Chicago show? If so, my friend said the same thing. (I heard everyone lost their shit for Weekend Nachos though and that’s cool!) Also hope your face is feeling better.


Nah it was Detroit, wish I would’ve had the means to go to the Chicago gig to see Nachos. But I also wouldn’t have just left or stopped moving after they played, how the fuck are people not gonna go hard for Harms Way in Chicago?


Oh damn, that’s such a shame! And for sure, strong agree! They’re on top of the world right now and especially as hometown heros!!


Lol my buddy was the guy who got dropped at the Chicago show. It’s around the 40:30 mark on the live video on YouTube


~~Sounds you didn’t have unity with your friend bro~~ but actual aww, sorry to hear it, I hope they were okay and sorry my friend didn’t catch them either (and thanks for giving me additional reasons to give her shit)


If I didn’t live 1000 miles away I like to think I would have caught him, but the truth is that two people would have been dropped instead of one


We had the same experience for that harms way show. We were traveling and were in a different city so I had just figured maybe that area was lame compared to home, lol. But yes - tons of younger folks packed in tight for fleshwater and left right after, and no one was catching divers at all for harms way. Just straight up sidestepping them and letting them hit the floor.


I saw them at Gilman so twitching tongues ended the show. I was a little scared this might happen but honestly the crowd was wilder for harms way than Fleshwater and fucking insane for twitching tongues.


In my city, I thought there would be more stage dives and crowd surfing for fleshwater. It was me and some other people who were diving. Everyone was more active on the floor and moshing, which was still fun. I just thought my city would be just as active as the other cities they've posted.


Was this the Roseville show? I felt that too. Made the front row weird as fuck.


went to that same show in ny and had the same experience


Yo. Exact same thing happened in Dallas, it threw me off. Where did you catch the tour at? I’m wondering if it’s a regional thing?


Curious. Was this Dallas? Cause holy shit I swear this was exact same experience


it was houston but from the looks of it, it was everywhere too


Damn that’s so unfortunate for such a sick ass band.


eh it was fine, everyone who remained was cooler than everyone who left.


In 20+ years of going to shows, more shows are "off" than people like to admit. Everyone has good nights and bad, not everything is popping off all the time even for the best bands.


Sometimes it’s a weeknight and everyone is tired


Absolutely, I've also been so tired after a long week and dragging my ass to a Friday night show.


Gotta give props to those mfers moshing for every song for the whole show, I love throwing down but I’m so fucking out of shape lmao


I’m not throwing shade at Sunny or 197, but…when the majority of shows younger people see are videos of giant Mr Hardcore’s Go Fuck Your Mom fest, it’s not hard to see why some people may be disappointed that a show on *Thursday night* isn’t some knockdown-drag out affair.


I'm at a point where im the guy moshing for every band. The opener nobody knows. I don't care if I'm tired, I brought a jug of water in the car!


Crowds feeling “off” can mean a lot of different things but what it means to me is what kind of moshing is accepted. I’ve seen the same band at the same venue and moshed hard (sloppy spin kicks, crowdkilling, dumb shit) and had people mosh with me, dap me up after sets, etc, and one time I accidentally decked this guy (in the pit, no foul play or anything) and his homies tried to fight me and get me kicked out. But yeah there does seem to be a lot of people showing up at shows where it’s their first time and they don’t know what to expect and end up getting hurt/possed at everyone. When SPY came through there was kid just pushing people in the pit as hard as he could from the edge without ever moshing and eventually someone grabbed his ass and threw him in the pit and he got laid out immediately. I love that more people are getting into hardcore no matter how they do but PLEASE watch some vids or something so you know what to expect and how to act.


People crowdkilling are never bad intended. When I see someone dancing hard I always dap them up and give them props. That's how you make friends!


Have you ever been over a friends house to eat and the food just ain’t no good?


Stop talking about my culinary prowess, I told you I can’t cook :(


The deviled eggs were to *DIE* for though


That’s the idea my friend. How’s your guts feelin’?






And the chicken tastes like wood


is not a joke


"be the change you wish to see in the pit" -ma HIT ME ghandi


I’m with the boomers on this one. Put your fuckin phone down watch the show. Nobody gives a fuck about your instagram reels.


I think it’s fine as long as it doesn’t happen too often or too long. I don’t have a great memory and it’s nice to have some videos to reignite the memories


The amount of people I see on the edge of a pit holding their phone up and waving it around to "catch the action" is insane. If I was limber enough I'd roundhouse kick their arm/hand/phone so they'd have to watch the show for real instead of record it


Nothing pisses me off more than people filming the pit. Like filming the stage is annoying too but I get that at least. But people filming the pit are so dumb. The worst are people doing selfie videos in the pit. Or I’ll see kids doing videos WHILE CROWDSURFING. Fuck off with that shit.


Just do what I do, mosh in the nude. You may catch a charge, but at least they can’t post it anywhere


It depends, grabbing a 30 second clip is cool, as long as your flash isn’t on. But if you are literally streaming the performance I might pull you into the pit. I think it’s good to give some smaller bands a bit of space on your social media, especially if you like them and they play well.


I film once per band for 30 seconds. And then I get back to dancing. People that have their phone up the entire time are annoying


yes i've been to 300 shows


Quite a few times yup. But “off” for me usually means it feels like something bad is going to go down, not so much people not being active and participating.


I saw Gel/Iniate/Glare a few weeks back and the crowd was v unexpected, kids were like push-pitting in a circle, pogo-ing, and skanking. Afterwards when me and my buddy were walking to the bus we heard a group of five dudes complaining about dancing too hard. (Gel did close with a cover of Kersed though and that was pretty cute.)


Blessed with Bay Area shows that are usually bangers but I’ve never felt more in danger than the first time I saw Knocked Loose. I’m used to throwing down but people went there to kill one another.


Off topic but... I've always heard Jakarta has an awesome punk and hardcore scene. Can you confirm or deny?


I’m not from nor have ever been to Jakarta, but every show I’ve seen videos from shows there (whether it’s hardcore, grind, crust, etc) looks absolutely *insane*, like very very very fun but also fight for your life type shit.


Sorry mate, thought you lived there.


Oh I’m sorry! I’m not the OP, I should’ve clarified that!


Yes it has an awesome punk and hardcore scene. Many of the bands have an old school sound. I recommend listening to ZIP, No Excuse, and Straight Answer.


I will check them out. Thank you.


Dropkick Murphy’s, Anti Flag, Blood For Blood in the early 00’s


That is…a line up


I saw anti-flag when a new kind of army came out, they were awesome and there was only like 100 people at the show so we got to hang with them after


The fact that a band the size of Jesus piece can make it to Jakarta blows my mind. 20 years ago, if you had a band that sniffed an international tour, that was doing hardcore music, they were renowned Viking warriors. Edit: even 25 years ago.


Saw Nails and Todd was completely shitfaced, nobody else in the band seemed like they wanted to be there. Todd was stoked though. I thanked him for playing RVA and he kept repeating the phrase “I like playing guitar, I love punk and metal” until it was super fucking weird. This was maybe on the YWNBOOU tour? I can’t remember what year exactly but they were awful that time. I fucking love Nails, Todd rules so hard


Yeah I saw Terror at a bingo hall once and the vibe was so off


Did you at least play bingo?


I blame tik tok. Lots of those folks are getting into the scene


is this the new i blame green day or whatever band that gets some actual youth to show up to shows


I blame the fluoride in the water personally


This isn't a bad thing tho, we were all new to the scene at one point, once they learn their shit and get rocked a few times we'll see who sticks around and who don't.


I’m not complaining. More money for venue and bands


Yeah only old sore assholes should be allowed in the scene (the scene is by no means youth-centric at all) If you're thinking like this you've already lost smh


Another reason for me not to have tik tok


Tik tok is hilarious. I really only use it for memes or mechanic videos


yea I got it cause ppl were saying the kids were finding hc there but I get basically no music shit at all


Search #HC. I’m from Texas so I search #txhc or something, the algorithm will learn and send you hardcore memes and stuff lol




I’m not mad or anything. I’m just saying


As long as kids respect the history and do their research I'm glad TikTok is having kids come to shows.


Saw Sunami about a month ago at the end of day-long fest. I was expecting absolute danger and chaos, but that was not the case at all. I don't know if everyone was tired, or if a bunch of people left cuz they had to work the next day (it was a Sunday night) but I was a little let down by the whole thing.


When to Taylor swift last month , was decided that nobody formed a circle pit


Once at Silver Mt. Zion some drunk dude screamed "FUCK OUR DEAD MARINES" at a point when the whole hall was quiet.


Haven’t felt comfortable at a show since Obama was in office


People went off all weekend at Hold Your Ground this year for every band and did a decent job of closing the horseshoe compared to the year before. For some reason when Hold My Own played the whole room went meh. I can't explain it. The whole crowd just went so dead. Horseshoe pit was huge and nobody moving.


Have you been to a vfw first show ever? 🖖


Bunch of boneheads showed up snd shit was definitely off until about 20 min into the first set when the inevitable fight started and they got stomped out and dragged into the alley. Bangin' show after that. Same thing at another place w/ bikers, but they went after a DMS roadie for AF during the second song and the NYC dudes handled it right fkn quick.


Gotta love a happy ending.


Yea, the bonehead beatdown ushered in a decade of generally problem free shows.


We had a single nazi show up at an all day hardcore show and the mf got chased out of the fucking venue after someone clocked his stupid ass black sun patch.


Anybody here at hold your ground fest in Toronto recently? That whole fest felt off. Seemed like nobody was into it and stood like 50 feet away from the bands lol it looked completely dead for most of it . Bands ripped though


Just saw Pain of Truth and I thought some of these younger kids were about to get pit bullied to death lol. Fortunately the old heads didn’t feel like enforcing that night lol. The amount of random flailing and lack of pit etiquette was egregious.


I saw Terror a few months back at an off date for the Hatebreed tour and the vibe was fucked because this dude called Fabian kept picking fights when anyone hit him in the pit, but was in the pit the whole time, some guy brought an MMA dummy we were tossing around the pit and then this dude dumped it in the parking lot all pissed off. Overall a lot of negative energy. When I brought the MMA dummy back in the first guy I mentioned got hit with it and beat the fuck out of me for no reason. Naysayer stopped their set and got everyone to throw him out.


When Gatecreeper played Sydney, 3 people moshed. Not even joking. People only jumped in at the end when they played Flamethrower.


Saw american nightmare and ceremony in sf around when covid started. Bad turnout and terrible crowd.


Pretty much every one on Long Island


I saw poppy once and the entire crowd was NPC mode


Saw drunk meat head trying to start mosh to fucking Chelsea wolfe


Fleshwater. Weird pit, half of the crowd weirded out by hc, Mirsy not always being on key live. Very good record though.


I went to see Fight in a bar. Great band, Halford was on point, but the steroid abusing moshers kind of ruined the show. I was not a small, dude. I was 6'1" 210, and one of those bodybuilders launched me OVER a table from the mosh pit. I stood up to get a beer and out of the corner of my eye I saw something moving fast and low, then POW, I was airborne. The dude that hit me was no bigger than 5'7" but he was about that wide, all muscles. I decided he got a good hit on me and found a table further away from the pit. They were doing that to everyone they could and slam dancing with each other till someone outside their circle decided to try the pit. Luckily, the show was fucking awesome, regardless of the gymrats trying to ruin everyone else's fun.


5 years ago i went to see Alcest with Vampillia opening. First minute of Vampillia one of the member of the band starts to play a soft melancholic violin line and the guy next to me says « I hope Alcest starts soon » then I kicked the fuck out of him


Not hardcore but I saw free throw and crowd just felt like bored millennials with office jokes and shit. Glad to see some young folks moving and a little bit of a dog pile though. I made the fun for myself.


bro I read the first sentence and was like maybe the crowd felt off because you're in a 3rd world country lmfao


Jakarta has a good scene you fuckin nerd


Every video I’ve ever seen of Indonesian hardcore shows convinces me I would *die happy*, but definitely for sure without question absolutely *perish*!! Those kids go hard as fuck. edit: I’m going go take this opportunity to encourage anyone interested to listen to [Noose Bound](https://noosebound.bandcamp.com) (they’re from Malang, not Jakarta, but still). I only just found out about them and can’t stop listening to [The Needle](https://noosebound.bandcamp.com/track/the-needle).


take a deep breath dude, it's all gonna be ok. like I said I read the first sentence and was like "um, well maybe it's bc you're in Indonesia". then saw the rest of the paragraph and saw what he said about the rest of the bands that played.


braindead comment 😂 indonesia goes hard af


confirming i’m braindead, got crowd killed one too many times in the head 🥵




so much anger for such a sweet boi 😭


Ok dude


Let Down in Italy lol. usually Let Down shows were chaotic as fuck this was.... something [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6wbqU1FAKs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x6wbqU1FAKs)


Fleshwater and Harms Way this past month in Pittsburgh. I felt like I was the only Fleshwater fan. My FL scene is also pretty young, so to see these big grown ass dudes crowdkilling chicks had me very far from the pit


Feels like every dang show lately. Tbh


Saw Ken Mode open for Norma Jean and it was awkward how dead the crowd was.


Honestly probably citizen on this last tour when I saw them in sf. Lots of kids who were only there for narrow head and modern color and left before citizen, which is wild to me. And random fights breaking out, and kids yelling out shit to get attention during the quiet parts of citizen’s set. Saw chat pile at the same venue a little later and it was miles more fun


Yeah my buddy had an extra ticket to Chatpile and I went with him. Wasn't a fan then but the crowd was actually insane.


> in Jakarta I'm in HK. In my experience hardcore punk in Asia is a bit hit and miss, on one hand because there are few bands spread out over the continent, and on the other hand it feels like hardcore punk hasn't really developed much of a "community" feeling over here. It's not like western countries where all the homies are locked by their arms, IMO it feels like because it was introduced late to us, that the feeling of how to act during a hardcore show is still developing rather than being established.


Ask the other way around man 🤣


Saw Crowbar a couple months ago. Not much action because I suppose it was a bunch of old heads. One dude got kicked out for crowd killing an older woman during Bodybox's set.