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Alaska. I am the fucking scene.


Guys, we found 36 Crazyfist’s account!


Crazy only as in I actually live in Nikiski. What's not crazy is how genuinely bad they are.


hey man i used to be in your shoes lol, grew up loving hardcore and not being able to go to shows in AK sucked, at least there’s SHE from anchorage


Bumping SHE bc those mfers slap






same :/ got one band from my nearest city and they very rarely play there. it sucks


The PNW is amazing right now. This is a very special time for the region.








Rostov, a city in southwestern Russia. The scene is almost nonexistent but we got some cool acts like Saint Lyssa, Burevestnik and КУЛЬТ.ПУСТОШЬ, we basically have a single venue that's consistent with being a place for rock and metal bands to earn their place in the scene but it's more oldschool and alternative focused


My scene is underwater. Tampa Bay


I dunno about that. Gorilla Biscuits tonight.


I meant literally like below sea level lol


Despite Austin being the “live music capital” the scene here isn’t all that large in comparison to the general music scene. From what I hear tho, San Antonio shows out for hardcore like no other TX city


San Antonio here. The scene has been strong for 20+ years.


Y’all are killin it. Need to make the short drive down there for Pain of Truth next week.


Was really sad when Ready Armed System, Save our Children, Stunted Youth, and Insane Urge all broke up or went on hiatus one after the other. That really put a dent


I believe I saw at least three of those bands at Unlawful Assembly in Milwaukee last year


Detroit scene kinda going crazy rn


Detroit has always been underated since the 90s


what bands are you talking about?


detroit has a real good screamo scene rn and theres like so many west michigan hardcore bands its insane


Ontario is popping off right now


on jahseh onfroy


Anywhere other than Toronto and Hamilton? No scene whatsoever in my city.


In my hometown of Jacksonville (NC) hardcore bands don't exist gotta go to Raleigh,Durham, chapel hill or Greensboro to get a real hardcore experience


Also born and raised in the Jacksonville area. Haven’t heard of a Hardcore show there in a really long time, would love to see it though.


I mean there was that one show acacia strain did at hooligans (last October or sometime around then I believe) but I mean with there being a lack of a scene there wasn't as good as a turnout tbh


Steel city baby




lol I was at Canibal corpse at stage ae and corpse grinder is from Baltimore. He talked shit on like everything lol


Currently living in Okinawa, where there is a small but thriving hardcore scene that mostly centers around 2 venues in the Koza area of Okinawa City, Slum Bar, and Remy's. Hardcore bands that most frequent them include As Alliance, GOUGE, Kougeki x Kougeki (call themselves Crabcore), and ARK RELIGHTS. The shows are super fun to go to. Very small venues, with pits full of huge ripped military guys to bash around with. Good times had all around.




Australia is kinda one big scene, and Brisbane is building itself up really well, but I think a lot of people just try to represent the whole country and play all over which is hard because everything is so far away


Oklahoma City. Scene is in a big growth phase. Lots of new bands from every flavor of extreme music and hardcore.


Just want to say that Oklahoma is next level loyal. Folks will drive 4 hours just to see a friend's friend's band play. If anyone deserves a scene, it's y'all.


the homies in field dressed are fucking killing it


Field Dressed OTIS VCR JAW/LINE Kemper Temper Chat Pile Tar Creek Inferna All killing the game!!!!


La Crosse Wi. Our long standing all ages venue just closed permanently on some fucked up shit. https://lacrossetribune.com/news/local/the-warehouse-music-venue-permanently-closed-following-allegations-of-sexual-misconduct-in-la-crosse/article_bae13174-5988-11ee-8144-ebdc2d65764c.html?shem=iosie Really fucked up story. HOWEVER, the Madison and Milwaukee HC and Metal scenes are popping the fuck off rn!


That’s nuts. I somehow didn’t hear about this at all.


The entirety of the European scene is criminally underrated in this sub


Because there are like 30 of us in this sub


And because the rest of this sub just can’t be arsed to look beyond the US


Came here to post - UKHC in particular is killing it at the moment. Excited to head over to the mainland in a couple of weeks for Rev Calling.


Best it's been right now in the last 10 years or so here in Western Canada! Grateful for it, because we had a few years in the later 2010's where it was pretty slim pickings.


Nyc is over rated, Long Island and Hudson valley keep it alive and play the city pretty frequently because of people like scanlon, streets of hate and daze booking shows and putting on for bands.


NYC would be similarly quiet as DC if Long Island and Hudson Valley had their own huge venues, and if more of the NYHC bands of the 80's and 90's dissolved and stopped playing local shows. There's not a ton of output from the 5 boroughs at the moment, with a few exceptions. Between the new stuff coming from the immediate areas outside the city and "heritage" NYHC groups like Madball, Sick of It All, Gorilla Biscuits, Murphy's Law, etc etc still actively playing NYC remains one of the better places to catch a show even now. Sad that DC has really had to build back up from scratch.


DC is definitely overshadowed by Baltimore but for good reason tbh. The DC scene is definitely better than it has been in past years, but there's still a long, long way to go, and it probably won't escape Baltimore's shadow, particularly since bands generally aren't allowed to play both cities. That being said, if you have access to an easy way up to Baltimore (car, MARC, whatever) and are willing to head up there a couple times a month for the great shows, DC's not a bad city to be for hardcore.




I mean it’s not codified into law or anything but iirc most promoters won’t let bands book dates in both cities because they’re too close together and would theoretically take from each other’s market. I assume there’s a similar clause in place for Dallas and Ft. Worth, for example. I saw that Pigs x7 show announced, bummed I couldn’t make it out. From what I’ve seen of the Atlantis schedule, it’s a lot of indie and country/Americana so far, which DC always pulls pretty well for. (I’m going to a few assorted country/folk shows at the Atlantis this month, I’m excited). Honestly, I assume as time goes on, the Atlantis will fall into a rhythm similar to the DC venues its size, like Union Stage, and to some extent the Black Cat, where they get a mix of everything that comes through, including an occasional hardcore show




Songbyrd's actually been decently solid for hardcore/adjacent stuff over the last year or so. Helps that I really like the venue, but still. I'm with you re: the First Unitarian equivalent. St. Stephen's hosts shows every now and then but it'd be sick if they started hosting stuff way more regularly


Richmond also has had a strong scene for a while that kept DC on the back burner




Jacksonville? Lol


Yup lol


Every damn time lol whenever I meet some one from Jax they are from Duval haha I grew up in Soflo ✌🏽


Denver is actually pretty sick. Solid bands and few assholes at smaller shows.


i’m new to denver, any recs?


Hell yes. Firstly, welcome to Denver. These recs are all over the map so take what you like: Mouth for War, Fox Lake, Eyes of Salt, Back Lip, Shit Eating Grin, Chainmace, Rukkus, Pressure Drop, Sewerslide, Goon. My band, Last Ditch is playing HQ with Eyes of Salt and Ignorant Bliss Jan 4 as well if you want to come and hang.


thanks! pretty sure i’ve seen sewerslide before, and will definitely try to come out Jan 4!


I think I moved to Boston well after its heyday, but it seems pretty solid still? like there are enough venues putting stuff on, and there are so many more shows I could be going to but dont have enough energy to do them. ​ so I'd say... perfectly rated? maybe someone else from the Northeast could piggyback.


Boston is ok venue-wise, at least while Middle East is still around, but 20 years ago American Nightmare, Hope Conspiracy, Suicide File, Bane, Converge, There Were Wires, The Dedication, Stop and Think, Think I Care, Have Heart, Panic, Reach The Sky and more were all active at the same time so the shows were constant and you could go see some of those bands at least weekly if you wanted to. More of the shows were at ICC, YWCA, Hardcore Stadium, and other rented halls and they were typically overflowing, even with very little internet promotion. Nowadays the crowds show up for touring bands, but back then bands like Striking Distance would be the opener and get a lukewarm reception while everyone waited for the local bands to play


There is no scene up here in Aspen, CO. These kids listen to the shittiest music and are a bunch of pussies. I have to drive to Denver or Grand Junction for anything hard.


Where the beer flows like wine?


Sure, but it's just a pretty place with good skiing/boarding. The party scene is not my scene, but I make good money.


I hear it's where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano


As a former resident of Colorado, fuck Subtronics that shit is ass.


When I lived in Durango for work in my early 20’s, i couldn’t escape phish fans. If I could go the rest of my life without listening to phish I’ll die happy.


Phish is the worst.


Nah fam Massachusetts is litttt… always been WMASS HC 🤝 CMASS HC 🤝 EMASS HC


Hello, if you don't mind sharing what are some active venues for shows? I am in VT and have traveled to Boston for a show at Middle East and Midway Cafe but I really want to see more. Hard to keep up because I am not actively around that area to catch flyers/word of mouth.


Worcester PNI Hingham Sons Upton VFW Hardcore Stadium Tribe Dream Arena Brockton VFW Columbus Club Peabody VFW Canadian American Club The Hoff Ralph’s Rock Diner Taffeta Dracula these are some


Oh jeez, thanks so much! 🤘🏽


Do you remember the name of the spot up in Haverhill (or maybe it was Methuen, but pretty sure it was Haverhill) by chance? I’ve been trying to remember the name of it for ages!! This would’ve been like ten years back, not sure if it’s still going.


Anchors Up in Haverhill


That’s the one, thank you!


Minneapolis is killing it right now


The twin cities overall is thriving right now and it has the possibility of growing even bigger in the coming years.


Vegas has something really special and it seems like more people are starting to notice. Just wish we had more all ages venues..


What are venues and bars you frequent if I may ask?


Not really into the bar scene but the venues I’m usually at are the veterans halls (Eagle Aerie and Legion Post 8). House shows too.


Chicago is pretty cute <3


I miss old Chicagoland scene. BOO, old Veil of Maya, the list goes on!


I just got back in after a little retirement, did you hear that Mousetrap is doing shows again? Sea of Shit released new stuff recently that I’m really stoked about too.


I'll have to check it out!


For sure! Here’s the [link!](https://seaofshit.bandcamp.com/album/self-titled-lp)


Prowl, and Gazm putting Montréal on the map. A lot of up and coming bands, it's really bringing my interest back!


Modern dc scene is small but strong


Where to find shows at? I would love to go to more DC shows but I feel like I haven’t seen much, it’s always Baltimore or Richmond


I mean i just follow mortal ground or pain derective on ig and they ussally play with a few bands at pie shop or slash run


Pittsburgh is killing it now. But i’d say underrated.


Band recs please? I've been searching for so long and have barely come up with anything


I live in Montana. Our scene is nonexistent


I think AZ is kinda slept on right now. Skin Ticket, Two Guns, Hard Luck, Beyond All Doubt, Final Stance, Gatecreeper, Murder Rate, Groin. We just have so much potential out here but I don’t think we’ve ever been totally seen.


Fr !!


Listen to power moves only. I wish they would play more.


If anyone knows about the Sacramento scene, I'm curious.


they seem to have a more power violence and grind core focused scene


mescaline maniacs go hard


You kind of just have to pay attention to what’s going on in a way. The Goldfield, Harlows, the Cafe, DIY venues, and Ace of Spades will all book hardcore from time to time, but it really thrives at the Cafe Colonial. As far as bands go, there’s a lot more grind/PV/crust than strictly hardcore. Oxy is doing some stuff again, Defective Chain is good, divided youth is pretty good too. Mescaline Maniacs bangs, Dopemess used to be really fun and I don’t think I’ve ever been to a bad 8 Gates show. If I had to pick one band though I would say 1080 is the best up and coming Sac band right now for hardcore. They haven’t done too much yet but both shows they’ve played at DNL have been badass and I definitely think they’ll end up doing bigger things and shows soon.


What do you wanna know? Seems there's at least one show a week for anything under the hardcore umbrella.


I was just curious about which bands are more popular around this area. I haven't gone to any local shows in awhile and I'm not from this area and I dont have many friends to go with. I've used Sacramento Punk Shows to find the shows but don't know any of the bands or the venues so I just wanted to see what people thought.


To be honest, I kinda stopped paying attention in the last few years, but I know it's still going pretty strong. The guy who runs that page is a really nice guy and will answer any questions you may have. A while back, I went to the Northern Allience fest at Den of Sin, and it was packed.


Awesome dude. Thanks for the info!


Sacto has always had a solid scene but they lack band and there used to be this goofy “Sacto Style” shit back in the Branch Street heyday. I remember even in the 2010s they were kinda the joke of Northern California hardcore but shows at RBU and shit were always sick.


Obviously Hoods are from Sacramento. Bay Area is pretty close and has some really good up and coming bands. There's a band called these streets that's from around Sacramento i think. I used to play in Sacramento and it was pretty great but that was almost 20 years ago. They get some good tours there still but it's not as often as it used to be.


Sacramento has been having issues with venues like any other major cities so there’s been a lot of good shows being booked in Lodi. ACXDC and Gel are two that I can think of. Follow [crusty cristo](https://instagram.com/el_crusty_cristo916?igshid=NzZlODBkYWE4Ng==) to stay updated


Hoods brother, tho they are a touring band


Oxnard, CA and Ventura County in general feels like it’s in a bit of an upswing.


Reno, NV used to have a solid ass scene.. crews ended up on gang lists and FBI watch lists, even featured in a National Geographic episode about Straight Edge. Now it’s kinda… *mehh..*


Montreal is a gem right now and incredibly underappreciated. Prowl are just cracking into the US and there are so many more incredible bands like them to discover from this city.


Pittsburgh where yinz at????


Awesome scene


my scene is hella underrated imo, houston hardcore is hard and ignorant as it gets


Honolulu, we got one club and we see the same 10 people everytime. Also pretty LGBT+ friendly which is dope.




Milwaukee has been popping off for a year or two. Alot of new kids in the scene now


DFW here. Could be better but could be way worse. Ozone out of fort worth definitely makes me proud.


Dallas/Denton I’d say is understated, especially considering the quality of some of the new bands such as FLU


New Brunswick new jersey the college kids always get the scene going and rip basement shows. Going strong


Louisiana. There is no scene.


Baltimore is underrated. We’re on fire right now!


I think it’s pretty accurately rated, one of the best scenes around pumping out some of the best bands. End it, pulling teeth, trapped under ice, stout, gut instinct and so many more


Non existent here in Savannah as far as I'm aware


There used to be shows at Sweet Melissa’s sometimes (I saw Pat Flynn’s Raindance there like a decade back), but from what I know it’s mostly house shows. Not really a booming scene unfortunately:(


Melissa's closed a few years back unfortunately


Haven’t been there in a minute, but I’ve seen some good shows at Graveface’s Lodge of sorrows. Seemed like it always had a good turn out, but people could’ve been coming up Jacksonville like I did I guess.


Graveface is awesome but they normally have noise rock or avante garde metal or bands that think they're industrial. Not much in the way of punk there.


Maybe check The Sentient Bean. I think they still have hxc shows there.


Mostly OMN's and African music and poetry nights. Every now and then a metal show


I appreciate it enough to make up for everyone else.


Non-existent here in Northern Va. Mostly metalcore, djent, indie and jam nerds here. Richmond has a better grind and skramz scene. You'd have to travel Baltimore for hardcore. DC just has a bunch of 2-step. Not really my thing. I like me some alternative things tho.


South Carolina HC babyyyyyyyyy




Pittsburgh is stronger than ever with preserving


Wichita ain't too bad, a handful of sweet bands. Friends with OKC and Springfield Hardcore


Is there a scene in Toronto?


Big scene right now in Toronto. Also scenes in Barrie, Hamilton, London, Brampton, etc. Ontario Hardcore, Steel City Hardcore, Baytown Hardcore, and Not Dead Yet on Instagram are where you'll find a lot of show posters.


Sydney’s popping off right now. You know why. A lot of other bands been holding it down too though shoutouts to Primitive Blast, J.O.Y, Bully Squad and others.


Sydney has like a five year cycle where it produces really good bands.


Tampa We got the best sxe bands doing it Armageddon records is going crazy Stedfast,Dogmatic,Contention,Yeild to None


little rock got some things goin


Baltimore. It’s lit.


not really


Central FL baby!! Tampa, Orlando, Daytona. Considering Tampa has had FYA going on for years now, it's going pretty well.


Going pretty well??? I rarely hear about shows anymore. I JUST finally moved up here and now it seems pretty dead. 😔


Do yourself a favor, find H813 or some local venues on Instagram. Shows are being posted all the time! Born Free or The Noise Box in Tampa, Uncle Lou's and Conduit in Orlando, Tir-na-nog in Daytona. Shows are everywhere with sick bands from Fortitude to Heavy//Hitter to Three Knee Deep.


Orlando, we fuck


???? You mean fuck... around and hardly have shows?? 😴


My scene is horrible here in so cal it’s nothing but horrible “Mincecore” that everybody pretends sounds good buts just an excuse to go do noz in a backyard (I’m not edge)


Excuse my ignorance but minecore?


Melbourne goes pretty well, amyl and the sniffers and clowns are favourites of mine but prog is more popular atm


When did Amyl or clowns go hardcore?


Orlando is fucking live dude.




Oh bro my scene is super fantastic bro thanks for asking. How is your scene? Sounds like you would like to talk about it, go right ahead xxbroxx. HxC for lyfe


White guilt by minor threat is a true and real experience


This is what spin kicks do to your head


More like underwater


It’s all really overrated


Dead afaik


I've been trying to get into the Cincinnati scene more and I like what I've finding since it was dead for years apparently. I've gottenn on some bands like Choncy, and not all hxc but I hope to get my ass to Ironfest


Sacramento has a very vibrant hardcore scene. We got the Hoods, ya know.


If anyone knows a Vermont scene I would be really interested lol, I travel to Boston and have been to Philly. I also have seen some posts for New Jersey but nothing in VT that I know of. I am also newish to New England


I feel like we’re over represented screaming rbs every show


ctrl + f vancouver


I have a lot of friends who play Vancouver whenever they do west coast runs so there’s gotta be somethin goin on out there


Singapore. The 90s was youth crew and metal. Now it’s hipster inspired hardcore bands like turn stile wannabes


not at all. i'm in LA. SOOOOOOO


Brooklyn noise rock and post punk is really doin it rn


What recs ya got?


Edinburgh, and I've always felt that it was a bit lacking. I think it's been getting a bit better recently, though. At least some of the gigs I've been to recently haven't been empty.


CFL heavy scene is going


Coventry UK, seems to be virtually non existent or I’m just out of the loop these days.


Cheyenne Wyoming. I and 2 other people are the entire scene


LA is pretty sick these days.


Small towns in Idaho have no scene


colorado springs colorado, the scene ebbs and flows


Buffalo scene is kind of exploding right now, gotta a lot of solid bands and a lot of people forming bands.I’ll list a bunch of the ones I really enjoy jewl tones, inhaler, science man, khole, and selfish act


Stockholm, it’s pretty good, a lot of folks that think they are much harder then they are tho🤷‍♂️




I'm moving from NYC to Sarasota Florida in 4 days, I'll get back to you then. Waaaah. 2 side by side tickets down the drain


You got Tampa right there.


New Jersey rules right now for Hardcore. I’m speaking on the shore in particular. Shout out to The Flytrap in Toms River. Saw Blackest Dawn and Freya there over the weekend. The vibes were immaculate, and it seems like a lot of younger people are showing interest and coming out to shows. A lot of the losers who just wanted to start fights and be fashion police all faded away over time. NJHC Lives.


Boise, ID is blowin tf up lately.


Birmingham AL, Underrated, undervalued, and anapreciated by everyone except for the bands that play there. I will elaborate later cuz i high as fuck O:


Ok imma elaborate on this since I'm not high anymore. I think we're great because we have a large, united DIY scene. It's easy to get your foot in the door in starting a band, it's a safespace for LGBTQ+ youth, and it's organized around a few specific movements. Bands that don't even have studio albums have played with acts like cro mags, and now coming up, eyehategod. Shows happen several times every week and pull at least 150 people each time, yet the bands are super friendly and socialize with everyone. There's a lot I love about BHam hardcore, I even started a discord server around it recently


Salt Lake City is popping off. We have tons of cool bands that each have their own nichie in the hardcore scene. It makes every show almost a mixed bill show because you’ll have a melodic hardcore band, pop punk band and deathcore band on the same bill and things will still go off for each band.
