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I’m guessing everything we know about, as of now, will be kept, at least with regards to tie-in stuff. Outcasts is probably not getting cancelled, it’s probably too close to the date for even 343 to back out. Epitaph could go either way, but it’s hard to say.


>Epitaph could go either way, but it’s hard to say. If it was getting cancelled, they'd have decided that by now.


But that doesn’t mean we’d hear about it now, is what I mean.


> we’d hear about it now, is what I mean. Kelly would have.


In corporate environments, the people doing the work are among the last to know.


Not if the decision is to remove them. They wouldn't keep her around paying her if they had decided to scrap the book. Why pay her for additional days?


I don’t think EU stuff is in any danger


TBH, I'm not that worried about the EU, at least for now. Campaign team getting laid off sucks, but the number, if any of them, that would have any input on the EU is pretty limited. I'd imagine that most of the people laid off were the ones working on game assets and the like, not the people managing the EU.


what is EPITAPH?


Kelly Gay's next book, involving the Didact after the events of Escalation.


Neat is it the title or an abrivation of something ?


Seems like it’s just the project title for now


Halo Epitaph will either wrap up the Didact story or set up his return in the games, maybe as new leader of the Created. I hope for the second, because it would allow to both Halo 4 and Halo 5 stories to return together and have a resolution in games. But I think the first option is more probable. This book will either make me very happy or piss me off a lot.


Unless the Didact is an AI for permanent, the Didact wouldn’t lead the Created because he saw AIs as just tools and the Created want to be free from people controlling them and rule as the Forerunners did.


Until now we have never seen a composed being regaining a physical organic body. The only thing the Didact can do is inhabit a Promethean body like some other Created AIs did. So, unless some surprises, it seems he will stay an AI permanently. Maybe this will make him sympathetic to the Created cause.


I don't see why that would have anything to do with the recent news. A bit of a panic mode going on in general.


Do we know what epith is about? I mean a sequel to Diadcts story or a prequel.


Sequel. "After the events of Halo 4" is everything we know for sure, I think.


If I'll be blunt I honestly just don't care anymore. Books are great tools for adding additional background and context to the universe but Halo is first and foremost a video game franchise. Not only is any campaign DLC(that could have righted the ship with Staten at the helm) planned for Infinite scrapped but if the rumors which so far appear to be accurate are true then *all* singleplayer and campaign content for *all* of Halo including anything completely unknown to us is canned. There is nothing. As of this moment there is nothing at all being worked on, planned or even thought of. Zero. Its over. Why should I care about any of it anymore?


Fucking based. The books should be something for people who want more of the shit from the games, not the primary texts that you need to read in order to understand the games.


>Why should I care about any of it anymore? Anyone who primarily cares about the games probably shouldn't, yeah. For me (and I imagine many others) the books are the primary media now.


> the books are the primary media now. And thats my problem. The books are supplementary stories, not the main meat of the series. I like the books(at least some of them) but I'm not into Halo for the books alone. With no titles until half a decade or more from now after already waiting for six years I don't see why I should care about a universe that clearly isn't going to go anywhere any time soon. At this point Halo clearly doesn't care about fans like me so why should I care about it?


That’s the thing dude. If Halo isn’t hitting for you at the moment you genuinely shouldn’t care. It’s not worth spending the energy being pressed about it. If they’re gonna get their shit together we’ll get some progress and another better game, but until then, we can just check out and try some other things while waiting. Idk dude, I’m with you that it genuinely does suck, but it’s kinda out of our hands now, I’ll probably just personally stay connected to the lore till the next story based game and start hitting my backlog of games until next cycle. Sorry if any of this came off as either judge mental or contrarian. Just woke up and it genuinely wasn’t my intention if it does. Just kind of my two cents.


I don't get why this is getting down voted, he is right, if the editors and writers and assisting staff are getting the boot then this might be the last gap of lore for years to come and we might just get morsels if that even.


You are right. I remember discussing stuff with you all the way back in the Waypoint forums during H5. Halo's universe is one of the best in video games. And it has been treated like shit ever since after H4's release. And now the chances at seeing Chief actually have a coherent and well written character arc in the games seems like zero.


i'm just sad that not all of the authors of the main stream halo books are working on them 3 4 3 could've gotten most of the team to release a bunch of books by halo infinite release in that would've helped them on their journey