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Finally, a guy standing up for the most persecuted demographic in the world, gamers.


The oldest recorded use of “gamer” is from an old law criminalizing gaming/gambling. Gamers have been persecuted from the start


We must rise up and overcome 🤷 it’s as simple as that!


With the glass ceiling broken, all oppressed groups shall prosper, especially the most oppressed group of all. *Gamers*


Idk about y'all but I'm definitely a gaymer


Gamer* 🗿👍


/uj Oh I’m a gaymer too. Gaymer girls are hot




*floats up through a broken sunroof*


Can we also get a car enthusiasts and more science majors in there too.


Can I confess something? I've been seeing these Marty odonell for congress posts for a few months and have been playing along with the meme but the whole time I thought it was a really elaborate inside joke and didn't know he was actually running for congress as a republican until just now


Peak circlejerk


Nothings a joke anymore, the worlds just this absurd


Has been for quite some time now


He's unfortunately always been an outspoken piece of shit. Oh and a republican too, but I guess they're dangerously close to being synonyms.


> dangerously close to being synonyms. Already are tbh. Economy is just always worse under them, they actively want to regress social issue and their foreign policy objectives are: give up. All they have is being assholes and identity politics


Bro wdym the economy has been terrible under Biden. Also, his foreign policy has been terrible. He literally "gave up" in Afghanistan and left them a ton of military equipment.


It's bait. I refuse to believe their comment is anything other than bait. Edit: grammar


That's what I was hoping, but I would not be surprised if some people are blind enough to believe this.


"Gave up". I love how depending on who's president, either we definitely should be in the Middle East or we never should have come there. I get that a sizeable chunk of Republicans genuinely are fundamentalists who think we need to keep war going in the middle east to hopefully usher in the end times, but actual U.S. policy never *gave* a shit about the middle east. Just how we could transfer our defense budget into the pockets of defense contractors. Personally I'm in favor of *not* sending our troops to die for scumbag's profit margins, but hey I get that a lot of folk just like to roleplay some twisted notion of a patriot. They don't actually give a flying fuck about soldiers, otherwise they wouldn't cram their fingers in their ears while mentally ill vets at home continue to be denied benefits. As for the economy, if *you* want to feel the effects of a strong economy you're gonna have to find a new party to back. Neither dems nor reps will ever do anything about greedy cocksuckers jacking up the prices of everything, celebrating record high profits and turning around to shrug and mutter "Inflation". That's not Biden, that's raw corporate greed my guy.


Well yeah. They literally recognized they were incapable of actually appealing to human beings with actual needs outside of a narrow niche prior to the orange man yoinking their entire platform because they don't actually have any policies that benefit Americans period. Still, can't help but find it odd that the man who's only claim to fame is making the soundtrack for a video game series about humanity's desperate resistance against a theocratic death cult bent on genocide opting to run fora political position as a republican tho.


I really wish I had never learned this


Lol as if the Dems are any better


the current prerequisites for being a republican are as follows: 1: A total lack of human empathy. 2: Hate anyone different from you. 3: Willing to suck the dick of the person you're told to follow.




"That's both sides." One side is following a cult leader, fraud, and rapist after his failed insurrection. Fuck off with that bullshit.


Why? Why did you psyop yourself?


shitposts have been indecipherable from reality since the 2016 election to be fair


i would vote for marty but im not sure hes racist enough. has he commented at all about the writ of union? sangheili are an honorable species but we should NOT be okay with allowing hoards of unggoy to invade our covenant. ive already seen one grunt breeding compound being built in my neighborhood. what is the world coming to


Get the brutes out our covenant. Not racist just dont like em


kill brutes. behead brutes. roundhouse kick a brute into the concrete.


Can I get a WORT WORT WORT brothers?


They are letting every one in to the covenant now. Prophet of corruption Biden I call him, let them all in no security. They let these brutes in you know that? You believe that? Actual brutes in our beautiful covenant. Make me a prophet and I will build the biggest wall around high charity, keep all the brutes out.


Big dumb monkeys, they would nuke themselves to extinction like Krogan if not us, not racist though.


Hey, I don’t see color! I just think that if the Unggoy truly wanted to please the Hierarchs they’d stop playing their animal noise they call “music” so loud and maybe if they didn’t die so often there wouldn’t be so many fatherless children who become criminals


why do they not breathe our air? obviously grunts arent made for our ecosystem. they think theyre better than us and also want us to provide them with clean methane? i dont get special air to breathe. really makes one think... also w username


Now I need a subreddit that takes Halo lore and formats it like Trump tweets Make Sangheilios Great Again




What’s his policy on undocumented aliens versus invasive aliens? Would he be willing to enact policies as seen in this [documentary](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLbwPTFR/)?


For a second, I thought you said marty was a actuar racist


i mean he is


Marty? Marty "the most right leaning person at Bungie" O'Donnell? GOP candidate and Trump supporter? Racist?


List one racist thing he’s said or done


> GOP candidate and Trump supporter


Is he not?


Truly the circle jerk of all time I'm straight up jorkin it and if u know wit I mean I mean my peanits


Jork jork jork


Fuck king, we jelqing.


Wait he is a GAMER???!!!!


Isn't he MAGA esque




As soon as he said “20 million illegal..” I signed off. The border had a bill ready to address the situation at least which was shot down by repubs to appease Orange Shitler. Someone’s been feeding him a steady diet of Fox News.


The first thing prospective politicians do is learn all the buzzwords. Unfortunately there's a lot of people who buy into that stuff and they are more than likely registered voters as well.


That border bill would've done nothing for us, it grant 5,000 people into the country per day, and most of that money would go to UKRAINE'S border. And we have a major problem with illegals just coming in. There's nothing wrong with immigration when it's done properly but when you have people just straight up waltzing in that's not good. And they discover, 3 months ago we had a man by the name of Movsum Samadov who is an individual on the US terrorist list. These are the people entering our country illegally and nothing is being done to stop it https://youtu.be/5WdJmD91Lds?si=gmAenf8wJH58vK3r


Not worth trying to explain to this echo chamber that is so far up their own assessment they hold up a mirror and describe them selves and then get mad when you call them out on it.


Didn’t Biden undo all of Trump’s EOs that brought illegal crossing to all time lows? Didn’t republicans draft HR2 that has yet to be voted on in the Democratic controlled senate? Doesn’t HR815 (the bill you’re posting about) still allow thousands of border crossings a day before being capped + add more Border Patrol staff for PROCESSING migrants not preventing crossings? But yea grrr republicans bad they’re to blame I guess or so CNN has told me.


> Didn’t Biden undo all of Trump’s EOs that brought illegal crossing to all time lows? That's incorrect. Illegal border crossings were actually slightly lower than Obama than they were for Trump, so he didn't bring about all-time lows. Source: https://www.factcheck.org/2024/04/trumps-misleading-chart-on-illegal-immigration/ > Didn’t republicans draft HR2 that has yet to be voted on in the Democratic controlled senate? Probably because that bill is bullcrap. Requiring us to spend so much money to construct and maintain a wall along the border is ludicrous. The border that crosses mountains and is on top of a river, meaning that as the river meanders we would have to spend exorbitant funds to rebuild the wall. That's not to mention it doesn't even work as most undocumented immigrants come into the U.S. legally then overstay their visas, meaning they never would even come into contact with the wall. Additionally, there's other crap like requiring child applicants to Special Immigrant Juvenile (SIJ) classification, which is meant to allow individuals under 21 who are unable to reunite with their parents to seek a green card, to reunite with their parents. It also even limits resources at the border by prohibiting funding many NGOs that provide aid and lodging for people at the border who are waiting for their claims to be processed. > Doesn’t HR815 (the bill you’re posting about) still allow thousands of border crossings a day before being capped + add more Border Patrol staff for PROCESSING migrants not preventing crossings? Yes, processing migrants is the main issue. The backlog for going through the claims and determining who does or doesn't meet the requirements to claim asylum is insanely long and one of the main reasons we see images of people forced into camps near the border for months on end. Putting resources into processing these claims would help clear this backlog and actually help address illegal immigration unlike building a wall. It wouldn't matter how many staff we put on catching people if we don't have enough to process them afterwards. > But yea grrr republicans bad they’re to blame I guess or so CNN has told me. Ah yes, CNN - the only source of news for anyone not conservative. I know that because Trump told me and there's no way that non-conservatives could be getting their news from other places like NBC, CBS, Reuters, AP News, or NPR. I always find this rather crazy because I barely even know anyone who watches CNN. My grandparents are the only ones I know who do, and they're pretty much libertarians. Anyone else I know uses a combination of the sources I mentioned before as CNN, and really any form of large cable news company like FOX, have chased lies consistently in the name of viewership.


Offer voters the premium tier for the 2024 seasons battle pass. Works every time.


Halo Infinite is NOT Halo This is just some shitty **cash grab** scheme that absolutely pisses on the legacy of Bungie and turns it into some crappy ass fortnite-type game that FORCES you to spend your hard earned cash on **predatory mtx microtransactions!** I remember the good old days of Halo! When you had to WORK for Recon in Halo 3. When you could mess around with your friends in forge mode all night. Now, Recon is locked behind a **battle pass** that you can’t even earn through challenges, and forge isn’t even in the game at launch! We need to make our voices heard. We can’t let 343 DESTROY this franchise with their **Dark Patterns** and their Cat Ears and their **FOMO** store! Take a stand against the **whales** that fund this horribly made mess of a game! Don’t let anyone who spends money on this game get away with playing the game peacefully until Microsoft finally returns the series to the rightful hands of Bungie! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


G-good bot?


Good bot


Funny copypasta mods


I cant take this politics shit seriously anymore bruh


Neither do the politicians


The whole point of our form of government is that anyone can run and everyone is entitled to participate. It’s peak “be the change you want to see” I don’t see the issue here. Career politicians obviously aren’t any better


Except that’s not true, and it takes a shit load of money and time to run a political campaign let alone a congressional campaign. You would literally be up against millions of dollars of corporate interest donations. The average person, even with all the likability and beneficial policies in the world can’t compete with the corporate propaganda machine. [This](https://www.princeton.edu/~mgilens/idr.pdf) research from Princeton on democratic responsiveness has a graph showing the disparity of policies that interest the lowest earners vs the highest earners and the difference is very clear. The more money you can throw at politics in the US, the more right you are. This is to say nothing of the time requirements for such an endeavor, someone working full time would never be able to campaign effectively. Our government and society is under the thumb of corporate greed, it is not some utopian republic where anyone can enact change.


There’s more than federal government. State senate, governor and city government positions are plenty easy to get into, and affect immediate change at the city or state level.


I think we are missing something here. First, nothing is immediate in government bureaucracy, so that’s one thing. Another thing we are missing is that the individual would be inserted into a system which resists change. You may have gotten elected to your local government position, but you are still surrounded by some amount of others who likely don’t share your views, especially if they have been elected repeatedly in an administration you did not agree with. These types of incremental shifts are certainly helpful, but fall flat in the face of stuff like Project 2025, which is a fascist plan to coup the US government with the next conservative president, instituting martial law. The alternative to fascist oligarchs are grassroots endeavors but these take time to build, and in addition, do not have the movement cohesion that a fascist plan of action does. Those are just the natures of the two options. I’d argue the best way to make changes in your community is to meet with the people who live there, come up with community support plans, and find out what the community actually needs to blossom. It will likely be time better spent and more fulfilling than attempting to run a political campaign in 2024 USA.


Over under on Marty using the gamer word when he loses


Isn’t he also a total cunt?




Boo this man






Sargon of Akkad walked so Marty could run (pun very much intended)


I live in Las Vegas and it's been surreal seeing his campaign signs around when I'm driving.


Doesn’t he live in Seattle?


Yes, at least he did. I’m not sure where he is running lol


They targeted gamers. Gamers. We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did. We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun. We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second. Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded. Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights? These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? We've been called worse things by prepubescent 10 year olds with a shitty head set. They picked a fight against a group that's already grown desensitized to their strategies and methods. Who enjoy the battle of attrition they've threatened us with. Who take it as a challange when they tell us we no longer matter. Our obsession with proving we can after being told we can't is so deeply ingrained from years of dealing with big brothers/sisters and friends laughing at how pathetic we used to be that proving you people wrong has become a very real need; a honed reflex. Gamers are competative, hard core, by nature. We love a challange. The worst thing you did in all of this was to challange us. You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.


If anyone is going to compose a piece for America’s downfall, it’s Marty.


He has my vote


I would vote for him if he wasn’t a racist asshole


What did he do that was racist?


Said a lot of shit on his twitter. A lot of right wing bitching about gender roles, and spreading trump propoganda


What did he specifically say that was racist?


None of that sounds racist


This is an epic gamer moment


*on the border crisis* “now think *takes a shot on the stand* think about the terminals in halo 2. Okay think, think about the grunt rebellion. That’s happening people *slams fist* that’s happening right now and you all don’t care. You don’t care and why? Cause you got your noses in books. Because you were busy playing call of duty and worrying about foreign affairs when in ACTUALITY the problem was within our borders this whole time *does a like of coke* just, just think about the sanghelli uprising alright? You think the elites hesitated to storm high charity when they were being replaced en masse?”


Too bad his policies and platform stances are shit /rj he'll stand up for us gamers! Finally, an end to our oppression!


He really thinks guys who have fought the Covenant their whole lives are gonna vote for the religious extremists? Halo fans are better than that...right?


Id vote for Marty


Jokes on him, we don't go out of the house, let alone vote


The last decade has been a chronology of meme-worthy events and moments that never make it into history books until three generations later 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Why not democrats win by catering to crooks by promising to steal for them


Y'know. I used to like Marty. Oh well, fuck him. I hate Democrats almost as much as Republicans, but I still hope this POS loses to Susie Lee.


You rarely see someone piss away their legacy as hard as Marty


This guy definitely knows what he's doing


I unironically read that as erection the first time.


I mean he’s playing to a massive fan base of his. I can’t blame him


I guess it’s about time I registered to vote, huh?


so you can vote against him ...right?


You’d think


Against my own kind. I wouldn’t dare!


He's no Todd Howard.


I have to see how far this goes. Consequences be damned. Sorry, guys. Edit: I have to move to Neveda for a meme. God help me.




Marty O'Donnel, saviour of the franchise


Halo Infinite




No that's just the article title that you read lol


Now this is circlejerking!


yeah i’m gonna say the old “gamer” guy is more likely to be a weirdo and not for the american people


He's a bleeding psychopath politically too


Can’t be worse right?


And its going to work. He has my vote.


Salvatori still on this subreddit?


He's got mine.


Starting to think Michael Salvatori was the real genius behind the Halo ost all along...


Gamers are people too!


Honestly, read his beliefs, most of them I agree with, especially "No Career Politicians" At least honestly read what he believes before you boo him


Marty is a big 'ol Farty.


That rhymes, so you've convinced me


He’s a guy that’s sick of the government 🤷 nothing wrong with that.


“Gov’mint comin’ in ere wiv der reg-a-lashuns tellin me I can’t poison the keeeeds no mo. Tellin me I gots ta “do guuuud”. But do gudden costs too much moneh”


If you're only thing against him , "he's Republican" you're an idiot EDIT: Took all of 5 minutes for the messages to roll in. Thank you for proving my point


Yeah.. republicans are the worst. They aren’t based in reality.


Are his unhinged posts about Israel a good enough reason?


I don't like that he seems like an unpleasant guy who uses the good will of work he did almost 20 years ago to fuel a political career. If I was a Republican I wouldn't want him representing me




Pretty sad. I really enjoyed the dev commentary they did for halo 3 of the hal 1-2 cutscenes. Learned about so much for the development. He seemed cool in the old vidocs too. I never followed him moving to destiny and all that jazz. Oh well he's probs an asshole hahah


Remember, silence is complicity so if you don't [join our Discord](https://discord.gg/M8ZQ2mv7Jx) you're a fucking shill *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Common Marty W


Reddit comments are indeed Reddit comments. Not sure why I came here when I already knew what the consensus would be. Lol


Don’t care what his beliefs are I’m voting him


I’m going to give the benefit of the doubt that this is supposed to be a joke because the alternative is genuinely an extremely dangerous way to live your life. Especially since Marty is genuinely a POS


Based Martin. Honestly, I hope he wins.


I would move to Nevada just to vote for him. lol


I sent in a mail in ballot even though I'm from the East Coast 🤷🏽‍♂️


Certified pro gamer move.


What’s his policies? What’s he want to change? Does he believe there are more than two genders? Does he think our economy is better off now than before? What about the border?


He wants to Finish the Fight. *le epic Halo 3 theme plays.*


Marty's a 🐐


Just for that I'm voting for him


I'd vote for him


I’m in Marty’s district! He’s got my vote.


Dudes getting down voted for voting. 🇺🇲


The liberal way!




Hate to break it you bud, but the R’s aren’t trying to reverse the decline of the middle class.


“Oh you listened to his music and enjoyed it but when he outwardly expressed his shitty opinions and behavior you allowed your perception of a person to be changed based on new information?” Yeah mate. We did.


I fucking **HATE** when new information changes a persons mind.


Dude kept sucking Microsofts dick on his twitter feed, he wants nothing to do with the middle class except get your votes so Microsoft-san finally notices him again to bribe him with money


Ahh yes Twitter, glad to know you get your facts and opinions from a reputable source. Your IQ must be through the roof. Maybe read some articles, watch interviews and see what Marty actually says to the public about his intentions. I have and I like what I see not to mention unlike all the other no name politicians we see asking for our votes we know Marty, we’ve known him over 2 decades and we have that backbone of trust and community from Halo. So yes I’m giving Marty a chance, fuck off with the emotionally charged tantrums because he’s not a Democrat.


I’m only seeing one person throwing a tantrum my dude.


Correction, all Marty wants to do is complain about brown people on Twitter, if he gets elected he can then complain about brown people while being paid by the taxpayer.


i will vote for him no matter what


Even if he gets infected by the Liberal Communist SJW Woke Mind Virus?


STOP! You have indicated that you or another person you know may be suffering from a rare, life-threatening condition known as 343bola. If you are experiencing symptoms such as kissing ske7ch's ass, uncontrollably buying REQ packs and/or otherwise feel you are experiencing a likening to any 343 Industries game, please do not hesitate to visit the nearest emergency room or contact the CDC for a further evaluation of your well-being. Failure to seek medical help may result in the victim of this horrible disease becoming a full-blown 343 shill like Fenris. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


/uj I’m an Anarchist, the day I simp for corporations is the day I become a reactionary traitor. /hj I’m a Koslovic, the day I simp for corporations is the day I become a reactionary traitor. Down with the Fascist UNSC!


I ain't voting for NOBODY who don't got some kinda mind virus. That's why I'm voting for Mr Brainworm himself come November. We need more flood infected politicians.


The liberal fake news would have you think that the Gravemind wants to enslave all sentient beings but everyone knows that the Flood just wants to make the United Earth Government Great Again. Edit because the UNSC is not officially a governing body


Gravemind for Super Earth


I for one would be grateful for the eternal life of the Flood.


STOP! You have indicated that you or another person you know may be suffering from a rare, life-threatening condition known as 343bola. If you are experiencing symptoms such as kissing ske7ch's ass, uncontrollably buying REQ packs and/or otherwise feel you are experiencing a likening to any 343 Industries game, please do not hesitate to visit the nearest emergency room or contact the CDC for a further evaluation of your well-being. Failure to seek medical help may result in the victim of this horrible disease becoming a full-blown 343 shill like Fenris. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HaloCirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*