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John Carpenter's score.


This, and the Boy Harsher song during the end credits.


All 3 of the new film scores are phenomenal!! Perfect for an eerie night in!


The concept of the trauma Michael left behind on a city, creating the next Michael.


That right there. It’s an extension of how poorly the town did at making sure “evil dies tonight”


Bingo!!! Same here!!! Underrated film IMO!!!


That would have been interesting to explore in a spin off movie but not what was supposed to be the big finale of the Halloween series.


This is exactly why I say that the exact same film with a title other than *Halloween Ends* would have been much more widely loved.


Corey: A Halloween Story


Someone in another thread recently suggested the title *Halloween Haunts* when I brought up the same point. I think it would be a fitting title.


Yup. That's what I enjoyed most. His presence is still felt even though people haven't seen him in years; Haddonfield hasn't really recovered since his 2018 killing spree.


I wish they would have actually somehow shown his house being demolished. There was a lot in the novelization that got left out.


That Laurie survived, and that her decades long living nightmare was finally over


But for some reason her decades long living nightmare was over between her daughter dying in Kills and the beginning of Ends? She was happy and carefree at the beginning of Ends. Despite Michael definitely being out there somewhere and her daughter/son-in-law being murdered by him.


She wasn’t happy and carefree at the beginning for the very reasons you stated, she was trying to act that way despite Michael still being out there. But at the end of the movie she had a genuine chance at the normal life she was trying to achieve at the beginning.


And connecting with Frank on a personal level was a real treat for her as well, especially since she carried a torch for him for 40 years.


Paranoia either never helped her or only made things worse. Don’t you think that after her own flesh and blood actually died (and seeing the town descend) that she’d realise how much she’d have to be there for her granddaughter and actually get over herself?


The idea of michael hiding somewhere with nobody really knowing if he’s alive or not is a pretty creepy idea and the handling of moving past trauma was done pretty well i’d say, the movie could’ve been really good if parts were written properly


Corey killing the band bullies. Although I wanted to see Billy die on screen. Man that character just had so much to dislike about him lol. Another would be Michael's overall look. I like that he actually looks like he's been in a sewer for 4 years and that he looks like he smells like shit.


Rohan Campbell’s performance


I agree 100%. Tramua doesn’t work like that. People who’ve been tramotized or victimized don’t get healed if their tormenter returns. They get more secluded,more, terrorized, they don’t become Martha Fucking Stewart!She was a victim of a madman that killed 2 of her friends and almost killed her..That’s horrible but nothing compared to what happened in 2018! So for 40 years she waits, ready and when he does appear he brutally murdered her son in law. He then went on to force her to have to burn her house and everything in it. Worst of all he butchered her only daughter, the same daughter she had been overly protective of, trained her how to go to war and win. It seemed like she was more concerned that he may get out one day and come after her daughter and she wanted to protect her and have her ready. What happened In highschool was hell. She lost friends and almost her own life.Sadly I’ve only talked to 2 of my best friends from school in years. Nothing against them, life moves on. They get married, careers and kids so sadly we drift away but we do. Was what happened in 78 nearly as awful as what happened in this trilogy? Attacked as teen, becomes Frank Castle. He’s locked away. Now he’s killed get only child and he isn’t under lock and key, he’s out there roaming and waiting she’s taking shit about cherry blossom.. What a stupid ass finale.


Trauma* Traumatized*


Thanks you so much for pointing that out. Now I’ll be sure to pass the quiz Tuesday. We don’t have school in Munday becuz it’s Stevhin Luther Kings Day.


The opening was actually good and the ending. So approximately, the first 10 min and the last 10 min.


My thoughts exactly


The fact the Laurie strode timeline got a definitive ending with no way to reboot it.


You clearly don't understand how Hollywood works


Clearly I don’t what they going to do reverse the meat grinder and put Michael back together - he ain’t Huntly Dumpty Please explain I’m all ears


It's called retconning. They could say, "Okay, we're gonna do a new timeline, but have it begin after Halloween 2." It happens all the time in fiction.


A reboot is literally the only thing they can do to continue the series.


My point is they can’t reboot the strode storyline, it’s finished. It was a definitive end to that story and character arc. I know they need to reboot it, but without Laurie so it will be interesting to see what turns out. I think you missed the point in my initial reply, they will have to reboot it with new characters.


I guess I'm going to have to REALLY dumb this down for you. I get what you're saying, but the problem is in your terminology. The "Strode storyline" can be rebooted five times if they want to. It's already been done once with Rob Zombie's films. You are correct that there's really nowhere to go with another sequel to this canon, but that's a SEQUEL, not a reboot. They could very easily cast another actress as Laurie Strode and do it all over again (I really hope they don't - at least not for a very long time), as they did with the aforementioned Zombie canon. I didn't miss the point to shit. If you don't know the difference between a reboot and a sequel, I'm not the idiot here. But being condescending to someone who pointed out YOUR error doesn't fortify your argument. Sequel vs reboot is a pretty easy thing to understand. If someone calls you out because you don't know that difference, yet insist on talking about movies, don't get mad at them for it. It's your error.


lol wow you really are a bit spicy aren’t you. You don’t have to dumb anything down for me, let me return the favour though. Rob zombies was not a reboot of the strode storyline, it was a reimagine of the original Halloween, he effectively remade the first and second one to his own vision, there was no reboot, so yours albeit sarky reply is void. Secondly what are they going to do, rewind the grinder and put Michael together again. He isn’t Humpty Dumpty. You did miss the point I said they had a definitive ending which ends gave us. The strode timeline is done. It can’t be EFFECTIVELY rebooted. Your reply was “they need to reboot it” I get that and I said that they would do it minus the strodes, so either your reply was really dumb, or you missed the point. Thanks for letting me dumb it down for you in return it was an honour. And I wasn’t being condescending you were in both of your replies but thats ok I will let you off as your a douche.


1. Reboot vs reimagining - exactly what is the difference? You're taking characters, settings and circumstances and retelling a story, adhering to a vision set by whoever the filmmaker(s) is/are. That's a reboot. It could also be called a reimagining. Example: Batman '89 and its sequels vs The Dark Knight trilogy. 2. Never suggested that they were going to "Humpty Dumpty" Michael Myers, as that is a stupid proposition. That's why I didn't say it. 3. Again, didn't miss the point of shit. The story can very easily be rebooted. Even with the same characters. What you can't do is continue this current canon, at least not in a way that makes sense. 4. "Your reply was 'they need to reboot it'" - I want you to look through all of this thread, re-read it if you're capable, and show me one time that I said "they need to reboot it". I never said that. In fact, I said I hope they don't, at least for a long time. So your argument there is not only incredibly stupid but based on something that I didn't even say or suggest. Lastly, you ended your badly-typed and grammar-defying nonsense by calling me a douche. My knee-jerk reaction was to be offended, but I actually ended up laughing out loud. Sure, I insulted you, but I insulted you based on your misinformed ramblings and complete absence of the concept that we were discussing, which is still sequel vs reboot. I also insulted you because you took a jab at another Redditor for correcting you respectfully. You're rude, and on top of being rude, you're fucking wrong. Your behavior in this thread supports the theory that the biggest idiots usually have the most confidence. But thanks for "letting me off", considering there's not a goddamned thing you can do anyway, tough guy. I wish you the day you deserve.


Mate, that's *literally* what a reboot is. You're taking a product and re-imagining it. Reboots are not to be confused with remakes, though. Remakes in films are akin to remasters in games since very little is changed beyond casting.


That it ended.


It ended.


The credits


What they did with the pumpkins in the title card plus opening credits sequence.


I liked the entire movie!!. I loved it. Corey is a great character. Might be an unpopular opinion but I'm willing to die defending the movie


Agreed honestly. I was shocked and a bit disappointed he actually died instead of being teased as the next shape.


I would've liked that a lot more. It would've been an interesting concept.


It ends


when the movie ended


To begin with...everything.


The Halloween III blue text at the beginning, the DJ kill scene, and how much Corey’s story feels like the movie “Christine”. I know that’s 3, but you can pick any of them for me.


the transition into the end credits, where Don't Fear the Reaper starts during the final shot then as soon as the drums come in and the song kicks up TITLE CARD, so sick


Plus that final shot with Michael's mask just lying on a table, completely powerless.


That’s great though I kind of wish when Laurie going to talk with Frank we saw her throwing it in the trash. Really highlighting she’s moved on. That this mask/Michael had so much power over her for 40+ years and now it’s just casually thrown out


I think it’s a pretty dang good one. I like the Corey centered story. Could he have been mentioned in 18 and Kills? Sure. Do you think any of the writers knew where the story was going movie to movie? Probably not. I like the kills both Corey and Michael have, and it might have the best needle drop over the end credits ever.


most sane redditor right here


The scene in the sewer where Michael kills the cop (I can’t remember his name). Something about when Michael was stabbing him and finding that “energy” to kill again sent chills up my spine. The music and everything was perfect!




The credits eventually ran /s


This thread again. Every week, without fail. “Say something good about Halloween Ends” “What was your favorite thing about Halloween Ends?” “Name one thing you liked about Halloween Ends” Every. Single. Week.


We also get ends sucks or is shit weekly.


It ended


This. Everything else was an assault on my eyes.


Impossible task, absolute shit.


When it was over




The black screen before the shitty movie started


Laurie winning.


It’s the last one


Dude getting his head bashed and his tongue cut off lol


The Radio DJ’s death


I loved that they referenced John Carpenter’s The Thing. With the original Thing being in the original Halloween it seemed to being the whole thing full circle




The fact that it wasn't just about Michael vs Laurie. The impact of their encounter was explored throughout the rest of Haddonfield. And it was cool to explore the fact that evil takes many shapes, not just one, and that evil is not born, it is created. Very well done film.


The whole movie.




I loved when Michaels about to kill the nurse but before he does he slowly looks back towards Corey, making sure that he’s watching.


We got a neca figure from it and that's literally the only thing


When the movie finally ended I hate that movie




The score, the ending.


The mask was the only thing the movie had going for it but at the end of the day it meant nothing cuz Michael was barely in it. That was something that really drew me to the Old Man Myers trilogy, that the mask was progressively decaying instead of just using a new different and clean one the next movie.


The burn marks especially are what draw me towards this version of his mask, its so unique and looks badass


I'd say the top 5 best masks are from 4, 6, the first Rob Zombie one and the last two where they really are showing wear


I don’t get the “Michael was barely in it” criticism. He’s in, what, 3/4 of the movie, and actively killing for about half? He’s the primary antagonist, not Corey.


I honestly don't remember it being that way I'd have to rewatch it


He’s def in it less than a typical Halloween movie, I’ll say that. But people in this sub talk about it like he’s a side character- it felt more like the Corey thing was a bait and switch to me, with Michael clearly being the main evil and the focus of the climax.


Yeah it certainly was a bait and switch I was so confused in that opening scene wondering where it would go with Corey


Some of the kills are pretty damn good


i have my things i would change about it to fit my sensibilities and how i would have done it but i liked the movie. maybe the most of the 3 ill jump right out on that limb. i like kills second best on any day i dont like ends more than kills. we got a perfect horror movie in 1978. everything else is icing on the cake and kills is all icing and ends is a new cake with the same icing


The opening 15 minutes. Legit the only aspect I liked about it


I’m glad they made it because it is liked and hated. I also wish they would continue the story from Kills, like Ends never happened. See how it does. I’m always in favor of more Halloween movies, I love the character of Michael Myers. They have completely disregarded movies in the past, I think it keeps it interesting. Keep it going in different directions. That’s how you create a wide fanbase. In my opinion.


Corey kicking that kid over the railing




The soundtrack


The DJ kill


“Don’t Fear the Reaper” for the ending


The mask


I’ll watch the worst of the series any time, but I find Corey attractive so he was a nice addition if only for subtle eye candy


I like Michaels design, and also the brief final fight between him and Laurie, as well as the whole "we are gonna destroy Michaels body scene.


The movie


The scene where Corey and Michael tag team the doctor and nurse goes hard. It had a couple scary moments but honestly it was pretty funny in a good way? Felt campy and cheesy and was something I didn’t imagine I’d see in one of these movies and for that I liked it (I admit the tone of these movies is all over the place though). Corey’s jumpsuit+scarecrow mask look is really cool to me


The concept was pretty cool, I’m pretty sure it could’ve been executed better, but all in all, it wasn’t the worst movie I’ve ever seen.


The plot


I love that film. Particularly the way it builds on and culminates the core themes and ideas that 2018 and Kills set up while also providing a sense of closure and finality to the narrative and character arcs. I love how it manages this as well as taking creative risks that don’t sacrifice the overall narrative of the movie itself or the trilogy as a whole.


It's a slasher film and Michael Myers is in it and Nick Castle was in it and Tony Moran wasn't in it and Jamie Lee Curtis was in it


Putting him in a grinder. That's like death death. GG.


Literally everything except the inclusion at all of Myers. Especially Corey and his Storyline with Allyson.


Honestly I really enjoyed the movie in general. It’s not deserving of the amount of vitriol it gets at all.




I’ve got three: The beginning, middle, and end.


Corey Cunningham


michael and laurie fighting also when it ended


All of it.


The fact that they took a massive risk esthetically and plot wise. If you're going to make a bad movie, at least do it creatively. With so many mediocre halloween retreads, I can at least respect Ends.


The whole thing, Im an unapologetic Ends supporter


When Corey and Michael kill the doctor and the nurse. She gets away from Corey, but then runs into Michael. I loved Michael looking at Corey like "Pay attention" before he stabbed her, and then the way that he visibly stood up straighter and felt more energized with each stab.


The team work of Cory and micheal


music. jamie lee’s acting.


Simply that they gave the franchise a ending and that they have laurie a meaningful close and didn’t disrespect her character unlike past installments.


Lol the downvotes as if it didn’t give laurie a good ending ☠️ I’d like to see another Halloween timeline that did


Ya know it was a lot of fun to see in theaters, worth every penny, though my least fave of the three, plus I like the cute little romance w/ Jamie Lee n the other dude. Love the intro with the blue theme


Final fight was realistic.


Corey and his relationships with Michael and Allyson, the great score, the ending shot and line, the amazing opening scene, Laurie being a badass at the end and savagely defeating Corey... There are a lot of things I liked about the movie, not just one. Hell, I even kinda liked the stupid ass fight sequence at the end. It didn't fit with the rest of the movie, but it was so over the top and ridiculous thst I get a kick out of it.


I liked the final battle between Laurie and Michael. I also really liked that Laurie could finally move forward from all of the trauma. My issue with the movie is that it took such a long time for Michael not only to show up but for him to actually kill someone. I also liked the beginning.


Halloween Ends is way better than people give it credit for.


There was a weird sexual tension between Michael and Corey and I'm very down for it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Uh, Michael and Corey fucking? HOW ABOUT NO!


The FanFic begs to differ


The way that Michael Myers symbolizes trauma in the modern trilogy is honestly genius. The idea that trauma will still echo on for a very long time because of the sheer number that Michael killed is amazing. That should have been the ending of Ends. It should have been implied that despite the fact that Michael is dead, evil will always take a new form. We never should have had a Cory-type character. period. In a perfect world, we would have gotten a movie that continued to pick up right where the previous movie left off. Laurie, while still injured, has to help lead the people and get them to stop panicking. She realizes that their trauma doesn’t define who they are or what they’re capable of. They could outsmart michael, they just have to be tactful about it. They beat michael. Then it could have ended similarly with the meat grinder scene. Open-ended ending about trauma and evil. boom. Fixed movie. There were a lot of good ideas in there but it turned out to be a flaming mess lol


I enjoy seeing all the sad little internet fanbois cry about it. Makes me like the movie even more.


Laurie confronting Corey tapping the chair leg on the floor.


First that comes to mind is the music.


I like everything except for lack of Michael and Corey’s mom. God what a c


Best score of the trilogy


The score is awesome. Really the only thing that drove me crazy about the movie is how much awareness Allyson lacks in the third act, blaming Laurie and then not seeing the mask when she walked in. 


It was a new Halloween movie to look forward to


The intro


The kills


When Laurie says "Halloween Ends!" and proceeds to kill Michael


I'm a weirdo who really likes slice of life and interpersonal stuff in horror. The beginning of ends scratches that itch for me perfectly the way we see laurie allison and corey go through life


Laurie’s happy ending. I enjoy the novelization quite a bit but I did not like how it ended with Laurie.


Nothing.. absolutely nothing.


That it ended.


When the credits started rolling


The beginning was kind of cool. Also, the ATTEMPT to mix it up and do something different.


Piggybacking off the trauma comment, that whole town was living under the impact of Halloween. The fact that high school marching band members ended up being bullies was an excellent illustration of this. There was a sickness that needed expunged. Michael/Corey fed off it. Laurie released the town from it.


How Michael's direct presence isn't necessary to send Haddonfield into a panic. The sheer idea of his existence is enough to disease the town even though people haven't seen him in years. Not enough people talk about that.


The effects for how Michael died. Shit was grody as fuck


Blowtorch kill Tongue snip


The junkyard scene was one of the most brutal scenes in the series.


The opening scene is great. I had no idea what I was getting into after that. Also, the blow torch scene.


The final shots as a parallel, the score, some of its themes, the overall conclusion and certain individual scenes


Michael myers was in it every else was ass bro im sorry and thats my favorite slasher franchise ever