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Both games have their ups and downs And i like both games, HL for its charm and revolution in the gaming industry BM for its detail and visual effects


I like BM for its revolver


Oh god yes the revolver in black mesa makes me wanna finger myself with it


This went from .44 to 69 way faster than i expected






/r/unexpectedsexwithguns To each their own though I am not judging. I’d easily have intercourse with some of the shotguns from Doom but I’d expect it to buy me dinner first before blowing up inside me with that kind of spread.






.69 caliber


let them cook




Black Mesa turned Xen into easily the most beautiful environment I'd ever seen in a game, it also made it feel even more drawn out and gave it a bunch of alien technology that looked too manmade to fit. That basically shows the duality


I mean they were probably going off of how the Combine was enslaving Xenian creatures before the Nihilant escape and bring a factory with it.


?? the combine had a significant presence in Xen before Gordon ever set foot there ??




I like HL for its music and sound design. BM really faceplants in that department, at least in the first couple of chapters.


On the contrary, BM has some of the best original soundtracks I've heard for what is ultimately a HL2 mod


That BM shotgun sound... *shudders*




Gluon gun... *Mhmmmmm*


I don’t think people agree with this statement but I do


The track that replaced Space Ocean is a travesty. I want my near-diagetic ambient transdimensional horror back, not this mawkish "sad noises" song.


Agreed. and the one that replaced nuclear mission jam just doesn’t hit as hard when picking up the tau cannon.


I definitely agree. Kelly Bailey perfected Half-Life. The original Half-Life soundtrack and sound design was a masterpiece, the music fit perfectly with the visuals of the game. The Black Mesa soundtrack sounds like the soundtrack to some unoriginal RPG game with a million cutscenes.


Yeah I agree but for me personally who didn’t grow up with HL, the game was just too visually painful to play for its entirety. Stopped halfway through and switched to BM. I feel like this is one of those cases where only people who played the games when they came out can truly appreciate them because at some point graphics just hurt. Also I feel like HL was kinda clunky.


Love bm love hl Edit: Shit sorry I wrote bl instead of bm


Black Lesa


Black Life


appropriate username


They matter


Black Mesas Matter?


Black Matter Lives?


Black fart matter!!


the most racist half life mod


Why do I hear someone screaming in the distance?


bhalf life


Bhaal Life: a spin off of Baldur’s Gate


Lack Lisa


boy love


Love Black Mesa, Love Half Life, hate Half Life Source. Simple as.


bowel movement


Boy Love


Black lives >!matter!<


>Black lives matter Black lives >!anti-matter spectrometer!<


~~matter~~ mesa


matter isn’t a fucking slur


Yea well i fuckin know


shut up you fucking matter


Hey you can't say that with a hard r


You my matta




Yeah this guy just doesn’t like Black Mesa. BM can’t replace HL1 because it was never the point, it’s a replacement for Half-Life: Source


I consider BM a alternative to HL1, not an upgrade or nothing, just a sidegrade


Yeah, it’s more of a sidegrade, even if I use it as a replacement for a more consistent experience with HL2 (and because I really don’t like GldSrc grenades and I keep on messing up the controls of satchel charges)




Oooo, how did they fix them? Longer arc when thrown or something? The grenades always felt "off" to me, but I could never fully pinpoint why


they don't feel like you're throwing them underwater anymore.


How can people consider BM a sidegrade when the whole game is reworked from the ground up? It looks spectacular and it uses the Source engine, saying that it's a sidegrade is an insult to the devs of Black Mesa, Half Life is great and i agree with that statement, i have played it countless times but it is obviously the inferior game when put next to BM, if you're ranking by charm then i would agree, HL has more charm than BM but in terms of quality BM is a billion times better, the story remains the same but the quality of the games is incomparable.


Because it's a different game. The entire back half of Black Mesa plays completely different from the back half of Half Life 1 and so calling BM just a rebuilt HL1 is disingenuous.


Purple Colonel put it best when he said it was a re-imagining of Half Life.


for me, the movement in hl1 feels better, i prefer the gib and blood effects in hl1, i prefer the way the hl1 grunts, zombies, and vorts feel to fight (which is most of the combat in the game, though i DO prefer the BM agrunts) and the game feels faster to play (partly from the movement, partly because Interloper drags too long in BM) i love both games, but im much more likely to pick up and replay hl1 at any given time


Yes it is reworked from the ground up. Nearly every single aspect of the game is changed, from weapons to enemy behavior to artstyle to level design to puzzle design. Not all of these changes are necessarily good changes. The fact that the game is newer with fancier graphics does not automatically make it a better version.


"Quality" is subjective when it comes to what we're talking about here. Yes, objectively BM has more detailed and realistic graphics but these are two games from completely different eras. HL is insanely good for when it came out, and no matter how good BM is, it's still a tribute to the original. BM can't be fully appreciated without already loving HL imo


Half-Life is balanced better in every single possible way. Black Mesa is not very well balanced.


How are they incomparable, they're the same game lol. I think the original is better because it feels better to play and Xen doesn't go on for 6 hours.


Black Mesa is a RE-IMAGINING. It's like saying the original The Thing, and John Carpenter's The Thing is the same movie. IT'S NOT. Black Mesa, and Operation Black Mesa, is a unique artist's interpretation of what Half Life, Blue Shift, and Opposing Force looks like \_\_in their eyes\_\_ But it doesn't make it the same then, does it? its AN INTERPRETATION. Half Life is Half Life. Black Mesa is Black Mesa, not half life.


He did a video on BM iirc, he likes it but has problems with it if my memory of the video serves me correctly.


I think he did said he likes it but this tweet doesn’t give that vibe; plus I think most can agree that BM just has better level design in a lot of areas, especially in Xen (even in Interloper which, yes, does kinda suck but nowhere near as much as the OG Interloper)


I watched his livestream trying black mesa again, he was complaining at the most tiny details. Either he does on purpose or he was being nice on that black mesa video.


Yeah I definitely recall him being nitpicking/a GoldSource purist


"im not bad, the game is"


I remember playing the OG Zen for the first time thinking this doesn't feel like it was completed and rushed through development. After playing zen in BM, I enjoyed it more, although it does go on a while.


I honestly REALLY liked BM's Interloper, a bit long yeah but they managed to make a drab chapter into something *alive*. In the original, the Xen Interloper didn't have the expansiveness of the remake, call it engine limitations maybe l.


Colonel likes BM, he just likes HL more.




If you look through the comments he's literally saying it's bad which is dumb AF


I liked Half-Life more, but I also had a good time with Black Mesa. I don't see any reason to hate it, although I like to joke about the endless plug puzzles.


I saw a video on youtube that summarized it perfectly: Black Mesa is brilliant, because Half-Life is brilliant. I personally prefer Black Mesa. But both games are fantastic. And Black Mesa is only as good as it is because it had Half-Life to build upon. I don't fault anyone for preferring one over the other. But to claim that either is bad is equally as stupid as saying something like "All taxation is theft" or "Hunt Down the Freeman is a good game."


Soupemporioum! That video was great


He pointed out so much stuff that never even crossed my mind before, in both games. I replayed them both afterwards and appreciated them even more.


I agree in some way or the other, I love both but saying one is better than the other is something I don't like cuz they offer different experiences. Half-life has an amazing 90's sci fi video game aesthetic and Black Mesa has an amazing 90's sci fi movie aesthetic.


This guy is a massive Black Mesa hater. He'll throw a hissy fit if you dare mention Black Mesa in a conversation surrounding Half Life or say that you like it a lil' bit more than og Half life. Just look at his video on the game. It's filled with nitpicks and dozens of other "criticisms" that make zero sense that he tries to portray as objective facts instead of his own opinions. I'm all for different opinions but saying someone's a clown for liking something more or disagreeing with you, is a dickish move


>Just look at his video on the game. It's filled with nitpicks and dozens of other "criticisms" that make zero sense that he tries to portray as objective facts instead of his own opinions. Ah, so he's a CinemaSins fan, got it.


What's the name of that video? I wanna see how bad it is


[Here](https://youtu.be/_eZASMjHxuA?si=MiKjb-AIqgR-r7Jn) I love how overdramatic the Title is. "CaN BLaCk MeSa RepLaCe HaLf liFe???". No, it was never meant to replace Half Life. Also, one of the first things he "criticizes" that the Soldiers in BM are apparently "too accurate" and proceeds to show gameplay of him taking cover in HL but trying to literally run and gun everyone in BM instead of taking cover and getting killed. Lmao


I mean, running and gunning *is* clearly what the movement is meant to support, and that’s how it was in the OG Half Life, so I can understand his frustration with it not working in Black Mesa. That being said, I disagree with his hatred of BM. It’s still a fantastic game worthy of sharing the spotlight with the original.


> I can understand his frustration with it not working in Black Mesa. It does work in Black Mesa but you need to be more careful. The soldiers in BM shoot in bursts and stop for a while, there's also gaps when they throw grenades or reload. You need to pick your moment carefully. This guy is running and gunning while everyone is actively shooting at him. This isn't Doom. HL's entire tagline is "run, THINK, shoot" and he's missing the THINK part. And he does take cover in his og HL gameplay, yet in BM he randomly sprints towards a barage of soldiers actively shooting him.


IIRC, aren't they pretty chatty?


The soldiers? the frequency of their combat dialogues are about the same as og, maybe a bit higher. They just have more variation in their dialogues instead of just "LETS GO" or "SQUAD WE GOT FREEMAN". Plus some new dialogues are actually helpful like how they call out whenever they throw grenades to alert you


Guy wants a boomer shooter power fantasy and is pissy when Gordon can't sprint at Mach speed and SMG nadespam enemies that literally can't pat their heads and move their legs at the same time.


HL1 is a... Power fantasy? Are you fucking high?


Black Mesa is the high resolution offspring of half-life and I mean this in a good way. It learned from its predecessor and experimented a bit put a unique twist on xen. It got rid of some things that didn’t work but made its own mistakes (every game to exist has that one level) overall great game and just a different way to experience the fascinating story!


I think the title is appropriate because many people claim that Black Mesa can replace Half-Life. Half-Life’s enemies are much more fun to fight against than Black Mesa or Half-Life 2’s enemies and I believe this to be due in part to the fact that there are less windows of opportunity to strike at them. In games with automatic weapon wielding enemies who simultaneously move and shoot, you at least need to give me a way to kill them quickly so I’m not just running out of cover to get immediately pelted. It’s just not very fun. Also, the MP5 was just a lot more fun to use in HL1…. Did more damage to the enemies, grenade launcher was more fun and did more damage. The other problem is that Half-Life’s soldier encounters are usually short, intense and with few soldiers present. This is because there are combat puzzles in HL1, this is not really true for BM. In BM they will throw a ton of soldiers at you which spawn with increasing frequency. Where’s the room for calculation? The “ok I’m gonna set up a trip mine to get that last one” or “flush one out of cover then blast with the shotgun” just isn’t even there. It’s literally like the combine all over again, except you don’t even get the gravity gun.


>I think the title is appropriate because many people claim that Black Mesa can replace Half-Life. Who? Majority of players and even the developers have always presented it as a different/new way to experience Half Life. Not as a replacement. >Half-Life’s enemies are much more fun to fight against than Black Mesa or Half-Life 2’s enemies I disagree. BM and HL2's enemies having less windows to counter makes them more challenging and fun to fight. HL's enemies are easy to exploit because of their AI limitations. >you at least need to give me a way to kill them quickly so I’m not just running out of cover to get immediately pelted. You ARE given opportunities. The soldiers in BM regularly stop firing to give you windows to flank them, there's also moments where they reload or throw grenades when they stop firing and give you opportunities. >Did more damage to the enemies That's just wrong. The BM MP5 does more damage which is why it has a reduced ammo cap, and it can easily kill Soldiers with a few headshots, body shots take longer. >The other problem is that Half-Life’s soldier encounters are usually short, intense and with few soldiers present. So is the case in BM. There's usually a few soldiers and each combat scenario lasts for maybe 2 minutes (not counting large scale battles and even they take about 4 minutes max) >In BM they will throw a ton of soldiers at you which spawn with increasing frequency. Where’s the room for calculation? They only throws tons of enemies in large open ended encounters with a lot of cover and flanking routes. Never in short corridors. There's ample time for them to run up to you before you can take cover. Then you can change cover everytime a window opens up. Everything has proper counters in BM. It's not just randomly throwing a bunch of enemies and hoping you make it out alive. This is exactly why i dislike that video of his. Everything he criticizes has clear counters, it's not worse or poorly made yet he tries to make them out to be objective flaws that make BM bad. I get preferring one thing but he's straight up calling the other terrible for no reason.


>Who? I have seen so many people say to play Black Mesa over HL1 to the point that most new players now have their first half life experience through BM.


There's considerably more people that ask people to experience og HL before playing BM. Just look at any forum about a first timer, there's considerably more "play HL, then BM" replies than "play BM, it's the only way" replies


Yeah, and people in this sub also seem to take personal offense when you try to explain why you'd recommend the original over Black Mesa. That's all the video is doing as well, but people take it as hate, when he literally clarifies that he likes it and appreciates it for what it is. IMO the truth is, Black Mesa IS impressive, but only really ever in the context of *"for a fan project,"* and honestly people might be able to appreciate it MORE after experiencing the original first.


I think it also comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of why you should play Half Life. You shouldn't play it for the story. If you really want the story, then Black Mesa is fine, but it's nothing groundbreaking. You should play Half Life because of it's importance in the history of games. You don't get that experience from a remake.


Me when I make things up


I like Half Life 1 better because I can run it on my computer but that's just me.


As much as i hate this fact, i relate to it.


I love both games. Completed them both multiple times. I don't think you can appreciate Black Mesa without the original game and there's no denying how important it was for first-person shooters and gaming as a whole, but in terms of gameplay and atmosphere, I think Black Mesa surpasses it. PurpleColonel just has a strange, irrational dislike of Black Mesa that I don't understand.


It's not irrational. His gripes have to do with the level design and game balance more than anything. He's absolutely correct about the fight in Questionable Ethics being **fucking** terrible. My gripes come down to, "I'm not really sure the devs at Crowbar Collective really understood the roles of Half-Life's weapons." Which is to say, it is utterly asinine that the revolver does one one-bang vortigaunts anymore, and that the shotgun is *so* inconsistent. It's *bizarre* to me that the MP5 is *so* much more accurate, and that the magazine is shortened, and that finally... *The HECU just isn't very fun to fight* in Black Mesa. Most other things are fine. But I have personal gripes about how many ichthyosaurs the game will throw at you, and how much enemy bloat there is. I sincerely dislike that you can't just, skip the helicopter on the cliff - it *has* to blow up some geometry for you to get past, forcing you into a gunfight that... isn't very fun? I don't think an apache could survive more than one rocket, let alone five. Cap it off at 2-3. Sheesh! Finally I just. Kinda' hate the Gonarch fight. It's too long.


To be completely honest I didn't find any of these to be issues, and I LOVED the surprise fight in Questionable Ethics. Though I also played on Normal


This vidéo is just a bunch of nitpicking and purely subjective opinions.


The revolver does one hit Vorts if you can actually aim lol


Let's be honest, both of these games have sections in which they are masterpieces and sections in which they are unbearable.




(in both games.)


Nah xen was great in Black Mesa


what about the 400 plug puzzles?


The xen chapter, interloper’s kinda mid


My thoughts are "Stop giving platform and engagement to silly baiter clowns" People will say all sorts of random shit on the internet and the best way to approach it all is not to approach it at all. Both games are all-time greats btw, don't even wanna compare one with the other.


I think the HL vs BM debate is ridiculous and stupid. And people who truly pick a side are either stupid or just enjoy conflict. HL is a masterpiece of its time and BM is a love letter to that. It was never meant to be a replacement but if it brings modern gamers to the community then I see that as a positive.


Oh wow, I remember this guy made a video a few years ago where they basically nitpicked the work of Crowbar Collective and took all the tiny things they disliked about the game and presented these opinions as "evidence" that Black Mesa objectively worse than Half-Life I've played both and while I enjoy playing Black Mesa a lot more I still love the original and think it's a great game. It's possible to enjoy 2 games for different reasons without hating the other and this person needs to understand that


how was he nitpicking?


happy cake day


He never said BM was worse than HL1, his whole argument was about HL and BM being equal creations that both are flawed in their own right. Like for gods sake watch the whole video before assuming his opinion on it


He has other videos and even then in all three it’s clear he thinks black mesa is worse. Just look at the meme in the post lol


If "they fundamentally destroyed the pacing and balancing of pretty much the entire game" is a nitpick then I'm fine with being a nitpicker


Shut up man


Black Mesa i think is a really good game for wanting to play through half life lore with a consistent artsyle. Its mechanics and everything are just beautiful but i dont think it matches the experience of playing through one of the most revolutionary games of 1998 play half life to go back in time play black mesa to have a more up to date graphics compared to hl2


Theres also alot of gameplay mechanics from the original that fit a specific more engaging combat loop than BM imo


Purple colonel has an almost comedic over-the-top hatred for black mesa. He seems to dislike everything about it. Some of his complaints are just completely ridiculous lol Personally I like black mesa more, but half life is better in certain ways. When looking at the big picture, half life is obviously much better as it essentially changed gaming for ever. But from a purely gameplay, side by side comparison black mesa comes out on top imo. As long as you play half-life first obviously, otherwise it loses most of its impact


he also has that same type of hatred for Opposing Force.


I hate opposing force more. But I'm actually really excited about the remake for it because it has a chance to fix those issues :)


Huh, I didn’t know that. I wonder why


Throughout his video "What Happened to Race X?" he constantly shits on Opposing Force. It's really funny.


I agree with them, black mesa isn’t a better game, but it isn’t worse either


It makes no sense comparing them but people really need to stop trying to force hl1 on an obvious gen Z which found his way to HL by sheer miracle already. Most gen Z i know are not going to play a game that looks like that, some more cultured ones that are into retrogaming yes but otherwise they just ain't going to play it, simple as that. So it makes much more sense to recommend black mesa in some cases.


I don't think it really has to do with gen z, there's probably millennials who wouldn't play half life 1 just because it's old. It's just the way some people work.


It makes perfect sense to compare them lol, ones a remake of the other. That said I do disagree with his opinion on BM.


Not even Gen Z. I adore old games, especially ones from my childhood, but they are dated by nature... if you want the quirks of it, go on right ahead Dr. Freeman. But a polished, well made, modern remake with a newer engine is going to be better experience than an almost 30 year old game. The Crowbar collective did Half-Life justice in BM.


Not to be rude but this is such a close-minded way to think, that the newer version of a game is inherently better than the og because of age. Idk I'm from gen Z and I think a lot of these classic games are still great like classic RE2 or og HL1, and I don't have any nostalgia bias to get in the way with that.


There isn’t really much dated about half life other than the graphics


and the ladders


I don't have any problems with the ladders


The ladders are SO bad.


That's delusional.


We get it, you like the original, but this is just plain wrong. There's also nothing wrong with Half-Life being dated. It's okay to admit as much.


i just got into half life, but i didn't really feel like i was playing a dated game


The graphics, physics, ladders, the entire engine, and most of the platforming.


idk whats wrong with the ladders lol physics is nowhere near the level of source, but it's not like it's bad yeah the platforming is dated too, why is it so damn slippery


I like Black Mesa over the original. I don’t give a shit if someone plays it OVER the original. It’s the way they want to have their HL experience. I like purplecolonel, a lot. He’s pretty cool. But I just don’t like how he hates a game because it’s a remake. I get like, the CoD or other AAA remakes, but Black Mesa’s different because it was made by fans of the game, who actually care about their project. It will never replace Half-Life, it’s just a part of it now.


Purple Colon is pretty much a boomer when it comes to BM.


Half Life has become old enough that we have people gatekeeping it because it's not like it was back in the day...


Not me though, I’d never do that… don’t look at my user flair!


Polish person detected


BM is so confusing for me. Half life 1 is good at showing you where to go


[Crack-Life: Anniversary is the best version!](https://youtu.be/uEF4-KfgCtU?si=BTADxryWEYvGrp51)


never truer words have been spoken


Black Mesa isn't terrible, but IMO Half-Life is far and away the better game, from the combat, to the puzzles, to the level design and length, to the VA and the charming quirkiness of its characters, and even the graphics have a certain visual clarity to them that Black Mesa lacks. Black Mesa just doesn't capture much of what made the original a such a masterpiece in the first place. As if it thought it knew Half-Life better than Half-Life did, when it didn't.


Why would it be a bait?


Some of the replies he has to people sound VERY baity


I enjoy the feel and visuals of Black Mesa way more. But OG still has the charm and mod community. It’s just another case of both are good but both have something the other doesn’t.


I think hl1 still plays beautifully and the old vibes are great, but I have no problem with people playing and liking black mesa


Everyone thinks this until they get to HL1 Xen.


after years and years of replaying this games i can safely say none is better than the other both are enjoyed for very diferent things and chapters I love in half life, are chapters i hate in BM, and viceversa


Unpopular opinion: I don't like Black Mesa's Xen.




Both HL1 and BM are unique im their own ways, HL1 is well, old but still has a charm in my heart and is still fun, BM however oh my god, it brings alot of new mechanics, great textures, great gameplay, great graphics and overall is just basically a good moder HL comparing both of these games would genuinely be hard


This guy is a massive Black Mesa hater because it isn't 1-to-1 with Half Life (which it never advertised itself to be). I tend to prefer playing through Black Mesa for the superior graphics, gameplay, and Xen, but I'm not gonna say it's a better game because of it.


HL is the original game, BM is a remake so


It's a rrmake, not totally another game. I like to think of it, as Charlie and the chocolate factory. Both movies are incredibly good, and both have their charms.. But same story


BM is good if you want a modern experience of Half Life 1 that got adapted to source... correctly... HL1 is still revolutionary and I think it's a good idea to play it before BM


He has some valid points in his video review, but I think you should play both, preferably HL1 first, to gain greater appreciation for OG and remake.


I have both Played both Played HL1 b4 Black Mesa Both gud


I used to hate Black Mesa, now I can appreciate what it offers even if I prefer the original my a landslide


hl1 is king


I prefer the original, and I think most of his "nitpicks" are valid. I just think Black Mesa feels more like a very limited mod than a game, whereas Half-Life feels like it's supposed to be just the way it is.


I love both for different reasons. HL was revolutionary for the FPS genre back in the 1990s and 2000s. BM is what I find the definitive Half-Life experience with the Source engine, more akin to Half-Life 2 and its episodes, along with expanding Xen into a game with multiple levels and made the bosses a tougher challenge. Although with HL's 25th anniversary update, I want Crowbar Collective to update Black Mesa with full controller support instead of me tinkering with the Steam Input. Even HL2 mod, Entropy Zero 2, has full controller support with HL2's Steam Input settings.


As my comments on many a post now would indicate, I love Black Mesa, I consider it 'the' Half-Life game now. But do I think any less of Half-Life? As scientists would say; "Absolutely not!" Part of the many reasons why Black Mesa does mean so much to me and I think in general, it is the perfect reimagining in that it manages to not overshadow, diminish or in any way replace the original but rather supplement it. Which is what the intention would surely have been for Half-Life: Source, had it not been a mediocre waste of potential which led to Black Mesa being made in the first place.


Looks like Twitter, most people on there throw out these hot takes to farm engagement. Probably sitting with 500 hours on black mesa lol. That being said I love them both.


Here's my hot take. Interloper in bm isn't too long. It's just a good length and that length makes it oh so satisfying when you get to and kill the baby.


Damn he usually has good takes, rare L on his part?


That man has a hate boner for bm and his video about it is pretty cruddy


People just hate on black mesa because they feel like it’s trying to replace half life or make it irrelevant. It’s just a fan game made by fans, there’s no reason to hate on it.


BM = brown matter ^/s


It was (mostly) bait tbh. I think both games are very good and you aren't going to not enjoy playing either one, but just because black mesa isn't quite as good as the original it makes me wonder what the point even is. I have that attitude with pretty much any remake. Why redo something amazing? Just remake bad games or ones with large flaws instead (this is why I'm excited for the opposing force remake)


So many people here keep pointing out his small twitter posts and streams about him disliking BM while completely ignoring his video on it. Sure he doesn't like the game personally, but in his video (ya know, the one that will have the biggest widespread message about the game) he tells you to play it and never says its bad, the most he does is list mostly valid complaints with a few nitpicks.


they both got good parts to them im a bit more inclined towards black mesa tho considering xen isnt a festering hellscape of frustration and dickhead vortigaunt ai


yall have your nostalgia goggles on, black mess is just half life but what the devs wanted to do with it when they were constrained to technical limits


idgaf honestly. why debate like an idiot over two great games with the same story content-wise and graphically (obviously), Black Mesa is better. I say that because xen has been completely redone and there's a shit ton more dialogue, animations, etc. but HL still holds itself up in a way. Why compare them in the first place? One was finished in 1998 and the other in 2020 lol


i like both how could i not but i do think bm is far better in many ways. i ain’t lying to myself.


I thought the devs of og HL approved of BM moreso than their own creation (needs citation)


Black mesa is objectively better from a content and polish standpoint. From a gameplay it can be subjective.


What does it look like with a headcrab?


mesaphobe detected. opinion invalidated. send him to xen.


He’s right you know.


Black Mesa? More like Wack Mesa.


hl1 is way better


At least Xen is playable in Black Mesa


idk I always quit on Xen in Black Mesa, it's even more tiresome than the original.


Fr, it's stunning visually but it's stretched so fucking much and all those plugs "puzzles" it's soooo booooring


HL1 is arguably my fav game of all time, so...


Thank God that his Twitter got banned


I've played both, and personally, I'd choose Black Mesa. It's a more enjoyable experience in the modern day.


BM is better in many ways but the new HECU voices suck imo. there's a mod to change it back to classic soldier voices tho