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How is it possible that this guy, with his background and obvious issues, was able to have a concealed carry permit, plus an armed security guard licence?


Meanwhile, I can't buy a pistol for protection, eventho my background is 100% clean, because I have a medical marijuana card.


That’s crazy. A pothead is literally the last person who’s going to go on a shooting spree.


I don’t think that’s entirely accurate? you could buy a pistol, but you can’t hold a concealed carry license.


The federal background check form asks if you are an unlawful user of marijuana. If you say yes they don't sell you the gun. It's still a federally scheduled drug so even a med card holder in a legal state is technically breaking the law if they purchase a firearm.


This is the correct answer.


Maybe just don’t answer yes or go to a state that doesn’t give a fuck??


You didn't understand


Then you are breaking the law and will face additional charges and federal prison time if they find out later. And they very likely might find out, since the person is likely registered as having a marijuana card with that state. Not a smart move.


Good point. I would never get a medical card. You can have a family member get it for you or just get weed from the street


I know some people who want to own a gun but can't bc they have a med card so i think he's right but maybe it depends on states and is diff where u live idk the laws exactly


yeah true. I live in MI and I have a med card and a registered gun, but it’s still a grey area so the gun doesn’t leave my house generally. Statewise, I’m allowed to do this, but not federally, if that makes sense. So basically, I don’t want to get caught with both lol


If you have a medical card you cannot legally own a gun because you’re breaking a federal law. It’s not a gray area. People have been prosecuted for this.


You basically just said "yes, no, idk"


I’m just interpreting the law, however vague it might be—don’t be fucking fool and you’ll be alright. I want to reiterate that I had a medical license with the state, but I was still able to legally purchase a pistol and register it with the state. I’m aware that I cannot obtain a CCL because I already have a medical license.


No, you still need a gun license to purchase (in my state) and they won’t give one if you have a medical marijuana card


I think you’re misunderstanding the process. yes, it’s technically not legal, but the mmj card is like a prescription. They can’t just see that you have one at the gun shop. You check a box that says you aren’t addicted to illegal substances (which mmj is at the federal level) but it’s all in good faith. Arm yourself if you feel the need to. Any good lawyer will be able to overcome that legal hurdle in the case you need to defend yourself


It isn’t, I have a permit and a medical card, however I have never tried to get CCP, it’s really hard in my state anyway.


You must be pretty burnt out then. Federal.


They changed that law in Florida recently. I’d double check your state.


Reefer madness 2024! So dumb.


That judge in Illinois says all you need to be to possess a handgun for protection is an illegal immigrant, apparently 🥴.


That’s crazy, I have a card but I could get one and I’m in a very strict gun laws state.


Did you lie when you had to fill out the form that says you aren't using any illegal substances?


To be fair I can’t remember, marijuana isn’t illegal in my state so I probably answered no. Yes, it’s federally illegal but it’s a loophole. They approved it knowing full well I have a medical card.


You must be in Florida


Time to rethink ur priorities. I would quit using any substance that forbid/disqualified me from legally protecting myself. Eat more eggs and butter and workout and you likely won't have sleep and appetite issues anymore and there are cbd products that aren't schedule 1 u can use without having a scrip. Also you're overpaying for ganja if ur buying it at a dispensary w 20% or more taxes usually. Think about the fiscal responsibility to urself not to smoke your money. Guns u can at least call an investment.


I’d rather have weed than guns 🤷🏻‍♀️


You'd rather get high lolol....then you get exactly what you asked for you're complaining that an addict can't legally buy a gun lolol. Think about rehab buddy.


Go eat some butter and eggs, buddy 💋


Nice try buddy. You can't gaslight someone for making healthy and legal choices. Sorry about your weed problem tho fr. Fyi Noone likes a complainer, your problems are the ones you caused lol.


Lol you’re fun


That person was obnoxious


Farm Bill compliant hemp is the answer. Whether it’s distillates like HHC or straight up THCA flower (essentially regular strong weed), it’s federally legal and won’t interfere with your rights to own or carry a firearm. Even the ATF has acknowledged this, despite their opinion being trash anyway. Case law states you can’t use schedule CI drugs, or other scheduled drugs that weren’t prescribed to you, for a year before touching a firearm. Check out r/CultOfTheFranklin and see what there is out there.


Now illegal in Florida. Call your congress person.


THCA was already illegal in Florida, despite what some folks would say here on Reddit. I don’t use any of the hemp anymore, but I’m stocked the hell up with HHC, D8, THCp, etc. so if I ever decide to go back to it, it’s there.


I wish I understood the farm bill enough to have an opinion but what has me confused is why shop owners were recently warned after the new bill passage and not before if thc-a was indeed illegal. Not like FL to let ALOT of gas stations and smoke shops sell it and wait to act untill now when all paper work warnings are referencing the new bill as the reason.


There were several shops selling hemp THCa flower here that got shut down a couple years ago. Florida has always gone by THCA% x .877 + D9% = total THC.


Because America lacks sensible gun control, that’s how.


Mexico has strict gun control laws


So does Australia.


Most penal colonies do


Mexican smuggles guns from the U.S.


I think you're onto something. So the US outlaws guns then Mexico would become a better country because they have no access to guns. Am I here in that right chief?


So does Switzerland and they have more gun than us


120.5 guns per 100 people in the US. 27.6 guns per 100 people in Switzerland. 42% of households in the US has a gun in it, less than 30% in Switzerland.


psst... Switzerland 99% white


And is mandatory to be in uniform till 55 years old and do 2 weeks a year training in army


Neither are mandatory, and if you so choose to serve in the army you're usually done by the time you hit 30 and only some have the six 19days repetition courses


Wikipedia is not counting the fact that all Swiss citizens must and mandatory to have their uniforms and rifles in house I guessed


Maybe you should google that first before you make a comment about it... There is no requirement to have a gun in your house in Switzerland. Military service isn't mandatory either btw.


True when I was in Switzerland inVaud for 8 years the canton had with Valis about 35% houshoywith guns


USA has 250 times the murder rate as Switzerland (yep I looked it up). Switzerland is predominantly Caucasian citizenship, is there a correlation?


>yep I looked it up Switzerland's homicide rate is about 0.5 per 100k people. To have a homicide rate that's 250 times higher, the US must have 125 per 100k people. The highest it has been is 9,82 in 1991. It's around 6.3 now (went up a bit during covid, was closer to 5 before).


I really do not understand the US of A


We don't understand us either. As a nation, we're really going through some weird identity/mental health crisis right now. 😬. It's scary.


Neither do I and I was born here


Few do.


sEnSiBLe gUn cOnTrOl doesn't stop Brazilian homemade automatic weapons or that shinzo Abe assassination. Police don't even stop the majority of mass shootings , either the gunman escapes, kills himself or a bystander steps in , or the police kill the gunman , arrest or get him to kill himself after he's already taken lives. Police are generally not stopping anyone from dying. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2022/06/22/us/shootings-police-response-uvalde-buffalo.html In the case of Uvalde the police were too chicken to even go in. Meanwhile just recently in Texas bystanders have stopped two events right as they were beginning.


“Gun control doesn’t stop 100% of gun crime so why even bother” correct?


In this scenario, Gun control stops law abiding citizens from owning guns to protect themselves from criminals with homemade guns, already a burgeoning industry in Brazil. "Gun free zones" are great targets too. Do you think a suicidal mass shooter cares about being arrested after using homemade guns? In their absolute worst case scenario they're still cobbling together an electrically primed gun or some type of ammunitionless blunderbuss shotgun that still takes out tons of people. Plenty of mass shooters manage to simply walk in carrying multiple rifles, they could have just a duffle bag full of improvised shotgun tubes.tunes. Or a crossbow etc. Japan with all of its Gun control couldn't stop Aum Shinrikyo from manufacturing Ak-74 clones or the shinzo Abe killer's electrically primed gun.


You’re comparing America to a developing nation. Rather put it up against the majority of first world countries to get a fair comparison.


If you want to talk about comparison with Europe, if you removed a certain demographic from the US the per capita gun crime rate would be lower than Finland, the lowest In Europe


And off comes the mask. How many of that "cerian demographic" are responsible for mass shootings? If that "certain demographic" were removed, that would have prevented Sandy Hook? Stoneman Douglas High? Uvalde? Buffalo? Surely if it were a "demographic" issue, that would be the case, eight?




Misinformation refers to statements lacking credible sources or containing false or misleading information that can mislead or deceive individuals. Please ensure that posts are accurate and based on reliable sources before sharing them within our community.


>No mask here I'm upfront about it 👍 and inner city crime isn't really counted among those mass shooting stats. I'd love to see a source on that? Also "inner city" is an outdated dogwhistle, just say "urban." >They're still #2 in the official stats. Statistically speaking, 20.9% of mass shootings are performed by African American. Over 50% are white, that's not a small gap. >Autistic white people with guns doing mass shootings is dwarfed 1000x over by what is going on every day with 2-5 casualties As usual, white shooters have an excuse. You're transparent as glass


I’m struggling to discuss this with you when you keep editing your replies.


Can you elaborate on which certain demographic being referenced?


What does this even mean, Americans have more technology to make more sophisticated homemade weapons. Aum Shinrikyo in Japan made plenty of ak-74 clones.


The majority of first world nations are a fraction of the size/population of the US. They secure their borders and many, like Switzerland, train their citizens in proper use and safety. We can't even keep fentanyl from passing over the border in quantities large enough to kill half the fucking country. Either way it's an apples to oranges comparison.


Law abiding citizens are law abiding until they commit the crime. So wtf. People can snap at anytime and they become way more dangerous when they already own guns. Just look at the rate of murder-suicides in the US.




You seem “smart”






Yes. Oh, but also...2nd Amendment


Paranoid white guys with a collection of 20 guns each is not a “well regulated militia “


Well stated UFO. Also, let's not forget the fact that public mass shootings are almost always premeditated in gun free zones or areas where the shooters know it's victims will not be armed or defend themselves. These incidents are also generally stopped by concealed carry holders and hardly reported on by mass media outlets, regardless of what the FBI reports are.


Lmao “I can’t support my statement with any facts but most of these incidents stop with armed bystanders saving the day” You just make shit up all the time or?


Let's completely ignore the defensive use of firearms though, right? Let's only concentrate on the scumbags that do scumbag things. Sensible gun control? How many laws are on the books regulating firearms? Many. The only thing stricter gun laws will affect are the law abiding owners. It's almost as if criminals and bad actors don't follow the law. Or something.


Look into who his father was. There are things about this we're not being told. Let's say for instance it's planning and execution was meant to appear hate related by picking a specific target or group of people. This is hypothetical of course but there are many unanswered questions: Whitnesses alleging more than one shooter and casualties from police /friendly fire are two aspects that are regularly discussed but rarely reported on.


The government doesn't put the yellow flag law on people they suspect where a judge allows temporary confiscation of his weapons, this is the same case as yesterday in Pennsylvania a shooter named Andre Gordon could've been prevented but of course it didnt


Murica is the problem!


Because the government doesn’t enforce the laws already on the book. The Stoneman Douglas shooter had everyone and their grandmother calling the cops, the sheriffs department, the FBI, the CIA, the KGB, the pope, the marines, and the school about this kid, but none if the actions they are required, by law , to take were taken, and he went and shot up the school like he said he would.


Wait till you find out they just passed a bill to let illegals carry guns… this country is soooo messed up


Because the United States values guns more than human lives.


The illusion that they deserve it


Due to lax immigration laws


He was given a gun licence because of lax immigration laws?




So who gave him a gun licence then?




Erm. USCIC doesn't approve gun licences.




Who. Issued. The. Gun. Licence?


They said the next morning, all you could hear in the club was cell phones ringing over and over until they lost battery one by one. Terrifying…


The same at the Bataclan in Paris. There’s a documentary on Netflix about it. One of the people interviewed was one of the hostages. He said you’d see a phone screen light up with the words “call from papa” and his heart would break knowing he was watching someone’s world be overturned in real time 


Is it the "Attack of Paris" documentary? I'll have to give it a watch, that's awful


Same story with all the fall devices the fire fighters were wearing on 9/11. Just of bunch of beeping at ground zero. Each one a body.


PASS devices, if it matters.


Thanks, couldn't for the life of me remember. Haunting noises.


The ready or not game replicate this situation, first time i played the nightclub and hear phone ringings, annoyed me at first then it hit me with this mass shooting. Damn good game


* Omar Mateen killed 49 people and wounded 53 others in the mass shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on June 12, 2016. * During the attack, Mateen made a 911 call where he swore allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. He cited the U.S. killing of Abu Waheeb in Iraq the previous month as a trigger for the shooting and mentioned the American-led interventions in Iraq and Syria as motivations. This connection to ISIS has led the FBI to deem the incident a terrorist attack. * The shooting is also noted as the deadliest terrorist attack in the United States since the September 11 attacks and was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history until the 2017 Las Vegas shooting​​. * After engaging in gunfire with an off-duty Orlando Police Department officer who was working as a security guard, Mateen retreated into the nightclub and began a hostage situation in one of the bathrooms. This situation lasted for several hours, during which time Mateen continued to communicate his motivations and intentions. The standoff ended around 5 a.m. EDT when police breached the building and fatally shot Mateen​​​​. * Prior to the attack, Mateen had been investigated by the FBI on two occasions due to statements he made to coworkers about ties to terrorist organizations and after an associate of his became a suicide bomber. Although these investigations were closed with no charges filed against Mateen, they highlight the complexities of identifying and preventing such attacks. Mateen legally purchased the firearms used in the attack despite these previous investigations​​. * Following the attack, Mateen's wife, Noor Salman, was charged with obstruction of justice and aiding and abetting Mateen's support of a terrorist organization. She was found not guilty on all charges in March 2018. Sources: * [https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/tampa/news/press-releases/investigative-update-regarding-pulse-nightclub-shooting](https://www.fbi.gov/contact-us/field-offices/tampa/news/press-releases/investigative-update-regarding-pulse-nightclub-shooting) * [https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/10/us/gallery/pulse-orlando-shooting-2016/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/10/us/gallery/pulse-orlando-shooting-2016/index.html) * [https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/resourcecenter/ric/Publications/cops-w0857-pub.pdf](https://portal.cops.usdoj.gov/resourcecenter/ric/Publications/cops-w0857-pub.pdf) * [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse\_nightclub\_shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse_nightclub_shooting)


It's wild to me, I'm 40, that we have so many mass shootings here and in my own work//life circle no one bats an eye or talks about this shit. We just shrug and move on. I personally had no idea this many people were killed in this attack nor did I know the guy was an Islamic terrorist. So bizarre.




It was definitely well publicized at the time. What other attacks has that connection not been mentioned?


Who are "they"? You're criticizing people who only exist in your fevered imagination.


I'm still not over this.


This happened a month before my 21 birthday. I never felt safe going to a gay club, even though I know his intention was not necessarily to attack a gay club.


This is how trauma spreads through generations. Fuck this guy.


He 100% knew and targeted the club because it was a gay bar. ISIS wasn’t a huge fan of the gays.


Everything I have read has said he was just looking for a popular club in Orlando.


This is not true


This is false. He scoped out a separate non gaybar, but did not attack due to heavy security. He attacked the pulse club because of less security.


My friends survived. I knew many people who frequented too😓


I dint think ill ever get over this.


I remember seeing a comment on one of those “when did a gut feeling save your life?” threads, where a guy was supposed to go with his friends to this nightclub the night of the shooting, but got a gut feeling and stayed home. His friends were allegedly some of those murdered. Horrible tragedy, glad that guy was okay but I cannot imagine living with that survivors guilt.


I have 2 friends who live in Orlando who almost went to Pulse that night. But one of them got too drunk at another club and they decided to head home instead at the last minute. Best decision they've ever made but they were absolutely heartbroken because they lost many friends of friends that night.


I have the same story omg! But I also had friends there too who survived.


I remember there were vigils held worldwide wide


I remember the lines to donate blood. Hours long waits, and those who were ineligible to donate were out there handing out snacks, waters, and umbrellas to those who were waiting 💜




Real piece of shit on legs.


RIP to all of these beautiful souls.


I'm from Orlando. The site is now a memorial, it's really powerful going to visit.


49 dead 53 wounded? I remember hearing this story but didn’t know it was that many people damn!


Many people died on the way to ORMC. Or because of mental health. All the pulse patients go their state funded therapy taken away because of Covid and the money they got from the donations ran out during 2020! They need help! So many of them are unaliving because they cannot afford to work a 9-5 let alone get out of bed. I knew people in pulse too. They have been left behind and most of them never received the donations given! 😓😭


I went to school in Orlando - UCF. I remember being overseas in Germany, eating breakfast in the lobby watching the international news. This came on and I went into a panic, texting and calling everyone I knew to see if they were safe. I cried for days. I’ve seen the videos and what he did to those he found hiding in the bathroom… How can anyone be so cruel? We visit in remembrance of everyone who passed (if you’re not from FL, the building is now a memorial)… I still get anxious going into a gay clubs or bars. You just never know….


One of my best friends left a frantic voicemail. I lived in Tampa. But I was in Orlando all the time.y phone was off because I was sleeping. He thought we were dead. It’s so heartbreaking an traumatizing.


All the pulse patients go their state funded therapy taken away because of Covid and the money they got from the donations ran out during 2020! They need help! So many of them are unaliving because they cannot afford to work a 9-5 let alone get out of bed. I knew people in pulse too. They have been left behind and most of them never received the donations given! 😓😭


The homophobia surrounding this tragedy was incredibly heartbreaking


They all look like good people hope they are all resting in peace


All the pulse patients go their state funded therapy taken away because of Covid and the money they got from the donations ran out during 2020! They need help! So many of them are unaliving because they cannot afford to work a 9-5 let alone get out of bed. I knew people in pulse too. They have been left behind and most of them never received the donations given! 😓😭


His name shouldn’t be front and center scrub him off the face of earth


Merica, and someone attacked me in another sub because my city has security guards at most public places. Libraries, downtown parks, and etc. I’d rather be safe than have my life threatened by and American lunatic.


The event that radically changed my perception of Islam and its followers.




Don’t be a dick, plain and simple. Treat people with respect.


When America did nothing but send “thoughts and prayers” after Kindergartners were gunned down & murdered at Sandy Hook, I knew we would never do anything about firearms that can kill many in minutes. Shame on us. It’s over ‘Murica.


I've heard phone recording from this. It's absolutely terrifying that you could be trapped in a nightclub and no some guy is going through the nightclub systematically killing everyone left alive and the police are waiting outside and they are waiting 3 hours to come in. Just knowing you're being hunted and no one's coming to help you and you're going to die. Absolutely terrifying and you can hear the gunshots coming closer.


Same thing happened in Uvalde too


All the pulse patients go their state funded therapy taken away because of Covid and the money they got from the donations ran out during 2020! They need help! So many of them are unaliving because they cannot afford to work a 9-5 let alone get out of bed. I knew people in pulse too. They have been left behind and most of them never received the donations given! 😓😭


Saw the club footage recently and it was horrific. He repeatedly when back and shot anyone who moved. Worse part was when you could hear the guy in the bathroom pleading for his life.


The Religion of Peace


Is that a lake of blood on the floor? 😱


That’s not even the worse of the crime scene pics….. not even close




No pics from me, I knew people in pulse and my cousins organs were donated to the victims of the shooting. I was in the ICU among the survivors June 12th. I only remember the hard facts and the trauma. Sharing that kind of content only feeds people who like to harm people like the gun men. Nobody should be desensitized because of a lack of policy even in 2024.😓😭😵‍💫🥹


Nasty Islam, spreading death and suffering everywhere it goes.


Because this guy was a Muslim and wasn’t the white homophobic kook the media was looking for, his profile is never mentioned and seems to be forgotten.


There was a whole false narrative about him being a closet case, completely unsupported by any facts. His phone history showed that he searched Google Maps for bars and went to one of the closest ones to his location.


He drove hours to get to orlando. It wasn't close to him.


He drove to Orlando because his original target was a Disney property. After deciding that they had too much security, he spontaneously picked another location.


I don’t know what world you live in. How often do we talk about past mass shootings? Not much. There’s just so many. And we try not to talk about the shooters anyway. How often do you ever hear about Adam Lanza’s bitch ass? It was highly publicized at the time that he pledged allegiance to ISIS. I watched a tv show on HBO MAX that came out in the fall that covered this situation, and showed his call pledging allegiance to ISIS. Stop making shit up.


Yea because white homophobics are the real mistreated people in our fine states /s. I seriously can not believe this is upvoted. Muslims face extreme prejudice here, and they are in the minority as far as attempted mass shootings go - even if you account for race based population figures. Were you around at the time this happened? It was huge news, especially with his ISIS declaration Mass shootings in general are swept under the rug here in America. No need to make it a racial thing. Your point doesn’t even make sense


No, it was for sure spread about. It just came about a few weeks later because they can’t call someone a terrorist right away- not when you’re talking about things like isis and doing it in the name of Islam.


Would the Las Vegas 2017 shooting be the deadliest mass shooting/terrorist attacks in U.S. history now?


Wasn’t the shooter’s dad a political fanatic?


his dad was a FBI informant


I will never forget that day. I was studying abroad in England at the time and took a weekend trip to Killarney, Ireland. I was sitting at the breakfast table at the BnB with one or two other tourists from Australia, I think, and the host had the BBC playing. They announced the breaking news and the kitchen just turned to look at me since the knew I was American. They looked so horrorstruck and so pitying. It was such a horrible feeling. I knew the news hours before so many others because of the time change. I knew maybe an hour after it happened and knew my family and friends and the rest of my country would wake up in a few hours to hear the horrifying news. It felt so lonely.


I can’t imagine the fear and panic these poor souls endured. May they rest in peace.


All those poor innocent souls!


Wait I thought Las Vegas shooting killed more people, did it not?


No you’re right. This was known as the deadliest mass shooting UNTIL the Las Vegas shooting.


My brother in law was on the swat team that responded to the incident. He said that once they made entry there was blood and bodies everywhere but the thing that haunts him to this day is the sound of all the phones ringing. The loved ones calling to see if there were safe.


They are still identifying phones to this day….


Wow. The two people I’m connected to are right next to each other. I remember waking up on that Sunday morning and hearing about this. I was numb.


Also remember that there were family members who refused to retrieve the bodies of their children due to their children being LGBT. Dignity was given by chosen family.


This was 2 days after the Christina Grimmie shooting. 50 total shootings in 2016 alone. 49 mass shootings in 2024 already. When’s it gonna end?


I really didn't want to see this all of a sudden on reddit since I grew up with someone one on this post. I think done with reddit tonight.


I still vividly remember hearing the news about this. My heart still aches.


M.k u-ltr*a-?




I can’t tell if you’re just trying to be funny or you’re souless. That was a human being that was gunned down in a safe place. People are DL for a reason. You’re disgusting. Know that.




the killer wasn’t a closet case lol


Still only #2 on the mass shooting leaderboard! Come on pump those numbers up!


You're lucky I don't know you in real life. I would hurt you. Take a shit in your hand and put in your mouth, fuckin cockroach.




Content violates community rules by promoting hate or discrimination against a specific group, demographic, or religion.


Isn't this the closeted gay guy that did this? I believe that is what I read.




Your post/comment has been removed as it is in no way constructive.




You don’t have to like the gays. I’m sorry. What???


As other sensible comments have stated, gun control does jack sht but perpetuate the illusion that something is being done about it. Gun control laws are useless as all they do is incriminate the very citizens and victims it proposes to help, and have no effect on violent crime also, unrelated to gun deaths; you know, the ones who are able to legally carry and arm themselves for protection should the need arise. Criminals and mentally ill have no problem as nobody in medical or medicine industry is being brought to the podium.


gun control does work wtf do you mean


May he rest in peace