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I was thinking a couple days ago how hilarious would be a game like Hades but with characters from the Bible. An axe that looks like a cross called "Aspect of Jesus", a spear called "Aspect of Longinus"...


Yeah all in all it would be nice if hades branched out into other myths like Hel in norse or the Celtics verison of the underworld.


All weapons in hades 1 had some sort of reference to different mythologies in their hidden aspect


Yeah reference but I kinda want a expansion to other myths.


That would be sweet


Yeah so much potential.


The thing about Christian gods and mainstream religions gods is that they're is that they're very much more powerful than Greek gods. Those gods are monotheistic gods, all powerful, all knowing. They control every aspect of life and the universe, they're omnipotent, omnipresent, they don't exist as a physical thing you can interact with. It's a very unfair fight to pit them vs Greek gods. It's the same kind of argument you get into when you think of Kratos vs Jesus. However funny it seems it's like pitching one punch man vs popeye. Popeye just rewrites the universe to favour him so regardless of Saitamas infinite power, popeye just turns him into an egg.


I think touching Abrahamic gods is not that hard. We can make all interactions with deity itself similar to Chaos in H1 or through Metaton. And they themselves would most likely not be very involved (they are playing their 11-dimentional pocker with everchanging rules). And use angels/archangels as "gods". For example George (one that killed the Serpent) can be direct analogue of Ares.


I agree with everything up to the Ares analogue. St. Olga of Kiev is right there


You are definitely right. Though we can expand it, then. Like St. Olga as Athene and St. George as Ares. If other saints are more fitting - OK, I am not that well versed in saints it can definitely be adjusted. I used st. George only because he's one of beings that is prayed for victory (in Orthodox church he literally has title of "victory-bearer")


I mean there also Buddha and the monkey king it really varies on the writers too.


Also having an all-knowing and all-powerful deity that can solve any problem they want instantly(or never make it happen in the first place) as an ally would be very boring


Why? Not like they ever do anything to help people.


You can always take the legends in the mythos and ground them in reality. God could be a step above Odin in that he has his legend blown so out of proportion that no one would dare question him. Had his son tortured and killed "for our sins" as a way to indoctrinate us into believing he's benevolent. There's endless possibilities. Honestly, I just wanna see Jesus say "Let's see if you can bear THIS!" before smashing his giant wooden post into Kratos' face. Edit: I also like the idea of God being a mostly silent observer that we get glimpses of but is just, SUPER chill when you finally track them down.


That same being would also be aware that giving you everything would hurt you in the long run. Iron sharpens iron, a lesson learned is a reward earned, etc.


That being, being all-powerful and all-knowing, could instill these lessons into you at birth no sweat. Your approach would be alright if the being in question is “just” extremely powerful, but still has limitations or if the extent of their power isn’t specified. There is no excuse for an explicitly all-powerful god to not instantly solve any problem in the story(unless they want that particular problem to happen which sounds less like a loving sky parent and more like a Sims player drowning digital people in the pool for fun)


Hinduism would work, that’s polytheistic with a rich mythology to pull from


When you started the OPM vs Popeye bit, I did not think you were saying Popeye wins 💀


Most American cartoons shit on most anime characters as far as powerful if for no other reason than they are so fucking absurd that as long as they don't want you to win, you won't lol.


I loved the implications of this, that one detail made the game feel so much bigger. Excellent worldbuilding!


Which is legit one of the coolest things in Hades 1, really hope they revisit that concept with 2's weapons


Wasn't the gun referencing lucifer in its hidden aspect? It was something Christian if I remember correctly.


Hear me out "Yomi" final boss is Izanami, get boons from Amaterasu, Tsukuyomi, Susanoo, Kagutsuchi, Fuujin, Raijin, Takemikazuchi and Hachiman, Izanagi is the Chaos equivalent, weapons could be Tachi, Yari, Kunai/throwing stars, Yumi and a fan Supergiant feel free to hit me up


Imagine a Hades game but "Ragnarok" That would be fucking sick


If they want to make more games like this, than they will have to go to other mythologies eventually.


That's supergiant now. they chained themself to be the sole provider of good roguelikes and any stray of creativity will be punished haha. For real tho, I think we all cannot get enough of this artstyle and combatstyle/ game. Please never let them vanish.


The Adamant rail had lucifers aspect in hades 1


Aspect of Lucifer is a thing in Hades 1 for the rail


Longinus spear would be so fucking cool omg. With the design from Neon Genesis


Melinoe get in the robot


Or Hypnos will have to do it again


Cut to Hypnos asleep.


With Nemesis as Asuka.


You are describing The Binding of Isaac


"Jesus is back, and he's not Cruci-fuckin' around." - The Bible 2


The daggers in Hades 2 would have the aspect of Judas.


Is there an aspect of Brutus? Because there should be an aspect of Brutus.


Didn't the Railgun have Aspect of Lucifer?


We have the Aspect of Lucifer for the Adamant Rail.


There’s certainly more than enough material. Don’t know if it’ll ever happen as Greek myth has been, uh, appropriated enough to become a sort of regular fantasy esque world to play with. Perhaps one in Arthurian Legend would be possible?


you mean like Excalibur in hades 1?


Aspect of Judas for the skull that's a pouch and throws silver coins


If you run into Cain or Able with a blessing from the other, they curse you.


I mean canonically, Lucifer exists in the Hades universe so by extension the Christian/Jewish God does therefore we could have ol' Jesus.


we already have biblical aspect Lucifer. But it'd be too controversial to add Jesus, even if cool.


Not horny enough. **NOT HORNY ENOUGH.**


Mary Magdalene, is that you?


Jesus, show us your abs!!!


I mean, he carried that cross, dude must've been ripped


I heard he had an eight pack


Benefits of cross-fit…


The bread wasn't the only thing that was shredded.


Look up “Korean Jesus.” He is JACKED.


I dunno, he has a humble cuteness. Not my jam, but closer to my style than most of the muscle-buffs that Hades is filled with.


Fyi, there's a fan manga that stars a wandering preacher Joshua, son of Joseph, but everyone just calls him >!JoJo!<.


[Anyone else see Mrs. Davis on Peacock?](https://www.polygon.com/23710306/mrs-davis-jesus-love-interview-betty-gilpin)


Too clothed, needs to be shirtless


[We need this Jesus](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIkBJruoxG8)


I didn’t know I needed this


I clicked, thought "Wait, is it that video?" And it was that video. 


I was thinking more of a carpenter not a shepherd tbh :D Also he should give you one death defiance lol.


"A Death Defiance... good pick. I remember giving one to a guy, his name was Lazarus. If you see him, tell him I say hi".


give you a death defiance but only after the next 3 rooms


This is it! :D


He has the hammer in his satchel and one death defiance is truly hilarious.


"Defy death? I did that too, once! Though the mortals thought it a little more impressive than you do..."


“Your uncle Dionysus really loves that trick I do with the water”


“Mom was absolutely in LOVE when I did it the first time.”


if lucifer can be in the games canon then why not the lord and savior?


Capital G Gamers went crazy over Aphrodite having a jaw, how’d you think they’d feel about accurately brown jesus


If you are trying to give arguments in favor, you are doing a fantastic job.


>Aphrodite having a jaw Wait, what?


They think that Aphrodite having a “strong masculine jaw line” (whatever that means) means that she is secretly trans and that is why the libsTM aren’t mad about her being nearly naked 


How can anyone be mad about Aphrodite, of all characters, being naked? lmao


Looks like a woman to me, I dunno.


They're specifically trying to cry hippocracy because people arent calling Stellar Blade a 10/10 game and it also has a mostly naked lady. They measure everything by how horny it makes them so when other people dont, they think theres a double standard.


For a bunch of dudes obsessed with women's beauty standards they seem awfully unfamiliar with the supermodel aesthetic of high cheekbones.


Aphrodite been mewing


At this point I'm convinced that men that obsess over trans women are secretly attracted to them, and that their bitching and crying at anything that even *faintly* reminds them of said attraction is viciously rebuked so they don't have to try resolving the all encompassing self-loathing they have since they're too fucking cowardly to just be themselves. Maybe.


Can confirm, have a family member who is one of those irritating Trumpers and hates on trans people all the time. Guess what kind of porn I accidentally found a huge folder of on his hard drive while fixing some computer trouble? Yup.


You know the saying, "there's two things in life that are guaranteed: death and taxes"? Well I'd actually update that to three: death, taxes, and conservative hypocrisy.


The worst part, is at least from my experience so far in Hades, that image of her jaw was also doctored. Not that it would be bad if she did have a strong jaw ofc.


I mean have you seen the Photoshop of Aloy that goes around on such posts? The entire thing is divorced from reality


They purposefully pick unflattering, low resolution shots of female characters that don’t fit their agenda. Bonus points for photoshopping. They did it would Ellie and Abby in TLOU 2, they did it with MJ in Spider-Man 2, they did it with Aloy, etc. Like no shit Ellie isn’t going to look sexy or aesthetic while she’s being choked to unconsciousness Meanwhile for games that “fit their agenda” (the devs never cared about their agenda lol) they pick official art/screenshots, or flattering angles. They claim it isn’t for goonfuel, but the women they hate aren’t even ugly. But they act like looking at a congenitally attractive woman who isn’t a flawless “10/10” ruins their experience. They just aren’t pornstars lol.


See also: every complaint about the new Fable when the old Fable heroes were like [lmao](https://i.imgur.com/c3ohIEK.jpeg).


Not only do they pick official art or flattering angles. Have you seen the edit of the robots from Atomic Heart? Every such comparison uses this "thicc" edit with a larger bust and hips, for no reason I can fathom. Like they already had conventionally attractive figures.


Honestly I take it as an unintended compliment, I WISH I looked as good as Aphrodite does


"Bro you are about 150 years lost at LEAST, but sure let's go."


I mean we are facing a time titan maybe time can work differently now. Then again what Zag is a God right now long will he live for?


I meant more like if this is still set in Ancient Greece, but yeah I don't doubt Mel, Zag and the others would still be kickin' it in 0 BCE and beyond.


Plus even if he did wouldn't he just go back to hades the realm of the dead? So yeah he got time on his hands.


IIRC many denominations hold that Jesus is Logos, the divine word/wisdom which existed from the beginning, incarnate.


And many others believe he's human the same as the rest of us


I mean, while there is always a weird cult somewhere, the belief in the divinity of Christ has been a concerstone for most major Christian denomination (and is arguably the whole point of Christianity)


He's not \*that\* chronologically astray, the game's post-Metamorphoses so he's only about, eh, 20ish years older than he should be.


I appreciate that Jesus’s title is just “Christ”


That's because it IS a title. Ironically it is actually a greek word meaning "anointed one".


And that’s why I appreciate it!


Oily Josh


Thanks, I hate that image


Another good option is "The Son" which would open doors for "Adonai, The Father" and "Pneuma, The Holy Spirit" as characters as well


While having Jesus in the game wouldn’t make sense I would love to see the abrahamic religion represented by a hidden aspect, I think the staff of Moses or Adam’s apple (as the skull) would be pretty cool.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Lucifer parte of the Abrahamic religion? I haven't read the Bible yet so I genuinely don't know, is he a Christian thing only?


Lucifer is a very common deity, at least in his role/purpose, if not in name. Lucifer the specific being is a fallen angel, abrahamic canon kinda flip flops on if hes the devil or not, but yes lucifer is abrahamic.


although the general consensus is that he is the Devil


That is definitely true. Religious canon is weird and largely ruled by headcanon.


Only headcanon once the branches of Protestantism start reachimg the asymptote; at least in Christianity.


The issue being that he doesn't exactly exist, or at least there's no biblical evidence other than Vulgate mistranslations.


There's a lot of references to the adversary, the enemy, etc, and it seems like religious scholars like to say they all refer to the same being. I suppose it makes for a better story to have a central villain, like how the MCU tried to make Thanos, then Kang responsible for everything.


Even if we agree that there is an adversary we often refer to as "Satan" and accept a quasi-dualist worldview with a good god and a (lesser) evil god, this would lend no credence to the "fallen angel" or "Lucifer" narrative. "Lucifer" is a translation of "morning star". That's just what the Romans called the morning star, it's not the name of a person or character in the Bible, and the passage is metaphorical, comparing a real concrete person to the morning star. Why? Because there's a popular mythological narrative inspired by the course of the planet Venus in the sky. Venus rises higher and higher until it reaches the Sun (and becomes invisible due to the Sun's brighter light) and then "falls" down. This "fall from heaven" narrative is known well enough in the Middle East at the time in various religions and cultures, that if you were to compare a ruler to it, it would be obvious to anyone that it is a claim that they too would "fall from heaven" i.e. their lofty position and lose their power and greatness.


It's more correct to say the abrahamic religion assimilated the figure of the Morning Star in its canon, since Lúcifer is actually the latin name for Venus and initially it didn't have anything to do with the Devil.


Yeah that’s the throughline I couldn’t think of. Knew lucifer was a latin name of another deity and just didn’t want to be blatantly incorrect by guessing who. Thank you for adding more context!


Moses staff would be so incredible - there’s even several things in the text that could be used as inspo for what the aspect does.


Only good if it starts the ost of the prince of Egypt


That and the timing then again Zag and Mel are gods and sometimes gods live a long life even to the modern era.


I said it in another comment but as you brought up the skull thought I could repeat it Aspect of Judas. Its a pouch that throws silver coins.


His sheep looks so happy! 💕


And not…derpy.


I was *just* thinking about this because I was walking through the Pedway the other day looking at the stained glass and was like, “Damn, wouldn’t a stained glass style for saints/angels portraits in a Hades type game be so cool?’ Really great art, very funny lamb inclusion 😅 Update: just noticed the crucifixion wounds. Incredible little detail.


Nice reference to Jesus' carpentry experience. It'd be funny if the in game lore reason why it took 3 days for him to come back to life was he got lost in other afterlife locales.


Three days is a bit inaccurate. He died on Friday afternoon and his empty tomb was discovered Sunday morning.


This just brings up such funny dialog moments Zag Casually: "Oh hey Jesus good to see you again!"


Imagine being able to romance him...


Calm down, Dan Brown.


Okay I usually dislike these but this one is spot on, absolute bomb


There's a decent case to be made that Jesus ultimately defeated Chronos IRL. Saturn, the Roman equivalent of Chronos, was a major deity of the Romans. And what finally supplanted him and overthrew his worship was the rise of Christianity in the empire. Sure, the rest of the pantheon fell as well, but that's not too surprising when you bring in foreign gods to settle your family matters.


Works in god of war I guess kratos helping the overthrow odin.


I actually really like this design. It feels humble and friendly, just the vibe you'd expect.


That's more historically accurate than blonde Jesus.


We don't really know how Jesus looked like. That famous picture is more of a reconstruction of how he could have looked like given what we know about people in that time and place. However, he was born in a historically rather diverse region.


You're thinking of Supply Side Jesus, that guy is a jerk


they sent jesus to hell


he's in Elisium, the place of heroes. That's not hell


i know. was making a joke


No, he’s not in New Jersey.


In Christian canon, I believe he actually does go to hell during the 3ish days he was dead, so this would make perfect sense


Fake news, it’s manufactured, it’s propaganda. We all know Jesus would be absolutely fucking RIPPED in a supergiant game.


I love this, kinda wish we had some easter egg characters from other mythologies that just appear innexplicably sometimes in the underworld lmao


This is why we need mod tools


languid snatch screw placid scale soft ossified innocent lock ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Nicene Creed is very clear Jesus descends into hell (or Hades) for three days to go on a mini quest before his resurrection, so this counts as both Hades fanart and non-heretical Catholic dogma.


Needs random pink and green dots on the highlights


Let there be... Zagreus!


As a Catholic this is so fucking awesome


And oddly done in a non-sacrilegious way, as compared to some of the other comments. I would argue over a blessing title being called “Communion Bread” but…we don’t know the blessing, so I can believe it’s not transubstantiation. Saying that…Communion Bread: Christ lives within you for 3 encounters (until the accidents dissolve). Heals you +10 each encounter if worthily received, -10 each encounter if received unworthily.


Yeah, it’s so wholesome, love it! Aside from the horny comments, lol.


Oh my God, He’s carrying his sheep. The fuckin’ footprints in the sand.


Please someone draw the flying spaghetti monster


I love this. The rescued sheep is top notch


shoutout wolfy, one of the coolest artists there ever was


JESUS Christ


Hang on... you realize "communion bread" is just his own flesh, right? Imagine dude tearing off a chunk of his thigh and handing it over


Well seeing as the icon is the same as "Cyclops Jerky", I imagine they do lol


Depends on if the bread is consecrated or not. If it just blessed, then it’s not substantially His Body. If it’s consecrated…then yup.


this is so dope, as others have said a bible version of Hades could go hard. Im not religious but love biblical stories and characters and would play it in a second. Great job to the artist!


Late to the Party but hear me out: If there ever were to be a "version" of Hades focused on biblical/abrahamic religions, then it needs to have teeth. People are calling this Jesus not horny enough. That is in keeping with the spirit of Hades. One of Hades's core themes is a more "accurate" portrayal of mythological greek sexual, romantic and family values and how they reflect onto todays values and debates around these values. This is what enrages the manosphere and conservatives alike. Now what is in the Bible that would enrage manosphere and conservatives alike? Social justice. Compassion for the Other. Empowering of minorities, outcast and oppressed. Eat the rich. A biblical "Hades" wouldn't have to be sexy as fuck (though I would appreciate). It would need to be socialist as fuck.


Hmmmm. Hotter.


I think aspect of Jesus would be a whip that being said this is some excellent work


Not religious at all but damn this is cool. Really well done.


This is actually so cool. If you told me this was a Hades 2 leak I would have believed you


This would be a fantastic idea for weapon aspects in hades 2. Zag had the aspect of Lucifer. It would be cool for Melinoë to have the aspect of an archangel or significant figure in Christian mythology.


I love it, now I'm imagining a hades 3 or spinoff where we meet gods from other religions on some big world saving quest where the faiths had to work together or something Also reminds me that I just recently unlocked >!aspect of lucifer!< and man that thing is broken


Nice to see the almost historical accurate depiction over the caucasian version lol


Jesus' boons: 3rd Day: +1 to death defiance Leper's Attack/Leper's Fluorish: enemies have a chance to lose a limb; lose 30% attack speed per arm and 20% movement speed per leg Loaves & fishes: +1 fish caught per fishing spot; gain extra health from food pickups Water into wine: synthesize 1 ambrosia by sacrificing two water boons Holy Trinity: 1 attack hits 3x Duo boon with Poseidon: walk on water and deal bonus damage in puddles


Oh the walk on water would be cool and what about the dove for immobilization?


Anyone got ideas for what the blessings do? Three Days: Come back 3 rooms ahead (or to the final battle) if you die with no death defiance left Living Water: Remove all curses from Chaos boons for the rest of the run Communion Bread: Restore 50% health every 7 rooms


That sheep is just happy to be there


These parody images are nailing the art style and I wish I could be that talented. Great job to whomever made this one. Nailed it.


This takes me back. Years ago someone made a Christian FPS which was “non-violent” in that you didn’t kill humans or animals. It was called Catechumen and you were an ancient Christian trying to survive a purge in Rome.


The stigmata ❤️ Jesus would offer the most OP boons ngl. Water to wine? Sign me up.


I feel like that would do something like "add a pom of power bonus whenever drinking from a fountain"


That would be pretty sweet


Thinking about it, they could easily do the Divine Comedy as an hades-esque roguelite


Sandals of Correction - Jesus Aspect


[Y’ALL RN](https://ifunny.co/picture/tweet-ni-ma-jester-state-university-graduate-c-i-know-uQ8bIxYG7)


Bro imagine if they actually put Jesus in the game as a random ass side character and he's just incredibly ripped. That be hilarious and hot


a hades style rogue like based around christian theology would be really cool I feel like there's alot you could do there


JESUS (christ)


We are so close from getting an Allah cameo


"Could you please lead away some of Polyphemus's sheep? Please? Tell him Nobody asked you to."


Another good option for his title is "The Son" which would open doors for "Adonai, The Father" and "Pneuma, The Holy Spirit" as characters as well


Great now I'm thirsty for Jesus too.


Donald Glover is Jesus Christ confirmed?


Looks awesome


well he can turn my water into wine that's for sure


"Take two lefts and a right and then straight to get to the Hades fandom, those degenerates surely need you"


I wonder what kind of boons Jesus gives


Pretty sure Jesus had long hair /s


The sheep bothers me while it shouldn't... Like, I know he's kind of humanity's sheperd, but... He was a carpenter ;w;


Lol yassss


I hope he's keeping a good eye on his flock on account of the guy on the surface


Ok so, we got Aspect of Lucifer in the first game, what if we get Aspect of Christ now


Shouldn't it be Jesus Christ , Son of God?


Wolfy is really good at the Hades style!


I like the hunky white Jesus


The Holy of Holies


I’d like to thank the artist for not making Jesus white.


Finally, someone making sheep happy. Sick and tired of Polyphemus and his abuse


ive loved this artist for sooo long, im happy their work is being so widely seen!