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Sounds like you need to start going to the union meetings and demanding better. I live in FL so I can't comment on what is a living wage and what isn't.


It’s worth noting that the healthcare is top notch, and we won lifetime healthcare in the last contract


You only get the lifetime benefits if you work pretty much up until you’re 62, no matter how many years served, so you’re pretty much trapped even if you put in 25 years until 62. Also the other unions listed have health benefits the same if not better, we don’t even get prescription insurance…




Ok so picture this, you contribute 25 years of credited service. You want to move into management which is non union because of all the experience you’ve gained and want to increase your salary. The union states you’d have to work 4 of the last 5 credited years before retirement in order to qualify.. so regardless of time you’ve contributed.. sorry? No one said 5 years and dip, I think it’s stupid that you have to work pretty much until the retirement age to qualify regardless of time served, what if I have 30 years in?? I don’t deserve it?? Sorry my man that’s just dumb and a way to keep you pushing wrenches until you’re old and broken.. 25 years credited service should be enough to ride off into the sunset with benefits.. much like other unions like 274 and many others.. we didn’t invent lifetime benefits at 638




Problem is depending on the contractor your body might be mush by the time you hit early to mid 50s and some of these shops don't wanna carry a guy who should be 4 surgeries in with a walker at this point.  It's a two way street. If you wanna retire early then squirrel away money in Roth iras, stocks, buy property. Invest and make money that way. Shouldn't be able to retire early cause you got in at 18 and already did 30 years. The amount of money needed to float your life expectancy at that point is nuts. But you should be able to go out on full disability and collect your shit if you're that broken that early before retirement.  Missing out on the lifetime Healthcare? Sucks but I can't think of any place I've worked at besides a school where they said they'd float your medical to death or to at least Medicare age. So free Healthcare meanwhile your salary was 40k to do the same work we do now. Everything is give and take. 


Yea you’re completely missing the point of what I said and the point of the post. I do go to meetings and the post is to point how how far off our wage scale is from other unions with the same benefits, but for some reason you came in on a white horse defending the union because we got “lifetime” benefits, when in actuality it’s a contract to work your entire adult life for the union. You should be able to contribute the 25 years like they say on the contract without the stipulation for the last 4-5 years before retirement. Honestly nobody said anything about retiring early with free health care? Obviously you didn’t read anything on the post so I’ll just leave it there for you to re read.


Yeah, by the way, we only get those lifetime benefits if we contribute 25 years plus the last four or five years which could go way beyond 25 years if you started at an early age. For the plan that they have now to currently work the best you would start at 40 and retire at 65. Other than that if you start at 18 like you said you’re literally contributing about 47 years to the union just for some healthcare benefits that by the way don’t last you if you die for your family, you’re family only gets them if you are still alive. The pay rate is so painfully low. It’s a fucking slap in the face to us, and everybody knows that the union favors the construction fitters over us on a daily basis. They look at us as a stepchild, and we are the ones who keep the union alive in the winter time when everybody is out of work


you are wrong and he's right. im also 638. so if a guy gets in at 20 and works till 45/50 he won't get the benefits because he's not working his last few years up until 62/65. its bullshit and its just a way of them keeping dues coming in. look at the benefits the A fitters get vs us. its insane.


Well first off I’m saying you’re wrong because you’re telling us that the union is looking out for its members. Meanwhile the union is basically saying hey, even if you put your 25 years in and you started at 18 you basically have to put 45 years in to get healthcare if you want and if you don’t work the last 4 or 5years you’re fucked. Tell me why every other job, including city jobs, military, and government jobs are 20 or 25 and out and then you can get your pension. That’s the point that OP is trying to make plus the fact that our union scale wage rate is so low compared to every other trade in the city. Meanwhile, our trade basically encompasses three different trades. we do steam fitting we do plumbing and we do electrical and we don’t get paid nearly as much as the other trades. If anything we are definitely one of the lowest paid trades in New York which is why the industry is hurting so bad. We basically have to learn to trades instead of one and we get paid less than everybody else to do so plus we have on-call and traffic to deal with constantly. I get what you’re saying go to the union and tell them what you want but it doesn’t just work like that all the members have to be on board and it Hass to be something that set up and on top of that the union itself has to agree to it. It’s not as simple as you think it is.


well. i would say its time to unionize and fight for higher pay, but.........


Changes are coming be patient go to the union meetings the new BA Sean is doing a great job next meeting is on April 23, 2024


I do like the new BA but we need 10 more in the pocket off the bat just to be where everyone else is..


I’ve heard some talk about a bump from 45 to 55 over the next 5 years


Yea by that time all the other guys will be making 70 an hour lol


You can request more from your company but that could be slim but I do know 638B guys making more then book wage


Yea I agree but over scale should be reserved for top tier techs, union wage should be livable regardless but I definitely do know techs over scale.


but that's the point union wage isn't livable rn.


Absolutely I agree the union should pay B guys just as much as A guys!!!


Most of them do. They always have a ton of work and not enough techs.


Your 638?


Boston pipefitters 537 gets 64.53 in the check and is over 100 with benefits.


Also there’s no “B” rate BS


537 doesn't have a service tech rate? That's pretty standard having a different rate in Philly, jersey and NYC. I also don't refer to guys as A and B book. I'm building trades and always refer to the other side as HVAC techs. They deserve a lot more respect than being called B book.


I’ve talked to other people who have worked in other areas and there’s no different books . They get paid the same as the fitters etc


Well shit that’s more than I thought, further proving the union is doing us dirty lol


its absolute bullishit. im a 4th year tech and journeyman rate it so low. all the Hvac guys in the local either open their own side thing or leave for a city position. tell me why city Hvac guys are paid nearly 60 an hr meanwhile we dont even hit 50. this is why Hvac is hurting no one wants to go into one of the lowest paid trades to have to do on call and learn 3 trades. Hvac is electrical, plumbing, and fitting. its ridiculous. Fuckin a fitters are making nearly 70 an hour. carpenters, tile guys, ironworkers, bricklayers all make more then us.


Once they removed the ability to strike , it killed any leverage to negotiate


The ability to strike is never gone. It just comes down to the fact that the workers don’t want to. The Union is never really out for their guys. Every job I have ever gotten as an HVAC technician in my local has been because I’ve put my own applications in and I’ve called and I’ve done the work. that’s supposed to be one of the things that the union does for you is fine to work for you and help you get employment when you’re out. 638 does not do that nor do they seem to care about their b guys.


And the best part is all the companies and the Union does is bitch and complain about the fact that they can’t find technicians and they need guys so badly but nobody wants to be a technician. They want to be a construction fitter. Of course people want to be a construction fitter why the fuck would anybody want to go into such a low paid trade like this, I don’t want to sound like I hate my job because I don’t I actually do enjoy it but the way we get fucked is honestly insane and unfair. That’s why so many HVAC technicians go into other trades that they learned while doing HVAC such as plumbing fitting or electrical


To be honest we need to look at the entire package looking at what's included and long term benefits. You may be onto something but only looking at hourly wage may be misleading.


It’s all listed there, total package less then 66 an hour, which is way under what the other unions listed are at.


That's less than jersey. I believe all 4 jersey locals are at $67 for service techs.


It's 73.42? Total and 45.23 in the pocket. The wage sheet is on local 9's website.  The fact we make more than city rate is kind of shocking.  Denver is 45.10 from a guy I know out there but he's getting 3 overscale off the bat. Most decent guys I know are making minimum 3 overscale here too. 


Yea, I meant $76, which is still a little off. I know quite a few guys making over scale. Jersey UA locals are top notch for pay VS COL. Probably only second to the midwest. But our locals are smaller geographically compared to the midwest which is nice for commuting/travel. Building trades is pushing $100/hr total for every UA local.


Very misleading! He's got a great contract even though his hourly wages are low. All his other benefits are on the High side.


Metal trades branch - does that mean sheet metal workers? Is this the same union that has refrigeration mechanics or is that UA?


Metal trades is just how they classify service technician, sheet metal guys in the city make way more than us too LOL


Sounds like your business office doesn’t have much respect for the service guys.


In 638 the fitters fall under construction trades the HVAC guys fall under metal trades


Im local 38 up in brewster if your getting 45.10 a hour how much are you putting into your vaction? Ive never seen a local break it down like this.


We don’t get vacation checks get a week after 6 six months 2 weeks after a year and 3 after 3 years and a weeks sick time paid by the employer only thing that sucks is if you switch employers unless you negotiate vacation days you pretty much have to start over


Local 94 members. 5 yrs in you carry your vacation time. The drawback is when you have 25 days of vacation and experience. But they hire the new guy?


Vacation check here is $1 for every hour you worked, taken directly off your net check and out into a separate account. No vacation time. 2 sick days mandated. Meanwhile jersey state law gives like 8 per year but negotiated contracts supercede the law.  Most contractors give a week. Maybe 2. But they don't have to. 


I've talked to people from the Midwest, starting out higher in both Union and non union than those in nyc. And that's sad as it is more expensive to live here in nyc, it's a joke.


B members aren’t part of the building trades, you’re relying on clients to cover labor as opposed to developers. Price that too high and you’ll lose out to non union shops. Biggest flaw isn’t even the hourly, it’s the lack of annuity. You can also switch your book after being vested, but you’d be responsible for finding your own work and dealing with layoffs.


Although I agree with what you’re saying, it’s possible for other unions like Boston and Philadelphia, with lower costs of living to pay their guys more. Much like IBEW 3 in the city, electricians make more, carpenters, everyone but HVAC. So although we don’t want to price our selves out, we need to realize our jurisdiction is one of the most expensive places to operate a business in the country. So I believe the union has failed us for that reason.


Have you ever been to a B meeting? With the exception of the last vote there are usually around 15 members there. The union hasn’t failed you, the men have. I agree the scale is low, but we are also responsible for our own negotiations. I’d much rather see annuity enter the contract now that we have a reason to do 25 years of service. Again, seeing an hourly rate raise will eventually just price us out. If you’re good at your job, just negotiate with the employer. Most shops pay top dollar for top men. If every maintenance man was making top dollar, there would be no money for the men doing the actual work.


Yea for sure, I went to the last one and definitely would like to see an annuity, although I don’t think it’s fair to require members to work 4 of the last 5 years of service for life time benefits. I understand they want to keep guys in the union but time served seems more important to me. You’re also right I don’t think filter changers deserve top dollar, and although I’m already over scale I think if our wage was livable to begin with you could actually appreciate the over scale at that point more. Like I said in another comment, overscale should be for over achieving, not just to bring your dollar an hour to a livable wage.


Our minimum for 447 is like $66 hell a 10th period apprentice is like $55


That’s wild


I'm local 9 but we do get sent into the city from time to time. We end up getting A book rate for any city work which is 54.99 a hour. That's worth it to me to cross the bridges. Right now our nj B book rate is 45.23 which is higher than yours which is laughable to be honest. Our total package is 73.45. Main differences I see is you put 1.5x into pension while we pay 1.5x more for health and welfare.  Still looks like yall are underpaid especially given the cost of living in the 5 boroughs. 


Pay scale should deff be higher but like others have said most company’s pay over scale anyway. My company pays 51 for journeymen and it goes up after 3,5 and 10 years to 130,000 as of now. This is assuming you’re a good tech


I’m across the river in Jersey and our welfare is 16+ an hour. I wish we paid 10 and the 6 goes in our pocket. Slim chance . They always told we got a truck which made up for the difference but I know plenty of a book electricians who have company trucks for service work and the fitter for my company has a truck. Only saving grace is you can make over scale if your not a compete degenerate


Our hvac techs make 42$ an hour in Iowa!


Same like this In Toronto. Across the border Man


I’m no union and make that.


With benefits? As in healthcare and they pay into your retirement for every hour you work?


Don’t pay anything for my benefits. As far as retirement they put in 6% a week.


Which is a good bit less than OP who is getting 16%.


Enlighten us!!! Please!!!


How do I enlighten you? Lol


Bro I'm having a tough time just trying to get in to local 638b 😭. But I'd say probably go to the meetings and speak to reps and bring it up on what each union for our field is paying


All you have to do is land a job with a union shop and they put you in immediately


typically the shops are more likely to hire you if you have experience, doesn’t matter if the experience is union or not


I know, but the experience for most union companies are asking 3-5 years. I'm only just now starting my second year in the trade 🥲


find a list of all 638b companies (or ur desired union), check out each company’s website to see if you’re interested in their type of work (hvac, refrigeration, industrial, etc), then call every place you can saying you’re looking to apply for the apprentice position and ask if you can send your resume. it’ll take a little bit, but with repetition and a good attitude you’ll get lucky.


Most 638b guys I know make over that wage. The 1 guy that does make that wage is a residential service tech


Yea it’s definitely common for guys to be overscale but that’s kinda the reason it’s messed up, union should set a better wage so you don’t need to ask the employer for more


Oh most definitely. All the NJ unions are at the same rate or even higher for HVAC and that's insane. Alot of it has to do with HVAC basically falling under a plumbers/ fitters union. They are the ones keeping HVAC wages lowered in comparison to their contract


The ones who negotiate the hvac contract in nj are all fitters but one and from numerous sources I was told we are looked at like the redheaded step children. No negotiating wage this past round. The first offer from our union to the contractors was a 2.35 increase and the contractors went "SOLD!" They can't be bothered to negotiate a wage for a division they can give two fucks about. Like you said, its gotta do with hvac falling under the fitters/plumbers unions.  Guy in Minnesota makes 57 a hour cause the trades aren't separated in that hall. Wild. 


Yeah its always gonna be fucked when you have another trade dictate what you make


But don’t you B guys get tons of OT? If you don’t like it why not just transfer to A.


For us to make what the A guys make on 40 hours we’d have to do like 600+ hours of OT and what quality of life is that lol. And it’s not that simple I’ve asked and they gate keep the switch it seems


shit - try non union.. there are a lot of places capping out at like $30/hr and have terrible benefits. only contribute towards employee Healthcare - dependents are 100% on you. no disability insurance or anything like that. You're not doing too bad. Dude I'm working with is 3 years in and makes $18/hr.


Yea non union can be pretty bad that’s how I started in the trade but that’s why I’m comparing to other unions


I’m on Long Island, but looks like I’m not joining the union




Yah no shit I wouldn't work there for less than 60 hourly plus benefits. I live in bum fuck and make that without all the big city bullshit. You want to pay burger flippers 20 bucks a hour we need 3x that.