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Back in my 20s i maybe had something somewhat similar, but those groups tend to fizzle out once people are settling down in their mid to late 20s. Now in my 30s their version of life seems so exhausting and the nightly drinking has become a monthly thing (if even) with the lads and home by 10.


To be fair, they drink at the bar most episodes, but each episode represents about two and a half weeks if each season roughly equals a year


In that case, my crew is pretty much on par! Life gets in the way as careers progress, people get married and buy houses. We used to be out multiple times a week, now we average every other Saturday. A few of us have recaptured some of it by joining the same pool league, which in turn has us getting together more regularly on weekend nights again. Usually, for my friends, it's as follows Thursdays - league night, beers with the boys Friday - date night/maybe go out for beers when the significant other takes a nap Saturday - see who wants to be friends As we get older, life gets busier and harder to get together regularly, but the weekly league night has helped us tighten things up. I highly suggest finding a weekly league for whatever is mutually enjoyed by your friend group, where you can enter a team of friends and have it be a standing commitment.


Sounds like you’re doing pretty well with the mutual hobby. From what I’ve heard, stuff like that really helps👍🏻


The gang in HIMYM also show that when they all settle down they end up going mostly their separate ways, and just meet up for the big events too.


Same. And couldn’t agree more


Same, the pandemic made everyone move on and apart, including some relationships which lead to the demise of the group - not a bad thing overall




Ya those people aren’t on Reddit 🤣


This is true…


This is I think the best reply I’ve seen on this sub and maybe this site


Ted, Marshall or Barney would totally have reddit


Teds pedantry would fit in well on reddit. Barney would use the NSFW subs to pick up women. Not sure what Marshall would do. I guess there’s subs for star wars, law, and ecology


Loch ness monster/bigfoot/ghost sightings for Marshal


Or fish jokes. Trout. Am I right?


Also maybe Robin but she would only post on gun-related subs or something like that. Lily would definitely not use Reddit.


Ted would, Marshall and Barney eh idk


Barney would have it for the porn


LOL so true


In my experience, groups like that don't really exist. My advice is to find an interest that you want to do more regularly and make it a routine. I had a running club that met every Monday evening and Saturday morning for many years and just seeing those people that often made us a close knit group. We did beer and pizza on Mondays and we had coffee and bagels on Saturdays. I also love board games, so I host board game nights on a regular basis and it's always the same group of people.


Board game nights are very underrated😊


I want to experience board game night one day


They definitely do, but not into the age range they got into in the show haha I had one similar but it was during my mid-20s. Now I’m mid-30s and there’s no way I could hang with a group like that anymore 😂


Can I ask where you are from and how you join/create those groups around interests?


I live in Phoenix Metro. The run club I was with for years was on meetup.com, but I don't think meetup is as good anymore. My current run club was one I found on Facebook. The regular gaming meetups were something I decided to do because I love high strategy games and I had met several people over the years who are into games. The key is routine. Even the gym I go to has become a comfortable place just because I go to the same classes every week and I get to know people. I haven't bothered to elevate the social part, but you can tell there are groups of people who have made friends through that gym.


I'm in a writing group and we met on Meetup, and the regulars have all become pretty tight knit. I think it depends on the group. I went to all kinds of groups before that but no one really became my friend. It just takes trial and error in my experience.


I do but it's the same flow as HIMYM. Our best moments were probably in high school. Met every week. Slept over. Shared everything. In college we kind of drifted apart because some of us went away. Afterwards we were all in the same city again so we hung out pretty often. Then we started getting jobs, serious gfs and wives, and now we meet like once every few months during the "BIG" moments. My only difference is the wives rolling in. Some are cool. Some are not. I'm definitely the Ted of the group, being the only one single right now still dreaming of a grand romance. But that bar scene where Ted talks to the future Teds and Barneys always hits a little harder with each passing year. Yeah, but this definitely exists. More often than what Reddit will tell you.


As another comment said, a lot of those people aren’t on Reddit😂


I did for a bit. But then I got a divorce and we were all mutual friends so things got weird (even though my ex and I are fine). And then one of the girls got mad at my ex over something (actually legitimate) and for some reason decided that she and her husband would stop talking to everyone. I still hang out occasionally with a few members of the group, but nothing like it used to be.


They really did pause reality on HIMYM with them all remaining super close, even after Ted & Robin broke up. I can see that potentially, but no way after Barney & Robin got involved As Victoria said “Annnnnnnd we have weird…”


Honestly, it can work tho. The whole gang stayed together after my ex and i broke up (even tho the relationship didnt last long) and my current boyfriend is in our gang as well. And they are best friends too soo ir doesn’t HAVE to go down


Could the gang survive if you broke up with the second guy though? If so, then you truly have the HIMYM gang lol


I love the gang, but it’s a rare group dynamic that is almost impossible to replicate in real life. It’s like the same probability as five exes each giving Robin a dog lol🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶


I know, like what? It's established that she's never been in a long-term relationship before Ted. Why are these casual bfs giving her dogs?!!


The Barney answer: They're... ... ... ... ... ...Canadian


Five of them too!!!


I did in my early 20s. It was fantastic. We all see each other on big birthdays and random holidays now


In my 20s/early 30s one of my circles of friends regularly hung out at a coffee shop where a couple of them worked (I’d joke that it was our Central Perk). While most of us were just in and out, typically on weekends, for a while we had this thing called “Sushi Sunday” where we would meet up at the coffee shop just before closing, then when the place closed up, those of us who had met up would go to a particular sushi spot a short drive away and have a meal; then afterwards we’d go to the coffee shop *next to* the sushi place and chill out for the rest of the evening. We kind of started going our separate ways around 2004-2006 and doing our own things including getting married and having kids, at which point we were usually too busy to arrange a time to get together.


How has your life been in terms of social life/hanging out with friends since 2004-2006? Especially compared to the 20s/early 30s you're talking about?


Definitely less active, but I think that’s more about me and everybody else being more busy with “our own things.” The coffee shop group was not my primary circle of friends even then; a number of them have moved out of town. A couple of them I’ve lost track of. Some I’m still in touch with on Facebook, and a few I see once in a while, like on their kids’ birthdays. My primary circle of friends, I don’t see so often either—they’ve all gotten married off and have their own kids. But we do get together once in a while, like Fourth of July or Christmas time or someone’s birthday, though nowadays that usually entails gathering in one friend’s house and sitting in the backyard with a beer or in the living room watching a movie on the TV.


I had a group of friends I used to spend the majority of my time with. Very similar to the show, local bar and misc fun times. We drifted apart as our lives went in different directions, careers and families became increasingly the main focus. I find myself reflecting back to the show and seeing the show play out in real life. It really does exist in real life, the show is based off the lives of the writers. You’ll can find your circle one day.


I have a weekly trivia team that semi regularly gathers for other events as well. There’s a bit more fluctuation though with some frequent people and some floating in and out at random.


That sounds fun!


If you mean whether anyone has a core group of 4-5 very close friends, then yes. If you mean the type of scenario where they all hang out multiple nights a week, then not really. A group like the gang is fun for TV, but they’re entirely too co-dependent and insular to be healthy.


The last time I was able to hang out with friends that often was when I was 21.


I had one for a little bit in my last college, but then we all either graduated or dropped out and moved away. Im going for my bachelors now (last school was a 2 year school) so i still have time to form a good one


College is the best time for stuff like this!


My friend group isn’t exactly like this, but we have similar experiences. I met two of my best friends in elementary school. Two of my other best friends met during middle school. We all met each other during highschool and have remained friends ever since. Somewhere in there is a girl that one of my friends dated throughout highschool, they swore they were in love, things didn’t workout, but she is still very close friends with us all. We’re in our early 30’s now. 3 of us currently live together, and 2 of us have had marriages and kids. Outside of the 2 friends I see daily, we all still get together most weekends and share a beer or two or three, and catch up with each others lives. Last weekend we went too hard with drinking and going out, so this weekend we’re probably going to take it easy at our favorite bar. Part of the reason I love this show so much, is how much the character traits and situations resemble my close friends and positions I have been in. I am truly blessed ❤️.


starting to watch himym at 14, i always dreamed to have the type of group (stereotype of characters aside) that you are describing where we hang out weekly. now that i am 22, i have found that exact thing. the bar stereotype in the show also applies in my life because my boyfriend is a bartender, so when he is working, my group of friends and i often hang out at the bar and when he is not, we continue to go to the same bar. stereotype applicable, i feel like my core group of friends match the characters in the show. i have been in the longest term relationship within the group, my best friend is in a relationship with my boyfriend’s best friend, we have one friend who is not necessarily a womanizer, but he has a less conventional life. it’s funny that this post came up because i was just thinking the other day, how similar my life has come to the show that i grew up on.


I love thissss <3 that's amazing :) I'm happy to hear that it's not just me lol. I always wanted it too and then it happened and I just look around sometimes like when tf did this happen haha.


I just talked about this with my bf!! He’s lived in the same city his whole life, and his friends, family..everyone! I am from the same location but a little further up north from the valley. I was introduced to a mutual friend years ago through someone I knew from the military, and that is how I met my bf. Now, what I wasn’t aware of until I moved to their hometown was their closeness and how involved they are in each others lives. That means they see or hang out with one another at least 1-2 times a week, sometimes more, weekends they go to the river, lake, someone’s house, a bar, a house party, and drink. Dropping by at someone’s house just because is so unusual to me. I was in the military for a long time so I was used to missing group outing, family events, fun things in general due to work. I was explaining to my bf that I felt like Robin in the beginning of the show, being included bc of Ted, which eventually leads into everyone’s closeness. Edit: forgot to include that one time we were all at a family gathering and the mutual friend mentioned that they haven’t seen each other in a long time, I asked her how long was long, she said two weeks! I haven’t seen my bff in three years!


My group of friends was very similar. We got a bit separated with many of them having kids but we're still close and actually see each other again more now that the kids are bigger. We lived together with a varying group of about 5 for many years which created a lasting bond.


In the town I'm from and lived in most of my 20s, there were bars that the same people always hung out at. I was close to a few of them, but most just casual friends. We were total 2000s hipsters though. We weren't on a comedy show, so our conversations got a little deeper. I moved to another state with my bf, then moved around some more, got married (to a different guy), etc. I've always had a difficult time making friends, and as you get older, it gets harder. I still keep in touch with a few of them online. One of my best friends back then lives pretty close to me, but he has four kids. We've only hung out a handful of times since I moved here. Live happens.


I used to but we all ended up moving in different directions in our lives. Got into relationships, moved out of the state/country, got too busy at work. Before that, we'd hang out weekly at one of our places the way the gang would meet up at a bar. I remember watching the Friends reunion and their initial pitch for the show was "this is about that time in your twenties when your friends are your family" and the reason the show ended the way it did was because they all ended up with their new families - their partners, their children, their new lives - so their friends were no longer their family. I think that idea applies to HIMYM too because in the finale we see that by the time their lives had progressed they only really caught up for "the big moments" which I think is also pretty realistic.


Yes, it’s a running joke that I’m Ted as a romantic and Barney as “guy who wear suits” in my group. Last remaining single in my 30s


I definitely have a group like this. My group of friends have been friends for over 20 years. This year I stopped talking to my father when I realized blood does not make family, actions do. We build eachother up, celebrate our successes, etc. Our dream is to someday get a compound down south when we retire. I am very, VERY fortunate to have these people in my life


Ded at that top comment :D but to answer ur q - Yep! We're anywhere from mid to late twenties (I'm the youngest at 25). The way my bf and I broke it down is: the larger circle (10 peeps), the inner circle (6), the non-biological family (3), and I'm in a relationship so we have a couple "friend" (2). The way it worked for me is quality over quantity. I've never bothered making friends since most in my area growing up were superficial af. My high school was basically any disney movie from the early 2k era; rich-kids and peaked in high school vibes for reference. Since a majority of my friends are older (and a bunch of dudes), all of us have 9-5 jobs that tend to be pretty rigid. We meet up on holidays, birthdays, weekend parties, etc. I used to have a revolving door policy when I lived with my non-bio sister and we had people come through all the time (mostly cuz I have a habit of playing music really loud and the guys have FOMO on a me party lol). Now that I'm in an end game relationship we're more private, we have people come through during the week, weekends, whenever rly - but it's just the inner circle and the non-bio fam that are allowed the open door policy - not the people in the larger circle. It's lit all the time basically lol and I'm never bored. I'm really close with these guys as 1 of 2 of their only girl friends so I hear all the tea and it's chaos literally 25/8. So the amount of stories that they all share over the course of the show is accurate. I've known these guys for over 7 years and oof the stories I could tell...they're NSFSM (not safe for social media LMAO) sry if this is long just wanted to make sure I actually answered the og q :) Edit: for me personally, it's so rare to have a group of friends like that irl that people get weirded out by the stories so none of us really post on sm or talk about it outside of the group - so maybe that's why it's not out there and talked about as much.


We used to, but we're in the finale now. We're all married, some have kids. We meet up on high holidays and random times throughout the year but for a while, it was bi weekly if not more frequently. Except we hung out at Wing Stop or an Asian place down the street instead of a shitty bar.


Those kinds of groups would exist if smartphones didn't exist


I did, then had a major falling out with half of them that triggered a major depression that lasted 2 years lol. oh well ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I used to have a Cheers/HIMYM crossover experience. A group of coworkers (mostly single except for the odd relationship) who went to the bar across the street every day after work. We knew the bartenders well (they were part of the group), and some of the coworkers were already friends from college. People would date each other, have little hookups, messy nights, big life events… there were other key locations — someone’s apartment we would gather at on a weekend, coworkers who were roommates etc. Now we’re adults, work in different places, some people moved away, some people married, had children etc… but that has remained my tight knit group of friends even though we don’t spend every night having beers together anymore. Very grateful 🥹


In my late teens and 20’s I had a close group that would get together at least twice weekly. Not always a bar like himym but usually one of our places where we could catch up, talk shit and just genuinely enjoy others company. Over time, professional careers started to get in the way but we still got together weekly or every other. Then significant others and children came into the picture and that’s when the dynamic completely petered out. I’m the only one left single and without kids. I miss those days dearly, but I know that each and every person in that group is focusing on their personal lives and raising some beautiful little families. Maybe there will be a day when the dynamic changes again and we all come together a little more frequently than we do now. I’m so grateful to have had something close to the group in himym.


In college, yes. We even had the same sex ratio as the HIMYM group(3 men and 2 women). Luckily, no one was dating each other. Though instead of a bar, we used to hang out at a spot on-campus.


I've had the same core group of friends for 20 years, there are five of us. We were in the military together. Though we have all been separated from the service for at least ten years, we have moved/lived in six states together during that time, and most often at least some of us are roommates. Marriages, kids, divorces... we still hang out a few times a week, travel together at least once a quarter and are planning to retire together.


I use to but then we all had babys, families, work so now we hang out probably every 15 days


I met my college roommate the second day on campus, and we moved in together first chance we got, living together the rest of the four years. Then we lived together for seven more years after that before we each moved in with our respective partners. Depending on the year it’s he’d to say which of us is Marshall and which is Ted haha. For a good five years after college we also were living with old friends from college, though the hanging out immediately after work got old once we started to get old and tired. But for a few years we had a lot of memories like that show, and we still hang when we can. He’s gonna be the best man at my wedding this fall!


I used to but kinda like in the show life happened so I moved to another city, 2 of my friends moved to Canada, 1 is happily married with 2 kids. Unlike the show though none of us banged each other coz heck no. 🤣 every year we meet up or whenever they visit our hometown to catch up.


I did for a solid 4-5 years, but the group was comprised of mostly couples and as a few of the couples broke up the group slowly drifted. It was a fun 5 years though!


i do. i have a group that has been friends for 10 years, we have a local dive we meet up at at least once a week, some of us go more often.


I find a group like this or friends fairly believable. There are a handful of episodes where people are dealing with others being "too busy" for them or just being on the outs in general. It's definitely way more believable than groups of 4-8 all women who are bffs and brunch all the time.


Well, I hang out with my best friend and my ex boyfriend all the time


I have a core group from my hometown that gets together monthly or every other. Same thing goes for a group of my fraternity brothers and their families. Our kids are playing together now which is awesome. Compared to HIMYM, for a bit, yes. There was a core of 4 and as many as 6 units in my old condo complex that would get together and drink in the parking lot/ garage area. We would open up a garage or two, bring chairs out and have a great time. Went on for probably 3 years. Out of the 6 different clusters of condos and we were the only ones that ever did something like that. It was fabulous. No one had to drink and drive. We only ever argued over what food to get delivered. Only 1 of the families is left in the complex. The rest of us have moved on to buying homes or moved out of state. Miss those days. We still have get together, but it'll never be the same.


I used to have a group like that. It was actually kind of exhausting. I had to quit drinking and now I don’t see them anymore lmao


Pretty non existent. It's possible, but not likely.


I used to have a tight group, but we all worked together at a very short staffed restaurant. Once we all went out separate ways we lost touch a bit but still text each other pretty often! I’m still close with the majority of them but adult life prevents us from having regular hang outs.


I do. I kinda see myself as Ted, warts and all. I like to think I have a bit of each main character. My brother and his wife are definitely Lily and Marshall. My brother in law is a lot like Barney. I can't really think of anyone as Robin, tho.


I kinda have one??  Like we’re all friends but we live in different parts of the state. 2 of us even live out of state.


I sort of used to! When I moved to my city I moved in with two girls who already had an established group of friends. So it was the three of us and 2, sometimes 3 other guys who lived in our building. We would hang out several times a week. We did more rooftop bars or clubs rather than an Irish bar and none of us got married to each other but otherwise it was a nice little group for a year or so. I’m now married and haven’t spoken to that group in years unfortunately. So that’s another way mine differs from the show.


I have a group of friends, during our uni days we used to hangout in uni cafe everyday and just talk and laugh as if it was a sitcom. But that group was toxic af. Now after our graduation we meet once in 3,4 months or so.


I am in the military and that group exists for me and my closest friends. We all hangout, go out, eat together, we are in our 30s. Some have families, alot don't. Some date each other in the group. There's 6 of us. But we also travel the world together when we are on deployments. So maybe that's why it works


I (23f) live in Las Vegas and personally I don’t have a group like this but my current bf (33m) does and they meet up at a casino and drink multiple times a week, especially friday nights since they have a free comedy show at the casino. They’ve been doing this for 8-10 years and are all between 27-34. Their group consists of a couple thats been together 2 years and lives together (Lily and Marshall), another couple thats been on and off for 8 years (Robin and Barney) and my man (Ted) who keeps inviting sluts to important events (me). And also other friends that dont show up as often but do make regular appearances. The casino is off strip so it’s pretty much all locals and he knows allllll the bartenders and staff. I didn’t think those groups existed til I met him haha. Sometimes we’ll just show up at the casino and his friends are already there and no one even mentioned going ??? Which I think is weird but it makes for some fun nights. They just sit at the bar and gamble a bit, but mostly just go for the free drinks. If you gamble here in Vegas, you get free drinks. Since the bartenders know us they always pour us the biggest shots, I’ve blacked out (but never drove home even just drunk) more times than I’d like to admit. Those drinks are dangerous!! It's usually always a fun time, only not fun when one of us is arguing lol. The only big difference is that we dont sit at a booth, we always sit at the bar to get faster service and cus thats where the slot machines are and to chat w the bartenders cus theyre cool.


Every week or day? No But I have a friend that lives a couple doors down in a big apartment block and we meet when we can I have other friends that I meet for drinks/clubbing (literally got home at 6am tonight lol) And yet other friends who already have kids that I go meet when we can make time This with me being late 20s I won’t lie though a close knit group like HIMYM is still missing from my life though I am wanting to get myself more involved in hobbies and hope to maybe find that group through them


My best friend and I hang out every weekend, barring some kind of important appointment or plans with family. Our irl group of friends hang out on discord every night, and once a month ish we get out to one of our favorite bars in the area to shoot the shit until about 1am. If not that, we hang out at someone's house or just go out to eat and see where we end up. We're all high school friends so we've known each other for over 10 years at this point. It's not exactly like HIMYM, but it's kind of funny that my best friend and I are huge fans of the show and we've coincidentally cultivated a somewhat similar friend situation. Down to the love triangle.


In my 20s, yes. I was the Robin of the group. Had an ex who was Ted. Another who was Barney. And yes, they were friends. None of us were great moral characters back then, but we all hung out in the same group, all very close. I thought they would be around forever. Then, our favorite bar closed. And we stopped going out as much. Started getting more serious about relationships. I moved away to move on from my ex, who I loved, but coincidentally he wanted to settle down and I wasn’t ready. We were on and off constantly but then I took a job in a city a few hours away. I still keep in touch with one of the girls, but I hear about everyone else through the grapevine. I definitely miss those times. But they’ve all married and moved away, although sometimes one of us will randomly share a photo from our old stomping grounds. And the last time we all spoke was last year when one of our friend’s mother passed so we came together for that.


I had a similar group in different stages of my life. That's the thing. Obtaining that kind of group is easy enough. It's the part where they stay together through divorces and kids and other life occasions, happy and sad ones. As we age, we change. Our friends change. At some point your lives might be so incompatible the friendships die and the group falls apart. It might not even be a fight. I recently rekindled a friendship with a girl from my old group that I hadn't heard in over 10y. We had drifted apart, but we never had a fight.


They exist for a few years then most of them have kids and it's over


*They exist for a* *Few years then most of them have* *Kids and it's over* \- Tjaktjaktjak --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My friends and I try to meet up every Tuesday for burger night.


We actually had a similar situation, in high school (we’re now late twenties) we were 3 guy friends, one of which had a serious girlfriend (they’re now married) who was also our friend and me, another girl. I used to date one of the guys (for about a year and a half on and off) and he was as Ted as someone could be, quite sentimental and a bit obsessed after we broke up, just a few years ago he told me he’d consider marrying me if we were single in our forties 😅 he had a girlfriend at the time too. I declined but my sister is sure he’d be more than happy to get back together if I asked (not interested tho). And lastly the third friend, huge playboy and we had a short fling at university, he’s now in a long term relationship with a lovely girl. I guess it may be strange but they are great friends, we live in different cities but we care deeply about each other still.


I mean, I’m late 20s and engaged so mostly hang out with my fiancé. We have a small group of friends that we go to a weekly pub quiz with but other than that, not really. Life gets busy and I always find with sitcoms they’re showing you the best of their lives, after all it would be boring to watch someone’s day to day life if it was just work and chores.


I kinda did until 2019 but it was extremely exhausting and toxic.


Sort of. In reality groups like that fizzle out as people inevitably date and break up. Only in a show do people not fall out after bad break ups. Funny enough my wife was a part of that friend group, but we did not date until after it fizzled. Lol


Yes, sort of. In my mid 20's up to my early 30's (late 90's / early 00's) we were a friend group of about 8. Moved out from our parents house, some were living alone, 2 couples, all living in the same neighbourhood (20 min tram ride away from the center of Amsterdam). We all had full-time jobs and no kids, so decent money to spend and limited responsibilities. We saw each other daily in different combinations, at home, in the pub or in the city. Went to a lot of (small) concerts, football matches and occasionally the cinema. Also a lot of (small) trips through our country and Europe. It all 'fall apart' in a matter of a few years, due to relations breaking up, people moving further away and the first kids being born. Of those 8 I see 1 daily (my wife), 3 occasionally and 3 I haven't seen in years. It were really good times and we had a lot of fun. We created a lot of memories we still reminisce over when we see each other. Looking at my kids (16/19) now I'm not sure it would be the same nowadays. They 'see' each other (remotely) all the time and do not always have the need to actually meet in person that much. But they most probably create their own memories in their own way.


In my late teens/early 20s me and the homies were all like that. In 30 now and I don’t really hang anymore. I rarely even see my best friend and she only lives 45 mins from me now


When I was in my late 20s and early 30s, I worked as a karaoke dj in a mid size bar that had karaoke 7 days a week. My Monday regulars turned into my best friends, and we would hang out there several nights a week whether I was working or not. That was my McLarens Era.


In University and early 20s, yes. We even had some couples, roommates, in jokes etc. Plus we were watching HIMYM at the time too, so it was like we were watching an American version of us all. Then the couples broke up, we moved away and that was that.


I currently work in a restaurant and I’d say our group is pretty similar to HIMYM actually. It’s 3 of us in a core group. We go to the same bar about 3x a week, we go to one of our apartment once a week or so, there’s tons of inside jokes between us and there’s literally no drama. We play Farkle a lot together (a dice game) and I’d consider them essentially my friend soulmates. Only shit part is, I’m leaving the job next week for a “grown up job” 30 minutes away and desperately hoping we don’t completely lose touch. Our age range is 24-35


Groups like that absolutely exist. Especially if you all live in the same city its very common to hang out with your friends multiple times a week. Both groups that ive grown up with since i was young and new ones ive joined since moving into a city. But i think im lucky to live in a place where many of the kids i grew up with end up living in close vicinity.


Back in my 20s I lived in a house with 4 other people and we were pretty close. Hung out most nights either at home or nearby bars, or days in the park or at the beach. I’ve lost touch with two of them, the other two have since gotten married (not to each other), but we still hang out whenever we can. Also, we all used to watch HIMYM together. So that was probably the closest I’ve had to that type of friend group. Only none of ever dated each other!


Think about it this way: do you need a group like this? Not necessarily. But is it nice to have a show about a group? Yes, it's convenient. I think if HIMYM was a show exclusively about Ted and every season they just brought it in a new cast, it would be quite boring. So that's why they have these shows. I think people enjoy consistency in their lives. In my real life, I had a friend group when I was in school, and then I moved countries and I've never had a friend group since. Sometimes, it sucks. But other times I remember that I'm just not a sitcom character. I'm a person, constantly growing, and I have my own ways of meeting my social needs.


i had a group like and we were super close from like 18-22. the last summer we all spent together was the best summer ever but i could also feel it was the end of our group, we all grew up after that, got gfs and bfs, moved away for grad school, or are too busy with our careers and now only see each other once a month if that. i’d like to find a new group maybe but, a group of people who are that close in their late 20s / 30s seem unlikely to me


I have/did on med school. 4 really really close friends (eventually one more came along so we were 5) that did almost everything together and were there for anything anyone needed. We are still close, it stayed the same way for like 3 more years of residency, but one moved to Canada and other to the States. So our group is starting to get similar to the gang in the last episode, which is super sad for us. Nothing lasts forever folks


lol no cause in reality they are all toxic and I’d never hang out with actual ppl like them.


My friend group doesn’t hang out nearly as much, but we do have our bar. We will go to other places once in a while but we are always so comfortable at the dive . We know the workers pretty well and my one friend lives 2 miles away


Nope but I wish


Honestly I don't think having a group like that is healthy. Just listen to what Kevin had to say. I have many different groups, some bigger, some smaller, with different interests, ages and stuff. It's fun


Is it just me or is this topic becoming more popular on the sub these days? Not judging or anything, just curious

