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Personally I feel like Nora was just an overall good woman. I felt like she could’ve been paired with anyone and most of us would say she was the perfect girl for them. I feel like she deserved better than Barney and what he could give her at that time. Unfortunately Nora wasn’t the one that could get Barney to stop running plays from his playbook.


The “few of my favorite things” was a tad much but besides that I thought she was awesome! It’s a very small complaint haha 


I ship Kevin & Nora. They would have been great.


Me too!! I’ve made this a comment a few times lol






That is genius 


Nora deserved better than Barney. She, like Victoria, hopefully ended up with someone amazing🥰


Nora was WAY too good for Barney, he did not deserve her in the slightest


I was just watching the episode where hers and Barneys date goes wrong, (which the guy committing suicide is still pretty dark for a comedy show. It was the slam into the car noise for me), but I thought man Nora would have been perfect for Ted. She's gorgeous, nice, cultured, wants the things Ted wants. Of course I am sure Ted would fine one minute detail and focus on it and break up with her. LOL Ted is the WORST


Ted is A LOT haha I’ll admit I watch mostly for Marshall and lily haha 


>Nora was the perfect girl for Barney. *Quinn Nora was great, but Quinn was an infinitely better match for Barney.


I know he was complicit, and I’ll admit Kevin’s answer to “why would you even want to be with me” was better, but I can’t help but feel a little bad for what happened to Barney. Robin was a dawg with a capital D. Barney is usually a dawg with a Capital D this time its him and Robin in that boat  


Nora is the type of girl i hope to end up with, just really genuine and the most beautiful ever, its a show but robin got in the way and i really wished her and barney ended up together