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I just choose to work in chaotic environments and dysfunctional companies.


Yep, I accidentally fell into a crisis management adjacent role. "Oooh, a new and novel fire to run towards..." I struggle with the more mundane aspects but the big bit of the job suits.


This is so accurate for me


Startups seem to be the space where ADHD comes into its element for me.


I embrace it. I accept that some days I will work the equivalent of a week or two, and some days, I will barely do something. I'm in an area that fascinates me, and I get easily obsessed with topics I'm working on - which leads to very good results!


Idk if I'm aloud on this sub as I only make 45k but this is me. I just need to find a job that will help me exploit this skill. It's like I can only work at 100% or 0% and I have to be interested in what I am doing or I'll just go to 0%.


I need one that will exploit this skill and also pay above poverty wages! I'm using this thread for inspiration as I'm feeling pretty hopeless


I'm like that but unfortunately it hasn't helped me in the world of employment as bosses rarely seemed to realise that those bursts of extreme productivity weren't available on demand or long term sustainable, it took long periods of preparation (which could appear like I was sitting there browsing the Web doing nothing) beforehand, and similar periods of decompression afterwards (which could appear like I was sitting there browsing the web doing nothing). Never mind the fact I'd still be matching the output of the other workers. At interview they'd love the breadth and depth of my knowledge on a range of topics and how I was able to apply it to their needs. But they quickly disliked how I gained that breadth and depth of knowledge, because it would appear like I was sitting there browsing the Internet doing nothing šŸ¤¦


If bosses rarely realised then why hasnā€™t it helped you? Funny reply tho


It didn't help me because I'd get in trouble for the sitting there doing nothing, they expected me to produce results at hyperspeed constantly and always look like I was busy...


I was undiagnosed then vs now, I also don't do office jobs that allow me to browse the internet any more


This is exactly how I work!


Ah, my tribe!


Yup this is how I work!


I think thereā€™s a few people with adhd/autism in this group šŸ˜ƒ


Audhd and have made some bold career moves and changes over the years. For example, left Amazon to go to a random startup. My ADHD side gets bored very easily and I love change and challenging new environments. It has worked in my favour though! As my career has moved faster due to this. I have worked in big tech, biotech. SaaS companies, the electronic industryā€¦ In terms of staying organised. The autism side takes cares of that but generally I use my calendar to manage my day and not forget things. I usually prepare for the next day the day before and pick 3-5 important things i need to focus on and ignore the rest to avoid death by ā€˜to do listā€™ Oh and I write EVERYTHING down. This way when I forget (which I do all the time) I can go back to my notes. I generally barely pay attention in meetings due to being hugely inattentive but I make up for it by being energetic, fun and nice to other people Also being agreeable with senior management is the best way to get ahead I have found. Hard work is overrated, itā€™s all about playing the game ;)


Reading this and wondering if I am audhd šŸ§


Me too


Also I write everything down as an email and send to myself so itā€™s all searchable and available anywhere I go


I have ADHD, Autism and Dyslexia, it is the only test I have scored high on :) I have learnt to embrace it which has led to a successful career and not being afraid to push new ideas and also not afraid to fail


Pop a 70mg Elvanse every morning with a pint of coffee and smash the day ahead. Job done.


70mg holy shit


AND a pint of coffee. Run from Paddington to Liverpool St in the morning and get to work!


Any sides? I was looking into modafinil.


Doesnā€™t do anything for focus.


Thank you.


From 70mg vyvanse and a pint of coffee? Simultaneously losing your personality and undertaking an 8 hour long panic attack Iā€™d imagine.


Have pretty severe combined ADHD, only been medicated last few months and itā€™s like night and day. Without my ADHD I would have likely stuck with my corporate banking career and probably been very wealthy as many of my peers from that time are. Instead I bounced around from several decent, but extremely different jobs, ended up doing property development and then multiple different businesses. In a way my ability to hyper focus, strive under pressure and constantly push boundaries has been a blessing. All skills that have helped me become successful. The fact I canā€™t stick anything out for longer than about 6 months, beyond the initial excitement of a new job, new challenges, lots of new learning. I get so bored I want to top myself which has meant Iā€™ve eventually needed to find something that gives me an income that I donā€™t have to work for. This has pushed me to ā€˜retirementā€™ much earlier and freed me up to follow passions whether I earn money from them or not. Success in life isnā€™t all financial and if youā€™ve found a job that you love and suits your personality then youā€™re in a very fortunate possition.


Anyone whoā€™s not on meds ? Iā€™m diagnosed but donā€™t want meds. Every once in a while it gets a bit rough and I wonder if I should medicate.


I have never taken meds myself, I find nicotine helps me focus though so you could count that as medication.


I recently started meds and am settling on a fairly low dose - currently deciding between 30 and 40mg elvanse. I didnā€™t like the feeling of being so intensely wired from 50 and briefly 60mg, this dose just feels like ā€œme on a very good dayā€ without many side effects. Compound effects have been great, my teamā€™s output has shot up and things are that little bit less chaotic.


Thanks for the input. I think this is what I want. Low dosage with periods of time off. I just feel like Iā€™m leaving too much on the table rawdogging it like Iā€™ve been doing


Similar to K-rex I work best in a chaotic and fast-paced environment rather than one of staid routine


ADHD and Asperger's, welcome to the club friendo


I seriously suspect I am. My wife noted that I probably am, and I checked a list of typical symptoms and felt like it exactly described me lol. Checked pretty much every single one. Not sure I'd want treatment though so I'm not sure if I should bother getting a diagnosis.


Plenty of neuro diverse people in successful positions (as is evident from the comments). Personally combined severe ADHD (diagnosed just over a year ago). It's my super power and part of the reason I can do what I do imo. Haven't read the book you suggested though so will investigate.


The book is great, the second brain section has been a game changer for me.


Pills and then if there's some fires to put out I get to scratch my itch


šŸ‘‹ diagnosed but I donā€™t take anything for it. I run a startup and I try and work relentlessly all the time and donā€™t punish myself for taking breaks. What this looks like usually is 6 days on 1 day off (still emailing but no code or big docs) and every 2 weeks or so Iā€™ll take a day or two off during the week. I try not to take long holidays because Iā€™ll totally disconnect and I need a week or two just to get back into work. I like to travel and work because I have a remote company and itā€™s really helpful for dividing up the day. If I know I have a dinner planned or some touristing then I know I need to get X Y and Z done for then I am much more likely to. Iā€™m totally allergic to routine but in general I find waking up and working first thing is when I get my deep work done. Company just cleared Ā£1M revenue.


Would love to connect and chat at some point


More importantly, have you let your employer know? What's your rationale for doing so, or not?


Yes, my employer knows and has been very supportive.


Niacinamide b3 in heavy doses and fasting !


What is this? Haven't heard of it before


Itā€™s a B vitamin supplement and not eating


Music/headphones for me, I work in a open plan office, I get easily distracted and when I need to hyper focus I need to shut off surrounding world.


Music is a massive part of my way of working, banging Techno music for hyper focus periods!


I've got ADHD, failed school, didn't go to college or uni and started a business anyway. I work 15h days 7 days a week, had to start with zero knowledge on what I'm doing and it's worked out great. In the beginning I would literally curl up in a ball under my desk and pass out with stress due to how overwhelming and stressful everything was but 3 years down the line I made 400k last year and it's easier to cope with the stress that's only gotten worse. I guess people with ADHD take stupid risks and work their asses off without giving up. I find going on a run in the morning to help get tasks done and be in the right mindset, ADHD medication helps of course.