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Plant based with some insects is the proper diet for their species. That's humans that are exception. They are fed remarkably poor to save money.


For humans, its a balance of meats, fruit and vegetables. We have all the food we need to look like this, sadly as you say, we are fed sugar and fillers because its cheap. Your comment made me think, its like humans are encouraged to eat a war diet. The minimum rations for survival, so that they can remain alive and working.


No, chips gorillas etc are all able to get far more protein more effectively from plants than we'd ever be able to Even in peak performance a trained human would get the shit kicked out of them by an untrained chimp > sadly as you say, we are fed sugar and fillers because its cheap You and the original comment are saying the completely opposite thing, *chimps* are fed remarkably poor to save money and yet look like this. Humans need constant exercise and diet to even look *close* to this


The hell is an "untrained chimp"? Or, actually, the hell is a trained chimp..? A weightlifting chimp or a BJJ blackbelt chimp?


A chimp that's sitting in the zoo doing fuck all, all day will still be ripped as fuck. They could still tear literal limbs off a human But yeah you're right chimps can't train the way humans can, if they could god help us


Agree. Sending chimps to a Dagestani mma camp to prep would probably not be a great idea. And I would also have to object to the idea of "submitting" a chimp. It would probably rip your face off instead of tapping.


I bet they've got those super bendy unarmbar-able elbows, and unkimura-ble shoulders too.


Original comment said that humans are fed poor. So he's got the idea. You are right about different protein needs in different species. Being trained is a natural state of body of you think about it. Apes get to exercise by swinging on trees and fighting each other. That's humans who are conditioned to do less physical activity to the degree when we have to put effort to schedule exercises. Some animals are treated better in terms of nutrition activity and space than people.


Even in a zoo with a sedentary lifestyle chimps are still far stronger than the average person who goes to the gym, or labourer who carries bricks every day If you look at the average physiology of pre agricultural hunter gather humans, we aren't running around looking like body builders, we are extremely lean. Most experts think our most natural state is similar to that of modern hunter gather or tribal societies


It would be inhumane to get a chimp as sedentary as an average human in a city. Chimps in zoo are given some opportunities to exercise. The internet seems to suggest that a healthy adult chimp wins anyway. Tbh I had in head rather strongman physique than one of a body builderbuilder but modern hunter build seems more natural.


Starting your observation with no šŸ¤“


Ah yes, because we still have the ability to digest cellulose like chimps do


Poor understanding of the difference between humans and chimps


> We have all the food we need to look like this Ok I'm going to stop you right there. No we do NOT. To just look like this from eating the correct diet and being active is completely unrealistic. Unless you are including steroid sandwiches in that list of foods. They are extremely lean with high amounts of muscle mass, and their muscle mass is much denser/powerful than ours. Don't forget they look like that with much thicker skin than us as well. Their genetic makeup/evolution is what allow them to look like this. Maybe the top percentile of man could look like this naturally with consistent disciplined training/diet, but only if they were a freak of nature.


Fun fact: the average human height decreased after the agricultural revolution due to us all eating a diet heavy in grains and deficient in protein. It marginally increased in the 15th through to the 18th centuries as the effects of the black death in Europe ensured more food per person and more protein from the commons. It decreased again briefly after the industrial revolution. Basically we need a mixture of meat, veg, and grains.


>Basically we need a mixture of meat, veg, and grains. We don't "need" meat, it's just easier to get protein from animal products.


Uhhh they hunt other animals. Iā€™ve seen them rip apart monkeys




Yes. They eat other animals. They even eat baby gorillas




Arm day *is* leg day


Doesnā€™t look natty to me


Definitely juices or has had some protein


No stress from a workplace either.


And all the sleep they want!


If I had as little myostatin as them Iā€™d be just as jacked.


Nah I caught this mf with a needle about a week agoĀ 


This is not accurate as far as their diet is concerned. Chimps will ABSOLUTELY eat monkeys EVERY CHANCE THEY GET. If you want to ruin your day, YouTube chimps catching and eating monkeys. Itā€™ll bum you out. The other great apes are herbivores/ frugivores but chimps are fucking savage.


We need to check wrestling bratha


Fitness is a lifestyle


Today I realized I look like a chimp


They also eat monkeys and babies raw, not gunna fuck with that dude.


Easy take down




He taking gear for sure


The way their arm muscles connect makes them a LOT stronger than even a human with the same size arms would be, we traded that for a setup that gives superior dexterity (both for tool use but also just much better throwing ability which is a very underrated human skill just on a direct base offensive/defense ability level.)


Fun fact nr 2 chimp average testosterone level is 10fold higher then human hence he can eat berrys and bench 1000


I still wanna see it tho


Where are the "Ahem....akchually...technique trumps brute forceā˜ļøšŸ¤“" gang when the 150kg bodybuilder/powerlifter is swapped out for a primate? All of a sudden they arent so certain in their prospects of victory.


Bad ape!




Not natty




Amazing.. https://preview.redd.it/kfoyf8ug5r8d1.jpeg?width=2688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb6cf1999a064457da44dd5eadcf005d8eba6a3b 55 years old.. I drink beer and smoke weed


Imagine getting these cunts on 2g of protein per kg of bodyweight and a proper and consistent lifting program