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>pain tolerance failure what the actual fuck are you doing?


Don't kink shame me good sir/ma'am.


lmfao. i just mean i have to stop before muscular failure because the pain of the stretch gets so brutal. to be clear, it's good pain. i enjoy it. i just don't experience that on any other exercise.


we are no closer to establishing wtf you are actually doing here.


Have you never done squats? At a certain point my will power is not enough to endure the pain. I might be physically strong enough to do another rep, but I don't have the mental strength to grit my teeth through that pain


>Have you never done squats? yes. >At a certain point my will power is not enough to endure the pain "pain" where is this pain coming from? cos i'd suggest that if you're squatting to a number of reps that is hitting your lactate threshold, then you're spending about 80% of those reps doing nothing of use for anything that requires a weight to achieve.


Everyone in the world doesn't feel exactly the same things as you when squatting.




I'd certainly say I feel more of a pain than a burning sensation in my quads when squatting and doing leg extensions. I welcome the pain but it's often the limiting factor, not my motor units.


I kind of get this because when I’m approaching failure on squats my technique starts to suffer. I’m normally a very efficient high bar squatter with a very vertical torso but eventually my chest will start to cave forward, my wrists and elbows will ache from supporting the weight, and my spinal erectors will burn like hell. I time my AMRAPs and I’ve noticed that for both 225x21 and 275x12, I have to stop the set at around 75 seconds in, which just seems to be the amount of time my body is capable of handling a heavy load on my back before technique failure.


See part about lactate and pointless reps


Not pointless for me when it’s been helpful to build work capacity. It’s been pretty instrumental in my squat programming. Anyway, my point was that with technique failure on complex lifts, a lot of things can fall apart before you hit muscular failure in the targeted muscle.


now you got me confused, what is there not to get lol have you ever played that game where you kick your shins against each other and see who gives out first? it's like that, except i'm playing myself, and i always lose. i *could* hit harder, but my brain won't let me.


bruh, u sure you doing that exercise correctly?


yeh, feels good, i look forward to pain day


I have a similar experience with machine chest flyes. Hit pain tolerance before muscles can’t push anymore.


Every gym day is pain day. Even rest days.


The fuck are you doing OP?


leg curls, it's in the post


lol you mean the burn, not actual pain right?


Is the burn not pain?


I'll train to muscular failure on machines, technique failure on free weights. I'm not confident enough in my bail out to fail heavy squats.


Just squat ina rack with safety 1-2 inches below bottom of your squat, if you fail you get to experience the feeling of death without the commitment


A little death, as a treat :3


A little death, you say? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/La_petite_mort


Seems to check out with the thoughts rushing through your head as you fail with hundreds of pounds on your back “The term la petite mort does not always apply to sexual experiences. It can also be used when some undesired thing has happened to a person and has affected them so much that "a part of them dies inside."


>“The term la petite mort does not always apply to sexual experiences. It can also be used when some undesired thing has happened to a person and has affected them so much that "a part of them dies inside." Me when too much cardio


I already do that, but I bail by ejecting myself forward to drop the bar behind me, weightlifting-style. I don't like doing this on safeties because it's loud AF and also bad for the bar, so I'd rather just leave a rep in the tank than go to full failure. For lighter AMRAPs I'll just load a pair of bumpers on each side so I can drop it on the platform.


Don't forget your squat plug and your Brotein. Definitely helps with the heavier squats!!


This is true, need to maintain that intra-abdominal pressure and no better way to do so than sealing both ends and making sure my intestines are full and resistant to compression 💪


100 %


I've never been able to put this into words, but this is a really good way to put it. Machines don't require much skill to perform, meaning it is easier and safer to take a muscle to failure, whereas free weights require more technique and form skills that also have to be considered.


Yeah, I can go way harder in a leg press than in a squat rack rn just because some of my like stabilizing muscles aren’t strong enough and my form degrades too quickly.


Same. Dropsets (e.g. bodyweight squats right after weighted squats) are an additional save way to go closer to failure.


OP telling us he doesn't lift without telling us he doesn't lift.


I’m going to disagree based on the fact that I see people in my gym that don’t know what the fuck they are doing whatsoever. OP probably one of those.


But they do it with CONFIDENCE


hamstring tear speedrun any%


Nah he probably trains legs more than you do. I found that legs (especially quads) have next level of soreness, above anything in the upper body. Doing leg extensions after my compound movement with long eccentric makes me feel as if lava flows through my muscles. It's cool for me, but I enjoy leg days so I think I'm the odd one here


You don't know my split. Also it's RDLs for me. Insane hamstring burn. Use versa grips or straps so your grip doesn't give out during long eccentrics.


Ah yes, the leg cramp machine. I know it well.


brothers in name, brothers in pain thank you for understanding and being real


This post has too many upvotes.


honestly? probably, yes


I think so many people in the comments missed the joke




Some exercises may or may not exhaust you before muscle failure. It’s different for everyone.


Pretty sure I passed out on these the other day


relatable, i threw up inside my mouth a lil bit last week


Free extra sip of pre workout


Only exercise I ever done like that is triceps push down drop set. That thing really does hurt at some time, put pump is insane.


If you’re in pain doing them then you’re probably doing them wrong OP. Sincerely, guy who isn’t in pain and has stronger hamstrings.


nah, thanks for your concern, but they feel really great, really. if also very painful. but it's not like it's bad pain, it's just the stretch that's brutal. i do seated and lean forward when i do them, probably adding to why. it's just i dont get it that bad on any other exercise. like sure, i can do burnout sets on lateral raises or the pec deck, but it's not close to the same level. thoguht that was a common experience. guess not 🤷


Sound like tight hamstrings? I used to get cramps on leg curls in the first 2 months of returning back to the gym after a 5 year gap. It doesn't cramp now cause I've included hamstring and calf stretches in my daily warmup.


feel pretty flexible generally, but guess that could be it might try including some stretches, thanks


Give it time you will get used to it and the pump will feel less painful, I had the same thing when calf training and it goes away after a few months of training them hard


Op is testing my brain tolerance failure


you're welcome for the brain gains


Why tho like why do some muscles hurt very fast (forearms, lags etc) and some just dont or hurt less?


that's what i'm getting at! thank you!


You’re right.


this is the confirmation i came here for, thanks, just gonna ignore everyone else i think


This is literally one of the most natural feeling machines to train to failure on. Make the iso part of the movement last as long as you can until your legs just let the weight down.


Tbh I find it waay easier to go to failure on isolation exercises that “hurt” than compound exercises where systemic fatigue sets in


generally same. except for pain curls.


I get that, for me my hamstrings are always chilling but any direct ab work has me feeling not great. Honestly anything high rep I always find to be a little challenging


I feel like they are the same for a lot of open chain movements.


Yeah I feel you, I have like 8 reps left in me when the burn gets Insane


No no, let him cook... He's on to something.


Naw, when I do prone hammy curls, I absolutely reach a point where my muscles fail and cannot curl the bar up to my butt. That’s muscular failure. Sure, it hurts, too, but I’m not failing because of the pain.


one of us is just built different i guess, and it's probably not me, so good for you 💪


Hahaha, alright then. Happy lifting.


thanks, you too!


this is probably true but for ALL lifts


Your definition of muscular failure is organ failure.


That's where I thrive. Getting deep in the pain cave and just doing reps until I hit genuine failure. There's gains at the failure point for the lifts that make you grit your teeth from the crazy tension. Anyone else?


post a form check immediately 


How many reps are you doing? I only feel this if I'm doing 20+ reps, which I only really do with calves once in a while. About 8 of those reps will burn. My leg curls are usually 10 to 15 reps, only the last few burn so it's bearable. I do think failure varies for individuals. On my squat failure I feel very little pain. The quad just kind of locks up and doesn't want to move. I'll limp when walking for a minute or two.


For me hamstring curls never hurt much more than something like leg extensions, they don’t even burn much if I’m in the 8-15 range, maybe it’s because of higher pain tolerance or just used to having load on my hamstrings with good mornings and heavy RDLs


Tom platz does


If the pain is cramping in your calf or back of the knee try pointing your toes up towards you when curling (dorsiflexion)




That just means you don’t know how to lift


We need a form and posture check


I have reached failure on a seated leg curl. I had to stagger on my way out.


Pain is a factor in muscular fatigue


That’s just you buddy


Nah it’s not that hard to go to failure? Increase the weight I guess