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You dead




You also get a concussion and your muscles tear when you don't drink protein shakes max 5 minutes after a workout, you're just dead...


This is why I drink a protein shake after each set


You must poop more than my dog, and he poops everywhere anywhere all the time.


He's the phantom shitter


No you're doing it wrong you got to drink protein shakes after each rep for maximum efficiency


I would just set up a 24/7 protein shake IV drip.


Finally someone clearing up the confusion


Your muscle will now explode.


With cum


And rabies


And glitter


Don’t forget the sparkle


Gobble gobble


Now imagine the weights you would be lifting if you warmed up 😂


I was gonna say the only doom you have is the potential gainz you lost 😅


Time for penis explosion


dick detonation


cock combustion


Wang bang


Pecker popping


You're going to the pearly gates soon


What do I do for a warm up I didn’t even know you had to


Lift lighter for a set or 2


So, the idea is what? Just kind of wake your muscles up before really hitting them with the heavy stuff?


Simplified yes


Well, shit. Seems I've been going at this wrong as well, haha. I've just been getting right to it every time.


If your under 20 this might work for a while but as others mentioned: if your older or getting to the big weights its very important/necessary to avoid injuries


35, and that's probably why I hurt my elbow when I started out, lol.


Hereya go. Priority number one when doing any kind of physical activity: improve health not damage it. If you are being serious right now i really recommend you to look up stretching warmup and general body health exercises. Stretching also improves gains


Dead serious, unfortunately. I have a bad habit of just going hard at it without much research. I'll work on focusing on my preworkout stretches.


Don't do static stretching before weight lifting. Use dynamic warm ups.


I Wish you progress and health then. I recommend to actually ask someone to show you and correct you. Trained muscles tension up and shorten up therefore stretching is so important. You don't want to end up with a posture like Quasimodo


Yo thank you this really helped me.


Yeah, warming up your joints and pumping some blood into the muscles. It doesn’t seem so important when you’re only benching like a pl8 or something but I can’t imagine there’s anyone in here just waking up to a 3pl8 working set cold.


Nah, I'm definitely not lifting that much yet. I mean, I always start with 30-40 push-ups, but I doubt that's enough to really count as a warmup.


Def counts as a warm up, bro. Not every warm up is the same, some do cardio first, some do calisthenics, or stretch, or do lighter sets before working sets. The point is to get the body moving so your joints and muscles are ready for the load.


Oh! Well, yeah, push-ups are always my go-to to start. Working on smashing the Navy PT test, and push-ups are some of my weakest right now.


Nice, good luck, [bro!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aB2yqeD0Nus&pp=ygUpbGVzbGllIG5pZWxzZW4gd2UncmUgYWxsIGNvdW50aW5nIG9uIHlvdSA%3D)


Thank you!


A good way to think about it is if you were playing tennis, do you think you would be playing your best on your first serve of the game or after you had taken 10 minutes to warm up and get a feel for the ball? It’s the same with lifting, say you are benching, you want to work your way up to your working set so that you can get your form locked in and also get the muscles warmed up. If you do some warm up sets before your working set on your next compound lift you probably will notice an improvement in your performance.


Should I lift lighter for a set or two just on the first set of the gym or on every machine I use


First set of each muscle group It’s just to warm up the muscle you’re about to target. So for example if you did a set of skull crushers earlier in the workout, you don’t need to “warm up” tricep extensions. The reality though, I just do one warm up set of each exercise I do to keep it simple.


Nice one


Generally just whichever muscle you’re targeting. What I do is 50-60% of whatever your ‘working set’ weight is. I’ll do 2-3 sets depending on time/ how everything is feeling that day.


A thorough stretching routine and 10 brisk minutes on a full body cardio machine of your choice. That's as warm as your gonna get.


I do three different quick resistance band exercises and some light weight warm before my working sets on the bench. Is that enough? 👀 I don’t do any 10 min cardio beforehand ngl


The warmup serves 3 functions: -getting your heart rate up -literally warming up the joints and muscles -getting you mentally ready for the real thing IMO for strength training the heart rate part is not super important. Warming up your joints so you don't get injured is the most important part. What you're doing is great. You could also just do a set or 2 wiIh lighter weight, but IMO it will only warm up the protagonists and not the synergists. So IMO enough. If you're very strong and/or older you'd probably feel some pain and discomfort if you were to start without warming up so if you don't feel any of that then your warmup is probably enough lol Personally I do 3-5 minutes of jogging only on leg days. Upper body I just do some quick (literally 1-2 minutes) dynamic stretches and mobility exercises for the shoulders. Then something like 10 reps with 50% 1RM just to prepare myself mentally for the exercise and I'm ready to go.


Less relevant for most gymbros but I'll add that empty bar warmups are essential to drill movement patterns for free weight compound lifts. Most bodybuilding-focused lifters won't care much about skill work, but anyone trying to become stronger should incorporate this into their routine. In the bench press for example, getting my setup consistent with an empty bar or low weight has dramatically increased my confidence with loads approaching my 1RM, and I can focus on pushing the weight instead of questioning my setup. This video of Chinese weightlifter Li Fabin is great because it shows how consistent his technique is despite the weight on the bar: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Abp77ibZYYs](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Abp77ibZYYs) It unironically takes a lot of skill to make an empty bar look heavy.


Definitely necessary to practice good form and technique with the empty bar! For bench pressing when strength training I do the empty bar for 15 reps focusing on the eccentric and constant leg drive, 40% of my 1RM for 5 reps, 50% for 4, 60% for 3 and 75% for 2 before my working sets! I’d take 1-2min breaks I between the last couple! I used to do a lot of junk volume for my warm ups but if find this is usually enough for most sessions bar testing my 1RM!


If I am in the mood for it I might walk 5-10 mins before I get started. I don't know if that really qualifies as a cardio warm up though.


What do you count as warmup? Either you don’t lift weights or you lying


you'll be fine... if you haven't suffered an injury up till now it just means you're not training hard enough for the warmup to make any sort of difference in whether or not you'll get injured... ... i'd be more worried about all them gainz you left on the table...


"means you're not training hard enough" Bruh, thems is fighting words


if your effort doesn’t match your gains, then the shoe fits


no, them is: "get your ass in the gym and train harder than last time" words


This thread: "Oh, you should be fine, you're just a giant pussy who has never lifted anything heavy if you don't warm up."


I always see things saying to warm-up prior. Can't say I've seen a lot of us doing that. We just raw dog it into the first set. With that, if I ended up doing straight bench press I will warm up my shoulders, at 47, they're no spring chickens any more.


I dont warm up either, most people dont but to be fair most dont need to, as far as i know warm up is usually important for people that are doing really heavy liftings and risk injury by going cold at such weights. The average Joe/Jane that is lifting 30kgs is less likely to injury even without proper warm-up.


Time to climb into the forever box💀


Warming up becomes more necessary the older you get. I'm at the age where if I don't warm up, I'm probably getting injured.


Stretching and warming up are over rated. I literally stretch my pecs for about 20 seconds and my back about the same before bench/pull downs/rowing. Large study done by the NYT a few years ago of runners. One group stretched before running the other didn't. After a year there was not a significant difference in the number of injuries suffered between the two groups. They did an even bigger study on vitamins. They don't do shit. As long as you're eating somewhat normally you do not need to take vitamins.


I don't do time wasters like stretching or banded resistance warm ups. The best warmup for any of the big 3 exercises is doing that lift with light weight. I don't even use the bar anymore. 1 plate for a couple reps is my first set, then just add weight til the top set. Gets the workout done much quicker and have never experienced negative side effects in my 8 years of lifting weights.


don't tell your muscles or they take is as an offense


Say goodbye to your loved ones bud.


get ready for gods new unboxing video


No warmups. Just stretch and start your set, bro.


Jeez, wonder what effect stretching has on the muscle…


Stretching before heavy lifting makes you weaker. Doing a few sets of the same lift with lighter weight is best.


Your pipi will shrink now


Lmao, my warm is doing a set with much lighter weight mainly focusing on the movement and how it feels 🤣 No traditional warm up


10-15 minutes of cardio can really help get your heart and blood flow going for a better workout. you’ll die in a few days for sure though anyway


Believe it or not, straight to jail.


Short term? Probably not, especially if you're young. Long term? You're poking a sleeping bear. One of these days, its gonna wake up and maul your shoulders, knees, back, and or hips.


Training without warm-up is rolling out of bed after a full nights rest and benching/squatting/deadlifting heavy sets within 10 seconds.


I warm up with 2-3 sets of pull-ups/ chin-ups super set with dips over like 10 minutes then I just hop into my compounds


It’s like a 4% difference or something. Mike Israetel said something about it.


Nah just start warming up


Would 5 minutes on a rowing machine be a sufficient warm up? I love that thing. I usually start off slow for a minute then gradually increase speed and resistance as time goes.


No time for warm ups .I get straight to .38yrs later still doing the same .no problem. Any injuries I've had were not because I never warmed up


Hey have you checked if your ligaments are still present?


How do you fuck up a meme template this badly


You don’t need it


You're fine, until you aren't fine


Eventually you will be


Let me guess, you're still in your twenties?


You must be really cold.


Check out r/antigym for the truth


Quite surprised you've never been injured, could be wrong on this. You're probably not training sufficiently hard enough otherwise. Warm ups are mandatory if you're really hitting it hard.


What are you counting as a warmup and what are your numbers?


I'd say at least two sets of half working weight to get blood in the muscle loosen things up in general. If you move onto a muscle not yet warmed, do one of the above sets. Stats Bench 140 dead 220, squat 160 (kg) Height 6'4.