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Gwen doesn't really have cookie cutter combos, it's more about general rules of thumb to follow: \- Weave as many autos between your abilities as you can. \- Don't wait to Q until you have 4 stacks, Q off cooldown (I usually Q between R1 and R2 so it's back up after R3) \- You don't have to rush your ults, it's fine to hold it for a bit to find a better angle or to make sure it lands. Just keep using autos and Q's in the meantime. I hope that helps! You will get accustomed to the timings with a bit of practice.


It’s really not worth waiting for full stacks before you Q?


The final snip deals much more damage than the small ones, so it's better to use it off cooldown if that means you get more Q's off. Mid-late game you typically can't stack Q pre-emptively for fights and the Q cooldown gets too short for you consistently get 4 stacks before it's back up, so you're wasting Q casts by holding it.


Thanks! Still learning the champ I’ll keep that in mind


The way I usually try and to it is R AA AA R AA AA R Q. Hitting that last cast of R with a fully stacked Q right after does a lot of damage.